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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Sptmm: I am going to PM you the recipe.  Also, it is open to interpretation and you can add to it.  For instance, I added hot sauce and some chili powder.  If you want to make it in a crock pot, you are going to have to cut the recipe in 1/2 or perhaps only make 1/3.  It makes a lot of soup.  I used the stock pot I normally use when I make sauce and it was filled to the top!
  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hey Lizzy- can you post the recipe on here? I'd like it too...I love soup.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Yes, I will post it here in a little while!  It is a tasty soup.
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Thanks Omaz, I will try to post a pic later on.

    Thanks Lizzy, I can't wait to try the recipe.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Soup recipe: 1 or 2 canse of stewed tomatoes (I used 2); 3 plus large, green onions; 1 large can of beef broth (no fat--and I used a box); 1 pkg. Lipton Soup mix (chicken noodle); 1 bunch of celery; 2 cans green beans; 2 lbs. carrots; 2 green peppers.  Season with salt, pepper, curry, parsley if desired, or bouillon, hot or Worcestershire sauce.

    Cut veggies in small to medium pieces.  Cover with water.  Boil fast for 10 minutes.  Reduce to simmer and continue to cook until veggies are tender. 

    There were no directions beyond this point so I put the lipton soup mix and beef broth and then just kept adding ingredients to the pot until I was done.  As I said before, I added chili powder, hot sauce and some Worcestershire.  

    I was not too keen on "can" green beans but, to be honest, they were fine.   If you are the type that has crackers with soup, forego the crackers and have tortillia chips!  They are great in this soup. 

    For the record, this soup has "cleansing" properties so you have been forewarned! This diet also calls for eating as much of it as possible, every day.   The first day all you have is cantaloupe and soup.  I could easily have cantaloupe and this soup every other day in perpetuity!

    Any questions, feel free- 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Sorry for the late answers on some stuff, I've been busy this week.

    Ginger: I was told Taxotere is "second generation" Taxol, so I assume from that they are related.

    Sweeney: Thanks for the yoga link. I've been wanting to try out Yoga, but the only yoga place close to me is called "Hot Yoga" where you do the yoga in a room heated to something like 98 degrees. No thanks. It is hot enough in the south. I'm not going to willingly subject myself to more. Give me AC for exercise.

    I've been doing some redecorating. As I do things, I keep hearing that song in my head "I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair" (I think it was from South Pacific?) I love being able to do what I want and not have to worry about whether or not it is "masculine" enough. I bought a teal and lime green rug at Pier One and a table runner with teal, orange, and green in it with orange bobbles on the ends. Then I got a black dinette table with 4 stools. It looks great. I love having all the bright color in the room. The bedroom that was empty since Mark took his furniture, I moved my desk, bookcase, a table and old desktop computer in there and made an office. I had all this in what was supposed to be my dining room. So now I have an actual dining room, with the table I already had, with the leaf in it, and six chairs. Oh, and I'm also having a patio built out back. I'm ready to do some entertaining. I just need this divorce to be final so I can ask a date :) jk on that ... I'm off men, at least for now. It is soooo good to finally feel good again and have the energy to do some things.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lady, wow! I bet it feels great having your dining room back, just because it is yours and you can use it or not.

    I go for a check up with Onc tomorrow. I don't have much to report to her so that is good. Feet and hands still numb. Knees still hurt. Headaches probably allergy related. 8 out of 10 toe nails are normal other two coming along slowly.  So I am hoping I am good. 

    Have a good evening

    Hugs Ginger

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Lady- that sounds great. I always move furniture around in our house. It's invigorating! Good for you, you totally deserve this fun.:)

    Had a great parenting moment tonight. I was taking my time washing Max's hands for him. They always look like he has spent the day cleaning fish/crawling across the desert. Anyway, I was telling him about what a good job he did with this nasty kid down the street, he'd been kind and mature. He was quiet but then said, "I'm happy about me".

