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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • HI all -

    I'm sitting here next to the incubator waiting for a baby chick to be born.  It's really unreal to hear the peeping from inside a closed egg!  Right now there is one that will probably come out in the next few hours.  It has made several holes in the egg and I can see the beak.  It sure is slow - this has taken hours!

    About running - I am very depressed over exercise.  I had that peroneal tendon issue for months and I finally got a cortisone shot, which helped it. But then I started really exercsing again and was walking and felt a snap on the OTHER side of my ankle and now that has been sore - it feels sprained.  I can't point my toes, etc.  Now today, two months after the shot, the peroneal tendon is sore again.  I haven't even done anything.  I am just so depressed and bummed and getting fatter.   Every so often when I'm walking, it just snaps at the back or other side of my ankle.  I'm just so sick of this.  I can go back to the podiatrist but I don't know what he would do now that I'm having issues on both sides.  UGH!

    Meanwhile, I'm dealing with a horrendous period.  I'm so drained....really had to step up the iron supplements.

    On top of this, my DH has diabetes, high cholesterol sleep apnea and wacked out hormones.  They have him on androgel which is helping the hormones but he can't tolerate the diabetic meds (diarrhea!) and the cholesterol medication is just too expensive for us to buy.  :(  His osteopath put him on the Rosedale diet, which is kinda like a low carb diet but it very strongly stresses omega 3's.  NO Omega 6's allowed!  So I'm learning the joys of making homemade mayonaisse (with olive oil) and salad dressings, etc.  So far he's doing great - 

    He also needs a breathing  machine and we've been dealing with nightmares with the insurance company and getting a company set up who can help us.  His osteopath seems to feel that once the apnea is under control, the other things may fall into place - the weight loss, diabetes and hormones.  Apparently apnea can cause all KINDS of things  - it can even lead to cancer ! Your body is depleated of oxygen so it can't get rid of toxins from the cells, etc.  Interesting!

    Anyhow - going back to check on my baby peep - I can hear it screaming inside the egg now and keep seeing the beak poke through the membrane.  Come on out!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well this fine evening! 

    Ginger: I am so glad you got your haircut and it sounds just fabulous!!!! I am so happy, you sound so wonderful and like you are just feeling great! It is so enthralling! That is great that you got humongous return credits and were able to get yourself some nice things. It makes you feel better. I bet your DD is happy with the gift card also ;) I just love that you sound so happy and like you are feeling good and looking good...this warms my heart. It really does.

    It is so odd that you mention bras and fittings. Roughly 15 years ago, I worked part time for a lingerie shop. I was working, daily, with many women who had bc and were coming in for prosthesis. I totally forgot about that until you mentioned getting fitted. In any case, it was at that time I realized how important a good fitting was. I was, however, hooked on Victoria's Secret sets and, sad to say, the "Wonder Bra!!" I did not use the puffers but I did very much like that bra. It was a well-made item. In any case, so glad I don't have to worry about bras anymore!

    As for the doxy and cytoxan connection to leukemia, I think it is perhaps in the 30% range but I could be wrong. I sure hope none of us are in that number. We all seem pretty happy and well adjusted as we deal with this disease so I think, at least in part, that certainly will benefit us.

    As for haircuts, a friend put me on to a friend of hers who has been doing hair out of her home for about 5 years after leaving an exclusive salon. I am going to wait until October and then let her have a go at it. My hair came back *exactly* as it was before bc and chemo which is dark brown and wicked curly! Like last night I used my horse shampoo and hit the sack. Woke up looking like Little Orphan Annie! Oddly I am no longer seeing grays unless they are just buried in this nest! I have not straightened it in a while, as there is no sense with the CT humid summers, so I think the first time I will really get an idea of length and/or grays is the first time I straighten it, most likely early October. I am going to let my curls go wild this summer! My hair is thick...very thick.

    Calamtykel: That is great that you are sitting next to the incubator waiting for the chicken to be born! That does suck about the running and the tendon issue. I hate that it happened to you. I know you loved running. You know, the Arc Trainer at the gym is a fine alternative and there is a Life Fitness machine that has the arm function and the pedals are short, fat and move in an elliptical motion. My friend David and I, one very rainy Spring, used that as we could not run much. It was a good option but I don't get the idea you are a gym rat nor do you have time for it.

