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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy:  I just read the weather forecast, hope you don't get snowed in!!! This is insane, snow in October!  Hope you are warm and resting comfortably. 

    Omaz:  That sounds like a good routine.  A little bit of cardio and a little bit of toning.  I have gotten back to my regular gym routine.  I had to start low with the weights however.  So I did two weeks with 4 lbs. and I will do two weeks starting today with 5 lbs., then get back to the 8 lbs. where I left off.  I do a mix of classes.  Yoga tone, which is yoga and weightlifting, and a Butt/Gutt class, which is just abs and butt toning.  Then two days a week I do the aerobics classes which are a mix of cardio and toning.  And each day I go to the gym I do some walking on the treadmilll.  I have reached a normal BMI now, so I have cut down to 4 days a week, and I may cut down on the treadmill too soon.  I love the classes though, and had a hard time paring them down to 4...LOL.  Tough to decide which one to cut out.  As for those ten pounds, they told me that the more you exercise, the higher your resting metabolism rate.  So, I am sure once you have gotten into a routine and raised that, you will start to see some progress.  I only lost about one pound a week, so it took a while, but eventually I made it and you will too.  Ten pounds is not that much.  Hope you had a great swim today!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    It is amazing how nice it feels to have that foreign body gone!   The VNA has already come and gone, in the snow, no less!  I cannot believe we are having a huge snow storm here!   In any case, a few things I noticed immediately is that my nose seems to be getting better and I had this area on my index finger, on the right hand (the side where the TE was) that was first wicked itchy and then turned into a hard ball and now, since the TE was removed it is all but gone!  I think my body might have been having a reaction to that TE.   In any case, the rooms are so nice and private, Smilow is a really nice hospital.

    Sptmm: so glad you are back at the gym!  Are you feeling less melancholy/energy increasing again?   They say working out can be/is addictive.  I believe it because you generally just feel better when you eat right and exercise. 

    Deb, I really hate the fact that you elected to have that procedure done in the gyn's office because of work.  Don't forget, you could have just told them you did not have a choice, and had to have it done in the hospital, but I totally understand your commitment and responsibility to your job.  From what I have gotten to know of you, I bet you were being considerate of the others and not wanting to put more work on them than you already have through your being away from the office for surgeries.   I give you a lot of credit, woman.   This entire bc road is not easy. 

    Sweeney: thanks for those well wishes sent from Jakarta!  I appreciate your thinking of me while on your whirlwind tour!

    Omaz: it is great to hear you are exercising more and taking it more seriously.  Exercise is nice for its weight loss benefits but, and more importantly, I like it for the way it makes me feel.   Ten lbs is very hard to lose so don't be too hard on yourself. 

    I am so glad that what I hope to be my final surgery is over and I can really start to get back into working out, like I used to, with no obstructions in site.  The only thing that will cause another surgery is necrosis but I am hoping that won't be the case although I know it is quite feasible.  In any case, I am happy for you.   Working out has great benefits and the overall benefits of swimming cannot be overstated.   Enjoy ;) 

    Rachel: how are you doing this weekend?  More parties up there in CA?!   Hope you are well and were able to get to some spinning this week.

    Calamtykel: everyone is complaining of allergies these days.  Going from 75 last week to a wicked snowstorm today will do that to people.   I hope you get better soon.   Allergies are rough.

    Well, girls, all I can say is I am very, very, very happy I found a very talented female plastic surgeon who was able to take necessary steps without foreign bodies.  It is so nice to have a woman doing surgery.   In my heart of hearts I feel it is just nice because, of course, she has a better understanding than a man could ever.

    I guess everything does workout eventually!

    I will write more is nap time!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658 glad to hear you are doing well. Get lots of rest.

    Can't believe the weather that you are getting in NY area. Craziness...and people always thought Canada was bad! It was actually a beautiful day today. Day of football and hockey. My son sprained his ankle in a football tackle but went on this afternoon to play a hockey game...he is hobbling a little so some rest tonight! His 12th bday is tomorrow so we are heading out for dinner. He is going to the movies with his friends next weekend.

