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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Calamtykel - I would suggest taking the meds for nausea.  Also, I can't believe you said 'both sides of my jaw, back of the neck' hurt, I had the exact same thing!  I thought I was imagining it.  Its hard for my daughter to leave me alone when I feel yucky and she is 14.  Hang in there, truely I would suggest taking the meds so you can at least get those side effects minimized.  Hang in there!
  • Omaz - yeah, anywhere there's bone marrow I guess!  Fortunately I don't have a terrible headache today with it.  I definitely notice it when I press on my jaws - I started noticing this last time and thought I was getting a toothache! =:O 

    I think my ribs are sorest when I press on them.  Everywhere -front, back, sides- ACK!  Hopefully this will resolve in a few days.  Last night I didn't want to take any tylenol because my stomach was screwed up.  Usually Thursday is the "turn the corner" day for me so I'm trying to hang in there - half of Wednesday is gone already -yay!

     THis was my 4th AC treatment - anybody still have hair?  I still have hair on my head.  :)  And eyebrows and lashes.  Brows have thinned a bit and I still have hair in other places too.  A friend told me she didn't have one shred of hair anywhere on her body!  Wondering if I'm normal......and hoping the chemo's working.....  I still have to shave my legs every few days..........

  • okay - I changed my avatar.  I don't have any baldie pix of me so I decided to do a pic that makes me happy - it was a great night out with friends and I was "healthy" (or so I thought!) with good hair.  Going to set that as my goal again!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I have very thin hair left and it is shedding evenly pretty much all over.  The two 'holdouts' are a thicker patch front and center, which is nice, and on the crown of my head.  But its all going very slowly.  My daughter and I were laughing so hard last night trying to come up with a 'brush-over' hairdo that would work.  We finally decided that the only one that worked was to brush all the remaining hair straight forward and then split it to the sides.  It was so funny!

  • flopsy
    flopsy Member Posts: 43

    Ladies,  a little bit of good news.   I have a very tiny bit of hairgrowth that seems to have sprouted over night.  I am 5 wks post chemo and now doing my rads tx's.  I was really surprised to see my hairline again because it has been gone since June.  It looks like my hair will be a mix of brown and gray as it was before so I guess I will look older because I used to color my hair but I don't think the chemicals are good for us so I will be au naturelle. 

    Those of you still having chemo, hang in there and you will be finished before you know it.  Sending all my cyberbuddies a big ((((((((HUG)))))))) today.  LOL, Ginny

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    I buzzed my hair short (see my avatar) a couple of weeks ago and it has continued to thin but I still have a fair bit of hair left.  The sides in particular seem to have more bald patches than the top.  The only other place I have lost hair is under my arms, haven't needed to shave there for a couple of weeks.  Leg hair is still hanging on, even though I am most wishing for it to go!  I have only done 2 AC treatments though so I may may end up bald yet.

    I think I'm finally getting the fatigue that they say goes along with treatment.  I've been sleeping about 9 hours a night and still having trouble getting out of bed in the morning.  I've actually never been a morning person but it seems worse than usual the past few days.  Also finding myself pretty sleepy in the afternoons. 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hair: I buzzed mine  2 weeks ago, it looked like JSW's. Now it's about gone. My most bald place is in the front, it looks like classic male pattern baldness. But now the back is pretty much leaving me too. I haven't had to shave my underarms though and my leg hair is lots lighter, so hopefully it's on its way out. My va-jay-jay (as Oprah calls it) is pretty bald too. My eyelashes and brows are good so far, but I've heard they can fall out weeks after chemo. yuk

    Third FEC yesterday and Neulasta shot this morning. Doing ok so far, just tired since I didn't sleep last nigth. My DH said I kept tossing and turning and shaking covers off one minute and covering back up the next. These hot flashes are driving me nuts. I'm queasy/nauseaous today, but other than that, doing good. Hope everyone else is having a minimal SE week.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Congrats on finishing FEC LadyinBama!
  • KatherineNaomi
    KatherineNaomi Member Posts: 49

    Hair - I had initially cut my hair down to 1/4 of an inch when it started falling out. Then because of my sore scalp and continued hair loss I shaved it right down to the skin. That was a week ago yesterday and my hair has been growing this past week. There are a couple thinner spots but it's pretty much growing all over. I still have 2 more TC's to go so we'll see if it sticks around or not?

  • KatherineNaomi
    KatherineNaomi Member Posts: 49

    I just talked to the ladies at the breast care center and they've asked me to be the guest speaker at our city's annual breast cancer awareness luncheon/fundraiser. They have a Dr and a survivor speak. The Dr speaking is my breast surgeon (who I love) and I'm the survivor. How crazy is that?! If you had told me a year ago that I'd be diagnosed with breast cancer, have a bilateral mastectomy, chemo and be the speaker at a breast cancer event I would have thought you were crazy!

