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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Kel....I know we all say it but I know how you feel. This damn anxiety over what may be happening in my body post-cancer.....aarrggghhh

    I had my Doc appointment today and they are not concerned--my Doc felt my side and said she feels comfortable telling me that she doesn't feel that it is anything serious. She prescribed an anti-inflammatory that may help. She has advised that I wait until mid-July for my complete followup before starting scans etc. My Oncologist that being said, I will try to get my mind off of this and move forward. My followup is mid-July.

    Last week was a year since I found my lump and went to the Doc. I was SURE that there was something wrong--My Husband was completely the opposite--said "can't be cancer--you just got over cancer". I was "officially" diagnosed on July 5th last year after biopsy etc--but it was 3rd week of June when they told me that they thought it was serious. I think all these thoughts come flooding back when you have a worry/scare.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    ((((Rachel, Cal)))) it sucks to be worrying about all this. Prayers said for you.

    I had my 3rd OC chemo today, so I'm halfway done!! I almost hate to celebrate because it was at the halfway point with BC that I got an infection and had to go in the hospital :( But I feel fine and all my blood work today was good.

    Everybody hang in there. JSW, how's the house selling going? Anybody heard from Sweeney? She hasn't checked in lately, I miss her wit!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lady - Glad to hear you are half way and doing alright!  I miss hearing from lisasinglman, she had exciting stories to share about her work and performances.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors-

    I hope everyone is doing well today.

    My nephew had a baby!  I am a great aunt for the 5th time!!!!   She is soo beautiful.  I saw her tonight.   Mom, dad and the baby are all fine!  She was born Sunday morning at 3:40AM.   She is so cute...really looks like my nephew.

    Lady: I hope you get out to the lake house and find some peace for yourself.   Soon, soon, soon you will be done with those other txs and feeling better again.  I am looking forward to hearing you are done.  You sure have been through a lot and for this, I am sorry.  I am just glad everything was caught and you are on the mend.

    JSW: what is going on?  I meant to tell you I am taking 2 baby aspirin a day Laughing  So far I still have 1 head and no new lumps so it is going well!!!!!  Hope you are doing well and had a good time in Baltimore.

    Kel and Rachel: my heart goes out to both of you.  Don't forget I was just there last week.  Also, just because he "touched" it and declared it was scar tissue does not really put me at ease.  I mean I really don't have a choice but I am still a little concerned.  I guess it is just something we will always live with.

    Sptmm: I have been meaning to tell you for a while that I build portable aerobics floors.  For instance, if you wanted to do Zumba at home, like in your basement, this floor is shipped in 2'x2' sections.  It can then be put together either temporarily or permanently depending on what the buyer wants. In any case, after I sell enough of these, we will meet in Westchester and open our own gym!!!!!  A long held goal of mine is actually to own a gym/spa.  I like the old style spa gyms with the eucalytpus room, steam, sauna, plush locker rooms, spinning studios, stretching studios etc.... What I am trying to tell you is get ready for us to open our own Westchester Health Club!   So how is belly dancing?  I have been waiting for your report on that class!

    Omaz: I miss Sweeney, Lisasinglem and Onemonga amongst others.  I just think for a lot of people, putting bc behind them includes leaving a thread like this that reminds them of the hardest part of the bc battle = chemo.   It is totally healthy and natural that if someone feels better not coming back to the thread, then they should move on.   Understanding that does not make us miss them less, however!

    I still derive and lot of support and encouragement from all of you and I appreciate our smallish group now.

    Texas: my nephew in TX pitched 4 innings, caught for the 5th and then closed the game!!!  Unbelievable!  I can 't wait to go and see him in the beginning of next season.  I am also a baseball fan so it is a natural interest for me.  I hope you are doing well and getting ready for Sea World!

