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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

          Just wanted to check in quick. Aidan did very well today. I told him we were going to the hospital (he's been there before). When we got there he c/o he was hungry and I said the dr was going to help him sleep and when he woke up he could eat. I hadn't talked about the biopsy b/c I knew he'd get anxious and just start obssessing about it. They were running about 2 hrs behind - we got there at 9:30 and they didn't take him in until 1. He was so good, but towards the end he was yelling 'when are you going to put me to sleep',lol! I think he really thought he was just there to sleep:-) The nurses loved him b/c he kept going up in his little clown pj's asking them if they would have the cookies ready for when he woke up, He did get a little worried at the end so I explained how when he had his ear tubes I held him and they put a mask that smelled like strawberries on him and then he went to sleep and when he woke up I was holding his hand. So right after this a ditzy nurse calls us for the OR and asks Aidan do you know what you're having done. He says I think I'm having a tube in my ear. She says loudly no, you are having a muscle BIOPSY, did they mark where they will cut your leg! I said oh no, he's just here to go to sleep and get a little bandaid on his leg and then he's going to have lots of oreos, let's go. Can you imagine, if he's not old enough to sign the consent form he doesn't need the gory details thank you. Anyway, thanks for the good wishes. So glad this is over!


  • all -- I wasn't able to get on here until now (yeah, it's like 5 am....)

    Anyway, I went for my mammo yesterday.  It really hurt - she needed to take 2 extra films because I have scar tissue from the reduction and the radiologlist wanted to see around it, etc.  It hurt like h#ll!  I'm sore now.  

    Anyhow, so it was great since they had a radiololigst right there reading them.  Tech came back and said I needed a breast ultrasound due to the tissue (now I'm getting worried...)  

    Did the ultrasound on the spot - she came back and said "All good news -- "  but I have a very tiny couple of mm breast cyst filled with fluid.  She said not to worry about it - they are certain it is fluid filled.  

    I'm not terribly concerned - from what I read on line, if it's detected by u/s and not able to be felt, it's too small to aspirate.  I dont' wanna go poking in there if it's not necessary.  Anybody else have this happen?  It's possible I guess that it's because of all the trauma to that side with the breast reduction........

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Calamity- I was told that mammos are NOT supposed to hurt if they are done right, with that being said mine was painful as well and i only had it done on the not affected breast.... I think people get into a routine and dont make sure that what they are doing is comfortable to us.... Glad it turned out to be justs cysts.

    Carolyn- WTH???? She told him they were going to cut him!!!! I agree if they aren't  the ones signing the consent they dont need to know the details. I know of this deaf person who when he was in his teens he had this procedure done where they entered a tube into his leg and worked it up towards the heart for some reason. Well they were trying to explain this to him, without an interpreter present. Well he flipped out, they couldnt calm him enough to sedate him, so they had to postpone. The next appointment they were sure to get that interpreter! Hearing our not even a teen doesnt want to hear that because its scary!

    Mija has her kickball afterparty (pool party) today. She's excited to see her friends. Then we head to San Antonio after DH gets off of work. We're going to Sea World again which will be nice. Then i see my oncologist Monday- i am going to ask about anti depressants or anti anxiety meds. I just cant shake this myself....

    Also i've noticed that a lot of our used to be frequent posters arent here hardly ever. I hope that means they have moved beyond their dx and tx and are doing well.


  • texas -= I can't imagine it not being painful =- they squish it down to nothing!  UGH!  I will say though that the tech ran real fast so my "pain" time was much less than at the other hospital - just a few seconds each time.  I'm sore today..... 

    Yes, get the anti-anxiety meds.   I have days when I can't shake it either.  Ativan works really well for me and it's fast.  Anti-depressents can take up to 2 weeks to kick in - at least with xanax or ativan it's right away.  My ativan is a really low dose - it's the kind they gave me for chemo nausea.  Tiny pill, melts in your mouth so it absorbs super fast.  I don't use it often - once every few weeks I would say when I just can't deal with everything and I find my mind spinning with worry.  DH takes celexa and he does very well with that.  I was on Lexapro which is supposed to be better and I went off it - it did nothing for me at all.  I think I do better with anti-anxieties and not antidepressents.  

