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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Zachsmom
    Zachsmom Member Posts: 39

    Do you mean like Visine or stuff you would use for contact lenses?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning radicals and chemosabes!

    Wherria: you have been through the worst of this and you definitely put a smile on it.  I am happy you are nearing completion.   Also, on the italics, what I notice about your post is the font is lighter.  That happens when you inadvertently (very easy) drop into the signature area.  I will illustrate at the end of this post!

    Lago: I had TAC and my taste buds leave each time and the weird taste lasts for about 10-14 days.  I notice it is getting longer with each tx.   I still have brows and eyelashes.  I never totally lost my hair but I buzzed it because it was long and the stuff that was falling out was knotting up in the hair that was not.   I still have peach fuzz.  I met a woman at "Look Good, Feel Better" and she said she lost her brows and lashes around #5.   The fatigue associated with TAC is getting a little worse with each tx but I was also warned about that.   I am on #4 next week as my start date, which was supposed to be August, was pushed to September so feel free to stop by and share experiences!

    Texas: your hip hurts so you can't type!?  That was hysterical!  I hope you are feeling better.

    Ckptry: exercise is the best medicine.  Even 3 times a week is going to help your outlook. I can't believe you even have to go through that crap with your son's school and combine that with a battle with bc and the body can only take so much.  You can't effectively deal with all this stress without exercise.  Even Pilates at home is low impact and very good for muscle development.  Good luck today, however, as working with a trainer keeps you going ;)

    Calamtykel: I am glad you are doing better this time.  I do think the Levaquin had an impact on your first experience.   I hope you continue to feel good. 

    I hope you all have a good day-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Zachsmom - Natural tears without preservatives, I got mine at Walgreens in the eye section.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Ann97: I totally understand.  I don't like vacillating...we go to these people because they are professionals in their field.   Being informed is great but don't deliver in a wishy-washy way, leaving you do decide.  At this stage of the game they should very well *KNOWl* what is the best way to proceed and they should tell you we could do A, B or C but we know B is best for you.  You need to know about A and C but you also need someone to tell you to forget those other 2, with some conviction, because B is best.   Conviction is important.  I do have doctors who are very definitive and speak with conviction.  I did have 1, however, in the beginning who's every recommendation seemed to be delivered with a question mark. I don't NEED that.  I got rid of him.  Rads should be pretty cut-and-dried. Perhaps you caught them on a bad day?  I know...not help to you!  I know how you feel, however.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Zachsmom: I have used "Blink."  It worked well.   Was given to me by my optometrist. 
  • DebJ
    DebJ Member Posts: 41

    hi ladies, I have a question.

    I had 5th round Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin Monday, and Neulasta Tuesday morning.  Reactions pretty typical, bad taste almost immediately this time, and bad fatigue.  But yesterday I got phone call from Onc's office regarding blood sugar.  It was 195, and he asked that I take this up with my internal medical doctor.  First, I know that the steroids I am taking will force blood sugar up.  There is such a thing as "steroid induced Diabetes Mellitus" and it usually subsides when steriods are over.  I don't have a great relationship with my internal doctor.  First of all, I hardly ever have seen him, but rather a random Nurse practioner or PA.  He wouldn't know me from Adam.  Too, and this is what really aggrevates, it would be an all day excursion no matter what appointment time I had.  Honestly I have spent hours for the simpliest things, and there is no follow up on their part.  If you need lab results, you have to start calling and asking for results.  I was looking for a doctor about the time I was diagnosesed with BC so I feel a little stuck here.  My ONC has been forwarding results and reports to this doctor.  I am wondering, do you think it is worth the effort now to see this doc for this reason?  Don't you think the blood sugar will correct itself once I stop the steriods?  My husband is diabetic and I can easily begin to screen my own numbers, and maybe just watch for a time period........I am just so tired of doctors and appointments, as I think we all are, and especially just don't want to get back involved with another one if I don't have to....

