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Australian Sisters



  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited June 2013

    Did anyone see Australian Story this past Monday? It is about BC. You can catch it on ABC I View. Worth seeing.

    I am reading every day but don't have too much time to reply. Will when I have time. 

    Looking forward to our catchup in Sydney Cool

  • Kate60
    Kate60 Member Posts: 523
    edited June 2013

    Hi Girls. Thanks to Chrissy for prompting me to remember my breast friends. I have been a little hermit. Really nothing much to post about from my end. I really enjoyed Karen's pics from overseas (j.e.a.l.o.u.s) and Trish hope the move back to 'Berra was as stressfree as any upheaval like that can be.

    Me? Nothing much at all really. I have been really working hard in my garden and transforming it from yards into pretty gardens. I sowed a lawn out the front and really did get immense satisfaction from sitting back and watching the grass grow! 

    Sarah has split with Neil. She finally saw that they just wern't on the same page. Big sigh of relief from the family I can tell you. She has her final nursing exams next week, so things are a little tense to say the least. It is her birthday tomorrow and I will go to Perth and see her for a very early breakfast before she goes to work. We will leave here at 2.00am (yes, 2.00am!) for the trip up so that Paul can catch his O'dark hundered hour flight back to his work place. It's been wonderful having him home for the past 10 days.

    I guess my only big news is that we have booked a weeks holiday to Singapore in September. A bit of a treat for us as we haven't been on a 'holiday' together since early 2008.

    Health wise I'm fine, but my left breast is very tender but I can't feel any lumps or bumps due to the horrible thickening from radiation, which covers at least half the breast. I had my blood test today ahead of my 3 months onc appointment next week. I hope nothing is lurking there. Probably my now over sensitive imagination.

    And yes, I'm coming to Sydney (then Canberra) too!!!!

  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited June 2013

    Hi Kate, lovely to hear from you. So no wedding, I assume.  It is great that you have a holiday OS to look forward to.

    Will see you on Facebook. 

    I look forward to seeing you in Sydney. Take care. Racyx

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited June 2013

    Nice to hear from you Kate & glad that everything is ok...

    No wedding is good news when you knew the guy was not good for your girl :)

    Your holiday sounds lovely & I'm sure you'll both enjoy it....Singapore is a very happening place! Great food, lovely sights & loads of shopping!!

    Take care....

    Karen xox

  • Delvzy
    Delvzy Member Posts: 454
    edited June 2013

    Hi Karen pleased to meet you . Jetlag can be a real bummer I always have an IV of vit C before I fly overseas on a long flight it helps a lot x

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited June 2013

    KkkkkkKatie, beautiful  So glad to see you!  Glad that your DD woke up before it was too late......I know you were really worried about that.  Hope she does well with her finals, such a stressful time for her.

    Have a whole heap of fun in Singapore.......your eyes will be filled everywhere you much to do, so much to see adn soh so much to buy!

    Your garden sounds gorgeous!  Post a pic or six when you are up for it.....I for one would love to see it.

    Sounds like you are getting used to the routine of DH being away for weeks and then home for ten's amazing how quickly we adapt and learn to enjoy our own company but look forward to their return.

    Pop in often lovely as you are missed when we don't see you, even if it's just to say 'hi'.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • Tammy_M43
    Tammy_M43 Member Posts: 565
    edited June 2013

    Firstly, thank you to everyone for your words of support...I'll keep you posted as more information comes to hand...

    Jenn, I always enjoy reading your blog. I agree that more support is required. Personally, I have found that this discussion board is a great help :-)

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited June 2013

    Karen I completely understand about finally cooking your own meal lol - I love it when I don't have to cook, but after travelling for a while, it's nice to have some "normal homecooked food" :-)

    Chrissy - it's only just getting cold where you are?  It's been freezing here for a while now, minus 3's a few mornings brrrr ... but I prefer the cold to the heat - as I know you do :-)

    Racy - I'm looking foward to Sydney too :-)

    Kate!!!  My friend, we missed you, great to hear from you, and yay!! you are coming to Sydney too :-) I'm all smiles.  You'll love Singapore - but be prepared for the very muggy heat there in September.