    And you can take them together!  If you need something to sort of get you through until the antidep. kicks in, you can take ativan or xanax in the meantime.   Both ativan and xanax addictive but that's only if you' keep taking it to get "high" and take more and more.  

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Calam:  My mammo was uncomfortable, but only on the affected side.  I was sore for days!! The ultrasound is your safety valve, it gets a better picture of specific things they see on the mammo.  So, you can be pretty sure that they know what they are looking at, otherwise they would have ordered more tests.  Once you get that cancer diagnosis, you will be tested to death every time there is a questionable finding!

    Carolyn:  So glad to hear everything went well with Aidan!! Did he get his oreos...LOL? I hope he is feeling well today and it doesn't cause him too much discomfort.  I say he gets an ice cream sundae tonight for dessert!! OMG, you must have panicked as much as him when that nurse opened her stupid mouth!!  Seriously, why did she think that he needed to know exactly what they were doing when legally he is not responsible for himself.  GEEZ, don't they give sensitivity training to OR nurses!

    Tex:  Have a great day!!  As I said before Seaworld is my favorite place in the world, enjoy!  I hope Mija enjoys her party too.  It is cloudy and rainy here today. 

    I am off to the gym and then I have to work all day.  Everyone have a great day!!


  • Debbi - why are ultrasounds not routinely recommended along with mammos for breast cancer survivors?  It just seems that mammos miss so much - my former midwife had a 3cm cancerous tumor in her breast that was totally missed by the mammo - she found it herself just a couple of weeks later! =:O  It just seems like ultrasound is pretty much harmless (no radiation) and yet it's only done if they see something on the mammo.  Seems like it should be done even if they don't!
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Cal:  I thought ultrasound was standard with the mammo for BC survivors.  I was told I would be getting U/S and Mammo together on a regular basis, and when I had my pre-radiation mammo and the first one post treatment I had both.  I do know that I have very dense breasts, and along with the scar tissue in the affected breast, mammo is pretty much useless for me, so maybe that is why my doctors are prescribing both.  But they didn't say that to me, so I thought it was standard. 


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    cal I have dense breaat and even though I was in high risk surveillance the mass wasn't caught as early as it should have been. My mom had bc at 49, and now that I got it at 44 my two younger sisters qualify for yearly MRI's which insurance has to cover.The geneticist at MSK explained this to me and put it in a report for me to give them. Of course MRI's can be too sensitive and pick up benign things so I hate that they have to get on this rolleercoaster. I had my first mammo and then surgical biopsy at 30 because I had calcifications that were to deep to reach with a needle biopsy. Almost 15 years and countless mammos and sonos later that was the breast with cancer.It makes me angry that I was so diligent with screening and still lost both my breasts and had to have chemo, but it is what it is. They really need batter ways to catch this earlier, and a cure would be nice too.  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening warriors!!!!!!!

    I hope you all are having a good weekend. Sorry I have been Spartan lately. A humongous tree fell in my back yard during those storms a few nights ago. All I could think was how long it took for it to grow so big. It was a beautiful pine and looked so nice in the winter with snow on it. Alas there are more where that came from. I was also running around going crazy finding boxes for stuff I sold on Ebay. I can't believe how hard it is to find shipping boxes. I finally went to Walmart as a friend suggested it. Sure enough they gave me a box. There has been other stuff keeping me busy also.

    Calamtykel: I never remember being let out of school for the heat! Never! As for the whey, I am going to keep it. I am so confused but then I remembered the nutritionist at Survivorship Clinic telling me some soy is not bad. She told me some stuff but of course I forgot so I am going to bring the protein powder with me in July and see what she says. I like this powder also. I shall see.

