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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Fantastic Texas!!!!!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!  I AM SOO, SOO, SOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!  You deserve this and what wonderful, wonderful news!   I have been wondering about that.   Great that they have a playground.  Such good news. 

    Ginger: that baby is beyond adorable!    So beautiful!

    Adey: I am squarely in the sludge.   A new sludge se: on the 2nd and now 3rd tx, the start of the 2nd week is marked by the feeling there is a tiny, little gnome in my throat with a tiny cheese grater!  My throat is raw amongst all the other traditional se's!  Great, good times, woman!

    Go to watch the election news!!!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Refrigerator: the funny smells are killing me and I am very clean about my refrigerator anyway but yesterday I emptied it and threw away about $100 worth of food.   I want to throw everything away and get nothing but baking soda.  I am wicked sensitive to smells and nothing tastes good.  I don't want to eat and am feeling gross, living on chocolate milk.  For those NYers, I think I am going to graduate to egg creams soon!  Has anyone else wanted to throw out all food and stop eating? I am not even going to buy groceries until chemo is over because I never know what the hell I will eat from day to day AND, sadly, I am even disgusted by Boost now!  Chemo is way gross.
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Thanks omaz and lizzy!

    BTW i love your visual effects! I can picture the gnome in there! I am also having the senstive to smells SE too! Hasnt gone away lol

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Ginger:  That baby is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! She must make you smile even on your worst day!

    Texas:  Happy Birthday!!!  I am so happy you got that apartment, it is just what you guys need!!Cheers to a new, fresh (and really cheap) new start!!

    On radiation:   Had treatment #2 today.  Sweeney's description was so accurate and absolutely hysterical!  And I seriously think one of these days I might do as you guys suggesed and write a message on my boob!  Seriously though, I can't get over feeling like somebody's science experiment when I am there.  All that measuring and marking....kind of they are the aliens and you have been abducted by them and brought into their spaceship!

    Anyway, hope everyone is feeling better today.  Going to go vote now.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Congrats to texas!

    Liz-- number three is hitting me fast and hard.  I'll be on the look out for the gnome.  (c:  I have a wacky one too.  Do you TEs feel... soft, or weak, just weird, the first weekish after treatment?  Mine do!

  • Well ladies, I chickened out on voting.  DH and I went over to town hall, which is very very small, and usually there's nobody there.  Well, it was mobbed.  Parking lot was mobbed - the small voting room was crammed with people one on top of another.  One voting machine had malfunctioned and they were explaining to the crowd how to use it as more people are pouring in the room.  It looked at least a 20 minute wait or more with everyone breathing on everyone else on line, which were tight since space was tight as the room wasn't that wide.  I looked at DH and said "Know what?  This isn't worth getting the flu for....." and we walked out. 

    Somehow I feel guilty now.  It's never been crowded before - I would have hit it earlier had I know.  Usually there's two or three other people there when we go after work. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Adey: number 3 is gross...I slept off most of the first 6 days.  I am seriously managing it like a really bad hangover.   Finally, yesterday I got up  to empty the refrigerator.  To answer your question though, yes, it does seem weak largely because A) I did not work out at all this first week after tx and B) I slept a lot.  I know what you mean, though, they don't bite but they just linger in a wicked fashion.  To be honest, I can't believe I have to do this 3 more times.  My colon AND throat feel like the little gnome is in there with the cheese grater.   I did not want to be graphic in my first post but I figured WTH-everyone else is.  My tongue is like I have been drinking tea for 10 days.  It is gross.  Good luck to you, woman!  Sadly I am doing the countdown to the next one....gross!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - Does your state have early ballots by mail? Here in AZ we do and its great.  You can read and vote in your own time.
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Funny i am still reg to vote in AZ- never did change it to tx lol- i should have but oh well

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIMOTHEA!!!!! That is an awesome b-day gift!!! BTW I haven't had bad SE, 3 days of fatigue and some bone pain, nothing I've had to take anything for. I even take 2 less steroids then I'm suppose to.

    So happy you got that apartment!!!! ((HUGS))

    Also if any of you ladies have facebook and would like to add me it is Sue Freese Logan, I'd be happy to have you as a friend.

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Happy Birthday Tex!!! And I'm soooo excited to hear about your apartment, moving is such a great fresh start and this place sounds fantastic. Congratulations!!!

    Writing on the boob- I'll try and work up the nerve b/c that is a BRILLIANT idea!

