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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Sweeney That is so cool!  Definitely post a picture of your woolies for us.

    Wherria That would be so cool to sell your hats!  I have knit myself a bunch of hats too and just today one of my co-workers said that I should sell them.  The thing that makes me wary though is that I know there are copyright issues if you knit and sell items made from patterns.  But if you are clever enough to knit things without a published pattern (I am not quite there yet) then you can certainly sell them.  Also your formatting troubles always make me smile! :)

    The hair issue I have lost most of the hair from my head, I buzzed it when it really started to go but I do still have some hair hanging on.  I'm also starting to get that peach fuzz that everyone talks about.  I have finished my 4 AC treatments and now have 4 Abraxane coming up.  My eyebrows and eyelashes are thinning but still look decent.  I never lost my leg hair, which seems really unfair!  I have refused to shave it since chemo started in the hopes that it would fall out but now I just have really hairy legs!  Fortunately it has been cool enough that I just wear long pants to cover them up. 

    I hope everyone is having a lovely day!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Page 100!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lago: craisins count as they are good for you!

    Ginger: thanks for keeping track...we are a regular bunch of chatterboxes!!!!!!  Hope you are feeling better today and, if not, hope the drugs are working...any drugs!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone, hope everyone is feeling okay tonight! 

    Sweeney:  That's great about your woolies, I too would love to see pix!!

    Lago:  I am with Lizzy on the tastebuds, I would lose all sense of taste until about day 10 of treatment.  Then my taste would return. 

    ckptry:  I am so sorry you have to deal with all that crap while dealing with BC.  I have said it before, I think that as a cancer patient there should be a rule that you shouldn't have to deal with anything other than your treatment!  Everything else should just go your way because you have enough to deal with.  If only that rule existed!!

    Lizzy:  I am sorry that you company treated you like such crap.  If I am not mistaken they gave you a hard time about disability too, didn't they?  Seriously if they are corporate supports of breast cancer charities you should share your story with the breast cancer charities and the corporate office of the company too. It may not do any good, but I would talk anyway!  I for one am disgusted to know that on one hand they are touting their support of breast cancer and on the other hand screwing over their employees with breast cancer!

    Ginger: Hope your pain is easing!

    I know its late but guess what everyone......I SHAVED MY HEAD!!! Well, at least what little hair was left on my head.  I never shaved it during chemo because I wanted to say that I made it through chemo without losing all my hair and I did!  But since it was going to start growing in I figured I better shave it so it is all the same length.  The good news....its growing back!!! 

    Rads is going breast is swelling significantly but the doc doesn't seem to think that is a big deal because it is not painful.  Really weird and very impersonal process however.  You feel like an object on that table while they measure and draw on you.  But better than chemo for sure!

    Hope everyone has a side effect free weekend!


  • huntreiter3
    huntreiter3 Member Posts: 12

    Hi Lago,

    I am going for tx 6 of 6 on Wed. (TCH) and I have never lost my taste buds. I have had a day or two on occasion after tx where something tasted different but it always came right back. I kind of wished they had died so I would stop stress eating! Eybrows & lashes started thinning between tx 4&5 for me but if I use mascara & brow pencil no one has been able to tell unless they get really up close to look. I'm hoping I keep what I have left.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    huntreieter I bet I don't lose mine either. I'm eating everything in site too but that's OK. Just need to work out more I guess. ;-)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I hurt, and I get so unfocused if I take the two pain killers with the muscle relaxant. I am just on one pain killer at this moment and I need to take the muscle relaxant because maybe it will help. Shooting pains are a big pain. They really hurt.

    Groan moan groan. 

    Husband will be back in town in a couple of hours so I will be going home from our DD's tonight. I was too unfocused today to hold cutie pie grand daughter, that was sad. 



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    GINGER!!!  That so sucks!!  Hope you wake up tomorrow feeling BETTER!!
  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Chemo Sisters, I got through tx TCH #5 today feeling fine so far, can't wait until day # 3,4, and 5 ugggg the dread. I really can't wait for the last one Dec. 3 Yippee!!!