    As for what we could wear to school, my mother let me wear what I wanted and there was no way I was wearing skirts. In kindergarten these 2 boys kept pulling up my dress and that was enough for me. In fact, a few years later they wanted to put me in Catholic school and I screamed, himmed and hawed! It was not until years later that I finally told my parents why I would not go to Catholic school = have to wear a skirt every day!!!!! My mother was hysterical when she found out!

    As for mammos, they always hurt like hell. Awful. Take these big DD boobs and smush them down to pancakes....ugh...something I will not miss.

    Ckptry: I was thinking of Aidan and I am so glad that procedure is over with. I cannot believe that foolish nurse declaring what he was having done. Sensitivity training, people. That was awful. I am glad he was en route the procedure and you were able to do damage control.

    As for your mom, call the PTA. Ask your friends you met through other channels to help. No, our bc changes nothing about our families. I gave up long ago expecting any of them to change for any reason. They might be a little nicer during bc but the original version shall emerge. My father always told me to ‘know people for what they are.' I never really knew what that meant until now.

    Those nurses must have wanted to squeeze him in his little, clown pj's asking about having the cookies ready!!!!!!! Soooo cute!!!

    |I can't believe you had your first mammos at 30 and bc was not found until 44. I agree, we need better detection. As for the doc at MSK, that is great that she/he gave you the papers for your sisters to get annual MRIs that must be paid for by their insurance. Now that is professionalism.

    Sptmm: Now we have fall weather again!!!!!!! I wanted to go to some tag sales this morning and it was pouring and like 55 degrees out! Well, we certainly get variety in the northeast! Thanks for asking about survivorship clinic. I go again in July. BTW, I saw the kale article and then I lost the link because I left the page too quick and when I went back, it was gone. I have yet to embrace kale...!

    Rachel: relaxation/meditation classes don't work as well as vodka!!!! Man, after what you have been through (and all of us for that matter) it is nearly impossible to not be afraid and running down the nightmare of what could be going on/wrong. I feel for you. It is a lot to think about and then having to wait for appts just allows more time for thinking. I hope you are doing ok.

    Tex: definitely get the anti-anxiety meds. I take xanax in the middle of the night if I am up on the "what if" highway. I think they will do you a world of good. I hope you have a blast at Sea World! I love the amusement parks. When I used to go to FL a lot to see my mom, I would fly into Tampa (whole family lived on Gulf coast), pick up my rental and hit Busch Gardens just to ride 3 or 4 coasters and then on I would go to my destination! I am really just a big kid!

    Well tonight I tried to go to Red Box but there was like 4 people in line. I have never used it but a friend suggested I try because it is so great blah blah! It is so cheap is what he should have said and that is why it is so busy! In any case, it is freezing here tonight...well 52 degrees and that is cold for me. I am tired and it is off to sleep land!

    Happy trails, guys-

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Carolyn--Glad to hear your son is doing well.

    I have my Doc appointment on Tuesday...She will check the breasts etc. I'm not due for my mammo/us until mid-July and my onco wants them done in the breast centre at the hospital. On one side, I want all the tests etc right now to soothe my mind but at same time, we are heading on vacation when school is done and I am concerned that tests will ruin the vacation. My kids have been through so much this past year that I don't want them to miss the vacation...make sense? Aaarrgghh. My onco is pretty sure it is nothing...I am guessing they hear lots of follow up side effects after chemo/radiation/surgery etc. Keep your fingers crossed. 

  • Rachel - I totally get it.  I think we're all have scars from last year this time..... :(  So we think every test might be bad and we brace ourselves. 

     I'm putting  a call into the gyn tomorrow-been spotting really lightly on and off for a week now, post period...I am having a lot of vaginal dryness, so I think and HOPE it's hormonal - exercise does not increase it.  Hoping it's just post chemo hormones  just being wacky.  However, my paranoia says "get me every test you can and get them now!"  I have an app't on July 6, but things aren't happening fast enough for me.  

