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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Omaz: now that I can so readily get my paws on my scalp now that I have NO hair (!), I just decided to start massaging my skull and it felt good!  I am not sure if my massage or the Tylenol took away the pain but whatevs!  All I know is I feel better
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Today is the 2nd day of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month Laughing
  • michelle1014
    michelle1014 Member Posts: 19

    Hi everyone,

    I have not posted often but I read everyday.  I just finished my last chemo Thursday!!  My oncology department gave me a graduation card and a "Willow Tree" wood carved Angel that is lovely with a wood carved body and wire angel wings.  I was so suprised.  My oncology department is a fairly large area it has 1 fully private room with a tv, 3 semi private rooms with tvs and 6 or 7 open area seating in front of the nurses main desk.  We all have recliners.  All the nurses working there on Thursday kept "whoo whooing!!!"  that it was my last day and that they didn't want to see me again:)  My mom and a good friend that's a bc survivor came with and we went out to lunch afterward to celebrate!  It was a good day.  Friday and today I still feel pretty good.  The steroids are working still, so I made apple crisp and will go grocery shopping and then rest for the day. 

    I started my journey April 29th with diagnosis, June 16th BMX with immediated reconstruction TE with Alloderm, on July 23 I had my 1st chemo and Sept 30 my last chemo.  I will meet with my oncologist on November 4th to discuss hormone therapy, probably Tamoxifen for 2 1/2 years and Arimidex for 2 1/2 years is what she's talking about now.  But she also said that she will meet with me every three weeks at the beginning to make sure I'm handling the meds because we do have alternatives and shouldn't be miserable.

    I'm still undergoing my reconstruction.  They halted my "fills" on September 3 due to my WBC's being so low because they didn't want to tax my body any more that it already was from the chemo.  Since I only needed TC x 4 every three weeks my oncologist did not give me Neulasta and I did not have a port put in.  I only had to miss one scheduled chemo due to my bloodwork and that just delayed me for a week.  I will finish my "fills" starting October 23rd, I had two before and they figure 3 - 5 more before I will be ready for the switch-a-roo to implants. 

    I want to thank each and every one of you for the wealth of information and insight that I just could not have never gained had I not stumbled on to this board.  I applaud all of your spirit and resiliency.  This is not an easy journey and together it seemed truly bearable. 

    Thank you again and God Bless You All.  We are indeed all Warrors!!!!


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Ditto on the headaches Liz.  I never got them, couldn't use that classic excuse but had to make up my own!  (c:  Now they're pretty consistent.  Your next TAC is 10/5 right?  I'll be right behind you on 10/11.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Me three on the headaches. One of my nurses said the nausea meds could cause headaches; but another one said it was the steriods. So, who knows? But they are worse headaches than I've had in the past. Advil just barely touches it.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Sometimes I wake up with one, sometimes they start just before bed.  Anyone else?

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I'm also having headaches---rarely had headaches previously---now have had one for going on two days...uurgghhh.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Michelle: congratulations on finishing!  Good for you!  Happy trails, woman!  

    Headaches: I woke up with one this morning and a few Tylenol took care of it but what bothers me about headaches is I always connect it to blood pressure.  Now I don't have high blood pressure nor does it run in my family.  I purchased a blood pressure monitor and it is always 120/80 but I just wonder why headaches?  I think it is stress-related.    I think even though I am taking all of this in stride, on some level I must be stressed.  It is so hard to figure.

    Adey: yes, we will tracking together to the bitter end!!!!   I finish with 4 days left in the year! So much for NYE plans :(   In fact, NYE will be day 4 and we BOTH know what that means!!!!   I hate to say it but I do feel a sense of clarity after tac.  It is so hard to explain.  Did you buzz your hair yet?  I could not bear sitting in a salon getting my head shaved!  It was too much...the privacy of my bathroom was best for me!  My best friend called today and admonished because she wanted to buzz her hair with me to solidarity but when I told her about the humongous knot in the back of my head that caused me to buzz, she understood.  It was like matted!!

