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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Thanks to all for telling your stories.  I enjoyed very much hearing about your families, triumphs, and tribulations.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Here is mine:

    *I was born and raised in England and moved to Canada at Age 11 when my Dad (who worked as a Graphic Artist for Cosmopolitan---making the models look good) took a job transfer.

    *I have 2 sisters--1 is my best friend and the other, we were never as close, but over the past year have become much closer.

    *I live in a hockey fanatic house--both my boys play competitive ice hockey--My oldest signed his first "contract" at the tender age of 9--He is a goalie. I never enjoyed hockey before--but LOVE watching my kids at the rink. So very proud that they are so good.

    *I love reading--but haven't read a book since my BC diagnosis--cannot keep my attention span that long.

    *I have a great group of friends, from high school, university and work and beyond.

    *I was a double major in Math/History at University when I wanted to be a teacher--when I realized that I didn't want to teach..still stayed but graduated with a minor in Native Studies----my love.

    *I am a Manager in Sales Analysis and Customer Service--I love my job for the people but not the job--realized that after BC

    *I have been told that I have an infectious Laugh---I laugh all the time (or probably a lot more than now!) and people have told me that they can tell me a mile away by my laugh.

    *I take 1000's of pictures and am diligent about making photo albums to document each year---I am amazed that I do it as I'm not very creative. I have tried Scrapbooking but am no good at it.

    *I love my life, I hate BC (just thought that I would add that)

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333


          Okay a little about me....

         All of my life I wanted children. I spent years in a relationship with someone who didn't hoping that he would change his mind. I met my wonderful husband and almost 9 mos to the day we were married we had my beautiful Aidan 5yo. We also have a 3 yo Caitlin. I had an abusive childhood and could not wait to shower my children with unconditional love. I swore they would never suffer. They were both born with special needs. The things that come naturally to other children come to them after much hard work. It has been my biggest heartbreak to see them cry in therapy but they are my heart, my soul, my saving grace. I am so blessed because I get to see them perform small miracles each day.

           We had a legal battle with the school last year to try to get them to provide adequate therapy for aidan.We took out a home equity loan figuring this was our rainy day and we'd make it up later. Aidan also got a few new diagnoses. We had always been told mainstreamed by kindergarten and I guess in our hearts heard cured by kindergarten.  I thought if I put my life on hold and gave them everything I had for 5 years my love would make them better.

         The school began working with Aidan more (to prove he didn't need more help) and he made great strides. My husband and I went through a mourning process; I struggle to accept that I cannot protect my children from all harm, sometimes life makes other plans. At the end of the school year things we could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'd been neglecting myself, but mom my had breast cancer in her 40's so I was diligent about getting my mammaogram, which led me here...

           I guess it's hard to think about what defines me right now. I am so angry at bc for presenting yet more challenges to my children; for forcing us to choose between a social skills group and neulasta. I still go to church - I have much to be thankful for -my children are beautiful and funny and happy and if I told you how kind my husband is you would think I was making him up;-) I think in a way bc will show me that my children will be ok -that I cannot be their human force field and they may stumble a little but won't fall down -at least that is what I pray. I am a little scared of God right now though, I just don't understand it all. I told my son's psychologist that I was angry that the school always made us fight for therapies ; they'd rather see him crash and burn than do something preventative. She said well, it's very hard to crash and burn in kindergarten;-) It took me a few weeks to admit this to my husband who laughed and hugged me when I told him. I am learing to let some things go.

         On a lighter note I love to read and laugh -I've also been told my laugh is contagious. My biggest secret vice is that I love to snack in bed at night while I am reading - I don't know where that came from. I know I am supposed to be eating my healthiest right now, but after thinking the nausea would never end I was overjoyed to climb into bed with a good book  and cheese doodles the other night.

         I love this idea and  hearing the other stories, I am always secretly certain every one else has it more together than me and it really is as easy as they make it look ;-)



  • English_Teacher
    English_Teacher Member Posts: 24

    Wow, Sweeney -- good question/ prompt to throw out there!  It's interesting reading about the people here.  So who am I other than just CMF girl?!

