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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Go get 'em.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Yeah Lizzy!  I will vote for you. Ginger

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Omaz: Definitely ask your doctor about it.

    Lizzy: Got your PM. Will join the Webinar if I can. You go girl!

    Funny story: I went to the gyn/onc for a checkup yesterday, which included a pelvic exam. His wife and his partner's wife are both very active in our OvCa support group , and I had told them I was looking for a job (so that  might be the source of where this all came from). Anyway, I'm sitting there, naked from the waist down with one of those paper sheets over me and he comes in and says "have your ever done any research?" and I said what do you mean by research, I'm a writer and you always start from zero and do research and interviews to write about your topic. He said "do you have any medical background, have you done medical research? Are you interested in a job?" Needless to say, I was caught a little off guard having a job interview while I was half naked!! I explained I hadn't done "medical research" as a job, but I had done extensive research on both BC & Ov cancers, I had taken care of my mother who had extensive health problems before she died and I had researched all her diseases and kept up with all her medical info (HBP, CHF, Kidney failure, stroke). Anyway, he just sort of left it hanging, so when I got home I wrote a cover letter telling him I'm definitely interested and sent him my resume. It was so weird! But I do hope he has something. I love science & medical stuff, so I'd really enjoy it. Ya'll say a prayer that something good comes of this. And if I have another interview with him, I hope I have all  my clothes on!

    It's a beautiful day here today. I'm about to go out and plant some flowers I bought yesterday. I am dangerous when I go wandering through garden centers!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Lady-  That is hilarious!  The best of luck to you.  Sounds like it was meant to be.  May you be dressed for the next one.  (c:

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Got the PM Lizzy.  Very interesting.  I knew Myriad was the only company that did the BRCA testing but I didn't realize it affected research too.  I will definitely try to make the 6 p.m. one, it sounds very interesting.  I too will vote for you as Mayor of the Pink Brigade! Thanks for the information.

    Lady:  That is too funny.  I too, hope that it leads to at least a second interview where you can wear pants....LOL. 

    Have a great day everyone,


  • Yes, the sunroom energy burned out quickly.  ;)  I think I'm about to get my period and now have bad PMS.  It's a beautiful day and here I am inside...drinking coffee.  Getting ready to take DH to my osteopath for a second opinion on his diabetes meds.

    He was scheduled to have a sleep study done last night  (part two - to get the machine; he had part 1 already two weeks ago - this process is taking FOREVER) - at 5:00pm, the pulmonogist office calls and says that the insurance rejected the pre cert. 

    So I try calling them back - nope, office is closed.  Thanks a lot!  Wouldn't have wanted to let us know this before!

     Call DH at work - his benefits person says, no, it WAS approved.  I call Aetna myself and they say that they have no record at all of it.  Okay...........

    DH gets home and he calls aetna -no record of a rejection.

    So he had to take the day off since it was pre-scheduled through work - he's really mad.  He calls his benefits person who contacts their person at aetna.  Yeah, Aetna did reject it - the doctor's office never submitted it until Tuesday and his test was Wednesday!  WTH!  

    Can someone tell me why people cannot just do their jobs?

    So now the pulmon. has to put through an approval to have him set up at home with the machine and they will have to callibrate it a different way ( i guess that is the point of the 2nd visit - to callibrate the pressure of the machine.)

    This whole thing is the most collossally stupid thing since the hospital double billed me and insurance and still won't fork over that $318 despite letters and phone calls later.

    Honesty, if the health issues you go into medical care with don't take you out, the stupidity and stress dealing with incompetence will!

    Hoping to hit the milk farm while we're at the osteopath and not have it be a totally wasted day anyway!  At least the weather is good!  

    by the way, Lizzy, speaking of politics, here's one we all have to fight tooth and nail - this bill was passed at the end of 2010; hasn't been signed into law yet.  It is absolutely appalling.  Can you imagine the government shutting down every farm stand, every produce market and even backyard gardens?  That it would be "illegal" to actuall save your own seeds for food?  WOW.  It would also illegalize supplements.  Imagine what this will do to thousands of family farms, food prices and quality control over what we're eating. They won't be happy until they create a global food crisis or take us all down slowly through pesticides and GMO's.....

