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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Just saying a quick hello to all. Being back at work is sucking my energy! In retrospect, I think that I should have declined taking on the management again and just came in to do my people reporting to me ;)

    Lady....sending hugs your way.

    I have started to have pretty bad pains on my left side AGAIN....not sure what it is...had so many scans etc over the past year for the lngering pain and nothing was seen...something just doesnt feel right. I will go see Doc again about it. Driving me crazy. I'm not worrying about cancer as much but it is in the back of my mind.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    All: The counseling session last night went ok. We got "testy" with each other a couple of times, which I guess is good as it let's the counselor see what ticks us off at each other and how we react to it. She suggested we get together a couple of times a week for dinner or just to talk to see if we can rekindle the fun we used to have together. She also wants us to write a list of what we like/don't like about each other and what we think has changed in the other. I smiled at that - reminds me of what I used to do in high school trying to decide between two boys!

    Anyway, after the session, he and I talked in the parking lot and I think we got more done there than in session! We go back in two weeks (no appts. next week because of the holidays). He did invite me to Thanksgiving dinner, which I appreciated because I'll get to see the kids too.

    Love to you all, thanks for the prayers, good vibes, hugs and your support.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333
    lady so glad it went well and that you get to spend Thanksgiving with the kids.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    I hope you all are doing well.

    Rachel: I am with you...pain on left side where they found the mass in my liver, sono showed mass, CT showed nothing and could not MRI b/c the TE was still in my chest. Let's hope we are both just having GAS pains! If I were you living in Canada with your socialized medicine, I would totally list myself and all my skills on "Elance" and work from home. Also check out "flexjobs." There is so, so, so many opportunities for all of you in countries with socialized medicine so you don't have to work for a freakin' corp just to make sure you have health care coverage. Freelancing and telecommuting is a dream and if I lived in Canada, that is exactly what I would be doing.  I am glad you got the management job but I also think all of us, and collectively at that, we underestimate what we have been through and I don't think putting ourselves through a grind is going to help. Be careful, listen to your body and check out flex options so you can enjoy your family more, stress less and be good to your mind, body and soul. Money ain't "s" without health.

    Lady: I am so, so glad you went to the session, things went ok and you actually have some Thanksgiving plans together. You know, keep an open mind. Perhaps things will not go back to the way they were but you also might have a friend for life or your relationship will bob-and-weave its way to a different, healthier form over the coming months. You, too, have to listen to your body and mind and before you give up even one iota of yourself or start to feel uncomfortable, just remember you can now withdraw from the source of your upset, close "your" front door and relax and achieve inner harmony once again with your little dogs! Whatever comes of this all, you will be fine. The most important thing now is you have your own space to retreat to when the world gets too much or something bothers you, to regroup, be good to yourself with no one putting any demands on you and where you can care only for yourself whenever you need to, without complications and nonsense of stressful, built-in problems. Enjoy!

    It is cold and damp here in CT today and I am going to go rest my tired achy bones and muscles in a nice, hot shower followed by some green tea! Good times!

    Take care, all-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I have felt much relieved since I decided to withdraw from a position of responsibility on the board. Thank you so much ladies for your support. It is hard to step back when I know that no matter how I feel most everyone in Haiti is feeling worse. Thinking about the seasons in our lives helps, I am 66 and from 35 on I have worked in social services and then with our clean water mission in Haiti since 2002, first traveling there in 2003. God knew what he was doing to put me there back then, I had gained skills and education over the years that set me up to be the right person to do what I did. I handled going sort of crazy after my first trip there, it broke me down for sure. It also put me on a track that led us to being able to provide clean water on an ongoing basis for thousands of Haitians. I onlyt spent 6 months in country and the rest working here on fundraising and education. Now is the time for others to step forward.

    As an aside, the trouble wasn't within our US group it was a foreign group who also provided support but wanted to take over based on inaccurate and faulty information. Zillions of meetings and angst later, it is settled. One would think such a thing never happens in missions but it surely does. 

    Anyhow I will be available for history, support and that sort of thing. I am also an amazingly good resource person after years of case manangement with ho,meless families. I will be able to still have an influence when needed and able to step back most of the time and let others do the work I did. Your advice really helped me to do this, this is a huge change in my life. 

    I am on a break with anastrozole and hope the SE's subsie and then don't return so strongly when I go back onto it. 

     Have a good weekend all.