     Today my onc. felt the lump I found a month ago she said we'd keep an eye on it. It less than an inch from the original tumor and she said I should go to my surgeon and have him investigate so next Thur. I go see him. Really hoping it is nothing but inflamed tissue or something very simple. Onc. says it feels usually, so she didn't give me big hopes. But I keep telling myself it can't be cancer because I am getting treatments. So wish me great luck next Thur. I really can't believe I even have to think about this so soon. Then at treatment today there was a lady starting chemo because of 3 new spots and she just finished chemo in July. cancer Sucks!!!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    IowaSue - Cancer does Suck!!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Huntreiter - Congrats on being on the verge of your last chemo!!!
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    (((Ginger))) So sorry you're having more pain, and about that cute granddaughter.  Don't worry, you will just have to double up on the hugs when you are feeling better. Have you tried a heating pad? I get spasms in my lower back, hips and abdomen and the heat combined with the pain meds at night seems to calm them down when they are at the worst. Of course now I worry laying on a heating pad every night will somehow cause cancer; I'm getting nutty... Also if the pains are in my feet and lower legs and dh rubs them gently up and down it seems to calm them or at least help distract me from them

     IowaSueSorry you found a lump, that must be scary. Glad your onc was able to reassure you and hope the bs does the same. Don't want to jinx you but you were caught so early, it's probably surgery related.

    sweeney awesome on the woolies! Hope you make lots of extra spending money around the holidays. Post more info or pics - of course I don't remember you talking about them - what's your name again;-)

    Texassorry to hear about your hip. Have they though about PT if it's not cancer related? I have bursitis and stretching helps, as does putting an ice pack on it. I have  herniated discs and that irritates the sciatic nerve which causes the muscle that runs across the top of your buttock to go into spasm. That in turn causes it to tighten and sometimes it pulls where it wraps around the hip joint which is the bursitis. uggh - hope these steroid ramblings make sense. It can be very painful but for me it goes away after PT. If you stand up and feel the part that sticks out furthest on the side, almost the very top of your outer leg more than the hip, that is wear you apply the ice for about 15 min a pop. I normally prefer heat but the ice really seems to alleviate it.

    Night all. I had IV decadron today so don't know how well I'll sleep. I'm wired but not a productive get anything done wired, more like an ADD can't focus on one task wired. At least that's my excuse for not doing housework and I'm sticking to it:-)  Oh and the chemo brain - the JCC called yesterday, my son is at an after k program there - and someone turned in my debit card - apparently I somehow managed to drop it in the parking lot and some kind soul turned it in. That saves me a big headache since I  washed and dryed it in apair of jeans last week and had just gotten  a new one. I forgot to check the phone messages yesterday after I got the kids home, but when my husband picked him up after chemo today they recognized the name and gave it to him. he didn't even bat an eye, just assumed I left it at the front desk b/c I leave things everywhere I go these days:-) But as long as  I get through this with out misplacing one of the kids I will be very happy. I am constantly checking the carseats in the rearview mirror b/c I take nothing for granted these days! Ok, I've noticed it is much harder to make a long story short on steroids, lol.

    One last thing - my 5 yo made a list for santa all by himself - he got his scissors and cut and pasted  pics from a toy circular since he can't write- of couse it was a vintage toy circular he took from the mail so everything is super expensive, but he only picked 4 things (great since he's been struggling with why Santa has to worry about quantity with all those elves and not having to pay for things, lol )- so cute and creative!



  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Sorry Carolyn, I miss spelled, my onc. wasn't very reassuring. Yes my chemo brain keeps me from typing correctly. I hope it is surgery related, but I did have bimx, and the area of invasive ductal carcinoma was 3 1 cm tumors plus muliti focal lots of little specks, I guess that is what makes it a little scary aggressive crap her2neu grade crazy 3. But I am very hopefully that it is surgery related.

  • Wher- here is my website:   :)

     The nutritionist and I talked about good foods for BC (tons of greens!) and moving beyond BC>  Being a man, and not having cancer, I think he just doens't get it.  He said "You have to try to put it behind you and enjoy your life..."  Um...yeah.  How do I get over this?    My breast surgeon said the same thing - she urged me to have reconstruction because she said "Every time you see your mastecomy site, you'll be reminded of your BC!"  Well DUH - like all of us aren't going to think about this every day, regardless of reconstruction or whatever?   HELLO!??    I don't know----I need to just work on moving on once this is done and realize that if you' haven't been thru it, you just don't get don't understand the emotional scars that the diagnosis, the waiting, the fear leaves..................

    Anyhow, we're having a garage sale today - waiting for friends to show up.  Right now I'm watching four men nearly having a fist fight in my driveway over a big box of $1 jewelry.......hoping things don't get ugly.   

    Anyway, lots less pain today, but I think I'm going to take a motrin in a little while.  House is cleaned up - hoping I'm "up" for entertaining once friends arrive.

    I tried putting mascara on today only to find that HALF of one eye is missing its lashes.  What a bunch of bs this is.............   thinking that one more taxol is gonna take 'em all.........