    Today was my parents anniversary - had mom over after church and she treated all of us to good takeout food.   Meanwhile, we're planning a trip to NYC on Tuesday - and Great Adventure next week - summer's happening so fast already! :D

     Also, can I ask anyone who hasn't had a bilateral mast - if you're finding yourself considering a mastectomy on the other side?  I'm used to how my flat side looks.  I think I'd be very comfortable being flat on both sides and just wearing various cool mastectomy bras (I could have as big or small a chest as I wanted :D  
    But the thought of going through a mammo EVERY year -the pain and then the worry....and then the long term radiation exposure - years of mammos, probably having to have four scans on that side every time due to scar tissue, etc.  I dont' know.....I'm not ready to go under the knife again just yet - I'm thinking maybe sometime next's just something that's been in my head a lot lately.......................

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Rachel:  I totally get your concern and your concern for the kids.  Hopefully your onco will put your mind at ease.  I am sending tons of positive vibes your way.  Where are you guys going on vacation?

    Cal:  I sooo totally understand your thoughts.  I had a lumpectomy but have thinking about a bilateral mastectomy for several months now.  And considering I will have to have surgery to solve my drainage problem, I have been thinking about it a lot lately.  But, like you, just thinking.  I don't think I am ready to do it yet.  But I know where you are coming from. 

    Lizzy:  I was thinking about you today.  Went up to Yonkers to see my oldest son play soccer this afternoon and was passing many a Connecticut car on the way.  Told the kids about my "fearless leader" Lizzy from Connecticut.  They always wonder about who I talk to on the computer, I give them little tidbits now and again..LOL.  I hope you had a great weekend!


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422
    Hi Ladies, I have been staying so busy, I know hard to believe lol. My friend with the pink tractor was in a tractor ride this weekend and I went to see it and hubby got a picture of us so this is my reveal LOL first picture since my DIEP 3 1/2 wks  so 2 new boobs and flattened ads and I got my hair trimmed for the firts time on Fri. Yeah I really don't look too different. Its does feel really good to have breasts again.
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    IowaSue: Love the picture. Your hair looks great!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    You look GREAT Sue!! I still love that tractor!!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Sue--You look great.

    Debbie---We are heading to Disney on July 1st with some friends. We are going for one week. Kids are excited. They had gone to Disney a few years ago but of course don't remember anything. We normally head away every year and last year missed going away due to my diagnosis--so this will be the first time away in a while.

    I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow to go over my concerns. I am also asking for another referral back to my surgeon (here your referral is only good for 6 months and as I haven't really seen him since my surgery--except one post-surgery appointment--I have to get another appointment)-I am considering a mastectomy. Last year they wouldn't do it--said I didn't need--but I think that it may give me some ease. I realize cancer can come back without breasts but--with having 1 and half breasts---would rather have none and feel a little more at ease. We'll see if he will do it. I am going to ask my Doc about my concerns--see what she does say. My onco won't see me till mid-July. My GP can order scans so if she thinks I need it--we will do it. Aarrrghh. Just the worry.

    We were at a family wedding on the weekend and had busy weekend of kids sports etc. Today, the kids were off school for the day so we took a day trip with friends. Couple more weeks left then school done and off on vacation. Will be a nice break.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Sue you look great. What a cool tractor. My neighbor has her own backhoe and endloader, not so cool though. 

    I just have a liumpectomy. If I had not been in the time crunch of moving I would have had a bilateral Mast myself. Just to be done with the worry. I find I get scared with every single thing I have that feels abnormal.  RIght now I am feeling a little funny in my bladder. I get a full check up on thursday so I will find out about it then, unless it gets worse. I don't know what is a SE from Arimidex or not. My knees have started hurting a lot. 