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Deb -- My blood sugar was elevated some too.  I am no doctor!  but I would just monitor it for now and see how it goes.  Also watch what you eat....if it stays high then followup.  Do you like your onc?  Maybe he know a good internal medicine doctor to recommend.  I think the internal doc plays a role in followup care after we are done with active treatment so its important to have one you feel good about I think.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    DebJ: Here is what I do to control the glucose results: every tx they take glucose so I fast until my blood is drawn.  I bring an egg white sandwich from Dunkin with me.  I try to eat that before chemo.   I can't even stand to eat in that chemo room.  The very thought turns my stomach!   In any case, steroids totally elevate your blood sugar.  My highest was 154 but at Yale they say they have seen blood glucose over 300 while on steroids and chemo.  I don't think it is anything to worry about but I, too, am no doctor!  I would definitely encourage you to fast before any glucose testing to get an accurate read.   Why go to another doc when you barely have a rapport?!  Seems like a waste of time, and money to me!  Good luck 
  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    Do anyone have swollen tastebuds...

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Deb you need to find a new internal doctor.  This is really important. I'm sure there are other internal medicine docs associated with your care center.

    My husband went to see our internal doctor the other day. I've been going to him for about 3 years. My husband a little longer. My husband and I don't have the same last name… but the doctor did ask how I was doing. He also sent residents to check in on me in the hospital when I had my BMX! You need someone who cares, knows who you are and most importantly sees you.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sohardbnme: I don't have, nor have I, swollen taste buds but I did hear this could happen during chemo.   Good luck and you might want to call your onc's office just to double check that in fact it is par for the course as opposed to an allergic reaction you might be having.

    DebJ: did you mean a GP?  I have a great GP who I absolutely adore.  In fact he is the reason my bc was found so, basically, he saved my life.  I was putting up a fuss about being exposed to radiation (HA HA HA!  Jokes on me!) and did not want to go for my mammo!   In any case, you definitely need a good GP.  I am just not sure if it is semantics or an internal is a different type of doctor? 

  • Good idea about the egg sandwich - protein will help stabilize blood sugar levels.  There are other things such as cinnamon that have also been shown to help with blood sugar for diabetics.  DH is a diabetic....  I am careful with my sugar, as I tend to "crash"  badly the next day after sugar (headaches, fatigue, fuzziness, etc.)  if I eat too much sugar, so  I try to be mindful of it.   Drink lots of water to flush out the medications.  I am finding that to be one of the hardest things to do but it's so important, especially on the 'roids!

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    ckptry - it is unfair that we should have to fight with drs, insurance companies, other medical personnel, billing depts, and the SCHOOL OFFICIALS too!  This is what causes me to have meltdowns these days especially when the insurance denies something (prosthesis) that I know are 100% covered.  I had to waste a hour of my time only to have them "resolve" it and promise a check within 15 days.  Why can't we just say "I have cancer and am in chemo tx" and have everything resolved? 

     lizzy is Blink a rx? 

    I started steroids today and had to drive to the city to see the BS.  my dh notices that I am a more aggressive driver and calls it "roid road rage"  He drove home because I got REAL nauseated after lunch and had to take an ativan. 

    Port area still hurts but BS had no solution other than to say she will take it out when my Onc says it is ok and maybe when I have the hysterectomy in Jan she can do this at the same time.  The surgeon said he would want an IV line as well as the port when I have surgery because the port doesn't always respond as quick as it should so i'm thinking why even have the port for this surgery when i'll have to put my arm at risk for lymph edema anyway? 

     gonna check my blood sugar with dh equipment tonight or tomorrow am! 

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi all,

    Your resident "radical" here. Lizzy I love the new name. My memory hasn't come back in full and while I've read all the posts I can't remember who wrote I just blather on.

    On Tears- after my fourth transfustion I had watery eyes for about two weeks. I thought it was something to do with the weather but realize now it was chemo related. But here's the wierd part- after the waterworks went away they became super dry. Dry and itchy. It's been like that for about the last two weeks. Can't figure it out.

    On hair- here's the report from the future gals- it grows back! I'm about six weeks out now and I can finally finally finally see some growth. I've read (compulsively) about hair growth after chemo and apparently once it starts it goes pretty quickly. I'll keep you updated.