    Sorry to disillusion you all - I'm not all unpacked yet lol - not that organised.  Well I would be if I had a kitchen I could unpack half the boxes into, but that will be a while yet, still feel I'm living in a bit of chaos as a lot of the boxes are still sitting on the back deck, and I hate it when things aren't put away and in their right spot.



  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited June 2013

    Good morning  Girls, well afternoon i guess here anyway. and Kate lovely to see you.  wow its going to be lovely for you to travel to singapore. good for you. I would really love to go on a cruise, hubby is not keen on boats, so i guess thats out of the question,  i think he might if he went on one, sometimes i think life passes us by and all there is to it is work. i i would love to have a proper honey moon, we never had one, aprt from a weekend in  nelson. it was get married and straight into work as the bussiness was more aless starting out and  increased, it was better with the two runs, and BIl thought it ws good to expand, i  am beginning to think it was when it went all too much and you had the worry of the staff. having one  extra driver was good. not four and trying to  run a farm, to me it was  greed, hubby did not want to go that far, but BiL did and as usual gets his way. Has not been all  bad, but challenging at times.  Anyway i am not going to think about that. 

    Hubby said, he went to kiss me  this morning when he  was leaving, and i did a huge snore, and he thought he might get attacked by the human chainsaw, this was about four thirty.  he said, Geez Woman, it was a snore and a half, he just bent to kiss me and this loud noise made hime change his mind quite quickly. i was tired as and slept through to 9,30. he woke me up ringing. and  the first thing  he said, are you ok, i see there were four missed calls from him, he said, he nearly came to see if i was ok, but everytime he found an opportunity to leave, bil said, she will be ok.  but hubby said, deep down , he was worried, but i was ok , felt like  there was no innings in me. hate this feeling. but i guess it will pass. well must go and do something, hope you all have a good day.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited June 2013

    Phew!  What a day! Finally arrived home about fifteen minutes ago and it's now 11.30pm.  I must say I'm a happy camper as doc says I'm doing just fine as far as the cancer is concerned which is always good news.  I have my naturopath appointment Tuesday week and then the following week the appointment with the gastro doc so I'll be a buzy little bee for the next couple of weeks back and forth to the city.

    Trish it's been cold here for a few weeks now but it's really only the last two or three that it's been cold enough for me to want the fire lit and to need more than my thongs on my

    Don't panic about the boxes for a while yet, a few weeks or even a coup;le of months ois nothing, I think we had been in this house for a year before all was......oops, most of the boxes were unpacked.  I still have a couple containing books and crafty stuff down in the shed but as yet have not found homes for the

    OMG Annette!  I wish I were a fly on your wall this morning so I could see the look on your DH's face when you snored in his bless him for being so concerned for you.  I feel sorry for your BIL's wife/partner/girl friend, if he has one.  With his attitude he would be a terribly uncaring person to be with.

    Well time for a cuppa and then bed......I feel like I could sleep for a week!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • Delvzy
    Delvzy Member Posts: 454
    edited June 2013

    Hi girls just dropping in to say hello. Chrissy glad that you are doing well hope you had a good rest last night. Had to take a sleeper last night felt all buzzy someone said it is hard to sleep at the moment something to do with the planets aligning (sounded good anyway) I have decided to start running again tomorrow I'm not ready to hang up the running shoes yet. Hubby has gone fishing (code for drinking) with his tradie mates for the long weekend I couldn't think of anything worse he is sleeping in his 4 wheel drive. Anyway have a nice long weekend everyone just had to get my neighbour over to remove a large huntsman spider I have always been terrified of them! Must have carried it in with the wood. Well enough screaming and excitement in our house think I will have a nice cup

    of tea x

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited June 2013

    Good news glad all is going along fine with your cancer...:)

    Do you have a lot of mets in your bones? Hope you don't mind me asking, just don't answer if you do

    Delvzy....I love the gone fishing (code for drinking)!!! Not a fan of spiders myself....thankfully we don't get many over here in Perth!

    And yes Annette, bless your very caring hubby :) Hope you get another night of good snoring in....

