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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. No matter what, there is still a lot to be grateful for!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Happy Thanksgiving my friends.

    Love and hugs 


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Okay i got a quick moment- caught up my reading...

    Lizzy- About the change- apparently being stupid and working at a bank is common place down here because a local bank has been running these commercials which i find hilarious but they arent meant to be LOL- its a white background with music playing softly then words pop up about how frost bank hasn't forgotten about these things "customer service, integrity etc.. then MATH" i kid you not they said MATH.... so anyhow my sister in law works there and she is always talking about how great they are so we intend to switch lol

    Omaz- the POOL! no fair- ours has been closed since the summer! Even though we have been in the 80s a lot they still wont open it!

    Ginger- Post a pic! I'd love to see you with the new do!

    The flowbee- do they still make that? i recently saw one at a thrift store, but havent seen it at a reg store in a while!

    Lady- Smart to buy your groceries early, due to the fact that my DH just got paid i had to wait til yesterday. I dang near had a panic attack with the amount of people there. SOOOO crowded, what sucks is i was doing my normal 2 week shopping and some things were sold out! Oh well I'll wait til saturday or sunday to get the rest....

    Lizzy- Love the song 3 little birds, i put it on youtube and the whole family will dance to it... Great song! ORGANIZATION- okay so i am obsessed LOL i like to have bins for everything... Well i saw in a magazine at the P/T to organize all those season packets we accumulate like chili season and taco seasons lol, to hang one of those clear plastic over the door shoe pocket things. and divy them up... so i was on this hunt to find one- of course no one carries the cheap clear ones anymore- i could only find canvas ones... so i looked online and they wanted way too much for them! I remember when they were at the dollar store! I am not payin 20 bucks (after shipping) my packets can just stay in their bins LOL

    Ginger- WOW she is 15 months now! i remember when she was a new born! they grow so fast dont hey!

    Lizzy- you speak Japanese? thats cool, i cant remember what airline was hiring Japanese speaking flight attendants- you can put your new boobs to work LOL (just being stereotypical about flight attendants)

    Omaz- strange you brought that up- i wnet to pick up my tamox the other day and it was in a new bottle and looked different apparently they switched to the generic brand- so far no side effects, but its scary that they can just do that without asking, oh and if the medicide in it has to be the same formula why wouldnt the pills be the same size?

    Lizzy- about the occupy wallstreet and the pepper spray, i was outraged when i saw this vidoe of these cops spraying these students that looked peaceful just sitting there with this thick fog of orange pepper spray until i saw the full video 2 days later, apparently the students had surrounded the officers and wouldnt let them pass- they on multiple occations gave the students the option to move so the officers could get through and they chose not to so they got sprayed... 

    i totally understand the right to free speech and being able to gather, but when you're on private property (which the university is) you are subject to their rules and one of their rules was no camping- simple as that- if they feel for the movement then go to NYC and make your voice heard!

    Oh and dont get me started on Geraldo- he was interviewing a guy in NY and the guy said he was a welder and was just wanting to work ( there are a lot of union jobs and stuff the prevent some ppl from being hired) he said something along the lines of "i dont want to make millions i just want to make 50,000 a year" Geraldo's response "You'd really work for only 50,000 a year!" Like he was shocked. Um excuse me but how many americans work and live off less than that! How much money do you make Geraldo where $50,000 a year is an insult. If my husband even made $35,000 a year we'd be better off,

    Anyhow i have to work on some overdue math homework!

    Have a great day ladies!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Happy Thanksgiving my friends.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING MY LOVELY WARRIORS!!!  I am yelling so my greeting gets out West to the lovely Omaz, South to Texas and Lady, Pac Northwest to Seattle and to all the others!

    Texas: watashi wa nihongo wa benkyoo shimashita nee!!!!!  I studied Japanese!   I am going to pick up Mandarin again but my Japanese is well-honed!