    Man, did that ever hit me. It made me think " this should be my new litmus test, can I say with all honesty, I'm happy about me?" deep thoughts for a Wed night.:)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Man, did that ever hit me. It made me think " this should be my new litmus test, can I say with all honesty, I'm happy about me?" deep thoughts for a Wed night.:)

    Sweeney, yes!!!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope you all are doing well! I hope those of you who like soup enjoy it!

    Sweeney: thank Max, please, for sponsoring our thread catharsis this evening!!!!!!! Very nice! Am I happy about me....ugh...what a loaded question! Deep thoughts, indeed!

    Lady: you might give David Bromstad of HGTVs "Color Splash" a run for his money!!! That sounds so great! Redecorating and moving stuff around is fun. Of course, it has been many moons since I lived with anyone and so the all my bedrooms are made into an office, a workout room, a closet and, of course, a bedroom! I used to really love to move my room around when I was young...I mean I really loved it! I also used to wax my car and detail it myself...I used to be a lot more inspired than I am these days! In any case, I am so happy you are embracing your independence and decorating and feeling good! I suggested you just might like it and embrace your new life! I am really happy for you. As for the dining room, I have a bistro set in my kitchen and that sees all the action!  

    Tex: thinking of you and hope that you are doing well.  I also hope that chemo is not upsetting your very pleasant self ;) 

    Ginger: I go to the onc, too. Is anyone afraid to touch under their arm? Recently I have started getting pain under my arm and numbness in my left arm and hand. I am dreading more testing but I am kind of afraid about that pain under my arm. I really miss the days when the first thought I would have is mets/recurrence/cancer.

    Well, thanks to "Max," I must go pontificate!

    Wow, "Steve" from "Sex In the City" is on "Law and Order" right now with a beard and salt-and-pepper hair! Wow! He looks much, much different. Times goes flying by, doesn't it? It must be 5 years since "Sex In the City" ended and, of course, it seems like yesterday. I hope I get by this disease and have many years to come in which to make up for what I largely consider lost time.

    Goodnight, girls ;)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    RIP Donna Summer---

    She died of lung cancer but I can't help but wonder if the primary was bc.   The news is just unfolding.  In any case, I remember doing a lot of rollerskating to her music! 

    Again, time is flying by.  And this crappy disease has claimed yet another. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I had my Onc appt yesterday and all my lab numbers were good. I finally found out what my hormone levels were from my tumor. It was 98% EG  positive and 80% PG positive.  I am not too sure what good haiving that knowledge is for me but I was wondering.

    I did point out to my doctor how severely I have aged especially since the AI anti estrogen medicine. I was terribly shocked on MOthers day when my husband took a photo of me, DD and DGD together. I look like my grandmother. Just like my grandmother. My face has sort of collapsed on the right side and that eyebrow is lower than the one on the right. I am 66 but now look to be 76 or more. I looked totally different just 7 years ago. My Onc told me that yes, I had aged but we still had ME and that was the importnat thing. I know that and feel bizarre complaining but I have just felt so much shock. I accepted the weight, I am way too tall to be roly poly but I am siginificantly overweight now and my stomach sticks out. Oh GR

    I am glad to be alive, I am grateful.  I was used to being pretty good looking and that is simply gone. Thank you for listening to me bi*** and please forgive me.

    Love Ginger

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I cant wait to try that soup! It sounds like it makes a ton so i plan to freeze individual servings and pull them out daily :)

    Ginger- bi*** away girl, you know we have so many changes to deal with feel free to complain about one of them! Glad the appointment went well, and yes knowledge can be a double edged sword :)

    Lady- SO glad you're able to make all these changes! It must be refreshing! 

    Sweeny some times kids say the wisest things! Thats a good one!

    I read that Donna Summer blamed the 9/11 dust particles for her lung cancer. So sad she was so young! (60 is the new 30)

    Okay so i am gonna try posting pics, i apologize in advanced if they dont come out right LOL

    Oh and my chemo is going well save for some sleepiness and heartburn. Cant complain

    Went to my gyno, i hated being the bearer of bad news, she handt seen me in almost 7 years and nearly cried when i had to fill her in with cancer etc... i see her not this upcoming week but next week. she ran a bunch of tests to see where my hormones are and such, she feels all my downtown problems are related to that.