    Anyone have any exciting plans for the 4th?  I am going to try to not get too loaded and avoid being hit by errant fireworks!!!!!  I am such a high achiever!!!!!11

    Cantaloupe: I love cantaloupe but b/c I live alone, I can never eat it all before it goes bad.  Well good ol' google led me to a site where I learned I could freeze my cantaloupe and then eat it when it is still slightly froze and it becomes like a luscious, healthy popsicle!!!!  I thought I would share that with you allWink

    Sweet dreams to all and to all, a good night-

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796 anyone else watching/following the Casey Anthony trial?  I don't know what she did but she seems like a sociopath.   She is seemingly so emotionally anesthetized it is scary.  They are already calling her the female OJ and how she is going to get off on these charges.
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - By the way, how is your wound?  Isn't it soon that you stop packing it?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Omaz: almost, almost there!!!  I am so excited for this to be closed.   "Yuck" and blood still comes out but I am rather hopeful that by the time I see the PS in the beginning of July, I will secure a date for my next surgery.  I think I am about 3 months away from putting this all behind me and I can't wait!!!  Thanks for asking-
  • Lizzy - I know what you mean about people falling away from the board - I totally get it.  I have had to force myself to read ONLY on this board and the Natural Girls board and to stay far away from the other boards.  I find myself often just reading for reading's sake and then I feel immersed back in breast cancer ---I start empathizing with people who are going through a recurrence scare and I remember what it was like back in January, or I read women who have had recurrences and I begin to think of myself as maybe someday being that person. 

    For my own mental health I've had to restrict myself.  I found if i read the boards too much I would get immersed (the other boards) it affected me for hours afterwards.  I guess I'm too mentally unstable to handle it! 

    Sweeney's still my friend on facebook - looks like she's been a busy gal lately and that's a good thing! :D

    Well I'm sitting here with my cup of coffee after reading yesterday how coffee, even decaf can cause cysts............nice.......It's my one vice and I'm just not willing to give this one up! :D

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Iowa- wow that is a lot to have done in a year!!! So you only do herceptin for a year?

    Rachel- Wooo Hooooo! Glad to hear they arent concerned! Agree get your mind off of it, come July it wil lturn out ot be nothing!

    Lady- I havent heard from sweeny :( miss her too (among other no-shows) I say celebrate! Different chemos affect us differently. Yeah to good bloodwork!

    Omaz- i was just thinking about her too- i was wondering if her hair grew in.... I guess a lot of the members are done with their active treatments and dont come onto the boards :(

    Lizzy- thats awesome to hear! No plans for the 4th, my bro wants to come down to the coast but my husband has from the 3rd-9th off because its my daughters bday on the 7th so we want to GET OUT OF HERE! i am thinking after the crowds from the 4th go home we'll go camping....

     Yummy about the cantalope honestly i could eat a whole one and have LOL but i think next time i buy one i will cut it up and freeze for the kiddos!

    Casey trial- OMG yes i watch it when i can and usually watch the highlights @ night... Agree she seems like a sociopath and i have no doubt in my mind that she did it. (cuz who else would have or could have) I think it is interesting that the jury is out of the loop on so much (like the fact her friend actually planned on adopting her baby til casey's mom said no to it) Or the fact that her and a friend used to bury their animals after putting heart shaped stickers on them (caylee was found with a heart shaped residue on her face) these things would leave no doubt in MY mind and thats before i take in consideration her lying about the nanny that was supposed to have been watching caylee while she was working at a job she hadnt had! For someone to make this stuff up you have to be culpable and i hate the fact they say it wasnt premeditated- she googled chloroform and various things like how to make it ect 80+ times months before caylee "went missing". Then they through this whle her dad molested her and hte way her lawyer was talking about her learning to lie from that was inflammatory! (he actually said "at age 8 she would have her dad's d*** in her mouth and then go to school" thats how she got to be a good liar)You just cant make stuff up on your opening statement and then not back it up with HARD EVIDENCE! The kicker in that is there is a video taped visit with her and her dad and she is saying that he was the best dad and grandfather etc... If the allegations of child molestation were true i find it hard to believe she would have said that. Oh yeah and if someone molested you as a child why in the hell would you trust them to care for your DAUGHTER when ever you needed a sitter????? Does not add up to me

    Do i think she will be found guilty???? Prob not, the prosecution hasnt proved their cause beyond a reasonable doubt. If by some slim chance she is found guilty she can appeal on numerous grounds (like the incompetence of her attorney for one)

    Kel- Yeah i think that is the safest thing just stick to the few threads you know arent going to keep opening up your healing wounds from cancer...OOOOh so maybe the coffe gave you the cysts (fingers crosed)

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Hello ladies, I just got caught up on everything so I will try to remember to respond to everything!

