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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Hey all - all is okay -- my appointment got put off (they called me) until almost 4:30- I was so glad they called to let me know they were behind!  I got there and she reviewed the ultrasound and mammo results with me - she said I have a "complex" fluid filled cyst and that she was inclined to just drain it there.  I'm sure all the color drained from my face!

    But when she got out the ultrasound machine, she couldn't find the cyst.  She searched for several minutes, using the original U/S as a guide and finally said "It's gone."  I said "GONE??"  She said "Yes, sometimes they can just go away."   But she also said that ultrasound will almost ALWAYS show "SOMETHING"  so it is not concerning to find a cyst ---that almost all women have small breast cysts that they don't even know are there-- "Which is why we don't use it routinely - we just use it as a tool if the mammo shows something."  

    I'm wondering if since it was during my period that I had the u/s maybe that was why??  Anyway, the only weird thing is that she said in the side I had the reduction, there is a spot of "asymmetry" - she examined my breast and said her theoy is that because of the reduction, I have a tuck of skin under my breast that never smoothed out.  It doesn't bother me, but it probably made it look asymmetrical in the film.  

    She said it is STILL a normal mammogram and that I would need a repeat in 6 months along with an u/s just because they want to look at that asymetry again.

    So it was all good.  I got home late because I had to go shopping afterwards -- 

    Meanwhile I've been busy trying to watch the chickens - we have a predator that has killed at least half our flock - one chicken a day.  :(  We've been setting traps - caught a coon the other night but I don't think it's him - it's something that's coming during the day.

    Today I'm TOTALLY wiped out.  I think all the adrenalin yesterday just waiting waiting waiting for the doctor and today I must be in adrenal crash I guess!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Cal - Glad it went away - how great is that!

    Lizzy - What is going on with your GI system?  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Calamity, have you tried a portable solar electric fence? My friend said it is the best way to keep predators out of the chicken yard.

    Toenails, I have lost 7 or 8 now. I actually can't remember. I lost the secondbig toenail a few days ago. I could polish the others now but on the big toe the new nail is only out about 1/3 of the way. It looks like a no sandal summer for me. Here in Seattle it is only summer for apparently 3 days in mid July, so no sandals will hardly be noticed.

    My knees hurt and I find that once I move about they feel a lot better. I am still taking the Arimidex and the daily headaches are a pain. I hope they pass, I had one today in my morning sleeping hours and it kept waking me up. So far though I will manage with these SE's. I understand some start later and wonder what they are? A surprise around every corner for us girls. 

     My bladder infection is close to cleared up. I have only two antib's to go and hope I am done then. My husband  is still feeling off and he has some swelling and a lump where the infection first showed itself.   He still has a few antib's to take.

    When I went for my mammogram I was asked to fill in a questionairre. One question asked how often I did a breast self exam. I realized I had to check the category with the maximum number  of self checks. Before BC I was probably checking  every several months apart and since everytime I felt an itch or a discomfort of any kind I am checking and rechecking. I imagine I am not alone in doing this.

    I hope everyone has a good and painfree weekend. 

    Love Ginger

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lady- Just checkin to see if the extra dosage of nurontin helps with the pain? I read it got better, but hate to hear anyone in any pain!

    Haircut- i am due for one, my sister in law said she'll take me for my first after chemo cut! its lookin like shaggy from scooby do!

    Lizzy- i def afree with getting the scans done on the mass. There is no way to know for sure without further investigation. Good luck! And no worries about venting! I have days like tht as well!

    onemonga- Hey nice to hear from you! Glad to hear its been a year for you and here's to many more!!!!!

    A brief rant- Okay so as many of you remember i had gone to a dr (well turns out she was only a cna that worked under a dr) in oct and 2 times in march before being dx, i saw her for diffrent breast issues (bloody nipple discharge, pain, and numbnes from my armpit to my hand- just to name a few) she said i was nursing and it was normal go home... Well my oncologist had suggested that i talk with a lawyer and go after her for what is gross neglegince. Well i heard from the lawyer that i had been working with since august that they wont take the case.... they stated it was because in august when i saw the breast specialsit she thought it was b9, but had told me to follow up in dec- i followed up 2 months sooner when i had other problems but because the gal i saw didnt do an exam and obviously no tests they have no way of knowing if i was stage 1 or 2 or even 3 then.  They said they would only have been able to win if they could have proved that i was stage 1 and because her lack of care now am stage 4. Well its stupid because they cant prove this because she DIDNT do her job correctly in the first place, and had she done it correctly in the first place i wouldnt be trying to sure her!!!!