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    ooooh it worked!

    Okay so the above pic is the awesome tent i bought, i cleaned it before we used it. 

    This is the photo of the box

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Funny story, so my 6 yr old zipped her hair in the tent LOL


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Okay so i will finish up with some random shots of us

     This trip was full of different critters, besides that HUGE catepiller on my first post these were some of the other vistors to our camp site!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day warriors!

    I don't know why but all weekend I have been convinced this is Memorial Day and I have been making plans accordingly! I was all set to go to my friend's annual party! I am a complete mess if there ever was one!

    Timothea: those are lovely pictures! I really like the one of your dd with her hair stuck in the zipper! She looks just fabulous! Nice photos! Nice one of the deer. When I lived on the beach I saw deer "on the beach!" It was the strangest thing ever. I understand all the over-population etc... but it was just something I had never seen before.
    You all look like you were having one heck of a good time and that is a great tent. So many people nearly give stuff away on CL so I am glad you were able to benefit 

    Calamtykel: have not heard from you in a while but I thought I would post an "Amazon" warning! Someone purchased a netbook almost 4 months ago. She wanted her money back and filed some A to Z claim with Amazon and not only did she get her money back, she does NOT have to return the computer! Un-EFFING-believable. I am so stunned, I cannot tell you. How the hell could someone buy used electronics and get their money 4 months later (Best Buy would not even do that) AND also not have to return the item? It is beyond me so for all of you out there who want to buy something on Amazon and get away with saying it is damaged thereby getting your money back AND being able to keep the item, you know you can do that now: it is called an AZ guarantee. I will never, ever again sell anything on Amazon, Ebay or the like. I will BUY because all transactions are heavily tilted in favor of the buyers. It is egregious. These buyers that know how to play the game can get away with everything on those sites.

    Ginger: there is nothing wrong with complaining and do you know how much I hate that "well, your lucky to be here" crap, I can't even put it into words. It is such a joke how much this disease robs from us, living in this crappy country with their ridiculous lack of healthcare control, insurance companies kicking us around, not being able to buy insurance in the open market after you lose your private insurance and/or your job and for this we are all supposed to be enthralled to just be alive?!?!? Seriously, that is some fuzzy math! If you look old and you don't like it, you have every right to talk about it and certainly to not be reminded you are so effing lucky to be here! That is just the stupidest thing to say to someone going through this bc battle.  I am telling you, I am going to start fighting on behalf of all victims soon enough. I am tired of this crap.

    My doc gave me some talk about AIs and took a menopause panel to find out if I am truly there and if I need to switch meds.  It was also suggested when I have a lengthy surgery I should OFF Tamoxifen b/c it causes clotting!!  Do you know I had no clue why women kept talking about going off Tamox for big surgeries.  No clue it caused clotting and with all my surgeries, NONE Of my docs ever told me that...wth is going on out there?  

    I am getting so much pain under my left arm, it is scaring the ___ out of me. I can't feel lymph nodes swollen but what the hell would I be feeling as they took the lymph nodes, 18 to be exact, from there and the sentinel as well as 1 other was cancerous. By now they should have the equivalent of a car-wash size non-radiation scanner that they can send us through to find out what is going on with this damn disease. MRI was mentioned on me as I am also getting pain up and down my left arm and losing feeling in my hand and my entire arm at times.  It is incomprehensible what we go through.  I want every day to put this *&^%$ *&&^%$ (you all decide what words you want to insert!) behind me but it just keeps creeping back in.

    Also, and for all of you who have dealt with doctors WHO SUCK, I am going to start and thread and/or a website where you can go to tell your story.  I don't care what they have you sign that says you can't talk bad about them because anonymity is a virtue ;) There is no need for women with breast cancer to be treated anything less than with respect and concern for their awful condition and I am sick and tired of these doctors and I am making a list! The Pink Brigade is on!!!!!! We are going to tell our stories and the doctors that give a crap and do the right thing will get the patients and those that do not can go to H-E- double hockey sticks!! I am telling you now, the time has come! History is in the making.

