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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    Hi All...

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi sohard - how are you doing these days?
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    omaz I just know what's on the website. They're supposed to call at the end of June with more details. I saw something posted about it and applied. They have you pick three retreat locations from a list and it was about 5 mos later that we heard about it. I wasn't expecting to get it and wasn't sure when we did if it was too much a trip for the kids, but dh thinks it will be nice to meet others in similar situations. I finish herceptin in October so it will be a nice break.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Thanks Carolyn, It looks like a neat program!
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Rachel: Cute! You and the boys both!

    Cal: Congrats on good news.

    SoHard, Hey girl, how are you doing?

    I'm feeling ok, thanks. I've got a lot of leg pain going on. I got a new medication for it Tuesday, but it's still pretty bad. I'll probably have to call the onc's office next week and see what else they can suggest. We'll see what the weekend brings.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening, warriors-

    I hope this post finds you all in good spirits.

    Lady: congrats on being ½ way through!!! Almost there, woman! May your leg pain go away soon.

    Rachel: you look FANTASTIC!! Just great. Your boys are so cute! No question they are brothers! They look like twins!

    Calamtykel: congratulations on your "all clear" results! I bet that felt great. I am very happy for you.

    Ckptry: I hope you slept well after that amusement park action! That little pink houses thing is cool. Glad you got something and especially right after you finish chemo. I am very happy for you. Myrtle is nice at that time of year.

    How is Aidan? Is he all recovered from the biopsy? Did you get results?

    Today I was opening up a package and cut my finger on the affected arm quite badly. It would not stop bleeding. I ran for the peroxide, Neosporin and band aids but it was even bleeding through the Neosporin! All I could think was please don't get infected...I will get LE! The things I think about!

    Well, I am helping my sister find a new house as my BIL pretty much passed away in the living room and she wants out.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend-

  • Lady - I assume it's from the taxol?  I totally remember those pains.  :(  Have you tried a narcotic like Percocet?  I think someone on here was on an anti-inflammatory - delaudid, I think it was....  The percocet did help those pains - I used to get them really bad at night to where I couldn't sleep.  Unfortunately I'm highly sensitive to percocet (we know me and meds :( and I ended up throwing up.  But it did help the pains while it lasted! 

     Those pains were the worst.  I thought taxol would be easy after AC, but those jabbing pains were not fun.  

    Has anyone checked out the Lower Your Risk section on here?  I just found an awesome recipe for an oven pancake with strawberries and bananas that doesn't use wheat.  I'll have to check out that recipe section more often!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    calamity- cute suit, i liked the fact that this other one had frills to mask my concaved chest- Whoop whoop on latest results!

    OMG rachel i would have never guessed you went through chemo, hair looks very stylish! And your boys look too cute!

    carolyn that sounds awesome! Hope you have a blast! Post pictures!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Hi so hard! Whats new with you???? Hopefully keeping busy with non cancer stuff!

    Lady hope the pain goes away with the meds. Is it bone pain or muscle pain???? I wish i knew what to do to help...

    Lizzy- Be careful! Keep us updated!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    lizzy sorry about the cut. Try not to worry about LE. That must be hard for your sister. I'm glad she has you to help her. Aidan si doing well, thanks for asking. They said the result could take a month so we haven't heard anything yet.

    lady  I'm sorry you're in pain! Is it a side effect of the chemo you're on? Chemo brain here I can't remember what you're getting.  They gave me percocet for the leg pain during Taxol - I took it at bedtime and it helped.  I couldn't take it during the day b/c of the kids but if you can try it, whatever helps...Just be sure to take colace with it.