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    I had my hair buzzed the first week of tx, and it started to fall out about a week later.  I thought that the buzzed hair w/ bald spots look was really scary, so I just shaved it with a razor.  There were places where it kept growing for a few weeks more, but now it seems to be all gone (I will be going in for TCH #4 next week).  Still have brows and lashes, but no hair "downtown."  I shaved my legs for the last time 2 weeks ago, and they have no stubble on them at all. 

    I just think you ladies are the best!  I am so glad to have this place to come with my thoughts where people understand!

    OK - off to Herceptin and then Jerry Springer, the Opera.  Once again...

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Katherinenaomi - that is so cool.  Do you like public speaking?  Oct. is breast cancer awareness month so I'm bracing for an onslaught of tv ads, newspaper articles, etc.  A friend of mine stopped getting her mammo in Oct. because of all the reminders.  Hair - I buzzed mine off before it fell and had to redo it a couple of times due to some growth patches but it's pretty much gone now.  Eyebrows and eyelashes are hanging in there.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    FEC done for me with my last treatment on Friday but it really knocked me back this time. Yuck---cannot sleep, feel so tired and just plain yucky. Have run for the cure this weekend--the way I am going--someone will need to carry me :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Katherinenaomi: Congratulations!  That is great.  Don't forget, if public speaking scares you, picture them all in diapers or naked!!!!!  It ia fantastic trick that totally works but remember you might chuckle a little bit now and again if you use that trick!
  • mlv2356
    mlv2356 Member Posts: 22

    Hi Ladies,

    Are there any ladies who have ILC ( Lobular) vs Ductal BC?  I am looking to compare notes on Chemo regimens. I am not feeling confident in my chemo of AC dose dense x 4 followed by Taxotere every 3 weeks x 4.  I finished the AC part but am now second guessing if it was enough.  My tumor was 11.5cm with 25/26 nodes positive.  I am having a real hard time finding stats on ILC and the effectiveness of chemo, what drugs, duration work best.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    MLV2356 - did you get a second opinion from another medical oncologist?
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone-hope everyone is doing okay today!

    On treatment centers:  After reading some of your posts, I am sooo glad to be treated at my treatment center.  It is a private doctors office (3 doctors).  It is a bright room, one wall is all windows so it is very sunny on a good day.  There are about 10 infusion chairs, but I never have seen more than 5 people in there at any one time  The nurses are great, funny, positive, and very friendly.  There is a big screen TV that always seems to be playing America's Funniest Home Videos when I am there.  They also have computer hookups and recliner chairs!

     I remember my first treatment, I was terrified.  I walked into that room and was greated by a very nice, very cheery nurse who set up my treatment.  There were about 5 people in room receiving treatment and they were all smiling, talking, reading...just looked very normal.  There were two men in there that were obviously very ill, and I will tell you they were the ones laughing with the nurses the most.  I was immediately at ease because I remember thinking that it couldn't be that bad if all these people were smiling and joking. 

    Honestly, if it weren't for the doctors and nurses, and even the techs who draw the blood, at my oncologist's office I don't think I would have handled this whole chemo thing as well.  Their positive attitude definitely affects mine.

    Okay, to inject a little humor here, I want to see if anyone else has this mildly embarassing side effect of this lovely chemo we are having:

    The first of my hair to go was "the hair down there" (or va-jay-jay as per lady in bama).  As my kids are very into sports, I spend a lot of time outside my house at various games, therefore must use portapotties or public toilets.  Hence I have become an expert at squatting and peeing as you definitely don't want any body parts to touch that seat!.  However, I find that without any hair it seems to go all over the place and I am no longer so neat when I squat and pee!  I guess the hair gave it a direction to go?  So, my questions, is anyone else now holding it in for impossible amounts of time because they can't squat without peeing on themselves!?  I guess this is just another one of those amusing? side effects!

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    MVL2356 - My dx was ILC and it was found in both breasts so not only am I in a minority of breast cancer types but to have it in both breasts at the same time is unusual.  My regime is ACx4 then Taxol x12. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm: your fearless leader is a "shaver!" and a partyer!  I became very, very adept at aerial dispensing on Metro North!   We are getting personal here but why not?!!   In any case, I would recommend traveling with a supply of paper funnels (not joking!) or there is a female urinal which helps but with those portopotties I would go paper funnel.  The female urinal can be purchased at medical supply stores.  Hope this helps.

    On LCS vs DCIS, I had both= 2.5 cm of LCS and 3.3 cm of DCIS.  DCIS is really just pre-cancerous cells from what I understand.   I am on TAC x 6 and then they talked to me about rads but I am not sure I am going to do that.  After chemo I have swap out because I had a bmx -- 1 was infected and I did a prophylactic on the other.I think the type of chemo has a lot to do with your ER/PR/HER2 status rather than the type of cancer you had but I could be wrong.

    Hair: mine is thinning for sure.  Next tx is Tuesday...blah!   I am going to miss my fur! Because I am cautiously optimistic by nature, I did not buzz or cut yet :)

    Who was doing the comb over with their daughter?  That was HYSTERICAL!   That is something my mother and I would do!   Absolutely hysterical!   Of course, all I could think of is Donald Trump!