    *  I grew up in an Army family so moved every year of my childhood; went to three different high schools but ended up in Ferndale, WA, for the last year (my mother's hometown).

    *  My mother is actually Canadian -- so I have lots of Canadian relatives!

    *  As an adult, I have kept up that crazy moving lifestyle (incuding four years in Japan and lots of backpacking in different parts of the world) before settling in St Louis because I was offered a tenure-track job.  I'm probably here for awhile now because I met my husband here! (who is a local guy!).

    *  I used to weight 80 pounds more but started running and exercising and lost it all!  I am about to do my 16th marathon in October, chemo or not.

    *  I love teaching. 

    *  Though I read most of my news online nowadays, I still love reading the Sunday paper in print.

    *  I used to be addicted to Diet Pepsi until 6 weeks in India in 2008.  The Pepsi company is doing so much damage to native ways/ habitat that I stopped cold-turkey after talking to an old woman whose well had dried up because of Pepsi's practices.

    *  Along those lines, I now think before I buy.  I can't support Wal-Mart's business practices but I do support companies like Costco that are fairer to their employees.  So I put a little research into where my money goes.

    *  I drive a 1994 Mazda Miata (that I love!) and I often drive it fast!

    *  I thought I wanted children but I figured it would happen if it were meant to happen.  It didn't happen.  But I am a super-cool aunt!

    *  Even though I am 41, my students all think I am in my late 20's and early 30's.  You gotta love genetics!

    *  Sometimes I am not sure that I can finish my PhD.  A dissertation requires smart cells I am not sure I have!

    And that's about it, I think!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    EnglishTeacher!  kore wa nan desu ka?!!   Nihon de ryooko o shimashita ka?! Watashi wa nihongo ga benkyoo shimashita ne!  Anata wa?  I did not, however, learn the 3000 characters necessary to read the newspaper :( since you are all so quiet today/enjoying the weather I am going to give out the cape this week and it will go to:   CALAMTYKEL!!! 

    A new feature also:  I am going to restructure the initial post and I am going to collect the names and dates of all of those going into their 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on treatments.  I will ask that you PM me your date and what # tx you are having.  I really don't like the idea that I don't know who is having txs each week b/c the initial was a big one but I feel we are going to have to have MORE support as we move deeper into our tx schedule so it will be beneficial for us all to know who is having treatments each week.

    When you all get back for hiking, swimming, biking and having good times with your families, weigh-in on all of these matters!

    I hope you all had a great weekend-


  • LOL!  But I think I should pass the cape to Texas this week - I'm so excited about her tumors shrinking already! :D

     Well, I headed out to church today, only to arrive and find that my six year old was still in his PJ's from last night! :D  Luckily, this just consisted of an inside out pair of gym shorts and and a shirt with a logo.  And uncombed hair.  ROTFL!!!  With four kids, at least three of the four got there decently!   

    So he went to his Sunday School class that way!  :D  

    On a less than lighter note, someone who has been very supportive to me since this whole BC ordeal began came up to me today and she she's "joining the club" - she had a positive biopsy.  Fortunately, hers is a stage zero and she will not need chemo, but will need rads.  We're going to try to hook up for lunch  next week if I'm up to it.  BLAH!!  I hate this disease!  She's a mom about my age too.

    SO round two for chemo tomorrow -- and I got my period and just feel lousy today (because of it.)  How unfair is this -- where is this "CHEMO-PAUSE" I hear so much about??  

    Well, I'm going to make some coffee, clean the house in anticipation of being sacked out after tomorrow, and maybe just hang out in the hammock.  I have to get a different photo up for my avatar, other than my chicken going down the some point..... :D

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    I have a chemo question.  I am in round 2 of TCH, on day 5, and I got my period.  (Very odd, in that I had it 2 weeks ago), and I'm feeling fatigue like I've never felt before.  I was doing alright yesterday.  I went out to visit my mother-in-law, took a nap, had a friend drive me to the Dave Matthews Concert, and although we left early because I was feeling tired, I was alright.  This morning, though, I am finding it a struggle to get out of bed.  I did get up and eat something, slept for 2 hours, now I'm on the computer, but I just want to sit down in front of the TV and maybe fall asleep again.

