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Australian Sisters



  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited August 2012

    Alyson - I've been going around at work sayng "We've got more gold medals than you". When they look at me strangely, I remind them I'm a Kiwi - living here for most of my life does not an Aussie make :)

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited August 2012

    Sue - hope you feel better soon, I've had two colds within two months this year, so not impressed.

    I'm a really, really cheap drunk lol - I never really was much of a drinker, but enjoyed a glass or two at a function sometimes, but it seems after chemo I've lost the taste for it.  Haven't had a glass for over two years now.  We had a celebration for a milestone at work a couple of months ago and it seemed the "right" thing to do for the team to have a little bit of champers to celebrate.  I had maybe three sips and I was tipsy lol - had to tip the rest of it down the sink.  What a waste of Moet Chandon!

    It's minus 6 here this morning - but beautiful and clear and sunny.  Kylie - I have been keeping warm, the weather was pretty dreadful over the weekend, but it was windy - and I hate the wind.



  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited August 2012

    Trish - I've stayed home - feel quite weird. Hope it's not the flu. I have a cough starting so I took some benadryl. I haven't been sick for ages - this time last year.

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited August 2012

    Alyson, i don't think Val is that impressed with her silver, she was gracious, but i think she's really peeved. There seems to be a few stuff ups too with things over there, technical ones, something about her entry, or something name. that somebody did a botched job of. Well i think we done well this time, despite any problems that  can arise at the time. there was one in the dressage with nz horse, not up with that one yet, nz did not compete as there was no horse, i got lost with that one.  hope everybody has a great day.  Our Mountain seemd to be causing issures in nz today, i have not smelt the stink yet. but a few our trucks have ash on them, the auckland unit especially. they had to take it over to  the truck wash after un-loading give it a good bath, it had it all, over the roof, and that was suplhery. not really smelt it  the air.   take care ladies

  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587
    edited August 2012

    I am also a cheap drunk, especially since chemo, one or two is plenty. We have some fantastic vineyards around the highlands but I usually go there for the food.  

    Sue, I hope you don't come down with anything too dreadful, fingers crossed.

     Thanks Linda for hints on lymp. I will watch carefully. I am assuming liquid calcium is just absorbed better, is that correct? I know too much calcium has some bad effects and don't want to go over daily limits. 

    Alyson and Midnight, I hope you are not being affected by the volcano, it looks pretty scary on TV.

    I am finally having a day at home alone for the first time in nearly two months, I am going to read a book, then try and get enthusiastic about some housework - maybe. 

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited August 2012

    Midnight - I love the Desert Road - last time I was over there I drove it - something I hadn't done since I was 9 years old.

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited August 2012

    Hi Susie, there were two big or three big hills or twin sistas or three sistas, that are big hills and  very sharp corners, do you remember them, its a long road aye. then you  get to the other towns. alot of our trucks go thru National Park. there is a truck cafe there, you get good kai. lol  our drivers stop at Tokoaroa for swaps. the  driver from here comes back with the  Auckland unit with the northern freight and the Auckland one goes back to Auckland with the south freight. it used to be taupo they stopped and changed, but that is only four hours, this way there is more hours and evens up the travel hours from both ends of island.  there were two hours from this end they were stting on bum or would be back too early, so Tokoroa became the spot  to swap. i have not been that way driving for awaile,  we used to go to Feild Days in june at mystery creek in Waikato. BIL goes on his own now, i went twice and  was too much for me.  getting up at 2 and nor home til about 3 next day. but it was the  on your feet all day apart from travelling and they did not want to stay anywhere. i found it extremely draining. good day out once every two to three years/ i  will stop babbling and get on with stuff. take care.

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited August 2012

    I have a cousin who lives in Tokoaroa and my Aunt used to live there.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2012

    Just a little eruption at present, but this one hasn't blown for over 100 years, hope this is all it is going to do. Togariro is in the centre of the island and not near any major town. Taupo is probably the closest.

    Must get on and get somethings done.