    I am feeling very tired this week and am not sleeping great so am looking forward to a quiet night tonight. We were invited to halloween party but declined! son did well at his race. He didn't place but came in 26th in the regionals out of 133. It was a crazy cross country trek of about 2.5km. He ran it in about 12min which was good as he fell close to the beginning -- tripped over a branch! He was happy. School was happy as it was first time that an under -13 went to regionals! Next year!

    Happy Halloween!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel: how is it that your boys can play football and hockey as the sports run concurrently, at least here anyway.   I remember there was big drama with my brothers because they both wanted to play football and hockey and were forced to make a decision.  Consequently, what a player!  He went on to hockey with a sprained ankle!!   That speaks a lot to his dedication and commitment to the sports.  Good for him, I say.    That is just wonderful that it was the first time and under-13 went to regionals and it was your son.  You must be very proud ;)

    All I know is that 100 year old man that ran the Toronto marathon has inspired me and I am hopeful that in a few years, I too can run a half marathon and then in 3 or 4, a full marathon.  I cannot believe he took up running at 89!   Unbelievable!

    Get your rest tonight.  I put sleep before most everything else!   Especially on these meds!!

    Goodnight all-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Sweet dreams Lizzie!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Lizzy   so glad everything went well and you are able to sleep!!!!!

    Rachel Happy Birthday to your son!!!! Saw the pics on FB - you will be sweeping the girls away with a broom. Enjoy your quiet night. Sorry that you have to juggle work now too.

    All, mother nature has gone crazy here. I don't ever remeber snow before Halloween! The weight of the snow cracked the rtop off the tree in the forn of our house and it's resting on a power line. So far we are lucky and haven't lost power. No one will touch it until PSEG looks at it. But there are trees/bracnhes down all over town and lots of people without power so I guess it will take a while. I'm a litte worried about what's in store for winter. It's funny, Dh took the kids out yesterday and my 4 yo, Caitlin didn't like the cold/snow. She  was crying this morning she didn't want to go to church b/c it was 'winter outside'. We're not going anyway due to road closures, but hope she gets over this fast or it will be a looong winter for me!

    The cardiologist I saw was wonderful. He wants to do an echo and was trying to get me one right then and there but they weren't able to do it so I go on Tuesday. He walked me to the receptionist himself and when she was on the phone opened his laptop and told me to pick an afternoon and then said to the receptionost she's all set. I had to laugh b/c after he walked away she said 'what is your name?' It was serendidpty I think that I saw him. He asked if I was working and what I did. I explained that I was a nurse and that I stopped working b/c my kids have some special needs. He stopped writing and said he had a child with issues as well and that his wife was a nurse who stopped working. He said she missed working but it would have been impossible to give his son all the help he needed without one of them home, so they had to decide what was most important to them. He understood about all the therapies/early intervention.  It made me feel better b/c I do feel a little guilt and wonder if I should go back to catch up on medical bills. Although I'd need my brain back first! He said that his wife is bored during the day but when their son gets home she has to help him w/ his HW and he really needs her and it can get overhwlming for her. (He is 15). I'm hoping to get back before then! Of course it's too bad Colum isn't getting a cardiologist's salary, lol. Anyway, he said if it is reduced heart function from the herceptin that he has seen it reversed 100% after the herceptin is stopped, but that it may very well be asthma.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Carolyn - thanks for the information from the cardio - what a special doc!  Glad to know the herceptin decrease goes away, I started at 73% and ended at 55%.  This week I am 10 weeks post final herceptin and I have noticed that I have more energy so maybe it is starting to go back to what it was before.  That is certainly an early snowstorm!  Be safe all you guys on the east coast!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors- 

    Ginger: sweet head is like a crazy movie on these meds!   I keep having all kinds of dreams and there are many, many people making cameos who I have not seen in years!   It is a little weird but I have also come to look forward to it!

