Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.

2010 Sisters



  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297

    Great news Barbara!!

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366

    Jag- I actually went to a store which sold a lot of wigs for coloured women. I actually dont like it, because you can see the transition between the wig hair line and my scalp so i wore a headband that covered it. Mind u it cost 60 bucks LOL. So im going to go shopping to a proper salon which sells tonnes of wigs.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Been reading all the posts for the last 2 days and there are a lot of ups and downs, happy news and sad news.  I don't know where to begin, just know that I am thinking of and praying for all of you.  The pain in my arm has subsided considerably, but the pain in my chest from the TEs is still really bad and I think I am getting a cold!  To sneeze or cough is just about unbearable.  

    I had the first session of physical therapy today and was surprised that they did not do anything that hurt.  They said this will be a gentle process that will take 4 - 6 weeks 3 times a week.  We will get into the full swing of treatment when I get back from CA.  I talked with the drs about flying and they said since I was breaking the trip up and was sitting where I could get up and move around that there should not be a problem.  My DH has learned how to massage my arm so that will help too.  I just found out my daughter is expecting a baby, but the drs say that because she is over 35 and spotting there is a 50% chance she will miscarry the baby.

    Hope everyone has a restful evening

    Amy Jo 

  • AnnetteS
    AnnetteS Member Posts: 22


    I am a new member of the sisterhood  I was diagnosed September 13 with a very small IDC.  MRI showed more concerns and three biopsies later it was determined I have two different cancers, one in each breast and the lymph node that was biopsied was also cancerous.  

    So far I have only read the first two and the last pages of this thread.  I wanted to say Hi before going back to reading.  

    Due to the small size of my tumors, I am a candidate for a lumpectomy in each breast, but since I already have two of them, I am afraid of getting a third one and having to do this all over again, so I am leaning towards bilateral mastectomy.  Due to the size of the lymph node that they biopsied, my surgeon and oncologist said chemo was definate but not sure if I will need radiation if I go with the mastectomy. 

    So much to learn, so fast....

    Are there any elementary teachers out there? I teach 4th grade and am really curious how others deal with their work schedule and telling the kiddos.

  • redsoxfan
    redsoxfan Member Posts: 63

    Roaming around here tonight, and found you, Annette.

    Sorry to meet you under these circumstances....The most acutely difficult part of all the decision making in the beginning.  And the decisions are made harder because there is no clear path.  The one thing that is agreed upon, is that, in most cases, you have time to make a decision about the course you'll take.  Get all the information you can about your diagnosis.  Get a second opinion.  Bring a list of questions to your appointments.  Present your thoughts about your options. (The response will reveal a lot about the MD.)  Bring a friend or loved one with legible handwriting.  When I got my biopsy report, my daughter was with me and, although she said that she had no idea what a lot of what the surgeon said meant, her notes were phenomenal. I had everything sent from the first hospital to the second and with that surgeon, my sister took great notes while my husband and I tried to focus.   In the end, there is no right answer but there will be a right answer for you.

    There's a lot of good info in other places on this site and others.  You're right; it's a lot to digest all at once.  At the same time, the business of learning and deciding about can be therapeutic in a way.  Helped me a little to feel I had some control after the shock of the news.

    Can't help at all with your 4th grade question.  Nine year olds can be pretty sharp and observant too.  Guess it depends on the course of treatment...

    I'm sure there are some experienced teachers here that you'll be hearing from soon.

    Good luck.  God bless us all.

  • tryn2staycalm
    tryn2staycalm Member Posts: 470

    BarbaraA-  YES! Congrats on your results!  Sounds like your doing much better with a little more sleep.  Sure hope so.  My onco gave me some sleeping pills and they do help but I didn't want to use them last night as I had to be up early for my chemo today.  I didn't have to worry as I really didn't sleep much but I know I will get lots of sleep in the next couple of days as I am sooo drugged after chemo.

