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  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2011

    Kindone- wuch wonderful news for you.!! I cannot believe you are a gramma x 2!! I am so happy for you and absolutely love the name Ava Marie.

    Starbeauty-  Good luck with your MRI.

    Karen - drive safe and wish you peace as you go through this.

    Maureen -  update us on your Onco appointment. How is rads going?  I love advent calendars.! what a wonderful treasure you are making.



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2011

    Hi Bevin,  Thanks for asking!!  Rads are going okay. Met with RO and he gave me cream today, I'm red already...after 5 tx. and stomach is sick.  Told me to take Zantac 2x/day, up the Vitamin D to 4000IU/day, took blood work, see me in 2 months.  He won't take the port out yet, he wants to leave in for a while :(  Nice seeing the onco nurses, I really like them, they are like girlfriends having fun. 

    When I was there, they had a posting for a breast cancer survivor luncheon that Komen is having locally, trying to find more info. I'll try to find more info if anyone is interested?

    Have a great night


  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited March 2011

    Karen - having the MRI at Wende Logan Young Clinic in Rochester.  Will PM you.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2011

    HI Ladies,  Anyone interested in going?

    Here's the link

    10th Annual Survivor Luncheon  (Komen sponsored event)

    Saturday May 7, 2011 

    Buffalo Niagara Convention Center Ballroom

    It's an online registration and free to breast cancer survivors (I think we qualify).

    Let us know if you plan on attending.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2011

    Quiet thread the past few days, I miss Karen :)  I'm doing okay.  Had #7 rad tx and pink skin has reared its ugly head.  I have two creams:  one right after treatment in the dressing room and one at night.  I see the RO on Monday.  Going to rads is easy though, just go, come home etc.  Went to Timmy's for coffee today, figured I deserve the treat and I'm beginning to taste coffee!!!  The taste buds come and go, has anyone else experienced that?   Enjoying the sun today.

    Starbeauty:  Did you have the MRI yet?  Prayer all ok.

    PS  The luncheon is free for survivors :) If you bring a friend (non-survivor) $25-30.00/person.  I'd still bring money, they have basket raffles etc...

    Kindone, Yummy, Bevin,:  Hi!!!


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2011

    HI Maureen, I can't go to the lunch, but thanks for the info. Its my daughters communion day! It was good to chat w you yesterday. Good luck w Rads tomorrow and then you have the weekend off.  Yeahhh!!

    Hi Kindone! - checking in on you. Did you get your MRI results?  Hope all is well.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2011

    Hi Maureen...

     Yes - had the MRI on Wednesday and I am still waiting for results - I have been home during lunch both days to check my phone messages to see if they have called me - no call yet - so I think that means that they don't need to schedule me for a biopsy... :) 

     Not sure about the luncheon... need to talk to DH about it.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Hi Everyone,  Busy couple of days!! Rads are going okay, just got caught in a bit of a traffic jam due to the police officer's  funeral. Police, govenor, etc... so nice to see the turnout for this young man.  Such a sad event for a young man and a tragedy for the poor man that killed him in the accident.  Still think the person who got the ticket should be charged with manslaughter....his speeding caused the whole mess. #9/28 rads tx.  I have a cooling gel and cream I put on immediately post tx and another one at night, still look like a lobster with no bra LOL

    Yummy, Actually went out without the bra and smiled the whole time with the visual of you whipping out your double D's  I will laugh about that for months to come. 

     Bevin:  Nice to speak with you, you're so friendly.  Good luck with the 1st communion day, very special day for children,  I still display both my children's pictures of their 1st communion.  My son was the poster boy for JC Penny's. 

    Starbeauty:  Still saying prayers for you and hoping all is good. Sometimes no news is good news.

    Just going to hang out and watch TV today, really tired. Hope everyone has a great evening.



  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2011

    Hi Maureen  - I cannot believe your son was on an advertisement. How cute!

    Hope your skin calms down. Just DONT itch it!!

    I hope everyone had a great Sunday. It was beautiful today!!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Hi all, just got back from Pa., so just a short post.  It was a bittersweet trip, packing up clothes and getting all to the shelter and some to senior center called Rolling Hills in Conneautville.  It was good to see where everything was going, I knew my godmother would have approved.  Special petting for her cat, Bubbies, who crawled onto my lap and just draped himself.  It was good to be with family down there.  I missed all of you.  Will catch up on the posts I missed and will speak to you tomorrow.  hugs, Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2011

    Hi Ladies, How is everyone doing? I av been busy working and then  spending time with our new baby. I got some sad news, A girl that lived next store to me when I was growing up pass a way this week of BC.  She was younger than me.  I will be going to the wake tommarow in Hamburg.

