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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Sue: Best of luck!  Will be sending along good vibes that day.  My surgery was 10 hours also but it was like I was asleep for 1 second!
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sue- you're in my prayers!

    Lizzy i have no clue why its doing that LOL- guess so many people are signing it (or i hope)

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    lizzy did you have this sugery when you had your mx?

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi everyone!!  Sorry I have been away for a little while.  Just really super busy with work , working out, and all this great weather we have been having.  I really think the sunshine energizes me...and I just start to crazy!  Alas, all that going has not helped me sleep at night.  I am exhausted at the end of the day and go straight to sleep but still keep waking up all night long...ARGH!!  I guess this is just how it is going to be. 

    Lizzy and Ckptry:  Thanks so much for your concern.  Makes me realize how much you guys really are my very close friends! 

    Congrats on finding the new PS Lizzy, she sounds great.  Sometimes I think in a difficult situation like you have had, you need a new set of eyes or a new way of thinking to get things done.  Looks like you have that and hopefully she will come up with some good solutions.   

    Texas: I am at work so I can't see your pics, I will look at them when I get home.  Can't wait to see the hoochie mama shot!!  I can't access the links to that petition but I saw the clip from I think it was Good Morning America.  That is awful and I can't believe that it is happening!  I will absolutely sign both petitions when I get a chance.  As for your kids....if anyone every threatened to take them away, everyone of us here would fly right down there and stand in front of your house to block them!!  Let them try to get through the CHEMOSABES!!  You are a wonderful and VERY active mom!  Anyone with young children that is going through active treatment for any disease and manages to keep their children's lives as normal as you have deserves a medal, it is a very difficult thing to do when they are young.  So glad you have a great Mother's Day.  You know what they say..Rules are made to be broken!

    JSW:  Going topless today!!!  Woo Hooo on finishing rads!!!! I too looked like a boy at first, but like someone else said, because I wore scarves and not a wig, it was obvious to the world that something was up with my hair, so why not just show them!  I wasn't fooling anyone into thinking it was a style statement!  As for your DH. I am sure he is a great guy, but when you are ready to go topless...YOU GO...It is your hair!  The flip side of that is where I am now.  My hair is now long enough that most people would just think it is a short hair cut and are mumbling under their breath...."what the h*ll was she thinking with that hair cut!"...LOL.  Oh well, I have to say the first day I woke up with my hair sticking straight up from my head, I ran into my girls room, so excited that I was having a "bad hair day"!

    Iowa:  Good luck on Tuesday!!

    Lady:  So happy to hear that the chemo has been manageable this time.  When I read about your symptoms, restless leg syndrome came to my mind too.  A girl I work with has that (not from chemo, just everyday).  She gets acupuncture and says it helps a lot.  So maybe if the drugs don't work you can try that. 

    Cal:  I had all my eyelashes fall out again too.  Funny though it was only the bottom ones!  And my eyebrows still keep randomly thinning in spots.  Really weird!! How was the scavenger hunt?

    CKPTRY:  Hope you are accepting offers of help! Are you feeling a little better now, less overwhelmed? You have a lot on your plate, hope you are feeling better.

    Omaz:  How's things down there in Arizona??

    I have my surgeon appointment on Monday for my galactogram results, but as I think I told you guys, the radiologist thought initially that the ducts were draining fluid from a seroma I developed after surgery.  She was pretty sure of that, but the surgeon will have the final report. Not sure what they will do about it.  The good news is the pain has gotten better.  There for a week or so it was pretty severe.  The drainage had stopped and started again on Monday, after that the pain eased.  So I guess the pain was related to the fluid not being able to get out. So, now it is just sore and leaking.  I actually went and got nursing pads the other day, it was leaking through the gauze pads.  Haven't needed nursing pads in a while..LOL! 

    The GYN is taking a wait and see attitude on the uterine thickening.  He says it is not too bad and I am asymptomatic, so he said take the summer off and come back in September for another pelvic sono to see what the measurements are.   

    My tumor markers came back a little higher than they were but still within normal range too, so there will be no bone scan..thank God.  They will do a CT of the hip in October to see if the spot has changed any. 

    I am soooo excited because after my surgeon appointment, I don't have another medical appointment until July!!!! And I don't care what symptoms I have, I  AM NOT going to the doctor again until then!!  I have had enough doctors for a while.  I am going to get a referral for the lymphedema therapist from the surgeon though.  I really think I need to be evaluated.

