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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • hi, gingerbrew,

    wow, that was fast, i went for a routine mammogram  on march 22, they found the lump, i found out on march 29.on april 1st, i went for the next mammo and ultrasound, i waited almost 2 weeks, i had to keep phoning for 4 days until they found my report that got misplaced. then i went for a core biopsy, i had to wait almost 2 weeks again. my doctor told me on may 5, so that is 44 days that it took for them to tell me i had cancer. 33 days that i did not sleep,  try to stay happy around my family,had to go to work, etc. it was sickening, i guess from all the stress i ended up with pneumonia the day after i found out.

    god bless and good luck to you, sue

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    SO MANY BLESSINGS - I am shocked that there is not more financial support for canadian women!  There is a forum for canadian women on this site.  Perhaps one of the sisters there can help you navigate the red tape and get some help from somewhere.  You do have support from family and friends and that is a positive.  It is not good that you can't eat or drink after chemo so address this with your onc or NP ASAP.  The american cancer society has helped me out financially - maybe there is a similar organization north of the border?  I hope things get better for you soon.

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194
    Lizzymack: Congratulations (I guess -- what a weird word to use for this) on getting a chemo start date.  I will be thinking about you next Thurs. My next Tx date is Sept. 14.  Don't know after that.SOMANYBLESSINGS: Welcome to our group.  I hope you find it as helpful and supportive as I have.  And it sounds like you could use all the support, care and concern as possible.  I am so sorry you have been so sick.  I hope that your next Tx is easier on you and your kids!Gingerbrew: I was scheduled for a routine mammogram and bone density scan on April 22. I pretty much knew that day that I had cancer. They took the usual pictures, and then called me back into the room for a "diagnostic mammogram" (that's just when they take a thousand more pictures).  They looked again, then took more pictures. The next day I flew to and from Oklahoma for an uncle's funeral. Four days later, April 27, my gynecologist (who orders my mamm's) called me in the evening to tell me the results of the mammogram and referring me to a breast care specialist/surgeon.  Her office had already made the appt. for me. That took place the following Monday, May 3rd. At that appt., my surgeon reviewed all my films, chest x-rays, which had been taken the previous week because I had a bad case of bronchitis, did an ultrasound, and an ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy. Two days later, May 5, she called, also in the evening, me with the results -- the official Dx. So not quite two weeks between first Mamm. and Dx. Then there was a lot of testing, as we're all familiar with, a few second opinion appointments, then finally on June 8, lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy.  (I could have had this done sooner, but I wanted time to get second opinion and do some research.) Got the pathology report from that three days later, June 11, at my surgeon's office. Report was worse than the biopsy report had been, and there was lymph node involvement and no clear margins. We could have tried another wide excision, but my breast size was so small (esp. relative to the cancer site) that I had to do Mx.  That was done on June 22.  After that there was a long wait until chemo began.  Surgical healing of course, but also a fair amount of disagreement/discussion among my physicians (including two second opinion onc's.). So Tx regimen was not decided for several weeks, and I finally began chemo on Aug. 2.Summary:   Mammogram/diagnostic mammogram - 4/22                   Notification of results - 4/27 (five days)                   Appt. w/ surgeon/ultrasound/needle biopsy - 5/3 (6 days)                   First Pathology report - 5/5 (2 days)                   First surgery - 6/8 (34 days)                   Second pathology report - 6/11 (3 days)                   Second surgery - 6/22  (14 days)                   First chemo - 8/2 (41 days)All totaled: 14 1/2 weeks between finding out about the CA and first chemo. I feel that in the beginning, things happened at a quick pace. Didn't have to wait long between doc appts.; tests were scheduled very quickly; pathology reports came back speedily, etc. My first surgery could have been sooner, but I wanted to slow down and think things through, etc. Same could be said about chemo.  By the time my I had settled on which onc/facility to get my Tx, six weeks had passed, and I had been to four medical oncologists.  I didn't have to see all those onc's, but my case was "unusual" for a number of reasons, and I was getting conflicting recommendations, so it took ME a while to decide for myself.  I could have gone with the first or second onc and started sooner, but, like I said, there were some complicating factors regarding what kind of chemo regimen (my current health status, my history of cardiac complications, psychiatric Tx that had to be coordinated,  and differing interpretations of diagnostic indicators).That's probably way more than you wanted to know! sorry. 
  • I have a hair question.  I had my first chemo on the 16th - AC.  Then my second one on Monday.  Tuesday my hair started to fall but not a whole lot.  It's falling down there a lot! 