    Lisa- please do share those photos, I bet you look like a million bucks.

    Sohardbenme- you win the cutest bald lady award. By far.:)

    Lizzy- when you get your degree and start your worldwide nursing career let's make sure we stay in touch. I can give you all sorts of links to non-profits that work overseas. (at least I think this is what you were talking about....:)

    A high point of cancer- b/c I was losing my mind I started making those little wool creatures I told you about, remember? (Don't worry if you don't, I fear none of us will remember any of this in two years time. Ha!). Anyway, my characters have made their way into one of the fanciest boutiques here in Ottawa and today was the first day they were for sale...6 were sold and I was asked to create two large ones on commission for a woman who wants to give them to her girls for Christmas. I was blown away! I feel like I'm a real live artist. And that is because of CANCER. And Lizzy is becoming a nurse, it's like cancer doesn't always suck. How about you? What's been the high point?

    I think of each and every one of you every day. I hope you're all well and feeling good and strong. We're almost there gals. Almost! XO Sweeny.

  • onward
    onward Member Posts: 229

    Hey Wherria, glad to see you here. I too have issues with Lympedema. Havent even finished my chemo for goodness sakes. Meeting a new specialist in a week. Cant be fitted because the arms size has changed since I was first measured and they say with massage, the arms will be too lose. Trying to be patient. I will be done with chemo on 2/2 and than get a month off and on to radiation. So I am soooo happy to hear your story. :  (. I however had 20 out of 23 nodes involved so I am not comfortable skipping out on the joys of radiation. I'm a IIIc so probably need all the tx I can get.

    Cal: I have constant problems with diahreha, so I lose like 7 pounds one week and gain it right back the next. I did however lose 11-13 pounds with the BLM. lol. Seriously....

    Today I was jacked up on steroids due to low bc and the nuepegene shot and went shopping with a naked head and no fake boobs. It was pretty fun. My husband was a bit horrified. The reaction was much better than I thought it would be. Think I may start a trend. : )

  • onward
    onward Member Posts: 229

    Hi Sweeny, why not post a picture of them. I want to see them.....onward

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lago- The taste issue comes up every tx, i am on 5 of taxotere herceptin zometa- anyhow usually by the 2nd week out it becomes more normal, so aout 1 week before my next tx i can enjoy food again! I am having this weird SE with this last tx thouh everything tastes SWEET! i brush my teeth and swish with biotene which is highly recomended here on BCO from a ton of people but for some reason this past week it tastes like i have flat cola in my mouth-

    Sohard- No no swollen tastebuds because of CHEMO- i have had them before, eventually they will fall off, tastesbuds have a lifespan of 10 days

    Lizzy- LOL yeah i cn see how that made ya laugh. I cant sit for too long because of my hip pain, thats why i got off line LOL my computer is very low so no option to stand. i should invest in a laptop LOL and i could lay down in front of it!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sweeny- The high point for me cancer, or the trial of fighting cancer has made my marriage stronger. I can be a bitch and paick fights for no reason, but honestly we are talking more than before and i dont feel the need to bring out the bitchy ways!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening chemosabes and radicals!

    I hope you all had a lovely day ;)

    Sweeney: SOO COOL that you started making little wool creatures and they are selling in such a fab shop in Ottawa!!! I am so happy for you. Now that is a very productive use of your spare time thanks to bc! You are correct that bc does not entirely suck. In fact, I am starting to see it as a catalyst meant to move us in different directions in one way or another. I can't exactly say this is the intent of cancer at large but I am starting to see where changes seem to be a prevailing theme. I knew you were up to something! We did not hear from you for a while there and I did not realize you were manufacturing wool creatures in your factory in Taipei!!!!! Geez...;what elitest swine that I relegate you to the pac rim for production...Kathy Lee (Gifford!)! I will definitely keep in touch through my nursing education and subsequent graduation. Unfortunately it looks like it is going to take me 2.5 years because some of my pre-reqs are too old so I have to take about 5 classes before I can even apply to most of these programs and they wonder why there is a severe nursing shortage?! I plan to travel the world with the VNA and any information you have would be greatly appreciated. My career plan is still quite amorphous. The next step is just to get through these educational hurdles.