    Anyway, sorry for the long rambling...been a long time since I posted.  Thanks everyone for thinking of me! I have to get to work now before I get fired (oh boy would that be a disaster!)..LOL. 

    Have a great day everyone!!


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy:  Just wanted to add that I had that random numbness after chemo too.  My hands would just go numb on occasion (for some reason, for me, it was often when I was driving).  Anyway I asked the neurologist they sent me to for the hip and leg numbness/pain and she also said, like Omaz, that it was neuropathy from the chemo.  The good news is that it is gone now!


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi guys,

         I hope you don't mind a little off topic vent. I'll try to keep it brief, this stuff really gets me riled up.  I picked up the rough drafts of my kids IEP's yesterday. The meetings with the school district are next week. The IEP stand for individualized education plan and the goal is to come up with a plan which allows accomodations for children with special needs e.g therapies, special seating, assisstive devices.... It is stressful b/c the schools are trying to cut costs and of course as a parent you want to give your child everything they need. We had 30k in out of pocket medical expenses this year so we've limited private therapy to Aidan's psychiatrist and pscyhologist which he needs for his adhd, as well as anxiety increased by having a mom with bc. It's hard to read these reports because basically someone is identifying all of your child's weaknesses and putting them in black and white. So when these meetings come around, or we get reports from their medical specialists I usually allow myself to mourn a little and then remind myself of how much progress they are making and that they are still my beautiful happy children no matter what labels they give us.

          Caitlin's IEP report said that she scored in the 10th percentile in gross motor skills and that she had muscle weakness in addition to the low tone. That was hard for me b/c when we went to Johns Hopkins the doctor also mentioned muscle weakness. When a child has hypotonia without muscle weakness, as they feel Aidan, my 6 yo, does that is considered "brain" based and is actually better because it's not progressive. When there is muscle weakness they feel the hypotonia is "muscle" based and that is more concerning because it is usually progressive, like muscular dystrophy or ALS. (Sorry for the medical lesson, I actually prayed for Aidan's to be muscle based b/c I thought brain sounded worse than muscle so I was glad he didn't listen) They want us back at JH in a year to reassess Caitlin.

         So long point, what has me upset is that she failed the gross motor test that the school themselves administered, scoring 5th%, 7th, 9th... and they are recommending one 30 minute session of PT per week. The reason I though of sharing this with you guys is that as you know we spent almost 9 months with a lawyer trying to get appropriate services for Aidan the year before last. We took out a second mortgage thinking that was our rainy day. It's always in the back of my mind that even though I don't know what caused it, I was diagnosed with breast cancer the following year. I just know all those sleepless nights and worry wreaked havoc on my immune system and now I have to take them on again. The hardest part is that even though Caitlin wears orthotics and a supportive vest (called a benik vest) my little girl is beautiful and happy and loves to dance and run and I think she's doing so well. I don't want her to need the services and the school doesn't seem to get that part of it. They see us as angry or emotional, as asking for too many services when all I want to hear is your child is fine, go home. Sorry for the rant, I know things could be alot worse but it helps to get it all out..  I worry about dh because I know now he worries about me AND the kids so I don't want to put too much on his plate.

    lady I must have missed the post about the restless leg syndrome. They were ruling that out a few years ago as a reason for my son's sleep disorder. I found out my FIL has it. he takes medication and is doing well. I hope you are feeling ok and get to enjoy your lake house soon.


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Carolyn:  Rant does help to get it all out in the open.  I am soooo sorry you have to go through all of this.  It must be very difficult to fight tooth and nail over and over again to get the school to give your children the services that they need.  You pay your taxes just like everyone else, why is it so hard to get what your children need, just because it is different from the mainstream?

     I have a friend whose son has Asperger's.  He was marginally affected socially and very intelligent so she wanted to mainstream him in school.  When I tell you how she had to fight EVERY YEAR to get the placement she wanted.  Spring would come and everyone would be happy, summer's coming, etc.  but not her.  To her, Spring was associated with the aggravation of getting her son what she felt was best for him.  She did actually have to file a lawsuit twice over the course of the 12 years he was in public school, but never actually had to go to trial.  He has since graduated from college, has a job, and lives in a group home for autistic adults.  But I can relate firsthand to the angst and frustration that you feel. 

    Since the IEP is a rough draft, can you bring your concerns to the school now, and maybe hope that you might get the services Caitlin needs put in before it is finalized?


