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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi all, I haven't checked in for a few days, have actually been busy for a change! Just want to say a huge CONGRATS to Texas, great news!

    Lizzy, I had a spot on my liver that they said is a benign hemangioma (sp?); they said that is very common. Good luck!! I've said a prayer for you.

    Whoever posted the pics (I forgot who and don't want to page back and lose this post) - beautiful girls!

  • Lizzy - I can't find your post --something about your liver??  Why did you have an ultrasound?

    I've had this shooting pain just above to the left of my belly button.  My ab muscles are a mess - I really overdid it and since I didn't have any pain during exercise or right after I thought all was okay.  In fact there is no pain except when I press it - and then I found painful trigger points up my side and up my ribs.  Uh oh....too much bending, twisting and situps............

    Of course now I'm paranoid - why IS THERE always the "what if?"  The "What if it's rib related and not muscular?"  UGH!  I do notice that my abs and back feel constantly like they're tight lately.  I'm taking a break from running for a few days but not sure it's helping.  Found a whole bunch of tight muscles in my upper and mid back.  If this were on the RIGHT side I'd be a basket case I'm sure, thinking it was liver related or something. 

    Have an ob/gyn app't this week; hopefully he'll be able to at least ascertain where it's coming from.  

    Number one thing nobody EVER told me about cancer:  You will worry and obsess over every ache and pain; and once that's gone, you'll find a new one.

    Seriously, I did some talking to myself.  I said "Okay - let's think - is there ANYPLACE on your body over the past year that you HAVEN"T thought, wondered or outright WORRIED that you had mets?  Nope -- let's see; top to bottom, I've worried about them in my brain when I had dizziness over the tamox, I've worried about them in my lungs when I had that cold and cough back in October - my ribs and shoulder when I pulled muscles back in December and had an x-ray, neck when that hurt, ankle when that was acting up, thigh when I overdid that, ovaries and uterus practially every time I have a cramp, period or I stand in front of the mirror and try to acertain if my stomach's bloated.....colon when I was doing a cleanse thru the nutritionist (that went hand in hand with worry about ovarian), then there are just the various organs that randomly come up - did I kill my liver, kidneys and pancreas with chemo?  I even had a spot on my finger a few weeks ago that hurt in the joint and of course, I thought about THAT!  ARGGHH! 

    Maybe I SHOULD be scanned in August as my onc suggested, just to put this to rest for a little while....I don't know........  

    I tend to obsess about stuff anyway, so this is all just fuel for the fire.  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    I hope you all are having a nice weekend.  Unfortunately rain has come to CT so I guess I will go shopping!  What else should I do in the rain but go to a mall?!?!?

    Calamtykel: I was getting sick after I eat.  Then I realized it might be that I started having coffee again.  I have cut the coffee but I still get a little sick.  Off to my GP I went.  He ordered a sonogram and bloodwork.  The woman who did the sonogram is the one who found my breast cancer.  In any case, there she goes with that machine, rolling over one spot on my side where I have had pain since the end of chemo.  Don't forget pain is usually a good sign as cancer usually does not cause us pain etc... (as we all know!).   In any case, because of my bc dx, and because they did find a mass in my liver, I have to have a CT scan.  I am sure it is nothing and my GP is not overly concerned so I will have a CT scan.  

    It is this daunting precariousness that we all live with now.  I am slowly adjusting!  Kel, also I have had that pain on both sides along my rib cage and I do believe it is crunches and I do jog in place for 1 minute for high intensity during Zumba.  Recently I noticed those pains along my ribs and for 2 days I was really sore.  Now clearly my jogging for 1 minute intervals in place, on a supported surface, is nothing compared to your running outdoors but I do notice those pains.  Recently I moved my high intensity bursts to the mini trampoline.  I also noticed when I did floor crunches instead of med ball while sitting on the bosu or trampoline or using the lounger or doer, caused me those rib pains.  In long, I think both of our pains in the rib area is exercise induced.

    Kel, btw, I totally agree with your head-to-toe inventory!!!   That was funny!   I think just getting back to life, getting over this wound and surgeries and getting back to a sense of normalcy is going to help me to stop being so focused on this self-dxing for bc mets daily!!!!  It's crazy! 