    Hugs GInger

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lady, I am glad to hear you were able to communicate at your session. Take good care of yourself, like Lizzie says.

    Love and hugs


  • Just a quick check in and ramblings!  Hope everyone is doing well -
    Lizzy -YES on the nightmare of the medical insurance.  I almost wish I could relocate to Canada.  My DH's insurance just went up for renewal and went up another $50 a month.  Every year it goes up $50 a month and now we're up to paying $450 per month for both of us and we still owe thousands in medical bills because our deductible and out of pocket are so high. But I've had cancer...what can we do, drop the insurance?  Not....

    And so, life goes on.  I had fun this past week - drove DH to an expo show he had to go to in Lancaster, PA for work.  About 2 1/2 hours from here - all Amish country.  Totally awesome.  I sought out an Amish natural foods store that a friend recommended.  It was TOTALLY EPIC!  It was a fairly large grocery store -shopping carts, paved parking lot, etc etc -- but no electricity!  Just skylights!     Another separate room was a refrigerated room - it was freezing -with all grains, nuts and dried fruit in bulk, organic produce and then in cases, dairy - raw cheeses, some meats and Amish made goodies-- all like a whole foods, so nothing artificial or bad.  The refrigerators and freezers were all run by gas- the tanks were outside.  

    Stocking the shelves with bags of nuts and grains was a young Amish mother speaking PA German with a preschool aged little girl with her with an oversized Amish dress to her ankles - must have inherited it from her older sister.   Other Amish workers were elsewhere in the store.  

    All I could think was how I wished this were how things were.  Not like I want to be Amish, but it was so basic and simple and yet large.  Outside there was a cow pasture adjacent to the store, across the street was the large farm with a big garden, some pigs and horses, etc.  

     I had a blast in this store.   Many of their commercially packaged items are cheaper at Trader Joe's and my little healthfood store here in town.  But their bulk items - wow!   We stocked up on dried fruits, nuts and grains.  The prices were outstanding!  they had odd things on the shelves too - such as like a gallon bucket of arrowroot powder (no idea what you'd do with all that!)  

     Hoping to go back to Lancaster sometime in a couple of months just for a "grocery" buying trip, when the farmer's markets are open on the weekends...... :)  

    The experience got me wondering...without all those electromagnetic and radiation waves that we get exposed to..that the Amish do not, and with the differences in diet, I wondered about their cancer rates.  Sure enough, Amish cancer rates are a fraction of the rest of the US.   However, sadly, the death rate from breast cancer is higher (they are, after all, drinking our same water!)  But the rates are higher because of poor diagnosis - they are encouraged to get mammograms, but they usually forgo them so there is no early detection.....   while they don't generally carry insurance, they do have a system where they pool their resources to assist those with catastrophic illnesses. 

    So anyhow, it was educational...and fun.  Can't wait to go back!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors-

    Because I am up until 5AM with blistering hot flashes and sweating my ass off, I guess after my shower today it was time to get some hot flash free sleep! It is so, so, so weird how I only get hot flashes at night? Weird, weird, weird.

    Ginger: I worked on Wall St, I brought companies public, I stock, bond and commodity traded and you are telling me there was a near hostile takeover of a MISSION?! Geesh, perhaps I better head to back to Wall St and reorganize! That is a chapter out of my days at Lehman Brothers (aka the bruthers!) ... wow, if they knew there was a market on non-prof missions, they would have set up an entirely capitalistic separate market that hedged positions and traded equity on missions and you all would have never known the difference!! Of course, the missions would have nothing to do with it but we would not care, we would create a market and RUN IT! This would be the antithesis of corporate raiding! If it weren't for the SEC (spoilers!), we might have started a market on squirrel racing! OMG...speaking of squirrel racing, when I was in college we had pretty aggressive squirrels on campus! They would chase us!

    In any case, I am glad you have reached some peace with the whole stepping back idea. I think we all have to step back from things we used to be very embroiled in. Now, of course, this does NOT mean you won't find me creating an options market on how many more vocally talented(?) people this country can find to populate the plethora of "singing/voice" shows but I guess you won't find me trading yen overnight either!  Watashi wa byoki desu nee (I am sick!)!!!  This bc has really slowed me down!

    Ginger, the other thing you have to remember is the good ol' US of A was not a humongous fiscal disaster with record homeless circa 1985. In fact, we were emerging from a fiscal malaise with T bonds were fetching 15%+(so our govt needed money!)!!!!   Good times!   In any case, perhaps it is fate that your now reduced efforts be seemingly redirected right back here where, Lord knows, we need some serious help. Just a thought.