    Karen, I glad your home and all went well.

    Starbeauty, have you gotten your results yet?

    Maureen, Bevin, hows it going? 

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2011

    Hi All... thank you so much for the prayers and concern - my MRI results came back normal!!  I am so happy - it truly is such a relief to know that life is going to settle down just a tiny bit and maybe I can ditch some of the MD visits this year.

     Kindone - I'm so sorry to hear about your school friend... 

    Karen - glad you are home safely.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Kindone, so sorry for your loss, this beast is just so terrible in what it does to families.  I hope the funeral was not so difficult.  I know the first one I went to affected me pretty strongly.  Starbeauty, so happy for your good news, bet you feel like you can breathe again.  I got your phone number and will give you a call later this evening so we can get together for coffee.  Really looking forward to that and now that spring has sprung (I hope) all of us getting together.  Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Maureen, so glad to be back, it was so sad at times, then one of us would share a good or funny memory, and it would bring a smile.  Her son who lived with her, has a dog and a cat that favored my godmother.  If I sat where she usually sat, the cat, Bubbies would trot over.  He is a Maine Coon Cat, so he's pretty big, probably 20 some pounds.  He would drape himself over my leg, turn over for his tummy rub, he would lay there for however long I would pet.  I know he misses her too. It was so good to be with family down there, but I was glad to come home too.  It was hard to be without a computer and out of touch.  Sorry to hear you are burning, I'm glad they gave you a cream for after the treatment and one for the night.  The techs will keep an eye on it and may raise you to a stronger treatment cream, you see the RO once a week don't you, he will write the script if need be.  hugs Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Hi All,  I wasn't on-line the last couple of days because my cat was sick.  She kept throwing up so we took her to the vet, in a laundry basket.  The laundry basket is the only thing we could trap her in, as she's a really feisty cat. What a site, laundry basket with a bungee chord keeping the top closed, even the vet laughed but thought it was ingenious.  DH thought it up.   The vet had to have an assistant in the room to handle her, she's not a lap cat.  Anyway, long story short, she has a problem with hairballs and needs to have medicine applied to her paw every couple of days.  She hasn't thrown up since Friday AM (great news), however the medicine is fun trying to get on her paw, we have to wait till she's sleeping and sneak up on her (LOL).

    Starbeauty:  GREAT NEWS!!! Go celebrate.  I'm doing the happy dance with you.

    Bevin,  Hi, will try to call this week, a few projects reaching critical timelines, so a lot of  reviews need to be completed.

    Karen: WELCOME HOME,  I missed you!!!  Glad you finished the house clean-out, sorry to say I suspected it would be hard to do.  Your godmother's cat sounds very loveable....and BIG.

    Kindone,  so glad you are enjoying that new grandchild.  How's the birthday boy handling the adjustment?  I'm so sorry to read the news of your friend. That must have been really hard.  Sending you a big (((((((((cyber hug)))))))))))))

    Yummy, heymoose, EllenD:  Sending a big hello, stop bye and let us know you're okay. 
  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2011

    HI Maureen - I cannot even imagine what that scene was like trying to trap your cat.  It would have been great to capture on video!!!  Good luck with your projects - now worries - call when  you're free.

    Kindone - I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I hope the funeral was not too difficult on you. I think it's hard not to reflect on our own lives when someone who is similarly sickened or our age.  I saw that book reviewed called "heaven is for real" It sounds good. A youn boy wrote about his experience in heaven- he had gone through a really difficult surgery and saw heaven, God, his grandfather.. except everyone was young. Very interesting and I really liked the concept.  Hopefully where she is in heaven there is no pain and she is healthy again. Hellen Keller wrote that she wasnt afraid to die. It was like walking from one room into another, except in the other room God gave her back her sight and she could see and hear again.  I like that. Maybe these thoughts will bring you some peace.

    Starbeauty-  Glad your mri is clear. Hope you have less doctors appointments to attend now Wink

    Karen - Glad ou are back - I am sorry you needed to go through this, but it does sound like you were able to see family and reconnect which is always good. The Cat sounds great.  I love those big fat huge ones.. So cute to look at.  Its so nice you were able to donate things to people who will need them and be thankful for them. Very kind.

