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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Tex - I know - I am just so scared because all I can find online is that tumor marker work can make false negatives, but the chances of a false positive isn't very common! :(  She told me on the phone that 40% of the time when they send people for scans after this, that things are fine - gee thanks for giving me a 40% chance to not be stage 4! :( I can't stop crying - can't stop praying. 

    I need some ativan.  

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi Cal, This is the insidiousness of this disease; this ability to scare the living crap out of us whenever it wants. I am praying for you too. But it always helps me to think about the number of times I have had these scares and then how it was fine afterwards. It did in the end work out, just as this will too. But in the meantime I think you're right on the money about the ativan- maybe go to your family doctor and let them help you manage the anxiety effects of this latest scare. Managing our mindsets during moments like this is more than half the battle. Sending you a big hug.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day my lovely warriors!

    I hope you all are finding a little peace and tranquility today.  Also, don't forget to smile at yourselves in the works!   

    Calamtykel: Kel, I totally know how you feel. My pet, done 6 mos ago, was above that 2.0 - 3.0 range, I get stabbing pains under my arm and all kinds of pains in the breast pocket....this disease scares the shit out of everybody. I wish CKPTRY was on as I think she could offer more perspective on the tumor markers. I know, as Tex pointed out, not only are they not taught but many, many hospitals etc... don't use them. That is a pretty narrow deviation also. Sending you positive vibes, Kel. I am just so happy they are sending you for scans. My friend at MSK did not fare so well. At least someone is paying attention to what is going on with you. What scans are you getting? Are you getting a PET? I think you are a good candidate for a PET.

    Kel, we are all here for you. Don't worry until you get the results. I hope all turns out just fine.

    Also, on sleep apnea (thanks for telling us about this, Kel), if any of you are snorers or don't seem to get fitful sleep etc.., get checked out. Have a sleep study. The connection between developing of a new cancer and the proliferation of an existing cancer for those with undiagnosed sleep apnea is becoming more and more evident. I just read 2 studies a few nights ago and there was also a piece on the CBS evening news about it. Serious stuff. I can't believe that sleep apnea can cause cancer. Scary.

    Tex: I will be honest about that Obamacare business! Bottom line- if you have had catastrophic health event the *only* way you can get insurance in the United States is through marriage or your job, period!!!! A very close gay friend of mine and I have been talking "partnership" for the purposes of healthcare and tax advantage! Not joking! Honestly, that is my kind of marriage! He does his thing, I do mine and we shop together! Very good times, indeed!!! The other option is If I actually date someone I like enough to hang out with them for a while, and they have a "really" good job, the potential to be added to their plan as "domestic partners" is also an option but I could never lock myself in a situation like that for benefits!!! Ugh, if I don't marry my gay friend, I think I would prefer to suck the corporate umbilical cord OR move to Ireland before I get locked into some relationship that my healthcare is contingent on! Well, I can actually buy CT state insurance which no doctors accept for the bargain price of $400-$500 per month!! What it does do, however, is cost me a lot of money and give me coverage that will get me not quite so kicked around (as I would be without it) should I reach critical mass and head to the ER!!!!

    Ok, everybody, I have my guitar and I am going to start off on Springsteen's "Born in the USA" and hope you all sing from all your corners of this wonderful world! I am going to change the lyrics and post the altered version here for bc patients and the like!

    OMG...I just heard on CBS news that women can reduce bc risks by breast feeding?! Kel, you have 4, right? I think you might have breast fed...where do they come up with this crap? It is frustrating that of the millions who have been stricken, they find 100 that had kids and did not breast feed and they call it a stat now.

    I had to go off Tamox pre-surgery and now am getting pains in my stomach like that menstrual madness is trying to get started. Could that be possible? Ugh....don't want that back AT ALL! Don't need it, don't want it!

    Well, Kel, I wanted to get on and let you know I am thinking of you pre-massive thunderstorms replete with the potential for tornadoes coming to a county near me soon! I do, however, think you sympathize as NJ is not getting spared either!