    Ckptry: I don't blame her for not wanting to go out because it is "winter!"   Thankfully, and I am so grateful, I did not lose power.  We have not lost power in this neighborhood in over 10 years.  We got about 11" of snow and the power lines are hanging, heavy from the tree branches, but no problems yet.  I am so disgusted that the preponderance of this state received 12"+ of snow before Halloween.   They say that Halloween might be cancelled because of the dangers with power lines etc...

    Carolyn,  that is just great that you have so much in common with the new cardiologist and also the news about 100% reversal is excellent!   I am so happy for you.   That is great news.  Let us know the results of the echo as soon as you get it.   I am so glad you had a good experience with this doctor. 

    Omaz:  Arizona is starting to sound better and better!   I cannot believe all this snow.  Oh well, I hope it is melted before the doc follow-up on Thursday!

    The VNA actually showed up yesterday, in the storm.  I was very impressed.  I don't know if I told you all but I had a terrible time with no-call/no-shows with the last VNA group that was coming in earlier this year.   They were horrible.  When I would ask why they did not even call I was told because most of their clients are "infirmed"so  they don't call.   OMG...that is just a loaded because someone is lying on their back, in a bed, looking forward to seeing the VNA, when they are not going to show they don't call?   I kept a journal and on the 7th no-call/no-show I fired them.  On that note, it was nice to see commitment from the new agency yesterday.

    Time for me to go back to bed!  I am so wiped out from this surgery.  When I was at Yale I got a fresh fruit plate with cottage cheese and the fruit was soo good- red grapes, honey dew, cantaloupe, strawberries, oranges and pineapple that I stopped at the grocery store upon discharge and got all that fruit and have been living on it since!  I love it.  I have always loved fresh fruit with cottage cheese but the way they put it together at the hospital, I am hooked.  So, I just had my morning fruit fix and walked around my house 10 times (circulation) and now off to take a nap!

    Good day, all-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    I started making fresh yogurt with this yogurt maker - LINK - and it is so good!!  I can eat it plain if I want, it doesn't have that super strong taste, just real mild and delicate.  I recommend it, plus the jars are glass and I can get 1% organic milk at Costco in cartons so I avoid the plastic thing as well.  Just wanted to share  ( :
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Omaz: thanks for the tip.  I am going to try it soon.   I like the idea of making my own! 
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Omaz:  Thanks for the link.  I am going to take a look at that.  I just started eating a yogurt every day about two weeks ago, part of my effort to eat healthier.  Replaced the cookies with the yogurt.  Homemade yogurt would be even healthier. 

    Lizzie:  OMG, 11 inches of snow, that is insane.  We were lucky, nothing here on the south shore.  I think they got some on the north shore, but not us.  On the work issue, you give me way too much credit there.  I couldn't take off work simply because I only have two paid days left and come hell or high water I am going to take them around Thanksgiving and go visit my brother.  I am in desperate need of a vacation and that is about as close as I can get, so I wasn't going to waste another day in the hospital. So, anyway, are you now smiling ear to ear because you have removed all foreign bodies from your being?  You were reconstructed too, right?  I can't wait to compare notes on the workout with you, but take it slow you don't want any unexpected complications.  You will be up and about in no time, just be patient.  Hope you had a restful day.

    Carolyn:  That doctor sounds very nice.  I like when they show initiative like that and do things themselves.  I like the doctors that you know are human beings too.  I hope the testing all comes out fine.  I will be sending you positive vibes.  Have fun trick or treating with the kids tomorrow!

    Have a great Halloween everyone!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658 great to hear about an amazing Doctor. Keep us posted on the results.

    Lizzie..Glad to hear you are resting up. My son is playing football and dropped down from rep to house league hockey. He played 4 years of rep hockey as a playing defense in houses league so just one practice and one game per week. We are running into conflicts now as football playoffs and coach requires 100% attendance or "they will have good view from the bench"!!

    Kids are all excited for trick or treating. We went out for my sons bday dinner tonight...reminisced about my 36 hour labor with him...he still takes forever getting going :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I am glad to be home with my healing scars! 