    Pleasant chemo centers: I am so glad some of you go to places where people are happy!   The nurses are not too happy, there are no windows so therefore no sunlight, but I do have a personal flat screen at my recliner!!!!!  I wish I was getting it where Lisasinglem does as I love San Fran and would very much love to look out over the city while getting chemo rather than try desperately not to make eye contact!

    Happy trails, girlies!  BTW, just in case you all missed it, the YANKEES clinched the division title last night!   he he he he!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    mlv: there is an ILC forum under tests, treatments forum. You could probably get some good info there.
  • mlv2356
    mlv2356 Member Posts: 22

    Omar - I am in the process of seeking a second opinion.

    Zenith4289 - I too am in that minority.  11.5 cm on the rht, 4mm on the left.  I see you are getting Taxol x 12.  This is one of my questions for my onc/ second opinion. Why am I getting Taxotere and only every 3 weeks?  It's frustrating to have these confusion feelings in the middle of my treatments.

    LadyinBama - thank you for the reference.  I will definitely post there. 


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    mlv: My onc recommended Taxotere  x 3. I read some funky stuff about Taxotere side effects, so I told him I didn't want to do it. He was agreeable and said we'd switch to Taxol x 12. He said they are basically the same drug and the efficacy is no different. But then I changed my mind back to doing Taxotere after I read about the neuropathy associated with Taxol.
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - I like that funnel idea!  When we travel my daughter (the one who helped with the comb over) has trouble 'hovering' and the funnel idea would work perfect for her!!  Camping too, great!!
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333


           I had the same problem, was out with my sister and our kids right after everything fell out and managed to pee on the bottom of my shirt. Now I try to make sure everything is out of the way and I lean really far forward (while trying to hold up my shirt, will probably land on my face and have to explain how I broke my nose in the BR:-) The hair must've definitley been helping with the flow. Glad someone else has the same problem though and it's not that the hair was hiding some strange anatomical problem;-)


  • sharonkw
    sharonkw Member Posts: 7

     Hi everyone,

    I am a week beyond my third treatment and all is going ok except for breathlessness.  It happens after each cycle and lasts about a week.  It seems to get worse after each treatment.  I am now slightly anemic and I think this may be the cause.  Is anyone else experiencing this and if so what is the solution?

    In regard to the rest of the SE's I take Emend and Dexametasone and have not had one day of nausea.  In regard to the Neulasta shot, I take one  Aleve before the shot and two a day for three days and have not had any discomfort yet.


  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    Sharon, are you taking taxol/taxotere?  Shortness of breath is a side effect of that family, I think from  fluid retention.  At my onc if you get that they prescribe a (darn it-forgot what it is called) what makes fluid leave your body--one of those.  I didn't have it, but they specifically let me know to speak up.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422
    Hi ladies, I have # 3 tx TCH Thur. half way through chemo, YAY I'm am excited to be at this point Laughing I also hope everyone is feeling good with very little side effects !!!  (( Hugs )) to everyone having treatment this week.
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hey guys,

    Feeling a little down tonight as I let my baby down.  Today was his 13th birthday and I didn't have a moment to spend with him!  This whole treatment plan has done a number on my finances, so when I get extra work I have to take it.  Tonight was one of those nights.  We had cake, but he was hovering around me all night as I worked and I know he wanted attention.  But, as it is I just finished the work now and I am exhausted.  Have to get up to go to my day job tomorrow at 6:00 a.m..  I wish I could just have cancer....and take care of myself and my kids..without all the financial worries.  Hopefully the side effects from my treatment on Friday aren't too bad this weekend and I can spend all of Saturday anyway he wants to make it up to him!  Cancer and money suck!!!!!


  • onemonga
    onemonga Member Posts: 54

    Hi Chemosabes, I had my 2 2/3 treatment of TC today and will have final complete #2 treatment next Wed. After all this delay [because of the frickin cipro] I will be back on every 3 week schedule. The advantage is the SEs so far on this chemo lite are almost nonexsistent, so far. No neupogen, no roids and I have unused syringes in my fridge right next to my teeth bleach and turkey bacon. Who would have thought that my meat tray would resemble that of a drug dealer.  Can't wait to get back to the abnormally normal. I had to go to a funeral last Sun.,I live in So. Cal and as some of you may have heard, it was 110 degrees. I wore one of my wigs because the wonderful guy who died was a victim of cancer and I didn't want that look people give you when they see that you are going thru chemo. It worked, but man was it toasty. My son couldn't believe my hair had grown back so fast. Men, don't you just live em.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    About Depression

    Unless you have personal experience with depression you are not qualified to comment on it and certainly not make any judgements about it, its treatment protocols or victims.  We don't appreciate the comments of ignorant, uneducated, uninformed people regarding breastcancer, why would any of dare to comment in a judgemental way about any other illness. I also would like to know just where the "Happy Pills" are because I never saw any. Am I angry? Yes, majorly angry. How dare you. The medicalization of sadness? You do not know what you are talking about. 

    If this was going on anywhere else I would take the time to educate you, but in this forum all I can say is, how dare you!