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I recruited another survivor in our fight today at the dentist! She was a Stage 1 and just crossed her 5 yr anniversary since dx!!! What a lovely woman. In any case, soon enough I will organize the brigade and she is in. I can't wait to get a move on with that!
    Thank you all for embracing the email and at least making an effort to try to check it out. We must fight because that is the only reason we have come this far and we must support the others who are joining us every day. They need us.

    Lady: well!!! Getting a job while your clothes are off?!?!? That is great!!!!!! Hysterical! I just love it. Good for you. That is just what you were looking for. It is funny how things happen. I am very happy for you. In fact, the lack of clothing thing really makes me proud of you!!!!!

    Sptmm: thanks for checking the email. Awareness is even important if you could not make it. Just to know what is going on is helpful so should you come across this in the future, and will be able to do something then, at least you are now aware of the topic. Together we are powerful, woman!! Especially you with your marathoning!!!

    Calamtykel: Honesty, if the health issues you go into medical care with don't take you out, the stupidity and stress dealing with incompetence will!>>>> EXACTLY!!!!!!! Very well put! All of the regulations in insurance and with the doctors forces them to drive each other crazy chasing papers. It is really sad.

    Kel, you are absolutely correct. Our govt is diabolical when it comes to "managing" the farmers. Also, when you research "collective farming" it is often portrayed as being prevalent in a number of other countries but the US is never mentioned. Sure enough it is happening here but they just don't call it that. They tell the farmers what to plant and when. My mother was very upset about the grain stores and how all of that food is left, often times to rot, so they can better control the commodities market meanwhile people are dying all over the world and could benefit from that food. It is all about profit before principles and it is a travesty at that.

    I will check out that article and thanks for letting me know.

    So tired! I hope everyone has a good night. Today was beautiful weather and I think the air knocked me out!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I need somewhere to keep informed. I had to unsubscribe from all of the various info sources on my email. I was feeling really bad even though I have always been socially active. There is so much going on in the world and so much of it really is important! I just can't keep my mind around all of it. I think I have lost my faith that our government will take care of the important issues and I don't have to worry about it. 

    Kel, your insurance story is way beyond a comedy of errors. There should be a financial penalty for this crap! Argh!

    Hugs Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Well, well, well....I disappear for a few days and my Warriors leave the thread to crickets!!!! Crickets, crickets, crickets...that is all I hear!!!!

    Sorry been gone for a bit...making up for lost time from these past few summers and had a blast! I did a full Northeastern tour including a stop at the venerated Yankee Stadium!! This was the best 5 days I have had since this bc madness began! It was very much overdue, I saw people I have not seen in a while, went to places I have not been in a while and it was damn refreshing!!  I even had dinner at the Coast Guard House on Narragansett last night with a few good friends and it was a fabulous ending to several days of fun!  

    On that note, I hope everyone is doing well and having some fun as well!

    We are coming up on our 2 year anniversary for our thread which means, for all of us, it is the 2 year anniversary since we started chemo AND we are still here!!!!!!!!WHOO HOOO!! 

    Robin Roberts story is heartbreaking, however. It is also a sobering reminder to us all how chemo can cause other issues going forward. She is handling it all with much aplomb and dignity but the facts of her situation still tug on my heart strings. I find her very inspirational.

    Ginger: yes, I too have lost faith in our government's ability to take care of the important stuff. I do think the healthcare issue is a big one and is very much going to monopolize the focus of our government for a number of years. Tough to figure.

    Thanks to those who checked out the Myriad webinar. Under the auspices of antitrust, they need to be broken up. One company should not be the last and final word in BRCA testing and research.

    I hope you all are having a happy summer #goodtimes #goodstuff!!!!!!  Although we are not here as much (good sign!), I think of you all and hope everyone is well.

    Happy trails, girls!  

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy:  Glad to hear that you were "out and about".  You deserve a good time!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Arrrggghh was typing and lost everything...blast! Can't believe 2 years has almost passed. For me it was two years ago when I was getting the suspicious lump checked. It was right after my SIL's wedding..... And she just celebrated her 2nd anniversary!

    My youngest son is running in regional finals for 1500m and 5km tomorrow. He qualified with just over 5min for 1500 and 21min for 5km. Not sure where he got his athletic prowess from. Fingers crossed!!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good luck to your son Rachel!