    Well its back to the drawing board! lol

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day warriors-

    It is nice here today and I better get out and enjoy it! I hope you are all having a nice weekend.

    Onemonga: thanks for stopping by! It is good to hear from you.

    Omaz: I get sick after I eat quite regularly. It is getting to the point where I don't want to eat because I don't want those pains and to feel sick. Even a smoothie gets my stomach going.

    Adey: thanks for the reminder on the L Glutamine. I will either drink just that and forego my Metamucil or add it to the Metamucil! I mean to ask you what profile you are considering upon recon? Have you looked at all the options? I am confused. What is weird is the "mature" option...whaaa? Why even make something like that?!

    Calamtykel: sooo glad to hear you got an all-clear! Good news, woman! I can't believe an animal is coming during the day and killing your chickens. That is really odd. I hope you figure it out. My neighbor never found his chicken that disappeared a few months back. I know Bibbers was in a back room of the house where she has a rather larger perch on the window sill and came flying out of that room and all her hair was on end. All I could think was a coyote sniffed her out as it was late. This cat loves to sit at that window at night and watch what I call "kitty broadway!" There is something very intriguing about the back yard at night!

    This is the most ridiculous story ever me and animals: I was living in the city and was walking down the street and saw a raccoon coming toward me. As per usual, I start talking goofy animal talk to the raccoon and never is it dawning on me that if a raccoon is out during the day, especially in the city, it is RABID!!!!!!! Sometimes I don't know where my head is at! This coming from the woman who killed a daddy long legs in the bathroom who was acting like he was on crack (I never kill insects...I put them outside...but I was taking a shower) and then I saw that he/she left a baby behind and now I let that baby live in my house because I feel bad that I killed it's parent!

    Ginger: glad the UTI is clearing up. Good for you. As for the toenails, that is a lot to lose. Are any growing back? Sadly, on self exams, I *never* did them. I found it scary to do it because it always feels lumpy but conventional post-bc wisdom would alert me to the idea that not matter what it feels like, that is your baseline and it is important to know what that is. I just did not like doing it. Alas I don't have to check my implants!

    Texas: find another lawyer. Either their exists a conflict of interest they are not talking about OR they don't feel they can make enough money off of it. They don't have to prove WHAT stage you were but rather that you HAVE IT. Call other lawyers. Get other opinions and keep calling until you find somebody that understands that is total negligence and you should not be led to believe you are seeing a doc when you are actually are seeing a CAN. That is ridiculous. Keep calling and call *out of your area.* What some lawyers do is collect from the party you are attempting on the side to not sue and to dissuade you from suing. Call, get in there, talk to a lawyer and feel free to walk away if you get the sense any bs is going on. Don't lay off this. The bottom line is they did not even test you for what are obvious signs of bc. Find someone else to take the case and look for a female lawyer.

    Happy trails to you all and have some fun this weekend ;)

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    tex, I agree with Liz. Bloody nipple discharge is a big red flag for breast cancer. Since you have cancer it was obviously a symptom of your cancer that was managed negligently. I don't know alot about lawyers, except the ones we had hired for Aidan who didn't to a great job. My take away from that is whoever you hire is working for you so make sure you're on the same page and kick them to the curb if they're dragging things out. Sorry you have to deal with this though, it must be very frustrating to know you tried to get help and couldn't.


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993


    Cal: Yea! Glad you got good news. I had some fluid in my breast that showed up on one test and then disappeared later! They at first thought my TE was leaking, but then it was just gone.

    Lizzy: You sound like me with the animals. Yesterday, a baby bird had fallen out of the nest at the lake house. So my sweet DH humored me and got the ladder out and put it back in the nest. Unfortunately, it was storming and when we left, it had gotten blown out of the nest again and this time it was dead. I was holding back tears for a baby bird so my DH wouldn't think I'm crazy. I'm a sucker for animals.