    Designer Mom - Yes, I always loved the fall.  My favorite time of the year and so beautiful with all the fall leaves.  I'm doing my best to enjoy it.  And when we have the night sweats it doesn't hurt to be on the cool side.  Cool  I thought they were over a month earlier, but as chemo started they returned. 

    Wishing all my sisters good days and good results and few SE's.


  • Teklya
    Teklya Member Posts: 362
    • Good morning.  Well, I made it!  The treatment was brutal (did I mention they packed my finger tips and toes in ice?) and they took a long time with this infusion as they were watching my blood pressure and pulse/ox, etc.  They were amazing and I was covered in warmed blankets and somewhow it eventually came to an end! My sweet man was with me and one day he will be made a saint!  I have no adverse allergic reactions as yet, YAY. Now I will await the next few days and see which (if any) of these nasty side effects will visit me.
    • Thank you all for your support and concern and your thoughts and well wishes, too.

    It amazes me how strong we actually are and in particular what our poor beat up bodies are capable of going though, awesome!

    take good care and just breathe. . .


  • sweetaerobabe
    sweetaerobabe Member Posts: 230

    Hey Teklya,

    Did you ask them to put your fingers and toes on ice or is that standard? If not, I will ask them to do that for me. Wig shopping tomorrow, and cutting my hair off before surgery. Makes it easier for my bf to wash it for me, after all, he is busy enough with college 5 nights a week and lots of schoolwork. I want to make it as easy as possible on him. He is being so strong, and I took the idea from someone who posted somewhere on these boards and made a basket full of his favorite snacks, a drink, a car magazine, and a card. On each item, I wrote a note that said, "Just incase you get bored" rolled it up, tied a pretty ribbon it and taped it to the mag. Did the same for every item, "just because" or Just incase" (put that one on the tissues) lol. and the card says "Just because I love you" I will give to my daughter Monday night, and told her to take him out to the car after I go to surgery and tell him, my mom want you to have this after she went to the or. and it was ok to open in the car. (Incase he gets choked up) I loved that idea and had to do it. Just something small for him, after all, he has a long busy road ahead of him.


  • CherylQ
    CherylQ Member Posts: 42

    My granddaughter saw me for the first time since I lost my hair last week.  She is only 2 years old, but she kept crawling up on my lap and rubbing my head and kissing it! 

    I refuse to wear a wig, they are hot and so I wear a hat if I am cold.  Otherwise, I wear makeup earrings and a bald head!

    We can survive this to rock the world, ladies!!!  Hugggggggs!

    Peace and laughter!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Teklya--Glad to hear it went well. Wishing you side effect free next few days! I am on deck for first Taxotere next Friday but now have a cough....may get delayed if I don't get better :(

  • shells43
    shells43 Member Posts: 499
    Rachel5738 where have you been? I just wanted to tell you that I loved the scarf in your picture so much I went and found one just like it (I think!) I'll have to post a picture of me wearing it! I needed a black one for an orchestra concert and yours is the one I wanted! :)
  • jag82569
    jag82569 Member Posts: 84

    Hello Annette-  Sorry you had to join us.  I have a nine year old and I was very active at his school and in his class up until this year.  I really don't have the energy to volunteer this year and I didn't think it was a good idea to be around a bunch of kids with my counts being low.

    I did speak to the his teacher and principal before school started.  We live in a small town and he goes to a small catholic school. I wanted to be sure they knew what was going on and to keep a special eye on my little one.  I was afraid he may be feeling worried or down and wanted them to be understanding.  I also spoke to the class and told them what was going on.  So if they were to see me at school or out and about and I looked different they would understand.  They had some great questions and some funny ones too.  I've been very open with my sons, and they have been very receptive and fact I'm seeing a whole new side to them, in a good way.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    Cheryl - that is too cute about your little granddaughter:)    

    Kristy - your notes and packages are such a sweet and thoughtful idea.  When is your surgery again?