    What a trifecta of issues for your poor DH. That is just plain scary that apnea can lead to cancer. Geesh...would have never made that connection. That is just startling.

    Good luck with your little peep! I find you very interesting and inspirational. The stuff that you do between the chickens and growing everything, I don't know, I just think it is great.

    Tex: please stop by and let us know how you are doing. I want to know if you got your meds.

    Basil: I picked up a plant at the Farmer's Market a few weeks ago. I asked the cute boy at the basil stand how easy it was to kill! He said a little water, a little sun and you are good! Sure enough it is over a foot tall so I got some fresh mozz and you all know where I am going with this! Roma tomatoes, a little EVOO, mozz and tons of basil! Some Italian spices also. This is my favorite summer dish if there ever was one. I have been eating it for days! It got me thinking, I might give sage, rosemary, and a few other spices a whirl this summer. Next summer I am going to have a garden for sure. My friend is growing tons of asparagus! It is so good.

    Kale for groundhogs: I bought too much kale at the market so I am going to give some excess to my lovely family of ground hogs who have the entrance to their den at the edge of my yard. My neighbors don't love my feeding of our ground hogs so this will be done surreptitiously in an hour or 2!!! While at the market, though, I saw a friend of a friend who is a nurse and she too has a thyroid problem. I discussed the goiterogenic nature of kale and she said it is ok to eat raw but not every day, like perhaps maybe every other. I am so glad I feel comfortable again eating some raw kale in my salads! She also told me synthroid should be taken 4 or 5 hours after I take my multivitamin. I was stunned. Never heard that=good info!

    Marshmallow vodka white Russians! What a departure from kale!! A friend hooked me up with this little diddy recently! good! I think I am the only liquor head on our thread, however!!!! It was made with the marshmallow vodka, kahlua and skim milk!!!! So very good...too good!

    Continue to have fun and enjoy yourselves! We must make the most of every day!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzy--Found that horse shampoo at Walmart so am giving this a try--I bought the Conditioner also and some leave-in conditioner thing. Figured that there isn't much to lose--wasn't expensive. I am hopeful that something will help the straw nest that somewhat resembles hair.

    It is going to be boiling hot this week---40 celcius on Wednesday. Kids have two weeks left of school and then another week and then off to Jamaica for a week--sunshine, beach and all-inclusive--Cannot wait for a weeklong break from work, kids stuff and schedules in general.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I had 3 white russians once in one evening. I was so loaded, oh my god I didn't know it had two shots in each and they tasted so good. I had not eaten dinner. I will never forget them ever. I am sure the marshmallow ones are really good but doubt I will even have one or at least not 3 ever again!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel: it is my most ardent wish the horse shampoo works so well that after you are accidentally exposed to sufficient amounts of smoldering essence of the primary export of your island vacation locale, you return to Canada with dreds, having had enough hair sufficient to create such!!!!!!  Good times, woman!  If it does not do this miracle job on growing our hair, at the very least it smells pleasant!

    Ginger: several times in the NY days when I had to choose either food or liquor (my metabolism can't handle both!!!!!), I had many a white Russian on an empty stomach so I know full well what you were feeling!  They are actually filling so having them for dinner worked out!  I was a size 6/8 and was wicked toned so it was all good!  One other kahlua and vodka drink the marshmallow vodka plugs into nicely is a mind eraser!  Equal parts kahlua, vodka and soda.   Those 3 items are to be put in the glass in just that order and then grab a straw and "shotgun" it!   That will help you forget your troubles fast! 

    A guy that worked for my mother was about 5 years older than I.  One night we just so happened to be very drunk, standing in front of Toad's Place in New Haven when the Rolling Stones stopped by to do an impromptu concert!!!!  Dan was old enough to get into Toad's but I was 19.   We were standing in front lamenting the fact that I could not get in and then when the Stones showed up pandemonium ensued and I GOT IN the side door!!!!!  Yes, I saw the Stones in a venue that would normally hold maybe 400 people on a packed night!  It was amazing!  I would remember a lot more if it weren't for those mind erasers Dan and I drank at a restaurant where pretty much anyone over 14 got served!