    Lady: thanks for the remainder that your's was benign!   I am cautiously optimistic.  Also there is no fluid in my stomach which is indicative of liver cancer.   I hope it is all fine and I was just getting stomach sick from having coffee daily.  Sunday, however, is my day off from all restrictions and I will be having some coffee today!! he he he!   I like coffee but I think chemo wore out my stomach and I just can't have it daily anymore.  

    Good day, girls...going to the mall!   Geesh...I really am such a shadow of my former, metropolitan self!  The mall....!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Lady: how much more chemo for you?  Are you done in August?  Let me know and I hope you are feeling well.
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: I'm doing good so far with the new chemo. #4 is this Tuesday. I'll finish about mid-Aug. Thanks for asking.

  • Lizzy - my food tolerances have changed since chemo.  I'm much less tolerant of wheat.  I used to avoid it but now I really can't have it.  Ditto for sugar - it seems to affect me very badly.  I guess I'm thankful for this - my nutritionist told me had has a patient who had chemo and even though it was years ago, she has been unable to eat vegetables - she can't digest them anymore. 

    Yeast overgrowth can give you nasty nausea and tons of other symptoms too, etc.  And it's totally not unusual for those of us who've been on and off of antibiotics this year and other stuff!  

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    lizzy, I agree, you'll be a great lawyer

    I wrote a long post yesterday and hit some wrong button and I lost it. But basically the cortisone shot didn't help my hip so the dr said next step is an MRI. I've had them in the past and know I have herniated discs but everything just seems more ominous once you have a cancer dx. It does seem like we've all had extra testing (Debbi's high tech galactogram comes to mind:-) I read somewhere that someone with a cancer dx spends an average of $5,000 more a year on medical care. We're under the microscope for the time being, but hopefully it will get easier with time.

    Hope everyone has a great 4th


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Forget my liver, this hair is cause for concern!!!!!   Listen, with all my working out etc... I enjoy being attractive!  At some times I am in better shape than others but I do work on it. Now, having said that, and please I am not knocking anyone, but I am sick and tired of looking BUTCH!!!!!!!!!  This hair is taking a long time to come in!  I have every potion and tool from curlers to flat irons to all kinds of stuff to polish and gels etc.... and there is *nothing* I can do with this hair!  It is awful! I colored it and now I want to lighten is going to take a long time to get back to my previous length!  It is 5 months post-chemo and I am just nearly 2" long!   It will take 3 years, at this rate, to get to 12" long :(

    Calamtykel: I totally forgot about yeast overgrowth!  With Body Confidence, I have given up all sugar.  Of course, I go off plan once or twice a week by 95% of the week is sugar-free.  Sugar should be ruled a narcotic.  It is very deliterious.

    Ckptry:yeah, I think law is definitely my strong suit.  Then I will help all the girls with bc who are losing their jobs, getting abused by docs etc.... and I will enjoy every single minute of it!!!!  I will also do estate planning and capitalize on my 10 years on Wall St.  I am happy with my decision.

    I also agree with you and Kel that this dramatic reaction to additional scanning etc... will become easier as time goes on.  It will just become the norm for us eventually.

    Again, we have to be thankful to live in this country with this dx because, as I was researching liver cancer (sorry but that damn google sucks me in every time!), I found that death is highest in underdeveloped countries where they don't even have a modicum of detection. That little fact helped me to straighten up my attitude about more scanning!   I know our healthcare is screwy and the country does not seem to know how to take care of it's populace, alas it is better than a lot of countries and for this, I am grateful.

    Omg...horrible insurance story.  As you all know, my BIL passed on quite unexpectedly and suddenly in February at 50.  Well my sister has worked over the years but primarily she was stay-at-home and took care of the kids.   In any case, when my BIL passed away, she summarily lost her health benefits.  She got onto this plan in CT called Husky for low-income as she is not working and he was the bread winner.  In any case, I took her to her orthopaedic last week and he treated her like crap b/c she is now on state insurance.  Of course, I don't let anything go and I told his receptionist, who was giving my sister an attitude about what was covered, that but for the grace of God, there goes she and she should be a little nicer.  Then she decided to try to dance with me....I put her in her place in such a way I am positive she will never forget.  People don't realize that at some point we could all be on some form of that type of insurance and these doctors are going to have to shut their face and take what they can get or shut their practice and get a job as a cashier at Walmart!  God knows I would suggest they go to another country but they only practice here, and in such large numbers that we are tripping over them, because they make more money here, in this country, than they would in any other country by gross, gross margins.   Welfare insurance will no longer be considered "welfare" if the entirety of the country has it...they will just have to adjust! 