  • mclark55
    mclark55 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2012

    Kate - the time difference between Denver and Perth is -14 hrs at this time of year (we're on daylight savings) and -15 hrs in the winter.  Makes it hard to talk to my best friend in Perth, I have to practically write down a good time in my calendar!  So yes - as I'm sitting here typing this, you ladies are snoozing away (or at least I hope you are).

    Alyson - I feel so sorry for your nasty reaction to the drug you were given.  I don't blame you for wanting to put up with pain rather than that.  Have you discovered anything in the natural world that assists the fibromyalgia and RA?  Like I know eating pineapple and ginger is good because they have natural anti-inflammatories in them.  I'm a massage therapist and have a few clients with fibromyalgia- they claim that deep tissue massage is the only thing that gets them through it.  Others, however, don't want to be touched.  It seems to affect people differently.  I have a friend who is a naturopath in Perth and although I know that is still a long distance from you, she might have some good recommendations for you because she had RA once upon a time as well.  Struggled with it for a couple of years but now it's under control.  I would be glad to give you her contact details - just send me a private message.

    Got awoken out of a sound sleep at 6 am by the noxious aroma of SKUNK wafting through our bedroom.  There is just about nothing that smells worse than skunk.  He must've been in our neighborhood and gotten scared by something and sprayed the whole darned area down!  All our neighbors were slamming their windows and doors shut (it's hot here at the moment, so we're sleeping with doors/windows open).  I think I prefer the sound of kookaburras and magpies to wake me up!

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited August 2012

    Morning all
    Marnie - we are two hours ahead of Perth - so it's all rise and shine here on the east coast lol.  I feel sory for you with your skunk smell - I've never had the pleasure of smelling one, and I guess it's one of those things that I'll be quite happy to never experience.

    Another cold one today - but we are expecting rain and wind and snow tonight and early tomorrow - so that will be nice lol.

    Everything else going fine here at the moment - hope everyone else has a great Tuesday.


  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited August 2012

    just a look in, hope everybody ok and have a great day.

    lol gosh horrible thing to happen, a skunk in your bedroom.  pooh, be hot too having windows shut, i like mine open in winter cold or not, just fresh air. hioe that smells goes soon Marnie and does not linger.

                                      HAVE A GREAT DAY LADIES.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2012

    Hi girls!  Yes I know I've been a bit lax lately but I've been reading just not posting.  Been busy, busy trying to get DH's pullover done.  Well that one is done and the back of woollie number three was completed last night.  It's amazing how much knitting I can get done while watching the are a great excuse to just sit.

    Sue, sure hope what ever is making you feel rotten clears off pretty quick and you get back to feeling well soon. 

    Trish..........all I can say is Brrrrrrrr!  Although snow is very pretty if it doesn't come in bulk amounts.

    Marnie do you live right in Denver or close surrounds?  I thought Denver a nice place when I visited there last year.  I also was out at Monmouth for a few days as well and did the Pikes Peak cog rail trip........just fabulous!

    Oo Aly.....a volcanic eruption?!  Wow!  Sure hope it doesn't turn into one that is a danger to human life.  Have you seen the doc about your pain yet?

    Kylie hope you enjoyed your time alone................did you manage to get enthused about some housework?........I know exactly what you

    On the subject of alcohol I'm also a cheap have been so am very aware of how much I drink.  There are times when I've gone over my self imposed limit and I tend to sleep very well those times but I've never ended up with a hang  I do enjoy a glass of really good wine.

    Hope everyone else is doing just fine.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2012

    Hi allo

    Off very early in the morning to go to a conference then spending a couple of days with a friend. 

    Chrissy we are just waiting for the big one!!!Luckily most of the volcanoes are in remote areas well that is all except the volcanic field that Auckland sits on.  Saw the doc day after I reacted to the new meds and now waiting to see the specialist next week. I am really hoping it's not too cold down in Masterton and Wellington.