    I don't blame my relatives for leaving Ireland during the potato famine....GO VODKA!!!  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    WOW>>>a cancer breathalyzer....making strides, girls, making strides!  Of course, it has yet to go through clinicals and get the coveted FDA approval but I am cautiously optimistic.  It will be so nice to be tested for recurrence/mets by breathing into a machine rather than have to go through those maddening, cancer-causing scans.   As I have said before, we are truly living in auspicious times! 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy:  The answer is yes, I noticed a definite difference after starting the running.  Where was that article on the breathalyzer for cancer? I would love to read it but the links didn't work.  

    Ginger:  You sound like you are doing really well!  I am glad you are happy with your haircut.  I totally understand the need to stay away from the boards for a little while.  I think everybody goes through that.  Eventually it gets easier to come here, and just visit this thread.  That is what I do, don't even read the others, so they don't cause me worry.  I just come back to check on my friends.  You enjoy yourself to the max, and visit us when you can!

    Cal:  Watching the chicks hatch sounds so cool!  I never knew you could hear them chirping in the egg before they hatch. 

    Anyone hear from Omaz lately? I haven't seen her around here.

    Have a nice evening everyone!


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Tongue out

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Debbi - I'm here, though not as  much as before.  We just got back from vacation on the big island hawaii.  I love snorkeling and was able to do some good ones.  On the last day I saw a fish for the first time that I called a 'lizard fish' since it looked just like a lizard - and that is exactly what it is!  Congrats to those who are running!  I 'threw my back out' just before we left on vaca and have been getting it back together again.  Things are coming along, I am seeing a PT and he is helping.   ((hugs!!))
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Adey- Funny that you posted that cartoon as today, and this is connected to some legislation the Governor signed off on about a month ago, it was announced there are going to be "marijuana vending machines" in CT!!!  First the package stores are allowed to be open on Sunday and now this!  I cannot believe it! Of course they will have fingerprint access and a prepaid medical marijuana card but all I can think is how many of these jokers are going to be stolen!! I can also see people getting mugged at the machines although pot heads are generally a peaceable group!

    I started the Couch--thank you! Here we go! I can already feel a sense of accomplishment and tomorrow is just the end of week 1!!!  It just makes you feel like you are getting somewhere.

    Omaz: years ago I went out with a guy who liked to scuba dive. I went a few times and it was really fun. It is so peaceful and it is amazing what you can get up close and personal with! Technology, relative to water proof cameras, is so much better today, I can only imagine you got some great shots! Good for you. Sorry to hear about your back, though. At least you were able to snorkel though.

    Sptmm: yeah, I kind of figured you noticed a big difference. I cannot wait until 4 weeks from now when I can lay down 2 miles and feel GRRRRRREAT!!!!!!! As for the link, trying again:

    I am also going to PM you the links. It feels great just knowing they are making some strides with this. All those scans are just tantamount to disaster for us bc girls! It is a bit of an oxymoron we must be exposed to cancer-causing agents as we attempt to find out if our cancer has spread/is back!

    Calamtykel: I know you are tending to your newborns! I hope everything went well.

    Rachel: tonight I used my horse shampoo and then did a leave in hot oil treatment and my hair feels fantastic! I have all the windows open as it is a beautiful night and it just air dryed and feels like nice. I get these little hot oil treatment tubes at Sally Beauty. I am sure you have a place in Canada where you can buy them or check Amazon. You can also just use olive oil that has been slightly warmed in the micro. You will have to rinse that out but I am sure you knew that already ;)

    Well, that HGTV grip is upon me again! "Design Star" is back on and I am addicted, as per usual! I just love that show. I mean I really just love HGTV as I have told you all. Speaking of HGTV, for years I thought I might go and live in Japan for a while but as I am looking at "House Hunters International" I have decided, with the microscopic living spaces and congestion this poor young couple is being confronted with, my interest in doing such is long over! I mean the Fukushima business last year pretty much did it for me but this show is a reminder of how old and set in my ways I am getting! I will go and visit and of course I will be going to the Great Wall when I do my next Asian trip but will not be moving! I take back my words about the small housing spaces as they are looking at a "largish" one right now! It actually has a really big tub!

    One thing bc has done is made me grateful to say I am getting old!!!

    I took a pic of the sunset tonight as it is supposed to be 100 here tomorrow.  It really looks like a fireball dangling in the sky.  I took it out my dining room window b/c I had just gotten out of the shower but what a show the sun put on tonight!  I wish I could post pics here...aggravating! 