    I can see most of us have some fear going on and I suppose it is natural but it feels bad. (((Sptmm, Calamity,  Lizzy, Iowa, Rachel,)))) group hug. There is some sort of post treatment disorder that I have been hearing about, maybe that is our new stage.

    Lizzy sometime maybe you can tell us what it is like to sell on ebay. I have some stuff but think I'll sell it for $1.00 instead of its worth. 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    This is the aumakua tiki.  I got one to look out for us.  I renamed it the no-mets tiki.  Fierce woman with great hair and an all-seeing eye!!!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Omaz---That is great...I laughed out loud and my son was wondering what I am doing....LOVE the hair--looks like mine when I wake up :) Thanks for this!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Vacation is winding up.  Saw two octopus this morning swimming along the bottom together.  Was able to observe them for 20 minutes.  It was amazing.  One swam in front and the other kept an arm on it just about the whole time. 

    also, my eyebrows are gone again!!!  I just have the little tuffs toward the middle, all the outer parts fells out.  Anyone else have this??

    Heading home Wednesday on the red-eye flight.  Have one more boat/snorkel trip.  It's been just great to be at the beach, listen to the ocean and the birds, eat papaya, see the fish and coral.  I am ok with going home too.  I feel nervous about this part of our treatment as well, hence the tiki.  I still have herceptin until aug but then it's just tamoxifen and me and whatever lifestyle changes I can put together.  I am not sure which ones are best!  I know exercise is great but the diet supplement part is very confusing.   I sure am grateful to have you all.  This is my home group - I send you all a little ocean and a little ocean breeze today.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- Congrats selling on ebay and i also have problems finding boxes to ship in whn i sell... its funny cuz YEARS ago i had bought some clothing off ebay and they charged an arm and a leg for shipping citing the cost for shipping supplies and i shit you not they shipped them in one of those double cheerio boxes! I was like what the heck!!!!

    Iowa- LOOKING GOOD!!!!!

    Omaz- sounds beautiful!!!! I think me and the tiki go to the same salon! LOL my hair would not lay flat the other day and so i went around running my errands with some serious bed head LOL

    Ginger- when selling on ebay you set your own start price and for a small fee you can set a reserve (like a price you are willing to sell it at) if the winning bid is too low you dont have to sell it and can re-list.

    I have had some success on ebay, but there are ebbs and flows with diffrent stuff. They have a link to see whats hot to sell.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening warriors!

    I hope you all are doing well. As for me, still ebaying and still a big tree laying in the back yard!

    Sptmm: Yonkers?! All I ever think of is "Lost in Yonkers!" Thank you for telling the kids about your fearless leader across the sound! I hope you had a good weekend.

    Iowa: that is a great pic! It was so nice of your friend to, on behalf of everyone in the fight, to make her tractor a beacon. I love how it says "fight like a girl" on the fender?! I bet it feels good to have breasts again. I was thinking that next week is 1 year since I have not had breasts. Mine were big so I don't miss them but I might like to have a little something again soon!

    Lady: how are you doing with chemo? I have been thinking about you. I hope that soon that chemo will be over and you can finally have some peace.

    Rachel: I am glad you are getting away on vaca. I definitely think you need it even though you are going to Disney! Only is a great place. As for the mx, the recurrence rates and the fact that breasts are just fat sacks hanging off my pec muscles, I found them to be expendable. I know it takes a lot of thinking and reflecting but to get rid of some worry, I could totally understand why you might consider it. Best of luck with that very tough decision.

    Ginger: my joints still ache post chemo. I have been dxd with fibromyalgia. The pain just does not stop. I have also, since shortly after and perhaps during chemo, developed numbness in my thumb, index and middle fingers on both hands but never at the same time and one hand experiences it more than the other. On the one hand that experiences it more than the other, it has spread to my ring finger. It comes and goes.