    Calamtykel: good to hear from you! OMG...speaking of Amish, I recently saw a 60 Minutes (or the like) on CRIME in Amish country! I am totally serious. Apparently there is a rogue, splinter faction in Amish country run by an "aggressor" and they are breaking into the homes of those not in support of this splinter faction and cutting off their beards. It was stunning....I think I just stumbled on the new options market I am going to create!!!! He he he! In any case, this beard cutting business is high crime in Amish land. They are also cutting off women's hair. It was an interesting story. When they tried to interview the alleged aggressor, he got Amish aggressive-he kindly and calmly asked them to leave!

    Sounds like you had a good time. As for the health insurance, I was just talking to my sister about relocating to Canada today. Of course I would still consider Ireland also. On the cancer rates, even though they are a fraction of ours, their population is a fraction of ours. Were the bottom line numbers that different and isn't it very feasible many are dying of cancer and it is just not getting diagnosed or reported? I will agree, however, it is a much simpler life and, to be honest, what little I know of you from this thread, I would think you could move right in to Amish country and be very happy and comfortable! That grocery store sounds great. My seasonal neighbor from the beach was from Lancaster. She always encouraged me to get down there but Wall St was swallowing me alive. I hope you get back soon.

    I totally agree about the electromagnetic and radiation waves. Perhaps you might remember the stories quite recently of people's dogs getting electrocuted urinating in NYC or walking through puddles from all the electricity running through the ground and just everywhere. Little known fact also is conductors from the railroads generally have to get back on those trains at least once a week to get their "dose" of electricity after they go into retirement. Those that don't go back for their dose die quite quick after retirement because their bodies had gotten so adjusted from all that electricity running through them every day. As for me, I never, ever put those cell phones anywhere near my head and I don't ever use Bluetooth, ever. Instead, however, I take every call I possibly can on speaker and normally hold the phone near my breasts!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it? Instead of brain cancer I got bc!! So smart! Of course I am joking that keeping the cell phone near my breasts caused bc but it is a little something I thought about after dx. We are just walking through fields of this stuff daily....just live and have some fun, that is what I say, because we can't control all the rest of it! It does make you wonder, though.

    DON'T is National Unfriend Day and as you all know I do not speak Facebook but for those of you who do and that nice person you met on the flight to Belize is now just a nuisance of frenetic Facebook activity, UNFRIEND THEM! Consequently, Biz Markie was just on Jimmy Kimmel taking his humongous 1980s classic hit "You Say He Just a Friend" and reworded to the prolific lyrics (!) to accommodate the likes on National Unfriend day! Instead of "you say he just a friend" the lyrics became "we might as well just unfriend!" It made my day!!!!! Remembering being in those clubs in Manhattan that had a strict "don't card" policies, and at the ripe of old age of 16, while my father thought I was sleeping over my friend's house, dancing to the Biz in churches that had been turned into clubs, I was lost in my reverie listening to him perform on JKL tonight! Yes, I was dancing around my living room!!! In any case, this new "unfriend" version is hysterical and I absolutely had to let you all know just what you missed this evening!

    Well, time for spider solitaire!  

  • Lizzy - yes, I think the rates were "proportionate" - 60% less than the national average; 56% less than the state of ohio average.  Interesting! 

    Crime and the Amish -they are indeed a very strange sect - like a cult.  If you search Youtube for Amish Secrets, there is a great interview with a pair of adult sisters who left the Amish.  VERY eye opening - the amount of DOMESTIC abuse that goes on.  I know that children are not protected at all - child abuse happens often as does sexual abuse.  Trouble is, there is no place to report it - the Amish are a totally closed community.  There have been instances of children going outside to report, but the Amish have threatened the local police that they will band together and withdraw and unfortunately many towns really really need the Amish tourist trade there!  It's really really awful and sad.  The women are "disciplined" and can be beaten by their husbands, etc.  

    For the most part though, I guess they are a peaceful and admirable people.  Their view of God is askew by my Bible....but they do have an interesting lifestyle.  

     As for national Unfriend day - LOVE it!  I got harrassed the other day on Facebook by an ex-classmate whom I really don't even remember for homeschooling my kids.  I posted a link about a little girl who killed herself due to school bullying.  I didn't mention homeschooling, but he posted that you can't treat kids like snowflakes - that this girl commiting suicide was a sign of weakness - that she should have stood up for herself.  And 'As for you, keeping your kids home under a rock isn't going to help them at all in the real world".