    Yes, two years.  I have been wondering lately though, you think I would have been over it by now.  Two years is a long time and treatment ended over a year ago.  Why does it still feel like breast cancer is still so a big part of my daily thoughts?  I wish it would go away already.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm: because bc never leaves our thoughts!  I am all wound up in that Robin Roberts MDS situation and am doing research on what kind of chemo she had.  I do rememeber my onc, quite definitively, talking about the chance for leukemia.  I woke up at 4AM, grabbed my phone and started researching.  Cytoxan and Doxyrubicin are 2 of the chemos I had and are also 2 of the ones that can cause problems down the road.   So, yes, 2 years is a long time but I feel like 10 years is NOT long enough to get this mess to not take up so much of our thoughts!  I also realized through my research lately that 5 years is a big, big milestone with this disease.  Once you successfully cross 5 yrs from dx w/out recurrence or mets, you are considered sort of in remission or NED but the "real" anniversary is the 10 year.   If you make it 10 years from dx you are pretty much about as home-free as one can get with this disease.   I can safely say, however, it is less front-and-center than it used to be!  Looking forward to that remaining the trend! 

    Rachel: congratulations to your son!!!!  I have always thought running is just the best exercise ever.  Also, since 9/11, I am sorry to say I do reflect on the fact that we all must be able to run so as to save ourselves in the event of another terrorist attack!  This is the way many of us now think!  In any case, I hope he is very successful and keeps running and runs right through college and for the rest of his life!!  It is such a great workout.  A very, very elderly man who lived near me in NYC would do his 2 mile jog on the Upper W Side daily!  He was 87.   Running is good stuff, woman!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzy...My onco said he didn't agree with that 5 year rule...he said cancer can come back anytime....sounds pessimistic but at same time, he feels confident in current treatments and to live each day for the best. I think I will be looking over my shoulder for a while yet.

    My arm...side where my nodes were sore and I have to go to the Doc to checkout what's wrong. Anyone else have similar issue two years after surgery?

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    funny thing happened to me today. My dr called in a script for anti-nausea meds and i go to pick them up. My insurance wouldnt cover them... I asked why and they said they need a pre-auth, i have taken this one before so i know they cover it... The private pay amount was just too much and they told me to have my dr call my insurance. I started leaving and the pharmacist (not just a tech but the one that has her picture up) asked me to wait, so i did and she tells me "your insurance wont cover this medicine because its perscribed for cancer patients" i replied "i know i am a cancer patient" then she said "ones going through chemo" and i said "i am going through chemo" so she goes and says "your insurance probably doesnt know you have cancer so on this medicine they are requiring a pre auth" i said "well they DO know i have cancer as they are paying my medical claims and chemo is one of them, but i'll go ahead and have my dr get that authorization" 

    Honestly the way she was talking i think she thought i was fraudulently trying to get some heavy duty anti-nausea meds LOL 

    Needless to say i have been feeling a little sick, i have gotten on and read some of the posts but not long enough to reply. That is a sad things about robin roberts. as we all know treatment of this disease has left us vulnerable for other crap, and getting another form of cancer is THE WORST!

    Rachel- How'd your son do? 

    Lizzy-  Yes i agree we all need to get away for a while. Glad you had fun!!!!

    Summer vacation is upon us :( well i just wish i felt a little better- hopefully the auth goes through tomorrow. I cant go out in the sun which blows because i live in TX and its ALL sun ALL the time, its 8 and still bright outside. The heat makes me feel worse and i burn so easily.... thinking of buying a burkini so i can at least enjoy the pool.

    later ladies!!! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    The weather in CT is absolutely perfect! 75, dry and sunny! What a gift!

    Rachel: I must tell you, I have nothing but pain under that arm. I get short, stabbing pains that start about 2" below the armpit and move in the direction of my armpit. My breast is itchy all over and I also get pains right about where the cancer was originally. I am going to the onc next week and have surgery scheduled for July. I won't know until the masses that are in that pocket are removed and sent to pathology if I am dealing with recurrence or not. If mine is recurrence, it is at the chest wall but I am nervous b/c of the pains under my arm. As you all know, the lymph nodes are gone...what is that pain about? If it was either itching OR shooting pains, I would be ok but b/c it is both, I am more than a little concerned. I also lose feeling in my left arm and have broken 2 phones now. In long, yes, I am with you. If I never had bc, surely I would ignore all of this!!!! I wish I could go back to "ignorance is bliss!" Those were the days.

