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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,  Everything looks ok. On the left he said it was a blood vessel that had come to the surface. He said I could leave it but it could be a nuisance if it got bigger and bled more so I had him remove it. He said he has to send it to pathology but he is sure it's  not bc related. As for the other side he agrees it looks like bug bites but he's not sure. he said use vit E or aquaphor and if it's not gone in amonth see my bs . (How lucky am I to get bit on only on my cancer foob :-)and since I'm numb it doesn't even itch !

    Wherria glad you got good news!

    Omaz that's a funny way to look at it.

    Lizzy They sent me home with a bra that had velcro loops for attaching the drains.It was great b/c it had a velcro closure in the front it also held the gauze in place over my incisions and had some compression to reduce swelling - wish I had saved it. Are you just having one side done?.At MSK we use to give the patients sanitary belts with safety pins to attach the drains for showering - how high tech were we!    You have to have the drains for 2 months?! I've never heard of that. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. As for the rash - have you tried taking benadryl to see if that helps, or even an oral  steroid (they sometimes do that in bad cases of poison ivy/oak -is that the rash you're talking about? Try the benadryl first and if it doesn't look better call your doc (can't remember if you saw derm or gp for it) and say it isn't clearing up; is there time to try a steroid before surgery. Usually they'll let you have surgery with a cold, but not if you're running more than alow grade temp. Which day is your surgery?---oh and thanks for asking about Aidan ; he's been ok. We tried to do alot of damage control this weekend  I'm meeting with the principle tomorrow. I think some of the books I got form the library have helped him see it's problem alot of kids face, and that it's okay to tell. 

    Rachel have fun at the birthday party

    debbi hope you are doing well, thinking of you

    going to bed. watched the last episode of season 1 of the Big C and it made me cry. Have mixed feelings, some episodes I like and some just seem to out there.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    I hope Iou all are doing well.  

    Stpmm: I thought of you...woke up at 3AM and realized WHY you have been feeling melancholy!!!!!!   Yes, this is the way my brain works!  It is because of your workouts tapering since surgery!!!!!   Endorphins are a very powerful, naturally-occurring benefit and are only woken up through exercise.   When one stops exercising, for whatever reason, they go back to sleep and your mood will drop off.   Geesh...these epiphanies just as I have fallen asleep must stop!  In any case, thinking of you and wondering if you are busy making cupcakes for Taylor's college friends now!  

    Ckptry: it is good that you picked up some books and are teaching Aidan more about what is going on.  Hitting is just something that has to be reported, however, or it won't stop, as we know, so I hope this serves to get him more comfortable with what has to be done.   In any case, the rash is going away just in time for pre-op and, no, had it not been fading they already told me last week it was too late for oral steroids.   Thanks for the info, however.  

    I give you a lot of credit for being able to watch "The Big C."  For some reason, I have no interest in watching that show.   In fact, the only thing I have been able to bring myself to watch is "Five" and that was only a few minutes.

    I hope your meeting with the principal goes well.   Bullying is a huge, hot, national topic now so I would not hesitate to remind them of the power of the media.    There are bullies in the principal's office too!  Punks, after all, grow up and get jobs!

    When I left the hospital the first time I used a ace bandage and just pinned them to that.   I just want something this time where the drains have no ability to move around.   Helping the old lady caused the last mess and I just don't want to be thinking about one of them hanging and coming loose.   BTW, there are no implants this time so that is why I might have the drains longer...they are not sure yet.

    Wherria:  I found out what is.could be causing the dry nose thing: menopause decreasing the production of collagen and the decrease in its production plus the hormonal changes cause drying of mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and eye tissues among others.  I know you went through menopause already, some years back, but perhaps all you went through this past year has caused your body to revisit a "menopause-like" state?   It is possible.  In any case, I can thank tamoxifen for that as well!  

    I guess it is time for me to start singing that old song "Born to be Alive" again!   This will help me remember what is important....right!!!

    Omaz: on the Netflix thing, the Amazon deal may have fallen through.    It was definitely in the works.   Should it go through the founder of Netflix can consider himself to be the dubious victim of his own success.   I am happy for you all that enjoy the service they are not changing the least not now.

    Well, all, hope you are enjoying yourselves today!  