    Omaz: thanks for the ocean breeze, woman! I am glad you had a nice vaca. I lived on the beach for years and, to be honest, I could never live in a landlocked area. I even get a little nervous leaving the tri-state area for too long! For instance, a vaca for me by the 7th day is getting long. I kind of like 5 days except Europe/Mexico/PacRim where the very the lengthy travel forces a longer vacation. In any case, you must feel refreshed! I sooo love the "no-mets tiki!" Thanks for thinking of us! BTW, my hair is probably going to look like that after I mess it up with this box color trip I am on! My brows are holding up but they are sparse. I used to have thick eyebrows. I kind of miss that.

    Texas: a double Cherrios box?! I am much could that have cost them?!? That is ridiculous. I enjoy it. I also enjoy bidding. It is fun.  I still can't believe they charged all this money for shipping and they sent a cereal box!  That is disgusting.  Sometimes I offer free shipping when I know I can get it in a small flat-rate, USPS box.   It makes buyers feel good when they are getting free shipping! 

    Ginger: any time, I will be happy to help you with Ebay. Just let me know and I will PM my phone number. Some things are better talked about rather than trying to explain over a thread! Also, you can donate some of your proceeds from your sales to charities or the entire amount, less Ebay fees, if you wish so I would not just get rid of stuff. Sell it and donate.

    Well, I am tired and chilly! I love summer but what I really like is when it is blazing hot during the day and those nice, tepid nights! Soon enough I am sure I will be whining that I am on fire!!!

    Happy trails, all-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- it seems that once the heat comes here there is NO cool down! In WA though in the summer the nights are cool. When i start packing for my trip i am def going to need long pants and light jackets for me and the kids- we are NOT used to the cold.

    Yes a cheerios box! I think maybe they added in the cost of the cereal which i didnt get LOL

    Fibromyalgia- My aunt has that and her pain is managed very well through diet and supplements- which i am sure Calamity will be able to assist in recomending :)

  • That is one awesome pink picture!  Love it! :D

    Well, today is my "cancerversary" - I looked on the calendar and it was actually today that I got the biopsy call......... :(  It feels weird.  What feels really weird is that my dad's not here anymore - he was one of the first people I talked to after I got the call even though he and mom were on vacation in GA at the time.........he called me back and said "I wish it were me instead of you...."  UGH!  One of the last things I noticed in the ER as we left, and I looked at him one more time was that his hair was still so short from when he shaved it for me........  It's just weird day I guess.  :( 

     On a happier note, the kids and I had a blast in NYC yesterday with my mom.  We ate at Cafe Metro, had Cold Stone for dinner in Times Square; rode the subway, saw some of the cool places in NYC; rode the staten island ferry and visited the Grand Central market and loaded up on some Penzeys spices.  The kids especially the younger ones, were thrilled to just ride the bus in, the subway and the ferry!  It was a good day - we never did make it to the Museum of natural history - ran out of time!  We also visited ground zero which was really sobering and somewhat overwhelming.  It felt like the whole place has become so "touristy" -push vendors selling souvenir programs on the street (had to practically beat them off!) -"memorials" which have opened which have no admission prices listed until you get right up to the door (after waiting on line....)  only to find out it's $15 a person... Walking tours that are costly when you have four kids along....etc.  There were indications that  the "proceeds" will benefit reconstruction or something, but in all honesty, it just felt "strange" in a way I can't it should be more hallowed or something.....

    Anyhow- it was a good day!  Hoping to sort of pull out of this strange funk today and not think about BC or my health today.  I know I should call the breast surgeon just to run by her the whole "fluid cyst" thing but really, I just don't FEEL like it.   It really gets old; I know you all know what I mean!  