    Rachel:  I think it is a shame that the boys are forced to choose.  Just in seeing what my 5 male cousins went through and my brothers, not to mention their friends, several like to play both football and hockey.  Well, at least there is a "reduced" option for your son.   Sports are wonderful.  It is great they are so involved.  I wish, as adults, we did not get old and too busy to be involved in some sports.  Softball leagues are invariably about hook-ups and drinking (ho hum), golf about cutting deals (boo hiss) and basketball pick-up leagues are usually fun but there are not enough of them.   I wish there were more adult leagues and they were real leagues and not just nonsense "hook-up" leagues!

    Sptmm: Deb, I am so glad you are going off to see your brother and using your time left that way.  I do think you need a little break for yourself.  I am glad you have enough time left to go.  BTW, you did not disappoint me at all.  You know what I say?  A person as goodhearted as you, if you were going out of your way to not overburden your coworkers it would be because they were that good to you.   I know all about the workplace nonsense.   Do you know that my supervisor, 28 year old punk, did not even SIGN MY GET WELL CARD?  He also discouraged the people in my unit from sending me anything when they found out I had bc AND after they signed the get well card he NEVER MAILED IT because he said he could not get my address from HR.   Finally, one of the employees, who found out through me the card had not been sent, asked him and all of the sudden he found it in his desk.  Consequently, and besides the fact that he must be a closet psycho, I have no idea why he behaved like this.  Deb,  I know ALL ABOUT workplace creeps. 

    My mother ran her own marketing company and if one of her employees EVER treated an employee that had gone out on disability due to breast cancer in such an egregious and ruthless manner, they would have been fired.  What kind of a sicko behaves in such a deplorable manner?  The kind that marches his family off to church every week....duplistic pig.    The alpha male looking to control his family through church meanwhile behaving like an absolute colostomy bag while working  for one of the largest wireless providers in the country, that company which proudly beats the "we support victims of breast cancer drum" long and hard....well, wouldn't they be proud to know how AWFUL one of their supervisors behaved toward an exemplary employee with breast cancer.   The company WOULD NOT want this; this was him acting out in some sick way over who know's what.     So, Deb, I know ALL ABOUT grotesque and shameful behavior in the workplace.  What goes around, comes around, woman...!   Take your time, go to NC and take a few extra days if you think you need it!  Your trips to Italy are coming, Deb.   Sadly, and because of the way life goes, someday someone in your office is going to be suffering from a disease of some sort and you, too, will be going on a vacation.   Such is the circle of life. 

    My new boobs feel good!  It is so weird to put on a shirt and actually have boobs!   To actually have boobs again!  My GP kept telling me I was missing them and I told him no blah blah....well, I think he was right!   I am happy to have these old fat sacks back!  These are nice and firm and require no bra....yeah, I like these and much more than I liked the old models!

    Nap time....again!

  • Omaz!  Now I feel guilty -- I haven't made yogurt in a couple of weeks.  :(  I make raw milk yogurt and I have two Yogourmet makers.  The plastic containers broke so I just use quart size mason jars.  :) 

    I LOVE homemade yogurt with liquid vanilla stevia.

    I was in Sam's for the first time yesterday in a couple of years since DH has a card for work and he had the day off.  I was happy to see that the Bryne dairy products that make the half and half and heavy cream at Sam's have a "no hormones" label on them!  Their milk does also.  Small steps.....

     The poor state of NJ --many are finally getting their power back on.  Temps in the 20s at night and over a hundred thousand without power as of yesterday.  Many friends are still without.  We lost it for a couple of hours on Sunday but it came back.  This is amazing, considering where we live (we are the lowest priority way out here....)    Hoping and praying for all of those still without power and thankful we have it!

    Lizzy - hoping you are doing well!!!!!!!!!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Wow Lizzy, where did everybody go? Looking for you I think!  Talk about being the hinge pin for the group, quite an honor I think.  We all miss your thoughts and chatter and support. Hope you are feeling better and will feel even better tomorrow.