  • I agree with Lizzy - I hear this stuff and I just want to give Aidan a big hug!  I remember being bullied in school and it was awful.  :(  What really p*sses me off is that my brother was here yesterday and we were talking about school.  I made a joke about my 7 year old -- he was crying and fussing over his schoolwork, and I commented that if he did that in school, he'd probably get thrashed by the other kids!  My brother actually said to me "Well, there are so many anti-bullying laws and programs now that it doesn't happen anymore".  EXCUSE ME!  This from the husband of a junior high teacher!  Is school administration REALLY so clueless!?  UGH!  And now there's cyber-bullying - how do they control that?  They don't!

    coming from someone who WAS bullied in school in junior high, I can tell you that the best thing you can do for him is what you're doing now- providing him with support and a safe place.  I think I came out "okay" because I had a very secure home - to me, going home from school after a bad day was like a haven where I knew I was safe.  It was my security.  

     it's been a pretty rough day here.  sometimes things are so overwhelming.  I think this perimenopause is horrible - I can't seem to get a grasp on my emotions, try as I might!  going to try to go for a long walk in the cold air in a few minutes but it's getting dark already!  ACK!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Thanks kel. I met with the principal yesterday and she assured me he'll be watched, but honestly I wish I could put a spycam somewhere. I am using our 'snuggle time" at night to talk to him. He's like a teenager when it comes to talking about school, but I find when he's sleepy his defenses are down. It's funny, I just remembered  an old bf who said I could do CIA interrogations. He said  I always dragged info out of him when he was too tired to resist. He said he expected to wake up at 2 am with a blinding light shining on him.    I hope you feel better soon. I don't know if it's menopause or just bc everywhere you look these days.

    Debbi check in if you get a chance, I hope you are feeling better


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ckptry: I am glad you are able to drag this information out of him when his defenses are down (sounds like an episode of L&O!).  I don't blame you for wanting to put a spy cam up!  The last time I lived with my boyfriend, he insisted I was cheating (I really was not) and he told me he confirmed this because he talked to me when I was sleeping and I told him!!!!!  I just can't deal with these guys!

    Sptmm: where are you, woman?!  and for that matter where is JSW?!

    I am done...!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - When is your surgery scheduled?
  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Hi everyone.  I hope y'all are having a nice Friday night! I, myself, am just home from a wedding rehearsal (I was the minister, not the bride), and sitting back with my dogs and a glass of 12-year-old scotch.  I know, alcohol not good, but one won't hurt, will it? 

    I went to the doctor today, just the GP.  I had done an online appointment request, and when it asked for the reason I listed abdominal pain, upper right chest and back pain, etc., etc., etc.  Within 5 minutes they called me and asked if I could come in today, which was great, but I've had these symptoms for months! This is the fourth doctor visit I've had with basically the same symptoms.  The only thing that's different is that it has gotten harder yo breathe.  Anyway, he ordered an ultrasound of pancreas, gall bladder and liver.  I've had three chest/abdomen x-rays, a head ct, an abdominal ct, and countless labs in the last month and a half, and its still a mystery.  Well, its not a total mystery.  We know that the problem is either in one of those three organs, or it's pleurisy that, for some reason, is not showing up well on the images.  But my doc today said that I'm to the point where he doesn't want to expose me to anymore radiation.  

    I asked him if he was thinking cancer, and he said, "I'm looking for it." He said that with my history it's got to be the first thing to look for, but he just doesn't know yet.  It's kind of weird to say this, but the best-case scenario is a gall bladder attack or gallstones.  Oh well.  Too many things happening this week from my head to my liver.  Husband out of town now for two weeks, and will be for another two weeks.  Can't really handle this.  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening warriors-

    It is rather late...just checking in.  I hope everyone is well.

    Omaz: pre-op is Tuesday and surgery is the following week.   I am not sure what day just yet as I will find that out in another week.   I cannot wait until this is OVER!!

    Wherria: live and enjoy your scotch!  Have fun!  As for not knowing what is causing your pain, it could be mets, it could be something else or it could be the new frontier.  I personally think we know intrinsically when this has spread.   You are having discomfort for a reason.  For me it largely seems like "the new frontier" but you never know so keep asking, keep going to docs and get checked out.  The sad part of this whole thing that I have realized over time now is they can't see through our skin and all these xrays are scans are almost for naught until it is large enough to see.   It is a shame and that is why I don't think they will ever cure cancer but they will have technologically that recognizes it so soon it almost becomes a non-event.   I am sorry you are uncomfortable and your dh is away.   Don't worry, though, enjoy that scotch and forget about life for a while...that is the best!   Rent "Horrible Bosses!"    That will get you laughing and get your mind off of this crap for a while.