    One more song for the day: Bobby McFerrin's "Don't Worry Be Happy!!!" I am not changing the lyrics on this one! Timothea, a link for you so as to familiarize yourself with what should be our collective anthem!

    A very good friend had just gotten his trust fund and it was 1988; we did things that I will take to my grave with me and it was all FUNTASTIC!!!! We had some really good times!

    Finally, last night I did a home exfoliator, one of my faves, and that which you all should try. Very easy- just sugar, sea salt and a enough olive oil to cover the sugar and sea salt.  A wonderful homemade exfoliator and one that Lancome can never make for me! 

    Kel, keep your chin up.  We walk this road together- 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - Levels up to 5 are considered normal for smokers - anyone around you smoking?  Also, please remember that labs make mistakes!  I would ask to have it repeated to confirm that it is truely over 2.5.  
  • No omaz - don't smoke at all. 

     Can anyone tell me why it's higher in smokers?

    I am on some chinese medicine for lyme again - could weird herbal concoctions do it?  I don't know - I'm grasping at straws.  I took ativan -- just can't seem to normalize right now.  

  • Lizzy - getting a bone scan and CT's of pelvic, abdomen and chest.... :(   Nothing like adding some high doses of rads to the mix.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Kel: I wish they were giving you a PET.  It is the most definitive way of finding cancer.  Cancer loves sugar, cancer eats radioactive glucose = PET scan smokes cancer out of its hole!  I did read that certain herbs and supplements can throw off values in our blood.  You did get pretty sick a few weeks ago from what you were taking at that time.   Perhaps your enzymes are not quite leveled out yet?  With a small deviation, you may have encouraged it inadvertently with supplements.  They also collect tumor marker data for baseline info also so perhaps your 3.0 will be your herb-adjusted baseline. If your 3.0 is actually a result of your herbs/supplements, you won't be nervous the next time.  I know it is scary.  

    Tex: did you go to chemo yesterday?   I hope you are ok.  I know it is usually a few days after when it takes it's toll but just thinking of you and wondering how you are.

    BTW, that was hysterical about the cancer and bypass patients being too broke to go to Jamaica!!!!  Speaking of islands, did you all know there are 700 islands that comprise the Bahamas?  I never knew it was 700!  

     OK, I reworked "Born in the USA" for us bc girls!  Enjoy:

    Born down in a dead man's town
    The first kick I took was when the spot was found
    You end up like a dog that's been beat too much
    Till you spend half your life just covering up

    Born in the U.S.A.I was born in the U.S.A.I was born in the U.S.A.Born in the U.S.A.

    Got in a little insurance jam
    So they put a bill in my hand
    Sent me off to hospital land
    To get get filled with chemo, man

    Born in the U.S.A.I was born in the U.S.A.I was born in the U.S.A.I was born in the U.S.A.Born in the U.S.A.

    Come back home & go to the winery
    Cancer land says "hon, it is up to me"

    Went down to see my insurance man
    He said "woman don't you understand now"

    Had a sister at the onc
    Fighthing off the cancer long
    It is still here, she's all gone

    She had a man she loved in San Juan
    He's got a picture of her in harm's arms now

    Down in the shadows of the psychiatry
    Out by the last fires of the controversy
    I'm two years burning down this road
    Nowhere to run ain't got nowhere to go

    Born in the U.S.A.I was born in the U.S.A.Born in the U.S.A. I'm a long gone parody in the U.S.A.

    Born in the U.S.A.Born in the U.S.A.Born in the U.S.A.I'm uninsurable and wasting in the U.S.A.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    kel - that sounds like overkill -please try not to worry. At MSK for a slight elevation they'd do a repeat lab first the next month , and this was back when they did scans for everything. (often you'll see a much bigger jump for a recurrence or a peristent upward trend) My onc also said they will be moving away from markers in the coming years (they didn't do that at my last visit) and they are finding them not as effective as once thought, at least for breast ca. Can you ask them to repeat the labs first -none of these tests are perfect.


