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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - I got the impression that my onc just did the markers as part of a general intake evaluation.  He never mentioned them to me, I just saw that they had been measured on my paperwork from the lab. 
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My Radiation Oncologist says no routine scans, period.  He is passionate about no unnecessary exposure to rads.

    My Medical Onc does not order markers for the same reason as others Doc's.

    I am starting to be hopeful that I may not have extreme SE to Arimidex. I am three weeks on now. When did hot flashes start for others please? I don't have any yet. 

    My Mammogram is scheduled for the last week of June. I still have all sort of hard areas on my lumpectomy breast. I wish they weren't there I feel concern when I feel them. I wonder if they will ever go away. 

    Texas, How are you doing? I am hoping your healing is uneventful since you havent mentioned.  You are in my prayers for good healing.

    Laters all


  • Omaz- no, I didn't have radiation -avoided it since I only had two LN's positive and a mast.  However, for some reason I thought the kind of radiation they give for BC is different--more targeted and small somehow?  Somewhere I read a chart of radiation exposure and it gave numbers for each things - things like dental x-rays were low - CT's and PT's were really high.   A bone scan was surprsingly high too.  I have had to have lots of x-rays to the chest due to my port issues and then a rib series due to some rib pain, etc.  It all adds up - unless there is cause for concern I may skip the "routine" least this year.

    By the way, I just read that the AC Society recommends against testing the CA27 markers since they are so unreliable.  Not sure why my doctor routinely runs them, but whatever......I guess it's like she said "It's just a tool" and they look for consistently higher and higher numbers that are doubling over the course of time, not just a one time high....

    I suppose the results will be in today but I may not even call to get them, we'll have to see how i feel! :)

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

          Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. We took the kids to Fleet Week (dh's idea). I was worried they were too young with crowds, etc. but they had fun. After soending most of the day there running around the ships and taking photos with all the planes (plus subway and taxi rides) my son said  on the ride home 'daddy, next time can we do something that's not so boring for kids', lol. I had a rough day yesterday, I picked him up early from his afternoon kwrap program to take him to the movies. I noticed a boy was asking who wanted to play ball and when Aidan responded they'd ignore him. The teacher had told me that he had trouble interacting with the other kids, but I thought HE was doing something, e.g. sometimes he talks off topic or gets too close. She gave as an example that the kids had asked where he was at one point and she said in speech and the kids said yeah, b/c he talks funny. Mind you I wouldn't have known any of this if I hadn't started questioniong her about what I saw on the playground. She said they've discussed how kids muscles work differently and said "we've tried, but kids can be cruel". They never even told me they were discussing his issues and didn't have to tell the class he was in speech. I left a message for the director, they should have told me so I could have talked things out with him or let his pscyhologist know. P)lus we pay for this program, he'd say he wouldn't want to go but I thought it was jealousy that Caitlin was home.  He doesn't like to tell us if kids do things b/c he's afraid they won't be his friends:-( I am going to keep him home in the afternoons now and spoil him rotten.

    jsw - I hope you get more interest in your house. there have been a few more succesful sales around us recently so hopefully the market is picking up.

    kel- I've never had a scan, which is a change from the way they used to follow bc patients when I worked there; everyone had routine bone scans and Ct scans. My oncologist said they no longer do them unless you are symptomatic because that is usually when something is big enough to show. She said they found that routine scanning didn't increase survival and younger women were exposed to so many years of scanning. It's hard, part of me wants to be scanned from head to toe. I asked her how we knew I was cancer free now and she said, we don't, nobody does, so we wait...I still get frightened about not taking the antihormonals but then have to remind myself how out of it and hopless I felt on them. It's hard to think that it's out of our control. I'm trying to turn it around to say whatever is going to be will be and I have to make peace with this and learn to let some fears go. I still have days when I'm scared. My husband gets upset b/c I say sorry when he walks into the room if I have my shirt off. I'm hoping someday I can feel better about these scars.

    Lizzy, I've been doing my nails (well, my 9 toenails - the 10th has a cinderella bandaid:-) I just used a loreal preference medium golden brown. It's the one that comoes in a foam so no dripping and it came out fine. i used to get highlight also, but agree on not paying to color a half inch of hair. Besides mine came in pretty gray so they'd probably have to color it before the highlights and it would probably just break off my head like straw.