    Anyone else find this?  My period isn't particularly heavy - just very early, which is highly unusual for me.

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    OK Ten things about me

    1. I'm and elementary school librarian

    2. Two daughters

    3. Born and raised in the South

    4. 1 dog and 1 cat

    5. Love to thrift and garage sale shop

    6. Love to paint and repurpose furniture

    7. Favorite vacation spot: Sanibel Island, Fla.

    8. Make beaded jewelry

    9. Like to read (but cannot concentrate on the plot line these days)

    10.Am addicted to Law & Order

    Libray Lil

  • kimmie68
    kimmie68 Member Posts: 35

    Just checking in, Im still here.  Started getting heart burn last night and that didnt help the nausousness.  Drinking milk every few hours though is definitely helping both.  Had to get school work done this morning or I woulda posted sooner.  Then ended up taking a nap.  I am so glad the decadron isnt keeping me up at night.  It must be a lower dose than the IV kind I had during my first round of chemo.  I am not looking forward to going to work tomorrow, but will put on my big girl panties and do what needs to be done.  I hope everyone is having a great day, and the weather here in MD is soo nice, I wish I could go out and sit in the sun.

    I loved reading about everyone, and finding things we all have in common makes it so much more bareable and that I am not alone in this journey.

    lisasinglem - I wish I could answer you completely.  I would talk to your dr about it, just to be sure.  I did a trial before my surgery in July.  Was on Taxol/Tykerb for 16 wks.  I had my last period in February, started the chemo rounds in March... havent had a period since.  It is possible that because this one is closer to the last one, that it is pushing you into early menopause and you wont have one after this one. Mine were already all over the place, one of the reasons I had gone to the dr's to find out what was going on with me.  Found out that the cancer can cause periods to do funny things to, and in my case it caused my hormones to go nuts, I even had multiple positive pregnancy tests, which wasnt even possible.  If you are concerned I would definitely talk to your doc though.  I hope this helped even alittle bit.

    libraylil - I love Law and Order too, I also have become addicted to Criminal Minds, and Rissole and Isles.

    Chemo Brain there was a study done on this and someone linked it somewhere, not sure if it was in this thread or not.  But I did go out and read it and they have actually images of how the brain changes when we are on chemo, I just hope that it isnt a permanent status.  I cant handle feeling like I cant remember things and trying to concentrate.  I make up notes for myself and then end up losing them too, or misplacing them.  So I went out and bought myself a Marble Notebook, this helps me to keep track of my bills and such. 

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

         Just wanted to share husband took the kids to the pool. I was an oncology nurse before I had the kids and have warned many a patient about the dangers of googling, but for the first time since surgery I did it (why I did not do something more fun or relaxing I don't know!) I came across an interview with Dr Susan Love and it seemed like she thought b/l mastectomies and multiple drug regimen chemos were conspiracies. I suddenly felt insecure in my decisions and overtreated. My husband called to see how I was and said he is going to look into getting controls on the computer but I think I've been scared straight:-) Anyway feeling calmer now and if I didn't already have chemo brain I'd remember how I came to my well informed decisions in the first place.

      kimmie68 I'm with you - I keep writing things down and then losing them - I did get a notebook and I can't tell you how many times I've misplaced that. I do remember hearing that chemo brain gets better and know I've personally  seen patients go through chemo numerous times and bounce back to baseline after a recovery period. I hope we all find the same.

         Hope everyone is having a sympton free and peaceful weekend


  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    Hi All... Hope everyone is in good spirit OVERALL....

    Rough week... Chemo SE can change after each round...

    My spirit is intact...

    Two down...Four to go...



    I had chemo Monday...Spotting started Thursday...  I can feel the chemo leaving my body and the bleeding got heavier an hour ago...

    I was so fatigued this week; I sat down in the shower...  I may get a bath chair...  It took me three hours to do dishes...Is it our regimen a contributing factor...  (I realize my uterine fibroids contributes)  I am scheduled for another Zolodex shot Friday...

    I was given iron with my chemo, Monday...  My hemoglobin was 7.1...  (My first round of TCH on Aug 2 my hemoglobin was 11 or 12)...