  • Carolyn - yes, I thought of that and she said that is the normal protocol - to repeat the labs in a month.  However since I"m not on tamoxifen and havena't been scanned in 2 years, I guess that is why they are doing it this way.  I actually have a call in to the office to see if they can answer more questions. The first time I was too busy trying to just breathe and normalize.  I don't know what my numbers were before - so I do want to find that out.  They are a 2.8.  I haven't had BW done since December so that is seven months in between.  I'm not sure what I've been all along..............

    Just so scared - trying to trust in God through it all but I really cannot financially nor mentally handle this with all the financial issues we are facing right now.  "Jesus, take the wheel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Kel...thinking of you and hoping that there is some other explanation. This damn disease lurks around us all the time. Keep us posted. Here in Canada--they don't do those markers on my checkups nor do we get PET scans. I had some concerns and had to go back into the scanner again...I have had enough radiation to last me three lifetimes.

    My sister had an aea of her breast--"to watch" after her first mammo--she is just turning 40. They called her back to do the followup scans a couple of weeks ago and now they have called her back for another mammo/US in two weeks. She is worried because of our family history. I told her to get the appt sooner and get them moving on biopsy or something. She is worried. Keep her in your thoughts--2X breast cancer in our family is 2X too many.

    It is hot, hot, hot here too...doesn't seem any relief in sight. My ankle is still aching so I will have to rest it. I worry over every ache and GP said I am hypersensitive to my body after my two cancers--each that I found through aches....we have all said it enough...cancer sucks.

  • Rachel - I too, had pain in the side of my foot - I showed the oncologlist and she said not to worry about it - that's not where they look for bone mets!

     Okay -so texted the oncologist tonight.  She called me back within 1 minute- she's so awesome!  Anyway, she said "I am not worried about these numbers, but we have to follow up."  I asked her if my #'s were showing a steady increase and she said no, they are not.  But any spike like that needs to be followed up.

    I asked why we can't just repeat the BW in two weeks instead of jumping into lots of very high rad scans which will be very expensive.  She said that we absolutely can do that if I want, but then explained her position about wanting to know now what's going on, etc.  

    Hm.  SO I'm still thinking about it - leaning towards just having the BW repeated.  

    She also said that a GI thing can cause them to be elevated and any inflammation in the gut, etc.  

    So that's it - I'm going to sleep on it, but I am feeling a little better after talking to her.  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: that is great news!  I am so glad she got back to you so quick and that she comforted you.  I might wait to repeat BW as it is only 2 weeks.  I am not quite sure what could be expected in 2 weeks from a repeat as doesn't it stand to reason it should be the same?  Perhaps waiting 1 month to redo BW would be better depending on the sensitivity of those markers.  In any case, good news.  Definitely avoid those cancerous scans if you can.  That new device that a person can blow into, like a breathalizer, is apparently in mid to final phase of FDA trials.  It will be wicked nice to simply blow into a machine rather than be dragged through these cancer-causing scans.  Best vibes heading your way, woman.

    Rachel: oh boy, your poor sister.   A girl Maureen I used to work out with all the time and would see almost exclusively at the gym revealed to me one day she and her mom and sis had both died from bc and she had a prophylactic bmx as a result.  She was hysterical one day in the locker room as I remarked how her breasts, as she is 7 years older than I, had a life of their own, in a t-shirt, with no sports bra on!!  Who knew?! More to this point, Maureen was petrified b/c of what her mom and sis went through so I guess all I can say is the fact that you have had 2 battles with cancer, your sister must be particularly worried.  It does not run down family lines, though, unless you are BRCA and even then, being BRCA positive does not mean the women in the family will get it.  I will certainly be thinking of her and holding her in positive thoughts.  I wish you speedy recovery with your ankle and that everything goes well with your sister.