    As for the 5 year rule, I think I will "mentally" feel better at the 5 year mark. Plus, as I have said before, we are living in auspicious times and if this junk comes back after the 5 year mark who knows what we will have then? It could even be cured by then!!!!

    Someone among us is very shy and will not come forth regarding her recent athletic accomplishments! I am going to OUT her now!!!! Our very own Adey is over ½ way finished with the "Couch to 5K" and is going out to run 2 miles tomorrow!!!!!! She literally went from the couch to 2 miles in 3 weeks!!!!! She also biked about 40 miles over the weekend! Yes, one of our own has clearly joined the "LIVESTRONG" movement!!!!! Let's wish her well on her 2 mile run tomorrow!!!! Go get em'! Adriene, I am so happy for you and proud!!! It is such a huge accomplishment. Good for you ;)

    One more thing:  There I was, having made friends with some luscious cabernet sauvignon (he he he!), at a bonfire this past weekend and was whining about my hair!!!  The longest parts are down to my shoulders but still, I want my long hair back before, God forbid, this crap comes back and I lose it all again!!  2 or 3 of the women there were like "use Mane and Tail" shampoo!!  I was stunned...I had never heard of this!  They insist my hair will grow crazy after using this.  Sure enough, flew down to CVS and grabbed 2 bottles (as I knew I would be making this announcement on this thread---like this is or something!) and am off to the shower to let it rip!  Will let you all know how it goes and in the interim, don't wait for me, place your own $10 bet on this one!!! 

    Have a lovely evening! I am watching "America's Got Talent" which is what I watch when the Yankees are not on! My Yankees are doing very, very well!

    Night all-

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Tex: that pharmacist was acting like he/she is testing the products there!  Very weird.  I have tons of Dexilant...would you like me to send some?!  I hope you feel better.  That does totally suck that you can't go in the sun.  In CT it is cloudy 3-4 days a week usually.  I know how TX is, however.   Better days and higher love are comin, woman ;) 
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzy...someone else told me of that shampoo and I am going to try find it hair is horrible....dry, dry, dry and thin...blah. I am debating cutting it all off into a pixie cut and hope it grows back better. I keep trying to make appt at hairdresser but am so busy at work.

    My son placed 5th in regionals for 1500m. He did really well...he was running against kids in Grade 8....he is in Grade 5...he was at the back of the pack for first lap then turned on the jets...he was about two steps behind 4th. He had personal best time. He came 7th in 5km....personal best time. He said he was so nervous and was feeling lots of pressure! His teachers were very hopeful for him to place as the school hasn't had a boy in tops for a few years. He has three more years till high school so has lots of chances still! We re there to cheer him on!

    Congrats Adey...I need some inspiration to get moving!

    Tex..Hope you get all the coverage sorted. Thinking of you.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel: don't cut it!  Try that shampoo.  The women who told me about it were around my age and older so it is not some trendy thing.   Try it for the summer.  You can actually get it on although when I went to the local one the other day they said they stopped carrying it "there" but I do know it is online w/them.  

    You must be SO PROUD of your son!!!!!!  That is amazing!  Personal best time is a big deal and the fact that he has been trained to turn it on in the second half is a very good sign he has many years of successful meets ahead of him!  That is so great.  I really think running is the best thing we can do.  

    I will let you all know how my Mane and Tail shampoo is working out come October when I actually plan to cut and highlight again, for what will be the first time in nearly 2 years (for the highlighting!) and over 1 year on a cut.   

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    I've used Mane and Tail shampoo and conditioner pre bc so I guess I wouldn't have noticed. (c:  A friend and fellow baldy swears by Nioxin.  My hair is still wussy.

    Thanks Liz but you give me too much credit.  I am on week five not three!  I'll let you know if I make it tomorrow.  (c:

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    One of my sister in laws uses mane and tail- she has very nice hair, i guess it wouldnt hurt to try it....

    Lizzy- thanks for the offer, i'll just see how this insurance thing plays out tomorrow... if i dont hear from my dr you might be hearing from me ;) I am not sure if the over the counter anti nausea meds works as well as the prescription ones....