    Well, the weather's beautiful here - we're getting closer to the end - hope everyone has a great day!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning chemosabes and radicals-

    I hope you are all having a lovely morning

    Iowasue: congrats on finishing #5 and I do have to agree: cancer sucks.  I cannot believe that woman just finished in July and is back nightmare.   I am with you and Catherine on not being able to type with both grammatical correctness and clear thoughts while on all these drugs.  

    Sptmm: I am so glad rads is going ok and your hair is growing back!   I think I, too, am going to make it through with my hair and will also be shaving when I am done to get even lengths.  Right now I have some areas that are 1" long!   Some areas that is!   As for the company, I will tell address those issues post-chemo.  I am really choosing my battles and being very careful while on chemo.  I am trying to avoid getting upset about anything.   I have created a bubble in which I live until chemo is over!   Thanks for your advice, however, as I appreciate it.

    Hats: I never wore any of the wraps etc... that I got before chemo but I will tell you what I love: winter hats!!!!  I bought a trapper hat and 6 others with varying styles over these past few weeks and I love them. These have become my casual wigs!  I still wear the wig(s) but for running out quick etc.. I use my hats.   They are so pretty in all different colors and styles...I love them!

    Vision: has anyone had the displeasure of chemo-induced blurry vision?  My onc tells me it is a SE and not to get new glasses etc... In any case, this is my most disturbing SE.

    JSW: football day?!   I know you are watching!   Wearing long pants in FL?!   I guess that is one hot solution!

    Ckptry: I agree that the roids give you ADD energy and the starting one thing and going onto another.  It is a shame that they can't just give us good, productive energy.   Your son going through the flyer and making his list!  That is just adorable.   Funny that he is concerned with Santa's productivity!  

    Well, I am going to try to go to a museum for an Escher exhibit.  I hope I can make it!  My next tx is next week...ugh. least it is #4.  I will be sooo happy when #5 is done b/c then I just have one more and that will be my last.   I cannot wait until it is over and I can start working out normally again instead of this joker 20 minutes on the recumbent bike.  

    Have a lovely day, girls.   The northeast is having some particulary gorgeous, spring-like weather.   Let's make the most of it!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - I am struggling with the eye thing too.  The blurry-ness for me seems to be related to a sortof film on the eye.  If I put a warm washcloth on for a while and then blink a lot it seems to dissipate. 

    I have been retaining fluid from the taxotere, but last night I was able to get my wedding ring back on so I did (haven't worn it for a month or so). Well this morning is it completely land-locked!  I am checking my finger to make sure it doesn't turn blue!  Apparently my hands must be swelling during the night!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: yes, we "swell" during the night especially, and I am sure you know this, if you had a salty dinner.   As for the eyes, it is not even a film but rather plain, old blurry vision.  I blink and when I studied Mandarin Chinese the professor told us if you want to strengthen your eye muscles, every night before bed lightly do 20 circles in 1 direction and 20 in the other around your eyes with your ring finger tip. I am doing that also but it remains blurry.   In any case, now the twitches start!!!!   I hope you de-swell soon.  If not use oil and hand lotion to get it off.  

    Lisasinglem: we never saw any of those pics!  Where are they?  Also congrats on the Giants win.   After all those years...that is great.   Also, what made me think of you is I just saw your MAYOR on HLN.....a very hot mayor, indeed!   He is very easy on the eye!  Hope you are well-

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Vision SE-- yes and it's my most disturbing too, blazing butt is close second!  Have a great weekend.  P.S. The opera was Verdi-A Maksed Ball and I didn't fall asleep once!  (c:

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    My taxotere was reduced by 20% and I still had a face flushing issue right before the end of the infusion.  It is so weird because the nurses all come running as if I'm having a heart attack and stop the drip and give me benedryl and call the onc or np.  Face was red this am too but no breathing problems and I don't have the bone an muscle pain like with the 1st infusion so thankful for that and hope it continues but DH is giving me neulasta tonight!

     dry eyes and blurry vision are my second worst se after the pain.  haven't been able to read a book since sept. 

     Lizzy i am so sorry your company treated you like crap.  Are you still employed there and going back?  I am taking advantage of this good weather in the NE and actually took the dog for a walk downtown this am.  Never thot i'd be able to do that in Nov!  Plan to do the same tomorrow. 

  • DebJ
    DebJ Member Posts: 41

    hope everyone is doing better.  I have been monitoring my blood sugars and they are running a little high in the early evenings.  I am going to continue to watch.  Thanks everyone for the advice.  I am going to look for a General Practitioner/Internal Med/Primary Care Physician, whatever your insurance calls this person. 