    Night all- 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    I don't know why those links are getting cut off? In any case, if you all are interested just google "cancer breathalyzer" and that will produce the links in question.

    I just realized what is missing since they revamped this site: the number of views each thread is getting.   I just realized that now. 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Adey, I love that cartoon...hysterical!

    Lizzy:  Pot vending machines....seriously?  That is crazy!  You are right though, I do see a major problem with potheads stealing ID cards from poor chemo patients at the vending machines!  It does have a comical edge though.  Congrats on the couch to 5K, have to start somewhere, and just starting makes you feel great.  Anyway, you were a huge fitness buff before this whole BC thing, so you will probably progress faster than the rest of us.  I got the links thanks, very glad to see they are working on something that is nontoxic to detect cancer.  I just read an article in Time magazine today about the amount of radiation in a CT scan.  Scared the crap out of me!  I have had several of those lately and they tell you it is safe, but I don't know, the article made that sound questionable.

    Omaz:  Good to hear from you.  Your vacation sounds amazingly peaceful and relaxing!  I hope to try scuba diving someday.  The thought of swimming with the fishies and depending on an oxygen tank scares me somewhat but that is definitely one of those fears I want to attack and get over because it seems so amazing when they show pictures of scuba diving. 

    I am just enjoying the 100 degree temps here.....NOT! Hope everyone has a great night!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218


    Debbi - We just snorkel - I have never done the scuba. ( I didn't take this picture but this is what it looks like!)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I just learned on Twitter the very entertaining Jimmy Fallon just started the Couch-to-5K as well!  Now if only the whole country would do it!

    Sptmm: last night I was outside grilling chicken at 8:45 and it was 81 degrees!!!!  On that note, I will not be going out at all today!  Well, perhaps to get the mail! It was 103 at Bradley International yesterday.   When the temp goes above 93, and the humidity percentage surpasses the temperature, even I stop enjoying the heat!  A friend called and asked if I wanted to go to the "splash pad" with her and her kids!!!!!!   I would rather be attacked by a cheetah!!!!!  Um, no, I don't want to go to a splash pad with screaming, urinating children!  Go suffer yourself, sister!

    BTW, on the marijuana dispensers, our Gov now says that was wishful thinking on the part of the manufacturer and that those machines are on a long list of things that will never happen in CT!  Geesh, between the casinos and if marijuana vending machines came to pass, we might as well change the name of the state from Connecticut to "New Nevada!!"  

    Omaz: beautiful pic!  At one point some years ago I had a 100 gallon fish tank.  I just find watching them to be very did my cat! 

    Good day, girls! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Everyone should read this article but attn: Ginger, this happened in Seattle- 

    To read the article, with this shortened link business, you have to right click on the link, select "copy address" from the drop down menu that appears, open a new browser window and with your mouse positioned in the URL field, press CTRL + V (MS Word shortcut for paste.)   This article highlights how it is just amazing what we go through. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Dr. Oz had a special show today dedicated to ovarian cancer detection and prevention. You all might want to check it out either online or if you know anyone who DVRs his show. It was very informative.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I am here! Just busy- i got baptized over the weekend, um no i didnt get my meds right away... i have them now but it was a mess!!!

    I just watched this video- its sad because truly there is nothing offensive with this woman and her scars.  she's right if it were a man they'd have no problem. I think an overly hairy, chubby man with an apendectomy scar would be more offensive than her....

    The video didnt touch on the fact that they dont allow t-shirts in public pools so her options are either a swimsuit or not to go swimming, i think they should meet in the middle...

    i am gonna start the couch to 5k tomorrow, well maybe wed LOL i forgot i have a dr appointment tomorrow. i bookmarked the site to remember. maybe tomorrow, lets see how i feel!!!

    Adey- funny pic

    lizzy- how does fresh asparugus compare to the store bought? I havent tried growning that. Nothing beats a home grown tomato! so flavorful!

    Later ladies!!!!!! 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    You guys have encouraged me and I am starting the couch to 5km also -- am starting tonight. Will see if I am able to walk tomorrow.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend. Last week of school here so kids are excited. Now comes the dreaded planning out the summer so they are busy and not causing trouble. Last summer, I was still on leave so got to stay home--this year--am back at work so the kids will go to some camps and stay home (plus we are going on vacation). Kids are taking an archery camp--hopefully the setting is very controlled :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Hope everyone is well :)

    Tex: fresh asparagus is great!  I only ever steam or grill asparagus.  I have a great recipe involving balsamic vinegar for grilling which I just love.  My friend is growing oodles and oodles of this stuff which I am really enjoying.  I can't wait to have some tomato plants... I am trying this summer.  We shall see! 