    Big hugs

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited August 2012

    It's really weird - I stayed home from work because I thuoght I was coming down with something, but it really hasn't hit me hard. It's like I'm fighting it off successfully. Still have a slight stuffy nose and an occasional cough producing phlegm but not full blown sick. I got a certificate for work today and the doc said I did the right thing staying away. I'll go tomorrow - I can always come home if I need to.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2012

    Sue I'm glad that your system is fighting whatever the bug is successfully.  At least you are getting rid of the crap when you cough as the real bad problem starts when you cough and produce nothing which gives the bug a good place to multiply.

    Aly what specialist are you going to see next week?  Is it a pain specialist?  Sure hope you get some good relief soon.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited August 2012

    Morning all

    Another cold one here - the snow didn't eventuate last night - now they are saying it may come this afternoon.

    Glad to see you checking in Chrissy - thought you might be watching the Olympics.  We've been watching them too - funny we are not really "sports" people, but do like to watch the tennis.  While the Olympics are on we watch almost anything lol.  I have really enjoyed the weightlifiting and the pole jumping this time though.



  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587
    edited August 2012

    Sue, I hope your cold is starting to clear up. 

    Chrissy it is good to hear from you, it is certainly the weather for hibernating.

    I didn't get any housework done. I am still really tired out and the housework will still be there tomorrow. LOL.

    I wanted to run something by everyone.  I am really happy with the treatment I have had but am a bit P'd off at my onco.  I know I am not the only one, so I don't think I am being ridiculous. He is very abrupt and doesn't explain anything. If I have questions he will answer most of them, albeit briefly, but he is quite dismissive.  My biggest issue is that most of my visits I have a registrar, often a different one each time, and then he pokes his head in from the doorway at the end; it is pretty hard to ask questions from someone standing halfway into the room. I have been referred by my GP to a different one if I like, who has been highly recommended. 

    What I am wondering is whether, since my treatment is done, if it is worth changing. How much ongoing care do we get? Would love everyones opinions on this. Thanks, Kylie x 

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited August 2012

    Kylie - I'm not happy with the way my Onc treats me either, but he's the best in Canberra so I'll stick with him.  It's quite common in the public system to get a registrar, I actually like the registrars better, they listen to you and don't talk down to you.  My Onc will at least come in and sit down in front of me and go through what the registrar has briefed him on and advise.  I haven't seen a registrar for a while though.  It seems on my four monthly visits to the Onc I get him.  He was great through chemo and Herceptin - but now is quite dismissive of the se's of Arimidex, although he did agree to a break from it and change to a different AI to see how that affected me.

    If you have a referal to a different one that has been highly recommended, then why not try the new one.  So long as he/she has all your information and history - then there shouldn't be a problem.  And if you like the new one better then that's great!



  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587
    edited August 2012

    Thanks Trish, I suppose what I am also wondering is do Oncs actually do anything after chemo?

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited August 2012

    Are you going on an AI?  Mine monitors that, and gives me a "once over" lol.  He feels my lymph glands under arms and around the neck, feels my abdomen and checks where my breast used to be. Orders blood tests when I need them as well as mammos and u/s.

    So - yes they still monitor you and if you are going on an AI they monitor how you are going on that too.  Not sure if the HER+ makes any difference though, it has a higher recurrence rate in the first few years.  Maybe someone who'd further out from treatment can chime in here to say how often they see their onc and what they do.



  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited August 2012

    Kylie - I switched surgeons after my first surgery, not knowing I would need more surgery at the time. It was worth it - she's lovely. I'm keeping my onc though.

    I'm actually a bit worse today but have come to work. I would have been better "working from home" for the last 2 days as I wasn't all that bad.

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited August 2012

    Hey Girls,  Tomorrow is my one year anniversary since my diagnosis, it was on the 12th and that was tomorrow last year, its actually sunday, but I AM ALIVE.  BEEN QUITE A YEAR. last year  it was  my Birthday right when i was having surgery, well next two days and i did not really feel like going to the Zoo, that i requested for my day out because  BC interupted those plans.  we are going out for dinner on my Birthday this year and celebrate the accasions. i am not in the  mood for the Zoo this year. i find it really tiring walking around for long periods at a time, maybe another year, i will be in the mood to go.  Who knows. any way i have got thru first year and thats kool.  Hope ladies over in auz are having a happy day/      

                                          (((((( CHEERS))))))

  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Member Posts: 362
    edited August 2012

    Kylie, I sent you a PM about my MO at the same centre but I don't know if that helps as I thought only private patients could choose their own Dr.