  • KatherineNaomi
    KatherineNaomi Member Posts: 49

    So, day 3 and still feeling OK. Some aches and pains, most likely from the Neulasta shot, and some stomach pain but totally tolerable. Honestly, I think the most annoying side effect right now is I have hot, rosy cheeks! Did anyone else get this? Not sure if it's from the steroids or chemo but it's uncomfortable.

    sohardbnme - I'm sorry to hear you've had a rough week :( I hope things are looking up for you soon! 

  • Carolyn - I am coming to the conclusion that you can't look back.  No matter what.  :)  Being very holistic, I already knew the chemo-cancer conspiracies and all of that- before I had BC, I had read many books about holistic healing and the effects of chemo - along with the fact that many times chemo doesn't work for cancer patients, etc.  I know the short and long term damage it can do to the body as well as being a carcinogen itself.  HOWEVER with all of that being said, there are many many many years and $$   in research and studies and I do believe those as well - in the improvement in the survival rates, etc., as they have tweaked the chemo regemins and such over  the years and this is what they believe to be best - and I have to trust in that. 

    Unfortunately, googling any of this will set you into a tailspin because you can find polar opposite opinions.  And frankly some of them JUST AREN'T TRUE.  For instance, I read a book on diet and cancer before I had BC.  The author stated that every person who had chemo and rads that he knew eventually died of cancer.  HUH?  And that's what he was basing his book on - the "fact" that everyone who had conventional cancer treatment eventually died of it??  That just defies logic!  

    But I choose to look at those who HAVE had treatment - Ann Jillian for instance - she had chemo in 1985 for BC and she's alive and fine now, all these years later.  My aunt had ovarian cancer in 1999 and had chemo and she's fine now and my cousin had BC 21 years ago, LN removal and chemo and she's fine too.  Yes, chemo isn't perfect.....FAR FAR from perfect - in fact it sucks - but it has been tweaked and improved over the years.   And there are lots and lot of people alive today because of it. 

    Hang in there - CHOOSE what you will read and what you won't.  For me, this is the lesser of two evils.  I don't agree that the multiple drugs are wrong.  They each serve a different purpose.  I don't know what kind of BC you have, but for instance, here's an article on the reason many of us are given Taxol after the AC regimin.   

    I think I'd rather take the taxol than the higher does of the adriamyacin, which is much more toxic.  Just hang in there!

  • kimmie68
    kimmie68 Member Posts: 35

    Calamtykel - I completely agree with you. Research has come along way.  My mom had BC back 14 yrs ago.  I know she went through worse SE's than I have.  They gave such higher doses of meds back then, along with the Rads too.  They have fine tuned so many things over the years, and yes they will continue to do so.  I was told to be very careful where I went to get information.  There is soo much negative out on the internet and so much of it doesnt apply any longer.  Oh and the Taxol is way more easier to handle than the AC.  I am hating it so much more than the Taxol.

    KatherineNaomi - I believe that the rosey cheeks are definitely from the steroids.  I have it now as we speak.  I also had it back when I had my first round of chemo, and the decadron is the only common medicine I have from then to now.  It will go away in a few days.  At least mine did during the first round of chemo.  Chemo on Fridays, rosey cheeks gone by Tuesday. I would just wipe my face with a warm towel and it would cool down some.  I did it a few times a day.  Made it more tolerable. 

    I do have to say that the hot flashes and night sweats stink.  I have been having them for the past 4-5 months and the Onc told me that it is cause I have gone into the early menopause.  Oh the joys!  He did also mention that it may not last and I may actually start up again after everything is said and done.  Not sure which I want more that time of the month or sticking with the hot flashes.  I honestly can say I dont miss Mother Nature's Gift. 

    Oh and my brother came home earlier today and is running a temp and is feeling like crap.  I will be staying well away from him.  Although, he did take me to my appt on friday for my first tx.  LOL, hope it isnt contangious.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Katherinenaomi: your kids are beautiful!  I just scrolled over the photos of them!  I must have missed them yesterday. 

    Sohard: good to hear from you and hopefully things could be worse?!  Seriously I am glad you are doing ok and at least one little part of this is not as bad as you thought it was going to be.  Best of luck.