    The lady and the pool: I just think losing breasts is enough.  She is basically a guy now as far as her chest is concerned.  If a guy does not have to wear a shirt, why would she?  I did not watch the video.  I would never challenge such a policy and I would definitely wear a sports bra top or something just to hide the scars as I don't think the other people at the pool should be reminded of my trauma.  I thought, however, the article covered a new twist in our collective journey.  Interested to see what comes of it.

    Rachel and Tex: thank you both very much as my last Couch workout was Saturday and I was about to play lazy ___ and ride the recumbent bike for 45 in lieu of doing my couch workout!  You all have motived me ;)  One thing you can both look forward to is each workout gets easier, and thereby less strenuous, and you really see progress.  It is a measurable progress also.  I like it! 

    Happiest of trails and get running, girls!  Our 2 year anniversary (since starting chemo) is coming up and it is my suspicion if we all start running it is a down payment on many, many more anniversaries!  Speaking of anniversaries, I got a few gifts from good old friends marking my 2 year since bmx!  One of which I really love which is a Yankees chair, you know they kind that fold up and go in a sleeve that you sling across your back, and it also has a cooler in it!  It is wicked cool!  It was from an ex and the note read "get out and enjoy!" I thought it was very, very thoughtful...but then again, he always was!  Ok, so I am going to put on my Willie Nelson wig and strum my guitar as I sing "to all the men I have loved before...!" At least I loved them for a time...just not forever!!!!!! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Just in case you guys were wondering what goes well with the Couch-to-5K = a side of MOTLEY CRUE's greatest hits!!!!!!

    BTW I learned at an ACS event this weekend we *can* donate blood if we are 1 year w/out mets/recur. The Red Cross eligibility illustrates this fact also. I thought it was 10 years. I used to donate blood a lot. I am not going to do it right away but am glad I can again.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy, I thought we were forever forbidden to donate blood, I am very glad to hear that is not true.  I have donated blood many times and look forward to doing it again.  A small thing I can do to help.  BTW, I am dying to try grilled asparagus!  And Motley Crue and AC/DC are a crucial part of my running repetoire!

    Omaz, that looks so awesome!  Must be very peaceful and invigorating.

    Tex:  Glad to hear you are doing okay and got your meds.  I am with you on the "I hate insurance companies" bandwagon.  When I have a little more time I will share with you all their current atrocities.  Congrats on the baptism, hope you are enjoying summer with the kids. 

    Congrats to all you guys on the couch to 5K, the first step is the hardest!  Once we all get up to the 5K I suggest we all meet in NYC next year for the Revlon Run/Walk 5 K I did,,,it was amazing!

    Okay gotta go, have a meeting with an "enrollment facilitator" for my daughter's health insurance (really funny story about inept bureaucracy attached to this one).  I will come back when I have a little more time and share some of my new "insurance companies suck" stories.

    Have a great day everyone, Debbi

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Survived first day of couch to 5km. :)

    I also used to give blood as I am rare blood type of AB negative. I was called on a couple of occasions to donate in emerg situations as I was a blood my 20th blood donor ribbon...but post-cancer...they said no more donating. I had hard time with iron levels through treatment and had to have Iron Dextrose injections so that may be part of it.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

     I went to my first relay for life. I enjoyed the evening.This is the survivor  walk. This was last Fri. was very fitting for last week was my 2 yr. annivesary June 18th. Very said story about the lady with me who happens to be my daughter in laws mom. She had lost her job a couple of years ago and had insurace through that employer. The most recent job she had she didn't get the insurance because of the cost. When she fell ill she didn't go in and didn't go in and by the time she went her family had to call the ambulance because her colon was totally blocked off by a tumor that had spread beyond the colon to her liver she has stage 4 cancer and the Dr. are surprised she is still here: (

    I also had the last stage of the DIEP surgery done last week, I had the nipple tattooing done...YAY like the PA called it the icing on the cake.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope you all are well! Meant to tell you all on the Dr. Oz Ovarian Cancer show, he pointed out that pap smears *do not* screen for ovarian cancer. Perhaps you all knew that paps were just for cervical issues but I thought I would point this out. It was news to me. In fact, sad to say, I never really knew exactly what the pap was for!