    Debbi You're kids sound so sweet. I know you have a girl and boy -is it two or is there more than one boy? I am amazed at how much you do as a single mom, let alone a single mom dealing with bc.

    off for my herceptin treatment.

    omaz - was it you who asked about the asthma. My memory is shot! I saw the pulmonologist and he said evn though I never tested for envirnomental allergies I should use the xopenex inhaler more often. Alot of people are struggling with the humid heat/high pollen count here. he didn't think it was related to chemo or bc.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors!

    I hope you are all doing well!  WE have beautiful weather in CT today....75 and not a cloud in the sky...unbelievable!!!  I wish it were a bit warmer but I will take 75 just the same!  I know you all have heard me whine about this past winter but for the first time I can't seem to shake the memory of that cold and snow.  I am rather hopeful for a 90 degree day soon....I need to feel some heat.  I think I am going to have to take my own advice and go back to taking a week at the end of January to go to the equator.  I can't do another winter without heat again!

    Ginger: I am so very glad you might not have any extreme SEs.  I think moving across the country in a mid-bc battle was quite enough for a lifetime.  BTW, the woman in Norwalk has garnered national attention, the Norwalk PD and Town Hall are no longer talking to reporters and now we find out another woman was arrested in Stratford because her daughter lived in Milford (the adjacent town) and used her mom's address to put the kids in school in Stratford.  Apparently things are tough on the mom of the kids and she moves a lot so she wanted her kids to go to one school.  Both mom and daughter were arrested for that one.  This is making me sick and as soon as I don't have a hole in my chest, I am going to these rallies.  This is disgusting. 

    Omaz: thanks for letting me know.  Sometimes when I hear you all talk about tumor markers and these blood tests, I wonder why I have not heard of/been required to have any of these things.  

    Carolyn:  that story about Aidan breaks my heart.  In a related situation, someone I know raised her kids to be bullies.  They were teasing a kid on the bus for being fat.   The mother of the bullied child came to the "bullies" house to request that she teach the kids better and have them stop being so mean to her son.  This person, sorry to say, told the women to get the hell off her property and to put her kid on a diet.   I was so appalled.  Needless to say, I kept my distance from that person after that.   I just feel bad that there is no sensitivity training for kids.  The parents are brutes and the kids grow up to be the same.  I am glad you are keeping Aidan home and spoiling him rotten!  Good for you!  It is so heart breaking to watch kids go through struggles. I am sorry that on top of everything else, you have to deal with that.

    Thanks for the tip on the hair color. I think my *non-highlighted* hair is about the same color as your's.  I was thinking this Sunday I am going to be brave and dye it as it is about 20% gray.  I think I am going to use the color you did.  I will let you know what happens!!!!!  Who cares if I screw it up...I will just get another, darker box color!!!!  

    I hope herceptin goes well.  I am so glad we have all these txs and we are all doing pretty well.  Something to be thankful for. 

    As for scans, I think the further I move from chemo and surgeries and the more normal my life gets, perhaps in a year or so, the more I am going to want scans!  My docs say no scans until there seems to be a problem, which seems to be the prevailing wisdom.  I just think when things really get back to normal I suspect I will be getting anxious and wanting scans.  Part of the entire bc process, no doubt!

    Get out and enjoy this day! 

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Ginger I am taking Tamox not Arimidex and I have only been on it for 1 1/2 weeks but I haven't noticed any hot flashes either.  My onc did suggest taking it at night before going to bed, he said then the hot flashes would be more likely to come during the night and I might be able to sleep through them.  So I guess either I'm not having them or am getting them during the night and not noticing.  Do you take your Arimidex at night?

    Cal I hope you are doing well today.  It sounds like getting these CA27 results really wouldn't even be helpful if the idea is to monitor them over time.  This is your first time with that test, right?  So there is nothing to compare it to?