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Debbi  Thanks, I sent an email to her case manager and included the report from Johns Hopkins. I had dh read the email first b/c I was so mad and you have to sound rational, lol. I figure it will be less emotional for me not to have to bring it all up for the first time at the meeting. We had both of the kids' meetings scheduled for when dh was off and then they moved Caitlin's meeting to a different day so I'm going alone. My sister offered to come and I hate for her to have to take time off but I'm debating it. Sometimes when I get mad I end up crying and I just hate doing that in front of the school personnel.  (I may need to channel some Lizzy at the post office;-)


  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Sue Good luck on your surgery next week.  Like Lizzy said I'm sure it will only feel like a second to you!  I hope it all goes well and that you have a speedy recovery.

    Texas Thanks for sharing the info about the petition, I will definitely sign.  It makes me sick that anyone would try to say that someone with cancer is an unfit parent.  As I have said before I still hope to have children in the future but if I am unable to then DH and I would seriously consider adoption.  However, I have heard that in some cases it can be difficult for someone with a history of cancer to be approved for adoption.  I am not 100% sure that it is true but it makes me mad!

    Debbi Glad to see you back, I was hoping that you had just been too busy to come by here and I am glad to hear that is exactly what was happening!  I'm glad you are feeling well!

    Carolyn Go ahead and rant when you need to!  I'm sorry that Caitlin is going to be needing more services.  It sounds like it might be helpful to have your sister come to the meeting.  I'm like you and when I get frustrated or emotional about something I start crying too and then it is much harder to get people to really listen to you!  Hopefully the school won't fight you on getting the PT sessions for her because their own testing showed that she needs that service.

    Well I had my last rads session this morning!  I am excited to be done with that even though the treatment still continues - I still have to finish my year of Herceptin and I haven't even started Tamox yet!  I am also excited because I am going on a vacation next week, which I haven't been able to do since last summer before chemo started.  And, I am going topless today and so far I have not caused any children to cry in horror!  Actually my coworkers and my rad techs all said my hair looks good.  And it is much cooler than wearing my hats.  I'm actually looking forward to having super short hair this summer since it will feel much better here in the heat!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    jsw- Congratulations on finishing rads!

    Strength to those having trials and peace to all.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    jsw woohoo!!!! So glad you are done, and it's awesome that you will get to celebrerate on vacation.


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    JSW--Congrats on finishing rads!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    jsw  You feel like you fell down the rabbit hole when it comes to getting the school to see what you and I see reasonably.  Two years ago they wrote in the same sentence that Aidan was "below average in gross motor and recommend  decreasing sevices to once weekly". I called the PT and he actually wanted me to come and "unobtrusively" watch Aidan on the school playground so Icould see how well he was doing. I actually laugh at it now b/c it's on a wide open field, was I supposed to come in disguise!  I said we take him all the time, I am well aware that he cannot hang from the monkey bars, climb the ladders, use the zip line...  Long story I refused and he left me a message a half hour later saying he had taken Aidan to the school playground and saw that he had alot of anxiety about climbing. Thus he was going to have the prek teachers make him climb the first 5 minutes of recess. Uhhm - yes I want people who have no training to force my terrified special needs child to climb.  I called the district and said dh wanted to see the weekly reports b/c he wanted to know what the PT was doing alone with my son on the playground since he had been unaware that Aidan  could not use 75% of the equipment 3/4 into the school year.  They agreed not to decrease the services and I hope I gave them as much aggravation as they gave me. (BTW, Aidan can now to his delight do the zip line!)


  • onemonga
    onemonga Member Posts: 54

    Hi guys I mean Ladies, I read you all the time but haven"t posted. The skin care line at Target is called Boots. It is pricey for Target but well worth the cost. I use the restoration group with serum, day and night cream and eye cream. Sometimes they carry a pack with all items for a special price.I'm good overall but suffer from horrible sciatica and am working with an acupunctureist to fix it, expensive but if it gets rid of the pain I'm all over it. Comming up on one year anniversary of finding my lump on June 12. What a year it's been. No repeats please. Everyone know that I think about you all, all the time and through this blog I never feel alone.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    onemonga thanks, I couldn't remember the name. I'm sorry about the sciatica. I actaully got it for the first time on my honeymoon - how sexy is that. I was in so much pain I saw a chiropractor for the first time in Hawaii so I am sorry you are dealing with it now. Epidurals didn't work for me but physical therapy helped. They taught me stetches and some excercises and did some heat/massage and electrical stimulation. I've had to go back 2 or 3 times over the years but always feel relief within a few days. Hope you feel better soon.