  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    How is everyone doing... I hope everyone is in good spirits OVERALL...

    Is tamoxifen causing anyone side effects...  Weight gain...

    Anyone have a diep flap yet...

    I am doing good OVERALL... I WANT MY LIFE BACK...

    Last herceptin August 2... Diep Flap August 17....uuuggghhh...

    I am tired of cancer... uuuggghhh...

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I have decided to stop saying, "this medicine I have to take for 5 years." Instead I am going to say, "this medicine I get to take for five years." Maybe the SE's will seem less important when I acknowledge this medicine is giving ,me a 5% better chance at no cancer.

    Lizzy my nails all had the new nail growing in when they came off. Except for the big toes I have nails. It is just weird to have this little bit of nails on my big toes. No real way to polish them.  

    Texas I need to get back to you in the dates. Nag me.  I will be in Canada until around the 25th. I amlooking forward to our meetup. :)

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all, I'm  a bit of a techophobe, especailly since chemo brain, but if anyone would liek to be forend on facebook I am carolyn Keough.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lady: I just LOVE animals! In fact, I feed the ground hogs who just had babies and have the entrance to their home carved in the rear of my back yard. I would have felt terribly for that little baby bird. Worst animal story: animals, like human beings, know where the "good eats" are so naturally there is a huge deer problem in Fairfield County in CT. One night as I was stuck in gobs of traffic on I95, a doe made it's way out onto the highway, presumably en route the Darien McDonald's, and was hit by a car. It was laying there, not quite dead and the young woman who hit the doe was a mess. She got out of her car in mid-traffic, screaming and crying, dragging the wounded animal to her car where other motorists would help her put the doe in her back seat. She was taking it to the vet. That scene crushed me. I felt so bad for her and the doe. I donate to the Humane Society and to the ASPCA quite regularly. I don' t have a houseful of animals, however. I just have 1 cat. I might get a Pomeranian or a Pug soon. As long as I telecommute to a job and/or go to school, I will get a dog. I have not gotten a dog because they require attention and I have always worked. In my Wall St days I worked 12-14 hours a day. Cats can handle that type of schedule!

    Ckptry: I was on FB with a personal account but all those high school jokers got on my nerves. Obviously party Jane over here had a very good time in HS but that is long gone! I really have zero interest in catching up with people from 20 years ago. Then I started a business FB and because I still had the personal account, I broke FB rules. I guess you can have only 1 account per human being. If you have a business, you can do personal FB searches....I don't know, it is really convoluted. What I finally did was close both accounts and have not gone back. Friends and family keep talking to me about FB but between trading stocks and architecting my post-bc future, I have several other things to do with my time. I have trouble finding time for Twitter (it becomes all encompassing). In long, if I get back to FB, I will look you up! A lot of people with children really love FB to keep up with news and communications from/with other parents in the school district etc.. I think it is a worthy social network tool but I just have not been able to figure out how I can best use it!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Carolyn....I looked you up but don't know which one you are. Def would like to hook up on Facebook. I am Rachel Brown in Mississauga--otherwise let me know which one u are. Isn't it amazing how so many can gave same name?

    I use FB to keep in touch with lots of people especially since I grew up in England. If anyone else us on FB....would love to connect!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hope everyone has a good week with NO surprises unless they are wonderful.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    rachel, I found you and put a friend request:-) I don't use FB all that much b/c I am not tech savvy. Dh has probably taught me how to download pics a dozen times and I still forget (now at least I can blame chemo:-) When we went to electronic hospital charts at MSK in the 90's I was on the phone with the help desk at least once a day. I think I could just look at a computer and have it crash! I am trying to ease my way in so that I'll know what my kids are up to when they're older:-)


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Just wanted to share that it was 112 degrees here today!  Even the pool is warm.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Warriors!!! Your fearless leader has very exciting news for you all!!