    I will write more later!  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    I hope you all had a nice holiday

    I *love* twitter and through twitter I have gotten connected to some groups in the UK.  There is one that had a *pre* mx/bmx fashion show!  Isn't that a great idea?  I think that would be absolutely wonderful for all.   I would have loved to go to a pre-bmx fashion show.  I bought so much stuff and I have no idea what, if anything, I can do with it now.  I have more head wraps, scarves, wigs (one of which cost me, out-of-pocket $300), hats, compression tanks, camis etc... In all, I think I spent well over $1K on "stuff" for this dx.   In any case, I think I am going to start a bc twitter group for CT and try to organize fashion shows for those yet to join us in this fight here in this state.  I would hope that all of those out there would start county-wide (in the larger states) and state groups (in the smaller states) to organize fashion shows.  If anyone is interested in trying to organize, it can also  be done through "meetup" but I think Twitter is the best way to communicate such an event.  I just thought it was a great idea.

    Of course, I am up all night with hot flashes.  Now I don't get to sleep until 5AM.  The only solution is to go on 20mg of an antidepressant.   Great.  In any case, while I was sitting in my back yard at 3:30AM, staring at the stars and thinking about this cancer crap, I started to think about how cancer loves sugar.  In any case, came in and hopped on my computer and wanted to share these 2 links with you that have really, really good info and perhaps even some reminders. I believe I am forgetting some things, important things, about my post-bc health.  In any case, here are the links:

    Finally, has anyone switched to macrobiotic diet?  I don't believe diet causes cancer.  Bottom line is I think it is stress but once you have it, it might be time to look at a few changes.

    Good day, all= 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    thanks for sharing those articles-

    i'll admit the first article was a bit long and i dont have much time so i read the first few paragraphs- i dont think chicken causes cancer LOL its true the ADDITIVES that chicken (not free range and organic) have def arent what our bodies were designed to eat- anyhow i bookmarked it and will read it in full hwne i get the chance.

    the second article was a little misleading "Cancer has only one prime cause. It is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body's cells by an anaerobic [i.e., oxygen-deficient] cell respiration." -Dr. Otto Warburg

    they concluded that

    "The reason Food Therapies for cancer even exist today (beyond the fact that they work) is because someone once saw the connection between sugar and cancer. There are many food therapies, but not a single one allows many foods high in carbohydrates and not a single one allows sugars, BECAUSE SUGAR FEEDS CANCER.

    LOL i dont even know where to start in dissecting this article- first ALL cell respiration requires sugar- its starts with sugar- or glucose- when there is oxygen present it is able to go through its normal cycle and break down into 36-38 ATPs as a final product which is where we get our energy... in the case where there isnt enough oxygen, like when we are doing some heavy exercising, instead of being able to complete its cycle it stops after glycolosis and turns into fermentation- in humans when that happens we make lactic acid- for those who work out you know that burning feeling of lactic acid in your muscles....

    When the article stated that;

    "Another thing this tells us is that cancer metabolizes through a process of fermentation."

    if that was true more people that exercised would be susceptible to cancer- which is opposite of current research.

    i dont think the writer of this article realised that a lot of those food therapy diets use whole food plant based diets- plants break down into sugars- plants are carbs, granted they are complex carbs so our bodies take longer at absorbing those sugars than say a candy bar which is simple carbs....

    If we wanted a diet compleatly free of sugars we'd just eat water LOL- even protein contains some sugars...

    My conclusion on this article is they are blaming sugars for causing cancer to metabolise- meaning the culprit from our diets are sugars, really the culprit from our diets is PROCESSED food and all the additives in our diets... These are unnatural and our bodies weren't designed to eat these things...

    Oh btw i love how there is no author stated- i am always wary when no one is willing to claim the work :)

    Anyhow- thanks for the articles :) Did i make any sense LOL? i have been studying and doing my speech assignments today

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Texas: I just thought there were some good points made.  Most important I found was the rate at which cancer cells metabolize versus regular cells and that when cancer is lookin for sugar, and it has been cut off, what it will do is convert protein to sugar and that is how cancer wins.   They can't figure out how to stop it from converting protein to sugar.   I don't think they are blaming sugar but there is a direct connection and almost every cancer professional I have dealt with says the same thing: cancer loves sugar.  I think stress causes cancer but once cancer gets going, it uses sugar to power the bus.   Cancer has a huge sugar appetite and it will keep going in its pursuit of sugar.  