    Texas: communication is everything. If you don't empty the tank and let them know what you are thinking, and they you, we cannot survive in relationships. Too many misunderstandings and hurt feelings with lack of communication. Talk it out! BTW, I did not know about the logistics of your computer location etc.. and may have missed that so I apologize! I just could not imagine how your hip was affecting typing!

    Zenith: travel on with your roid road rage!!!!!! If you live in the Northeast, you have no choice! I really may as well wear antlers when driving the Cross Bronx!!!!! Driving just like an animal is simply defense! Tell your dh to sit in the back seat and wear a helmet the next time! I will never forget my 2nd fiance and I had to pick up a car for his mom. The front end would shake at like 70MPH so I purposely hit 75 (was younger and foolish!) and we were laughing until he did not think it was funny anymore and JUMPED into the back seat!!!!!!! It was very, very funny....I laughed harder after he did that...and we were on I95!!!!!!! Good times!

    Calamtykel: the water is very important and all I am doing is cutting it with OJ, cran and ginger ale. I am starting to feel sick today and I don't know if it is b/c I am going again next week!? Am I getting pre-chemo jitters sickness?! The egg whites help to stabilize blood but, as your dh is diabetic, you know fasting is the best way to get an accurate read on blood glucose. Last thing any of us need is another health issue! How are your chickens, btw? As you suspected, my neighbor never found their chicken. We do have coyotes around here...

    Chapstick: they are totally benefiting from my bc. I must have purchased 20 to add to my collection and I consistently am misplacing them. I go round this house hunting for my several tubes of Aveno UNSCENTED hand lotion and chapsticks!

    Well, I must watch Conan! Goodnight girls-







  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am hurting too much to write very much. Shooting pains in my hands, arms, hip bones, knees. Vert sore neck and hurting. I am taking Oxycodone and a muscle relaxer. I could HEAR my eyes blinking. I am 75% done with chemo now but these side effects are a bear. I have stayed at DD all week, hubby is on the other side of the country. I took the newlasta shot on tuesday after chemo on Monday. The pain really hit me today, hard.

    I am so lucky my DD offered to have me over, it is so much easier to have someone ask what I would like to eat and get it for me. 

    I hope you are all having a nice weekend coming up. I am a little off kilter here with these drugs. These drugs even have side effects, I got a headache from one. 

    I would like to write something c lever but I am not abble today.

    Hugs ZGinger

  • Sweeney!  That is so cool!  Have you check out Etsy for selling them online as well?? Be sure to put your "story" on there if you do - about how it came from BC!    I love selling online - I sell my artist dolls and just completed another one a few days ago and have put it up for sale.  I am hoping one more before Christmas, and praying no neuropathy to inhibit me from painting!

    Ginger--  last night was the worst for me for pain.  It started mid afternoon and continued until night.  Last night before bed, I couldn't even walk around; it just all hurt.  I did sleep though -with the help of three ibuprophen and a benadryl!  I'm having  kidney pain too.  I didn't tell my nutritionist but when I went yesterday he flagged it immediately with his muscle testing that he does. (I can't hide anything from him)  He said the chemo is stressing them (not surprising since they test your kidney and liver function in the blood tests.)  He has me on a homeopathic chemical detox for it and I'm going to really push the water today.  I have been throwing raw cranberries into the blender in my shakes and I hope that helps as well.  I'm having a hard time finding "real" cranberry juice- everything in the stores is a "blend" of all different juices!    Chemo is so hard on all our organs!   Meanwhile I'm sitting here drinking my coffee. I stuck in my heels about that.  He explained the effects of caffeine and I said sorry - I can give up the sugar, wheat, red meat and whatever else, but I've been through CRAP this past year and I NEED MY COFFEE!  :D

    Roid rage?!!  LOLLOL!!!!!  That's hilarious! 

