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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Ginger - yes, 12 taxols weekly = 4 every 2 weeks for effectiveness. I know this for sure because I specifically asked my  doctor.  The first oncol. I saw said 12 X weekly - and I wanted to know why she recommended differently.  She said effectiveness, they are both the same.  I didnt' push it - I figured i would rather power through the 4 taxols.....I'm not sure if that was the "right" thing to do, as the bi weekly  is more toxic - they have to give you a bigger dose to get you over two weeks.

    Hang on ladies!  I was reading through some old emails when I was first diagnosed and a wonderful customer of mine in New Zealand wrote "Remember, breast cancer is two words - not a sentence."  I loved that!  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am rotating ibuprophen and the oxycodone. I was hoping I could wait but I am about to need the oxycodone again. I had an email from my Doc's nurse on thursday telling me I could take a narcotic if I needed it, and I do. I do not use stronger drugs if I can avoid it, just now I need the stronger drugs.

    I was hoping to power through the TAXOL and be done with this phase. I really don't think I can reasonably continue on with this degree of pain.  Standing on my feet really hurts a lot, like I am going to fall down.

    Thanks so much for thinking of me. I might be feeling a bit better because I am better able to write, it was very hard to post earlier. Keeping my fingers crossed for improvement.This pain has been a real surprise.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Ginger - Have you had 1 treatment so far?  I sure hope you feel better soon!
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I know you can take tylenol WITH ibprofin because they're not the same class of drugs, but i have no clue about the oxycodone....

    Sometimes when the kids are having pains and a fever that just wont break i will piggyback the 2 meds for a quicker relief...

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    What are y'alls plan for tmorrow???

    I am taking my little ones trick or treating, but because its a school night only for about an hour

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Texas - we go to our friends and my daughter goes out with them.  I am hoping to hang in there long enough for dinner then head home.  Not doing the trick-or-treat walk, too close to the last chemo to walk around at night for me and my numb chemo feet.
  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Calamtykel- that was deep

    Texas- that was AWESOME what you did for your neighbor

    Whitney- you are so brave and strong !!!

  • oxycodone  -- I found this:


    Oxycodone is used to relieve moderate to severe pain. Oxycodone is in a class of medications called opiate (narcotic) analgesics. It works by changing the way the brain and nervous system respond to pain.

    Oxycodone is also available in combination with acetaminophen (Endocet, Percocet, Roxicet, Tylox, others); aspirin (Endodan, Percodan, Roxiprin, others); and ibuprofen (Combunox). This monograph only includes information about the use of oxycodone alone. If you are taking an oxycodone combination product, be sure to read information about all the ingredients in the product you are taking and ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

     Ginger -  If this is true, then it sounds like oxycodone is just the narcotic - when it's Percocet - it's the narcotic plus acetaminophen (which is Tylenol....)   but you'd have to ask your doctor.  IF  it is different, maybe he/she could prescribe the percocet instead?  But there are TONS of different pain relievers - you shouldn't have to go through this.  I remember when I was in the hospital and just had surgery, the nurse rattled off a ton of options she could give me and even in combination!  I remember Delaudid was one of them (which is why I want to ask my onc about it for next time - that is what my SIL recommended and she was in chronic pain for almost 2 years.)    I think you really need to talk to your doctor seriously about better pain relief- they give us so much for nausea but we should not be in pain either! 

    My legs are much much better today.  I still find myself stretching them - they sort of ache and hurt.  But not as bad as they were with those horrendous stabbing pains , so I'm hoping tomorrow that yours starts to get better!  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997


    The oxycodone is with acetaminophen. I think I am improving some, my feet still hurt, but less,  except all the oxycodone has left me constipated. Yikes, I have some Miralx so I just took some. I didn't need it before but sure do now. It didn't even occur to me that this would happen.  

    Thanks for all of the support, I have really felt so bad and have appreciated all of you so much. 