    I hope you all are having a good night.   I have a nice, mellow, wine buzz and am off to sleep!   Must finish painting tomorrow..!

    Goodnight all-

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    PS- I hosted Boggle night and that is where I scored my nice wine buzz!  Smoking Loon is some good, cheap wine!!!
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Good Lizzy - I'll be happy when you get that TE out!!!

    I have my second mammo and chest x-ray Monday.  I like it that they read it right away so I don't have to go home and wait (ugh).  I think they are just doing the right breast to 'establish stability'.  I had my first post-tx mammo in April.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: a lot of the scans we will get going forward are to establish "baseline" and "deviation from baseline."   I have to say, with being on the precipice of (hopefully) putting this final surgery behind me, I am feeling more and more bc/c-free.   It is really changing my attitude to finally get all this crap over with and move on.  I have been in this holding pattern way too long and it will be nice to get back to *life!*

    Good luck Monday.   I also find comfort in doing (non!) breast self-exams now and matching every bump and crevice to a matching bump and crevice on the other side.  It is really odd what I take solace in these days and you too should take solace in getting scans and scans that show NOTHING has changed!   That is the best news.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi all, too much has gone on since I last checked in, but I hope I haven't missed anything major. I had a great trip to Colorado. I love, love, that place! Today I walked in a local breast cancer run. I'm the one in the  middle in my new avatar picture. Hope everyone is doing good!!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Lady...Congrats on the walk. You look great. The pink boas are a great addition!

    Had my 10 year olds bday party this weekend and had to babysit my nephew....made for a busy weekend then back to work today. Definitely feeling tired today. My insurance company called me last week to see how I am doing back at work as I go full time in a couple of weeks so they are hoping for no problems. I told them that I was feeling tired/rundown...not sure if it is just everyday life or still recovery? Heading off to spin cardio is getting better for sure but no significant weight loss....blah....have to step up my exercise but I just feel tired after work so feel lazy to get going....I know that I will feel better after exercising but it is just doing it!!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Guys, just wanted to check in.

    Carolyn:  Thanks for thinking of me.  How is Aidan doing in school?  That story was heart breaking. I am very glad to hear your dermatology issue was nothing bad. 

    Wherria:  Glad to hear that your liver mets issue is resolved.  What a relief.

    Lizzy:  Thanks for your moment of 3 a.m. clarity!..hopefully you are right and I will start feeling better, because tonight is the night I am allowed to return to my classes...YAY!! 

    Thanks guys for thinking of me.  I am not really feeling much better, but hoping that a return to my regular routine at the gym will help.  Physically, I am feeling much better though, healing nicely.  I wanted to thank you all for being here when I need you.  You guys are a godsend, and I honestly don't know what I would have done without you.  Just wanted to make sure you all knew how special you are to me, and you are never far from my thoughts, even when I am too busy to get on the board much.  LOVE YOU ALL!! 

    Okay, going to class now, will try to catch up later. 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening warriors!

    I hope everyone is well.   Pre-op is out of the way!! Yay!!!   I was talking with the nurse today and talking about nutrition etc... and she is like "forget it, I see absolute vegans come in here loaded with cancer" and that got me thinking.  The reason we were talking so candidly is because we are the same age and went to the same high school.   I guess focusing on nutrition too much is really not the answer.  

    Giuliana Rancic:  I watch "Fashion Police" with Joan Rivers, Kelly Osbourne and Giuliana.  I really like her and am sending positive vibes her way.  She is very happy and seemingly well-adjusted which will undoubtedly help her during this bc battle.  It is unbelievable how many are being diagnosed from all of us to doctors, celebrities etc....  I am so grateful there is better detection now.

    Sptmm: glad you checked in, woman!  I hope you enjoyed your class.  A friend just told me about an LA Fitness not too far from my house but in a direction I don't normally travel.  In any case, very happy to hear about it as I really like LA Fitness as chain gyms go.  Of course, with my next surgery only days away and the promise of drains and roughly 20" of scarring to heal, I am quite sure I won't be going to LA Fitness any time soon!

