Ladies in their 30s
Hoping I am sending hugs to you, I know that dealing with BC is bad enough, but the decision that you are faced with has to be really hard. I am praying that God gives you guidance and that all works out great in the end. ((HUGS))
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I am 34 married no kids, just 3 lovely furbabies. i was 33 when first dx and 3 months into my marriage. It's been hard being so young. I know people have mentioned this, but I think the hardest part is being so young. my friends just dont understand the complexities of having cancer, for that matter the world just doesnt get it. People just assume life will be cookie cutter like- the house, the picket fence, the 2.5 kids, etc. Sadly my life did not turn out like that, embracing that and my new normal has been the hard part about being 34. I am grateful for my husband and our babies- they have helped me keep going through out the storm.
I was also dx with pancreatic cancer right as I was finishing my breast cancer treatment. yep a second primary cancer- rare- but it happened and it happened to me at age 34.
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Hi ladies. Wow, I can't believe all the women here! I am 37 and just gave birth to my second child 12 weeks ago. I also have a son who is 2 1/2. I found my lump when I was 6 months pregnant. My OB thought it was just milk coming in early and that it would flush away once I started nursing, so I didn't worry about it. But at my 6 week postpartum appt, when I pointed it out again, my OB recommended a mammo/ultrasound, which was inconclusive because of all the milk, but still suspicious. So they did the core biopsy and came back with DCIS. The surgeon recommended a lumpectomy followed by radiation. I then decided to get a second opinion from a breast surgeon instead of the general surgeon and she wanted me to have another core biopsy plus a biopsy of the lymph nodes, because she said most big tumors (mine is 6cm) have some invasive characteristics ... and so that biopsy came back as stage 2 invasive, grade 3 and in my lymph nodes already. I think I've been in shock ever since. It all happened so fast. So I got the 2nd biopsy news on aug 5, got my treatment plan on aug 10, weaned my daughter from breastfeeding to formula, and started chemo on aug 17. After chemo I guess I'll have to get a mastectomy. Although right now I'm more worried about losing my hair!! Crazy I know!
Hopingforthebest33 - did they biopsy your axilla lymph nodes to know for sure it had spread? I'd demand that before doing chemo! They can just do a core needle biopsy of them rather than test them post-mastectomy. Do you know if you're er+/pr+? That could make a difference in whether the pregnancy hormones fuel the cancer growth or not. So sorry you're having to make this decision. For me, even though maybe I could have caught it earlier, I'm so glad I didn't follow up on it when I first found the lump at 6 months pregnant - my precious babies are the source of my strength to get thru this! Hugs to you!0 -
mommy , no they did not do a biopsy of my lymph nodes, she said because of the size , and they felt it in one of my lymph nodes , when they did the exam . I have not had my mastectomy yet , so do not know if I have positives yet, my mom does and I have a feeling that I inherited this from her. They do think the pregnancy could have brought on the size of the tumor, but I dont think so because it was that big when I found it two months ago. I really want to go on with the pregnancy , and have read that chemo and stuff is fine , but Im still scared that I am making a bad decision. Im just trying to go with what is in my heart to do.
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Heyyah everyone. New to these boards. Wanted to post for Hopingforthebest33.
There are 2 women on another site I belong to that waited and did chemo 2nd or 3rd trimester and had healthy babies. I feel for you. I found my lump postpartum, but it was awful enough then. I would make sure that I got a second opinion from a major cancer center about the timing of things, if you haven't already. I had a mast 1st and am in Chemo now, and the surgeon swore that it would just be DCIS, but it is clear to me now reading the MRI that it was in my lymph nodes. He did a sentinal node biopsy with the mast but I had to have another surgery to go back in and take more lymph nodes. Needless to say, I won't be going back to that surgeon. He was nice, but...Anyway, don't know if that adds any info.
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Hello everyone,
It's been a long time since I've posted... I have been NED for a year and I had a routine scan on Thursday and it showed mets to spine and pelvis (all bone mets). I am seeing the Oncologist on Monday to figure out a treatment plan. I have not told my family yet, it will be easier to talk to them once I do have a plan. I was diagnosed with IBC in 2009 at 34 years old. Now I'm 36. I just started planning a DIEP procedure, not sure if I will be able to do it now??? Much love to you all! Jessica
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Jessica .. my heart goes out to you .. please keep us posted on your treatment and progress..
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Sande , thanks for letting me know that , I am from wpg, and the breast center said if I chose to keep the baby my best bet is surgery first then chemo third trimester. I just hope everything works out! , I feel for you cheers , I hope they find the right plan for you that will kick this cancers butt!
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Just wanted to update, then Im going through with the pregnancy ,very excited and glad to have something positive going on right now in my life. I will be having surgery in a month and starting chemo shortly after once I recover from the surgery!
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Jessica - I'm sorry that you're back here! Wishing you the best. Kepp us posted.
Hopingfor the best - Congratulations!
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Thanks all for the welcome and you are right there is so much going on with them that i dont have time to be down about anything. they keep me smiling and laughing that is the best therapy. i have not seen the oncologist yet but i am ready for what is next on my journey with breast cancer. i have always felt like my beauty was on the inside so when i had the mastectomy it did not take anything away from me.i feel so good that i am able to say that God and my family are helping me get through this. @jennxx God made him just for you. @snoopy73 i am so glad that i found this site and have the support of people going through this like me @oantdolivo we sometimes feel that these kids are working my nerves but i cannot see my life without them.