    For as long as I can remember Friday has been lunch & shopping day with my very loving & supportive sister.....well her hubby has taken her up to Broome for a week for her 50th birthday so my day did not feel like Friday! I did manage to get some shopping in though....:) I bought myself a lovely coat (50% off) for my girlie week in Byron Bay & a couple of jumpers, a pair slippers, 2 pair of PJ pants & a pair of jeans!! Oh, & some funky socks..... That's what happens when I get left

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

    Karen x

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited June 2013

    Delvzy, I managed to sleep through till 10.30 this morning when my cat woke me but I promptly turned over and went straight back to sleep and slept for another few hours........I feel so much better but will be ready for bed again fairly soon I think.  It always takes me a couple of days to get back to normal after my trips to the city.

    Good luck with your running.......I always admire athletes as I was never one although I did play squash when I was in my twenties and thirties.......but that was a loooong time

    My eldest DD hates spiders but I don't mind them at all.  When my grandsons were little they used to freak out if they saw a spider until they spent time with me.  I taught them not to be afraid but never to touch them......they were good to have in the house as they ate flys and mosquitoes.  It got to the point that they would go crook at their mom if she drowned one with flyspray and she would always say laughingly that they were spending too much time with me and picking up my bad habits.

    I do understand that fear though as my mother was also terrified.

    Hope you enjoy your long weekend without DH.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited June 2013

    Just shutting down the computer. DH has been in bed for hours as he has a nasty chest infection. Took him to the doc first thing this morning. He has to be careful as he has an artifical heart valve. It is his birthday so I didn't cook his birthday tea tonight that can wait until he can enjoy it.

    It looks as if I will be driving the big car tomorrow to help DD move out the last of her things. Luckily there are several helpers one hand.

    Had to have strong word with her yesterday as she is being so hard on DGD who because she is a bright little thing appears older but is of course rather anxious about this move and the fact that each day sees more things out of their house. Neither of the children are sleeping well, they just need re-assurance at present. She can't remember moving as a little one but I know what she was like - we moved when she was 3 and 4 and 5.

    Must get to bed.

    Do hop everyone is having a good weekend.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited June 2013

    You sound like a great mother Alyson :-)


  • mandymoo
    mandymoo Member Posts: 632
    edited June 2013

    Hi everyone. I had both 2 year old grand daughters stay with me last weekend and we had a ball even though we did get quite a bit of rain. I went swimming on Monday and the rest of the week, I have been travelling to Adelaide back and forth each day. Mum had a cataract operation on Tuesday, and I had to take her back to the hospital again on Wednesday for followup on the surgery. She also had a different specialist appointment yesterday and she goes back again in a fortnights time. I somehow managed to fit yoga in this morning and went to Mum's a bit late. Mum has improved considerably and can see much better through her bad eye now. The doctor said that she may not need glasses when the other eye gets done next month.

    I also went for my 3 weekly blood test here in Victor Harbor, and walked out very frustrated because they could not get any blood. I had 2 different people try and after they both had 2 goes each, they gave up!!! So now I have to go back again tomorrow morning and if they cant do it, then I will drive back to Adelaide as I need these blood tests for my tumor markers. I drink lots of water every day, so I am well hydrated.  I also go back to the Oncologist on Tuesday and then it will be time to arrange scans again to monitor those darn mets. I came down with a cold last week as well and I saw the doctor straight away. I have fluid on my lung again and was put on antibiotics immediately. 

    Wishing everyone a nice long weekend. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited June 2013

    Mandy it is horrible when they cannot get blood. I have terrible veins so really sympathise. I am watching the litttliesas things are being moved all over town.

    I don't usually say too much to my children but somehow I can be very honest with DD2 Jenn. And she was my most difficult. We laugh about it now . I smile when I see her children being similar to her.p

    DH is better this morning but somehow it feels as if I am coming down with a chesty cough.

    DD1 is being bossy and doesn't think we should be going to church in the morning but we will see.

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited June 2013

    Mandy, i knew there was somebody i had not seen for awhile on here. Yea getting blood, yuk. i have not got chemo veins, but have blood taken all my life due to thyroid tests, but lately been having more. and have another thyroid next week to do. Yes it hurts trying to get blood when they can't, i can understand that mandy and Alyson.