    Rachel: glad you had a good weekend!  I fully understand your tired business.  I am so wiped out and I am not working at all. I can't imagine what return to work was like.  What did the insurance say?  Did they feel the tiredness was just age, returning to work and/or still part of recovering?   I really think this has left me in such a strange place...I sure hope my energy builds upon return to the workforce. 

    Lady: you look terribly spirited in your avatar!   I agree with Rachel on the boas!  Glad you are doing so well.

    I am tired, another hot-flash filled, 4 hour sleep night.   I am also trying to get so much stuff done because I know I am going to be completely unable to do much of anything for a while after surgery.   I feel better going into this surgery as I feel more prepared and have a better understanding of what I might expect this time.  I always put up my Christmas tree early but this year I think it is going to go up BEFORE Halloween because I don't think I am really even going to be able to lift my arms much for a while and PT is in my future after surgery also.  Oh well...I love my Christmas tree and those wonderful, holiday smelling logs for the is all so cozy! 

    Good night, all

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzy--My insurance just asks how things are going and if there are any issues. Things are going pretty good. I manage a group of employees so that can be difficult--especially as I have a couple of people who are a little bit of "hot heads". I remember years ago how I was so happy when I got a Mgmt, I would rather not have reports at all. I spoke with my insurance again today...I guess they are really counting down till I am back full-time (end of next week). I do wonder whether I should ask for them to continue the back to work program for a little longer but on the other hand, the sense of `normalcy``is nice.

    As interest--here is a link to an information sheet put out on breast cancer in Canada. Not sure on the backup to the stats but the information shows just how prevalent this damn cancer is now.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Update - my friend with the Guillan Barre syndrome was just moved to 2 weeks of rehab in another part of the hospital and is very very slowly getting back some strength.  She is extremely weak.  It is a difficult recovery.   Hope everyone is doing alright. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening there anyone out there?!

    I can only imagine you all are busy but this does not mean I am not thinking of you just the same!

    Rachel: once you get back to full-time for a while I am sure you won't feel so tired.  Is spinning helping with the fatigue?   As for prevalence of bc, the general feeling is there is just a lot more screening now.   Also, about 5 years ago there were startling statistics on women dying of lung cancer but they were not smokers and were on the young side.  Apparently it was found that the "undiagnosed" bc set up camp in the lungs so the lung cancer was actually lethal mets.   I think the more they find, the better.  

    Omaz: that is such great news about your friend.  I am very happy to hear that she has made some progress.   How are you doing these days?   I am just getting very excited to have what I hope will be my final surgery next week.   Of course I have had some itching on the affected breast and all I can think is *it* is back as itchiness is one of the only outward signs.  All I know is if it is back, I am getting my new boobs nonetheless!   I really think the itchiness is the scar there.   Quite frankly, I am tired of thinking about and reflecting on all things bc and am done wallowing in conjecture!   I am done!

    Tonight I decided to steam my face in hopes it would also have the ancillary benefit of helping my aching nasal region.  In any case, it did help a bit but when I followed up with Vitamin E it has caused my eyelashes to stick together!  Also, I have steamed with lemon for years and years and tonight my dreadfully chapped lips turned bright pink around the perimeter and they puffed up!  I look like a botchulism babe now!  

    I hope everyone is well and happy trails to all!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi I haven't written for ages. I am glad to read that so many have checked back in, Hi Wherria.

    I finally got out into public, I went to a sewing class. A few minutes after I got there I started to cry but I had my glasses on so I don't think anyone noticed. It was overwhelming to be with about 16 otehr women. Everyone was really nice and fun and I made it through alright. I was SO tired when I got home but I couldnt go to sleep.  I forgot to mention, actually I am a llittle embarassed to say that my husband bought me a new humdinger of a sewing machine, thus the class.

    My Onc has referred me to a trial where they are trying to find out what will and won't help with cognitive issues in post chemo patients. I am going to go because I really need for this to improve. I think my DD thinks I have lost it and I know I haven't fully I just forget some things.  Today she told me I used to bring home her local newspaper all the time. She is referring to when we were moving here and were looking for a house and I had just discovered I had breast cancer.I don't remember that at all. I am starting to feel like I should lie so I don't get the "look" from her. Don't take me wrong , she is wonderful, thoughtful and all that but she is a therapist and therefore knows more about the issues I could have and I think is worried. 