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Hey.....glad to hear that all is well with you and that you are living life
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Hi ladies, I have a question has anyone started taking letrozole ? I just had my ovaries removed and now started taking letrozole, i want to know if the hair does thin out or if just a small percentage of ppl...last thing i want is to loose my hair again
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Ladies- I am not certain how many of you are in the Boston area and know of this woman but I was introduced to her by a mutual friend- she was stage IIIA , her-2 pos and diagnosed 5 years ago. She is doing great! She has been a wealth of info and she shared her story with her viewers as she went through it- if you have the time, please watch, she's awesome.
Very inspiring, and she is thriving.
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Hi! Just wanted to introduce myself - I was diagnosed almost a year ago at 31 yrs old. My youngest daughter had just turned 1 and my oldest had just turned 3. Been a crazy year....hoping this next year is a little less eventful
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Hi there! New to this board. I was diagnosed at 38 after having a mastitis that went away after antibiotics. OB/GYN decided to go ahead and get a basline in spite of the symptoms going away and SURPRISE- DCIS! She was shocked. Good thing she was thorough. I don't think she expected to find anything in a young woman with no family history. Had bilateral mastectomy in Jan. and my exchange to silicone implants in July. Been cleared with the PS for a while and head back to the BS next week in hopes of a good appt. too. I am married with a 6 year old and 4 year old who have been both my strength and motivation for beating this thing! It has been one heck of a ride but am finally looking forward to things winding down a bit. So nice to find others with similar stories to mine!
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Cheers214- you will be in my prayers...I'm so sorry to hear about the mets but know that so many lol have beat stage 4 so can you! keep us posted
To all the new girls, sorry you had to join this club but know everything is duable I had 8cycles of chemo, doublemastectomy 25 rads, ovaries removed and now on letrozole and I'm the biggest wimp. If u have any questions I'm here. U will find so much help here and so much support0 -
Hi everyone. I am new to this website. I just joined today. I am 38 years old (diagnose at 37). I have two daughters (12 and 5) and a wonderful husband. I had a double mastectomy april 20, 2011. Currently undergoing chemo. No radiation needed. Right now I'm struggling with being sooooo paranoid with every ache and pain! Does that ever go away?!?!? My oncologist has never done a scan of any sort. I am paranoid that the cancer has "spread". Sometimes I cant even sleep because my mind just won't stop.
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Hey Jena! Glad you found this board! There is also one for IDC. I posted a message on it hoping one of the other ladies could direct you to it! Looks like you figured it out though!
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I've bumped up a thread to the top of the boards called IDC - 2011 Sisters as well. So you don't have to do much searching.
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Hi Jena4broady,
I know exactly how you feel. I've been having headaches every day, aways on the right side. It's lasted for a few weeks.. i told my dr. about it, but she doesnt seem too concerned, but there are nights i lie awake terrified i have a brain tumor.
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coni- I've been on the letrozole for 3 months now. I've had no head hair thinning (it's actually pretty thick) but my body hair is sparse (I guess that's a pro) and my eyebrows just started falling out again. My biggest thing is feeling like an old lady. I ache all the time and am always tired. It's just feels like a vicious circle I cannot shake. Because I know if I could get more sleep (usually up all night) I could exercise, if I could exercise I could loose weight, etc etc etc.
Le sigh.
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Hi everyone, this will be my first posting in this group. I am 38 years old and have 2 young children, 9 and 3 years old. I haven't read a lot of your posts but I am going to.
I am on #5 of 8 treatments. I have had 4 A/C. Just had taxol. Doing ok.
Jennifer0 -
Is anyone getting Zoladex and taking Tamoxifen? If so, what can I expect with this drug combo? Thanks
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Welcome Jennifer!
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Hi Ladies. I am 35 and was diagnosed in the beginning of September. I am married and we have a 14 month old son. I chose to do my chemo treatment before surgery. I really wanted time to research surgeries and surgeons. I had my first chemo infusion last week and am holding up pretty well. I am doing 6 rounds of TAC. Not glad that there are so many young ladies - but very glad to have the support.
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Welcome to the boards. I did the same chemo first. This is very tolerable. Drink lots of fluids and rest when your body tells you too. Also just be careful about what you read on the internet, try to stay here and also dont let this site overwhelm you either. good luck and keep us posted
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The number of women on our 30s board is unbelievable to me. When I was first diagnosed I didn't know anyone under the age of 50. Boy, have my eyes been opened! I hadn't even had my first mammogram yet. My 1st year mark is quickly approaching and I can't help but thinking this time last year I had no idea what was about to hit me. I still find myself thinking about not being here to watch my five little ones grow up, but those down days are getting farther and farther apart.
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Hello Ladies,
I'm turned 31 on July 29. I was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer on March 24 of this year. I'm currently waiting for my surgery on October 7th. I have a 3 year old girl who has helped me with so much get through my treatment. Hope to continue communicating with you ladies.
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I think it is amazing how many women that I have found in their 30's who have been afflicted with breast cancer since my diagnosis. I didn't know of anyone before I found out I had it. But once I did, there was always someone coming up to me and saying that they know of someone 38 (like me at time of diagnosis) who just got diagnosed too. So many young women with young children too. Stay strong ladies! Knowledge is power.