    Carol: you said it yourself; don't google.  Once you decide on chemo, don't put yourself on the recrimination highway by researching all the bad things people say about it after you have started.  That is very detrimental to your mental health.  Like Calamtykel said, don't look back.  Forget it and that "don't google" advice is good for everyone.  Not only that, you really can't trust 1/2 of the sources you are reading.  Unfortunately, just like in every other major publication, everyone has an agenda...except the Wall St Journal!!!!!

    Everyone: I hope you like the cape idea (Calamtykel gets credit for that!) and our new format of keeping up with who is having sequential txs each week.

    I hope you all had a good weekend and BEST OF LUCK to Ladyinbama this week as she becomes our latest CHEMOSABI!!!!!

    Your FEARLESS Leader

  • youngmomof3
    youngmomof3 Member Posts: 35

    Hi ladies, well I am 4 days out from AC #1 and I guess overall I am feeling better than I had anticipated. Having already done TCHx6 and being knocked on my butt I am hoping this treatment is kinder to me. So far I have felt just very tired but have still been able to function. Had a rough headache the first day and a little nausea which hasn't been too bad. I am just praying that tomorrow doesn't sneak up and knock me out so I am cautiously optimistic but know that each treatment can bring on new SE's.

    A little about me:

    -I am a mom of my 3 favorite people in the whole world. They are 8, 6, and almost 2 years old.

    -I thought we had been through the worst 2 years ago. I was 20 weeks pregnant and was told that my amniotic fluid was too low and that I would need to end the pregnancy. We didn't and after 10 weeks of very scary bedrest our beautiful little miracle daughter was born weighing 2 lbs. 12oz. She spent 7 weeks in the NICU and is now a typical toddler making us laugh everyday. I now believe that miracles do happen.

    -I married my college sweetheart and we will celebrate our 11 year anniversary this September. He is an amazing husband and father and has truly been my rock and I don't know how I would have gotten through all of this without him.

    -I am incredibly close to my in-laws. In fact they all live within 5 minutes of us. They have been so helpful this past year especially with taking care of the kids.

    -I come from a dysfunctional family where my mom was an alcoholic(now clean for over 5 years) but our family has been through hell. My parents divorced this past year after being married for 37 years but seperated for the past 5. Thankfully they are both in happier relationships and both in better places emotionally.

    -I love to scrapbook although I am very far behind and have no idea if I will ever catch up.

    -I also love to read especially books that take me away from life. I can always use a good escape from good old BC.

    -I have never felt more love and support than I have felt this past year. We have been overwhelmed by kindness and generosity of our family, friends, co-workers, and people in our community. This support has certainly given us strength when we needed it.

    -I am the proud mommy of two little football players and the wife of one addicted coach. We are huge Giants fans and this season our world seems to revolve around football games. This coming from the girl who cheered for high school football but never had a clue what was happening on the field.

    -I went to a Catholic high school where we prayed probably 10 times a day but now that I am older I feel that my prayers are being heard and my faith in God has strengthened because I truly mean what I pray to God now instead of what the nuns told me to say.

    I am wishing you all a SE-free day:)

  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    Maybe this August 2010 group can go on a trip next summer or fall... A cruise or something... This is a big group...

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    To Wherria and everyone: I forgot the most important thing about me:  I LOVE ANIMALS and am leaving at least 1/2 of my estate to the ASPCA!  I also had my friend sign a contract that should I expire before my cat, he will take her and care for her until she joins me!!!!!   I love animals...just love them.


  • Yes, steroids WILL cause a red face!  I didn't even realize it until an oncology nurse friend called and in the course of our conversation, she asked if my face was red.  I told her YES - and what was that all about? She said it was the steroids.  Mine didn't last more than a day or so after my treatment.

    Re: info.  Here is an example.  I found several articles stating that Taxol didn't really benefit ER+ BC patients from two or three years ago.  I started wondering WHY I'm going to be given it.  Then I found a study done that said it DOES benefit both ER pos and neg and this study was more recent.  So it seems like they are constantly changing the rules, but I think there are reasons for all the decisions our doctors are making and we shouldn't be afraid to ask "why" so they can explain. 