    WRONG thing to say! :D  I told him of course, that my kids do NOT live under rocks- they have indeed encountered bullies in other situations with children and dealt with them quite well thank you.  And by the way, why is it that people who make smart remarks about homeschooled kids act like I'm the first person to ever do this?  There are millions of homeschooled graduates in the world every day, out there working and making a decent living.....not under a rock.  I told him to please cite me a study, or was he just going on his own personal prejudice, never having met a homeschooler?

    Meanwhile, my 15 year old was here with her 16 year old friend who slept over who is taking four college classes at the local community college and you can bet they had something to say to this guy.  I'm proud of them how they kept their cool and argued him into the ground on socialization.  I think based on what they were saying, that they can socialize far better than he! :D    AND he was totally silent after that. 

     Anyhow, it was interesting.  I wasn't offended - I don't mind a debate, but it did p*ss me off that he would say something like that out of the blue - like he was waiting to drop a bomb.....I won't give him the satisfaction though, of "unfriending" him --- he doesn't scare me.   :)

    About time for me to make a follow up with the oncologlist.  I am also due for a mammo to check the discrepencies between my first mammo and this one (Yeah, removing two pounds of breast tissue in a reduction will do that.....I hope....)  UGH!  It's so easy to just move on with life and push cancer out of it - until you have to deal with the follow ups and tests and it all comes back emotionally.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Studying- my teacher gave us a powerpoint entitled "how to get an A in my class" which is very helpful- she says read through the material 3x, write up flash cards, read any bold words and make sure you understand them also read any of the essays that or off to the side because there are questions on the test about those- also there are prob other tips too that she gave us, hich i tried doing, but it seems that the info gets jumbled in my head.

    thanks ginger- i will try some of your tips :)

    Sweeny hahaha on the boob club! yeah it would be nice if somehow we could get together in person! Glad you're back from your trip

    lizzy- funny you mention the weather- its has been going from 90s to 60s back to 90s then 60s! I do know if its gonna be a cold front or if we are finally going to get into our "winter" temps here LOL WOW who would have thought it was the dang TEs causing you all that crap! I am glad to hear it cleared up!

    Wait! HOLD THE PHONE! a guy really held up the bank from the drive thru! I hope he didnt get any money! (cuz thats be 1 dumb criminal and an even stupider teller LOL)

    Wall street- today on HLN there was 2 guys in business suits hold up signs one read "Get a Job" the other "Occupy a desk" lol i thought it was hilarious. that would be me- the one protesting the protestors LOL

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Glad to hear that Lady!

    Calamity- I know what you mean, I pay $400 a month for just myself- my kids arent even on my policy (they get a childrens health inssurance plan sorta like medicade but i pay for it) My husband and i so want to move back to san antonio but then we're thinking if he quits his job what about my health insurance- i can tell you i have been doing a lot of praying and giving it up to God because I know in the end everything will work out (even if i am about to go cash in my jar of change for food money LOL)  Where was this Amish store at? Sounds cool!

    BTW in my nutrtion class i learned that a lot of our food is radiated to kill bacteria and stuff so it lasts longer (like fruits and veggies) and the kicker is THEY DONT HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT! so who know what is exposed to radiation and what isnt..... Sometimes when i see how the amish live i think "i want that" just a simple exisitance!

    Lizzy- I totally saw that too!

    Oh about the comments left by your friend Kel- some people need to bite their tounges, they sound so ignorant when they say things they have NO KOWLEDGE in- treating your kids like snowflakes? A childs suicide was a sign of weakenss? Sounds like a hill billy to me LOL (j/k to all you hill people) A lot of people think suicide can be selfish, but you have to think- what pushed this person to thinking they no longer had any hope that things would improve?