    WTG Adey!!!! 3 weeks or 5 thats still an accomplishment... I just can NOT get motivated, since starting chemo again its put a cramp in my doing ANYTHING! i am almost 40 pounds heavier than at my dx which is depressing.... cant go to the gym cuz of being around ppl, cant walk in my neighborhood cuz the sun, although i just took out the trash here about midnight and i was thinking "this would be a perfect time to go for a jog" but then my rational mind said A- the kids are asleep and B- we'd probably get murdered by some weirdo! Maybe if my husband were home i'd go, but then maybe not LOL I have literally worked out one time in the last month- and my 6 yr old insisted i do it (we have this family walk dvd thats 2 miles and my little girl loves doing it)

    Rachel- thats AWESOME! competing with kids 3 years older than you is a pretty big difference. They generally have more muscle tone and thus are faster, 5th place is great! And the most important thing is he's beat his PERSONAL best, as long as he is making improvements he will excel!!! 

    My hair is doing its own thing LOL first it was curly now as its getting longer is just soft waves, i dislike my natrual color which is a medium brown, i prefer black- i have been dying my hair black for the longest time that when my hair grew back after being bald ppl were like "oh wow your hair color has changed" LOL little did they know black was not my natrual LOL I have been debating dying it, this time around on chemo there are less chances that it will fall out (only 15-20% lose their hair on this tx) so i dont want to do anything to my hair and help it along that 20% path LOL i know probably not really gonna do anything, but i'll wait.... 

    i just looked up the couch to 5k thing... very cool 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: you know, about the weight, it is a classic misunderstanding that everyone who has cancer becomes emaciated.  In fact, as we all know, quite the opposite happens with bc and I think this is b/c it messes with our hormones and then subsequent txs shifts hormone balance.  It is not easy to lose weight that is both gained with this disease as well as any you had on going into it.   Give yourself a break, though.  This was *not* your plan and you would not be in this position if your health was not posing a challenge.   Give it time, get through these txs you have ahead and then worry about working out and your weight.  On the Couch plan, that walk for 90 seconds then jog for 60 is what is called interval training. That, more than anything else in this world, will jumpstart the most resistant of metabolisms.  As Tony Little would say "you can do it!!" Just give yourself a break and a little time ;) 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I have tried Nioxin...didnt see any difference. I will search for that other shampoo.

    Tex--i have a bunch of antinausea pills still--too bad I cant smuggle acriss the border! I gained a lot of weight through my rad hyst and beeast cancer surgery and treatment. I always joke that I was at my fittest when diagnosed. I am significantly heavier than before and it drives me crazy. I tried WW but was losing a 1lb every couple of weeks and it is pricey at that rate! My Doc said my weight loss will be sloooooowwww cause of hormones/hyst/tamox etc. Granted, I need to get more active. My kids are very athletic so i told them to force Mom out on their runs! I will keep you posted! On that note we are heading to watch my youngest play football. Seems like it will be a great sunny weekend!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Lizzy:  I agree, the thoughts are not as front and center as they used to be, but they are there every day! I just honestly don't think I will ever get to the point where I "relax" no matter how many years out I get.  Not that I am constantly freaking out that every ache and pain I have is cancer, usually I can rationalize that it is probably nothing and feel okay with that, but there is always that little thought in the back of your mind "what if....".  I am just really wishing I could "get over it" and move on already.  Weather here is gorgeous, going to enjoy a lovely weekend.  That is great that you finally get to move on with your surgery in July, you have been in a holding pattern for quite some time now, I hope everything turns out good for you and you finally get the boobs you have been waiting for really soon!

    Rachel:  That is great your son did so well!  The personal best is the record all runners are really after, regardless of where they finish.