    I'm really dreading tomorrow.  I'm running around here today cleaning and doing things such as cleaning the fridge, making food, etc.  I'm so scared about this seems like I'm more scared than the previous one?  UGH!  I think I'm going to take a xanax tonight before bed..... I keep thinking "This is the one that makes the hair fall -- so it's gotta be bad!"  I hate thinking like that; trying to be positive but I'm still really scared! Foot in mouth

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Thanks to everyone for is so interesting to read. I am a nervous wreck waiting for bone scan tomorrow and results this week--also, chemo #2 on Friday. My friends and family have put up with my moods this weekend.

    p.s. We got a little kitten about 1 month ago--after telling my kids that we wouldn't get pets---due to how busy they are---and she sits at my feet through the day and she is great--makes me smile on these crap filled days :)

  • KatherineNaomi
    KatherineNaomi Member Posts: 49

    Thanks for the info! I'm glad to hear it's just the steroids. I took my last dose of those last night so hopefully tomorrow will be better.

    Rachel - We got a kitten a few weeks ago too! Our elderly cat died earlier this summer and we hadn't planned on getting a replacement due to all the logical reasons (cost, health care, etc) but I caved. I've got cancer and I want a kitty, darn it! She's the sweetest little thing and likes to snuggle. I think that pets really do help relieve stress. Speaking of which, good luck with your bone scan. I still have to discuss what if any tests the oncologist wants to do. I'm not sure if I'm more afraid to do the tests or not do them.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    I love your idea Sweeney, here is a little about ME.

    * First and foremost I am mom to four wonderful, amazing, kind, and intelligent children ages 28, 25, 17, and 12 (two boys and two girls).  That, really is who I am.  At this point in my life they are the center of my universe and everything I do is for them.  There will be plenty of time in a couple of years to concentrate on me!

    * I am a first generation Irish American, which I mention because that Irish Catholic background has really contributed a lot to who I am and how I view things and live my life. 

    * I have a very strong faith in God, however, while we attend church on a regular basis, my ties to the organized church are not as strong.  My faith, however, presented me with the most difficult moment since my breast cancer diagnosis as my 12-year-old immediately demanded to know how God could give me cancer, or at least allow me to have it, when we go to Church like we are supposed to all the time.  I am still not sure he understood the whole "God set the world in motion and does not micromanage everything" speech but I am sure some day he will. 

    * I am a single mom, divorced now for 10 years (after having been married for 20). Despite the government's best efforts, nobody is able to collect child support from my ex-husband, making me the sole supporter of my family.  He really isn't part of their lives in any other way either. 

    * I have a Master's degree and I work in a Perinatologist Office.

    * I too, love to read, however my time is limited.  My friends and I all have "car books", which are kept in the car and read while you are sitting and waiting for your children at one of their various sports practices.

    * I drive very fast too! 

    * I am fiercely independent and if you ask my kids, they will probably also add that I am a "control freak" (they are probably right).

    * I love lists!!!

    * Finally, as my name suggests, the center of our world here is sports.  We are a soccer mad household but both my youngest also play lacrosse.  We spend the majority of our vacation time trekking up and down the East Coast to one soccer/lax tournament or another.  We also love hockey... although not on a participation level.  GO ISLANDERS!

    On another note, I am with you Calmy regarding the Chemopause...I wish it would start soon! As I relayed to you guys early I had the period from hell three weeks ago after my first treatment, and lo and behold I have begun my period again today! Yes, just three weeks to the day from the beginning of the last one.  I just hope this one is not as severe, because the last one really did a number on my red blood cell count. 

    Regarding chemo brain, I really had a scary incident last week, about 5 days after treatment number 2.  I had left work and was at the grocery store across the street (one that I go to very often).  The machine told me to take my change and my receipt and for the life of me, as I stared blankly at the machine, I could not remember where they change came out, nor could I find it.  I was in the fog for another two hours, forgetting even the simplest things.  I really was scary, especially because I still had to drive 1/2 hour to get home, and I swear I was so foggy that I was definitely in no frame of mind to drive home.  Luckily I made it home without causing any damage, but that was a really scary couple of hours that I hope not to repeat!