    I am going to go celebrate Memorial Day!!!!!! He he he!!!
    Hope you all are having a good weekend

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Texas: Your daughter is just beautiful. I love the picture with the caterpillar.

    Ginger: I feel your pain girlfriend. I was always told that I looked younger than I was, and now I'm fat, puffy, have a gray hairline, no eyebrows to speak of (they just haven't come back), and people very close to my age have started calling me "ma'am." I can remember this older friend I had years ago (she was in her 70s when I knew her). Everytime we went out to dinner or wherever, she had to make sure her lipstick was perfect, that her nails were done, that she had on a nice outfit, etc. I asked her one time "do we women EVER outgrow our need, insecurity, or whatever it is, that we have to look perfect all the time?" I was hoping by this time in my life that I'd be mature enough to know that all that crap is shallow and not what counts and that I could relish going out sans makeup and hair done. But, here I am, almost 55, and hating the physical changes that have come over me after two cancers. I'm hoping that I will adjust, and although I may not ever really like the aging changes, I hope I can come to accept them as just part of life. And you know what really sucks? I'm not a bit interested in men, but I find myself "fixing up" for the women. We are the most critical of each other!!

    Sweeney: Wise boy you have there. See above to Ginger. Wish I could just be happy about me, that being alive and healthy would be enough.

     I went to our local Relay for Life last night, it was fun. I was there with some girls from my OvCa group (since I knew there'd be a zillion BC ladies, but few OvCa). I painted my fingernails teal, and got some spray-on temporary hair color, so I had teal hair too. It looked like rain, and I was afraid I'd end up with teal streaks dripping down my face, but fortunately the rain stayed away.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Tex-  Beautiful pics (and family of course)!  Thanks for sharing.

  • Hi all - going to write more later but finally getting the kids into bed now - we had an exciting day.  the wildlife sanctuary gave us 15 baby chicks that got dropped off there, as well as a big, professional brooder for them to live in!  I'm thrilled - I can use the brooder to raise a batch of meat birds later in the season, before I return it to the sanctuary. 

    Tonight we took a video of them seeing their first worm that we put in with them. I think it's pretty hilarious!  First they don't know what it is, and then somebody is brave enough to grab it and everyone chases them, screaming!  Here it is: 

  • Tex - great photos!  So cute!

     Ginger, I understand. I feel like I have aged too- I have this belly that I cannot get rid of and I swear it's just gotten bigger since chemo - I have hot flashes like crazy and I'm not even on tamoxifen! :(  I think it really does a number on the hormones, that's for sure!  

    Lizzy - I went through a time in January where I felt that all under my arm was swelled up and i could even feel it through my chest.  I was sure I had some kind of truncal lymphedema or early LE in my arm.   Or worse, I was afraid that maybe the cancer was back there, and that it was plugging my lymph nodes.   I was constantly feeling under my arm and staring at it in the mirror because it really did feel swollen!  It was all the way through my back.

    I went to the doctor and she said it looked and felt fine.  She really dug in deep and felt nothing.  She took the ultrasound machine and ran it all under my arm - nothing.   She said that probably I just injured a muscle or something and it just felt weird since the sensations there were affected by the cut nerves.

    Well, it did go away, completely, but not after I had a few sleepless nights of worry!  I don't know why it happened - since it's numb under there , I guess if you pull a muscle or something, it can feel really strange.  But like I said, mine was all the way under my arm and through my back.  I even put on my compression thing from surgery to see if it would bring the "swelling" down through my side and back - but I think it was really like a phantom numbeness because it did finally go away.  Weird!

    It's been an incredibly busy time for me!  I'm all into my garden this year - I decided that since we made the garden smaller and more manageable a few years ago, that I wanted more space; so I'm doing an experiment and planting in two old wading pools!  THere is a whole website - wading pool gardens!!!  Imagine how much kale you can grow in a cheap kids wading pool!  Today I found spot for them and drilled holes in the bottoms for drainage and laid black landscaping fabric in the bottom so that the dirt won't drain out through the holes.  I put a layer of mulch on the bottom for drainage and then tomorrow will dig some dirt and mix it with top soil from the store.  I'm pretty excited - I want to plant my extra pepper plants in one, as well as making part of it an herb garden.  the other one, I'm planting potatoes in!  This will be totally new for me - so we'll see how it works!  Springtime fun!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is well.