    OH DID Y'ALL HEAR ABOUT THE SPECIAL ED TEACHER THAT WAS BULLYING HIS STUDENT?????? HE THREATENED HIM WITH PHYSICAL VIOLENCE AND SAID SOME MEAN AND HURTFUL THINGS- (he even called him a "tard) I thought the irony of the whole thing was this teacher felt his student was a stupid retard, yet this student used his cell phone to RECORD the whole incident (i guess it had been going on for a while and the parents told him to record it) So whos the stupid one? Of course the teacher is on paid administrative leave, but i doubt he will ever be able to teach again....

    off to the library, bank, post office and then physical thearpy! Adios

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    It is a cold day here in CT and after having $700 worth of home heating oil delivered, money bags mcgee over here decided to leave her front door open while my friend stopped by for like a ½ hour!   I was so happy to see her I did not realize I had left it open and we went to the kitchen and were having coffee.  Suddenly I was like ‘hmm...why does that furnace keep kicking on??!!! Perhaps because the screen is still in the front door as I have not put the storm in yet because it was almost 70 these past few days and your front door is wide open!!!!!!

    Calamtykel: first of all, I don't know who these women are that would let ANY man put their hands on them. Amish or not, I would beat the freakin' crap out of anybody that put their hands on me. I do, however, lift weights and I am Irish and Italian (temper) so that helps!  Of course, I grew up with 2 older brothers so I enjoyed both protection as well as being toughened up!  

    I agree the Amish is like a cult and I will YouTube Amish secrets.  Things always look so serene and bucolic but then you get to know the human beings that marr the scene.  It is just a shame.     
    I cannot believe someone is judging you for homeschooling your kids and of all places taking it to FB? Perhaps they should be thanking you for saving the municipality money on not having to educate your kids. ON FB? This guy is a loser!   How much time can this joker possibly have on his hands? It is disgusting. No, don't unfriend him, just ignore him. Honestly, with what I see go on in these schools, I think if I had kids I just might be home schooling them as well. Kids are mean and your kids are not missing anything by not being taught all the mean and creepy nonsense that has NOTHING to do with learning and everything to do with poisoning the person your child is becoming. Facebook flakes. I am glad Jimmy Kimmel started "National Unfriend Day!"

    Kel-quick question: I am seriously considering going to law school in Mass and, for this reason, I will most likely move outside of Boston. Do you know if Mass has a similar healthcare system as does NJ? Just wondering. I have a lot of research to do but just wanted to know if you had any quick insight.

    Hopefully there will be NO mammo-to-mammo discrepancies and good luck with that.

    Texas: I am so sorry to tell you but the dumb ass, lazy, drive-up bank robbers DID get money!!!!!!! It is so, so sad! I have to send this to Chelsea Lately! I almost pissed my pants when I heard this! Years ago when I worked for my mom and she had asked me one morning when I was in a particularly giddy mood to make sure I stopped at the bank for her. Well, I responded with "I hope I don't bungle the job doing it through the drive up!" How could somebody successfully held up a bank through the drive up window?! We had another one in CT where the person held up a McDonalds by crawling in through the drive thru window! At least this person went when the actual doors were closed and only the drive through was open! Those other jokers just rolled right up during hours when the bank was open and demanded money through the drive-up!

    I hope your studying goes well. I am sure you will do fine. Also, when you take notes, use "OneNote" and make a second page with questions on the notes. It is a good habit to get into. OneNote is great...familiarize yourself with it. I love it.

    I hope you all have a nice day-

  • Lizzy - don't know about Mass. I thought they were moving towards universal care.  I think nothing is as bad as NJ - it's ridiculous!! :(   As for the Amish - they are brainwashed from a very early age.  The children are quiet and good out of fear pretty much so they women are the same - they have never been told any differently, then the men are in charge.  It is sad...  They are also infamous for their puppy  mills - what a nightmare THAT is!    It's sad......  Live and let live...but not when it hurts someone else.

    Anyhow, yeah, the homeschooling thing was stupid. I asked him first to show me the statistics about homeschooled graduates and socialization.  Secondly, I asked him why he was assuming that I hs-ed my kids because of "bullying" or to "protect" my kids.  NOT!  My reasons are much more than that - and I went into them all.   I told him my kids could hold their own if need be.  Anyway, what an idiot.