    Chrissy, BIl is a single set in his ways male, he has no desire to get married, women are are a noose around the neck according to him, but i do see him eyeing them up, he is 54, i often think if he had somebody to care for, it may take the selfishness out of him, but i think he could be very controlling. she would become a slave like we are. he did have his eye on the lady at the truck depo that are are contracted  to, he would go red everytime and make a bee line for her when he saw her, but i think Michelle left, she was a courier and has gone to another firm. they seem to enjoy each others company, never went out, but they always got on good. you could tell he liked her. i think he gets lonely too, but he could change that, you mention marriage, he says plenty of time for that.  his life. My hubby has to be  with somebody, he is not a loner. lol, he was trying to watch tv last night and could not hear it as i was snoring loudly.  and i got  up went to the loo and got back into bed and started to roar again., he said, he gave up and turned the tv off, was tring to watch the sports. we watched the taped, Dr Quinn, medicen women, well i went to sleep and he cancelled it and started to watch the sport. I can' hear my self, but know i do as i have a dry throat and wake up coughing ., i am a terror.he reckons some body could rob the house and i would still snore right thru, it. he oftens spouts off.  that song, I am women, hear me roar.. from Helen Reddy. anyway dishes time. and clean up. Hope everybody is ok.

     Alyson, just read about yr hubby, am very sorry he not well. hope he makes a speedy recovery and have his birthday tea. chest infections are not nice. esp when heart problems are an issue. take care, and you too, you don't need a repeat of what you had before. lots of warm hugs to you both, oxoxox

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited June 2013

    Just about to head for bed. Tired but did have very busy day with the children. DH is better tonight. The girls are coming around in the morning to help organise lunch but it is really almost done.

    We had lamb shanks for dinner tonight and they were very yummy- was going to cook them last night but  DH was unwell (has chest infection) and so kept them for tonight. Had piece of my glutten free fruit cake for pudding.

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited June 2013

    Alyson....glad to hear hubby is on the mend & I hope you enjoy your lovely family lunch tomorrow.

    Mandy....I too have had issues with finding veins, it's brought me to tears! And then there's the nursing staff that just aren't good at it! I'm at the point where I've been thinking I'll go to the chemo ward & get my port accessed instead....

    Chrissy....I hope your big sleep has helped & you're full of beans

    Lovely sunny weather here in nights though. Hubby & I had a lovely lunch out today - Atlantic Cod & salad - & then took the 4 legged member of the family for a walk in the sunshine. So nothing too exciting happening......:)

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

    Karen xoxox

  • mandymoo
    mandymoo Member Posts: 632
    edited June 2013

    Hi everyone. Well, I went to IMVS in the main street in Victor Harbor this morning with my list of other IMVS places that were open this morning. The girl got it the first time!!! I havent met her before but she job shares, so I will phone next time to see when she is in, wahoo!! So on Tuesday, I will be starting round 13 of Xeloda, and will be requesting scans as the Oncologist said that they will be done after every 6 rounds of Xeloda. I had ulcers in my mouth and my feet are cracked and bleeding. Lots of diahhrea but I still agree that these SEs are pretty mild. 

    Chrissy, I hope that you are rested up and that you are enjoying the lovely weather this weekend. xx

    Midnight, I love reading your stories, as I find them very interesting and sometimes funny, keep them up please! xx

    Alyson, sounds like you have been quite busy helping your DD move and helping with the grand children. Enjoy your lunch tomorrow. xx

    Kazzie, I hope we get your weather in Perth. We used to always look at Perths weather and odds were that we would get it about 4 days later. I think we have had enough rain for a few days anyway. The weeds are growing rampant!

    Trish, take you time unpacking. My motto is, leave it packed until you need it. (lol xx)

    Well, I am off to check on Mum again tomorrow and hopefully fit some gardening in while the weather is nice. I also need to do lots of baking tomorrow night as our Cancer Support Group is holding a Car Boot Sale on Monday and I volunteered to donate some cakes and also my time helping out. (Hopefully we will raise lots of money as the organisation has 2 cars that run people to and fro their medical appointments in Adelaide all free of charge. This is just one of the reasons that funds are needed). 

  • Delvzy
    Delvzy Member Posts: 454
    edited June 2013

    Kazzi I know what you mean by shopping I am very impulsive on my own today I laybyed a gorgeous oat color textured vest and picked up a pair of jeans which fitted me beautifully in march when I laybyed them and now with my winter flabby bits are a little firm. All this in 1 hour lol Mandy excuse my ignorance but what is xeloda ?alyson glad your hubby is getting better. Getting back to the spider critter story after the neighbour removed the large huntsman spider I ended up with a red back which I did kill and now I have 2 drop tail lizards running around. I have decided to give up they have won!