    And with that, we have been notified our insurance will change as of the first of the year.  We are changing companies, and at this point, I cannot find my Plastic Surgeon nor my breast surgeon on the list........I am more than a little concern.  I am at, I guess about 80% filled, and can't imagine having to find and start with another surgeon.  I continue to research, but I think I'm right based on passed we'll see. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Talk to your PS and BS about this. Your plan should cover some portion of network providers charges. Then see if your BS and PS will discount their rate.

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Sorry, I am late catching up on working through chemo. 

    Lisa and Zachsmom: I'm working also.  Have chemo on Thursday and take that day off.  Go in on Friday as I don't feel really bad the day after.  The 4th day I sleep all day.  After number 3 TX I have begun to feel crappy on the 6th day.  However, If I were at home I would lay around all day and research BC on the internet.  Don't get me wrong...the minute I get home the couch is mine and I make good use of it on the weekends.  At work the day goes by quickly and I find a weird comfort in the routine.  My principal has been very supportive and encourages me to go home if I am tired etc.  I've only had 1 close brush with an infection and Cipro headed it off.  Had 3 Neupogen shots.I can leave work and get to the oncologist in 15 minutes so I haven't had to take time for the Herceptin parties.

    Last TCH coming up on the Friday after Thanksgiving.  I think after 3rd TX the side effects have become stranger etc.  I do have the feeling as many of you do that I want the sick, crappy, tired, forgetful stuff to go away.  I am taking it in small chunks of time.  Mammogram on Dec 15 and lumpectomy on Jan 4th.  Just want to get thru the last TCH.  Said goodby to my eyebrows.  I'm thinking of a Joan Crawford or Bette Davis perpetually surprised look. I have to laugh or I will NUTT UP. Beth

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I still hurt from Chemo /Newlasta. I have read some but not posted much. Last round I hurt until day 12, I hope this lets up sooner. I am taking the OXY and the muscle relaxer. 

    DH brought me home from DD last evening and I was surprised to find I could hardly get up the steps from the garage into the house. It is about 5 or 6 steps up and when I put my weight on one foot to make the step up my body was just hollerin "No, No, NO" at me. 

    I am just not any fun this week. DGD is of course adorable, 3months old,  and can still make me smile just to be near her. 

    My little dog has been staying by my side all the time. It is kind of nice  since he is usually DH little dog. It is a comfort to have a dog nearby. My golden retriever used to walk up next to me in the recliner if I was ill and lay his head on my shoulder. I think animals help us heal.

    Love you all


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening chemosabes and radicals-

    Calamtykel: LOL about the guys about to fight at your garage sale!   At least you are getting a little entertainment at these sales!  Hope it went well.

    DebJ: I am so sorry to hear about your insurance.   That was on my mind and thankfully my company stayed with the same insurance company.  Don't forget also that your BS and PS might be part of a group and although you are not finding their names search the primary doctor if it is a group.  I found that to be the case a few times.  I wish you well with that.  With the egregious costs of all of this healthcare, the reality is you might have to switch docs but if you talk to your PS perhaps she can find someone in your plan that she knows and can help you make a smooth transition.  Any decent doc will understand your predicament and help you in any way they can.

    Ginger: pets are great and they know when you are sick.   I have had pets since the day I was born.   I am glad you have your little dog. 

    Adey: I was relieved to hear we both have that screwy vision business and we are both on TAC.  I am so glad you are on the same chemo I am.  It really helps when a scary SE like vision problems arises.  Glad you did not fall asleep at the opera once!!!!!!  

    Well all I went to the mall, Home Depot, Walmart, CVS, Macy's, Target and CVS again and all but knocked myself out!   I came home, put some stuff away and shortly thereafter took a nap!  Watching SNL now as my nap will have me up late.  Geez....the slightest activity knocks me out.  My next tx is next week so I have to get my errands and shopping done in the now few days I have of feeling good enough to get this stuff done between txs.  I cannot wait until Dec 28 or my last tx...can't wait! 

    Hope you all had a lovely day and good night!   

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Ha ha, Lizzy you know me so well, yes I was watching football all day yesterday.  It was a pretty good day since my Seminoles won on a 55 yard last second field goal!  Today I am trying to do some cleaning/organizing around the house.  There seems to be stuff everywhere!  We have family coming to visit for Thanksgiving so I would like for the house to be a bit more tidy before they arrive.  I am scheduled for my first Abraxane this Friday so I'm not sure if I'll have the energy to clean next weekend.

    IowaSue I am sending good thoughts your way and I hope that lump turns out to be scar tissue or something else benign.  