     Spent the day out on errands....met DH at work for lunch spontaneously with the kids and splurged at the Japanese buffet. we needed to do that with our credit cards at the max.  Oh well - I told him it could be our early Christmas treat! :D

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- Yesterday when I posted I found it HARD TO BELIEVE that a teller would have felt threatened enough in the drive through seeing how they have like 2ft thick bullet proof glass, but then dun dun duuuuun (dramatic music LOL) I WENT TO MY BANK! Let me explain LOL So like you Kel i want to do something fun even though money is tight right now, so I went to the bank (which is a bank inside walmart) to exchange my loose change for dollar bills. My bank has a machine like coinstar that you are able to use for FREE if you are an account holder, so i go there yesterday with my bag'o'money and the machine was off. So i wait in line to speak with a teller and i was told "the machine is full and can not accept any more money, the woman that is trained to empty it doesn't get on shift til 2:30- come back after 4:30 and it should be emptied." I ask the teller if it would be possible for her to exchange some of my change so i will be able to pay for gas. (Embarrassing to pay with quarters!) She asks me "how much change are we talking?" i reply "just $10 worth" her freakin reply "OH NO THATS WHAT THE MACHINE IS FOR!" in my head i am thinking what the heck you work at a bank and cannot compute that 4 quarters equal a dollar! So needless to say i came back after 4:30- to find the stinkin machine wasnt emptied! 3 yes 3! of the tellers were NOT behind the partition, but out in front of the bank- more like in walmart handing out fliers to the customers to join the bank for $1! By this point i was fed up! I asked the 3 women "why isnt the machine emptied? i was told to come back at this time" 1 of them said "oh it will be emptied by tomorrow morning" I said "then how come you can't give me bills for my change?" I explained to them what happened earlier. One of the other girls said "i can give you $1 for 4 quarters." Really, really! You are a bank employee and are only allowed to exchange change for 1 dollar? How the heck am i gonna get any gas for $1 when a gallon is over $3! Seriously that ticked me off- i am thinkin my bank is filled with a bunch of morons!

    So yes i can see a robber getting away with money from the drive thru! LOL

    Amish- i was flipping through channels last night and i am not sure what one it was but they had a program about these amish kids (they must have been in England or something though because of the "worldy" kids had accents) what i did appreciate was the girls (had to be in their teens) Saw some of the behavior of the worldy boys and the remarked that they were acting really immature, also they pointed out that they dont drink and such.

    I keep thinkin about Kingpin lol that movie was hilarious!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Oh we are taking our kids to the beach to go shell hunting :) gonna bring a picnic lunch... gotta get gas fist LOL, lets see how that goes this morning! (still have my change!)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day my LOVELY warriors!

    I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the fact that you have HAIR this winter! Things to be grateful for this holiday week!

    Lady: I will be sending the most positive vibes your way and I hope you, just like the rest of us, are polishing up your fake smile, getting prepared for the "smile til' it hurts" family holiday! I really think they should be called "hellidays!!!"

    Calamtykel: you know, some friends and family ask me why I did not leave the Northeast, leave the country and go living abroad etc... For me, and for just the reasons you mention about Amish women, their place in society, the brainwashing etc... my life is "just" fine in the Northeast part of the US. There are backwoods travesties that are rather commonplace for those embroiled in that experience all over this country. It is a shame but there is only so much one person can do and only so much one person can see. I am no shrinking violet (I know I needed to point that out!) and I would never be the person standing by while someone was the victim of violence etc... For these reasons I stay in the civilized Northeast where my capacity to respond to such situations is NOT tested!

    I am very glad you went to the Japanese buffet! Geesh, you only live once and you deserve treats! You know, my cat was feral and she was living along the highway when I trapped and adopted her! Now she is a love but because she is now indoor (does not even try to get out) I make sure she gets daily exercise and her vet and I like her weight to be kept around 11 lbs which is where she is. IN any case, Sunday is "Kitty treat day" where I give her some of those crunchy cat treats. Of course, because she only gets them on Sunday they are truly a treat. Everyone, pets included, NEED treats be it a massage, pedicure, a trip to the Japanese buffet or a handful of treats on Sunday, ENJOY! You work hard and you do all the right things so you deserve it, woman!

    Texas: first of all, I would take your freakin' change, march right  into the gas station and GET YOUR GAS. Don't play around with that stupid Walmart bank and you have NOTHING to be ashamed and if anyone gives you any lip I would LOUDLY announce that the oil companies should be embarrassed to be charging us all this money for gas forcing to pay with change. Don't let anybody make you feel like that. In fact, I would purposely save up my change and go and get gas and instead of forking over dollars or swiping, make them work for your money by counting out your change. Not only that, banks are supposed to just exchange your change anyway without talk of some stupid machine like their stupid asses were dumbstruck and they can't count. This economy is disgusting and I don't care where you stand politically, the Republicans fight to do everything to save the top 5% money and if they get their agenda accomplished, then the mastresses and masters of the universe , the top 5%, will create jobs. Meanwhile Obama has to try to finesse politically so they will NOT keep the populace hostage by not creating jobs but they won't budge until they get all their cuts. You know what? It sucks and it is thanks to one President in particular that corporate America runs our country and it was not the Bush's nor Clinton. So don't you ever feel embarrassed because you are the victim of political tricks and I would march right in with my hands full of change because to feel embarrassed is to feel that you are inadequate in some way or are not doing all you can to survive when the bottom line is there exists a political stalemate that is screwing the entire country. You are doing all you can but are a victim of government-sponsored economic sparring.  In fact, if I were you, I would make it my policy to always pay with change! PUNKS! Times are tough, kid, don't you let that get you down. Finally, I hope you had fun shell hunting at the beach!