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Carolyn--I'm reading your posts and as the Mom of two boys, I cannot believe the fight that you have had to ensure that your kids are being provided with the correct treatment. I have a friend who has a 13 year old girl with severe autism--basically all her early care came out of her own pocket--only recently (last few years) did the government (in Canada/Ontario) provide additional financial support etc...what a fight she has had in the past. I am completely in awe of you.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    JSW:  Congrats on finishing rads!!!!!!  And going topless!!  I am sooo happy you are going on vacation to celebrate, you deserve it.  And I just wanted to say, that I truly believe that somewhere down the road, somehow, you will become a mom.  You have been through a lot to make that dream happen and nothing will stand in the way!  And you will be a fantastic mom! Heck, maybe you can have an entire lax team...LOL!

    Carolyn:  The email was a great idea, much better to deal with it in advance.  And, often times, when it comes to our children and their care we get overemotional, so writing is an easier way to communicate.  I think you should definitely have your sister go with you (remember....accept the help!).  I am sure she will not mind taking the day off and like I said before, we tend to get emotional when it comes to our kids (especially when the school is being unreasonable!), so your sister could be there to take over if you begin to lose it.  You definitely don't want them to just dismiss you because you get emotional.  In my experience, the school administrators tend to tune out the minute you become too angry or upset. 

    Anyway, let me know when the meeting is and I will say some extra prayers and send some strength vibes your way.  I continue to be amazed at the amount of things that you have to deal with on a daily basis and how well you hold it all together!  Supermom doesn't begin to describe it!!!

    And I think that a healthy dose of "lizzy at the post office" might just be what you need for this meeting..LOL!


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    IowaSue: Praying all goes well. You're fortunate to find someone to do DIEP surgery, there's no one around here who does it. I thought about it, but decided against it because of the longer recovery. Of course, I've had a long recovery from my OvCa surgeries, so I didn't save myself any time after all Wink

    JSW: Woo hoo, congrats on finishing rads!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    jsw - yay of the rads!!!  Keep up the lubing even tho you're done.

    Hi Lady - what did you think of the carboplatin?

  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    Hi Everyone... I pray that will  God will  continue to be Gracious and Merciful with us...

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening chemosabes and radicals!

    I hope you are all doing well. OMG-my hair is growing into a very bizarre looking, rather uneven crew cut! The VNA comes once a week and today she had some nursing students with her. They were, at the same time, giggling and then remarking that it looks cute!!! No, I don't have a complex now or anything!

    IowaSue: so sorry for the delayed response. When the weather is nice in the Northeast, roughly 20 days a year (!), we have to get out and enjoy! In any case, I had bmx with immediate recon. June 22 is one year since I had my surgery and I *still* have 1 TE in and an infected hole where my other breast used to me. I thank God every day I have such a good sense of humor because I sure need it the way this has turned out! I was in the hospital for only one day and really everything went well. The hardest part was getting used to trying to sleep with those bedraggled JP drains. Any questions, feel free. I am here.

    Sptmm: you're back!!!!! Whew...I was getting nervous! As for the new PS, I just kind of need a doc with a little bit more of a serious practice. In fact, I feel bad for those PSs with flighty, aesthetic practices who, out of professional courtesy, take on bc patients. BC patients need more PSs like my new one. I really hope more women become PSs and deal, in large part, with bc patients. Quite frankly, on this matter, I do kind of feel more comfortable with a woman anyway. Additionally she is very intuitive. I like that a lot. She was very pleasant and comes so highly regarded, I must go with her. My previous one was fine but his entire demographic was skinny white women and that was it. As a demographic, they are the most disenfranchised with their bodies. For this reason, his aesthetic practice fills a need in society and I will travel on to more serious outlets! It is all good, Deb!

    Good luck on Monday. I will sure be sending good vibes. As for the leaking, the PS gave me AVD pads (I think that is the acronym and I will correct later if I am wrong) which are large and very absorbent. You would be able to find them at a medical supplies store. No more pelvic sonos until September is great news! Enjoy the summer, woman!