    Lizzy and smells- that was the very first SE to go the way of the dodo. Hold tight, the end is in sight!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex!!!!  Happy, happy birthday!   I am so happy things are going your way!  This makes me happy!

    Sweeney: can't wait until the END!   Thanks for the encouragement...seems like forever.

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    YAAAYYYY for Timothea!!! You must be so psyched!  I am very happy for you and your family. Finally, a break, huh? Can I come help you pack?

    Up early this morning with Lymphedema pain.  Blah! And I am soooo lonely.  My dh is still out of town.  It's been 3 1/2 weeks now, and he isn't coming home until Sunday night.  And my best friend is still in the hospital, and I can't even visit her.  She's there because a medication she was on (not chemo) made her severely neutropenic, worse than any of us have been.  Her wbc was .6 yesterday.  She's in isolation, and her wbc hasn't gotten any better in a week and a half, in fact it's gotten worse. She keeps spiking fevers around 102-103.  I am scared to death for her.  Her sister and I are trying to talk her into moving to a different hospital because we don't think she's getting good care where she is.  Even the nursing care is poor there.  The last time I could visit her (before I got this virus and cold) I was only there half an hour, and already three staff people had come into her room without masks of.  It says very boldly on her door: "ISOLATION: PLEASE WEAR MASK GLOVES< AND GOWN."  I got very upset with each of them, and asks them to go back out and put on the stuff.  Then I asked her nurse to please make a bigger, brighter sign to put on her door.  But my friend won't do that kind of thing.  She wouldn't ask anyone to leave and come back with a mask on or anything like that.  It's very worrisome and crazy-making.  Anyway, I hope I get better soon, and that my counts go up so I can go visit her again. We're going to try skyping today.

    I hope all y'all have a nice, se-easy days.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Lizzymak-- Try that L-Glutamine powder you purchased and when you're getting the "A" chew on ice chips during.  I haven't had any sores but do have the chemo mouth taste thing.  Hope you feel better.  Gotta say pooping has become a big part of my life and worthy or celebration!  As long as I take care of it right away I don't do to bad.  I drink senna tea at bed time and next morning voila.  If I'm very desperate I'll use an enema.  I'm sorry you feel raw inside.  I don't know what will help that.  I just do a Pepcid in the morning.  If the burning is at the main exit (c: get some babywipes and poor Thayers Rose Petal Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera over them, very soothing.  Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  One other weirdness, the scar on my boob from my chicken soup incident turns purple/red after tx, hmmm.  Fun stuff this!

    Wherria-- Sorry you are lonely, remember I am very close if you need anything pm me.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    I woke up this morning with blood in my urine. I think I've got a UTI, just what I need when I'm supposed to start my chemo back up tomorrow. I called the nurse and she said to come by the cancer center and let them culture my urine. It's always something.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi LadyinBama---Sorry to hear about the UTI--seriously this chemo causes your body to react in crazy ways. Hopefully it is just a minor setback. I still have my cough--chemo delayed until tomorrow now. No matter what--this cough won't go away...wants to cause me as much grief as possible. My blood count has gone back up so that is good---just sucks that this cough seems to want to stay. The thought of chemo and coughing all night just makes me shake my head! Take care of yourself, Rachel

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Texas, Happy Birthday and congratulations on the apartment!! Treat yourself to a special birthday gift with some of the money you'll save on rent!


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes and congrats on the apt!

    Wherria i totally am not packing! My town is so small, i am literally 5 minutes away, i am gonna just put all my dishes into a rubbermaid and then put them away @ the new place, take that SAME rubbermaid and throw in all my clothes (still on the hangers) and then hang them at my new place LOL call me lazy but.... LMBO! (my kids stuff is very contained in bins and such so it'll be easy to transfer everything)

    I am praying for your friend and i wanna kick the nurses in the butt- when i was in the hospital when they drew blood the gal swiped the area with a dry gauze without putting alchohol on it- what the heck was she thinking like just the gauze would clean it LOL So her quick recovery is in my prayers!

    Lady- yup it is always something! Hope you dont have a UTI- they can be a bother!

    Rachel- we'll be doing chemo together then :) How long have you had the cough now? Mine lasted a few weeks- is still cough a little but not constant anymore...