    Well, I was a little busy this weekend but I have to say you all are always in my thoughts! I hope you all had a nice weekend and are feeling good.

    Good day, troops, and may the FORCE BE WITH YOU!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    May the force be with you!!  I still watch those movies with my daughter.  I think we know all the lines from the three old ones.  Luke was SUCH a whiner in Star Wars, cracks me up.  Pool was lovely today!  Hope we all have a good week and yes, it is awesome to not be anticipating an upcoming chemo appointment.  Holy cow, how did we all get through that.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy, Reagan?   Is there a prize?

    I cut half of my hair so far today. My hands started hurting too much so I will have to wait a bit to get the rest.  My husband came in and was talking to me and never noticed that half of my hair is shorter. LOL   I have a system, I just cut my hair the same length all over my head and because it is curly/wavy it comes out looking cute. I can see that it is thinner now so I may use some minolodil again. I did that for quite a while after I had the hysterectomy in the 90's. 

    I did my step back from full service on the board of directors yesterday and now have blanket permission to do as much or as little as I choose. I feel lighter.

    I am on day three now with no Anastrozole and not feeling any better, still numb, achy, etc. 

    It was Reaagan, right Lizzy, right?? 

    Hugs Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    You are correct, Gingerbrew!!   Sold the country to the collective devil!  If you take the old Charlie Daniel's song and change "Johnny" to "Ronnie" I think it makes a lot more sense!  Remember those Ts at 15%?!  

    Your hair sounds cute!  You should get the flowbee so then you can just sit and watch tv while the vacuum cuts your hair!   Men are anesthetized!   I am so completely not surprised he did not notice! On the flip side, however, I used to work with this guy who complained his wife never noticed he got his hair cut!   I wanted to tell him getting a 1/1000th of an inch trim is probably why she, nor anyone else, is noticing!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Wow, I remember the Flowbee commercials and I was thinking of it today when I was cutting my hair!

    I think I am finding that my hair is not as curly as before that the current curls were just on the newest part of the growth.  I hope I have waves left because I wouldn't know what to do with straight hair. I also remember 16% mortgages!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi ladies, just checking in to see how everybody is.  I hope everybody has a good Thanksgiving. I bought my groceries today for the little bit of cooking I'm doing.

    Lizzy, I was just thinking one of the things I'm thankful for is that I ended up in the group that has you as our fearless leader. You are always so upbeat and keep up with things so well. Thanks!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hear hear for our fearless leader!!!
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hidee Hidee Ho for our fearless leader!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening my lovely warriors!

    My assignment to you all this evening:  download Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds" as your ringtone! It is also a good excuse NOT to answer your phone!! 

    I think I have admitted I am a little crazy with the organization stuff, right? Well today I organized the shed and even used the leaf blower to clean it out! After that I used these wire organization baskets to divide up my baseball hats, sunglasses, winter hats, gloves and music players in an armoire that is in what I call my "depart the house" room! It is not a mud room but rather a bedroom I have turned into my coats (both racked and in the closet!), shoe, boot, sneakers, bags, messenger bags and armoire of organization room! It is near the back door so, for this reason, it works perfectly because I really only use the back door. In any case, this VNA was here today looking at my drain holes and she said "can I get you a band aid" so I told her exactly where in the bathroom to go, and on what shelf and in the wicker basket were all my band aids, Neosporin, tape etc...! She remarked on how very organized the entire bathroom cabinet and closet are. I just like organization!