    Tex:  Call your insurance company directly!  I have had several instances during the course of treatment where they have turned something down, including an anti-nausea med.  As soon as I called them, they "couldn't understand what had happened, because they definitely covered the stuff" and "the pharmacy must have misunderstood".  Honestly I think they are playing some sick game where they refuse to cover it just to see if you will pay for it so they don't have to.  But if you challenge them, they claim ignorance and blame it on the pharmacy.  Calling my insurance company directly was actually suggested by my pharmacist when they refused to pay for my anti-nausea patch.  He said he had seen that scenario before and they would probably cover it if I called.  Sure enough, they did.  And I didn't even have to argue.  They said that it must have been a "computer problem or something".  So...please....don't wait for the doctor to get an auth, call the insurance company yourself and see if you can't get it covered immediately.  You have nothing to lose, the doctor's office can always get the auth if it doesn't work. Insurance companies disgust me!

    Adey:  Fantastic job!  Good luck tomorrow...just be careful, the feeling of power and accomplishment you get when you run a little further than you ran the time before can be addicting! 

    On the hair, I am actually quite happy with mine.  It is just above shoulder length, not long enough for a pony tail, but it is wavy now and not curly so I am very happy with that.  All in all, I like the way it has turned out, a little more gray than before but not too bad. I think I am going to leave it this short and not grow it back long. 

    Good night everyone!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening warriors!

    I concur, Deb, gorgeous weather!! I was outside all day for the first time in a long time and I loved it! I also found several more squirrels living in my shed and that is just fine with me! I think I saw at least 10 chipmunks today also! I think they are adorable!

    Sptmm: I have a question about running. I know you were doing Zumba etc... but I want to know if you noticed an appreciable difference in weight loss once you started running? I used to run but I felt that by this point in my life I would have found something that was less jarring on my joints but I am fast starting to realize, and just like Rachel said, between Tamox and the hormonal changes post-bc, my metabolism is just not what it once was and that was not too great! Eating those 5 or 6 meals a day works but I don't *like* to eat all that much. I just feel with that plan that I am eating and eating and eating and it drives me crazy! I am just starting to think I really do have to get back to running. I don't even think about power walking anymore as I just want to run. I want to run to save my life! Tell me your thoughts. I suspect I already know the answer and that is that running sped up your metabolism quite a bit.

    On hair, another 4" and I will be happy. Of course that is roughly 1 more year! I do have to say, my hair already feels longer since my "Mane and Tail" use!

    Rachel: it is nothing short of sad that our dreadful healthcare system even has you joking about sending us some meds!!!!!! Go Canada!!! I am sure you find it pretty disgusting that poor Timothea is on chemo and can't get her nausea meds. Our healthcare system is challenged. As for slow weight loss, I am doing the numbers and if I take in 1400 calories, I have to burn 2800 to lose. This is armchair analysis on efforts since the end of chemo. I guess I am just going to live on the Arc Trainer! I will work up to running for 1 hour and then will do the Arc Trainer for 1.5 hours and that should equal roughly 2500+ burned. #goodtimes

    I am just finding it very hard to lose weight without these herculean efforts and very strict diet. I would encourage everyone to lift weights as that will eat calories also. Go out and run with the kids! That will definitely help you as their ridicule will light your fire!!! My nephew, who surpassed me in height by age 13 and grew to 6'3", always asked me to play basketball with him! Of course this was so he could make fun of me as he was very tall and very lanky! It did fire me up a bit!!

    Here is the "Mane and Tail" link:

    Tex: did you get your meds?  Please tell me this happened for you.  I find it awful you may have to continue for even one more day without it.  Please let me know because I WILL mail you some. 

    Apples: I wanted to use my juicer to make apple juice. I was at Stop and Shop and found this cute little bag of little apples that were grown solely for the purpose of fitting comfortably in a child's hand. In any case, after juicing some apples I decided that it was way, way, way too sweet. There I was still with roughly 8 apples left and I really don't eat reds too much. I love Granny Smith apples as those are my favorite. Well, I refuse to throw away fruits or veg as I perceive that high crime! I decided to cut up an apple and put some natural peanut butter on each little slice. It is my new favorite snack! In related news, my ability to make sushi at home is very much marred by my inability to effectively make that rice! I am going to cave and get a rice cooker but I did not want to because I now feel like a failure!!  At one time I could really make that rice pretty well!  

    OMG...only in CT! Someone called *911* because they did not LIKE the way their SANDWICH was made at a local deli!  If we get any more high strung here...! 

    Happy weekend, girls! 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    I was side tracked by a mani - pedi yesterday but today......

    I ran....... jogged 2 miles!  It took 28 minutes instead of 20 but I'll take it.  (c:

    C25K week 5 work out 3 done.