    WHen was the last time Sohard was here? I was just thinking about her and realsied i havent seen her post recently (or maybe i skipped over it if she did- i tend to do that)

    We've lost a lot of women since the start of this thread- just sayin :)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895
    GREAT IDEA CAROLYN!!!! I am def gonna treat myself to a dining room table (we still havent found one LOL) i DONT want the kids makin messes on the carpet!
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Texas---I am heading into about 4-5 weeks with the cough. I got it when I did the Run for the Cure--probably not the best idea looking back....oh well. Cough got better before my last chemo and then the chemo must have made it worse (or that is what I am thinking!). It seems to be getting a little better over the last couple of days--am hoping that chemo tomorrow won't make it worse again. Just seems there is nothing to take to help the cough. Damn chemo and damn cough!


    p.s. Sounds like you will have a record setting move-in--good for you---they say moving is one of the more stressful things in your life (probably those people didn't do chemo!)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    HAHAHA yeah i doubt those people did chemo!!!! I actually enjoy moving, i move often in the 10 years that my husband and i have been together we've moved 16 times- this will make number 17! But this is def gonna be a more long term place- now that the kids each get their own rooms (at least 3 years or so- lol that doesnt sound long term)

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194
    Rachel: Are you on prescription cough suppressants? When I had bronchitis, my GP gave me a med called tessalon perle (benzonatate).  The are pills, not syrup, and they helped a lot.  Might be worth calling your doc about.  
  • rachel - I don't have a cough, but after a week without, the slight wheeze in my throat came back.  If I take a deep breath I hear it.  If I clear my throat and then take a deep breath, I do not hear it.  It's unsettling.  I guess it left because of the decadron, but it came back.   

    I'm coming to the conclusion that chemo really stops our bodies from getting over stuff.  I STILL have one little dot, literally, smaller than a pencil eraser top, for my port that will not heal.  It scabs over - if I get it really wet in the shower, the scab comes off, it leaks water and blood and then scabs over again.  I have shown all the nurses and oncologlist and they just say it's not infected so dont' worry about it.  But what the heck!?  Why will it not heal when everything else does?
    I decided I'm going to a dermatologist once all the chemo is done --maybe he can cortorize it or something, I don't know.  I'm just tired of it all.

    Anybody else feel like you just CANNOT catch up on anything??? The weeks when you should be enjoying stuff is spent running like a maniac.  THen it starts all over again with chemo........

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Adey: thank you so much for the advice.  I will take it!  I use Huggies or Cottonelle (adult version!) but the witch hazel I think will help.  I appreciate it.  I hope you are feeling ok.   This is arduous but just think: we are 66% done as of the next tx!!! YAY!!

    Something to drink: I generally don't drink soda b/c of the sugar and I NEVER drink diet soda because of the phenylketoneurics (cancer causing agents) but I had a craving for ginger ale.  Ginger ale, in and of itself, is way too sweet for me but when I use 1 part ginger ale and 3 parts non-flavored seltzer I found something I like to drink Laughing  Hopefully this won't make me sick any time soon!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Wherria--I had chest xray and blood cultures and there is no infection--no bronchitis/no pneumonia. Therefore, Doc said probably viral and antibiotics wouldn't work. If this sticks around--which I guess it will--I will ask about that drug that you mentioned. Thanks!

  • Lizzy - my nutritionist said that real, plain cranberry juice (not the 10 percent juice kind) is really good for rebuilding the blood.  I was going to pick some up at the healthfood store and then get seltzer and mix it with it so a little will go a long way (good thing because the really truly totally cranberry juice in the healthfood store is pricey!)   Hoping that helps with the nasty taste in my mouth after the next taxol.

  • OH - another idea for ginger ale - you could probably  plunk a ginger tea bag into the seltzer.....I may try that next time.  :)

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Rachel: The drug I mentioned isn't an antibiotic.  It's a cough suppressant. So even if there is no infection, it might just help you get over the cough. Good luck!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Rachel: When I was in the hospital the first time, I had a cold/cough hanging on. I coughed so much I had a terrible headache from the straining, and I asked for something for pain and the nurse gave me  hydrocodone. She said it would also help with the cough, that the active ingredient in it is the same as in the strong cough syrups. You might want to try that if you've got any pain meds. If nothing else, it might help you sleep!

     No treatment for me tomorrow. My urine sample did not show infection so they don't know why I have blood and the onc wants to find that out before we do more chemo. I am so tired of dreading the taxotere, I wanted to start tomorrow and get it over with! I go back tomorrow. Not sure what they'll do, more tests of some sort I imagine. Not a whole lot of info online about blood in urine. Lots of things could cause it, and lots of time it resolves without the cause ever being found.