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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I love getting up in the morning when its still dark and turning on the tree lights and having a cup of coffee.  Just great!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    True that omaz.... comfy...

  • Christmas tree already!  Awesome!!  I've already hooked into my favorite Christmas website  It's a $5 pay for the season and the guy streams all those old awesome Christmas albums that you never hear but the ones we remember as kids in the 60's and 70's.  :D  I get weary of the "new" Christmas music that is played to death, so I love streaming this and we're listening to it already!  I love this time of year. 

    Went for my neulasta - my last one - yay!  I swear I already feel it kicking in, which seems crazy.  DH is supposed to pick up my prescription for Tylenol 3 on his way home but hoping he makes it before the pharmacy closes or it might be a long night for me! 

    My aunt brought tacos over for the kids and I made a spinach salad for myself with some of the toppings - life is good.  :)

    Hoping everyone has a side effect free evening!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, I am on my feeling great wk, and kinda dreading # 5 on Fri. the fatigue after #4 was no fun at all I actually missed my first day of work day 4 after TCH #4 so I expect the same after #5 ever so slowly inching to the end Dec 2 for me. All I want for Xmas is to be done with chemo and feeling good.

    We have had a excellent fall in Iowa this year it has been in the 70s the last 2 day and very mild all the way through.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    I love sitting in the dark with the tree lights on....sipping some hot cocoa!! So peaceful. 

    Ann:  I am with you on the frustration with choices.  I am glad that my doctors explain things to me and allow me to have input into my treatment, but secretly deep down, I wish they would just tell me definitively what I should do.  Its almost as if, since I made all the choices, if my cancer comes back I am to blame. 

    Lizzy: Studying to be a nurse is a great idea! What a perfect way to spend your time and I bet it helps with the chemo brain. I wish you the best of luck in your career change!

    Calam:  Hope the DH gets to the pharmacy on time!

    I had Rads #7 today.  Its getting quicker each time and really now is just a pain in the A** to have to go there EVERY DAY.  No skin problems or pain yet.  Still fatigued, but I think that is left over from the chemo.  Hopefully my luck lasts. 

    I just submitted by daughter's baby picture and my message to her for her senior yearbook.  Boy does time fly.  Looking at the pictures, it felt as if it were yesterday!  And now she is all grown up : (

    Question for everyone.....

    How do you guys handle the casual run in with people who haven't seen you since you were diagnosed.  I have had a couple of times when I ran into acquaintances while about town who I don't see on a regular basis.  It is obvious, because I wear scarves and not wigs, that I have had chemo, but do you say something outright or do we both pretend nothing is odd?  Only once did the person I ran into ask me directly, the other times we just had a conversation without bringing it up.  It is such an awkward situation. What do you guys do when this happens?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    sptmm - This summer when I was registering my daughter for school a mom that I know a little came up and cheerily asked me how my summer was.  I said not so good since I was diagnosed with BC and just had surgery.  She was a bit shocked at first but we talked some more and she thanked me for telling her the truth rather than just saying my summer was fine. 
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    +sptmm- i also have had the weird conversation... Usually they'll say something like oh its been forever and whats new with you- i just list in order whats been going on since the last time i've seen them... they gasp or hug me when i get to the cancer part then i just brush it off like its nothing.... i hate akward situations LOL i do go into depth about the stage and spread of my cancer just some people get it....

    A compleate stranger had asked "whats with the bald 'do" and i replied "chemo for my breast cancer caused it all to fall out" um yeah she regreted saying that. She stumbled over her words lol i didnt mind though- Maybe she thought i was a nazi or something lol

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Texas...I would have loved to see that lady's face when you said that! LOL

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Hi all!  I had an interesting day I wanted to share with everyone.

    I went in for my 2nd MUGA scan that I get because of Herceptin. Up until today, I have been really happy with the place I get all my treatments, but wow!  I got my port accessed at my onc's office where they know what they are doing.  Then I went to the nuclear medicine dept. at the hospital next door.  Well, the poor guy who drew my blood from the accessed port was so nervous his hands were shaking.  I think it was the first time he had ever done this.  Luckily it all went well - but when I went into the room to get the pictures of my heart taken, the dr. who was doing the scan said she had never done a MUGA with this machine before and she was moving the table in and out and up and down and then had to call in 3 more people to tell her how to position the camera and the table to get at my heart.  OY!

    But, then I went to a photographer to have pictures of my bald self taken!  I had some headshots taken (some with wig and some bald).  And then I had some really artistic shots of me bald.  I wore a strapless little black dress with black boots and lots of make-up.  We were outside on a very gray day in a warehouse area of Oakland.  We took some shots at the Amtrak station and people were watching us.  It was so fun!  I will get to see the photos on Thursday and I can't wait.  I wanted to be bald, beautiful and strong.  I will post pics as soon as I can.