    Carolyn I'm sorry to hear about the other kids at Aidan's program.  I agree with you that it would have been better if the teacher had communicated with you more to keep you informed about how the other kids were reacting to him and what the other kids were being told.  Since you said you pay for this program it really sounds like you are better off just keeping him home in the afternoons!  I know that like the teacher said some kids can be cruel but there are also plenty of kids out there who are very kind and accepting of kids who are different.  So I hope that Aidan's new classroom in the fall will be full of kind and accepting kids.

    Lizzy We have been having 90+ degree days for about 3 weeks now here in Florida!  The warmth is nice but it also means I don't actually spend that much time outside!  And thank goodness for the covered parking garage at work, getting into a boiling hot car is probably my least favorite thing about living in Florida.  Also I forgot to mention this earlier but I have kept my toenails polished all throughout treatment and occasionally I paint my fingernails too.  One of the nurses at my onc's office even recommended putting on that Hard as Nails clear polish during Taxotere to help prevent nail damage.  Then I ended up being allergic to Taxotere but I did use that polish on my fingernails from time to time during treatment.  There's bad stuff in everything and like we said with the drinking a few days ago you just figure out what you are comfortable with and go from there.

  • Carolyn - what are you doing as a tamox alternative?  Or didn't you decide yet?  I was given the option of an oophorectomy or possibly lupron.  I read a lot about lupron and decided that wasn't for me.  SInce I just lost my dad to a massive heart attack, my grandmother to heart disease that she lived with for many years and VERY poor arteries, and HER father died of heart disease at the age of 39, I decided having my ovaries out right nown wasn't the best option for me either since the increase in mortality due to heart and artery disease at my age was too scary....  This time the doctor didn't even approach the subject.  I read what you did about scans -that it really doesn't change the prognosis much, which is why I am reticent to even go get that all done.  It can only pick up tumors of a certain size anyway.  

    We never know if we're cancer free.  I think the best we can do is try to live in today.

    jsw -yes, they have been measuring tumor markers all along I believe.  I do remember back when I had that lump on my neck in January, that my oncologlist pointed out that my markers were they must have drawn the in December or November and then they must have done them again in January when I went in for the tamoxifen meeting.  I remember having a blood draw, but I never called to ask about the markers.  Maybe I should just not ask! 
    I haven't gotten them back yet and I don't think I'm going to call about them.  I read on another thread about a woman that told her doctor that she didn't want to know what they were unless they went consistently up and up three or four times in a row, because of the stress.  Sounds like a plan to me! :)  

    Had an awesome day at the lake with my kids--so relaxing to be there! :)

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!!

    Lizzy:  I am LOVIN this warm weather.  I am with you, I just can't seem to tolerate the cold anymore after chemo.  I think Omaz asked a couple of weeks ago if anyone else always was having trouble tolerating the cold.  I meant to answer but forgot.  I definitely do not have the tolerance I used to have.  Today was beautiful...perfect I might say!!  Those tornadoes were scary, I didn't realize they were that close to you!!    Oh BTW,  Tayor cleaned up last night at the Senior Awards.  She won one of the children of breast cancer survivor scholarships she applied for ($1000 a year for four years).  She was also awarded two one time scholarships.  She got $750 from the local soccer club and $500 from the Coaches' Association for being the Outstanding Female Senior Athlete.  She was also awarded a Distinguished Scholar Athlete aware from the US Marine Corps, no money just an award.  So, now she can buy books for next year..LOL!!

    Carolyn:  Your story about Aidan is heartbreaking.  It is sooo difficult to see your children hurt in any way.  I think you are absolutely right to pull him out of that environment and spoil him at home for a little while.  I am sure you can find another program for socialization that is a little more sensitive.  My daughter Taylor volunteers in our local district for a program that pairs high school athletes with special needs children from the district.  They meet once a week and play games, etc.  She loves it! Maybe your district has something like that.  I actually have four children.  Taylor and Kieran are the youngest.  I have another boy and girl (Billy and RyanAnn)who are on their own now, they are 26 and 28.  They have been a big help throughout this whole thing.  Like you, I just play the cards I have been dealt and do my best every day. 

    I have to run and finish the laundry.  Will catch up with everyone later. 


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Debbi--- Congrats to your daughter! Tbat is great.