    Sptmm: you make me so proud with your Motley Crue and AC/DC!!!!! That is a great idea to do the Revlon next year. Even with surgery punctuating my training, I can pick it up again in the fall and be ready. The Revlon is in April, right?

    As for grilled asparagus, here goes the recipe: 1 lb asparagus, 3 tbsp balsamic, 2 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp low sodium soy sauce, 1/8 tsp black pepper. Snap the end off of the asparagus, combine all ingredients in a Ziploc, seal and marinate for 30 minutes. Discard the marinade and put the asparagus on the grill. Of course the recipe calls for spraying the grill w/cooking spray. What I do in lieu of that is just use a vegetable grill basket which is much easier. Grill 5 mins on each side and it is delicious! Enjoy!

    Deb, with the insurance stuff with your dd, I was just watching Obama about how 3 mil kids are now on their parent's insurance plans that were not before. I don't know what that means. Have they extended the amount of time kids can be on their parent's insurance? Was just wondering if that was some of the bureaucracy you were experiencing. This healthcare they are proposing is starting to sound like no-fault insurance in that we are required to pay for a policy that basically we will never be able to use. Scary, scary, scary.

    Rachel: congratulations on completing the first day of Couch! Must feel good! I hope that you can make it down to NYC to do the Revlon with us next year! I think Deb has a great idea on that one.

    I know you have been using Mane and Tail for a short period but wondering if you notice a difference? I have been using it for about 3 weeks and I already notice a difference! It is great.

    Enjoy your vaca, woman!  

    Iowa: sad story about your DIL's mom. How scary. I don't know what the healthcare issue answer is in this country but they saw this coming some 30 years ago. I love the way the govt finger-wags at us telling us how to manage our money and invest for retirement when they basically sold us to China with their bond-issuing to cover their massive, massive over-spending. This is why your DIL's mom is sitting around with no healthcare. It is a shame. I hope she is able to fight this and move on with her life.

    Ladyinbama: you never told us if you got the job that you inadvertently applied for ½ naked!!!!!!! I guess you did as you have not been around!

    I am glad you guys found the blood-donating news helpful.  I was surprised myself.  I will most likely start donating again next year.   

    Well, I have fallen in love with the grill again! Of course the push button starter is intermittent so I have taken to lighting it with the lighter in the side hole even though I know the replacement part is just a short ride away at Home Depot! In any case, last night I singed my hair! I had it back in a pony tail but some wild hairs in front had gotten lose and they were partially burned off! So sad!

    Good day- 

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi everyone, got some good news. My friend who got diagnosed with BC in April had her mastectomy and her results were great. So great (2cm, no lymph node) that the told her no chemo or rads. I'd never heard of this before, have any of you? This is still gret news for her and I'm so happy for her family.

    Rachel- good for you with the five km. wow.i think I would have to call 911 after three.

    Sue- beautiful pic!

    I was travelling for work again last week, Johannesburg this time. Long story but in a moment of complete stupidity I managed to have both my suitcases stolen from me. Everything gone. It's just stuff but I was pretty torn up about it.:( the bracelet the kids gave me after I finished chemo was in there. Sucks.

    Hope everyone is really enjoying this great summer weather!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzie--i am using that shampoo and someone did mention to me that my hair is thicker. Not sure if they said that to make me feel good but I will take it that the shampoo is working!

    Sweeney--I havent ran the 5km yet--im working on getting there. I will prob need ambulance:)

    Hot Hot Hot long weekend ahead for us Canadians! Canada Day weekend!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sweeney: I know Canada is a behemoth country and I don't know whereabouts you are but I was secretely petrified when I did not hear from you with that mall collapse in Ontario.  I am SO GLAD you finally checked in and just your luggage is gone! It is a shame but everywhere we go it seems stuff is getting stolen.  I even feel bad that a clerk at a local convenience store was shot and killed *after* he handed over the money to the robber.  It is so sick, desperate times, people are going crazy.   There was another spooky, theft story  in the news this week in CT.  Apparently someone was stalking people at a local popular grocery store chain, following them home and robbing them at gun point.  Of course the victims were elderly.  In any case, glad you are ok but I sure am sorry the bracelet is gone.  It is heartbreaking, the little things we covet, being taken from us.  

