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Australian Sisters



  • Tammy_M43
    Tammy_M43 Member Posts: 565
    edited May 2013

    Trish, I am sure you will spend many happy hours in your beautiful you say it is something you see everyday so it should be something that makes you happy. Enjoy it :-)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Hello Trish! It sure is a very small world. I had our new neighbours, two doors down, over for morning tea, and a chat yesterday. They are from Canberra too. They moved here by "accident", exactly as we did. LOL They have taken posession of their new home, but won't be moving in till September.

    I went through the same angst about renovations when we moved here! We ended up going with what we wanted because we could justify this as our last big move. Fortunately, we are thrilled with the results.

    I was very saddened by the 60 Minutes story. That young girl, younger than my daughter, broke my heart. She just wanted the option to try for another child before going forward with all that surgery. I felt for the family, so much heartbreak from this shitful disease, and they even lost Dad this week too. I wonder if 60 Minutes might show this story in the US, since it has a documentry coming and the story was done over, I think, a three year period. It certainly puts the decisions that have to made by people carrrying the BRCA gene into perspective.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited May 2013

    Trish, my opinion for the bench top?  Go for it girl!  you really only get to do the whole new kitchen once so if you can stretch the budget get the one you you say, you spend a whole lot of time in it.........besides, have you ever seen a man say he'll have the smaller shed when it's the big one he wants?

    I didn't see 60 mins but it sounds like that story coming so close to the Angelina Jollie thing sure is raking up some contraversy but as always, there is the other side of the coin.

    Heading down to the city tomorrow for my annual skin check......sigh!.......if it's not one thing its another.  At least my life is never boring.  If my dermatologist is running on time I will also be able to attend the funeral of my friends son........melanoma is a silent killer so getting checked is an absolute must for every Australian.

    Winter is here to stay, like you Trish, the morning have been bordering on heavy frost with day temps in the low teens.....brrrrrrr.  So glad the fire is easy to light and quick to warm.

    have a great night all.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • Delvzy
    Delvzy Member Posts: 454
    edited May 2013

    Trisha I love recycled hardwood I bought a dining table in it and I just love it!

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited May 2013

    Well I have your overwhelming support girls lol I will go for it :-)  Mind you I haven't seen the quote yet lol.

    I didn't see 60 Minutes - sounds like a very sad story.  We are in the city now and had commercial tv for exactly one day.  Now for some reason we can't find it ..  we had Foxtel put on as we were so used to it, but for some reason after the first day our other channels disappeared.  I know they are there somewhere, but haven't had the time to find them yet.  I'm sure DH "did" something with the remote, so will have to work out what he's done.



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited May 2013

    Hi all. After a weekend meeting, well four day, had to be up a 7.00 for another meeting!!!! Never mind starting to wake up. Oh was I tired last night and even went to bed really early.

    I am on a national church group that does the final selection of people who want to go into the ministry. It is a really intense weekend of interviews, group assessments, speeches and discussions. I do feel sorry for the candidates as it starts on Friday night for then and ends Sunday afternoon when we start our difficult process of selection. Saying no is very very hard and can be extremely emotional for us. It is a great group of people both lay and clergy. We have the weekend at a very lovely Anglican Retreat Centre in a most beautiful spot overlooking the sea.

    Trisha hope your kitchen planning goes well, so enjoy my relatively new kitchen, still look at it and can't believe it is really mine.

    Big hugs to every one.

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited May 2013

    Hope everyone is going well?

    Annette!  Where are you? We haven't seen you on here for a little while, is everything ok?