    Now this is going to sound crazy - but is this normal?  I thought it would fall out about day 10.  Does this mean my chemo isn't effective for me?   I'm like what - 16 days post chemo and I'm not bald?  It is coming out - some.....but is it abnormal to still have a full head of hair on day 16 after AC? 

    On another note, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling really icky.  Legs hurt and burned and tummy wasn't good.  I took a compazine and ativan and had a little yogurt and just lay still and a half hour later took a tylenol.  I'm okay this morning but still not feeling good - mostly just a little achy and feeling "off" and tired.  I guess this is the "day three" valley that I had last time and hopefully tomorrow will be better if I can get thru today......

    Somany-- My nausea was much better round two of chemo.  And I felt better on Tuesday, which would have been day 2 after chemo.  Demand that your doctor give you other med nurse said "It's just finding out what works for you and everybody can be different."  

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333


        somanyblessings I am so sorry for all the added stress you have and hope you can find some help. I don't know about the services in canada, maybe you can contact cancercare or even the american cancer society and ask if they know of similar organizations there? I will keep you and your children in my prayers

         jsw19 ask for compazine . I am having a big problem with nausea (yesterday was day 10 and i still have to take zofran or I can't feed the kids without gagging). My oncologist asked if I'd had bad morning sickness ( around the clock for 6 mos - all the neighbors knew I was pregnant b/c I wore those stupid sea bands on my wrists that didn't help anyway. One winked and said 'going on a trip;-) I was also given reglan post op which helped and I take ativan as needed for anxiety (from when the kids were having alot of medical issues) . Ativan is a wonder drug b/c it also helps with nausea. We used to put it under the tongues (I was a nurse who worked with women with ovarin cancer) of women who had gastric tubes, it can be absorbed that way by people who can't swallow. I worked at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (where I am now a patient) and always said we should have it spray out the automatic doors as people walk into the building - who wouldn't be scared?! This is getting long, just know the docs know all about nausea and anxiety, some just aren't as empathetic as others and need a kick in the..sorry push:-)

        wherria love the underpants story!! My baseline for absentmindedness is low to begin with and I've actually been a little scared what I'll be like after chemo; your story cheered me up;-)

         and now a cute story. A wig came yesterday (day after shaved head and it was 95 degrees) My 3 yo, Caitlin has been a little don't look like mom, aunt Jenn stole your beautiful hair (poor sister shaved it off and is in the doghouse:-). I put the wig on and Caitlin said "mommy you have beautiful hair - you look like a puppet! Can we get another puppet:?!!!" lol.(don't know if she means puppet, muppet or puppy -none are the look I was going for;-) the 5yo said umm, I think it's on backwards.


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Carolyn- cutest thing ever, poor aunt Jenn!

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    ckptry: Sorry about your kids' response to your shaved head.  That can't feel very encouraging.  And I really doubt that you look like a puppet or muppet or puppy! I feel bad for your poor sister too.  Just trying to help!

    jsw: I've mentioned this anti-emetic drug before in previous posts, but I'll just mention it again.  It's called Kytril. It is kind of on par with Emend in terms of strength (so stronger than Compazine), but you can take it more often.  I've been getting samples of it to take home with me from Tx's (don't know why samples and not Rx's, but who's complaining?). It has worked well for me when I feel like I need something more than Compazine or Ativan, but can't take Emend yet.  Ask your onc about it. BTW, I also have fewer se's with it than I do with Compazine, and it's longer lasting. Just a thought. It can't hurt to ask, especially if you explain how much trouble you're having with nausea. 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Calamtykel: My doc told me my hair would fall out on Day 15 (I'm doing FEC first), just had my first treatment yesterday. Everybody is different. You might be one of the lucky 2% who doesn't lose all their hair. And all the information I was given on my drugs says DO NOT equate the severity of side effects with the effectiveness of the drugs. Being sick as a dog does not mean your drug is working any better; it just means your body is having that reaction. Same goes for not having a lot of side effects.