    Appetite: that is going away since yesterday.  I think, again, it is stress related as #2 is coming up on Tuesday.  I am going to go get some Muscle Milk!!!! 

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333


      Just wanted to ask you about the fish oils. They were recommended for my son who has global dyspraxia among other things. I got some fish oil capsules from nordic naturals (mercury free) which I would puncture and squirt into his orange juice. I thought I got away w/ the oj until he started telling me to stop putting soap in his juice. He saw the oil bubbles even though I mixed it, although as far as I know he's never had soap, lol. The neuro told me to try mixing it in  chocolate syrup, which he won't try and peanut butter, but he seems to taste it in everything and retches. Sorry, long winded but wondering if the Carlson's has no fishy/smell taste. I tried the lemon nordic naturals capsules and liquid and I could smell the fish as soon as I opened them. (i'm pretty picky which is probable where  he gets it. He does eat salmon (which I can smell amile away and have never  tried), just not a fishy person except for shrimp;-)



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    ckptry - I'll go open a capsule and see what my daughter says - smells like seaweed according to my daughter, tastes a bit fish-like too.
  • I had some horrendous headaches last week.  It was on and off from Saturday until Wednesday and kept coming back.

    I pinned it to diet - I had chocolate a couple of times.  Then once that was out of my system, the headaches went away.  I then had something with lots of onions in it - and before I even finished, I had a headache.  Bottled salad dressing too, seems to be doing it - there must be something in.

    I've been headache free for over a week now - not going near chocolate or onions.........   

  • Elizabeth27
    Elizabeth27 Member Posts: 21

    I'm so glad that someone brought up headaches. My chemo nurse mentioned the anti nausea drugs as a possible cause too, but I don't think that is it. I got horrendous headaches from day 4-8 (too late for it to be the anti nausea drugs) and the wig just makes them worse. I am wondering how many of you head aches sufferers are on Taxotere? That is my current bet as the culprit.I think it also causes the congestion and the sniffles as it can cause an allergic type reaction.

     Not to scare people but I had chest tightening with my 2nd TC infusion. They gave me a large IV infusion of steroids and started again, with success. I guess you never know what wonderful SEs can make an appearance!

    Congratulations to those who are done. Wishing everyone else a SE free weekend!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    I have a new SE the last couple days - dry eyes, and then watering eyes.  Anyone else notice this? 
  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Omaz I have had the dry and watery eyes since round two.  I also have had headaches and bad ones that my $5 per pill migraine medication couldn't even touch!  Why are we blaming everything else when it is obviously chemo related?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Zenith - did you figure out anything that helps with the eyes? I have acupuncture on Monday just before treatment 3 and she has been able to help with other symptoms so I am hoping she can help with the eye thing.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I had bad headaches my first two infusions. I had little nausea so my Oncologist took me off of the Ondansetron pills. I stopped having the headaches in infusion week. I do get the same med IV in my chemo and have chosen to continue having that in the infusion. I do get a headache for two days that I manage with Ibuprophen. I get no nausea at all.

     This cold is really causing me problems. I got some guaifenesin today to help with the secretions. I was up last night choking with coughs and so tired I didn't even know I had gotten up slept in the recliner and then went back to bed. My husband told me all of this. I was "asleep" for 14 hours. This is with only one dose of nyquill at bedtime. No other meds!  Crazy! I will be interested to see what my white count is or if that makes any difference with what has to be a viral rather then an "infectious" cold with a fever. No fever in all 9 days. 

    I need to really up my fluids tomorrow, Sunday, so I am ready for Monday infusion. 

    Michelle 101 Congratulations on completing chemo! 

    Omaz, I have been getting itchy eyes too and I wonder if it is my eyelashes falling out and into my eyes. 

    I am nervous about getting Taxol the first time. I do have to start a lot of Dexamethasone tomorrow in prep for it. 