    Today I met with my PS who said that the lump is scar tissue, I am healing nicely and she introduced me to a NEW system for recon where they use your own body fat!!! It is is the "Brava" system. It is not FDA approved/regulated but what you do is wear this suction cup bra deal for 10 weeks, 10 hours per day and what it does is slowly stretch the skin and then what they do is fill the pockets that the suction cup bra made with your own body fat!!!!! Wait, it gets better: if you don't like the results/want them perkier or bigger, you can then have implants put it!!! Basically it is like recreating the jokers that were trying to kill me and then using implants as they were originally intended!!!! I am so very excited! I will be the first one my PS does it with but I figured there is nothing more innocuous than using the body's own (excess!!!) fat to create new boobs for me! This is so cutting edge and do you know how many women who have yet to join us in this fight will be enthralled about this option? I think even Tex remarked how she was not an implants type of person. Well this would even be great for her.

    I know it is not going to be easy, there will be bumps in the road etc.. but I am willing to go the whole road and let them try this process on me. Dr. Khouri in Miami started doing this some 10 years ago using Brava to enhance the breasts of women who felt woefully unprepared for our mammary concerned society but who also did not want implants.

    Well, girls, this is all good! I also think my stomach sickness after I eat might have been being caused by coffee which I reintroduced into my diet about a month ago. I got off of coffee again and am not feeling stomach sick after I eat. I guess chemo continues to affect our bodies as I drank coffee for 20 years before chemo. I guess I can have a cup on occasion but not daily.

    I hope everyone had a lovely day and Omaz, I hope you don't melt!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - That sounds exciting and you sound excited!  Yeah, coffee can definitely irritate the stomach, I had to go without for about 6 months one time.  Then I was able to get back to it.  Congrats on the new plan!!  Where do they take the fat from?
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy sounds very interesting. Will you sleep in the special bra?I hope it goes really well for you!

    I haven't been able to drink coffee since chemo. Coffee tasted like show polish to me then and still tastes simply awful. I drank coffee since I was 14 years old, every day, but no more. 

    I am getting hotflashes every day now several times a day. I even moved the fan out to the TV room and will buy another for the bed room. I didn't realize the Aromodex SE's don't come on immediately. 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Guys, I'M BACK!!! Sorry I dropped out for a while, it was really busy here.  But Taylor has graduated, prom was nice, and I have some time to breathe now..LOL.  I have been trying to post pics for everyone to no avail.  I  have them on photobucket but can't get the link to transfer to the board, Omaz..maybe you can repost your instructions for me? They were very helpful the first time..I think I need a refresher course. 

    Everything seems to be going smoothly for everyone from what I have read.

    Sohard:  Nice to hear from you!  Hang tough, the end is almost here.  August 17 for reconstruction, that's right around the corner!  I think we are all tired of cancer, but you just get used to the routine after awhile.  It gets better. 

    Ckptry:  I would love to be your friend! I will look you up.  How's the summer going for the kids?

    Omaz:  Wow..that's HOT! How do you deal with that kind of heat? I hope you are far away from those wildfires I heard about on the news. 

    Tex:  I agree with the others, look for another lawyer.  The point is not what stage you are/were, the point is that you were misdiagnosed and sent home for the cancer to grow.  That doctor needs to be held accountable so she is more careful next time!

    Ginger:  Glad to hear you and your husband are getting better.  I am still achey, I think we all are.  I am getting used to it now, so it doesn't bother me as much.  But man, when I get up from sitting for a while...boy do the joints ache!!

    Lizzy:  How's it going across the sound there?? Great news on the plastic surgeon visit.  I hope he was able to completely allay your fears about the lump being scar tissue.  You deserve some peace of mind.  As for the new reconstruction technique, that sounds very interesting. I definitely would prefer the idea of using my own tissue for reconstruction as opposed to an implant.  Only problem I see is I imagine you don't have a lot of body fat with all your exercising...where do they get that from?  I think it is great that you are willing to take the leap and volunteer for the new technique.  Many women could definitely benefit in the future thanks to your willingness to give it a try!

    I hope everyone has a great day!  I have to get back to work now.


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Just popping in to say i got THE BEST NEWS FROM MY DR YESTERDAY! i am offically NED (no evaluable disease) either the cancer is gone or too small to pick up on any scans! Either way i will take it!!!!!!!!!!!

    busy this week have fam in town but will try to get back on!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527
    GREAT NEWS TEX!!!!!!!! Congratulations!
  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Texas YAYAYAYAYAYAY!  So happy to hear you are NED, that is great news!