    I am officially being entered in the very dubious HALL OF SHAME!!!!  I, sad to say, am going to have to repeat week 2 of the Couch for the THIRD time!!!!  I can't get my times right and week 3 is 90 running and 60 recovery so I refuse to move on until I am very comfortable with week 2!!  I don't know why I am doing this anyway as I am going to have to give it up for 8 weeks after surgery!  I guess it is keeping my mind busy...that and studying for the LSATs!!!!!  

    Happy trails, girls- 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm: did you have your visit with the gastro yet?  Did the CT scan get approved?  Just thinking about you esp with the idea you are seriously consider bmx as a result of insurance company nonsense.  Who knows? They say everything happens for a reason.  Perhaps, in the grand scheme, bmx would be best.  I just hope you are doing ok as you struggle with the enormity of all the data you received and reflecting on such large decisions.  Just remember, while we are going through operations, recovering and struggling with all of this madness, Timothea clearly now has some time to get over on us re: the Revlon Run!  We can't be down for long! I know her talking about sand art and having fun with the kids which I suspect is code for training 6 hours a day in the gym, 7 days a week sans the 1 day she takes off for chemo!  We aboslutely must push forward!

     You all should check out "Necessary Roughness" on TBS.  It is actually a really good show and one that I look forward to in the summer.  Well that and "Design Star" to which I am nothing short of addicted! I have no creative, design bones in my body and I love watching what they come up.  I am always surprised and impressed! I actually watch it with such a sense of wonderment! 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!  Well, they are saying that the heat broke with the storms that went through tonight, but as I sit here it is pretty darn hot...LOL!

    Cal:  Sorry to hear that you have to face this uncertainty again.  I will be praying for you and some peace which ever way you decide to go. 

    Tex:  I have to tell you, you are a really good mom.  Sand art, huh.  Your children seem to always be having fun, thanks to you.  And bargain hunting the fun too! Hope you are feeling okay these days. 

    Rachel:  Your vacation sounds awesome, and the pics on FB look amazing.  You guys really looked well rested and tan, or should I say burnt..LOL.  I will be praying for your sister too, hope everything turns out benign for her.  1X cancer in 1 family is too much!

    Lizzy:  I think you are right.  I think Tex is definitely using code to hide her superior training methods!  We will have to keep on our toes, you and I.  As for having to repeat week two, no harm in that.  You have a long time before the Revlon. The important thing is to keep moving.  Be as strong as you can be before the surgery.  And then as soon as the doctors clear you after surgery, you can slowly start moving again.  It is all about the exercise, any exercise, even walking.  I have definitely decided on BMX but first I have to sort out these GI issues.  I had my gastro appointment on Monday, and I absolutely have a GI bleed as they found "gross blood" in my stool.  This is the root they think of the low iron count.  My iron went from 13 in May to 8.4 in July, so a rather dramatic drop.  Anyway, I am scheduled for endoscopy on Tuesday to take a look at the upper GI tract for the source of the bleeding.  They assume the lower GI tract is okay since I had a colonoscopy in January, so they will start with the upper.  Does it sound weird that I am praying for an ulcer...LOL?! Talk about torture however, since they are doing the endoscopy on an emergent basis, they are "squeezing me in" so my appointment is at 3 in the afternoon.  I can't eat for 8 hours before and can't drink anything (not even water) for 6 hours before.  I drink at least 6 bottles of water a day!  I am going to die sitting at work all day unable to eat or drink anything!  Needless to say, Tuesday will be a very gray day for me.  When will you be having your surgery?  Are you all ready to get new boobs?  What procedure did you decide to go with, or will they just be removing the necrosed fat and then reconstructing later?

    Ckptry and Omaz:  Nice to hear from you!  How is your summer going?