    All: So far all I've got is terrible heartburn and a bad headache. Advil has eased the headache, but my heartburn won't go away. I've taken a Prevacid, an alka seltzer (I know I'm not supposed to take anything with aspirin but it's all I had) and am eating Tums like candy. Anybody got any advice on the heartburn? I go for my neulasta shot at 1 and will ask the nurse.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Ladyinbama - I would suggest that you speak to the doctor's office about the heartburn, they should be able to suggest a medication.  I also had heartburn with treatment 1and they suggested prilosec and if that didn't help then a prescription med.  Next round the nurse wants me to take the prilosec right from day 1.  Also she said sometimes the nausea can be confused with heartburn so treating nausea can help the heartburn.  Good luck!
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    For my diagnosis timetable:

    I found lump in my right breast--June 13

    Appt with Family Doc---June 15

    Mammogram/breast ultrasound--June 18

    Results to Family Doc--June 25

    Biopsy--June 30

    Results/Met with BS--July 5

    Partial Mastectomy/SN biopsy--July 19

    Met Oncologist--July 25

    First Chemo--Aug 13

  • myesan22
    myesan22 Member Posts: 5

    Hi Al!

    I began chemotheray (TCH x6) on 08/05/2010. Have now done 2 sessions and can't wait to be done! Side effects haven't been too terrible...had to have a different regiment for nausea and vomiting for have done great this session (08/26). I hope all of us who are doing chemotherapy get through it with as few side effects as possible!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Rachel- No one blames ya for your behavior- i was like that at first too- constantly on the phone with anyone who'd listen, even my bill ocllectors as i was setting up payment arrangments!!! Take a deep breath ((((HUGS)))) It'll be okay,

    LadyinBama- Love the matching t-shirt idea, yay for no SE!

    Gingerbrew- The 1st time i felt the lump and saw my dr was about a week (me being 26 @ the time and nursing didnt seem to raise any eyebrows) But i didnt get a dx til after MANY MORE SYMPTOMS and over a year later...

    Somanyblessings- I also think its easier on the kids if it all comes off- btw my 5 yr old chided me for wearing a dress the otherday because of course i am bald so that automatically makes me a BOY! She was singing a song from flapjack it goes "he's a man with a little girls voice" in public while shopping with my friend and she dang near peeded her pants!!! LOL No worries about venting! Thats what we're here for! Sounds like your SE have been harsh, i pray they are non-exsistant with the next round. Bills will always be there, try to put them out of your mind for hte time being... Focus on your health, have you tried getting any assistance through any of the non-profits?

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Thanks all for the tips on anti-nausea meds.  I will talk to my onc before my next treatment and see what to do.  I agree with LadyinBama that I didn't get any of the "good" drugs either - I want some Ativan!  They gave me one in the office before my treatment and that helped, I think I will talk to my onc about getting a prescription for it.  I don't want to be perceived as drug-seeking but if it can help with nausea and help me settle down then I want it! 

    The heartburn is also really kicking in now and I am beginning to think that is what is causing my sleep problems.  It is worse at night and last night I woke up again about 4 or 5 hours after taking my Ambien and was in pain from the heartburn.  My onc's office already recommended one Pepcid every morning but I have left them another message to see if they can suggest anything else.  I ended up taking some Benadryl which made me groggy enough to get back to sleep for a while. 

    I am hoping (knock on wood!) that I have gotten past the nausea for this round but I still don't feel much like eating.  I'm drinking smoothies and protein drinks to try to get protein and calories in and eating a few things.  Overall I just feel very low energy, which I'm sure is from a mixture of not enough food and not enough sleep.  After my little pep talk yesterday about how coming in to work perked me up, I ended up crying the whole drive home because I was just so exhausted.  Fortunately it is a short drive home. 

    Wherria, your underwear story was so funny.  I had my own little moment this morning while making myself a smoothie.  I was blending frozen strawberries, yogurt, milk, and an instant breakfast packet (like protein powder) and I got it all mixed up and then washed out the blender before realizing that I had left out the instant breakfast packet, which is like half of the calories and protein that I was trying to get!  I had only had a couple of sips of the smoothie so I just stirred the powder in but I felt silly that I couldn't manage to get all 4 ingredients into the blender.