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi ladies, I've missed a few days, lots going on here. I'm in the hospital, started running fever Wed. and they admitted me. Fever finally stopped today and the onc said if it's still ok tomorrow, I can go home. My blood cultures, so far, are negative for whatever it was they were looking for.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Bama! I am focusing big time prayers for you. Soft {{{HUGS}}}.

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366

    im happy today, i found a wig that is totally me! and you cant tell at all its a wig, a bonus, oh ya, it wasnt cheap- thank god benefits will pay 90% of it!!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Annette- sorry to meet you here, but this is a great place to find love, encouragement, support and sometimes answers to questions.  As for your surgery, you have to do what feels right for you. Take your time and get all the information you can so you can make an informed decision. When I had to make the decision I based mine partly on the information, but mostly on intuition. It turns out my intuition was the right decision. Before the surgery the drs. had no idea there was cancer in my other breast.  After the surgery they wondered how I knew that the BMX was the best option for me.

    Just so you know for future reference, reconstruction after a bilateral mastectomy (BMX) can be painful, especially if you have tissue expanders before the actual implants, but it is worth it in the end.  Just remember to take the mussel relaxers and pain meds when you need them.  The Tissue Expanders (TEs) are used normally if you will be having radiation treatments. The actual implants are then put in after all the radiation treatments are done.

    As for the 4th Graders, they know a lot more than some "grown-ups" give them credit for.  Just be honest with them about what you are going through and remind them how important it will be for them to keep their hands clean and to use their arm to cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze, so that you do not have to spend more time away from teaching them.  Have plenty of hand wipes and lysol wipes for their desks for them to use.  You may be surprised to find you have the cleanest room in the whole school!  I had a friend with BC that had a couple of children that would get to school early and come to the classroom, with the principal's permission, and wipe down her desk and chair with the lysol wipes before she got there because they did not want her to get sick.  How precious children can be when we least expect it. 

    My grandchildren are always asking if I need to stop and rest a little before we do anything else. They are ages 10 - 3 yrs. The 5 yr old likes to wrap her head in a t-shirt like Grammie so we have matching pink head wraps. She only wears pink everything so I wear pink when we are going to be together.

    LadyinBama - So sorry to hear you have had a fever and in the hospital.  Glad you are doing better.  Hopefully you will be home again soon.

    Teklya - Glad to hear you did so good. Hopefully the SE will be minimal.

    My pain from the TE expansion last Wed. is a whole lot better today.  Also I have been surprised at my stamina today.  I got a full night's sleep last night (10:30 pm - 9:30 am) without waking up once!  Amazing what a mussel relaxer, pain pill, and a nerve blocker will do!  I have just about finished packing for my trip to see my daughter and 2 of the 5 grandchildren.  We fly out tomorrow at 11:23, YEAH!!!  I just have the stuff that will be in my carryon and I am done. 

    I am taking my laptop with me so that I can keep in touch with everyone while we are in Monterey, CA.  Any of you live in that area of the country?

    Hope everyone has a restful night.

    Amy Jo 

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    Amyjo - have a great trip!  Your grandchildren sound like little angels too! :)   

     I totally agree on your point of going with your gut (I tell myself it's my guardian angel talking).  Had a "clear" mammo in March.  Gyn felt thickening in summer & sent me for ultrasound which found one mass.  After biopsy, MRI picked up a 2nd suspicious (that both mammo & US missed).  First surgeon said a mastectomy was overkill & only needed lumpectomy.  Sought a second opinion of a breast surgeon who supported me.  Good thing.  Path from the mastectomy showed the 2nd IDC.  Plus there were nine areas of 'foci' scattered around.   Other breast supposedly OK but I don't have much faith in screenings anymore.  Having gene test & may wait a few months and start over again.

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462


    I hope that it is OK that I am posting here even though I am not, technically, a 2010 sister.

    Just saw that you have been having a difficult time of things and wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for your continued recovery! 