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Cal Oh, I didn't realize you'd been getting those markers done all along.  Well, I think the plan you suggested of only having the doctor notify you if the levels were up several times in a row sounds like a good one!

    Debbi Congrats to you and Taylor!  That is great that she won all those awards and that will certainly help with her expenses!  Did you mention before that she will also be partially on an athletic scholarship?  Was it for field hockey?

    Well I feel like complaining a bit today!  I still have these weird gaps in the middle of my eyebrows so I still have to keep filling them in with eyebrow pencil every day.  Annoying!  And the bigger issue is that this week I've been feeling some cording in my affected arm.  I don't think it is too bad yet since I can't even see the cords, I just feel the tightness when I stretch my arm all the way up or all the way out to the side and turn my wrist.  So I'm trying to stretch it out a few times a day and hopefully that will help.  Anyway, other than those things I'm doing well and getting ready to go see DH's family - his little sister is graduating from high school next week!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi, Just wanted to wish you all well, I am going to be off for a couple weeks since I am on vacation and want to read and lay around and play at the beach.  Hope we all just keep getting stronger and continue watching the BC beast dwindle in our rear view mirror!!!  Take care!  Omaz

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Omaz:  Enjoy your vacation!!!  Read and relax!!

    Thanks Rachel and JSW for your congratulations.  I am very proud of her. 

    JSW:  Yes, she got a partial athletic (field hockey) and academic scholarship.  They cover about  2/3 of her tuition.  I have those gaps in my eyebrows too. They are random thin spots where the eyebrows just didn't grow back in.  I just go with it..LOL!  Good luck with the cording, you may have to seek out a physical therapist so it doesn't get out of hand.  Have fun visiting DH family!!

    I hope everyone is going to enjoy this beautiful weekend!!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    Boy, everyone must be enjoying the weather!!!!! Nice weekend here in the Northeast (Deb!!) and I have been enjoying it.

    Unfortunately I have some bad news. There is a pretty sizeable mass in the affected breast. They don't yet know what it is but it is there and it is big. I am deeply suspicious it is recurrence. I am so glad Yale has a cancer hospital and all my docs are there b/c my onc already communicated this to my surgeon. I will know more this week. This mass seemed to grow quite a bit seemingly overnight. Alas, that is where I have been. I will keep you all posted. Not the end of the world and perhaps it is not a tumor but I promise you that it is scary just the same. One year and 6 weeks from dx and here we go again. I am glad they did not use rads on me the first time b/c they will operate but no more chemo. That is the first thing I was told that if it comes back, there is nothing we can do. I would assume operation and rads would be next. Anyway, I am nervously getting ahead of myself!

    Sptmm: one thing that truly made me smile over these past few days was reading about Taylor and how she got those scholarships and the award!!!! I am so terribly happy for you and even if it does, as you said, provide her book money, that is a huge burden off of your shoulders. Those books can run in the just-below-on-thousand range these days. I am so very, very happy for you and her. That is so cool that she got other scholarships that cover that much of her tuition!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!! That is so great! Such good news. You must be so relieved. Even the cost of state universities here in CT are going up and the privates are $45K+ not to mention Yale at a daunting near $70K. I am just so happy for you. What a big bill to be nearly entirely relieved of and also she won't have to come out choking on loans. Do you know what she is going to study yet? In any case, so happy for you and her.

    Omaz: have a great vaca. I am sorry I missed you. I hope you get some much needed rest and relaxation. Enjoy, woman, and looking forward to hearing from you in a few weeks.

    JSW: oh yea, do I remember those boiling car days in FL! That air can't seem to come on fast enough! I think this weekend in CT I got my heat fix! Today it is probably around 85 combined with my hot flash index makes it about a good 94 I would say!!!!! I am all set now!

    As for cording, I had a PT appt at Yale. He reminded me of a great stretch to do once per day when you wake up. Use a wall in your house and either put one shoulder up against it to stretch out the chest muscles or, and this is the variation I like, put both arms against the outside of your bedroom door, for instance, and move your whole body forward, into the room, as if without your arms holding you back, you would plummet forward and hit the floor. That is a great stretch. Also add a little yoga if you have time. The benefits of yoga are far reaching.