  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited May 2013

    I am still here, had colds, sorry, i have not been on nhere for a little while. Also that employee driver we had on that went three days awol, we had had to take on again,  he has been done for a log book offence to which he could loose his license tomorrow, believe me there is no protection for employers over here once you employ people, apart from the 3 month beginning and you have the right to get rid of, if they don't measure up, but like everybody, you behave when you on   trial then they go to crap. we have had freight go missing, can't account for it, baby furniture imported from over seas, just disapear and that same day a tread mill, since then 5 boxes of crockery, and its only on his runs, he can't remember where he dropped them off, everything is being checked and everybody who  he delivered to that day. that will be a big claim that comes off us, we have our suspisions, but if we sack him even if he has nicked it, it could still come up and bite us in the bum finacially. as that happenend to another trucking firm, cost him 250 grand, even tho the employee was stealing of the firm, she was an office girl, she got done for fraud, but still was able to get compensation from her employer for loss wages after he fired her for stealing, where is the fairness in that and then it cost tthe employer heaps to get that over turned or go to jail, who is the bad one here, she stole thousands off him. she in jail now and he is still paying for her crime. so tomorrow  this guy will be convicted of a log book offence, falscifying it and he got a grumpy cop and depends on the judge, he could loose his lisence and that will let us off the hook, as its for a month and its a stand down with no pay. after that month it is up to us whether we take him back, apart from his dishonesty, he is good worker, does not take sick days off and acutally very pleasnet, but he BS's all  the time and you can't take his word for anything and we believe he is hocking off the freight, either selling it or  for him self or mates. those pallet were heavy. and would not fall off the truck and there photos of being put on there. the nabman is not showing any different stop area, he is going to, so don't  know, its all circumstancial. we believe he was the one who nicked the 400 hundred bucks from hubby wallet, but we can't proove that either. its hard to proove and even if they are, it still can cost you. hope he looses his license before we loose our bussiness as its only on his runs it happens. so i have deal with those issues. Waiting to hear from lawyer, we have our lawyer on to it, but he is getting that taken out of his wages. he is quite confident it will  be loss of his license. he has the right of a atourney, and the lawyer knows  what has been happening to the freight, so is  not making too much effort to defend him.  hope i have not bored you all. I told  BIL and hubby, you take him back, then you deserve what you get, you know what he is underneath. Hubby does not want him back, but BIL is wavering, i told him, not to be an idiot, this could be your way out.  Hope everybody is ok.  have mamgram on 11 th june, glad not today, too cold to go out.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited May 2013

    Friend posted this today- I do like it.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited May 2013

    I have been playing with photos when I should be writing a report.

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited May 2013

    Lovely photos Aly - much more fun that writing reports :-)

    Good to hear from you Annette - but not so good to hear about your employee troubles again :-(



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited May 2013

    Oh Annette I sure hope that guy looses his licence so you can be rid of him.......all that freight! Definitely not boring us, just getting it off your chest and where else can you do that but with friends.

    Aly I just love the collage! Fabulous pics of everyone!

    Had a great big sleep and now I feel better. OMG! I must go check under my bed, maybe the same thing happened to my cleaning fairy as she hasn't been around for

    Love n hugs all! Chrissy

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited May 2013

    Hi Girls, the court case was ajourned til 18th next month, which is now twice that has happened. it was bitter sweet, as today the boys were run of their feet, esp hubby, so the driver is back at work, which did relieve the pressure off Hubby having to do the run when there so much else to do. so i will be back later on, catch you soon.

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited May 2013

    Hi girls....back from my 'European Vacation'! Had a fabulous time but god the jetlag is a bitch!! Got back Monday & have had hardly any sleep even though feeling exhausted.....I don't get it, it's fine going the other way, only seems to happen when you get back! Oh well, I'll be right by the weekend I'm sure & at least I don't have to go to work....

    Back to reality, Tuesday had Xgeva injection, bloods & scan! The nurse that put the needle in for the scan got it all wrong, it hurt like hell, I bled all over the place & couldn't bend my arm for the rest of the day (not to mention all the bruising). When I commented it had hurt she replied 'well it was in right, you must just be having a sensitive day'.....could have slapped her & ended up in tears in the change room thinking I don't wanna do this anymore!!

    Anyway, picked up the results yesterday & my interpretation is the bone mets are stable with a small shrinkage of one of the liver mets....I see the onc this morning so hopefully he will confirm this......& I will get to stay on Xeloda, the 'easy' chemo!!!

    Haven't had a chance to catch up on everyone's posts & news but hope everyone is doing ok.....I'm still in shock & deeply affected by Angela's passing.....:(

    Take care lovely ladies.

    Karen xoxox

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited May 2013

    Hi Kazzie, very happy you back, yes it was horrible loosing Angela, very tragic.  Jet lag is a bummer, probably better getting it this way, as you would spend hours of your holiday feeling crap, at least you have yr own bed to get over it. As for that nurse, what a cow, a real, she will be right attitude, too bad if it hurt you, i would want to re-arrange her face. That would be so painful and you have  enough of your veins being tortured through needles. Well you get plenty of rest dearie, and don't go over doing things by doing too much. lovely your back. sorry you had a slap happy nurse, well i think it could of been a slap happy Karen if you could and she would know what sensitive was, lol warm hugs

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited May 2013

    Yay Karen!  Welcome home!  Your trip looked amazing and so did   When I did my trip, I did around the world and didn't get any jet lag at all!  Take it easy until you feel better.  Girl I would have reported that nurse, that is just sheer bitchiness and there is no room for that when you are dealing with sick people. 