    Hope that tomorrow finds you feeling better and back in your own HOME!!


  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297

    ladyinbama-->sorry to hear you've been in the hospital!  Hope you are out soon and feeling better!

    Have a great trip Amyjo!!

    hoping everyone has a peaceful, stress-free weekend! 

  • sweetaerobabe
    sweetaerobabe Member Posts: 230

    JanetinVirginia - Tuesday is the big day.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Shelley----I actually have bought a couple more of those scarfs--I love them--definitely more comfy than the wig. I had a hard time after my 3rd FEC and then did the Run for the Cure---and then got a chest cold which ended up with emerg visit. Everything is good but energy level--not so great. I always come on here and read the posts---just sometimes don't have anything to add or too tired to type! I am heading into chemo #4 next friday (as long as chest cold is gone) and will be my first Taxotere treatment--am hoping that the next 3 will spead by and I will be ringing that bell at chemo!!

  • shells43
    shells43 Member Posts: 499

    Hi Rachel,

    The third FEC hit me hard as well. even after waiting an extra week from low counts after the 2nd. The taxotere is easier in some ways (no nausea) but harder also (body aches). I haven't decided which tx was worse. I guess both were no fun. I didn't lose my nails though with the taxotere as many fear, so I hope that makes you feel a little better better.  I honestly don't know how you had enough energy to do the Run for the Cure! No wonder you are tired. Thanks, but take it easy! You'll be done with chemo in no time!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Bama - hope you're feeling better and that your are sprung from the hospital.

    Rachel and Shelley - I was so blessed not to need chemo. Big (((HUG))) Rachel. It will be over soon!

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    Annette, Just noticed you here. i am also a teacher. I was teaching 2nd, but my principal moved me to kindergarten. He thought it would be easier for me. I have chosen to take the time off during chemo, but did work up till that time. I don't have the energy needed to do the job right, and didn't want to do a poor job this year. I will be returning in about a month.

     My principal made the decision how the parents were told. They don't know I have breast cancer, but they will soon enough. I  have a bald head after all. I don't plan to wear the wig, in fact I hate the wig.

    Ladyinbama, sorry about the hospital stay.


  • shells43
    shells43 Member Posts: 499

    Thanks BarbaraA, how are you doing? Still eating that peanut butter and taking the melatonin? I found the effectiveness of the melatonin to wear off after a few days, so now I'm alternating between it and benedryl tablets, which knock me out but give me that "hung over" feeling I'd rather not have. I only use the benedryl on nights my DH is home since he snores!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    gosh i miss one day and Lady Bama goes to the hospital.sending prayers your way.lots of them

    sweet----tuesday is your watchin you..xoxoxo

    gentle hugggggggggggggs


  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    Kristy - prayers & positive vibes for you on Tuesday!  You will be fine.

    Calleigh - did you have rads the first time?  My next step is onc after left mastectomy last week.  I have noticed a lot of women on the board have chemo with 0 nodes - so I'm pretty confused about how all these treatment plans are decided.

  • samsue
    samsue Member Posts: 599


    I'm with you, I'm really confused about the different treatments too. My Onc didn't even suggest that I do chemo. My diagnosis the reason, age, family history? really not sure. She didn't do the Oncotype test either.  It's usually just their opinion... that they rely upon.

    Hoping everyone had a great Saturday.

  • sweetaerobabe
    sweetaerobabe Member Posts: 230

    Hi everyone,

    I went out and bought my wig today, so I would be prepared, but Im reading alot about how you guys dont like them.... I bought a long one, to kinda match my own hair. And Im sure i wont wear it 24/7. But are they really THAT bad?  The people were so nice, the guy said to me, you look so sad, and I burst into tears in the middle of the store. He ended up giving me a 20.00 discount, and GAVE me free head to hang it on,bandanna, and a cotton cap to wear under the wig all for free. I was so touched.