    Hugs Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Helloooooo warriors-Just a note about the crazy weather: A number of people that post on this thread regularly are from the NY/NJ/CT metro area and we have been WIPED OUT by this very early snow storm.   There are record numbers of people without power still in CT, NY and NJ.   In fact, CT still estimates it might be over a week until those are restored and NJ still has over 700,000 out.   This might be the reason we have not heard from some of our regulars.  As for me, thank GOD I did not lose power but physically I LOST POWER!   I am so tired, have roughly 28" of scarring and the drains.  Also, the VNA just left and she told me the drain on the right this time, looks like it is getting infected!   If my house was 3 floors I would jump off the roof!  I can't go through that again.   My plastic was very, very smart in putting the drain "oulets" **away* from the actual breast....very smart, indeed.In any case, the update is that I LOVE having boobs that have been made from the fat on my body as opposed to some foreign object, am very, very happy with the way they are settling and am so grateful I found a wonderful, female, plastic surgeon.   I am just still dealing with a lot of discomfort.I am sorry I have been incommunicado.  I just go from shower, to eating tons of fresh fruit (something kind of new with me!) with cottage cheese, then to nap, then to having green tea, watching some tube, doing a little laundry and back to resting...this is my life!  Plus we did get over 1' of snow, most of which as glad it melted!I will post my progress more regularly over the next week and tomorrow is 1 week since surgery and my first appointment with my PS so I am hoping she is happy with what she sees. You guys, I am SOOOOO happy I don't have  implants, I just can't express it in words!   They are doing God's work over there at Yale ;)I will stop in again soon.Ginger, Adey, Sptmm and others...thanks so much for your concern....I love you girls from the bottom of my heart! NJers, Christie will no doubt lambaste the power co's and your service should be restored pronto if he uses his "get off the *&^% beach" tone from the infamous Hurricane Irene warnings!Wherria: I hope you are doing well.  Please post...I don't like it when I have not heard from you in a while.Happy trails, girls....the happiest of trails to you all!
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: So glad everything went well for you. I've been MIA this week, but had to come check on you.

    Carolyn: I wonder how many of us - besides me - will admit we touched the tip of our  nose to see if it is numb after reading your post from a couple of days ago??? And, my nose tip is not numb!

     Glad everyone is doing ok. I'm good, have been a little busy lately and am starting to feel the effects of actually having a life, ha! I'm hitting the sack early tonight.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

     Lady - I know that feeling!  I HAVE to hit the sack by 9:30 or else!  Is your hair coming back yet?

    Lizzy - Glad you are happy with the results - what a relief!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzy--I'm happy that you are feeling good and pleased with the results. Must feel great to have that wound gone and be on the mend!

    Back at work makes my life increasingly busy and need to ensure that I keep that work/life balance. I feel that we are rushing from place to place in the week with not much rest! We are heading out for "grown ups" only night tomorrow which will be a nice change of pace!

    Lady---Glad to hear you are doing well!

    Seems like we are still hanging in there on this is great to hear from everyone and know that we have all been here for over one year cheering each other on! Thanks Smile

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors-

    I am recovering, albeit slowly and painfully!   I will be posting as I can.

    I have no idea what happened in that hospital but I have come home with such a "fruit" almost addiction, I am cutting up pineapples like I own a Benihana's!   I am fully stocked with grapes, strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, honey dew, oranges, pears and am eat all of my yummy fruits with cottage cheese.   I am loving this fruit and these end -of-season red grapes are so delicious!   I can't get enough.  I am actually a green grape eater normally except when I was growing up our neighbor was from Sicily and her husband, of course, had to put up grape vines.  Those were dark blue treats from heaven!   They were consummate growers of yummy grapes!  She would invite me over for "Sherbet cones" in the summer and we would sit on the swing in the garden and swing and was grand!   They were the neighborhood grandparents to all the kids but I was their favorite.   There were times when they would not let anyone but me onto the property because I was the only one that always behaved!  I know you all find that hard to believe!   In any case, these grapes that I am getting locally lately are reminiscent of those grapes they used to grow.  In long, I am loving these fruits!!