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lady--sorry to hear about leg pain. I had to get Tylenol 3 for my leg pain through my last 3 chemo. Hope you get some relief. Sending hugs, Rachel

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My DH has a MRSA infection onhis face. He had a swelling on his jaw line thursday and I nagged him until he went to teh Doctor. Doc called this AM to tell him it was MRSA , changed his meds and didn't really tell him much more.   I was given the link to the CDC site about what to do in the house. I really do not want to get this.   I need to find out more. grrr

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Good luck Ginger - my dad was a diabetic and he had MRSA in a wound in his leg.  My mom fought back and was successful, but it took some time.  She never got it from him even though she was the primary one taking care of the wound.
  • Lizzy, it probably wouldn't hurt to get your doctor's opinion on the cut - a few years ago I got my hand badly cutting up a box.  I didn't go to the doctor, but I finally did go a couple of weeks later for something different and he looked at it and said I should have had stitches in it.  He didn't do them , but he did a tetanus shot (knowing what I do know, I think the likelihood of getting tetanus from a BOX and kitchen knife are practically nil...) but they may want to give you a short round of antibiotics because of the risk of LE.........................

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope you all are having nice Father's Days!  My dad has been gone for 12 years.  I miss him. 

    Calamtykel: good idea.  Thanks for the advice.   BTW, I know this is your first Father's Day since losing your dad so I hope you and your mom (and her adorable little dog!) are having a good day.  I know the first few Father's Days were well as Xmas and Txsgvng.   In any case, thinking of you today.

    Ginger: I was just talking to a friend about how my mom's birthday is Tuesday and she has MRSA so I am not supposed to go and see her because I still have an open wound but am going to throw caution to the wind and run in and see her (she is in an ALF) for a few minutes.  In any case, he said (and I believe he is right), they really do misdiagnose MRSA frequently and, as his mom is in the hospital right now and has been in and out for the past 2 years, he never wears the gown etc... and feel hospitals and docs are dramatic about how easily it can be spread.  Now, having said that, and because of our precariousness w/the bc business, if you have any cuts stay away from making contact with him.

    This link will help you learn more:

    I hope your poor DH gets better.  MRSA is a pain to get rid of if you even ever can.

    Best of luck to you and I hope you and your family are having a nice Father's Day.

    I went outside to work on my rose bush and now it is off to the basement to do some more tasks!   I hope you all are enjoying your weekend-

    Happy trails-

  • Thanks Lizzy - I was actually okay today.  I was feeling sad in the days leading up to it though - I copied and pasted a status on Facebook from a friend and it was something about having a dad in Heaven.  It didn't make me cry until my mom commented on it - then I suddenly burst into tears.  I don't know - it's very surreal sometimes. 

    We went to my aunt's today =- had a great picnic - my DH baked three batches of cupcakes (he's now into this ever since we watched Cupcake Wars the other night) and I brought homemade bread.  The kids spent the day swimming and we all sat around the pool.  It was great, but I kept envisioning my dad in his usual spot under the umbrella at the patio table by the pool talking to my grandfather.  yeah, it's a major hole for sure.... :(  but we did okay.

     Hoping to get to bed early tonight - it's been a busy one!  I got up early, went for a 45 minute run, went to church, came home and got food ready go to and headed over to my aunt's.  Never got home until after 7 - I'm wiped out!  

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!  Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Lady:  Sorry to hear about those leg pains, I hope your doctor has something stronger for you.

    Rachel:  Great pictures! Your hair looks great and those boys are absolutely adorable.  Sorry about those Canucks were routing for them in the family betting pool, right?

    Calam:  Hope your father's day was okay, I know it must have been very difficult for you and your family.  As for the coffee vice.  We can't eliminate everything they say is bad for us or we wouldn't be enjoying our we pick and choose.  Enjoy your coffee, you are doing enough good for your body in other ways.  And thanks for that swimsuit link, I am def going to order one of those as I need a bathing suit. 

    Texas:  That camping trip sounds great July 4.  I am not into tent camping because I am not really a nature girl.  But my aunt and uncle have one of those big campers and we have spent a couple nights out there once or twice and that is great.  The RV is like a little apartment on wheels and being out there just 100 yards or so from the beach is sooo peaceful!

    Omaz:  Glad to hear your vacation was relaxing.  It sounds wonderful.  Hopefully back to work tomorrow will be smooth. 

