Wednesday Weigh In



  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761

    Annie Lane, big hugs to you! Had an X-ray yesterday because of a sore area under my left arm (MX side) on the chest wall, and it was clear. Now waiting for a date for a bone scan. If that's clear, then MRI. So we wait together. Ate more bread than usual today - sure sign of stress. Sigh! Will hold it together.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858

    Ugh. That's the pits. But catching things early, if there's anything to catch, is to our advantage.

    ((((Annie & Liefie)))).

  • PeggySull
    PeggySull Member Posts: 368

    Annie Lane,

    So sorry you have to go through another core needle biopsy. I had four in the beginning,ugh. Hope you can distract yourself over the weekend.

    Be easy on yourself if you do resort to stress eating. Waiting over the weekend for the procedure is very stressful.

    Fingers crossed that it's tissue damage from the radiation. Sending good thoughts your way.



  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864

    Welcome, Virginia!

    I haven't been here long, but it has really been helpful.

    Annie Lane...thinking of you!

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532

    Annie and Liefie, I will be hoping for and expecting good news for you both. Still I know the experience of waiting and worrying is not enjoyable nor very good for the waistline.

    I was too optimistic to assume I would not gain weight last week when every second week past chemo I have eaten like a horse. So I gained three pounds. My appetite is more controlled the last two days so i hope next week will be better. I guess you really can't eat muffins and ice cream even though it seems all your body wants!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Welcome virginiab.  It is a great thread to help with accountability. 

    I was down yesterday and today but watch, tomorrow is ELAB - let's see if I'm still down.  For some reason everything seems to come back on Friday!  Drinking only water this evening and have more exercising to do so will keep fingers (and toes) crossed.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757

    Liefie, yes, we will be waiting together Smile Thanks everyone for the encouragement. Today I'm feeling much more peace about this. I know, thinking rationally, that it's much more likely my new calcifications are from scar tissue than cancer.

    Silly me, yesterday, I had this idea that I would breeze in and out for my mammogram, head on to my dental appointment that was scheduled two hours later and then get back to work. What I hadn't wrapped my head around was that mammograms from here on out are never going to be like the pre-BC mammogram experience. I am a breast cancer patient now and I need to reckon with the fact that this is part of my identity from here on out even if I never have a recurrence. That's not so awful. It just takes some getting used to.

    Anyway, I haven't been too bad with my eating. Hope I can focus on stress exercising instead of stress eating.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761

    Thanks for the well wishes everybody! Like Annie Lane, my logic tells me that this is probably scar tissue from rads, or the recent DIEP flap surgery, or the nerves regenerating only now after the beating they had taken during the whole bc ordeal with mastectomy, tissue expander, etc. It is just that there will always be this little voice whispering 'what if' . . . something that you girls all understand so well. We all have certainly lost our innocence as far as that is concerned!

    My bone scan is scheduled for Sept. 17. In the meantime I have a trip to San Francisco with DH next week to look forward too. It will distract my attention, but will have to summon all my willpower to stay on track re: weight loss with all those wonderful restaurants beckoning. Will walk lots - lol.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757

    Went to my first Weight Watcher's meeting this morning since going back to weigh in as a returning prodigal last week and discovered another freebie that made me really happy. Even as a lifetime member, you used to have to pay to use their "E-Tools" online. Now as long as you weigh in at goal once a month, lifetime members get the E-Tools free. I had quit paying for them since we're on such a tight budget, but I've really missed having access. I've used Spark People, but I like the WW site better.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757

    Down half a pound from last Wednesday.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858

    Down 100 grams. Yay for our baby steps, AnnieLane!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913

    Down 1 to 162.  Mostly due to being sick with a bad cold the last 10 days - starting to feel better so my appetite is increasing, but still not well enough to resume exercise.

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532

    I am down 1.2lbs but up since yesterday so not that excited. Maybe it was the orange juice I don't normally drink. It sure tasted good though.

  • slv58
    slv58 Member Posts: 486

    Down a pound-172.4-which is a shock considering the salty dinner I had last night. Been really craving sweets this last couple of weeks, been hard to be good.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864

    Up 1.5, but Aunt Flo made a surprise visit. And she brought chocolate chip cookies. She is not my bff.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546

    Dulci that is hilarious. I think one of the rules is to not weigh during PMS-OR post-cookie frenzy!

    I lost one more pound at official weigh-in on the doctor's scale when I went for my herceptin this week- so-

    Six to go before Christmas! i will just keep riding that bike. Riding riding!!

    Good luck everyone

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532

    Does anyone else get exceedingly hungry with exercise and have you found a solution? When I exercise I get really hungry for the next 18hours or so.