    I am excited for you our mighty leader! Almost time to get the new boobies and we will all say a prayer for no infectious elements anywhere in yoour environment. You will be a glowing mass of healing!  

    Wherria, I hope it all gets sorted out for you soon. It was good to read that the Doc saw you same day. How is your doggie?  I got my poodle puppy in July, he is enormous now at 5 1/2 months and growing like crazy. He is really smart and I am undecided just how good a thing that is. We now have 4 puppy gates set up. Our little dog tries to convince him he is dominant and it is so strange to see Harry "practicing" his dominance on Stewie. He can barely reach his back. Stewie just walks away with Harry frantically hanging on and quick steppping sideways!

    A couple days ago I was sleeping on my side when I felt something nudging me on my shoulder. There was Stewie sitting upright on my bed and taking his paw to nudge me a little bit. He was very polite about it and has good sleeping in bed manners. Yes we sleep with our dogs. Stewie is getting bigger by the day!  

    Calamity, Good to hear you are able to be so responsive to Aiden. The bully makes me think of mean ways to get back but of course that isn't the way to go....but I would want to! 

    Texas, I missed a lot of your posts but other's responses sort of filled in the blanks a bit. I hope the Texas Sun is shining on you in the very best way. 

    Lady Bama, I follow you always. I am so glad your friend is improving. My FIL had to go to rehab after several months in the hospital and ICU. He has myasthenia gravis and couldn't even walk and had to relearn basic things. He did relearn everything he had lost, so that may be good news for your friend.

    If I missed you I apologize I will catch up later.  

    I am finally starting neurontin tonight my feet are still very numb, my hands are the same, somewhat numb still.  I hope it helps.   

    I am getting few hot flashes but am getting a little cranky. Onc says it is the Arimidex. I feel awful when I am cranky, I never feel good if I snal at someone it makes me feel awful.  This too will pass I hope!

    Love and hugs Ginger

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Ginger - so good to hear from you!  I was just thinking of you.  I hope the trial helps with the cognitive issues.  There seem to be several 'leftovers' from treatment for me as well.  My neuropathy is definitely improved but not gone.  Still notice it in my fingertips and feet/ankles.  Numbness.  My gait is much better but I am still a bit unsteady until I get myself moving. But you know we had cancer so what are we gonna do?  I am reading 'The emporer of all maladies' about cancer and it's such an intersting book and has helped me understand a lot of things about treatment, cancer, genes and cells.  Plus the writing is terrific.  Hugs back to you Ginger!!
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi Ginger - glad you got out to the sewing class. I know it's hard but the more you do the easier it will get. I have alot of cognitve stuff- probably a combo of chemo and the emotional fallout from  treatment. Hopefully it will get easier for all of us in time.

    We have to go do my father's will tonight. I still have both of my parents and worry that they are getting older, and I guess my dad has been thinking about it too since he's doing this. I was at lunch with them and realized how hard it must be for them now that I've had cancer and in a worst case scenario they'll outlive me!

    Lizzy -is this Tues your surgery?

    Off to soccer games , hope everyone is doing well. Lady - hope you are enjoying being done with treatment.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Hey all! Have no time to catch up- been busy, school and dr appointments...

    Latest, found an ortho who does think PT may help my neck- got a TENS system thing (some sort of shocker)

    Planning my sons bday party which is supposed to be on the 6th... But broke as heck lol (spent 80 on the kids at the county fair- prob not the best idea)

    I test for the nursing program on dec 9th so all my off time is being used to study...

    hope all is well

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    ((((Hugs)))) Tex - Glad to hear from you!!  Happy bday to your son.
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas I just bought my husband a tens unit  on Amazon. He has used it three times and LOVES it. I hope it is as successful for you!

    Hugs  Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day WARRIORS!

    I hope you all continue to, and only, fight the good fight!   I have been busy getting organized for surgery this week.   There is a lot to do and it is also a celebration of being liberated from the confines of what has been a long, and somewhat arduous, battle.   This is, I am hoping, the final surgery and I will go on to live many long & fulfilling cancer-free years.   Here's to hoping!  More to this point, however, one, some or all of us, at some point or another, are most likely going to deal with cancer again.  PLEASE, please, please-make sure you come back here and share and seek comfort.   This is not a place to avoid should cancer come knocking again but rather a place to return to for support and understanding.   This I want our legacy to be.