     The High Point of cancer?  Friends and family and all their prayers!  People who have done wonderful and unexpected things for us! :)

    Today I'm hoping to get school done for all the kids.  They all have sore throats this morning though.  No sickness for a year and now two colds in  two months!  I'm hoping not to get it - I don't think I can deal with a cold right now!!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    calam-- I buy whole cranberries and boil them in filtered water until they pop, let the water cool, and then strain, cranberry juice!  Very strong, just add water until palatable.

    sweeney-- I'd like to see those woolies too!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Adey - Good idea about the cranberries!

    Ginger -  Sorry you are having so much pain, I hope you feel better soon.

    Cal - I love my coffee as well.  Look forward to it every morning.

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Sweeney yes please post pics and let us know if they can be bought online!  Texas, lizzy so glad to hear positive results coming from cancer.  I have learned who is a true friend and that my coworkers and union brothers/sisters really can be counted on in a pinch!  Am Cancer society has been very helpful - reminds me I have to donate!

     On steroids so up at 430 today.  feeling energized but not too excited about tx today.  I had a cup of coffee and then I had about 15 min of fast heart palpitations so guess i'll have to switch to decalf on roid days.  Ginger I am hoping that I won't have as much pain this round but am armed with oxycodone just in case.  I found that the acupuncture really didn't help so cancelled my second appt.  Massage helps but only while i'm getting the massage and for about 30 minutes after.

    lizzy i am glad conan is back and have been recording it. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning chemosabes and radicals!

    Adey: why do I feel like my last name should be Gump when you explain how very simple it is for all of us to make (very healthy) cranberry juice at home?!   What a simple and nutritionally powerful idea!

    ginger: that is so nice that your DD asked you over.  I was just remembering my father being sick with lung cancer and how my stepmother waited on him hand and foot.  Women really are the caretakers.  I have long since lost touch with her but as she gets on in years, I wonder who would be there to take care of her?   In any case, it is very nice your DD is there for you.  My boyfriend has made dinner a few times and brought it to me but I am very, very picky and don't know much about the standards in his kitchen (!) so I did not eat!!!!!!

    Zenith: I am so glad you are a Conan fan!  It was a long summer without him!   On roids, the one think I hate is the lack of sleep issue.   I hope you get some rest tonight.  You are very lucky your job was so supportive.  I worked in marketing for one of the largest wireless providers in this country and they DID NOTHING and SENT NOTHING the entire time I was out.  My supervisor actually went as far as to have my group sign a card and then he never mailed it.  He claimed he could not obtain my address from HR.  Then after one person called me and I remarked at how a card was not even sent and she said they all signed a card and it was mailed.  I explained it was not received so she asked the supervisor and he told her the address story.   She then gave him my address and STILL he did not send it.  Another month goes by and still no card. Finally that same coworker who discovered he did not send the card yet again asked him for the card and she sent it herself.   When other people in our unit would ask if he was doing something for me he would say no and he would discourage others from doing anything.  There is a special place in hell for people like this.   Consequently I was an exemplary employee who's achievements spoke volumes.   He is just a creep.  Some years back I worked for AT&T and my father died of lung cancer. They sent baskets of flowers, fruit, money, cards  and called to see how I was and that was my father whom none of them even met AND I no longer worked for the company when he died!  I had been gone, working at Lehman Brothers in NYC for over a year when my father passed but they all knew how sick he was.   A tale of 2 telecom companies and how I was is a matter or decency and respect.  AT&T was better to me when my father died.   Very, very poor management and classless people at this last place.   Disgusting.  I am very, very happy you were treated so well, however!   It makes you feel good.  It makes you feel like what you do is not for naught.  Furthermore, the company in question is always singing and dancing the "Komen" and "Walk for the cure" song and dance....go figure.

    Alas I must go snowblower shopping!!!!!!   Have a good day, girls!

  • Adey - I love that idea!  I'm going to try it.  This morning I  just tossed a handful of raw cranberries with about 2 cups of water into my blender and blended away.  It made a very good juice - I didn't bother adding honey or stevia.  They are acidic so I drank it with a straw.

    I was very surprised to find this article on the benefits of cranberries!  It has LOTS of anti-cancer properties, including breast, immune building properties and kidney/liver cleansing properties (which we all need on the chemo and steroids!) 