    If any Dr stuck their head in the door to talk to me I'd be asking them to come in so I can talk privately.  I've had mixed results with the registrars.  One argued with me when I wanted to drop out of chemo and got quite angry.  How was that likely to change my mind?   My MO was lovely when she came in that day and was willing to do anything I asked to help me understand my options including speaking with other oncologists or getting me relevant research.  Her focus was on helping me rather than defending her point of view about chemotherapy.

    I look forward to meeting you in just over a week.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited August 2012

    Kylie, I came away from my appt last week thinking that I may need a change of MO too. I mentioned it in a message on the BCNA website and a woman who is treated at the same centre as me sent me a private message and told me that the breast care nurse and psychologist had organised a change for her. Funny thing is that her new MO that she really likes is the one I am not overly happy with...

    So I have learned that you CAN change MO at a public hospital in NSW so go ahead and ask your centre if you want to.

    My MO seems to just be a "note taker" at our appointments and really gives me no info or reassurance. I mentioned I had been feeling a little dizzy and off balance every now and then and she just typed it into her computer with no comment at all to me about whether it is unusual, usual, something I should or shouldn't worry about :-(

    I want someone who looks at ME and at least seems to care a bit about me. This one couldn't even remember that I have cataracts from the steroids! If I end up with recurrance or mets at some point I want a real relationship with my MO.


  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited August 2012

    You will be seeing your onc once or twice a year for at least five years. This is not like a hairdresser or such, it's about your life therefore it is important to have someone whose judgement you trust and who will take your concerns seriously. You do have to be your own advocate though.

    I say if you have the option of another opinion why not try it?

  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited August 2012

    You will be seeing your onc once or twice a year for at least five years. This is not like a hairdresser or such, it's about your life therefore it is important to have someone whose judgement you trust and who will take your concerns seriously. You do have to be your own advocate though.

    I say if you have the option of another opinion why not try it?

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited August 2012

    Trish - were you going to book the cafe for next Saturday? Will take me a while to get there so happy with somewhere between 12 and 12.30 :-)


  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited August 2012

    Hi Jenn

    I hadn't thought of booking the cafe lol - just assumed we'd turn up and they'd have the room.  You can tell I don't go out much.

    Well over the past two days I've felt really crappy - not sick, just lethargic and really, really tired.  Yesterday was hard work.  I think I've solved the problem though.  I was taking my Aromasin at night, but forgot to take it on Tuesday night - I was out and didn't have it with me, so took it Wed morning, and again yesterday morning.  I think it's causing the tiredness.  I didn't take one this morning - I'll take it tonight - and today I feel very different to yesterday.  I'm nowhere near as tired.  I'm still a bit tired, but so much better than yesterday.  So if an Aromasin se for me is tiredness - then at least if I take it at night that will help with sleep - so much better than the insomnia of Arimidex :-)

    It did snow yesterday.  There were only a few flakes in Canberra, but when I got home all the hills around us were white and there was still some on the ground around the house.  DH said it snowed for around half an hour. This morning is very cold - but no clouds, so that's the end of the snow for us.  That's good though - snow is pretty to look at, but hell to try to drive in lol.

    Have a great day everyone.



  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587
    edited August 2012

    Trish that sounds pretty but cold. Our weather hasn't been too bad here except for the wind.

    Jenn, I hope you get some answers today. At the very least you will know where you are headed.

    Racy I loved your analogy, it really put things in perspective.

    I opened the info from my GP to the new onc (as you do!). I was fairly annoyed to read that the onc had written that  I had no nausea or side effects. As well as having written down my SE's, it was a load of cr*p. So I am off to see the new one in a few weeks.