    The foot and calf pain has felt like I was going to explode out of my skin even though there was no swelling. I have the shooting pains too Calamity in my arms and sides as well as lower body. This has been serious pain and I prefer not to have it again if it is possible. It would be hard to willingly do this to myself again. I don't want to do myself longterm harm by omitting anything necessary. I will be asking a lot of questions before I take another dose of Newlasta, if that is what caused this.

    Have a great Sunday


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: I was getting worried about you.  I am very glad to hear you are doing better.  Now I am going back to watching "House" repeats!  I hope you have a restful night's sleep and continue to feel better-


  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Good morning Ladies, I hope!

    IowaSue: I'm not sure what I did to deserve the compliment, but thank you!

    About Dilaudid, it's always been the best for me because it's stronger than oxycodone or hydrocodone, and for me at least, carries fewer side effects.  Less constipation than codeine derivatives and I hardly ever have nausea with it, which I always get with codeine drugs.  But docs do seem to be less likely to prescribe it, probably because it's stronger.  I have been able to get it though by telling my docs that anything with codeine makes me sick. And you don't have to take it as often.

    Back to the question of house cleaning.  I am so wiped out, sick and weak right now, I just don't have the energy to clean, but my friend is coming to visit soon, and my dh won't be home to help.  The problem, as I said before is that there is just so much clutter.  Do you think a cleaning service could help? Anybody used cleaning services before? How clean does it have to be before they come?

    I talked to my dad yesterday about the World Series game, and he was just so delighted!  He started to get really choked up talking about his Papa, and said, "You know who I'll be thinking of tomorrow night!" I got him telling stories, and it turns out my dad, pitched a winning game while he was playing American Legion ball against one of the Cardinal's farm teams!  (Farm teams were different back then, circa 1956. Not as organized, and not considered professional, but still!).  Also found out that my uncle on my Mom's side pitched against Mickey Mantle.  My mom's family lived in Miami (pronounced Miama), Oklahoma, and Mantle was from a town about 20 miles away.  Isn't that cool!!  Lizzy, I'm thinking of you in particular!

    Anyway, everyone is so excited.  I try not to think about how much I wish I could be there.  My dad is 77, and not in very good health, and this could well be his last opportunity like this.  Although, I told him, if the Cubbies make it to the series next year, then he should count on being there too! Sigh, my poor Cubbies.

    Any White Sox fans out there?  If so, remind me to tell you about my husband's commercial he did a few weeks ago with Ozzie Guillen!

    Okay, enough baseball talk.  Hope y'all have a good day!


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Calam:  Glad you are feeling better.  Have a great Halloween with the kids today!

    Ginger:  Glad you are feeling better too, sounds like you had a pretty horrific week this week.  Hope next week will be better.  I don't know if the pain was just from the Neulasta, I had Taxotere and had pain even in the round when they didn't give me the Neulasta, but it was less so the Neulasta definitely adds to the pain.  I had an allergic reaction to the Neulasta which is why I didn't get it for my second round, but my WBC counts dropped really low and since I work everyday I was not comfortable with that, so they gave me a reduced dose the third round.  Definitely less pain.  Maybe you can ask your doctor about that if you do have to get the Neulasta. 

    Texasrose:  That was amazing that you did that for your neighbor.  I know money is tight for you too and that was very nice of you that you could see past your own problems to help someone else out!!

    Wherria:  I called my local Breast Cancer Coalition to get a free housecleaning and they were great!  I have a good amount of clutter in my house, I straightened up a little, and they straightened more when they cleaned.  Anything really big they just cleaned around.  They got the bathrooms, floors, kitchen, and dusted so even with a little remaining clutter the house looked great when they were done.  I definitely recommend it and try getting it free from your local cancer coaliation or even the American Cancer Society I believe has a program called "Cleaning for a Reason".  When you do it through them the people who come are not only free, but they understand what you are going through, and maybe are a little more forgiving of the mess your house is.

    Today is going to be a great day girls!! I just love seeing all those little kids in those adorable costumes!  Believe it or not we went out last night shopping to assemble a costume for my 17-year-old daughter !  Sshe volunteers to take the neighbors kids trick or treating because she loves to trick or treat herself!. 