    Shame on that Aunt Flo. I gained a pound just reading that.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757

    OK, no excuses for stress eating for me anymore. My biopsy came back OK - whew, what a relief Smile

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532

    Woo-hoo. Good news!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,847

    Awesome, Annie!

    Got 1.6 of the 5 pound vacation weight gain chipped off.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864

    Yay, Annie!!!!! Yay, yay, yay!!!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761

    YAYYY Annie!! So happy for you!

    Still weigh the same this morning as last Wednesday. my weight loss is painstakingly slow, but as long as I stand still or go down I'll take it. Flying to San Francisco today till Sunday - will have to summon all my willpower to keep the weight steady - lol.

    Bone scan on Tuesday.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,955

    Up 1 to 131. Need to send DH somewhere. He's a wonderful cook and I'm an enthusiastic eater. Last night he made fried squash blossoms.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757

    Liefie, hoping your bone scan comes back A-OK. And yes, I agree, maintaining is much better than gaining. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757

    And VirginiaB, welcome! Yep, for all of us, acheiving and maintaining a healthy weight is serious business now. So much more at stake than how we look in our jeans.

  • slv58
    slv58 Member Posts: 486

    AnnieLane -Yahooo, yippee! Doing a dance!

    Liefie, good luck on scan-thinking positive for you!

    Why is it so hard to not eat bad things when we know it will defeat all the hard work? Sometimes I have no will power-like when my neighbour just brought over two home made lemon meringue tarts-gone in 60 seconds flat!

  • Rachelannette
    Rachelannette Member Posts: 30

    Hi AnnieLane, I am new to all of this, as of this summer when I got my dx, then surgery, and radiation. I am about to start on the hormonal therapy, Arimidex generic soon. I have the flu right now, and feel awful. 

    However, I know I have to get on the weight loss/exercise bandwagon very soon.

    It has all been slow and unhurried,from the time I had a suspious mammo, and ultrasound, to the core biopsy, going to two different far away cities for tests and exams, getting second opinion, traveling 4 hours from my home for surgery and later radiation. I am now waiting to start the hormonal therapy arimidex generic form. 

    The time frame of it started on May 8, 2013 when I went for my yearly mammogram. I have always traveled 2 1/2 hrs from my home for my yearly checkups.  That was the first extreme scare. Then I had to wait and go back on May 30 to get the core biopsy, a three week wait. I had been doing so good at losing a lb or two a week, and was down to 216 from 230 six months before. After the May 30 core biopsy, I had to wait another week for results, then drive back 2 1/2 hours on June 25 to meet with surgeons and radiology drs, and genetic counselor, and get a long MRI. They messed up the MRI, and had to drive back the long way to get another MRI. 

    At this point, I wanted a second opinion, so we set out (my dear husband and son) to a cancer center 4 hrs away from home. This is the surgeon I decided upon. Waited until July 10 for the surgery, then drove back a month later for followup with surgeon, then drove back on August 25 to do a week of exelerated radiation. Needless to say, a lot of anxiety, worry, and waiting and long car rides. I have succeeded in gaining all of my weight back in a 4 month time frame. While all this waiting and traveling was taking place, all I wanted to do was comfort myself with comfort foods, carbs, sweets all the time. 

    Right now, I am not scheduled to have to make a 4 hr car ride to the dr until January for all the checkups. I am hoping to change me ways before then.

    I plan to change my ways soon, and start being sensible. I used to do weight watchers meetings, then later on the online. I love it too. I just have to get myself committed and I am struggling with that. 

    I am glad to have found this weigh-in site, and I do plan to join everyone soon. 

    thanks for listening to my soundoff.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Once again haven't posted much as my weight climbed 5 pounds over the last few weeks.  I have to own it because I really and truly was in total denial about what I was taking in all summer.  As soon as the long weekend was over, I cleaned everything up and started tracking on Myfitness pal.  So far so good, 4 pounds down in 2 weeks.  I know alot of it is likely water but seeing the scales move is motivating.  Also started walking at least 30 minutes everyday and yoga 1 time a week.  I have to get my BMI down for reconstruction so its a big carrot nevermind lowering my chance for a re-occurance.  Have to say though was up a total of 10 pounds since starting Tamoxifen. Was gaining at a rate of 1/2 per month it seems. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,955

    Rachelannette, Comfort eating is appropriate at times and your journey certainly seems to be one of those times. Welcome to this thread; it's been a real help to me. Once your life settles down, you'll get back on track. Several people go to Weight Watchers, so you'll have company here if you go back.

  • Rachelannette
    Rachelannette Member Posts: 30

    Wren44-Thank you for those encouraging words, and for making me feel ok with the turmoil and bad eating I have been doing. I know it will get easier.