    Rachel: I think that shampoo is working!!!!  We will have "manes" by Xmas!!!!!

    Happy Canada Day to both of you!  

    BTW- I don't know if anyone on this thread likes "hot" stuff but I have concocted a spicy barbecue sauce = sriracha, Sweet Baby Ray's, a little sugar and (freshly squeezed) lime juice.  Mix those 4 ingredients together until you get a flavor you like and then use it like a bbq sauce on the darn good!  

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    LIZZY- ha. You crack me up....that mall is about a 17 hour drive from Ottawa. Canada is behemoth-esque! But it really is a sad state of affairs up there and my heart goes out to the folks waiting to find their loved ones.

    Happy Canada Day weekend to all you Yanks. I think Rachel and I have rubbed enough Canuckness off on y'all that youre practically honorary Canadians anyway...:)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    A beautiful day here...was outside in the yard puttering around=good times!

    Sweeney: yes, I do believe we are honorary canucks!   As for your friend w/the 2cm and no node involvement, usually if there is no node involvement then they don't radiate or do chemo. The nodes are what largely dictate further treatment.  Of course, if that were me, I would most like clamor after some chemo or radiation!  Once you know you have cancer, you want all the txs or you somehow feel exposed, naked, shorted of the full experience! Seriously, though, I am really happy for her.  That is great news.

    I did not want to mention the mall story here until I heard from you.  I know it sounds silly but one never knows.  I do feel for those people.  Of all the things we take for granted, the least of which is not our venerated malls shining on forever as the beacon of capitalistic structures they are.   I still can't believe that happened.

    Well, cancer patients can't be TOTALLY kicked around anymore!!!!  We have Obamacare so people like me who despise sucking the corporate umbilical cord for benefits will now be able to buy "some" insurance in the open market and I cannot be price gauged either!!! he he he!!!!  Preliminarily this looks good for people like us with catastrophic health event but, on balance, I do believe both good and bad will come of it.  Before anyone gets nervous that if they don't have insurance they are going to be attacked by the IRS, the fine is $95 approximately, per year, if you don't carry! Seriously, some in Washington were going bananas talking about how the fed is going to take everyone's returns. First off, I have not gotten a "return" in 16 years and furthermore, those that are uninsured and are now in the poor house over healthcare costs really are not going to be very affected by such measures!  It reminds me of the "forever" stamp=smoke in mirrors!  How long do any of us actually "keep" a book of stamps?!?!?  That was a big, marketing ruse!

    I think, at least, on some level, cancer patients scored today and this makes me happy.  Of course the Dow was tanking right after the announcement as all the HMOs and PPOs and __O's and pharmas will not be able to make as much money on their guaranteed cash cow aka sick Americans! Why our govt let them get as far as they have is beyond me.  The other night I was talking with a (staunchly Republican) friend who was predicting that all the doctors are going to leave this country if Obamacare got approved.  When I asked him where they were going and that where on this earth are they making the kind of profits off of the sick as they are (were) here right in the US = no answer!  THat is what I thought!!

    Rachel and Sweeney: btw, the Hawkish lunatics in Washington were predicting "armageddon-like" lines for getting medical care (like in Canada) now that we are on the precipice of having a quasi-socialized medicine system!  Yes, I don't think Washington yet knows about google!!!!!!!

    Good day, girls- 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi girls, just stopping by to say hello. I've been keeping busy. Got my first haircut/color two weeks ago. I love it, I actually have hair after it's blown dry! And getting rid of that gray makes me feel 10 years younger.

    Lizzy: Haven't heard anything on the job, but I met with my gyn/onc's partner's wife (clear as mud?) yesterday; she's the exec. dir. of our local ovarian cancer support group and wants me to take over from her next year. Anyway, long story short, I got more info on what the job is from her and it hinges on them getting a research grant and they won't know until August. So th.ere's still hope.

    I too have been spending lots of time outside, until this week. It's been over 100 degrees every day (today it was 105) so I've been sticking close to the AC & fans in the house. I actually had to move some potted plants into the screene porch this afternoon because their leaves were getting crispy.  The heat is good for one thing - my new avatar is one of the beautiful sunflowers I have blooming.

    Ya'll take care. Can you all believe we've kept this thread going almost two years? You all are the best!