    DebJ Hopefully you are able to sort out the insurance stuff so that you can still see your regular docs.  Also I hope you are able to find a good Primary Care doc.  Maybe you could ask around for recommendations from people you know.

    I hope everyone is doing well today!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals-

    What a nice weekend we are having...if you don't live in Minnesota!   A foot of snow....whaaaaa!

    JSW: I know where you are on Saturdays, ESPN head!!!!!!!!  Did you see "Dodge Ball?"   ESPN 'The Ocho!!!!!!!!'   If you have not seen it, you should.  Funny movie.  I know you watch college ball.  I am watching the Jets and Cleveland now.   I do like NFL games and, as I am from CT which is close to "nannychusetts!!!" I am a Pats fan.  I do watch UConn games also.   College ball is good and I like picking out the future NFL stars!

    I have friends visiting this week from out of state.  WHY?!   Chemo week?!   Oh well....I will have to deal with it.   They better make it quick as I will be watching the insides of my eyelids regularly!  

    Zenith: are you out walking that dog?!  I hope so.   What a nice weekend.

    I hope you all have a lovely day today. 

    Happy trails-

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Everyone--I am a little over a week post chemo #5 and starting to feel a lot better. The first couple of days--after steriod wore off--were a little hard but SE seem to be going now. Unfortunately, the fatigue is still bad. I went to the mall today with my hubbie for about 90min and came home and feel like I need to rest. I was hoping that my energy would be much better at this point. I also have the dreaded "chemo moon face" !!!! My face is pretty bloated from the steriods---anyone else getting this? Along with hardly any eyebrows/eyelashes and pretty pale white face--just combines for a real winning look!!!! My last chemo is November 24th. I am definitely looking forward to it--not to the following SE days--but looking forward to knowing that this part of the treatment is done. I move to rads in January so have the month of December to rest, relax and hopefully grow some hair!

    I read everyone's posts all the time and wish you all well. The amount of work you are doing, while going through chemo, whether actually at work or at home simply amazes me...I am pretty much a slug compared to you all Laughing

    Take care, Rachel

  • Rachel - Yes, I think I have the round face too-  I hate how i look.  My face is so white and pasty!  Yesterday I actually got sunburned at the garage sale yesterday from sitting in the sun ( NJ in mid november!)  But it's not a bad burn -just a little color which I was actually glad to see - my face with "color" again!  UGH!  I look awful - I look FAR worse than I feel and I guess that's a good thing.....but still.

    Today DH and I went to an antique show and took our 12 yr old since he is still coughing and we didn't want him sitting in church with my parents, who had the other kids.  Stopped at Trader Joe's which is always a big treat for me - blew a wad of $$.....UGH!  (On groceries, not at the show!)    But we very rarely get there, as it's about an hour away, so it's always a treat for us to go there! :)

    It reminded me of right before my surgery when I had a second consultation with another breast surgeon and we stopped at Traders' on the way home.  I was trying to decide which surgeon to go with and was on the cell phone with the insurance company IN the store, trying to find out about plastic surgery and the coverage.  Oh my - it really brought back memories.  The fear of the diagnosis (at that visit, this particular surgeon felt a second lump in another lymph node that turned out to have cancer in it also) but her finding that in the office, etc., just set me off into a complete meltdown.  I was literally in a panic attack in the store - it's a blur.  

    It feels so good that that is over with.  Today seemed to bring that all back to me and just make me feel SO VERY THANKFUL that that part of BC is over with.  I know chemo is hard.  I know moving on is hard.  And the fear of the future is hard.  But I'm just feeling thankful today after remembering all of that - for THIS time of peace and that all the chaos of "that" part of it is over with.  --that initial diagnosis and all the confusion that it entailed.  I remember feeling physically ill over it all!   I have something new to be thankful for this year at Thanksgiving!  

  • Amelia93
    Amelia93 Member Posts: 1

    I begin tomorrow.... can I please qualify for December  I need the support.

    Diagnosed May 27, thought first would be surgery but after my PET scan found a couple of node involvement they switched gears on me, saw the oncologist first time July 12.  Was going to begin chemo immediately, but they found a gum infection during dental work... so, two weeks of antibiotics and NOW have my port in and ready to go 65 Days after diagnosis!!!! I also liked reading about breast cancer symptoms TC X 6 cycles neoadjuvant, then surgery, then radiation.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I get a bloated face right after chemo… and look great. Seriously it fills out my thin face. Granted the rest of my body, pregnant looking stomach and sausage legs aren't to pretty.

    Andpowder bronzer with some powder blush fixes any pale face issues I might have.