    Lady: thank you so much for your kind words. I love, love, love being here for you all. It is really important to me and I am thankful for all of you as well. There is a ying for every yang, after all! This group has meant an awful lot to me and being able to talk about those crazy SEs during chemo was so helpful, I could not even put it into words. I just hope you make it through this Thanksgiving and are stronger as a result. Remember, you get to go home, or get everyone moving toward the door, shut and lock it (!), take a nice hot shower, have a cup of tea and curl up with your little dogs and watch movies! Now that is a nice way to end Thanksgiving!  I also assign to you to embrace, hum and sing to yourself "Three Little Birds" also!  I think it should be our anthem to get through this holiday! 

    Omaz and Ginger: thank you both also for chiming in! I am grateful for all of you. Do you know how lost I would have been if someone like me had nothing to do, nothing to organize and no one to encourage through this entire mess?! I have said this before and will mention it again, as we can be so very grateful for how far modern medicine has brought us, but my friend Sandy's mom had bc in the 70's and by the time they bmx'd it was all but too late and she went home and basically died alone with her kids there. My friend remembers using the gel things (sorry...I forget the name) women put in their bras back then( to make it look like they still had breasts) in the pool as flotation devices and for games!! Of course, she and her brother were kids but, you know, there is something so poignant about her story and I just never, ever forget it. She was 17 and basically orphaned when her mom passed but shortly thereafter came into a rather large inheritance and as a kid at 18 with no money skills, she had her challenges as a result. Her story breaks my heart and so I am very grateful for you all, that we are all still here and that we, unlike women in the 70s, have each other to go through this with. Again, I must thank the very benevolent Al Gore for giving us the internet!!!!! Seriously, though, can you imagine what this would have been like without the internet?

    Well, I have also admitted I like DWTS and tonight is the finale! If any are following, isn't Martinez something else? That poor guy, what he went through and what a lovely person he is. It is nice entertainment and it is also nice that it does not involve a gurney! I get so tired of the likes of CBS which should be called the "gurney network!" I know they have "Big Bang" and "2 ½ Men" but I am pretty sure those are on a short list of non-gurney shows on CBS!

    In any case, happy trails to you all!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Happy Thanksgiving to my US friends!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am in the Pacific time zone and DWTS has just begun.  My 15 mo old GD loves to dance to the music. I hope my pick wins! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    Rachel: and a very happy Thursday to you!

    Ginger: it was an exciting conclusion! What was even more exciting was watching, and before you I might add!, the very, very hot Hugh Jackman singing in Mandarin Chinese with Conan!!!!!!! I speak Japanese and *some* Mandarin but my Japanese is way better than my Mandarin. More to this point, I think I will start studying Mandarin again and learn that song, with perfect intonations, and then I will, at my first opportunity, sing it to Hugh! Geesh....Bradley is the sexiest man alive but I really think Hugh should have gotten runner-up this year!

    Sweet dreams, all! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Yes my pick won!  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - Remember when we were talking about generic tamoxifen?  Check this out: 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of my lovely warriors!  

    I am a long-term viewer of Chris Matthews, am a huge fan of "Hardball" and faithfully watch him every Sunday morning (I miss Tim Russert on "Meet the Press") so, in any case, Chris was on MSNBC a little while ago saying when he thinks things are getting tough for him, he remembers those soldiers in Afghanistan, clutching a gun, scared for their lives about what lies around the next corner.   He said this to remind us all about how much our fellow men and women are giving on the front lines to keep us safe and how we have a lot to be thankful for.  As always, it was something in the way he said it that was special but, then again, that is typical Chris.   He made a very good point.

    Ginger: speaking of war and our veterans and what they gave, I was so, so happy for JR Martinez!  I am so happy he won!  I was also very impressed with Rob Kardashian.  He seems like such a nice, respectful, pleasant young man.  I also like Ricki Lake.  I think it was a good show this year.  Your dgd must be adorable dancing to the music!  Isn't it amazing how they connect to music right away?  So cute.

    Omaz:  HLN is now reporting that drinking more coffee reduces our risk of endometrial cancer, so says a recent study so DRINK UP!!!   That was a great article and what interesting findings. 100% can't be argued with.  That is outrageous.   I don't know what the answers are.  I think I am moving to Canada with Sweeney and Rachel!  I am serious, I want less medical/job drama and more peace of mind!  As soon as you make any sort of decent money in this country you are paying 42% in taxes.   I will gladly go to 50% and know I have healthcare! 

    Scary...I was just watching footage of protestors in Egypt and it looked a bit like the "Occupy Wall St" movement where they police are going crazy with tear gas.  It is pretty sad that I just thought footage from Egypt, as my tv is on mute, was the US.    

    Good day, all-