    As for the numbness, thanks for letting me know you, too, had this. I am so aggravated that it is BOTH hands now. The thumb, index and middle on both, not at the same time. Also, I wake up with the left almost always numb. Like you, I don't want any more docs now. I go to the onc in June. I will see what it is like between now and then. Unfortunately it is always when I am doing repetitive movements. This is a little scary.

    Ckptry: That absolutely is just awful what you are going through. These schools absolutely love their labels also. Did you ask them about the test or do they allow you to be present when they give the test? Don't forget, schools are bureaucracies and they exist in municipal nation where when they need to justify needing additional funds, they know how to do it. Oft times these programs are cash cows for the schools and these days, both having the numbers that justify more money but also cutting the services to those who need it (the numbers), is the name of the game. Have you considered calling the DPH in NJ or contacting your local alderperson? Continually asking the same snake not to bite you never works. I would create a municipal army to stand up for what my child needs. These people want our votes and take our money, let them get their asses to work. Keep on the phone and on these people. Write letters, make phone calls and keep it going. What is going to lead to you getting really upset is feeling helpless. As long as you are doing something, you will not get to this point. I would say if you have to be put through this, take a whole bunch of those municipal monsters and politicians with you. Manage it like a business; write letters, make notes in Outlook of dates and times and who you spoke with, what the upshot was etc... and then keep going. I know, it takes a lot of effort but if you want EVER want something from the municipalities/town hall/the state, you must fight. Put on different boxing gloves this time, I say, because that first rainy day wasn't your last and don't let them put you off. Be very calm and hang in there. They get you when they can get you "emotional," one of their favorite "labels." I am so sorry you have to go through this.

    I hate to mention this but definitely take your sister to that meeting and take a nerve pill before you go. Getting upset and crying is just going to divert the attention from your daughter's plight. Definitely bring your sister and I am no advocate of drug-taking but in this case, I would try something. If you decide to take something, take it the day before as a trial run to make sure you are not too dopey on it! You can channel me all you want! I can be a serious bitch and have no compunction about telling someone/anyone where to go however, but when dealing with these gross municipal thieves, sugar is your best ingredient!

    It is funny, speaking of rainy days, I was speaking to a good friend of mine who, when I told her I had tapped the rainy day fund, said ‘no, don't touch that!!!!!!!!' Um, listen here, the *rainy day* is upon me!! If bc is not a rainy day, what the heck is?!

    I am very happy Aidan can zip line! I am such a big kid...I wish they had ziplines when I was young!! OMG...speaking of fun, I saw on CPTV this weekend we have a great, "real" water park in Portland, CT! It is so cool! It is on a lake with water trampolines and water skiing, jumps off of rock cliffs, a number of zip lines over the lake where you let go and drop into the lake! I mean it is a real "action" much fun and exercise. I will post after my first trip!

    BTW, good idea on letter-writing. Write it, walk away for 1 hour, come back and see if you like how it reads and then send it off.

    Don't forget, less expensive than a lawyer and probably better for you, a personal assistant/advocate to deal with phone calls, letters, etc... and I am only pretty sure, in this econ, you can score big especially in the very educated tri-state area in which you reside.

    JSW: finished rads and heading on vaca!!!!!!! Nice...very nice! Good for you! I hope you have a blast with your short hair and your rads-free body!

    Onemonga: good to hear from you! I wish you well with sciatica. It seems to come and go. Some 15 years ago I had it a bit. No idea what caused it and nothing since..yay! Good luck to you and thanks for stopping by!

    Sohardbnme: Amen to that!

    Texas: what is going on, woman?! I am still trying those links....gadzooks! One thing: I was very happy to find that site. Good stuff!

    Omaz: How are you doing on the tamox now?  Are things getting better?  I am still in hot flash, USA over here!  What really unnerves me is no matter how upset I get, I am not the type to "go red in the face."  Now, I can be having a very amicable conversation and it looks like I am getting upset because my face is flushing!!!  Oh boy...the joys, the joys! 

    Well, girls, time for me to irrigate the wound! Oh, my tasks are so enjoyable! I hope you all have the sweetest of dreams and a nice night.

    Later, gators-

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Thanks ladies for all the congrats on finishing rads.  It was such a nice treat this morning to get up and come straight to work instead of having to stop off at the cancer center!  And I am now on day 2 of going topless and feeling much less self-conscious about it!