    GINGER!  Great to hear from you!  I miss everyone when they don't post but I truly believe that when I don't hear from someone for a while, it was necessary for you all to get busy again and for this to become a place you stop once in a while, as it should be.  It is all part of evolving beyond bc.   The only person I am not convinced this applies to is JSW, however.  I do miss her and am not convinced her silence is because she is too busy to stop by.....I am concerned about her.  In any case, I digress!   Ginger, I have my weepy moments as well but I sure am glad you got out and took a class so you can better understand the rather complicated gift that was given in love from your dh!    I am sorry to say but over 40 means you are officially beyond understanding technology and I think I am going to remedy this situation with a "understanding tech" school!  I am so glad you got out and *stayed* even through your tears.  That is a very good sign.

    Speaking of tears, I am not a person that sheds a lot but I will admit "Extreme Home Makeover" will bring on the tears at times!   When they do the final reveal, I am often times teary for those that are enjoying such wonderful blessings.  A few days ago I was cooking and was watching "Ellen." Yes, I have a TV in my kitchen!  In any case, a young military couple had written to her about how their house savings had been wiped out due to their infant son's health issues.   It was so sad to hear the letter as Ellen read it on her show.   She, of course, took action and went to the couple's apartment, cameras rolling, and gave them a plethora of high-end electronics from the Ellen bus (I don't really get to watch her show much but apparently this bus arrival connotes good tidings!) and a check for $15K!  Sure enough, before you know it I was crying!   Thank you tamoxifen!  

    Come back and let us know how you are doing.   Keep in touch, woman!

    Tex: Happy Birthday to your son!   You are fast becoming another one where I don't know how you do it all especially with school and "little" kids!  Amazing!  Best of luck on the nursing exam and don't forget those online websites where there are quizzes etc...   I have been doing logic problems which is a fun way to prepare for the LSAT!  I am kind of rusty, sadly.   In any case, I know you are very busy these days but it is refreshing to hear from you ;)

    Omaz: are you still working with the personal trainer?  I wondered about that a few days ago.   It is funny how you all are a part of my life, in that I am reflecting on you all "off thread," and that is just wonderful!  I am so grateful for this site.

    Ckptry: I hope you had a good time at the soccer game!  How is cutesy little Aidan?!   I don't want him to feel pressured but I hope he is still practicing shooting hoops as I do expect he will SAVE the Nets some day!  Surgery is actually Thursday.  They said I am going to be in surgery for roughly 5 hours and during pre-op they mentioned I might go to ICU briefly afterwards to make sure I am stable.   I actually have a question for you: they always ask in pre-op if I donated my own blood preemptively to avoid a transfusion.   Is that SOP?  Also, wouldn't I do that under the recommendation from my surgeon as opposed to voluntarily or is it good practice to just do that anyway?  I try desperately not to ask professional questions of anyone here but, in this case, I need your opinion on this matter!  I also pester Kel for online tips!   If anyone needs any market info, feel free.  I lived it for over a decade!

    Calamtykel:  I know you must be busy with your holiday ecommerce and everything else that you do but just thought I would let you know I am thinking of you!  I have been doing a lot of research on "alkaline" state and this made me think of you.  On that note, EVERYONE should be having a glass of lemon water morning and night...just one small step, girls!

    Zenith: if you are still reading, I have to be honest when I tell you I still have flashback "funnies" to your story, when we were on chemo, of going for a walk with your husband and falling down and laying there!  It was something about the way you wrote it!  A few years ago I was out on NYE with my "man!" and a woman was leaving this restaurant/bar on a really busy street.  Tony and I had been sitting at the bar, and right near the door.   This woman left, and was pretty drunk, but had a designated driver.  She was on the driver's side, back door of an SUV and the designated was helping someone get in the passenger side.  They were parked on the street and the driver's was on the street side.  As I watched her fall and lay there in the middle of the road, I raced out there to get her in a split second.  I was the only person that left the bar/was not so drunk that my response was hampered.   All I could think was with the amount of drunk driving, it being NYE and 1AM, and that being a very busy street, she was going to be hit quite quick.  I was having dinner at that same restaurant a few weeks ago and that woman came up to me and said how she never had a chance to thank me etc... She apparently is a regular and someone at the bar knew it was me and let her know I was there.   The words she used to describe how she was laying in the street reminded me very much of the story you told and I had some extra laughs!  In any event, she paid for our meals and drinks as a way of saying thank you!  Clearly she did not have to do that but it was nice just the same!  Among other things, the way she described her fall made me think of you!  Hope you are well.