  • Lizzy - my kids are on state insurance and I absolutely know that feeling.  I'll never forget when my daughter, then 6, had a UTI infection.  Her tests came back with infection and blood repeatedly.  Finally the PCP at the office we go to called and said that he was trying to line up a pediatric urologist for her -but that he coudn't find one in our plan.  He finally found one, but the first appointment was 2 months from then!  TWO MONTHS!  Meanwhile I had this sick six year old!  I told them on the phone that I needed an emergency appointment - the receptionist said that they don't "have", okay. 

    When I called back the PCP and expressed my frustration and worry he becamse really abrupt and said "Well the PROBLEM is YOUR insurance!"  Like I chose this?  Don't you think if I could afford $900 a month to put my kids on my husband and my plan that I would do it in a second??   Do you think whenever I take one of my kids to the doctor I freakin' hate feeling like a charity case?  

     I told him I was scared -that she had an INFECTION that wasn't going away and now I was being asked to wait TWO MONTHS to see someone!  He became disgusted and said "Look - she' s going to have this for the rest of her life - it's   a kidney reflux which is why it's not going away......she's going to need surgery for it....I don't know what else to tell you."   What an a&&hole!!  I was livid. 

     I got off the phone crying.  I called the insurance company in tears and the rep was so kind - I have to say it--the insurance company was great. The rep said "Hold on I'm going to find you somebody right now."  She put me on hold and came back in a little while; and said she had found me someone in South Jersey -2 hours away but that they could see us next week and was that okay.  

    WTH!?  Stupid PCP assured me that there was NOBODY else who would take our plan!   

    Meanwhile the irony of the story?  I took her to my nutritionist.  He assured me that he could fix what was wrong with her; that he'd had many women with UTI difficulties before.  Using muscle testing, he tested her for various pathogens and then remedies.  He ended up giving her a homeopathic kidney thing, and then colloidal silver for her bladder and kidneys and another couple of natural anti bacterial stuff.   I was skeptical but I figured it couldn't hurt - I'd already taken her off all the antibiotics days before at the advice of her doctor since they were not working.

    Over the course of the week on the natural stuff she stopped runnning to the bathroom every few mintues and by the time we saw the pediatric urologlist, her urine was totally clear.  He looked at me like I was crazy for bringing her - he was very nice, but I think he thought I was nuts.  He said "her urine's perfect- no infection; no blood nothing's wrong at all."     I'm sure I stood there with my mouth open and then decided to shut it - I decided it just was not worth saying that my "nutritionist" fixed her with natural remedies!   And she's never had another kidney or bladder infection or problem in the past three years.  So much for "chronic" problem!  

    Meanwhile whenever we've gone back to that practice, I have absolutely requested not to see that doctor again!  Last year I heard that he'd gotten cancer; I felt very sorry for we know, we'd never wish this on anyone, even people who make us mad!  but I will confess that I wondered if it would soften his attitude towards people trying to just navigate the system......

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Calamtykel: that really sucks that you have to go through that sort of a situation with your children. I don't get these doctors as you know full well they over-bill insureds to make up for the shortfall on state patients. I certainly know that is how the hospitals do things. I understand that doctors can't just start taking state insurance because they could be overrun but I also think that if someone has been a patient for a while and they end up on state, or in your case where you and your husband are insured but the kids are on NJ healthcare, your doctors should see your children and you should not be getting attitudes. You know, Kel, my BIL had lung cancer 14 years before he actually passed away. He beat lung cancer but through that process his insurance went through the roof and he lost his life insurance. More to this point, the year before he died he went without benefits because it was going to cost $1000/month for him, my sister and nephew. He had just signed back up during open enrollment in January and he passed in February. The insurance situation in this country is awful and I do believe that the only way it is all going to work is if we are all on the same healthcare. My heart goes out to you and my sister and everyone who has to deal with the cold shoulder and hurtful looks and mean people who like to hurt others with comments that are uncalled for. It isn't even comments, Kel, but rather the very demeanor of the people in the office and their general response to public health insurance. I still say someday we are all going to be on some form of that health insurance.