    Monday will be my LAST chemo!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm: thank you very much.  I am looking forward to traveling the country and perhaps the world with the VNA.  It is a great life.  My friend does it and she makes tons of money and has a blast.  I love the field and have been thinking about it for a number of years now.   I just needed a reason to transition!

    Texas: Funny on the bald head.  I think the reason why someone might not think initially that you have cancer is because you don't present yourself as sickly.  Honestly, from what I can gather, I don't think any of us walk around with the "sickly" look per se.  I just think that woman looked at you and the first thing she did not think was cancer.  This bodes very well for you.

    Christmas music: Pandora is a free internet radio where you make your own stations.  There is a great Christmas station and you can stream online or online via your Blackberry, Droid or Iphone.   I love Pandora.  You can also make a bunch of stations of your favorite artists.  Slackerradio is sort of similar but if you don't buy their expanded service they nail you with commercials so much so it is like listening to FM radio. 

    Christmas tree: it is up! YAY!  Of course I am knocked out!  This chemo lethargy is just inertia live.   

    Good night girls- 

  • I love Pandora!  I have my jazz and swing stations all set up there; a 70's station and a Christian pop station, as well as a Christmas station! :D    I used to like Live 365, but it got so annoying with all the pop ups and extensive ads every other song, unless you were  a paid listening. 

    Well I didn't do anything weird on the ambien last night, but it did help me sleep most of the night, but I'm really groggy this morning, even after strong coffee.  Going to drop my DD at church for babysitting and mail an express mail package at the post office - and the pharmacy didn't give DH the tylenol 3, so I have to pick that up (you'd think they'd put them in the same bag!)    Fortunately I haven't needed it yet.  I feel all the neulasta side effects now that are becoming so familiar - anyone else have the FRONT of their neck hurt?  Like your windpipe?  All my skin hurt when I dried off from the shower this morning.  But I can do it  - one more chemo and no more neulasta!

    Mom has the kids tonight and early tomorrow so hopefully I can have some crash time.  Since Saturday I've been running without a break in between.  Yesterday was a whirlwind - even  Monday, chemo day wasn't relaxing because I came home and had to make dinner for the kids and handle all of that.  So maybe today can be my "me" day?  ;)  

    hoping everyone has a good one!  We're almost there!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Lisa,  Can't wait to see your pictures!!  You are brave and strong.

  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    Cal- the sides of my neck, yes, but not the front.  I did have my teeth hurt the last time I had neulasta.  I remember you had that once too so it didn't surprise me.  But I had never had that before, just the once.  So I guess the aches are different each time.

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Texas, Lisa, Lizzy, sptmm, and iowa your strength and humor are an inspiration.  I am on the "good" week before tx #2 this Friday.  Toes and fingers still hurt some but antibiotics cleared the infection.  Saw my surgeon for the hysterectomy this week and we scheduled it for Jan. 25th.  If all goes well i should be able to go back to work by march 1.  Never thought i'd look forward to that but I do.  If i can just stay healthy so chemo #3 and 4 aren't delayed!  My mom is having surgery next week and will be in hospital overnight.  I hope she has no complications and that this exploratory surgery takes care of the pain she has had (it is probably a hernia).  Sohard - love your picture!

  • Ann- yes, I woke up with a bad toothache after my first neulasta.  It was weird and it never came back again.    I think I'm getting used to what neulasta feels like and this time it's "there" but not bothering me a lot.  The jabbing taxol pains are beginning though....

    Mom took the kids for the night but not after an insane morning.  My 6 year old gave me a big problem over doing his schoolwork before he left (homeschooling) and he and my 8 yr old kept talking instead of working.  I warned them many times and he got so out of control that I told him when he gets back from grandma's tomorrow, that his DSi is mine until Saturday; that he can't play it.  So then he's crying......  My 12 yr old refused to get in the shower because he insisted on finishing his schoolwork before my parents got here; as it is, he had to take his science and do it there anyway. Meanwhile as they're all getting ready to leave, my 6 yr old goes and lies down in the bathtub with his clothes on - the tub is still wet from the 12 yr old's shower.  Now his clothes are all wet and I have to dry him with a hair dryer.  

    UGH!  I don't know what's gotten into all of them today!  I'm trying to relax now that she has them but what an insane morning!  I think things have been so much less structured around here and discipline has been more lax.  I have usually good kids but I've let discipline go because I guess I feel guilty or something.  Have to get back on track.

    Meanwhile, just found out my neighbor sold her house and new people are moving in on December 6.  I hope they like chickens -mine are always in her horse pasture.  She doesn't mind them - hope the new people don't either....UGH.  She's lived next to us for 11 years.  Her house is pretty far away but she is "next door" so it will still be strange to have someone else there.....  We're going to do a dual garage sale with her Saturday. 