    Lizzy:  I would def drive over the bridge every weekend to attend one of your aerobics classes at your new gym in Westchester.  I imagine you would run an amazing toning/aerobics class! Sorry to hear about your cut, I hope you have it checked out by a doctor.  The last thing you need is another infection.  Belly dancing is going well although we have only had two classes.  The girl who does it only teaches every other Friday, so we have only had two lessons, but my hips are definitely getting more mobile and man is it an Ab workout.  My abs hurt so much the next day, but you don't realize it while you are doing it so its great. 

    Ginger:  Hope your husband gets better quicker.  That MRSA is tough stuff.  Sorry you have to deal with that on top of everything else!

    Ckptry:  That pink houses retreat sounds wonderful.  I hope you guys have a great time!  Glad to hear that Aidan is feeling good. 

    Sorry I have been absent lately, but Taylor is graduating this week so there has been a lot to do in addition to just regular working and sports stuff.  Hopefully things will calm down after graduation.  I had been ready to celebrate because I thought my nipple drainage stopped for good because it stopped for a couple of days this week, with no pain this time, but alas it started up again today.  UGGH, I am really hoping to avoid more I am trying to wait it out but it is annoying wearing a bra and nursing pads 24/7.   Oh well, it has slowed down so hopefully it will stop for good on its own. 

    I hope everyone has a great weekend, hopefully I will be able to stop by on occasion.  I do read almost every day, just don't always have the time to formulate a response all the time.  It is still comforting to me to have you all here and hear about your experiences and lives, as they so parallel mine.  Talk to everyone soon!!


    P.S.  Lizzy I played Mega Millions today...keep your fingers crossed..LOL!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Fathers day went well, some some family members that i havent seen in a while. Although i left my phone at home by mistake and my nephew couldnt get ahold of me to get down to grandpa's house. i will make it up next time i am up there.

    Busy week... might not be on line til the weekend :)

    congrats to taylor!!!!!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Carolyn- What a great thing, those little pink houses!  I think I might look into volunteering there... or maybe one or both of my girls.....  Thanks.  (c:

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors!

    I hope you all had a lovely weekend! 

    Sptmm: I loved, loved, loved teaching step!!!!!!!!   I taught Power Reebok classes...great stuff!  I used to get so caught up in the lunges I would like cross the "runner's high" and want to keep going!   I am keeping my fingers crossed for sure!   Should you win, we can workout full-time!!!  I always sort of wished I was an Olympian or something along those lines so I could do nothing but that would be my job!!! 

    I was at a party in Stamford out on the water where they had belly dancers.  It is so cool and graceful the way they move.  It was entertaining to watch.  I went on Ebay and looked up some videos so I think I am going to order a belly dancing one!  You inspire me!

    Has anyone gotten their first hair cut yet?   I am starting to think I need a trim as it is growing out equally, in all directions and I am definitely started to look "Kotterish!" 

    Time for the news!  Need to see how many people were shot in New Haven this weekend!

    Good day all-

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Hi ladies!  I hope everyone had a great weekend, I took a little trip to visit some friends, it was so fun to have a "girls weekend"! 

    Lizzy I agree on the recommendation to have a dr. check out the cut, my surgeon made a point of saying that if I ever got a bad cut or a bad bug bite on my affected arm to go get it checked out since the risk of infection is greater due to the lymph system not being able to clear it all out like it should.

    Carolyn That little pink houses thing sounds great, I bet you and your family will have a blast!  I looked at the website a little and it is nice that they have you do things together with the other families - I bet it will help your kids to meet other kids who also have moms going through breast cancer.

    Debbi Congrats on Taylor's graduation!  I'm sure you are super busy with it but hopefully things will settle down once it is done!

    Rachel Your hair looks great in that picture!  And your boys are so cute!

    Lady Sorry to hear you are having trouble with leg pain.  I think that is a pretty common SE with the taxanes, I had it during Abraxane but fortunately not bad enough to need a prescription pain med.  Hopefully your dr can prescribe something good to get you through the rest of it.

    Texas I say definitely splurge on a good mastectomy suit!  You deserve it and it is really true that looking good makes you feel good.  So get a good suit and then go hang out at the beach or pool with your kids and make some fun summertime memories!