    Hopefully cancer did change him a bit. I can't believe how rude they can be. Perhaps once he realizes how awful it can be to be sick he will have more compassion. Oh, btw, my sister said the same thing about calling the healthcare provider directly and how helpful they are. She learned that right away when she went home, after being made to feel like shit by the orthopedic, and asked for a referral to a doc that does readily accept the insurance. Some day, Kel, they are all going to be cut down to size. I guess the truly advantageous will get MBAs instead of going to med school when the money is sucked out of that game. At least, however, what we will end up with are doctors who are practicing not for money but to actually care for patients. We will get real doctors then.

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Hi all - I can't keep up with this group since starting back to work in march my computer time has vastly decreaced and I still haven't upped the exercise time, which I HAVE to do.  Hair is still butch short - I hear you Lizzy!!! It is too short to do anything but too long now to go for a spikey look!  Also I am too old to pull off the really short looks that look so good on the movie stars.  I need a few more inches!!  I woke up with a bruise and knot on my forehead a few days ago and don't remember anything about how i got it!  Don't know if I should blame the ambien, arimidex or gabapentin.  Another gift from chemo is neuopathy in fingetips that is painful at times.  Onc just says "well I told you that could happen"  Well gonna go enjoy what I can of this day.  I'm on liquid diet and laxatives for a colonoscopy tomorrow - just routine as i had one 10 years ago but my mom did have a malignant polup over 10 years ago.  Lady - wishing you well as you finish up your chemo.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    zenith - Good to hear from you!!  I got the numbness tingling in my fingertips too, now it is very slowly starting to go away, I notice that it is getting better.  For a while there I was really having problems with most of my hand getting prikers and falling asleep.  That hasn't happened for a while.  I still take L-glutamine for the neuropathy, but not as much as during chemo.  What were you doing in your sleep????
  • Lizzy - absolutely.  there seems to be no good answer.  When I first had my daughter back in 1996, I was working for Nabisco and my benefits were 90 percent coverage on everything; no deductible,  and I didn't pay a penny into them.   If you opted out of your benefits, they actually PAID you extra in your paycheck! =:O DH  worked at a hospital and his benefits were 100 percent .  Slowly, we began to have to pay more and more for less and less coverage.  It was WAY above what inflation should be - healthcare costs shoudl NOT have gone up that much in just 14 years!

    Meanwhile, now we are paying $400 a mo for us two for a 2500 deductibe 5000 out of pocket plan.  AND GRATEFUL TO HAVE IT because if we had to buy a plan for us both out of his company, it would be over $1000 a month.  For a family of four?  $1900 a month for blue cross.  

    Seriously, I don't know the answer - I just know it's breaking the backs of the working class at least here in NJ...................


  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi everyone,

    I'm like Zenith, I can't keep up with these posts anymore since going back to work. But I still check and read up on how everyone is doing. So just wanted to drop in and say hello. Hope everyone is having a great summer. Happy 4th to everyone.

    Lizzy- I"m with you on the butch hair. Just this week it seems mine is long enough to flip up a little at my ears...I think it looks cute. But Max (my 5 yr old) said, "Mama you look like you have horns". Crap.

    Again, hope everyone is doing well. ~Mara

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Sweeney!!!
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!  Hope everyone had a great holiday!  Overall the weather here was decent so I enjoyed a lot of outdoors and fresh air!  It was soooo great to have off that extra day!

    Sweeney and Zenith:  Great to hear from you.  I am glad you guys are feeling well and getting back to normal. 

    I think we are all dealing with unruly hair right now.  Mine has gone beyond curly to a kind of "kinky" at this point.  As much as I want to just let it all grow until it gets long again, I think I will have to go get a trim because it is getting unmanageable. 

    Good news everyone!! My memory has returned!! Over the last couple of weeks I have noticed a huge difference in my memory and it is soooo welcome! Not to say I don't slip up a little still, but it is truly much better and I am sooo happy!