    Annette, sorry that the case has be postponed but it was a good thing as you were so busy.  It would be hard to allow him to work though seeing as he is not fully trust worthy.  It just seems that its hard to get people who actually want to work and do the right thing.

    I need to work out where I'm going to put 12 metres of lace to cut it to lengths for the table runners for the wedding........right now it is on a huge role.  I don't have a very big dining table and it's round to boot so I'm thinking the sofa bed in the lounge might be the place as it's a reasonable height and I can sit on it while cutting.  I had thought of the floor but once I'm down it's just a little hard to get

    Have a good day all!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • Tammy_M43
    Tammy_M43 Member Posts: 565
    edited May 2013

    Welcome back Karen....glad to hear that you had a wonderful holiday. I hope you visit to the onc gave you positive news....

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited June 2013

    Thanks girls....yes, good news from the onc :)

    Stable bone mets & shrinkage of one of the liver I get to stay on the 'easy' chemo. Go back in 6 weeks, so 6 more weeks of freedom.

    First time I've had a scan that showed no progression so it doesn't get much better than that......:)

    Hope everyone is fine & have a lovely weekend.

    Karen xox

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited June 2013

    Hi there Girls, just sitting here listening to this parrot talking to his female companion, its come on darling, what are doing, come on, he slides over to her, whistles in her ear,  and says thats a girl, come on, very gently speaking  to her, she is ignoring him at present and he is trying very hard to be loving to her, and now its, (oh my God. what are you doing). gosh he is funny. he is like a husband and she is ignoring him very much so. its like listening to a married couple, the way he talks, very clear, she got out the other day and he was very distressed, it was come on, what are doing, come here,( hurry up,  his fav). i just sit and listen at times. it is very funny. Animals, they are a joy and can be a pain with messes they make. well i need to ring mother. so will catch up later, Karen, hope all is well with yr results.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited June 2013

    Yay Karen for good results!.......looks like your latest treatment is doing good things for you.......long may it last.   Are you planning another trip soon? or are you just going to sit back and put your feet up for awhile?

    Oh Annette that parrot sounds so funny, I was chuckling as I read your misiv.  You are so right, sounds just like a man cajoling his

    We have finally had a couple of days of rain....yay!  Yesterday it was pretty constant and then eased off early hours this morning only to return about lunchtime.  Mind you, I'm not complaining as the garden is dry, dry, dry and this is what I call good soaking rain as its gentle enough to soak in and not run off.  Almost time to try and spend some time out there putting everything to right before spring comes again.  Well, must get back to my makings as I still have many hearts to do.

    Have a great weekend all!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587
    edited June 2013

    Karen, great news. Have you recovered from your trip? It looked like you were having a great time, hopefully not too much washing when you got home. x

    Annette your bird story made me smile, absolutely gorgeous. I went for a walk by the lake today and all the black swans have just had babies. They are just adorable. It is so funny the black swans all swim in one area and the white ducks stay up the other end, definite pecking order.

    It is cooling down, we are all playing bowling on the Wii and relaxing. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. 

    Kate, I hope you are going ok. Thinking of you.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited June 2013

    I just learned that my SIL's niece will have a double mastectomy with immediate recon, SNB and clearance.......she is stage III but wont know grade till after surgery.  My heart goes out to her as she is only 36.....way too young.

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited June 2013

    Oh Chrissy.....that is just awful, so unfair! This bloody beast of a disease can strike anywhere..... The poor girl is way too young to be going through all that ((hugs))) x

    No holiday plans at the moment! We do have a couple of things in mind we would like to do in the future...all going well. It's a bit hard to plan past each round of scans, living my life in 3 month blocks! To be honest, as wonderful as it was touring the world, I did get a bit homesick......I think not knowing how long I will have with my family is having an effect!! I do have a girlie weekend in Byron Bay coming up with my sister & my 3 besties....:)

    The dreaded jetlag still hasn't are so lucky after such a big trip that you did not suffer....I would love to know your secret....:)

    Your dream catchers look beautiful & I do love the name of them. When is the wedding?

    Yes Annette, your bird story was very cute & did make me smile.....gotta love all animals.

    Kate......we haven't heard from you for ages, I do hope you are ok xx

    Kylie, your game sounds fun! It's cooling down here a lot too......sunny 20 degree days but very cold nights & I don't seem to be able to warm up!! I'm really feeling the cold & don't know if it's due to my cancer & treatment or I'm just turning into a

    Hope everyone's weekend is enjoyable.....long weekend over here in Perth.