    My timeline of diagnosis:  April 4 found lump, couldn't get in to see gyn until April 29 but was not too worried about it.  April 30 had mammo and ultrasound, May 3 got call that they wanted to do a biopsy, May 4 had biopsy, May 5 got diagnosis.  In retrospect perhaps I should have gone to see my primary care doc since he would have gotten me in sooner but I wasn't all that worried about the lump and I thought that the gyn would be the one to see about it.  Anyway, I had a lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy and removal of lymph nodes on May 26 and a re-excision of margins on June 9.  I wanted to take Lupron to protect my ovaries during chemo so after some hassling with insurance finally got that started on July 13 and then started Herceptin on July 16.  My first chemo was Aug 13 (Taxotere allergic reaction) so then my first full chemo was AC on Aug 27.  The Herceptin has been put on hold until after the AC due to increased heart risks.

    My onc has me on AC x4 every 3 weeks but I find myself sort of wishing that it was every week (but still only 4 times) so I could power through it faster!  After the AC I have Abraxane x4 every 3 weeks so I won't get my last dose until mid-January and the thought of feeling this crappy until February is really depressing.  I do think I am improving these last 2 days so hopefully with some med changes next time I can have fewer crappy days.

    Lizzymack, I'm glad you finally got a tentative start date.  I imagine you bringing up the rear of our parade wearing a big marching band hat and pounding a giant drum! Smile

    Calamtykel, Everything I heard about hair loss was that it would be around days 14-18, somewhere in the 3rd week after treatment.  I had never heard as early as day 10, so I think you are still on schedule unless for some reason it speeds up with the dose dense AC (I think that is what you are on?).  My hair normally sheds a lot but of course I am now hyper aware of it and I'm trying to figure out if I am already shedding more than normal.  Seems unlikely, though.  I will say when I was sitting on the shower floor shaving my legs yesterday (too tired to stand) I was wishing that my leg hair would hurry up and fall out already!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    CalamtyKel- about the hair, i actually have some spots that are still growing hair on my head! But a large majority of it is compleatly bald, i doubt that means the chemo isnt working, just your cells that are growing your hair are stronger!

    cpktry- too funny, are you sure puppet wasnt the intended look LOL- cant believe you wore a wig when it was that warm though! Gotta love the honesty that little children posess!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    jsw19- My hair also normally sheds (SE of my IUD that i had) and i was def sure it was chemo related when my downtown hair came out! And doubly sure when i started getting bald spots from my hair loss (meaning it wasnt growin back!)

    What is ativan?

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Texasrose Ativan is an anti-anxiety medicine, sort of like Xanax I believe.  It basically is supposed to just relax you and usually makes people sleepy too.  Apparently it also helps with nausea, which I didn't know until some of the gals here said that their oncs used it for that.

    Argh, I'm just feeling so emotionally drained right now.  My mom just called to check on me and I just started crying again for no reason.  Thank goodness I can close my office door.

  • onemonga
    onemonga Member Posts: 54

    GINGERBREW: I found a lump while doing a self exam on Sat.June 12th. PS, never find a lump on a weekend, too many awful web sites to let your mind go CRAZY. I saw my obgyn on Mon. the 14th and then had diagnostic mammogram and ultrasoundon Wed. 16th. Next came the needle biopsy on Mon. 21 and diagnosis delivered by cell phone to me the next day while we were on vacation and one hour out of Lake Tahoe, CA. We were on vacation with my youngest son and his wife and granddaughter, so had to fess up the next day. Daughter-in-law thought I was so quiet because they had arrived to the condo first and had claimed the larger bedroom, if only. I think the week in between helped me to pull stuff together and try to get a handle on the situation if one can ever get a handle on such a thing. We distracted ourselves by, what else, gambling, eating and cheering on our mountain biking daughter-in-law who was in a pro downhill race to qualify for the World Cup in Quebec this weekend. She came in third and qualified. I had my lumpectomy on July 13th, found micro in sentinel node, so off for TC x 4 which started last Wed.Aug. 25. PS, Daughter-in-law is soon to be 39 and racing again professionally is her number 1 thing on her bucket list, she has not raced since 2001 and we are all very proud of her. She opened up a very popular fashion boutique in Temecula Ca. and I LOVE to shop there with a family discount of course.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796


    Somanyblessings- I have never heard such a story about Canada. I cannot believe you are having trouble. I would encourage you to look at that Canada thread as well. I am sure someone over there at least has some advice for you. I am really sorry you are having such problems, though. Keep us posted.