    Okay time for me to attempt to sleep..LOL...I am usually not too successful, but I keep trying.  Yuck, last night I woke up drenched in sweat at 3:30 a.m., had to change my pajamas.  Doesn't happen all the time, but every once in a while and it is gross. 

    Have a great night everyone!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi Debbi - My daughter did her first solo drive to school yesterday with me following her.  She did great and was so proud of herself.  I hope that your test goes easily and they find the source of the problem.  If it is an ulcer maybe they could test for H. pylori - the organism that is associated with ulcer development.  And, speaking of night sweat I am still dependent on my remote control timer fan at the foot of my bed.  

    I have four doctor checkups over the next month - BS, rad onc, med onc PA and gyn.   (c:  (thanks again for the cute smiley Adey, I think you created it!)

    Lizzy - Is your surgery coming up soon? 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well! Boy, that heat wave broke in a big way! It is 73 degrees, down from 103 w/88% humidity yesterday!  Deb, last night CT was totally like a sauna!  I am with you, thought it was supposed to cool things off but today more than makes up for that! 

    Calamtykel: did you decide on the BW or scans? Just wondering how you are doing with that. It just seemed weird that your onc seemed to feel there was no change in your markers but yet spoke of a spike and the desire to scan? Perhaps I misunderstood.

    Sptmm: you know, I used to be able to just run for 45 minutes to an hour and it felt great. I think you know I worked in WTC and my boyfriend worked for Cantor and was killed in 9/11. At that time I was in good shape and I hate to tell you this next part but some of what is motivating me now is the fact we could be subject to another terrorist attack. I think to be able to save myself, I need to be able to run at least 3 miles. I really need to be in good shape. Right now, with the pathetic struggles I am having with the Couch, all I can think is if I was in this kind of shape on 9/11, and was in my office as I should have been, I very well might have perished if I was in this kind of shape.

    That leads me to my next point: the other night I am laying on the floor in the living room and thinking I now know what they mean about being over 40. Everything hurts a little more, it is wicked hard (be it post-chemo or post-40 etc..) to get in really good shape. Crosstraining over 40 to achieve optimal fitness might be a 3 hour per day commitment. I can't believe all the stuff I do, and can do, and yet am struggling with the 2nd week of the couch. I don't get it. One thing I can say is once I get back there, I will never go "here" again. Walking and zumba and the upright bike and the recumbent bike and the arc etc.... are all great but nothing gets your body in as good shape as running does and therefore it is challenging.

    Deb, as for Tex, her silence is indicative of her most likely doubling her training efforts! Her kids are no doubt doing sand art in the daycare at the gym where she is training!! We are onto her tricks!

    Sweating: those hot flashes persist and they are wicked. I gave up on PJs a long time ago...just do the sheets a lot! My sleep sucks, too.

    I am like you with the water. In fact, aside from 2 cups of coffee in the morning, that is all I drink. That is a long day in an office building, where feeling parched is a byproduct of the recycled air. It is just one day, however! You can do it!

    Omaz: that is so great that she drove to school!! It is so exciting!!! I loved those days...I remember walking out of high school, with my friends Lori and Melissa, and having the vice principal calling after us saying "girls, wait, you are heading the wrong way! Last period is this way!!!" No, we were heading home to lay by the pool! The joy of having a car at 16! Consequently, this surely will not be your dd. I was a wild child, woman!

    Four doc appts?! Best of luck on all of that! Wow...that is a cluster...well, I won't finish that!

    Ckptry: thanks for stopping by to advise Kel on those tumor markers! Ask and ye shall receive! How are things going w/Aidan? I hope you had some success with the therapist.

    Necessary Roughness is on USA not TBS!!!! 

    Good day, girls-  

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Debbi--thinking of you during those tests. XO

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Thanks Rachel, I could use all the positive vibes everyone can muster up, especially stuck at work all day without being able to eat or drink...LOL. 