    Karen xxx

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited June 2013

    Karen I think it all has to do with the forward movement.......going around the world means going in one direction....forward.  There is no going and coming.....according to my brother who travels a lot for work it's the going and then following the same route back means that you cross the date and time line twice on the wrong side.......does that make sense?  I was tired just from the travelling, you know the stop starting and seeing and processing so

    Are you going to try to get to the get together in Sydney?  I for one would love to see you there.

    The wedding is the 28th September so things really have to get moving and I need to really get moving with all the crafty means a little less time spent on   Wonder if I can do both?  I was checking out some Mother of the Bride fashions on line the other!  I sure wish I were a little skinnier than I am....such beautiful clothes but not much for the not so shapely........oh well, I'll just keep looking and if needs be I'll make something.  Meanwhile, I'll just keep on loosing some more weght and hopefully with a new sinch me in body the outer will look

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited June 2013

    Awww thanks for asking me Chrissy.....make me feel more a part of this special little group...:) It does sound like a lot of fun & would be lovely to meet you all in person but I really can't plan that far ahead! I guess I could wait & see how things are going closer to the date.....

    Wow, the wedding isn't too far away & you sure do have a lot of dream catchers to make...sorry for stating the I'm sure you'll find something lovely to wear & will look the part of the beautiful mother of the bride...keep up the good work with the weight loss, will make it that bit easier. Well done onnyour weight loss so far Chrissy...:)

    Thanks again for asking me to join you all (((hugs)))

    Karen xox

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited June 2013

    Karen, i missed your post about the results and just read it. that is so good, very happy to hear that. it was just the one before mine too.  so sorry about that. but am so glad for you. warm hugs.

  • aussie12
    aussie12 Member Posts: 421
    edited June 2013

    Hi Karen glad you had a good holiday, my sister and her husband have gone to France today for a month for her 50th birthday. Lucky her as I've never been overseas, my dream holiday would be to Egypt to see the Pyramids and then to Italy and Greece to see the ruins there. I've been to Melbourne and Queensland. Where have you all been too?

    Hope that everyone has a great weekend. I'ts a long weekend here in Perth.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited June 2013

    Hi Aus, I've lived in Queensland (Cairns), Victoria (Melbourne) and SA (all over)  Until I went on my trip in September 2011 I had never been outside Australia either nor had I ever held a passport so it was a pretty exciting time.  I went to Singapore, London (want to go back to the UK) and then the focus of the trip, all over the USA from east coast to west.  Oh man!!!  What a trip!!  So many place and so many wonderful women that I met on this forum!!  It was exciting and exhausting and I would do it again in the blink of an eye if I had the finances to do so.   I'd also like to do the trip that Karen just, that was fantastic!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited June 2013

    Morning all.

    Being really slack this morning as I am still in bed. Sore joints and bones - have seen bone scan and can see why - arthritis is not good especially in spine, hips and knees.

    Had littlies Friday and yesterday, love it but get tired. Only 2 weeks to go before they are off to Canada. So much to do in the next week. DH's birthday and a family get together next weekend.

    I love travelling and have been lucky enough to have had several wonderful trips, mainly to UK and Ireland. Its less than 3 months till we head to Canada and the US. Will visit friends in Vancouver then to my aunt in Pennsylvania before going to Canada to see DD and family. Also have already organised visiting friends I have met through BCO, met up with my chemo group last visit but have several others I will see this time.

    HOpe your weekends are going well.

    Big hugs.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited June 2013

    Hi all,

    Work is very busy (as usual) but I am hopeful I will be able to get on top of everything because we have just had an admin assistant start who will be able to help our team out 1.5days a week. Not a lot, but it will make a big difference.

    I am behind on listening to my uni lectures and need to start catching up because my exam is in 3 weeks!

    Our daughter has her university graduation ceremony on the 14th for her BMedSci. Tony and I will be her two guests :-) She's then leaving 10 days later for 3 months in Europe with her friends.

    Tony and I have spent the past 2 Saturdays going to open homes in two different areas of Sydney. We are looking at moving towards the end of the year and are still figuring out where to. It has to be somewhere close to public transport and near to good support services for our daughter with Down Syndrome.

    I have been finally feeling stronger physically and have been going out for walks every lunch time at work. It feels good that I can walk so much further than I could for the past couple of years. I'm thinking about joining the gym around the corner from work too!