  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    sptmm: Thanks for the info about house cleaning.  I tried the Cleaning For a Reason folks a few weeks ago, but they require a note from your onc, and my onc never sent them one.  But I'm with a new onc now, so maybe he'll do it.  I'll also look into my local Cancer Coalition.

    Thanks again 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Texas - Did you get the apartment?
  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Wherria - that is a pretty amazing baseball history your family has.  I have been a life-long Cubs fan. (My mother grew up in Chicago, and my grandfather was a HUGE Cubs fan, so it passed down in the family.)  When my DH and I moved to San Francisco, though, we started going to Giants games, and just LOVE them.  SO excited!!!  Despite the loss yesterday.  They have overcome pretty amazing odds to get where they are today, and they are still up 2 games to 1.  So, DH and I will watch the game today. :-)

    Wishing everyone a se-free Halloween!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning, girls-

    I am starting to treat chemo like a really bad hangover= something better slept off!  I am worried about feeding the fatigue but I have to do what feels best now.  I just feel better with my cat naps and, to heck with it, I will deal with battling fatigue in January when this is all over.

    Grocery store: there was someone sneezing like crazy and I became very concerned.  I avoided that person and left the store prematurely.   For Halloween I really wanted to give out candy but I am afraid I am going to be exposed to germs and/or get too tired to do it any longer.  Anyone else giving out candy? 

    Texas: I, too, have been wondering about that apartment.  Also, that was such a humongous act of generosity to give your church funds to a neighbor in need.   That was so nice of you to do and can you imagine how much it meant to her?   A lot of people are having really tough times these days and that was just so nice of you.  

    Wherria: baseball!  I slept through that one yesterday!!  What a fantasmic gift to give to your dad!   That is such a great gift!!!!   He will never, ever forget that.   That is so great.   I have never been to a World Series game mainly because I would watch with one eye open!  It is too much for me!   I know that sounds silly but I really get into the games and I would just be a wreck sitting there watching!  I had a few opportunities to go but alas I prefer my couch for the nail-biters!  MICKEY MANTLE?!?!   That is a huge deal!   Unbelievable!  The history of baseball is pretty cool.  My mother was married to Babe Ruth's nephew...of course no blood relation.   My sister is the product of that union but, no, she does not play ball! 

    House cleaning-I remember my mother said she and her friends used to clean their houses so they could get ready for the cleaning service to come!   I think no matter what service you hire, they will come.   They will take orders around clutter.   it might be worth a shot.

    Smells: I am so tired of being so sensitive to every odor (perfume especially) and now I am wanting to throw out everything in my refrigerator because some odor is bothering me.   I am getting to the point where I am thinking of keeping very little in my house until January when my senses return to normal.  Now, the million dollar question: do I have the energy to clean the fridge?!?!?   

    Happy Halloween to all!  I hope, if I do give out candy, I see some cool costumes!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Wherria I know a home organizer who lives in Naperville. Yes, I was from the area, Glen Ellyn for 30 years. I think this woman could help you get your things together. Send me a PM if you want her deets.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Baseball, an opposing opinion. :) 

    I grew up in Chicago and my mother was a big baseball fan. I recall coming home from school anticipating watching Howdie Doody, and then later Mickey Mouse Club, and still later American Bandstand and there would be my Mom watching BASEBALL!   She especially liked a player named Hank Sauer. Me, being a kid, thought the player were gross always grabbing their pants and spitting. Actually I still think that is gross.

    I did go to one baseball game in elementary school, I don't know which team. Never understood the game, had no brothers or sisters and don't know if my mother actually liked the game. Hah! . 

    I do like watching the Olympics and the X Games.  Team sports simply escape me, although I do work well with and enjoy groups of women.Maybe I would enjoy a baseball game if I were with a group of women?