    Drinking: I was out with friends last night and had some wine and it tasted great!!! I figured "eff" this crap! Why abstain when it seems as if I might be sponsoring my own cancer garden in my freakin' chest!!!! It was yummy yummy....Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot....I had some fun!

    Well, I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Be well, girls, and enjoy yourselves-

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Lizzy, wait until you hear something!! Don t stress until necessary. You have had so much going on maybe scar tissue or a fluid collection. I m not minimizing, I freak over a cough, pimple etc. Sending positives your way. Lib ray lil

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Lizzy My thoughts are with you.  Hopefully as Lil said it will just turn out to be scar tissue or fluid buildup.  I know that the initial fear is that it is a recurrence but hopefully it will turn out benign.  Keep us posted with news!  And I am glad you were able to enjoy some wine with friends last night.  I abstained throughout chemo but now I allow myself a drink or two from time to time and it helps me feel more normal and like I am still living my life.  I totally get why some of you have chosen to abstain but it is also ok to choose not to abstain.

    Also the stretches Lizzy suggestion and the PT suggestion from Debbi are good ones.  I actually saw a PT last summer after my surgery so I've started doing some of those stretches again.  One of my favorites that really helps stretch out the cord I am feeling is where you stand in front of the wall and slowly walk your fingers up the wall until your arm is stretched as far up as you can go.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday night!

  • Hugs Lizzy!  I think most of us have "been there" as far as a new lump and scare.  I don't know that it's true that there is "nothing" they can do however, because I remember when I had that lump at my collarbone, the doctor said if it was cancer, that I could have more chemo - there are other chemo drugs they can use.  However, from what I remember, you had some problems with reconstruction, right?  Can it be a benign affected lymph node??  They can react to all kinds of things.  Crap, I hate this disease so much and this is why!  Pls keep us posted, fearless leader!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy, I vote for a fluid collection. Me, I freaked the other morning over a mosquito bite on the edge of my breast. I still have wine or beer if we are having a meal that includes family or friends.

    I'll be thinking about you Lizzie. Keep us up posted.  

    You asked a while back, my puppy was delayed because the mom wasn't pregnant. Now my puppy is 4 weeks old and I met him on Friday. He is dark red and very sweet. I am thinking about names. Right now Zollie or Zeus are on the list. He is a boy so Ginger is no longer in the running.

    Love you all 


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Ginger:  That is great that you will finally be getting your puppy.  When do you pick him up?  What kind of a dog is it?  I vote for Zollie if he is going to be a small dog, Zeus if he will be a big dog.  I bet he will do wonders for your well being, dogs are great that way. 

    JSW:  What does the cording feel like?  I get a tightness, kind of like a rubber band stretched too tight feeling, whenever I reach my arm straight up above my head, especially when I am doing yoga stretching.  It hurts but it is more of a tightness than anything else.  It starts under my arm and runs all the way through the underside of my elbow.  Would that be cording?  Maybe I should start doing those stretches. 

     Lizzy:  I am glad that my news helped your spirits a little bit.  Taylor has always wanted to be a teacher ever since she was small, specifically a high school social studies teacher.  I know the job market is pretty bad in that area, but she will be in a five year program combining her bachelors and masters degrees so she will actually get her bachelors in history and masters in education.  The history major will leave her with options in case the teaching doesn't work out. 

    I am very sorry to hear your news however.  I know how scary that whole process can be.  I will pray daily that it turns out benign!! What is next in the evaluation process?  Are they testing, or are they just going to remove it and biopsy?  Remember, we are all here for you whenever you need!! And if the worst happens and it turns out to be a recurrence, there are many treatments out there and like you said you are being treated at Yale, a very good hospital, so you will get the latest advancements in treatment. I am sending tons of positive vibes across the Sound!! Please keep us updated. And try to get out today and enjoy this beautiful day!!