    Sue You look great and your friend's tractor is awesome!

    Omaz Love the no-mets tiki!  Awesome and also it sounds like your trip was fantastic!

    Carolyn I hope Aidan is doing well post-biopsy.  What exactly were they looking for with the muscle biopsy? 

    Rachel Glad to hear that your doc is not too concerned, hopefully with the anti-inflammatory the pain will subside.

    Lady Glad to hear you are halfway done with OC chemo!  Hopefully it will continue to go smoothly.  Thanks for asking about the house - we had a couple more people come see it last week but still no offers.  

    Cal I'm sorry you've been worrying lately, having anything unusual come up on the mammo can be upsetting.  From what I have heard it is fairly normal for fluid filled cysts to develop in the breast and then they just go away on their own.  Like you said the surgeon will probably just want to monitor it rather than actually do something about it.

    Lizzy Congrats on your new nephew!  Good for you on the baby aspirin, are you taking 2 a day or did you mean 2 a week?  I started taking 3 a week and it seems to be going fine so far.  We had a great time in Baltimore, we did get to go to an O's game (they won) and we saw my husband's little sister graduate from high school.  

    I agree with all of you that I am sorry we have lost some of our friends along the way but I understand that they may feel the need to put BC and this website behind them.  I still like coming by to check in on everyone here on this thread but I also don't read as many other threads as I used to.  I'm trying to put more of my time and energy into living and enjoying life and less time and energy into BC stuff!  

  • Yeah - has anyone else cut out coffee ? I know it contributes to breast pain and such - that's been proven, but now I'm reading that even decaf can screw things up.  But as far as I know, there is has never been established a "link" to breast cancer and coffee I'm not ready to give it up yet!  Cancer has taken too much from me to take that too, if I can help it!  ;D

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I am not a coffee drinker but i dont see why you should cut it out if there is no scientific proof that coffee does that... Maybe when you drink coffee over water it doesnt flush out your body as well, so maybe add more water to offset the coffee

    Hey JSW! Any summer plans?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning, warriors-

    Coffee: I gave it up during chemo and never started again.  About a month ago there was a hot topic on this board about coffee.  It seems every day there are new, and often conflicting reports, about coffee.  I have a cup with my sister when I go to visit and then, just yesterday, I had coffee!   I made it myself.  There are so many reports about the antioxidant properties and some even say those with "c's" *should* drink it.  I still like coffee and I miss it but largely I am sticking with green tea.  I found all the conflicting information so frustrating.

    JSW: good to hear from you.  Glad you are having good times for yourself, woman!

    Tex: Casey walks almost definitely.  She has no feeling at all.  Even when she cries it seems disingenuous in some way.  The DA does not have enough compelling information to convict is how it seems so far.  Even if she walks, she will get hers.  It is weird to "say" something like 'she will get hers' because I truly think she is mentally ill and by saying that what I mean is eventually she will be institutionalized in some way so she can't harm others anymore.  I agree the heart thing on the mouth of Caylee was startling when connected to what they did with their animals as kids.  It is spooky, Scooby!!!!!

    Calamtykel: I think I am going to whip up another batch of that storied liquid, java!!!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Coffee - I am not giving up coffee.  Nope, no way. 

     Cal and Lizzy - I like your attitudes about the boards.  I always read here and on the LE thread (the grrrrr one) but I agree that I can read too much and it isn't good for me.

    I hope everyone has a fun vacation time this summer.  Ours went great, heading home today but I don't actually go back to work until monday.  NOT looking forward to the work emails - I didn't evven peek at them and won't until Monday.   But I am glad I have a job!


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi guys!! 

    I just wanted to jump in quick and wish Lady congrats on being ½ way through chemo...YEAH!!!  And Lizzy on being a great aunt..again!!! 

    Rachel:  So glad to hear that your doctors are not concerned.  I hope you can put it out of your mind and enjoy your vacation although I know that is much easier said than done. 

    Really busy right now, but I will check with everyone tonight or tomorrow!!


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Debbi- too funny you can hear the rush in your posts with all the !!!!s everywhere- no worries we all get busy!