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Calamtykle - sounds like a really insane morning.   Maybe the kids are just acting out because they are worried about you?  In my job we see a lot of kids refusing to go to school because they think they need to stay home and protect mom.  You have so much on your plate then to have BC and chemo se's on top of that just seems to be to much!  I hope you can relax and take care of yourself for awhile.  Hope you have a nice and understanding new neighbor too. 

  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    Well, I'm all marked up.  Big blue circle drawn on the side of my breast.  No tatoo - yay!  They use tape instead.  I wasn't expecting that so it was a nice surprise.  I start rads on Monday and go 28 times. 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Ann - Was their any discussion about doing it face up or face down with the breast hanging down?  It always seemed to me that with the breast hanging down there would be less radiation to the chest structure. I was just wondering.
  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    Omaz:  We didn't have that discussion and the table I lie on ... well, it doesn't seem like it would work face down?  I'm not sure. 

    What I do know though is that they are only going about an inch deep since I've had a mastectomy and don't have but a thin layer of breast tissue left.  So he told me there is no danger of "hitting" anything else.  They are also not doing the entire breast.  It is an oval shaped area on the side of the breast.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    AHHHHHHHHHHH just typed this long thing and POOF!!!

    Anyhow i read everything LOL my hip is starting to ache so i cant type much out!


  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Good evening eveyone! 

    It sounds like there is some good stuff on the boards, happy things happening, new homes, continuing education, and muddling through each chemo and nearing the end.  I have #5 of TCH tomorrow.  Started steroids today, not thrilled to be going again.  Sometimes it seems like as breats cancer patients we get screwed....weight gain on chemo and hair loss.  With some chemos for other cancers, people do not loose their hair.  Tell me, why, when my eyebrows are just starting to thin (thank goodness they were very full to begin with )are the annoying three random chin hairs I have growing back?  What is up with that?  NOT FAIR!

    To everyone having treatments best wishes, to those waiting for the side effects to pass, may they do so quickly, and to those enjoying the good weeks - have fun.

    There are many beautiful bald women on this board and I just got a look at sohardbnme.  Beautiful ladies.  Be proud!

    Strength and peace be with all of us, my prayers to all of you!  Be strong!


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Very well said Michelle ...ditto!!!! Prayers and hugs to you powering through 1 more treatment. I am right behind you Fri. TCH # 5.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Best wishes to everyone having treatments in the next few days! 

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Good morning Girlfriends!  I don't recall if I've checked in lately or not.  I'm in the last week of Tx #5, and doing fair I guess. Among other things, I wish this thrush would clear up.  Don't y'all just hate that?! Anyway, very little nausea left to speak of, still having pain in muscles, and muscle spasms that literally cause me to crumple to the floor on occasion, and of course the fatigue and shortness of breath, but other than that, I'm feeling better.  

    And my dh came home from Indianapolis Sunday night.  Of course he started a new commercial on Monday and just got done last night.  So I really haven't seen him for more than a few hours since he got home (when he's on a shoot it starts early and goes late).  But, and here's the kicker, he's turning around and going back to Indianapolis tomorrow for another two week shoot! And I have my last chemo next Wednesday I was hoping he could go to.  :( Brian has a very good reputation in Chicago as an Art Director, and now I guess he's getting to be well-known in Indy because a lot of producers there have been calling for him more and more.  Most of the commercials you see on TV with Peyton Manning and Eli Manning he art directed in Indy, and now a bunch of other types of shoots too.  So, I'm wondering, is he going to traveling there even more? He can't ignore his producers and directors in Chicago who hire him, because if he does, they'll start to look for someone else, but when there's a good job offer, in this business, you just can't say no.  And the winter months tend to be slow, so he can't afford to say no when there's work.  It's a very fickle business -- sometimes booming, sometimes very slow.  Anyway, I will miss him, and am not looking forward to going through another chemo cycle all by myself again. Boo hoo, poor me.  

    On the up side, my girlfriend is out of the hospital, and we will have to be careful about not getting sick from each other (she has neutropenia), at least I'll get to see her more.  

    And after having a very good time with my friend, Justin, who was in town this past weekend, another dear friend, Terasa, is coming for a day and a night this weekend, so that should be fun, and it's before my next treatment, so I won't be too sick and oogey to enjoy our time together.

    My biggest concern right now is my lymphedema.  I've been upgraded to 5-day-a-week therapy because things have been getting worse, but the good news is that I get to go to my first therapist again.  She had to take time off work in order to have elbow surgery, but she's back as of this week.  Yay!  She is so much better than the other two therapists I've seen.

    Well, I hope all who are having treatments have an easy time, and all who are fighting se's get some relief and comfort, and basically just hugs and good wishes to us all.