  • mandymoo
    mandymoo Member Posts: 632
    edited June 2013

    Delvzy, I am petrified of spiders and I certainly would leave those lizards alone. I had to check my son's property a few months ago and there was a frill neck lizard (I think that was the type of lizard??) sitting on top of the gate post. There was no way I was going to unlock the gate, so I climbed over the fence a few metres away keeping my eye on it all the time. I must have looked a sight. I was just as nervous returning as that darn lizard was still there sunning himself and staring at me!!! It is only a stock fence, but I still have trouble climbing over it due to my lack of height. 

    Xeloda is a chemotherapy drug. You take it in tablet form for 14 days and then none for 7 days . The proper name for it is Capecitebane, I believe. It is for stage 4 and the side effects are reasonably mild compared to other chemo drugs. However, you keep taking Xeloda either until it stops working or you cannot continue taking it. I have mets everywhere including the brain and Xeloda is one of a few drugs that can cross over the blood-brain barrier, and I must say that so far it is working!! I am getting anxious knowing that I will be having scans again soon, and then once the oncologist has the results, then we will decide how to continue fighting. (I am a bit worried about a new tumour in my lower abdomen which did not show on previous scans, and it measured 1.3 cm.) I have faith in technology though and I know that there are more discoveries just around the corner and I plan to be around for them. xx

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited June 2013

    Hi Girls,  hope everybody ok today. I don't know if  you rememeber the american tv couple, archie and edith Bunker, all in the family, well Hubby and i were being silly last night and thought we would sing there  theme song, those were the days, and as you know edith has this very screechy voice, well i did her part and hubby did Archies, well when we finished it, we got this very loud aplause from next door, there back porch backs on to our bedroom and they were out side having a smoke, about four of them, Maori people and i opened  the window and they were laughing and the young fella, says, hey you fullers should go on NZ got talent. lol, hubby hangs his head out and says, not got talent you mean, and the young guy, just tell your Mrs to stop standing on the poor cat, we all having a  good laugh, the old girl, says, you forgot the piano, she said, we made their night. she was giggling away and said, thanks for your entertainment. so we  made somebody happy for the night, even if the words were ;made up, well half of them.

    Aly i love lamb shanks, they so yummy. loads of gravy. hope your lunch is good too and glad hubby feeling better.

    better go and do some chores , catch you later. xxxxx

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited June 2013

    Annette....funny story, glad you could entertain the

    Mandy....I too am on Xeloda & as I posted last week, had my first response to any chemo in the past year :) Just wondering what sort of response you've had on it? I see you have been on it since November, I've been on it since February & I have read of women being on it for 3 years or more! My onc has a patient that has been on it for 5 years......I could live with that!!! Has your hair grown on it? Mine is growing into awful nana curls....still wearing scarves & wigs......

    Oh, our weather is not so good today so maybe it's on the way to you :)

    Delvzy....I can do a lot of damage at the shops in an hour!! Having your new jeans a bit snug might just give you the incentive to lose that extra couple of kilos.....good luck!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend girls.

    Karen xoxox

  • Kate60
    Kate60 Member Posts: 523
    edited June 2013

    Thanks everyone for such a lovely welcome back, you have warmed the cockles of me heart!!!!

    I am sooooo upset. If you look at and the main picture on that, there is this pretty rough looking girl. Well she's probably not rough, and I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but first impressions etc....

    Anyway, I took the newspaper around to my FIL as my MIL couldn't drive to get him his Sunday paper due to a bad back. Not a problem. So I gave him the paper and he takes one look at it and says "Oh look, there's Kate!" Now, Pauls father is always a prick, and will always say derogatory remarks about people, you don't need to by a psychologist to understand that he builds himself up by putting others down... but this was just so offensive to me. Usually, I like everyone, just lets it slide (we're bigger than that) but not this time. I was just so offended and hurt, so I told him not to be rude to me and also that it was offensive. I told him a few times that that comment was rude and also added, 'why don't you tell me how your really feel?' Well, poor old Pauls mum looked like a deer caught in the headlights and he was just silent. No smart arse quips or anything. I don't think he knew what to say. He knew I was pulling him up and I have to say I am the only one in the family to do so. He was lost for words. He then tried to be jovial and joking with me, but I am not playing that game with him. He is offensive and hurtful and I'm not going to stay silent. Gloves are off.  I know I have a weight problem but I have put up with his barbs since we moved over here. I can't even go to a family get together which involves food and he sits and just stares at what I am eating. He has even had the nerve to tell me to 'stop eating' when I have gone for seconds. I might add, that he goes for thirds at times. He is just a miserable bitter old man, but the whole family are scared of him. Not me. I see him for what he is, and I'm not going to play along anymore.