    On a brighter note I had my husband buy me a craft machine for Christmas. It cuts and edges  and applies glue and other things. It is the much less expensive non electric type. I wanted it because it sounded like fun and I needed something to look forward to. Now if I can somehow unpack my sewing room here maybe I can get reactivated in my life. I have been so close to in a coma for so long and I was always active previous to the depression. I even worked at a mission in Haiti. I did so many different things. I was really useful and helpful and was so happy the depression was liftuing and now this cancer is such a disappointment. I wanted to be me agaon and I am jus tnot there. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Elizabeth22: Yes on the Taxotere; yes on the headaches; yes on the sniffle (ALL THE TIME, my poor little nose!); and (Omaz) yes on the dry/watery eyes!

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    I haven't been having headaches, butI have been having dry eyes, twitching eyes and sometimes seeing floaters and sparkles.  Anyone else?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I have a friend coming over to the house this morning to visit that I haven't seen since all this stuff started in the summer.  When she asks how I am doing I don't want to go through the list of symptoms - but that is so much of what my life IS right now.  I was laying in bed trying to think of some way to sum it up that worked but couldn't come up with anything that conveyed all the changes and challenges and fears that going through chemo produces. Maybe just looking at me with my puffy eyes, my few remining wisps of hair, distended tummy and tired movements will say enough. Oh well, maybe I am just thinking too much about round three on Tuesday. Ugh.

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Omaz artificial tears helps somewhat and warm compresses on the eyes.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Thanks, I'll try that!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning CHEMOSABES!!!!!  

    Omaz: Blink is good for dry eyes. As for your friend visiting, I exercise a great economy of words with people. Everyone knows chemo is hard. This is why I am so glad we have each other because we do a lot of chatting here with others going through the same thing so we don't have to talk to others NOT in the know! I don't really think you have to say too much or explain at all.

    I have not had dry eyes and then watery eyes *yet!* It might also be geographical. For instance, I am in the humid, damp Northeast. If you are out West (I notice you are in AZ) the dry air might be bringing it on.

    Scary Vision Issue Day 4: I don't think I told any of you but I was so scared on day 4 when I went to the grocery store at night and my vision got blurry. I almost called my boyfriend to pick me up. I was able to drive home as the road is a straight shot, through a lake area, back to my house. THAT is a taxotere SE. Very scary.

    Zenith: I am fully aware the underlying cause is chemo but I just like to talk about it to make sure my other chemo friends are also having headaches! I also want to know if any of us can pinpoint triggers, which may be different for all of us anyway but, like Calamtykel noticed chocolate and onions were doing it for her. I just like to chat about it.

    HGTV: Mike Holmes is the greatest thing since flushable toilets! He is definitely doing God's work, man! He really helps so many people out. He seems to be a card-carrying member of a dying breed...that is for sure.

    Ckptry: Sorry to hear about your son. I am wondering how old he is because perhaps you can sneak it into fish sticks, tuna fish, sushi? Does he eat any of that? Perhaps you can get in him in a number of different ways...fishy ways so he can't taste it!! I know my sister struggled to get wheat germ in my nephew and finally she started putting it in cookies and brownies! I know fish oil won't go with those, however!

    Ginger: are you regularly taking Zyrtec or Claritin? My nurse told me that a lot of people take it right through the entire duration of chemo to help with the sniffles and cold/flu-like symptoms we all get. I get the sniffles and a little coughing. Are you considering wearing a mask in public when we move into the winter months? I am seriously considering it. I got a handful of those paper masks at the hospital. I am also going to go shopping as late in the evening or as early in the morning as possible to avoid any crowds. I am really going to do everything I can to protect myself through November and December when the cold and flu season hits. On the sleeping, 14 hours is a lot but your body must need it so sleep away, my friend! There is nothing wrong with sleeping J I remember one night I slept like 11 hours. Our bodies are going through tough times and we have to baby ourselves.