    Obama: something weird is happening in the employment market!  I think he finally cracked the whip on banks and brokerages to get moving on hiring after they enjoyed such a humongous, and beneficent, bailout.   Myself and a number of people I still speak with from the industry have, as of late, been getting email alerts from recruiters at the large banks and brokerages.   It is anomalous.  My resume is out there but I have not done anything with it in years.   I am amazed that in the past month I have gotten as many emails about jobs/offers in the financial industry as I had for nearly the entire year.   Just letting you all know that my friends and I believe, and armchair analysis says, the pressure is being put on those profit hogs to hire!!!!!  

    The economy: there is a local haunted trail of terror type of maze that is charging $15 admission for kids?!  I find that to be quite high, in this economy, and for a 5 minute trot through a spook fest?!   I think $10 would have been sufficient.  What is wrong with people?!  Perhaps that is average and I am just getting older, and cheaper, by the minute!    

    OK, I am officially jealous of J Lo!!  I am not a jealous person either but, as if she did not have what can be largely considered "it all," now she has the ultimate trophy=BRAD COOPER!!  He is the kind of guy that if I were talking to him I would not be able to *listen* to what he was saying as I would be far too engrossed in his aesthetic value! just keeps getting better for her!      

    Good day, girls....and just in case any of you were wondering, yes, my Xmas tree is up!!  I went fake many years ago and never went back because, and as you all know, I LOVE animals, in particular cats and real trees and cats...well, not always a good match!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Lizzy - I learned things from the personal trainer - but she ended up being 'flakey' about the appointments and I just didn't have time for that so I stopped.  It was more hassle for me to worry about the appointments plus she wasn't teaching totally new stuff so I figured I could do as well on my own.  She did help my form for the upper body free weights.  And in talking to my friend who is an athlete she convinced me to stay with lower weights and go with more reps.  What do you think about that approach - she suggested 5 pounds, 3 sets of 20.  Also, why don't they make 6 pound weights, 7 pound weights?  Why does it have to jump from 5 to 8??
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: low weight, high reps will tone.  That is the purpose of that. Should you want to develop more muscle, you would increase to more sets and less reps.  For building muscle, the rule of thumb is 4 sets/12 reps.   Actually, if you buy freeweight bars, you can make weights in whatever increments you want.  There are "1 lb" plates.   I actually have a few old 1 lbers!   Also, something I did when I was unaware of freeweights is when I wanted to increase my weight but not to the next dumbbell weight, I would use my 1's and 5's together.  If you want to go to 7lbs, use 2's and 5's.   I would check CL for freeweights, however.  They are significantly less expensive to buy used and they are something that totally warrants being bought used as plates, bars and the like "don't" go bad!   All they might do is rust a little. When it comes to purchasing workout equipment, I always encourage people to start with something used until you know you are going to use it.

    BTW, this is the book that I have told you all about:

    You can buy it used at Amazon for $1.25 + shipping.  It is an excellent resource for anyone interested in toning or building muscle.  It teaches all the different types of lifting you can do for every body part.  For instance, everyone thinks the end of the road on biceps is free or preacher curls = not so.  There are several exercises for bi's and tri's and don't kid yourself into thinking that you are not "serious" about lifting so don't need to know more.  If you are lifting then you are serious and knowledge is power.   It is imperative you study your form and if you squat, you should get a belt and also invest in some gloves.  I have always used gloves with wrist support.  Also, because of chemo, we all need to know more about lifting as our bones need support and protection from the likes of osteoporosis etc...   Lifting combined with yoga, calisthenics and pilates will keep your infrastructure in good shape and keep you flexible.   Cardio trims the fat!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Speaking of working out, please tell me you all heard the story about the man that was 89 when he started "long distance" running and who recently ran a marathon in Toronto at 100?!   Sometimes the mind is not even sufficient to process such information!
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Thanks Lizzy!  I ordered the book too.  What is 'CL'?
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