    Rachel: I hope you have a lovely "adults only" night out tomorrow night!  I really do.  I so think you need this.   You need a little break every now and again and that life/work balance that you speak of is very, very important but so hard to maintain.   Cut to one cell phone and assign a particular ringtone to the baby sitter.  In this way, the only calls you will take are from the baby sitter if they have been assigned their own ring.  This promises a night free of all interruptions.  In any case, I hope you have a nice, pleasant time.

    Well, I am all filled with aches and pains and am ready to go to bed.  I hope you all have a nice night.  Ugh....I just realized I have to get up in 5 hours for the oil delivery!   Also the poor girl from the VNA who has no power for over a week is coming at 8 so she can blow dry her hair!  That poor girl, she lives only a few miles from me and has no power.    She said the other day how she would love to be able to blow dry her hair so I told her she was more than welcome.  It got me thinking, Connecticut has lost power and had these long power outages where over a million customers are out of service.  I was thinking tonight about how we can, on a town-by-town basis, have an emergency plan to make some meals for those without power.  Sort of like those with power in the town will drop off meals to those who don't have power at 2 locations and 2 separate times per day etc.... I just wish I could do more.   I don't lose power and I feel pretty bad that someone only 1 mile away has no power and I would gladly allow people to take a shower, have a meal and get warm, even in my debilitated, post-surgical state.   I am going to mull this over and see what I can come up with.  If 20 people could make 2 meals and show up at the library at 3PM that is 40 meals that could be handed out to those who have no power.  I think in this day, with all our electronic connectivity, we should be able to do a little more to help our neighbors.

    Goodnight, all-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Just letting the power deprived know that we have been on hold waiting for their return.

    Hugs to all of you. 


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hope everyone is doing alright.  We have a lovely fall day here in AZ. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796


    As per usual, the very essence of my life, and surely my perception, bring anecdotes for you all that I hope tickle your funny bones!

    The you all know, a certain percentage of the teenagers in this country are all amped up on these vampire movies etc.... and seeing their pale faces and goth clothing had zero effect on me until I realized I had these little "early Christmas gifts(as they would see it)" hanging around my neck!! I could not believe when the other night I was walking into a store and there were some wannabe vamps that were absolutely awestruck by my bulbs of blood (thanks JP drain) that had now sneaked out from under my coat! Of course, because they are kids they have no idea what these things are about and, because they think they are vampires, I now fell into the "meal" category! It was like such a comedy. Them following me, lurking behind like I did not notice them, and one of them, the girl, was trying to take PHOTOS with her phone of my drains! They did not alarm me so much as I just wanted them to go away. I used the opportunity, when the head vampire got close enough, I told him how sad it is that I spent so much of my life partying and now I am relegating to peeing blood out into these little drains! Funny how they lost interest when they thought there was urine involved! Goodbye vampires! Also, thanks to my Derek Jeter shirt that was long and baggy enough they could not tell from where these drains had come!

    All kidding aside, between the drains and the scarring and the overall discomfort, the last thing I want is anything complicating my little trips to the store. I also sleep like a mummy! Not joking...I am so afraid of problems with these drains that I get into bed, and I have pillows around both sides of me so I don't move, put my arms up on the pillows surrounding me, watch some tv until I doze off and I wake IN THE EXACT same position! Yes, like a mummy!

    Omaz: I hope you enjoy your nice, fall day in AZ. It reminds me that I hope one day to get all this madness behind me and go mountain biking again. It is just nice to get out but I feel like this whole situation has made me such a "girl" in that I am like ‘wow...what if I flip over the handlebars now? Might mean 3 days in the hospital whereas before it would have meant a band aid and get back on and ride!' All I could think when you said a nice fall day in AZ was riding.

    As for power, the other northeasterners must just be busy because I am only pretty sure the preponderance of the east coast is all lit up!