    Apples and graham crackers also good.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Adey: I knew that salon trip slowed you down yesterday!!!   YOU ARE SUCH AN INSPIRATION!!!!!!  I am so excited for you!!!!  You must feel a huge sense of accomplishment!  So happy for you!  Living vicariously!  You and Sptmm ROCK!  You both have turned your experience with bc into a physical challenge!  I know it sounds a bit trite but I have to say I am so proud of both of you! Adey---that 5K is your's for the taking! 

    Congratulations ;) 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Great Job Adey!  Time is not an issue, you just ran 2 miles.  If anyone told you last year that you could do that, would you have believed them?  That is incredible?  Believe me, it is a very short hop from 2 miles to 5K.  It is the work that it takes to get to two miles that is the hardest. 

    Lizzy:  The answer is yes.  The running really did jumpstart my metabolism.  I was told by a trainer at my gym that you do have to "shake up" your routine every once in a while because you body gets used to what you are doing.  I work out about six hours a week.  I do about 3-4 cardio classes (kickboxing, step aerobics, and then a 15 minute section of toning using handweights), 2 toning classes targeted specific body parts (i.e. butt and gut..LOL), and a little bit of yoga.  I run once a week (and if I can make the gym that is my backup workout) and I usually combine the 45 minute class with 15-30 minutes of cardio (elliptical, treadmill, or bike) so that I am at the gym for around an hour each time.  Once a week I also do the weight circuit.  I mix it up constantly, but basically I try to do everything (cardio and toning) in a week and I aim for 6 hours.  It is working well for me physically, but the main benefit has been emotionally.  I feel better when I run further than I ran the day before and when I work out.  I feel strong, and not like a victim. I feel like I am doing something to fight cancer, and it is that emotional benefit that I think keeps me going and why I would recommend that you give it a try, the running that is.  It will make you feel so much better.  Start out walking and just go as far as you can!

    Okay, going to a party to enjoy the beautiful weather today. Have a great day everyone!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors!

    Fabulous weather again!  

    Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads and especially those who stood by and supported their wives through this dreadful bc battle.   

    Sptmm: I knew running would jump start metabolism and I know all about the 90 day rule.  It just seems, metabolically speaking, this post-bc/tx arena is very challenging.   I interval to jump start but am getting to the point of going back to power step classes and running. Bottom line, I need to really step it up.  As we are both post-chemo, wanted to know if you noticed an "appreciable" difference.

    Hope you enjoyed that party, Deb!  I am suddenly very concerned about such matters myself!!  

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi everybody! 

    I finally got my hair cut professionally. It is almost totally straight now and is hard for me to style after a lifetime of curly hair. It is cut in layers and is about chin length. I can curve it around a bit with a comb when it is wet. I looks nice, I look "put together" for the first time in years.  

    Did I tell you I did that major return to Cold water Creek, I got mea bucks back and bought myself a few things that go together, like sweater and shirt that go well. I even got some new jeans ans pants. I got so much money back I gave my DD one of the gift cards and she is just thrilled with the clothes she got. 

    Most importantly at my DD insistance I went and got fitted for bras. I was wearing a cub size and a band size too big. Now my boobs are properly elevated so my new clothing looks very nice. I am still 50 pounds too much over diganosis weight, which was already too much. However I look nice, I feel like I can go out and run into the store and not be stared at like "I am off my meds."  I walked around the Bellevue Mall yesterday and felt normal.  

    My friends mom beat BC and died from Leukemia, I had forgotten that. I was on Cytoxin too, I hope it doesn't come back to get me or any of us. 

    Texas, I want to punch the insurance company for you!!!!!!! 

    Lizzy hi there! 

    I have a big bunch of people in my house for the last three days for a board meeting of the water mission in Haiti that I volunteer for. I resigned the board after 10 years, but my DH is still on, so there is lots going on in the house. I am alone up in the sewing room. Very quiet. 

    I am tryng not to log on too often as I can get drawn into dark feeling if I am here too much. Never wwith any of you, my friends, but in general topics. I want to stay brighter but still visit with you too. 

    My wondow boxes look spectacular with violas, pansys, snap dragons, etc really pretty. 

    Laters Ginger