    Lizzy So glad to hear that your PS agrees that the lump is scar tissue.  Also that new procedure sounds really cool!  I am amazed at all of the advances in recon.  My grandmother was diagnosed with BC 20 years ago (and is still going strong!) and had a uni mx.  At that time they didn't even give her the option of recon.  Progress is amazing!

    I haven't been posting much lately but I am reading often and thinking of you all!  It is busy here, I am moving in a month so lots to do!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333
    tex woooohoooo! so happy for you. have a great week with the family. Carolyn
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Texas - FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you for sharing that - makes me soooooo HAPPY!!!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Texas!!!!!!!!   GREAT NEWS, woman!!!!!!!!   In the battle of cancer v Timothea, TIMOTHEA WINS!!!!!!!!  WHOOT WHOOT!!!!!!!!!!!   Nice job showing this crummy disease where to go!  I am beyond happy for you!   This is wonderful.  You know why you won?  Because your attitude is unbelievable Laughing  While going through all of this you seemed to just laugh and have a good time and *THAT* is why joker cancer has been laid to rest for you!  I am so happy for you.

    The fat, the fat, the fat!!!!!  How could I forget to tell you all where the fat comes from  ---there are case studies upon case studies of women who are 5'5"ish and weigh in the 110 to 125 range and they have all had success.  The lowest weight I saw aws 95 lbs. I think if you are like 80 lbs maybe you would not be eligible but the bottom line is women's bodies like to collect fat and store it on our hips, ass and across our abdomen, not to mention inner thighs!  In the end there is no shortage of fat on any woman to do this surgery AND the places they do take it from are the ass, hips, inner thigh, stomach, back, inner knee...wherever they can get it.  All they are doing is giving the fat in your body a new address!   

    Sptmm: as for working out, after 20 years in gyms I find that 75-80% of people who workout regularly are bulge battlers big time and people who are naturally on the slender side are never in a gym.  My metabolism, even on 125mcg of synthroid, is like mud mixed with molasses and paste!!!!  That is all I can think of!  My working out just gets it moving but it totally lacks normalcy.   In fact, Sunday night was out with friends and had fried calamari and bruschetta and am still working it off !!!!!  It is rough, woman!  

    I am still very excited about this new development in breast recon and that I can join in! I am willing to be a case study because so many women will be so happy to have this option.  In fact, I think deciding on an mx/bmx won't be so hard when you know the docs can just move fat from elsewhere in your body and recreate your breast. 

    I am cautiously optimistic about all of this!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy:  That's a great way to get rid of those "problem areas" and put them to good use!  A tummy tuck/butt lift and new boobs..what a deal!! And no foreign objects in your body..priceless! Keep us updated on the process, I am very interested to hear how it goes.  Honestly I will probably end up with a BMX at some point down the line as I am still thinking about it. 

    Quick question..I am getting down to my ideal weight range.  A calculator I found online puts my current BMI at 25.8, so I am closing in.  But I haven't been able to pin down what exactly should be my ideal weight.  Is there some kind of table that is reliable, or recognized as accurate?  I am 5'6" and have seen a range of anywhere from 130 - 155, I am very confused. 


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    sptmm - My BMI is 25.8 too, exactly!  My onc PA  told me she wants me weigh about 160, which would make my BMI 23.6 if that helps.  So I need to lose 15 pounds.

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  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Thanks Omaz, that did the trick.  Here is a picture of me and the kids on Taylor's graduation day and a picture of my girls before Taylor's senior prom. 





  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Congrats happy for you!

    Great pics Debbie!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm:  I LOVE Taylor's dress!!!!!!!!!!!   Those are beautiful pics!  Your youngest son is adorable!  He reminds me of one of my nephews at that age!  Very nice family photos.   It is nice to have such wonderful kids surrounding you.  Good for you ;)  Now if we can just get those mega millions numbers, you will be all set!!  Just joking, with a beautiful family like you have you are very much wealthy far beyond anything dollars could ever bring you.

    On the weight thing, no longer is the CDC concerned with appropriate weight.  They are only concerned with your BMI.  As long as your BMI is healthy, you are well on your way.   Weight is no longer a focus at all.   BMI is a much better way of measuring "healthfulness" of an individual.  Congratulations to you on reaching that goal!   You are doing great, Deb.   I am very happy for you on all counts.