    I don't swear by everything I read but I think there were some key reminders.   My father always told me to take what you need and leave the rest behind!  All I could think when I read those articles is how I seem to be forgetting important crap.  

    Photosynthesis turns carbond dioxide into sugars, yes, but in our bodies, nuts, vegetables and lentils turn to sugar but very, very slowly which does not harm us.  

    Soy, sugar, stress and cancer, for us bc girls, seem to go together in some way.  It just seems, for me, the further I get away from this dx the less I am remembering key points.  Like I ate a sweet potato a few days before txsgvng and w/ER+, I don't care what *they* say, I am not eating soy products.  

    It is all so very complex.  I just think I need to start to keep a notebook in "OneNote" which I hope you familiarized yourself with, and visit my reminder page regularly.  I also put reminders in my phone about things I feel I am forgettting.   It is a lot to take in....I just need reminders.

    I hope you are having a lovely holiday weekend and finally, where is FedEx?!   Home delivery, unlike UPS and my regular FedEx driver, won't accept my "release package" notes!  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    How does onenote work? I don't get it.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    My spartan crew...I am sure glad we are not at war!!!

    Omaz: Do you mac?  MS Office 2007 or newer has software called "OneNote."   One can create numerous notebooks on several, several different topics.  There is a built-in, personal notebook template.  I just find it really helpful and useful.  I love using it for many, many different projects etc... and it is just exponential like all things microsoft!  

    I have been meaning to ask you if you find Chrome glitchy?   I do find it a little glitchy and sometimes it slows and then rapidly speeds is weird and I have 3 different ISPs in this house so it is not on my end.  I find it on all providers and computers.  It is not a big problem but I hope they work it out because I won't use Explorer as that is just a mess with internet "pirates" and Firefox is ok but I do prefer the look of Chrome.

    It is 60 degrees *here* in CT today!  This is unheard of at this time of the year.  To be honest, years of living in the Northeast, my body is ready for some cold...not 10 below but a seasonal 40 would be nice! 

    Good day and enjoy-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - Windows (and dos and unix) person here.  I have office 2007 and 2010 so have onenote but I don't understand the logic behind it - what to use it for.  Yeah chrome is a little funny.  Starts up fast but does slow randomly.  Like it though, better than firefox or IE.  How are you feeling?  I am heading off to the pool for a swim.  It's very windy today and we have relatives coming for a couple days this afternoon.  
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: I used OneNote to keep track of everything from shopping to things I plan to buy to travel plans.  I also write in OneNote, I used it for a class I took a few years back, I have one set up for looking at law schools.  You can start a blank one, make your own tabs etc... In fact, I find I am using MSW less and less since OneNote.   OneNote is just way more organized.  The nice thing too is you can access your notebooks from anywhere.  As you set one up it gives you the option of being able to access it from elsewhere and you specify.   I just really took to it but don't forget, I am an organizational freak!  I bought all these Antonious organizational systems with baskets from Ikea and I use those baskets all over my house and I use the free-standing units in my office and basement!  The next time you are making a list or talking to DH about travel, open a OneNote and start keeping track of links of sites you found for places you might want to stay, locations, cruise lines etc... It is really one big planner that goes with you wherever you need it to.

    I hope you have a lovely swim (jealous!) and the relatives are not too much!   

    I am ok, my several inches of scars are healing.  I have to go to the OR, most likely this week, to move the clot that is in my left breast.   The next surgery after that is Jan and an MRI of my liver I believe is on the agenda but for now, just recovering.  Thanks for asking, woman!

    Have a good day-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- your dad is a smart man... We also were experincing some 20 degree above normal temps here until apparently last night LOL

    Omaz- I am also jealous!

    My 6 yr old has menengitis- she is in the hopsital with DH, i am at home with our son, they want to see if it is viral or bacterial- i pray its just viral. SO she will be out of school at least this week...