    Ginger I hope your DH gets better soon and I hope you are able to avoid the MRSA!  I don't really know anything about it but I'm sure you will find some good information from the CDC on how to keep your house clean and protect yourself.

    Cal I'm glad that you were able to enjoy your Father's Day this year, I can't imagine how tough it must have been not to have your dad there but I'm glad you got to be with your mom and other family. 

    I have been such a busy bee this summer with lots of travel and still more to come, plus then our move is only about 5 weeks away!  Still no offers on our house, we are going to have to start thinking about whether or not we want to try to rent it out for a while or just leave it empty and on the market until it sells.  Grr!  But overall I am enjoying my summer and looking forward to our move!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy,  I totally get the never wanting to stop when you were teaching aerobics.  Often times lately, I will find myself considering staying for the next class when I finish mine, or staying for a class after walking on the treadmill.  It's like I have to remind myself that enough is enough and there are other things that need to be done!  But, it makes you feel such as sense of accomplishment that it is easy to get carried away. 

    JSW:  Great to hear from you!! Your summer sounds amazing, I am soo jealous! Enjoy your travel.  

    Tex:  Sounds like a nice father's day.  To me there is nothing better than hanging with family, especially the kids playing with all their cousins.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    JSW and Calamtykel: thank you both so much and I am going to my doctor on Weds.  Both nurses that I deal with at Yale are out today and there is not much more I can do.  You both are correct.  This is what I love about this board.   The support is unparalleled.  Also because I don't have kids I sometimes forget what I should be doing to care for myself!!!!  I think having kids is a constant reminder of what to do with cuts etc...

    In long, I need the help so thank you!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Warriors- I continue to clean out my basement etc... and I came across an old journal from Tony Robbins.  It is from the "Get the Edge" series.  In any case, there are a few pages in there that talk about alkaline state and how important it is to maintain.   Today is my sister's birthday so I am going down there to give her a little party but when I get, I am either going to scan those in to Flickr and give you guys the link to view the pages or I am going to post them here.  It is really interesting stuff that speaks directly to our collective situation.  

    I type about 75+ wpm and would prefer to put it here on the thread so others can see it also but I may get lazy and scan!!!!  

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    I'm so pissed. The nurse calls me and says to increase the neurotin to 3 x day. I asked her for Percocette, and her answer is to try the neurotin increase first. That doesn't help me today when I'm in PAIN!! It makes you feel like a drug addict when you have to beg for drugs! So I'm increasing the neurotin and I'll take up the lortab I have until it's gone, even though lortab doesn't do anything for me. AAARRGGHH!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lady - I am so sorry to hear you are in pain!   Anyway to get through to the doctor?  Have you taken L-glutamine for the neuropathy?  I am still taking it as I still have numbness/tingling.
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    lady I'm so sorry you are in pain. I had alot of pain after my impalnt exchange. They made it sound like a breeze beforehand and said I could take motrin/tylenol. I got the same deal when I spoke to the nurse, you feel like they're trying to discourage you, when you have a valid reason for being in pain. Dh called the dr on call for me that night b/c I was in so much pain and I just didn't want to deal with going through the whole explanation again. The dr called in the prescription to the pharmacy that night and fedexed them a cover prescription, Alot of pharmacies will let them call in a narcotic as long as they mail or fax a cover. Can you call the dr on call  now and say you're in pain and need something until the neurontin works better (put dh on the phone, if you can, it's unfair but  they seem to give men less aggravation). There is no reason you should have to suffer with this when there are pain medications that can help.


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lady...sorry to hear about the pain. I would call a pest. Take care, Rachel xo

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lady:  I agree with Rachel, call them again today and ask to speak directly to the doctor if you don't get what you need.  There is no reason for you to suffer with pain!! I hope this morning finds you feeling better. {{{HUGS}}}


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Lady: if you still have not heard from them, give ME their number!  I will give them a call...I will just say I am your concerned cousin....!   Seriously, though, you should not have to wait one more minute on these people to call you.  I am not joking when I tell you I will call.  Let me be the bad guy!