    On unpacking your sewing room, do one thing each day. Just one thing. Look around the room and start to conceptualize a finished product but don't put pressure on yourself to do it all at once. Just one little thing each day and you will slowly start to see it coming together. Congratulations on your incoming new craft machine! That sounds great. I watch some of the HGTV craft shows early, like 7AM, when, of course, I have gotten up early and then usually fall back to sleep!

    Elizabeth27: the wig is DEFINITELY giving me a headache. I am getting a headache more this past week, the week before my next chemo, so I really think mine is stress-induced.

    Home gym: I have been up since 6 so excited to set up my new treadmill!   I am so happy to have gotten a new one.   I also got a Gazelle and an Ab Lounger.   Now I have an Abdoer, a Weider double station pro with 450 lbs of stackable weights, treadmill, upright bike, recumbent bike, rebounder, 2 yoga balls, 10 workout discs, an aerobic step, 5, 10 and 15 lb free weights, a flat bench with an olympic bar and 100 lbs of plates and a stretching station.   I LOVE my home gym and I *force* myself to workout daily and to lift as my oncologist told me that is one of the only things I can do to combat fatigue. I don't want that fatigue taking makes me nervous.  In any case, I don't do too much...maybe 20-30 minutes of cardio and some lifting...anything to stave off miserable fatigue!  Consequently I don't feel like I am necessarily winning the battle but I just might win the war!!!

    I hope you all are having a lovely weekend and remember to move out of the company of toxic people and smile while you are doing it!!!

    Good day, girls-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895
    Michelle- Congrats on graduating from chemo!!!! Whoop whoop!
  • carolyn - I don't think Carlson's had a taste but it's been a long while since I've been on it --my nutritionist has me on a lineum b6 oil instead.  But all fish/cod liver IS oily - yuck!  I think the OJ cuts the oily taste.  Maybe try a small bottle of it and see if he likes it better? 

  • I have a cold!  BLEH!!  Just when I thought it couldn't happen because I was sailing through!  UGH!  It's the first time I've been sick in almost a year....hoping it goes away soon................. :(

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Bummer on the cold Calamtykel - take care!
  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    About colds & flu, one of the nurses at my onc's office mentioned when I started chemo that I should get a flu shot this fall.  I have a chemo appt this Friday so I'm going to ask about that since I've started seeing signs for flu shots.  I had thought that the flu shot was a live virus so that might be bad to get during chemo but maybe not?  Of course that wouldn't help with colds but I've also got hand sanitizer and washing my hands frequently I guess is the best I can do!

    I'm watching NFL football with my husband this afternoon and they have all of this hot pink stuff for breast cancer awareness - shoes, armbands, towels, etc.  There seem to be quite a few women on these boards who don't like all of the pink stuff that comes out in October but I kind of like it.  

  • The flu vaccine is not a live virus, but the vaccine itself can carry other components, such as mercury, that can compromise immunity in other ways.  The effectiveness of a flu vaccine is widely debated - here is an article on why it works for some people and not for others.  I used to get flu shots and found that those were the most unhealthy winters that I had.  I have not gotten it in several years.   Catching the flu on chemo seems horribly dangerous, so I'm not sure how I'd feel about getting a shot or not if there might be a chance to prevent it, even though I would not get one if I was healthy, if that makes sense.  

     I think....hope....that I'm feeling a little better....and I'm thankful that I didn't catch this cold LAST Sunday before my chemo treatment.......  Chicken broth with cayenne pepper seem to be going a long way! :)

  • Oh - the nasal flu shot - the spray, IS a live virus I believe... I don't know if they do those anymore.....

  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    At my onc this week they were giving chemo patients flu shots.  Right out in the chemo area.

    I never would have guessed that it would be ok during chemo, but that's what they did.

    I did not get mine that day, although I do normally get one.  As long as I get it, I never get sick that winter.  The years that I could not get it, I got sick.