    When we were in the ER (btw it took 9 hours for her to be admitted!) they asked if any of us had the smae symptoms- i had a headhche that wouldnt let up and neck pain/stiffness (which i sorta always have though) she said i was fine LOL but i doubt a little. Am going to call our doctors tomorrow- worried about my 4 year old.... I am feeling better so i hope if it is viral men. its over... will update :)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas, I am praying for your daughter. My DD had meningitis when she was 3 months old. It was scary and we never knew which type she had because the spinal taps kept failing and they had to begin treatment as though it was bacterial. I had the flu and didn't realize she was unusually quiet because I was so sick then her soft spot on her head swelled up that night. She made a full recovery for which I am forever grateful. The Docs know more now than they did 32 years ago so your DD will benefit from that.  I think viral is more prevalent than bacterial if that is any comfort. Waiting in the ER is really difficult when it is one of your kids, I send you hugs and prayers.

    Love Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Texas: my dad *was* a smart man!  He died in 1999 of lung cancer.  He was a smoker, heavy at times.  I remember him telling me, after he had quit smoking in the late 90s, that he had a cought he could not get rid of.  He lived for 3 years after dx and it was a struggle but he did it.  That is why I quickly went bmx b/c I know if he could have removed his lungs and lived, he would not have given it a second thought. I have a montage of his pictures in a hallway in my home and I just stopped to talk to his pic a little while ago!  It seems like he was just here yesterday.  I miss him very much.  He was a very good man.

    Meningitis...ugh.   Yes, I do hope it is viral also.  Tex, please let us know as soon as you can.  That really makes me nervous.  They are so young but their youth is also strength in a situation like this.  I sure hope you get the best news possible.  Meningitis is, sadly, making a come back.  I have heard of cases here in CT and we have not had any talk of that in these parts for years and year until recently, I would say the past 2 years or so.  I will be sending positive vibes for sure.

    Ginger: did you have a nice holiday?  I sure hope so.  I follow JR Martinez on Twitter and he is just such a nice man.  He has tweeted pics of him with the trophy and I guess a friend or someone in his family made a mirror ball made of cupcakes for him!  It looked great!  

    Night, girls...tired, tired, tired!  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    There is a meningitis shot if you live in dorms or anything where you would be in crowded quarters. I receivedit when I got my first shots for Haiti.   I also think there is a shot babies get now but I could be totally wrong.  I was fortunate when my DD had it because I knew nothing at all about it. Because Texas is a good researcher I imagine she knows more about it than I do today.



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - I think this is the FDA link for reporting the TE allergic response - 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    I'm back!  Harass ya later fearless leader.  (c:

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning, spartan warriors!

    Omaz: I am already on the FDA.   There are several steps but I am almost done.  Thanks for the reminder, however!. 

    Adey: skipping across the pond!  Hope you had fun.  Hey, I started corresponding with someone from another thread from Chicago.  I told her about you and NOLA and explained I would see if you could be of assistance and pass her info on.  Let me know if this is ok, woman!   Also, I told her about your very active local group so perhaps she is already on it?!

    Tex: any news?  Please let us know.

    Good day, girls-

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Hells yeah it's okay.  What's her call sign Iceman?!  (c:

    (Had a blast)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas, thinking about you today and praying for your little girls complete recovery.

    Love GInger

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Texas.... Hope that you are all doing well. Keep us posted. Sending positive vibes and hugs your way.

    I have had a crappy couple of weeks at work...super busy and unfortunately had to fire someone. Blah. Hated doing it but needed to be done. Now have to hire someone.....vicious circle :(. Need to really keep myself in the right mind frame and not sweat the small stuff!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!  Just wanted to check in quick.  I finally got a vacation, after the past year and a half from hell!  I went down South to visit my brother for Thanksgiving.  It was sooo nice to get away from the day to day and relax.  Anyway, I haven't had a chance to catch up with all the posts yet, hopefully tomorrow. 

    Tex:  I did notice your post, and want you to know I am sending prayers your way.  It is so scary when the little ones are sick.  My son had meningitis this summer, and I must tell you it is very contagious, so be careful.  The doctor expected me to get it because of my "compromised immune system" after the cancer treatment, also given the fact that my son has a tendency to sleep in my bed when he is sick, as he did in the days leading up to his hospitalization.  Anyway, I never did, so there is hope that you won't either.  He had viral meningitis and it cleared up pretty quickly.  I hope your daughter gets better quickly too.  I tell you the only thing I didn't like was the spinal tap.  That really scared me, but it was the only way to confirm the diagnosis and luckily it went off without a hitch.  Please post as soon as you have any news about your daughter and I will keep you guys in my prayers. 