    Anyway, thanks everyone for sharing.  Although I do not get the time to post often as my life is extraordinarily busy, I read often.  Having the company of all of you in this group really lifts me up and makes me feel better and not so nuts on a daily basis. So, thanks everyone!


  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Kimmie68  I know all of our MD's are different.  Mine told me to use Pepcid or Prilosec.  I used Pepcid last chemo. It worked so so.  This time I "splurged" on the Wally World generic Prilosec.  I'll see if it makes a difference. I think my nausea was more reflux or heartburn also. Can't say enough about the ginger chews recommended on this board.  I found that 1/2 (just let it dissolve) is great also for nausea.

    Katherine glad to know I am not insane.  The red face and flushing was not my imagination. The flushing and hot sensation did not help with the nausea.  I tried putting a wet towel on my neck and that helped.  Also like you said cold towel on the face. 

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Good Evening Chemo Sistas, I have a question for the early Aug. gals. I am wondering if the side effects get worse after each treatment? I am on the TCH poison.  I barely had any side effects after my 1st treatment a week and a half ago, if fact I swear I felt better all weekend long than I had in a long time. I went to the lake for the weekend and spent 5 hour out on the lake, I water skied, tubed and spent 2 hours teaching 2 10yr. girls how to water ski I was in deep water for 1 1/2 helping them get started with their skis and rope, then went to friends in the evening and had a cookout. Then back out on the water today for a good part of the day and still didn't get tired, I think it is strange maybe I have some sorta of super powers or something, I'm just not feeling bad.

  • My husband came home with two kittens a couple of weeks ago too!  We already have two other cats that are mostly outdoor.  These kittens are hilarious with the dog.  They gang up and attack him (we have a bichon-shihtzu mix).  He loved them to death at first but now I think he's fed up with them.  They love his tail.  Tonight the male kitten noticed him chewing his rawhide, went up, swiped it RIGHT out from under him, knocked it away and then just up and left, strolled calmly away.  My 13 year old and I were in hysterics.  Yes, laughter is good and pets help!

  • 57Coleen
    57Coleen Member Posts: 27

    Hi Lizzymack1 and all, haven't been on the thread for a few days but here is my regimen:  4xAC dose dense followed by 4xTaxol followed by 6 weeks rads.  I have my 3rd AC tomorrow.  Lots of interesting people on this tread.  I will have to think about by bio before I write that.  My SE haven't been too bad except fatigue and constant indigestion.  I am doing the wig and scarf thing but haven't lost my eyebrows yet.  Thanks for all the helpful tips, Coleen

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    IowaSue - I hope you have super powers!  I found that I had a few bad days with the first treatment, but bounced back to basically normal after about 7 days. I'm now on day 5 of round 2, and although the bone pain from the Neulasta is better than the last time, the fatigue is WAY worse.  I slept 10 hours last night, and took 2 naps today, and still didn't feel rested until I took a very short walk with hubby and ate dinner.  Just completely WIPED me out.

    I hope you have an easier time of it. I have heard that the fatigue is cumulative, but I can't imagine it getting much worse.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    lisasinglem- I have heard similar stories about the fatigue, was sure hoping it wasn't true. I hope you get your energy back real soon.

    sohardbnme- love the idea of a trip next fall

    My regimen is Taxotere and Carboplatin every 3wks xs 6 and herceptin for a year. Had bilateral mx July 1st, waiting til later for reconstruction would like to have tram flap. 1st treatment was Aug.19th.

  • kimmie68
    kimmie68 Member Posts: 35

    Well wish me luck, off to work I go.  Big girl panties on, just hope I dont get a wedgy.  Feeling tired and a little queasy, but still better than the past 3 days.  Hope everyone has a great day and lots of laughing to lift the soul.

    Hugs to all


  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    A trip?  By all means, let's go!  Where shall we go? 

    There sure are an a heck of a lot of us in this time group.  Any theory?  Maybe summer groups are bigger 'cause lumps show up with bathing suit season?

    My chemo is every other week, this is the week I am half way done. YAY.  I guess it will be the week I lose my hair too, but no action on that front yet.

    Hang in there every one!