    Calamtykel: I wondered what that black landscaping fabric was for!   Also, I thought of you last week as my friend got 12 chickens!   She told me they lay for about 2 years and then perhaps are harvested for their "breasts!"  She is also looking at taking in rescue horses.   I did not even know such a program existed as now, as you know, they can use horses for meat.  In any case, if you saw Nightline last week (probably not with your gardening schedule!) there was a segment on the Tennessee "walking horses" and the abuse that goes into training them for such a coveted, award-winning gait.  Apparently a well-known abuser of these poor horses was finally arrested.  In any case, I hope she does take in rescue horses.  Ricky Gervais said something according to you can gauge how far we are coming as a people by the way we treat our animals.  So true.

    Donna Summer-her lung cancer was not a primary.  Crappy cancer- 

    Good day- 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Tex---Great pictures! Your kids are beautiful. The pics with the caterpillars are great shots. I am about the furthest person from a camping person that you would ever meet but I am always envious how people have so much fun camping. I camped quite a bit through University but then stopped camping and now...I don't think I could enjoy it. My friends joke about me and my lack of wilderness skills!

    This weekend was Victoria Day long weekend here....extra day off work! woot woot! It was absolutely beautiful here--the weather was amazing. This long weekend is always iffy with weather but this weekend was amazing. I sat and watched my oldest sons football game yesterday and have a lovely farmers tan on my arms! I really have to watch my skin as it burns so fast....I remember my RO saying that my skin would be even more sensitive to the sun post-rads.

    Lizzie...I have had so many times where my left breast hurt/right breast hurt/armpit hurt/aches....well you get it. I have had so many conversations with my Docs about aches/pains and a great number of scans to try to find out the source. I wonder if the aches/pains come from the surgeries and everything and your body off balance. I have no idea...but I have similar aches etc.

    Post-cancer--I look and feel much older...I feel that I have been through a whirlwind of a couple of years and I have aged 20 years in the meantime. I look at pictures and wonder how I got from there to here....blah.

    Hope everyone has a great week.

    Lady...Congrats on the relayLaughing

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi everyone,  dislike staying so busy that it keeps me off here. I do swing by and read once in awhile. I have been great love that warm weather is here so I can play outside and in the water. I have decided to keep my hair short because so many thought it looked better short. Take care miss you ladies !!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel: so funny about looking older, I still get carded, on occassion, and, yes, I do buy liquor!  Cancer is not keeping me away from the package store.  I don't really get flattered when I get carded and now, for sure post-chemo etc..., I seriously think they are just doing it to get my address for a break-in!!!!  Cancer leaves you in such a healthy place!

    As for the aches and pains, I just wish this was not so worrisome.  

    Speaking of package stores, I am loving, loving, loving the fact that quaker-Connecticut finally repealed the old "blue laws" and package stores are open on Sundays!  

    You all will not believe what I am about to tell you but I was buying a new tire (after having gotten a blow out on these luscious CT highways and the tire only had 5000 miles on it).  In any case, as I am dumping another $150 on a new tire, I was waiting in the lounge talking to this guy.  He was nice looking and I was having some fun with him and then he asks me this: is it mandatory, if you own a package store, to be open on Sunday!?!  It was hard for me to keep a straight face as I had visions of our Governor declaring "you all better be open this Sunday or else!!!!"  wagging his finger! I am just horrible!  And for the record, let me tell you all, it is wicked uncomfortable flirting without boobs!

    Everyone I try to share this with has already seen it so I figured I would share it with more people that have probably seen it!  Yes, it is an adorable cat video!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    All- Yes i had a blast!!! And thank you for all the compliments!