    Carolyn I will be thinking of you next week as you go to your IEP meetings for your kids.  It is so frustrating that the schools try to provide as few services as possible.  But, I am a little bit jealous to hear that your son has a zipline on his school playground!  That sounds like so much fun and we certainly did not have that when I was a kid!  I am glad that you were able to get the PT to keep working with him and that Aidan can now use the zip line!

    Debbi Thanks for the encouragement about being a mom.  That is the one thing throughout this bc journey that has really upset me.  I am at the age where all of my friends are getting pregnant and having babies and it keeps reminding me that I can't right now.  I am also about to start Tamox (my onc wanted me to wait and start it after rads were done) and I know that there are going to be difficult decisions ahead for me.  Tamox is harmful to a developing fetus so my docs have told me that I must not get pregnant while on it.  They have said that I should take it for a minimum of 2 years before discontinuing and then trying to get pregnant.  But I also worry about how much it would increase my risk of recurrence to discontinue Tamox before the full 5 years.  Right now I have just made my peace with taking it for the next 2 years and at that time I will reassess with my dh and my docs and figure out where to go from there.

    Omaz Yes I am definitely keeping up with the lubing.  Last week my rad onc gave me a prescription for Silvadene which is a really thick cream and she said to use it on all the areas that are peeling and to keep using it for a week after everything gets healed up.  I'm already seeing some improvement on the areas where I wasn't getting the boosts.  The only thing I don't like about the Silvadene is that it is really thick so it is hard to get it to rub in very well.  But it does seem to be helping with the healing so I'll keep using it for as long as I need to.  Overall my skin held up really well so I was pleasantly surprised.

    Happy Friday ladies and I hope everyone has a good weekend ahead!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Omaz: I haven't had any problems so far. Hope it keeps up.

    SoHard: Good to hear from you!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    I had a crazy kinda day at my PS pre op appointment. Come to find out ps was just a little concerned about me being healed enough from rad. After reviewing my chart this week she re learned that I just finished my rad. Jan. 17th 4 months ago. so that is what this last min. consultation was about. Then she called her co ps that will also be working on me Tue. for his opioion plus she called another ps surgeron( who said he always waits 6 months after rad) and he came in to look at my skin then this ps called yet another ps and he said if my skins good it should be fine. OMG and yes my skin never got bad after rad. so it does look good and so does my chest and stomach CAT scan that I had today for the blood vessels. The ps surgeon actually said I have beautiful blood vessels even some of the best she has seen lol was kinda funny. Any way in the end after freaking me out they left it up to me, so yes it will be all my fault if the rad.side doesn't take, I told them  I wanted to just go ahead I feel it will be fine. Prayer please lots of them and thanks ahead of time.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Good luck Sue, I'll be thinking of you Tuesday!  Oh yeah, and congrats on those blood vessels!  Who knew!
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Sue:  So glad it all worked out for you.  It's nice to know however that they took so much care to give the operation the best possible chances for successful outcome, even if it did scare the bejeezus out of you for a little while!  Will be sending all my prayers and best wishes to you for success!  Surgery is Thursday, right?


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    DIEP is this Tue. May 17th, I have to be there at 5:30 start time is around 7-730 and ps said to expect it to take 12 hr. I was thinking that will be the longest uninterrupted sleep I've had since BC. I will let you ladies know I'm fine asap.  Thanks agian for the prayers !!

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Good luck Iowa, keep us posted. Libraylil

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    JSW:  I work for a perinatologist (high risk OB) and you would be amazed at the number of women having babies late these days, even in their forties.  They have perfectly healthy pregnancies, perfectly healthy babies.  So, you take the time you need to eradicate BC completely and then move on to being a mom.  Our practice had a woman deliver her first baby last week at the age of 49 (that's older than me!).  Mom and baby are doing great!  And we have many others in their late 30s and early 40s.  Keep the faith!


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    jsw  I just wanted to add to what Debbi said. I was married March 20th  and Aidan was born Dec 25th of  the same year, two weeks before my 38th birthday. I kept telling dh I'm over 35 we'd better get right on it ! I had Caitin when I was 41. I know your situation is different, but I thought I might not have kids. I broke up with someone I'd spent years with because he decided he didn't want kids and I thought it was just out of the equation for me. Then  dh came along.  I'll be dealing with teenagers in my 50's (god willing!) but I tease dh it's not my fault Mr Right took his sweet time:-)  One of my friends just got married and had her first at 42 without fertiltity treatments. I think you'll be fine!