    Have a nice weekend, all-

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    I forgot to mention one more thing: ladies, I have no issue at all with male PSs but I do feel we need more women.  My PS is wonderful and she did such a beautiful job that you can't help but think some of what she does comes from love and caring for women who, at large, are in this breast cancer battle.  You just can't get that with a male PS.   I am so very glad to see more women in the field and I would encourage every woman afflicted with bc and considering recon to try to get a 2nd from a woman before proceeding.  In fact, all of my surgeons are women and they have done excellent, excellent work.  I am not trying to arbitrarily encourage anyone to choose a woman based on gender alone but I will say, and I am sure the final analysis will show, the results and the innovative thinking that went into achieving those results can very well only come from someone who has them.   Bottom line: women care and they see things differently.   Where I have heard stale, boring, predictable and actual abusiveness by some of these PSs, it is wonderful to feel like your surgeon is doing all they can to effect the best possible outcome.   That is what I feel with my PS at Yale and I would encourage every woman out there to, at the very least, consider a female PS; this is one situation where gender squarely matters.

    Finally, I truly believe we are on the precipice of wonderful things taking place in reconstruction efforts and options.  I believe female PSs are going to be hugely instrumental in furthering our options as opposed to the same old, tired, toss-in-a-bag-of-water-and-sew-her-up thinking that has gone on just, and quite abysmally, far too long. 

    I am done...!  Now back to those vampires...! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I SurprisedLOVE your vampires!!!!!!!!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - I went for a hike with a friend visiting town.  It was beautiful because it rained last night and we could see all the mountains, with a dusting of snow, fluffy clouds and a panorama of the city and more mountains.  It was cool and breezy, just great!  Glad you are recovering.  I like your mummy sleeping!  I still sleep with about 8 pillows for propping this and that.
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    That is hilarious!! Wish I was quick enough on my feet to say something like you did to those kids.

    Omaz: Yes, my hair is growing back. It actually grew back differently this time. Last time, I had a male patten baldness look going, I didn't think I was ever going to get coverage down the middle. But this time, it all grew uniformly and seems to have come in a little more quickly. I'm just 3 months PFC and my whole head is covered. It's way short, barely sticking up, but it looks pretty full. I've been taking prenatal vitamins; somebody told me they would make your hair grow faster. I don't know if it's really made a difference.

    Everybody don't forget to turn back your clocks!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - I got that weight training book today that you suggested, wow what a lot of information!!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    Whew...was I sore this weekend....suddenly my body reminded me I just had a huge surgery and it is time to start acting like it! I was in bed 80% of the day on Sunday. I revisited the PS today and I got one drain out!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! Will all of my 1970s disco queens starting singing along with me that "These are the good times!!" Good times indeed!

    Ginger: those little joker vampires don't scare me!!!!!! Every generation has it's "thing" as I am only too confident my parents wished Madonna never happened in the 80's and that my brothers, sister and I did not all have such an ardent interest in drinking and concert-going but the one thing I can say, and relative to these vamp kids, we never wanted to bite human beings and draw blood! It was just so funny to have these kids so interested in my JP drains because of the blood. Consequently, unless I am going to the hospital/dr's appt, I hide them but that night one of them snuck out from under my longish sweater type of coat and that was all those nut jobs had to see! I have since moved on to huge sweat pants to hide the drains!
    So how are you doing out there in Seattle these days? Have you adjusted to the weather at all? I know Chicago is hardly tropical but, at the same time, you get used to weather and location and I am wondering if you are feeling it yet out there on the West Coast? Are you still going to the sewing class or was it a one-time only deal? Finally, are you enjoying your new sewing machine? I am so completely non-domestic I would not even know where to begin but I can tell you after pricing out energy-efficient curtains, I momentarily considered getting a sewing machine and doing it myself and then I woke up! Of course I went retail on the curtains which probably cost 3 times the amount of a decent sewing machine. I collect old stock certificates and I am sure this is something you might never be interested in! We all have our thing, I guess.