    Zenith- I love your avatar!

    Calamtykel- It is my understanding not everyone loses their hair. You might be lucky?!

    Carolyn- BACKWARDS?! You remember that comment!!!!

    Lady-I am sorry about your heartburn. You and Rachel seem to be having that same issue.  I never had heartburn in my life and my body composition is at least 10% Tobasco sauce but I guess chemo is stronger than Tobasco and, too, will get to know heartburn!

    Rachel: don't get so worried about the scans or what you saw on their faces. It is entirely feasible they were not even looking at your films. I hope your results are all fine.

    Myesan: good to hear from you. Glad things are going ok.

    JSW: I am so sorry the you and Lady are having problems with heartburn. Also, about fighting through and going to work and then feeling fatigued, my nurse at Yale told me fatigue loves to be fed so the more you starve it, the less of a problem it will be. Keep fighting! BTW, that thought of me with the big hat and drum closing the August chemo parade is exactly the way I see it!!!! Great analogy!

    Texas: I am so glad you are back with us and contributing- it is great to have you. You have also allowed me to tell my brother, who lives in Texas, that there are good people in Texas!!!! He he he!

    Hair: If you are losing your hair, it ALL falls out!

    Weird thoughts from your leader: I take comfort in knowing chemo is in my body, sweeping it clean! I feel like it is a medically-induced master cleanse and I take some comfort in that and I don't have any idea why!

    All: I have learned so much from you all this past month and I really have to thank you as I head into my first treatments way later than I planned!!!!! Thanks to you all for showing me strength and ability to get through this.

    Your FEARLESS Leader!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Thank YOU Liz for starting this group, keeping us together and informed and giving us words of encouragement! 

  • I can't stop crying today - I am having a horrendous time finding a doctor who will put my port in.  I finally did find one, in network - an hour away (without traffic) at 8 am - but she can't do it within 48 hours of my chemo, so they will have to not leave the needle in, since the time would be too long and the risk of infection too great.  I'm ticked at my oncologlist for not having just recommended this right off instead of in the middle of this all.

    Every body I've called has been either clueless or out of network.  I feel crappy today mentally and physically - I went and cut off all the rest of my hair with safety scissors.  I just feel like I'm in some  kind of alternate reality here.  I don't want to have another surgery - especially in the middle of chemo. 

    my nurse friend told me i could lose my arm if the adria escapes out of the vein as it did for me the other day - now I'm totally upset and paranoid.  I don't see any swelling but my arm is sore (I guess it would be sore just from the treatment). But I'm just so upset and can't contain my emotions today at ALL.  I feel like I'm back at the beginning of trying to schedule things and nothing's working out...................

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Calamtykel, did you have surgery?  Perhaps your breast surgeon could recommend a port surgeon.  I had mine installed my a general surgeon who was recommended by my med oncologist.  I am really sorry you are having a hard time - I give you a big hug and a warm cup of green tea.  Omaz
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger- I am glad you brought up the question of our path to dx because it is helpful to know how everyone got here and where they are on this path.

    My story is as follows:  First mammo at 38 showed shadows but they were not investigated.  Here I am at 40 telling my GP I don't want to go for a mammo (cancer was in my breast clapping!) b/c I don't want to be exposed to radiation!   He encourages me to at least get an ultrasound as he has a traveling unit that comes to his office weekly.  Well, she almost put that ultrasound device through my breast when she found it (cancer is no longer clapping and I am getting nervous!) and that was March 17th or, as us Irish folk know it, a great day to party!!!!  The mammogram was about a week later and I was quickly told by the radiologist, in scary terms, that there is something very suspicious there and you need to have a biopsy.  That is the ONE time when I really broke down and cried as her delivery, coupled with the news, was a severe coupling!   In the interim I met with my breast surgeon, she ordered the core biopsy and on April 17th, or 2 days after tax day as I like to call it!, I was confirmed.  I went to my BS one more time and she explained to me how cancer grows but gave me little to go on, and no literature, and sent me on my way to make a decision.  