    Lizzy:  Good for you setting the workers straight in that doctor's office! Your sister has been through so much with the death of her husband, the last thing she needs is an attitude from someone as the result of a situation she cannot control.  I hope you guys found a new doctor to go to.  And you are right, the health insurance situation in this country is horrible.  My company doesn't offer health insurance for my kids, so they too are on state run insurance plans.  And let me tell you, I had so much trouble getting them  on it because I am working! I know everyone is down on "obamacare" but seriously there needs to be a solution to this problem because there are so many uninsured working class people in this country, most of them children!  It is awful that a country as affluent as the USA can let so many people do without proper medical care. 

    Cal: I am with you too on the health insurance.  I have a 2000 deductible for me alone. On top of that I pay $90 a month for each of the kids.  It is insane, but they can't go without.   

    Omaz:  How are you managing down there in AZ??  I don't know how you can deal with that heat...I begin to wilt at 85.  I guess it is a good thing you live on that estate with the palatial swimming pool...LOL!  Seriously though, hope you are coping with that extreme heat. 

    Tex:  Hope you had a great time camping.

    Ckptry:  Good luck with the MRI!  I hope you find a benign cause for your hip pain. 

    Have a great day everyone!!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Debbi - It is hot, yes!  I left some flip flops outside and when I went back to them the next day they curled up and shrunk from the heat!  We had a big rain for 30 minutes yesterday, that was so needed, even the cactus here are wilting.  Its odd though, I have so many hot flashes each day still, about 1 an hour but then I get cold with the AC (didn't use to) so I go outside for a while in the shade.  My temp regulation is all messed up!!
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Omaz:  LOL..on the flip flops!  That is insane.  I grew up in Florida and it is hot, but nothing like those temps you have in Arizona!  You are not alone, my body temperature regulation is also way off.  I think the reason I don't experience too many hot flashes, more just warm flushes, is because ever since chemo I am cold ALL the time.  So, I think when I get a hot flash I just warm up to room temperature and it feels good.  Definitely going to ask my onco about this at my next visit because I was never this cold all the time. 


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Debbi - I asked about it last time and she said it was due to menopause.  Be interested to see what your onc says.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    I hope you all had a lovely 4th of July! Ground hogs-they live at the edge of my yard and the momma had babies this year. One of my neighbors asked me last year if he could shoot them- I think you all know what my answer was to that! My other neighbor came out today after I went out to drop apples to them talking about a relocation plan! He remarked that he used to have one and now we have the father and mother and these babies!!!!! He was talking as if a family has moved into the neighborhood that are dragging us down! I am feeding them in hopes that they won't attack my other neighbor's garden and now the neighbor with NO GARDEN wants to relocate them because there are just too many now!!!! The freakin' hibernate for 6 months and I think they are adorable! I can't believe these people. I have declared, and for the last time, there will be no killing or relocating of the ground hogs! Geesh, can't we all lvie together?!?

    Calamtykel: I don't know what the solution is either and good, bad or indifferent, and I don't say this to be incendiary, Obama has got a point. Obviously I don't have kids so I did not know how hard it is getting to keep them insured. I have excellent health insurance myself but what I have seen and heard over this bc battle is very upsetting about major shortfalls in insurance. We do need some sort of government sponsored healthcare. I know socialized medicine scares us all but the premiums of which you speak scare me more!

    Rachel: I hope you are having a nice vacation and are doing well.  Of course I hope you have some good stories for us when you get back!

    Zenith: good to hear from you, woman! I am hopeful by Xmas I will have an appreciable amount of hair to style and, until then, I will use those home kits and play with highlighting! I am, however, growing tired of this butch look and the fact that I have to wax my upper lip and brows every other week really just does not settle well with me! I would like it all to be concentrated on my head, man!
    Keep us posted one how things are going with you.

    I also get numbness all over now and intermittently. I get it on the tops of my feet, bottoms of my feet, on occasion on the affected arm, both hands but never all fingers, only the first 4 on each side and never at the same time, on my legs in different places etc... I am hoping that 1 year post chemo marks a time when none of this stuff is happening anymore. The oncs all try to distance chemo from our new found, post-chemo symptoms!!! It is such a joke. You just want to scream "I did not have all this shit before!!" and soon I am only pretty sure that is what is going to happen with me!

    Ckptry: I hope you had a good holiday weekend and Aidan continues to toss those baskets! I am a Nets fan and they need some help so force him to practice!