    Omaz: that book is THE BIBLE to working out. Every body part is broken down into every possible exercise you could ever want to do. It is so well illustrated and it also helps you move with confidence in the free weights area. Consequently, and just so you know, you might pick up on an exercise in that book that you will NEVER see anyone at the gym do. The reason for this is, and just like that disgusting NY Post that every MALE broker I ever worked with on Wall St, handed off to each other to take the the men's room and peruse (it was the grossest, grossest thing I ever saw in my life and by 11 AM was undoubtedly riddled with enough staph to kill a few people!), men will get into a routine and pass information off as if it is all good, to each other, in the old boy's school. That is why you see the same old exercises always being done in most free weight gym areas. Therefore, when you decide to do bi curls by using the incline bench and a 10 lb dumb bell, 1 arm at a time, and they look at you like you are either an innovator or crazy, remember they never read a book like "Getting Stronger" but rather either learned their routine through watching others, picking up info in the locker room or from a trainer who probably learned from watching people or picking stuff up in the locker room!

    On that staph filled NY Post, as soon as they found out it grossed me out so much, they would purposely put it on my desk!   Of course, I was one of the top producers and it was not long before I had my own office and do you know where that post found it's way to?  The floor outside my office door!!!!!  Punks...there were all punks terrorizing me with that perfectly gross NY Post they all shared for those way, way too long bathroom trips every morning!  

    So now you have what you need to learn to lift and develop every body part. I would encourage you to save yourself a few bucks and skip the have everything you need now!

    Sptmm: how are you feeling these days?  What is shaking on the island, sister?!   BTW, you were talking about museums a few posts ago (!); did you ever get to the Guggenheim?  You should check it out. 

    Lady: Like I said, I thought they were harmless but I did not want to find out any different so I figured "urine" would scare them off! There were 5 of them....the mall is a SCARY place!!!
    I am so, so, so glad to read your hair is coming back!!! That is great. Prenatal vitamins probably will help and surely they won't harm. I am not joking when I tell you every Saturday morning as a child I had to watch "American Bandstand" and "Soul Train!" They were on back-to-back and I just loved watching those shows. I remember my mother telling my brothers "don't bother her, you know she is watching Soul Train!!" In any case, about another month with this hair regrowth and I will look like one of the original cast members of that dance show I loved so much! It is growing in thicker, and getting higher and wavier....I don't want to do! I had to blow dry it this morning.....I quickly put a hat on! Perhaps 1 year from now I will be in better shape with this hair! I am just so glad to know your's is on its way back in! Lady, you went through so much these past few years, I hope things just keep looking up for you!

    I have to go lay down...this surgery did take a lot out of me and I am trying to be good and get rest so I don't overcomplicate matters by overdoing it (my favorite!).  It is not like I do it purposely but more like I don't know when to slow down.

    OMG-I made shrimp tacos with cilantro sour cream this weekend....sooo good!    

    Happy trails to all-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Old stock certificates? Hmm.

    My sewing classes are actually part of a club for those who have my specific model of machine. We meet once a month, that was my first meeting. I also will attend a monthly club that is more general just to learn new techniques. Actually I probably already know the techniques but it is a great reason for me to get out and be among women I have something in common with.  Also the dealer where I purchased the machine will give me lessons on the specifics of this machine. It is extremely advanced and has some mechanical as well as electronic features I am not familiar with. 

    One reason for me wanting to get out amongst people is I have decided after much thought to resign my board position at a charity that I have held for about 10 years now. There have been some internal situations that have been very difficult this year and while I want to be loyal it just tears me up to see so much disfunction from outside affecting such an important work of humanitarian  endeavor. I am going to ask to see if I can take a years leave and re-evaluate then. This work has been an important part of my identity this past decade, and it is hard to even think about leaving. Returning to sewing and the related activities is part of my effort to step back from such intense involvement. Our work is in Haiti if that gives you any idea of why this is so difficult to leave, people live and die because of what we do or don't accomplish. The enormity of the need has knocked me down a couple of times before. One example is how much I could do in Haiti with what my sewing machine costs. Liberal guilt resides in me. TMI sorry. 

    I do love to sew and all the things involved with it. I love that my Grandma sewed and I have her treadle machine in my sewing room. Did you know that quilting was the therapy that kept many a woman on the prairiies sane. 

    PS Curtains are perhaps the simplest thing to sew and a huge money saver. Lined curtains are even easier to make! 

    My sleep has improved somewhat this week but the bad dreams leave me really exhausted. 

    Wow what a disjointed post this is. 