    Rant over!!!! (SORRY)

    Girls, what are the dates for our Sydney Soiree? Will book tickets soon. And Trish, still OK if I come back to Canberra with you please?

    For the newbies here that I haven't met because I have been a slacko, I say a big friendly hello to you and welcome.

    Hope everyone has a terrific Sunday

    Much love, Me xxxxx

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited June 2013

    Kate, some people are just miserble aren't they, he has obviiously got a very insecure feeling about himself, as it makes him feel good to put others down, i have weight problem,alot of us do. and yea, makes me mad when people like him  watch you eat waiting for the next snide remark to make. I know its up setting. but you know he only puts him self down, people know what he is like, don't get too upset, its hard tho, i know. at least you can change the way you look, he may not be able to. it hurts i know. i feel for you as i know where you are coming from. Don't let him spoil yr day, HE AIN"T WORTH IT. very big gentle hugs to you.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited June 2013

    Kate the date for Sydney is the last Friday in November to the first Sunday in December  29 - 1.

    I think you did the right thing with your FIL, it sounds like it's about time someone put him in  his place.  I would have done the exact same thing........a joke is a joke but sometimes what he may consider a joke is as you say insulting and hurtful.   ((((((hugs))))))

    Annette I'm still laughing at the your entertainent for you for being able to   On a serious note, I did read on FB that other day that the actress who played Edith died last week........there was  anone too flattering photograph posted with it of her wearing a not very good wig.......such a shame that someone would pick something like that.

    Delvzy, I don't go shopping as I can never find what I'm looking for and if I find something that I love and it doesn't fit.....well....what more can I say.  I have a tendancy to get something and then just wear it until it falls off me.  I must admit that my desire to sew my own clothes has of late begun to grab me so I think my sewing machine will be getting a bit of a workout.

    Mandy, hope those new scan are all good and the Xeloda works for you for a long time.

    That goes for you too Karen.

    It's a chilly day here again so I'm about to light the fire I think.  The cat has already been giving me the 'where's the warmth?' look so I'd better go litght it so the looks can  I wouldn't mind a bit of warmth as well.  Strange as it is, this is the first winter since I've been on Femara that I'm actually feeling the cold......

     Hope the rest of your weekend is all good!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited June 2013

    Oh Kate....what a bitter & twisted old man! Good for you for standing up to him!!

    You know my mother has a similar way about her, never anything nice to say to anyone & tends to disagree with everything everyone says.

    Anyway, we went out to a family lunch last weekend & she really started to get to me, argued one too many times & I just felt like I'd been shot down in flames!!

    So like you, I told her.....I then took a moment to leave the table & take a few deep breaths & when i came back she was doing the biggest suck job, still is....thinking I might need a restraining I am choosing to ignore her for awhile & everyone else said good on you, it needed to be said.

    I just don't understand the negativity some people constantly display & don't know why they expect the rest of us to put up with it!! Anyway, my rant over also....:)

    I have my daughter & her new boyfriend coming for dinner so just made a lovely chocky cake & hubby is making lamb racks....bless him :) Now gonna watch the footy before they come over..

    Love to all

    Karen xoxox

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited June 2013

    I think you did the right thing with your reaction Kate. Well done! :-)

    We have my in-laws arriving on Tuesday for a week. My FIL is like that as well and we have had several "run ins" over the years. He just doesn't seem to learn that I won't put up with the same sh..t that his wife and daughter do.

    Every time we see them I go i to the experience thinking he miht of mellowed - hasn't happened yet though...

    I just realised that I will have my new nipples just in time for our get together. My surgery is scheduled for 5 November, so we might be able to have a big reveal (privately).