    Omaz:  That is huge, driving herself to school.  I remember the sense of independence that you felt all day, just knowing that your car was in the school parking lot...LOL! Actually, I have a pretty significant family history of GERD and my dad even has Barrett's esophagus from GERD, so even though I have absolutely no symptoms of any of that stuff, there is a good chance that could turn out to be the problem.  Thanks for your well wishes and good luck on your appointments. 

    Lizzy:  You are absolutely right about the running.  I do all kinds of cross training, aerobics, kickboxing, weight lifting, etc.  But the most difficult thing I do are those runs.  And I have definitely noticed a big increase in my conditioning even just running once or twice a week.  There is nothing like running to get you into shape.  LOL, about the water.  My dad is taking me to the endoscopy, so he said he would have a cooler full of water in the car for me afterwards!  Then he also warned me that when he had the test his throat was sore and he couldn't eat for about 3-4 hours afterwards, so water would have to do.  Oh well, I guess I will lose a pound or two on Tuesday!

    I know we all dread these doctors appointments and the reminders they bring up, but as evidenced with my latest little episode we can all take solace in the fact that they do work to our benefit.  The blood work picks up things that you don't even feel, so in a way it is nice to be looked at so closely on a frequent basis, even from a non-cancer perspective.  I had absolutely no symptoms of a GI bleed, the only clue that got the ball rolling was that routine oncology blood work.  So, the fact that I have these regular check ups made is possible to discover this problem before it got out of control.  The only thing that makes me angry (I guess that is the right word), is the feeling that I got of being sucked punched the other day at my onco appointment.  I am feeling great, never felt better, and had absolutely not expected anything other than a "okay see you in four months".  And now I am plunged back into a schedule full of doctor appointments and tests in the next two weeks or so.  Just kind of makes me feel like I trusted something and got burned.  Oh well, that's life.

    Have a great night everyone!


  • Just to clarify - yes, I'm scheduling the repeat bloodwork in two weeks.  I had it about a week and a half ago, so that would be about 3 1/2 weeks in between.  She won't let me go further than that, nor do I want to and if it's still elevated then I'll be ready mentally for scans - just not financially.  :(

     Not sure how I"m going to last until then.  I have worst case scenerios running in my mind - I'm so scared.  :(  I know it's pointless - geez, I hate this disease. 

     Debbi - sorry to hear of your latest issues.  I hate waiting for these tests and yes, the sucker punch is horrible.  Doctor gave me a "clean bill" Only to get a call from the nurse five days later.  :(  Then the doctor tells me she's not "worried" about the numbers-- yeah, but she wants me to go for thousands of $$ worth of scans.  Meh......

     Lizzy - talked to her about a Pet vs a CT, and what she said is that she prefers the CT combined with a bone scan.  This is what I was able to find out on line about it when I googled "vs" 

     "The PET scan can only show rather blurry images without much detail, but with the glucose injection they do, it lights up where there is fast metabolic activity, as the cancer cells eat the glucose faster than any other cells (hence Chemo killing fast growing cells, along with hair and nails, etc.) and they light up. It is usually only used AFTER a CT scan shows something definitive that they need a closer look at in the sense of "is that cancer or something else" look.

    The CT is used to show much more detail. It takes over a million cancer cells to make a SPOT on a CT or PET the size of your fingernail. So detail is important, and it is not an easy thing, even with all of today's high tech machines, to "see" cancer."

    Now, this is strange, as when I met with the head of oncology of a very large hospital here after my diagnosis, he said he doesn't like to do the PT's first as they can light up anything - old injuries, etc and cause unnecssary stress- I guess that's why some doctors use them as a "second" scan. 

    So sounds like it's six of one, 1/2 dozen of another - many ins. won't approve a PT except as a follow up for a CT.  

    Not sure how I'm going to make it through to the next test and waiting for those results...UGH! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day, warriors!