    Hello!  I had so many of my questions answered here.  I was scheduled for bmx on 5/17 but my BS' staff screwed up paperwork to my STD (short-term) co and the Friday before my Monday surgery I get a letter saying my claim has been closed as of the day of surgery.  I called the BS' staff and they insisted they had done everything correctly.  I asked for her to call me.  She called me and was YELLING at me about how great her staff was and how they are infallible etc...  My boyfriend, another friend and 75 yr old census worker were sitting at my dining room table stunned at the way she spoke (on speakerphone) to me.   I told her she was on speaker and there were others listening and I was nothing short of appalled at the way she spoke to me.   She went silent as soon as she knew she was on speaker and others had heard her.  I cancelled that surgery the next day.

    Off to Yale I go, which I should have done to begin with, and found myself one of the most talented and well-respected surgeons.  She is amazing and I wish I could clone her for others similiarly situated!  The PS from the first team, I am sure for political reasons, would not remain my doctor so my BS referred me to a PS who did is so philanthropic as he spent time in Africa helping women who have bc and, naturally, are medically disenfranchised or his presence would not have been needed!  His eyes are pools of caring and he is a very nice man.  In the end, I ended up with the best team I could possibly get.  June 22 the bmx took place.  My recovery was short because my team is so talented.

    Two nodes were dirty so off to the onc I go.  My BS referred to someone near my home which meant I was going back to that facility where I had fired my first BS!  Sure enough, it was like a high school event with the onc, of my choosing, opening our meeting with "so what bring you back this way!??!!?"  I could not believe it!  His staff never set up scans, follow up appointments, etc.. nor would they return calls so I perceived as a moderate form of black balling me.  Finally after 3 weeks of that crap, I realized they are NOT going to treat me and back to the BS I go for a referral.  This is why I am starting chemo so much later than I thought I would be.  The unprofessional staff at the glorified walk-in medical center near my house summarily ate up more of my time, playing with a woman's life who has bc.  In all, I lost 2 months since dx to those jokers.   That original BS I fired is driving the acrimonious bus, of course.  

    In any event, here I am going to my new onc on August 10th.  Congruent with every other experience I have had at Yale, he and his staff are professional and assuage all of my concerns.  They are wonderful.  I feel so at home and comfortable at Yale, I can't tell you all but it is 30 minutes from my home which is why, albeit briefly, I considered getting chemo at the place closer to my home but, in the end, I fell safer at Yale so the hour drive is well worth it.  No scans had been done so my new onc had to get all that had to take place and the port etc.. so here we are, starting in the beginning of September.  Yale is absolutely phenomenal and everywhere you go, all they do is pull up your name and they have everything, from every dept etc.. so there is also no dragging around scans etc...

    In the end, it all worked out but it was time consuming and with the potential for skull mets so said the bone scan, I am not happy about the 2 months I lost but this is the resutl of having to deal with unprofessional jokers with that walk-in medical center near my home that calls itself a hospital.  I would not go there for a nosebleed now!

    Very good news: my BS who I love so much totally dedicated her practice, as of today, to breast cancer patients only!!!!!!  She was a general surgeon before and I was so happy to get that letter in the mail as bc at large just aquired a hero.

    So, as JSW so eloquently put it, I will be closing our August chemo parade with my huge drum and hat!!!  That was so clever.

    This was my story!

    Your FEARLESS Leader!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333


        oh no, I was just trying the wig on. it's 95 again here and I was just topless (head at least!) in the yard with the kids. If I had to wear a wig I think I'd faint. I only got one because my chemo goes until January and I know I'll be freezing at some point (well for that and when I feel like going incognito, I was already getting the puppy dog eyes from people in the playground with my hat yesterday)


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    calamtykel: don't worry about travel time.   Go as far as you have to go to get it done as you are only going once.  Keep making calls.  If memory serves, you are in NJ.  Call the NYC hospitals and/or call your onc for referrals.  Call Cancer Centers of America in Philly.  Do whatever you have to and drive as far as needed to get it done.  Don't get discouraged.  This can be done before your next tx but you might have a little traveling to do.  We are lucky in this part of the country to be in the absolute center of some of the best hospitals and medical minds in this country within a 3 hour ride from all points NY, NJ, CT.  Let me know what happens-

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333


        I'm in NJ if that's where you are they offered me Overlook Hospital in Summit or drs office in westfield if either are near you..I went with the dr in Westfield.