    Opinions- i have been using rash guards as swim tops because of my scars and such, i am misses penny pincher btw but i want to wear a cute swimsuit not something htat makes me look older than i am and i was looking in a mag and saw this one designed spefically to hide ports and the concaved look its sorta costly (120) for a girl that gets her swims suit for the following year in winter when they are on clearence LOL (ALL my bottoms i paid less than 3 each) anyhow also there is the prob that i would either have to buy a XS size and have the top fit well (i am a 29"bust) or a medium size( because i am a 37"waist) and have the bottoms fit great- or meet in the middle and get a small but i dont want my butt hanging out LOL ANyhow the million dollar question is what would you do????? a link to the suit so you can see how cool it is LOL---->

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    for some reason when i click the link it says product not found, but if i cut and paste the link in the second post it goes to it.... Its under swimwear the Jillian

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Very cool.

  • Texas - oh my gosh - I got a swimsuit last week from Lands End - $27 plus FREE SHIPPING!  If you google "Lands Ends Codes" you can find one that will take the shipping off your order!
    It's a special mastectomy suit so it's cut high on the sides and front and has a spot for pockets for those of us without reconstruction, or if you've had a lumpectomy and one side is smaller, you can put a filler in there! :D

      Just be sure if you're ordering to select "mastectomy" and not "regular" because the same suit comes in both styles!

  • Here's the link to the lands end suit:

    It's ridiculous that some of these places are charging $100 and $120 just because it's a special "mastectomy" suit!  The Lands End one is perfect for what I needed!   got it in black! :D

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Cute too.  I always seem to get one piece wedgies!  Long torso and stumpy legs.

    TR- sounds like you've been saving on swimsuits for years, maybe you deserve a splurge.  (c:

    Happy shopping.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Calamity, Texas, Lizzy you all are so right aboutnot reading to much. I had been following Konakats posts for a long time because she was so funny. Now that she is an angel I am really feeling so sad, lump in my throat and I wanna cry. I need to not go to other threads besides my Arimidex thread and older lady threads, there are two. You chose intelligently, I will follow your lead from here on out.

    Your swim suit Texas, I wore Land's end for years ordering two or three sizes to see which would work best and returning the others. The one shoulder suits you showed are very cute. Can you sew so you can alter to fit you best? 

    Love you all huge bunches 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors-

    it was so funny as I was looking at houses with my sister today and I was getting email updates from this board about swimsuits and was wondering if you were all going on a cruise together or something!!!  Now I got it!  

    Texas: splurge on the damn bathing suit!!!!!  Treat yourself NOW!  

    Ginger: I could not agree with you more about the 'now she is an angel' stuff.  Ugh...that destroys me.  When I see those links in "hot topics" I quickly go to my favorites to make it go away. 

    Other threads: I only come here, go to the CT thread and occassionally pick up a "hot topic." For ex, Omaz and I met on the "coffee" page a few weeks back!  I just don't venture from here too often. I also occassionally read the drinking thread but I really try to keep any reading on the "lite" side. 

    Have a lovely evening girls (or morning if you are in EST with me!)

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I also don't try to venture off my favorites--which is mostly this one, I still check out the hair one as I love to see the pics and then one for Canadians. I see things on the hot topics and try to stay away from them--I think that I was immersing myself too much especially bad news topics.

    I started my anti-inflammatory and then have had reaction to it---had to call the Doc today. I am allergic to Sulpha -- it is a small allergy and the amount of Sulpha in the drug is very small--but of course I got a reaction. Have to switch to something else so that I don't end up scratching my skin off.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Here is my pic at 7 months PFC--my hair is growing pretty slowly but is growing in thick. Also am adding a pic of my two boys at a recent wedding.

    Rachel Brown

  • Hey all - just returned from the cardiologist.  Had an echo and stress test and then echo after that - no evidence of any damage done by the adira, so that's a good thing!  Got a perfect report, good blood pressure, etc. 

     So that's one good report! :D

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    rachel your hair looks great and your boys are adorable

    lady, yeah on being halfway through. How are you feeling?

    just spent 3 hours at a local amusement park, it was a fundraiser for the pta and the kids got unlimited rides. It was fun, but I will sleep well tonight:-)


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,   Just wanted to let you know about this retreat. We got approved for the one in Myrtle Beach in November.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Carolyn, can you tell me more about the little pink houses project?  Thanks