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Morning all. I still hurt. The shooting pains are there and I will report them to the Doctor. It is hard to stand up on my feet, it hurts enough that I thought maybe I needed a cane this morning. I do not want to need a cane!  I had a torn miniscus and used crutches because they looked more temporary to me than a cane or walker. Yilkes, a walker, no, no, no!   Most of you are three decades younger then me and so active. I was so active just 6 or so years ago, walking the roads in Haiti, diving into remote pools, swimming out to the reefs near our base in central Haiti. I didn't know that time was going to pass so soon. I hope to get some physical health back. I am understanding what cumulative means now, and can't see how to fight it with this pain. Sorry to be whining, this pain is getting me down. My husband leaves for the week in a couple hours and I will miss him.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Oh Ginger - big hug for you!  Did you try a bath?  Maybe taking the weight off would help.  Awful to be in pain.
  • Ginger - there are alternatives to the neulasta shot - my doctor offered me neuprogen (sp?) but it has to be done in doses over three or four days. I  said forget that.  See if you can get out of your last neulasta shot -that will be ONE LESS for you!

    Epsom salts are known to absorb into the skin and relax muscles - they will also pull out toxins.  It's probably not a cure all but Epsom salts baths helped me greatly when I had lyme disease!  Maybe they would help now.  If you are using a cane, it is not forever.  And I used a walker when I broke my leg when I was 30.  :)  So if you need a walker, it's okay too - and it's not forever!  

    I'm going to ask about the delaudid for next time.  My leg pains are nearly gone now but until Friday they were horrendous and I deeply sympathize with you Ginger.  I broke my leg in two places 11 years ago and didn't take one dose of narcotic.  This is much more painful.......but we're nearing the end.  

    OH - I forgot!  My sister in law recommended a Tens unit for pain - she used one with her arm after the accident she had.  She said it was the only thing that gave her relief!  I'm wondering if something like that would work??  I'm trying to think of a pain management place that might be able to help you - like a chiropractor or something that might have one available......

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Omaz- thanks for asking about the apt, we havent heard either way yet :( although they did call DH to aks him some additional questions so that means at least he is still being concidered

    Re-grocery store- well more like public places in general... the other day i took my son to mc donalds for a treat because they have an indoor play area, its the ONLY indoor anything for kids in my po dunk town, anyhow and it was beofre school let out but there were  a couple school aged kids in there. I overheard the mothers talking saying they pulled their kids out early for dr appointments, one has a common cold and the other pink eye! i was like sure lady bring your nasty pink eye germs and spread them around town via the play place! Sheesh have some common sense!

    Halloween- I bought candy to hand out, if by chance anyone knocks on the door i'll be ready. The contact with people is so minimul i dont think there is a high risk of spreading germs,you dont really touch them plus tons of kids have masks on so that adds an additional barrier :)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    SO i got my face painted, costume on and just waiting for it to get darker so we can go trick or treating!!!!! Kids are ready and waiting too!

    Oh and damned that chemo brain i can not find my camera for the life of me!!!!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Be sure to ask other people to take your photos. Give them your address and ask for a print and you will pay them back, I have done it for people and vica versa.

    Have a blast, What are your costumes?

    My little Granddaughter is a tiny chicken and my son in law was wearing bloack anbd carrying a rubber hatchet for a party last night. I didnt approve but since I would like to see the sweetie often I wont say anything. I did convince them not to dress her as anything demonic, I said there are crazy people out there, please don't. '

    She is 11 weeks old and a very cute chicken. 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    It was pure pandamonium! We did just 2 blocks and got 2 1/2 buckets full of candy each! Needless to say this will last us til next haloween!

    My son was spider man my daughter a ninja and i was a bald witch- i tried to do the peeling skin look but it just wouldnt come out right so i just did the hollow eyes and sunken cheeks!

    Didnt get anyone to take our pic, but i took some on my cell.

    Post a pic of your little chick! (kaida was a duck her first halloween/ iron maiden fan- we took of the duck costume when we went inside) let me post some pics of halloweens past when iget a moment

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sorry for that mess up there LOL i tried all of the codes from photobucket and couldnt get it to post!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Texas - Adorable picture!!!!