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    lizzy, so sorry you have this to worry about! After I had my biopsy I could feel the lump growing. It turned out I had this condition called sclerosing adenosis which mimics breast cancer mixed in with the cancer. My breast felt hard and lumpy. Maybe you have something similar from the trauma? I know you must be scared and I will pray it is something benign.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997


    My puppy is a dark red male standard poodle. He will be large and will wear a shortish cut with some topknot, tied back most often.  If he was a Dobie I would name him Zeus in a heart beat, I think he may have the bearing to wear the name of Zeus. I am not sure of this name yet. I need to think it through and spend some more time with him before I decide. If he is more of an Elmo I will need to rethink all this. :)

    Hugs GInger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    I am still fighting the good fight Wink

    Thank you all for your reassuring words.  As Greenspan would say, I am cautiously optimistic!  It is just so very close to where the other mess was, like within a 1/4 inch, it is super spooky. You all are right, however, in that I have had a lot going on in that breast and I am so hoping and praying it is a benign "whatever!"   It is a huge, hard the size of a quarter and about 1/2" deep.   OK, well I am sure it is back to scan ville this week or perhaps they will just take it out.

    I am sure if it is cancer again they will work up some txs.   I hope beyond hope this is not a recurrence.   Who knows?  I will keep you all posted.

    Happy trails everyone and thanks again.   Enjoy this lovely Sunday!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Debbi, Congratulations to you and Taylor about the awards. that is aawesome that she volunteers with the kids. You must be one proud mama! It's so funny, I told Aidan he wasn't going to the JCC on Friday b/c he had a drs appt, I figured we'd explain stopping it over the weekend. Well a few of the kids ride the same bus as him to the afternoon program. He was yelling 'bye guys, I have to go to the dr but I'll see you next week' and the kids were waving back. It was nice to see he's not as upset as I am:-) I guess it was  a reminder for me of how reslient he is.

     Thanks everyone for your support about Aidan, it meant alot ot me. When the kids ran onto the playground he was holding a paper doll he had made in art. I offered to hold it so he could play and he said no mommy, I'm going to play with him. The teacher  said she thought he was using the doll as a playmate and put her hand over her heart. That's what did me in.    

    What a nice spring day we have here in the NE - we usually skip spring and got straight to hot so I love when it's in the upper 70's. Enjoy the day everyone! Carolyn 

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Lizzy many prayers that it is not more bc!!!!! You know I have had this scare twice, even when I had my surgery 2 weeks ago the one spot I had removed 6 weeks ago still had a lump and PS said they were going to remove that 1st to make sure it was nothing. I am thinking all positive thought for you that it will be fatty tissue. Your question about smoking my father smoked in our home but just til I was 10 then he past from cancer.

    I am doing good recovering fast from that big surgery, went to work this last week, don't want to get to far behind on paperwork. Had a good weekend camping. The weather was beautiful!! The sun heals me.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    Prayers said for you Lizzy!
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Warmest thoughts to you Lizzy.  I had a scan last week and it turned out benign.  Scary business.  My prayers are with you.

    ckptry Your son's story makes me put my hand on my heart.  Bless you both.

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Debbi Yes that is what the cording feels like for me except mine is actually most tight from my elbow up to my thumb. But they can go from the underarm all the way to the thumb or just some parts in between. Like you said it is a tight feeling more than anything else.

    Ginger your new puppy sounds like a cutie!

    Carolyn kids really are so resilient, I'm sure Aidan will be fine with stopping the after school program. He sounds like such a great kid!

    Lizzy hope you are doing well this week, keep us posted!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening warriors-

    I hope you all are enjoying this lovely weather. It has been just incredible in the Northeast. I love it!

    The more I examine this lump and it's location, the more I am thinking it very well might be scar tissue. In any case, tomorrow I will know more.

    I so appreciate you all reminding me about your own similar scares. Man, it is devastating!

    Ckptry: that story about Aidan and the paper doll did me in, too! It can be so heart breaking.

    Ginger: I took the plunge!!! I colored it! I whipped out the box and got going! I used John Frieda foam something or other. I actually went probably 2 shades darker because the gray and brown mix was just looking horrible and I wanted to clean it up. One question: when can I shampoo it again? Just wondering...good information to have!