    I will catch up with everyone tomorrow or Wednesday.

    Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Warriors-  I learned today that we should eat Sage during the holidays but I don't remember why!!!

    Sptmm: glad you are back!   Good to hear from you.

    Rachel: hiring and firing sucks.   I wish you success finding someone new.

    Ok, I am going to hut down that sage story and get back!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Texas, prayers and healing vibes for your baby and you.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi, had my checkup today and onc PA wants me to go a few more months without a period on tamoxifen before she will feel certain that I am menopausal.  Everything else was ok.  YAY!

  • Hi all -- I made my six month mammo app't, my oncologlist app't and my breast surgeon app't...all in december.  I don't know why - I should have just pushed it all into January....-:o/  Maybe I should just cancel them until after the first of the year - but I wanted to get them over with.

    I need the mammo as a follow up from June...then to the breast surgeon and the oncologlist is just a three month follow up. 

    I could feel the anxiety starting before I even started dialing the phone.  Just hearing the cancer center phone message transported me back to last year.  UGH!  Does the anxiety every go away?  It's like you bury it and bury it and bury it in life until you nearly forget about it -and then it all comes back when you have to do all this "stuff" that you have to do.

    On top of that, my kids insurance, NJ Family care has totally screwed us.  They wrote us a letter that they automatically calculated our income based on DH's pay from his company that they received from "The State".  It was about double what he makes- this bumps us into a bad plan with a monthly premium.  When I called and questioned them they had no answers -just that I could dispute it with his pay stubs and our income tax from last year.  I did that.  They called me and asked WHY I was disputing it.  I said "Look at the pay stubs-- I'm disputing it because you're WRONG!"  So she tells me that she can recalcuate it but that it won't make any difference in the policy.  I said "Sure it will!  YOu have us three levels up from where we should be!  How can it not make a difference?"  She had no answer.  I think she really just wanted to screw us since the state is broke.  So today I get a notice that the premium is due and if I don't pay it that they cancel the kids' insurance.  Of course, the plan starts in Feb -- but they want the premium by December 20.  That won't be enough time to review the case.  I called again and got the biggest b*tch in the world on the phone.  She told me it was in status review and that I had better pay the premium whether I owe it or not or we'd lose the coverage.  

    What really gets me is that the numbers they quoted me on the phone that they have don't even put us into this plan - this plan is way above and beyond even the income they have reported there.  I'm at a total loss as to the stupidity.  I freakin' hate beurocracy! 

    So I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day.  I am feeling holiday and Christmas stress -- and business stress and kid stress and now medical and financial and "stupidity" stress - I really could use a couple of ativan and my pillow right now!  ARGH! 

    Tex - I'm praying about your little one - poor kid ! I"m sorry that happened - hoping she can come home soon!  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Calamity do your best to smile while you are talking to the bureaucrats. Say some nice thing like, " I know yours is a difficult job these days and I appreciate the work you are doing." Then say "I see an error in our documentation and I hope you can help me straighten it out (use her name here). It looks like a simple math error but it has put my childrens health insurance in jeopardy. Then let her ask all the questions.

    I had to deal with Public Aid in Il for my clients and the tone of voice that workers would use if they thought I was a client was entirely different once they realized I was calling on belhalf of another agency. I would have fired anyone who worked for me if they had spoken to a client like that. Grrr

    Still we would take clients paperwork to the agency and make them sign for receipt of it and they would still claim it was lost.  

    Patience and tenacity are what you will need to get through this. I could never understand how my clients who had no education were supposed to navigate the bureaucratic bog.  

    Hugs Ginger

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas I am still thinking of you and praying for you all. Let us know how you are doing when you can. I hope your DD condition is improving and the antib's are doing their thing. 

    Love GInger

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi, for those on tamoxifen the onc PA told me yesterday that she wants me to go a few more months without a period before she will switch me to femara.  I think it will end up being 16 to 18 months since the end of chemo without a period.  Just FYI.

    Ginger -  My feet hurt when I first walk on them after sitting or being in bed and I told the onc PA about and she responded like that could be due to leftovers from the neuropathy.  Do you have that?  I still have some numbness too, do you?