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    calamtykel  what do they mean about treating you withing 48rs and the needle staying in?? So sorry you are going through this.


  • youngmomof3
    youngmomof3 Member Posts: 35

    well I am now 6 days post first AC and I have to be honest I think I am actually getting worse not better. In the beginning I was just very tired with a slight headache that went away with some Motrin but the past few days I have pretty much had an excrutiating headache around the clock and nothing is taking the edge off. I'm not sure if this is from the AC or a SE of the Neulasta. Also I have been more weak as the days go by and can't even seem to get up enough energy to get myself in the shower and lord knows a shower would certainly feel good right about now. I feel disgusting and am getting a little down since all I seem to do is lie around and sleep. Anyone else experiencing these SE's from the AC? I go for my next AC next week and was counting on at least a week of feeling normal before more chemo. Not to mention that I hate that my kids are seeing me so weak and useless right now. Part of me wants to just quit b/c doing this chemo was totally my choice but I know that I am going to have to dig deeper and find some strength to keep moving forward. Right now I am praying to wake up tomorrow headache-free and then hopefully the weekend will be a good one.

    Hah and I thought this chemo was actually easier than when I did TCH but now I am not so sure since at least with TCH I was feeling pretty good one week post chemo.

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    calamtykel, so sorry you are having a frustrating day.  I feel your pain on being unable to control your emotions today.  Having to travel for your surgery is annoying but like Liz said, hopefully you are only doing this once and you want to be sure it is done right!  Having insurance be the barrier (in network vs out) just makes it more frustrating, the whole point of insurance is so that these things are taken care of and then they make you jump through hoops to actually use the insurance!

    I got a call back from my onc's office and they are calling in prescriptions for me for a different sleep aid (Restoril, which falls into the anti-anxiety category) and some sort of prescription medicine for the heartburn, I think called Protonix?  Hopefully these will work better for me!

    Editing to add on for youngmomof3 who just posted - I also had AC last Friday and I do think I am getting better these last 2 days.  It sounds like you are getting the dose dense every 2 weeks and I'm getting every 3 weeks, I don't know if that makes a difference.  But I have 2 suggestions for you.  One is to call your onc's office and tell them how you are feeling.  I have called mine the last 2 days with trouble sleeping & heartburn and they are giving me good suggestions and new medications to try.  That's why there's so many medications out there, different ones work for different people!  The other suggestion is to try getting up and doing small things.  For example, take a shower but sit on the floor in the shower.  Go outside for 5 minutes.  Little things like that.  I didn't really start moving around again until yesterday and I am surprised at how much I have started to perk up once I started moving.  Personally, I have a tendency to let myself wallow in not feeling well and I think what Liz's nurse told her is exactly right - fatigue worsens when it is fed so you have to starve it by actually getting up and doing stuff.  So that is my lesson I've learned for next go round.  Maybe it can help you too.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Youngmomof3 - did you take claritin with the neulasta?  the nurse told me to take one each day starting the day after the shot.  Also tylenol every four hours for the headache.  If you don't feel better I would suggest that you call the clinic and maybe they will have a suggestion for you.  I hope it eases soon!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658
    JSW--At my last chemo, they also gave me Ativan before it started (just to calm you--supposedly calm is better for veins!) and I think it worked as I didn't feel nervous. My Doc prescribed me Ativan to help me sleep at night when I am having trouble. He didn't mention that it would help nausea but I am guessing that if you are half asleep--you are less likely to feel sick. Granted, I had the Ativan at my first chemo and puked all night long. However, I have taken it since when I have hard time sleeping and it works to calm you--not sure what the diff is with Xanax. My Doc had no issue with prescription (one time prescription -- no repeats).