    Your puppy sounds so cute!!! I love animals. I went to make my monthly donation at the humane society and there was a bulletin posted on how the town does not want the humane society to take in cats anymore. I was flabbergasted. Of course the woman who runs it is no shrinking violet so she listed, next to this bulletin, all the names of the town politicians we should contact. Needless to say, I have been busy on that project! I am just so glad you got a dog. I think they are such great companions and there are just fun to have around. My friend Mike the Greek (not joking!) told me all he saw in my future was me driving around in my Range Rover with my dog in the passenger seat!!!!! In fact, that sounds about right!

    Adey: so glad you are clear. I really do think it is scar tissue. I won't feel better about this until Yale confirms my suspicion but, oh my god, what a scare. Are you keeping busy out there in Chi? I hope you are having some nice spring weather.

    JSW: not for nothing but that range from your elbow to your thumb regarding cording is a total PITA relative to being able to stretch it out. You know what you can do, however, is stand with your feet together and tilt your head to one side. Extend your arm away from your side and with your arm extended, and not moving your wrist, make a fist. Then what you want to do is take your fist only and flex it back and forth from the wrist. What you want to do is move your fist toward the back of your body and then bring it back to the starting position. If you do that 15 times on each side, that will loosen up that area. Oh...I feel for you.

    Any more snaps on the house? I hope you get a buyer soon.

    Texas: what is going on, woman?! I hope you are doing well....Zumba-ing your way through life! Perhaps you are at some kick ball championships! I hope you are well.

    I almost forgot to tell you guys: The FDA is having another hearing for Roche on reviewing the drug Avastatin, which is used for ovarian, colon and a few other cancers, for use with bc patients. I have not investigated the entire story but apparently the FDA still feels, in some way, that the risks might outweigh the benefits for bc patients. I am going to investigate it and will report more later this week.

    Happy trails and I hope everyone has sweet dreams!

  • About cording:  I hesitate to write this because it sounds so crazy, but I swear my cording, which was bad, disappeared and never came back the week I had an ionic foot bath at my chiropractor's office.  I did some research and it has indeed been shown to stimulate the lymphatic system.  I had it pretty bad - I coudln't flex my wrist and I could actually see the cords in my wrist - like little strings under the skin.  I couldn't raise my arm, etc.  I now have total range of motion.  I bought myself an ionic foot bath and have continued to use it regularly.  I thought I would need PT for my cording-it was scary.

    I know that many chiropractic offices and even spas offer ionic foot baths - I got mine from Ionic Oasis.  :)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- Sorry to hear about your scare. I will keep you in my prayers. Chances are its scar tissue.

    Oh and no zumba this week (so far) had been busy. Mija is out of school so i am trying to fill our days... VBS starts at the end of the month but only for 4 days :( and tech she isnt old enough to go because she doesnt turn 6 til a week after its over but they said she can go (YAY!) For her age group they dont do playoffs, but they do an all start team that she didnt make (no worries i was ready for a kickball break)

    Debbi glad to hear about taylor! WHat great news.

    Carolyn- It sounds to me that its not your son that is having the problem making friends (espcially if he is using the paper doll as a playmate) Its the other kids that seem to alienate him- which is so sad cuz kids can be so cruel. But for the teacher to have said that they've tried and kids can be so cruel, thats appalling! She obviously isnt trying hard enough. I went to school with a girl that had spina bifida and she was in a wheelchair. We NEVER treated her any diffrently and i think it was because they (the school) never made a big deal out of it  Also  I think its up to the parents to educate their kids on respectable behavior towards other children.  Is there any possiblity of getting him into another school? Me, personally i would lodge a complaint against the teacher for taking the matter into her own hands without discussing it with y'all or giving you any indication that something was wrong. Espcially at these early years where 1 bad experince can set the whole tone for his education here on out. Good luck and sorry to hear that he is having a bad time at school.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Timothea,   This is the 'typical' program we were doing  in the afternoon for socilaization skills, so luckily he doesn't have to go back. You're right, he could teach those other kids a thing or two about how to make friends. I spoke to the ST today, which was the only thing I didn't want him to miss and she was very understanding and offered to come to our house instead. How are you feeling? Are you done with rads?