    Lady: you have to tell me your August date because I will be sending all kinds of good vibes your way and best wishes for the closing of that door and finally. I hope you have an extended summer in Alabama and can go to your lake house and put all of this crap behind you after that last tx in August and have a few months of R&R as you recoup. Best wishes to you.

    Sweeney: good to hear from you.   You don't have to keep up, just stop by and say hi! 

    Sptmm: congratulations on your memory returning! You know what I am talking about, right?!??! Haha aha! One thing I can say is my memory has definitely gotten better. Like I said, I think a year from the end of chemo most of us will be back to normal. After all, most of us went through 4-6 months of poison being pumped through our systems.

    Omaz: we are rowing the same boat on those temperature fluctuations! Mother nature is definitely playing my thermostat! I have a small fan/space heater on my desk and I can tell you that almost daily, even with temps going into the 90's here, I will use the heater at least once! Overnight is when the real fun starts with A/C and 2 fans going and then blankets off sweating! In any case, I am glad human beings don't have the same properties as your flip flops as we would have gone the same way by now!

    Sptmm: on the cold all the time, I really don't know how many more winters I have in my body. I am seriously getting a house in FL in the next few years. I don't think I could do much more than the 3 years it is going to take me to finish law school.

    Texas: what is going on, woman?! You must still be celebrating your NED status and, on that note, we probably won't hear from you until some time next year!!!! Hope all is well!

    This month is 1 year without my cycle so I am starting to think I am in menopause which I think is good anyway because of the added benefit of my body not having interest in making estrogen!

    Friday is the CT scan. Here we go....

    The crazy dreams continue! Last night I was in a gutted Westfield Shopping Town in the future and it was all like "Mad Max!"  Myself and a bunch of people I don't know were looking for gas and wine!!!!   I think these taxes and gas prices are scaring me!!!

    Good day, all-

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Lizzy - i don't remember how i got the bruise on my forehead but think I was trying to take a synthroid pill and dropped it and hit my head on the table near my bead.  I had swelling and a bad bruise but can't remember a thing!  Anyway I have to get off the ambien so gonna try next fri and sat night.  may have to chuck the gabapentin too 'cuz i don't see any appreciable pain relief.  i am now going to a pain dr as i have the chronic post masectomy pain syndrome and he injected a cortosteroid into my port scar and also a muscle area that has always been painful since mascectomy.  not seeing any appreciable relief there either.  hot flashes have decreased from 24 a day to 3-4 a day on arimidex so it is managable now. 

    I am sorry you all have insurance problems.  my dh's insurance is great.  paid 100% for chemo, 100% for surgery, $60 copay for 1 day surgeries, etc.  although the copays add up it is managable.  also they said they wouldn't pay for my post cataract lenses then they did, and they said they wouldn't pay for my lymphedema specialist physical therapy as she was not in the network but then they did.  They will pay for reconstruction but i have opted not to do that for now.  He is in the teacher's union in NY and of course all politicians are blaming the unions for everything now so our young workers better prepare for a fight or they will lose all our hard earned benefits.

     Omaz - we have a house in az we are moving to once we retire (2015).  i'm thinking now we might want to keep the ny house to live in during the summer but not sure we could afford both.  maybe we should get a cottage or summer place in northern az.

     my hair came back curly and fine.  it looks like billy crystals hair when he was younger!   my face has definately taken on more wrinkles and a masculine look - no estrogen?  anyway i think i look like art linkletter (probably most of you won't know who the hell he was)

    good day and hope you are all thriving.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: Aug 16, if I stay on schedule. Thanks for the good vibes. It went ok today, I'm tired and about to go to bed (at 7:30, don't laugh).

    Hi Zenith and Sweeney! Glad ya'll are doing well.

    And everyone else too. I also have to start cutting down on my Internet time. I look at several threads on here and also on the ovarian cancer group I've gotten involved in. I've got to pick my favs on here and forget the rest (you all, of course, will be one of my favs).