    It IS very acidic though, so be careful (with the tummy and stuff.)  I found it made my water a lot easier to drink this morning though!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Do craisins count? I toss them in my salad all the time.

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Howdy Chemosabes! Hope folks are having a nice weekend.

    lago: I loose my sense of taste with every Tx.  It actually begins during the tx itself.  I get thrush every times, and ever since the second tx, it has lasted right up until the next tx, so I don't taste much of my food, plus I have that awful thrush feeling -- often accompanied by stomatitis (mouth sores).  On the eyebrows, I lost my armpit hair first, then my eyebrows about two weeks after my first Tx.  I had already buzzed my head, and I could tell it was starting to come out on its own, but, strange as it may sound, my eyebrows went long before all my hair fell out. My eyelashes are very thin, and not my real lashes.  They're little blond wisps.  As for the neuropathy, I have that too.  It was getting progressively worse from Tx #1 through #4.  At that point I was very scared that it was going to be permanent becuae it no longer came and went; it was constant.  But, oddly, after my fifth Tx, it got a little better, and now (less than a week before my sixth Tx, it's gone back to the level of severity I had around my first or second tx's.  So there's hope, my dear!

    Calamty: How was the nutritionist?  What did you talk about? Was it helpful? I forget where you live.  I do remember someone in the Chicago area was talking about seeing a nutritionist through the Wellness Center or something like that.  Was that you? And if so, was her name Sandy? ANd one last thing, I think you've told us this before, but is there a website where I can view your dolls?

    ckptry: Sorry you have so much stress going on right now, but good luck with your son's school and with your exercising.  I have to admit I'm a little jealous of all you girls who can exercise.  WIth my Lymphedema, I've been strictly told not to do any aerobic exercise at all -- for now, at least.  

    DebJ: Even though it is most likely a chemo thing, and most likely will go away, this blood sugar thing concerns me.  Having a diabetic husband, you obviously know the potential dangers of hyperglycemia.  As far as going to the doc, if it were I, I would monitor it myself for a little while, but when I say monitor it, I mean VERY regularly throughout each day.  You know, I'm sure that the most accurate read is when you wake up in the morning.  But I would monitor it at other times as well, and I would record each reading in a notebook along with time of day, and when and what you'd eaten. That way, if it does continue to run high, or if it starts to get way too high, you will have a record to show your doc.  Also about the doc question, I wouldn't go to this primary care doc that you hardly ever see.  An internal medicine person would be good, but for me, it would depend on the readings I was getting.  If I felt like my glucose was running way to high, or spiking at inappropriate times, I would go straight to an endocrinologist.  I just think that an endo would have more to offer in terms of managing your glucose while you're on chemotherapy than an internist would. I know mine does.

    Zenith: Yes my eyes are teary most of the time.  It's a known side effect of chemo, and having no or few eyelashes makes it worse, particularly when you're outside.  And then I too have dry gritty eyes at other times, usually toward the end of the day.  I also use Blink.  No prescription necessary.  It's OTC with all the other eye drops.

    Sweeney: Congratulations on selling your little critters? I've almost got the same thing going on.  There's a woman near me who runs a shop for cancer patients with things like hats, scarves, skin-care products, and cancer-related clothing and jewelry.  Since chemo started I have knitted a ton of hats, and she told me last time I saw her to bring her some, and she would sell them.  Just haven't gotten around to doing it yet.  But I'm a pretty good knitter, and I think if I want to, I could go on making hats and having her sell them for as long as I want.  Cool deal!

    Happy weekend everybody! 

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Ok, I just don't know why my formatting is always so funky!  I do it the same way every time, and seem to get varying results.  HOpe it doesn't annoy anyone.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    wherria Thanks for the info So there is hope that this neuropathy won't be a life long problem. BTW I still have my taste buds and eat everything. Still have eyebrows and lashes. My pit  hair fell out fairly early. Also lost a lot of pubic but I don't really care about that. People pay to have that done ;-) Still hoping I can keep the brows and the taste going. Tuesday is tx 3 so that should be telling.