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Hey! No italics that time!  I wonder what I did right?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Hi August women. I just stared to lurk a few days ago .Seems you are all doing fairly well. I'm an early October gal. I had a couple of questions… since you are ahead of me. (I go for 3rd of 6 tx this coming Tuesday Taxotere/Carboplatin/Herceptin)

    When did you start to lose your taste buds and does it last or get better before the next treatment. How about the eyebrows. When do they go? Did anyone here not lose their brows or taste buds. Anyone have issues with neuropathy?


  • Lago - don't know if I qualify since I had AC and now three treatments of Taxol, but I never did lose my taste buds.  For the first three days my taste is altered on the Taxol and then it comes back.  Things sort of taste like soap.  For me this hasn't lasted. 

     Michelle - what IS it with the hair?? I'm in the car yesterday studying my diminishing eyebrows (deciding to go south now that I'm done with tx #3 of taxol) and I'm seeing lip hair - in the tub last night I realized I really need to shave my legs!  What the heck?  I still have hairs hanging in my head - they are STILL falling out daily.  I had a lot to begin with!  And my lashes all went short, stubby and blond.  :(  

    I can deal with the no hair, but I'd rather keep my eyebrows and stuff.....Oh well.  It's small stuff at this point, right?

    Well, so far this taxol has been easier than the first two.  I didn't take any pain meds last night - just a benadryl and an ativan and slept like a baby for 8 hours solid.  Yay!  Very different from last time!  I feel more able to handle stuff, but still feel like I have cotton in my head and my emotions are VERY wacked out.--- I think Taxol has a definite tendency to make me feel depressed, so have to keep an eye on that. 

    Going to the nutritionist this morning and then hopefully a relaxing day before the kids come home tonight.  Two of them have colds so I'm PRAYING that I do not get it.  Wish my parents could keep them another night to keep the colds away,  but my parents have appointments tomorrow.  

    Hope everyone has a good day!  Weather's gorgeous here; planning another garage sale for Saturday since my neighbor is moving and having one too!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    wherria, Sorry dh has to go away again but great that they appreciate his work. I had a bad day Monday, lots of spasms and fatigue and asked dh to come home early. But then I felt guilty b/c I woke up around midnight and came downstairs and he was working on the computer to make up for leaving early. He never complains, gets up at 4:30 when it's cold and dark so he can take every other Friday off to go to chemo/ help with the kids afterwards. He is so supportive and I hate how this affects the people who care about us so much.  I just try to remind myself this insanity is temporary and we'll be feeling stronger in a few months (I hope). Every Thursady I just start to feel more myself and then I get zapped agin on Fridays. But I lalways feel like the time flies by after Thanksgiving so I'm hoping we'll be done before we know it.

    lago I did AC x 4 and then weekly Taxol (I just had 4 out of 12). I don't have any taste problems from the Taxol - hope I'm not jinxing myself! My eyebrows are thinner but atill hanging in, same with the eyelashes. I'm not sure if that will be the case by Jan. when i'm done, but it'd be nice!

    Texas I hate that, sometimes I'll do a long post on a hypotonia group I belong to for the kids and one of them will run over and push something and the whole thing is gone. So frustrating!

    Well I'm supposed to meet with a trainer form the YMCA this morning. I had good intentions when I signed up, am supposed to meet with her ont thursdays and go 2 x week on my own. I've only been once in the last 2 weeks b/c of a cough and then bone pain. Now I'm short of breath bc/ I'm anemic so I'd really rather lay around until it's time to get my daughter from preschool. But I've been feeling down lately, gearing up for yet another battle with my son's school so hoping the excercise will help alleviate some stress/pick me up. I've never been athletic so I always shied away from physical things but now that I'm sick I think I need some lifestyle changes. I just thought I'd learn to live with all the stress we had as result of worry about the kids' issues and the fight for services until we got them through school, but now I really wonder if our nine month legal battle; which was by far the most stressful time in our lives, contibuted to the bc.  Now I know that I have some of the low tone issues my kids have, but growing up was always clumsy /slow last picked for teams and blamed myself...So I'm glad we know what's going on with the kids; they'll have struggles but we hope to get across to them that everyone does and that's it's not something they "did".

       Anyway wish me luck, hoping to do it more often as once every two weeks probably won't help much:-)


  • Zachsmom
    Zachsmom Member Posts: 39

    Soooo......did my 2nd Taxol last week and amazingly avoided the coma. Just two more treatments to go (I won't even get into the surgery and rads yet).

    But have any of you had your eyes feel like they are constantly teary or watery or something? It's so damn annoying. I guess I shouldn't complain. I feel pretty good otherwise, but I must look pretty damn sad what with the eyes.....

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    • Zachsmom - I have the teary eyes too.  Sometimes I have heard that eye drops (tears type) can help.  Also I have noticed that wiping them with water in the morning helps too.