    Sptmm: you are absolutely correct in that having to run off to a bunch of docs in a short period is reminiscent of the peak of our dxs but at the same time it does indeed work for us. Very well put! I just am brought right back to the dx when I have a string of related dr appts in a short period. Guess I should be more grateful, however!

    Deb, that sucker-punching is the worst. Of course, the first dx was a huge sucker-punch. I think this is why cancer is called the "silent killer." A guy from old job was at my house speculating that a woman at work who said she had cancer probably didn't because she is a liar and/or looking for attention. He remarked that she did not "look" sick. I explained that I don't often look sick either and I resent the implication.  Cancer does not make any of us "look" sick until the final few months and during chemo.  Of course, he quickly exonerated me of being in this dubious category because mine had been "verified?" WTH?! I was pretty pissed. Bottom line is who lies about having cancer? The other thing is cancer does not have outward signs. For these reasons, we will most likely become more and more anesthetized to the potential for sucker punches yet to come! You know they are coming so we just hold on tight, go for the ride and, as you said, hoping if something is happening, it is caught early. I still maintain we are living in auspicious times!

    That is great that your dad will have a cooler of water!! What a nice guy. Reminds me of the last time I was engaged, to a guy I would posthumously find out my father hated, and I had the flu. My father brought me over water and Gatorade and some other get-better stuff! I loved my dad so much! He was the best. My fiancé was very caring also but my dad had high expectations relative to who I should be settling down with in such a serious manner and that guy did not fit the bill! I would eventually end it myself, leaving my father and mother secretly enthralled! In any case, very glad your dad is there for you and with a cooler of water no less! #goodtimes

    I have been meaning to tell you all for days one night last week I woke up around 3 and HSN was on! Don't know how that happened but I am in one of those in the 65% of Americans who fall asleep with the TV on! In any case, they were going over these "Rhonda Shear" Ahh bras. They were selling a 3 pack that came with the removable pads. I am here to tell you all if you can find bras with removable pads, you can easily expand those pads to make them whatever size you need with just a sewing machine. Also, the fill in my post bmx camisoles is all just run-of-the-mill cotton ball style stuffing one might buy at a fabric store to make a pillow. I just thought it was another option for any of you who had lumpectomies and are dealing with imbalance or for those w/mx or bmx and have not yet, or will not ever, do recon. If my sleepiness did not interfere, I do believe the pockets were big enough to put in a more substantial pad. 49.99 for 3 and they look wicked comfortable. All things to consider. Also, they are always advertising some "flex pay" on HSN. That means you can pay in installments so for anyone wanting to "try them before they buy them," I would use the flex pay if possible and then return them if you are unhappy. IN this way you are only waiting for a credit of $15 or so as opposed to a $50 credit to your card. I have volunteered with the elderly for years and if anyone knows all the HSN/QVC tricks, it is elderly women!!!! That is where one explained to me how to use the flex pay to your advantage when you are just not completely convinced you are going to love the product. Smart!

    I hope you all are enjoying yourselves! Me, Sptmm, Ckptry and Calamtykel are getting a hefty dose of Fall weather in July today! We have all dropped 30 degrees and right now it is cool, rainy and 70 degrees! They say in CT if you don't like the weather, wait a minute!

    Good day!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - privatemd labs can test CEA for about $50 and you don't need a doctors order.  I don't know if you have a participating location nearby or not.  I was thinking that you should repeat the test itself checking for lab error. 
  • Omaz - I didn't know that.  How could I do it?  Would I need a doctor's script, like from my regular mD??  Or just walk into a lab and ask for it ? 

    Lizzy- yes, the Ahh bras are just like the genie bras I think.  I was able to take one out of the package and look at it at Walmart since they had them side by side with the Genies.   I found the Genie to be cheaper - 3 for $21 with free shipping on Ebay - and it came in just a couple of days . Will be buying from that seller again!  

  • Here's a four pack of Aahhs on Ebay for $22 with free ship.

    NOT sure though if these have the pads in them like the Genies?