    Lady- Thank you, i love the catepillar pic because its highlights her missing front teeth. We call her "chimuela" which is spanish for toothless LOL, we used to call her that as an infant, but then of course it didnt apply anymore, but it does for the time being! Re:eyebrows i used to have a serious uni-brow LOL, well not as bad as my sisters but noticible if i didnt maintain it because of my dark hair, anyhow literally in the last few months 1 or 2 pesky hairs have been growing back, other than that they have remained thinned out- and to think all i needed was chemo and i was paying to have them threaded or waxed LOL! (gotta look at the bright side sometimes!) LOL

    Kel- So glad you posted! Good hearin from ya! Loved the video- you know what would be hilarious??? Putting those mini football helments on them and having them run around, they reminded me of young kids that are learning the game and run ALL over the field! Too cute, when my babes get home from school tomorrow i def am gonna show them that! Our chickens LOVE grasshoppers, now thats a funny site to see! them going to peck one and it JUMP away... Sadly we are down to less than 5, our dog is getting old so he hasnt been detering all the preditors- barking only does so much, but once the coyotes and whatever else out there realsies this dog isnt gonna get up and chase you away you've got a free meal!!! We did (well my sister-in-law did) get a new puppy, but he's still in the training phase and sees the chickens as play things LOL.... WHAT A MESS!!!! but our veggies are comming in nice! Cool i am gonna look into the wading pools- we do our taters in a deep pit that we spent so much time digging, prob is when we get rain (the rare occations that we do) it over wets that area, wading pools cheap and convienient! Thanks for sharing!

    Rachel- Thanks- those were some of my favorite shots too- Oh fuuuuuunnnnny story- so my husband wants to go visit BC- lol just realised BC here means a whole other thing than british columbia. Okay when he was stationed in WA he wasnt allowed to leave the US because they were doing this on call thing where they couldnt be more than 2 hrs away because if they were called in (it was a readiness drill) anyhow  i am losing my train of thought- okay so he hasnt visited canada ever and wants to go. British columbia is very pretty- love Victoria etc... anyhow so my husband was like "what if we visit Toronto, British Columbia" I was like "WHAT??? you mean ontario right?" He totally just assumed ALL canada was B.C. because him growing up down here closer to mexico he never knew much about canada. i had a good laugh explaining to my husband about providences and such LOL

    AGING!- i dont think i look much older unless i looked 12 going into this LOL, because i get the "OMG how old are you?!?!?!?!" nearly everytime i visit my oncologist. But i def FEEL older!!!!!

     Iowa- Glad to see that you're away from the boards for a POSITVE thing! Keep it up woman! (but of course still check in!)

    Lizzy- You didnt have road side protection? It is very beneficial, but of course i also didnt buy that this last time as i was on a budget and i have a flat in my Yukon and have to PAY FULL PRICE for a new one, so for the time being its still FLAT!                    SORTA LIKE MURPHY'S LAW! 

    Cute video- i have seen it but its always worth a second or third look LOL- Puts a smile on my face everytime!!!! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Tex: I thought by now you might have realized the less I have to talk to people, the happier I am!  Seriously, I am not going in on that road hazard crap as it is $15 per tire and all you get is $10 off and an argument if you try to use it!!  I will gladly pay full-price just so I don't have to talk to them!!  IN fact, the joker that checked me in that day basically sat in the lounge watching basketball with myself and the other guy, telling us about his lady/life drama...I wanted to put a pencil through my temple!!!! 
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    LOL you crack me up Lizzy!!!! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Yeah, Lizzy is going to be cracking someone up over at the car insurance call center tomorrow! My car insurance went up by $3 and I am pissed!  Why is my question? They are so sneaky.  I had to dig around in my email for the last policy period declaration to find this increase!  I know it sounds stupid and petty but they will continue to do this if I don't put them on notice I am onto their tricks! 
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Its funny because when we had 3 cars on my policy it was CHEAPER than now when we are down to 2! it is crazy- did you know they use your credit scores as well- their excuse is it predicts better who will have an accident. So only broke people crash their cars now....

    I honestly thought of cheaping the other car on the policy just for the savings but we gave that car to my DH's cousin and told him we'd only pay it til the end of this policy period which was up this month.... We paid it for 5 months...

    Nickles and dimes nickle and dimes!