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel:  I totally agree about ground zero.  Having lived and worked there, it was always kind of touristy and I just ignored it.   I do agree, however, that should not be the case.  It just does not phase me after having endured hoopla down there for years.  It was especially disruptive when they would have some author or musician (all well-known) at Border's in WTC siging autographs/giving a mini concert at 7:30AM!   Then there were the school tours of WTC plaza and the never-ending batches of tourists clogging Windows!   It was always kind of a zoo down there but because I was only there for business, I was totally anesthetized to it all.  My favorite "zoo:"  The Yankees rolling through the canyons for the ticker tape parade and rolling right under the cat walk over Vesey!!!!!!!!  That was really good stuff!   That was indeed my favorite "zoo" day!  One memorable day: I was wearing some $1500 linenesque suit and I failed to wear a belt.  In any case, it started raining on my way across the plaza, I was so thin the suit started to fall off (!) and by the time I got the Lehman in WFC, the falling off was becoming alarming in addition to having taken down the hem with the shoes I was wearing!  I went to a boutique in WTC looking for a belt and sure enough what I found was a nice sales clerk who brought me into the dressing room and sewed my hem up while I was still wearing the pants!  She actually got on the floor of the dressing room to sew it up!   Unbelievable.  The most glorious part of working in WTC: the summer concert series.  That was just grand.  The most beautiful holiday display I have seen while I was working in WFC: the Wintergarden.  It was so decadent and beautiful.  I loved working in lower Manhattan and playing in Midtown and the East Side!

    I love Great Adventure!!!  LOVE IT!   We have Six Flags New England but it is nothing like Great Adventure!  I hope you have a wonderful time but surely I don't have to wish this as you are going to "Great Adventure!"  We are having our own great adventure in CT!  Mountain Lions have been extinct in CT for a while and now all of the sudden they are being spotted.  Where else but Greenwich!!!!  This means some wealthy freak brought them into their home and when they got too big to handle, let them loose.  One was killed on the parkway in Milford, 40 minutes from Greenwich, and they thought that was the one being spotted in Greenwich but, as it turns out, there is more than one!  People just love to push it with these big cats.   When one is eaten by the big cat I am sure other wealthy idiots will stop trying to domesticate them.  I really feel bad for the animals.

    Hair: is anyone else get a little nervous when while showering, the normal amount of hair we lose on a daily basis comes out and you think you are losing it again?!    I guess we all will carry a little fear forever....

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy-Yes on the hair.  I lose any of them and worry.  Mine is still frizzy but I have progressed in my family's eyes from a lovable Westie to a Q-tip.  Not sure if that is an improvement or not.

    Cal - I a coming up on my anniversary too.  I remember like yesterday finding the lump watching TV.  When I had my breast MRI/US before surgery I remember the radiologist doctor came and and told me I was going to have 'a very busy year'.  She wasn't kidding. I had no clue what that meant.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    omaz-  no mets tiki!  Q-tip!  Thanks for the laughs.  (c:

  • Well ladies, I put in a call to the breast surgeon's office -the scheduler called me back and she wants me to come in, with my films.  Said the scheduler "If they're seeing ANYTHING On there, she needs to see you." 
    So of course, on my cancerversary, here I am going slowing into a little panic on the phone.  I'm going on June 23, next thursday. 

     I did some reading about fluid breast cysts and it says that they can results from  a breast reduction or any surgery to the breast, and are rarely cancerous when they are filled with fluid.  I imagine she will just want to "watch" it and maybe another ultrasound in six months or something.   I hope.  It's only a couple of mm so hopefully too small to aspirate.

     I'm telling 'ya, I'm FED UP with this boob and this is just one notch closer to getting it OFF and being done with this crap! grrrr..........................

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Dont worry Kel :) i hate for you to feel anxious!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    My cancerversary in June 18th, I got the call while I was out in the boat and my Dr. said I have  the results do you want to come to my office or do you want me to tell you on the phone, ofcourse I had already waited long enough and the radiologist indicated he thought it would be cancer so I was sorta expecting it to be possitive and it was.  Wow what a year. Bi lt mastectomy, chemo, heceptin, radiation and Bi LT DIEP  all in a years time. 3 more herceptins to go.