    What I REALLY love about the Genie's is the black and white ones dont' look like bras.  SO when my camisole is too low, it doesn't look like my bra's sticking out - it looks like another layer of camie underneath.  Awesome - I'm really able to expand what I wear now to lower cut things! :) 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    cal   you fill out the paperwork online and then go get your blood drawn.  I used it a few years ago for a test and it was easy.  I hope you have a participating lab nearby.
  • Oh well.  Here we go -  as far as privatemedlabs -- more "socialized nazi" medicine at work in NJ:

     "Due to state billing laws, PrivateMD Labs cannot provide services in NY, NJ, MA, MD or RI. " 

    Can't tell you how infuriating medical care is!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - Bummer!  A nearby state??  
  • Omaz- my ID and billing  info would still state NJ.  :( 

    I think I could go to my regular family doctor and just request a CEA test - I'm pretty sure he would do that, but it would mean paying a $30 copay just to see him.

    At this point I'm disgusted with the whole thing.  According to the national cancer - tumor markers should not be run as follow ups - because it does not change the overall prognosis nor extend life expectancy-, and should only be done in the presence of symptoms.  Therefore, "catching mets early" really doesn't matter according to the "official" guidelines - treatment and life expectancy will be the same. 

    this isn't what my onc said.  She said "I'd hate it to be something very small that we can take care of rather than wait and have it be something big later on".  HUH?  Mets are mets, right?   I don't get it.  

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sorry been away- busy with the kiddos- Kel i also wanted to point out that there is such a thing as reoccuarnce in the same site which would cause your level to elavate but it wouldnt be stage 4 :) i met a woman at chemo this week that has had breast cancer twice. It came back in the same breast and also on her other breast the second time... so dont think you're only option is stage 4 at the 40%.... am i makin sense? LOL

    i need to make breakfast and then i will get online and read all the posts!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Kel...I don't have any of these "tumour markers" done. I had bloodwork done at my first onco visit 6 months post chemo but didn't at last appointment. I know myZdoc said that mets would appear in scans about the same time as you would feel symptoms. I had two bone scans for worry of pains and aches. My onco offered it again at last appt but I declined. I am due for my mammo/us 2nd week of Aug and onco checkup at end of August..then my gyne onco appts in Sept. I hate this appt time and had a little anxiety when I noticed that my mammo is one week away. Gosh....cancer never lets up having a hold on us around followup times.

    Beautiful day here..cooler than the steamy hot temps we have had but nice. We are heading out for the day to watch Liverpool football (English footie)! Have a great weekend!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sweeny you're so right! this disease is insidious! it takes over our bodies, mind and emotions!

    breastfeeding- i am not sure where they get that, i have 2 children whom i breastfed each for nearly 2 yrs each (23 months) and look what good that did me. i honestly dont buy that...

    Hahaha Lizzy- i may be young but i DO know dont worry be happy LOL  thanks for the link, i will put it on later for the kids and myself to get our dance on!

    kel- could be an herbal concoction interfence... they arent regualated as well as FDA approved drugs so the effects may be unknow in some of them

    Lizzy- no i did NOT know it was 700 islands! Wow! I'd love to go on a trip out that way! Yes i did have chemo :) Love the reworked born in the USA song :)

    rachel- praying for your sister.

    debbi- yup i am feelin good thank for asking, although we went to chuck e cheese the other day and lost my digital camera which stupid me didnt upload the pics to my computer since MAY so everything is gone- no one turned it in :( But at least we made the memories! Using code LOL i am still working on week one! LOL i just might be the water hander outer this time! LOL although i can go swimming forever and not tire out, i think its the water helping me support my weight LOL ;)

    yes lizzy i was doubling my training efforts LOL 0+0=0 LOL

    KEL- i had always done bone scans and ct scans up until this last time i had a PET after the CT showed something so thats SOP

    Kel could you just do a private pay for that service if its affordable? forget about the insurance?