    Good night all.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Good night Lady!
  • Lizzy - the problem is that we're in Jersey.  NJ brilliantly created  a healthcare monopoly in this state, we have only a couple of companies to choose from; most others have left.  That's when rates went through the roof.  The reason is that the state legislature decided that all companies must insure ALL people and cannot exclude based on pre-exisiting.  Now those of us who are pre-existing know the necessity of this, but my KIDS are not pre-exisiting and maybe we could have afforded a more reasonable plan for them IF they opened it up to be able to purchase health insurance across state lines!
    That is why NJ's rates are highest in the country..........
  • Well ladies, I had the pleasure of having an endometrial biopsy today at the gyn......  when I told him that I'd had a 15 day period, and two periods in one month, he recommended looking at the lining for abnormalities. 

    It was really fun - a local shot in the kitty- feelings like he took my uterus out, stretched it like silly putty and put it back in.......   just beautiful.

    Anyway, he gave me the option of coming back another time for it or just doing it then and there during my regular visit.  Um - knowing me, and knowing the anxiety I have before procedures, I decided just to do it there.  Glad I did - now just have to wait for the results..........

    the waiting game............

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening warriors-

    I hope everyone is doing well. It is quite warm in CT today and I am loving it! Question to other tri-state folks: are you all seeing more earwigs than usual? My house is about 500 feet from a lake but there are more earwigs than ever this year. I am thinking it is the enormous amount of snow we had?

    Zenith: your "where did I get this bruise" story reminds me of my old party days!!!! The worst was waking up and not knowing where my dress went!!! Not joking!! I never found it!

    Lady: so, as of today, it is less than 6 weeks until you are done!! YAY!!! Good news. I am so happy you are almost done with this.

    Calamtykel: Oh yeah, I now seem to remember you explaining this NJ healthcare situation before. In fact, it was right about the time your husband's healthcare changed because your previous provider left NJ. I also hear quite a bit of dubious news on your Governor! In any case, clearly a monopoly has created a mess for healthcare purchasing. That is a shame. When I worked on Wall St, so many from NJ spoke of it like living in NJ was the greatest thing every! I really think they could have organized a garden state parade!

    As for the waiting, I am with you. I am getting the CT scan on Friday and will probably have to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday to find out if it is mets and then onto more BIG C drama!!! I hope your results are fine and I am glad they investigated as a 2 week period is a caveat of sorts. I am sure it is probably just another benign gift of our post-chemo life!

    Good night all and happy trails-

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    LIZZY and CAL- sorry you're both waiting for results. Waiting sucks. Am sending good vibes from Canada.

    On bugs- we are SWAMPED with them up here in the north. I personally think it was our wet wet wet spring.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Update - My onc said it would be fine for me to participate in the clinical trial on DIM.  I talked to the coordinator and she said I don't get any copies of any of the testing but if they see anything suspicious on the MRIs they will contact my doctor. It doesn't start for a a couple months, should be interesting.  Sheesh, I am so tired of all these hot flashes.  For heavens sake, what is the problem with my temperature control center - I think it must be deranged!  this hot and now humid weather since the monsoon storms have started haven't done me any good.  Oh well, what are yah gonna do???  I think I am going to order another remote controlled fan for the bedroom (and the living room).

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Morning Everyone!]

    Lizzy:  YES, we have got those earwigs too.  I hate those bugs and while we are not "swamped" with them I am definitely noticing more of them. Good luck tomorrow!!

    Cal:  Sorry you are not feeling so hot, but your description of the doctor stomping on your uterus and putting it back in had me in stitches! Hope you are feeling better today.  I had a D&C back in December after a period that lasted all through chemo.  It wasn't uncomfortable though.  Luckily everything was fine.  Now the Tamox has caused uterine thickening, so I will eventually be headed for another one.  Oh well, we do what we have to do. 

    Lady:  Hope you are feeling okay today.

    Omaz:  What is the DIM trial for? Will it relieve your hot flashes?  Thanks for the info on the temperature regulation, I have my onco appointment on the 19th, I will report back what she says about it too. 

    Okay, so I am off now for the dreaded breast MRI.  My slight claustrophobia makes it a terrifying test and I am very nervous having to go face down, head first into that machine for 30 minutes!  Wish me luck guys!!  Funny, I am not nervous about the results, just the actual test..LOL. 

    Have a great day everyone.


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    I SURVIVED!!! YAY!! Safely back at work.

    Omaz, I read on this board somewhere about a Chillow to sleep on at night for hot flashes.  I was thinking about ordering one, have you ever heard of that!