    Love the warm weather... not such a fan of the rain.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Hi Everybody,  I posted this info on another thread but wanted to let everyone know, I had my 6mo. mammo and US yesterday.  They found a lump behind the location of my lumpectomy, Birad 3, radiologist said probably nothing, easy for him to say!!  I'm nervous, so when I went to rads today I asked if the RO can re-read the films, he will on Thurs.  Then I have an appointment with Dr. Bauer on 14th so we'll see what they say.  I cannot believe I went through chemo and rads and anything would still be there.  Have another question:  When you had rads, did your breast get all red and dimpling??  I want to believe this is nothing but after everything we go through with this br. cancer shit, I've become very paranoid.  Off to chase the cat for her medicine, I have to apply it on her paw and now she just runs from me, even ran from a deep sleep.  She's a sneaky one sometimes. BTW, you're right bevin, I should get a video of this fiasco Tongue out

    Have a great evening


  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2011

    Maureen, I am so sorry you have to go though this.  Please keep positive until you know something for sure.  I am so surprised you would have a mamo a US during rads.  I only had red burn on my breast during rads and the cream helped.  Dr Bauer  will get to the bottom of this.  He is the best.  You might have to get a biopsy.  I was just at his office last week bc where I had my revision implant in January I have redness on my breast like a rash but not really.  It stays the same, not getting worst or better, he is not concerned bc its on my non cancer side.  But i worry a bout inflammatory BC.  I also saw 3 other DRs and no one is concerned;. They thinks its vascular but it still bothers me.  Bauer said he would biopsy it if I want.  I just might for peace of mind.  I will keep you in my prayers your in good hands.  Betty

    YUMMY Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2011


    That sucks!  sorry to hear you have to go through more not knowing stress, but will be praying all is well.

    Obviously, my breast got red... lets give ourselves a major sunburn... but no dimpling.  It may just be inflammation from the 'trauma' from radiation... a histamine reaction.  Ask your rads onco, or maybe try a benadryl and see if that helps... it certainly can't hurt.

     One thing that caught me by surprise is that when they were radiating the cervical lymph nodes I ended up with burn on my BACK!.  I'm forgetting that unlike the sun, the radiation goes right through you.  That was a big DUH moment for me.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Maureen, I'm so sorry you had to hear that there was a lump.  Maybe it is scar tissue from the lumpectomy.  Today is the day they read the films again and will be able to say it is nothing.  Hoping your DD was with you for support.  I have my mammo on the 21stof this month and I know I get scared when I think it is taking too long to read, if you want results on the same day, you wait about a half hour.  And if they think it looks suspicious they do the biopsy right there.  I am praying your's is scar tissue or a benign cyst.  You are in my thoughts each day, I hate what this damn disease does to you, to all of us.  hugs, Karen  ps I got the redness but no dimpling, ask the RO to have a look at it, I hope he is there every day.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2011

    Good Evening ladies, not much going on. Hows everyone doing?  Its quiet tomight. 

    Maureen how are you doing?  I am thinking about you.

    Ladies soon we will be getting together, can't wait to met all of you.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Hi all, just saw my new PCP, I really liked her and she spent a lot of time answering my questions about thyroid levels, blood pressure, and weight. I need to lose weight for myself, she gave me a copy of a book that she used and lost 40 lbs. last year.  I think I'm going to join the weight loss site, E-LAB here since the quit smoking is working so well for me.  I have blood work to do tomorrow and a follow up with her on the 21st, although if the thyroid is out of whack, she will call me when she gets it to change med dosage.  Maureen, thinking about you and wondering how you are.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Hi All, went to see RO with films in hand, he's not concerned at all, says it wasn't on the mammo it was on one angle on the US.  From the angle, it looks like scar tissue, but will mark to review on the next mammo.  Said the radiologist will always err on the side of caution because of diagnosis.  I'm just tired of all the anxiety, always looking over my shoulder.  Have to go back to work now, can't wait till next week, just too busy lately.

    Kindone,  Let us know if you get the biopsy and how it goes. 

    Karen,  glad you like your new PCP, good for you, they are hard to find.  She sounds normal and smart. Let me know how the 21st works out.  Did you go for coffee with starbeauty?  If yes, hope you had fun.

    Hi Bevin!!! hope everything is okay.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Maureen, lets hear it for scar tissue!  After you get the diagnosis of BC anything else is a cause for celebration, no problem, it's a cyst, it's scar tissue, it' cording, that's OK.  How is the infamous cat, all healed or are you still racing her around the house, it is so much easier to give a dog a pill, when the vet mentions pills, I absolutely cringe and think easy for you to say.  I'm with bevin would love to see that on tape.  hugs, Karen

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2011

    Maureen - I got a profound burn - lost a bunch of skin - had an area under my arm that was dimpled and heaved up.  I had the burn on my back too - about a 7inx3in patch... made me worry about what my lung looks like now.  I'm so glad your "spot" turned out to be nothing but scar tissue... and so glad you can let your breath back out... it is so stressful.

     Karen - I'm sorry we haven't had time for coffee yet... next week looks pretty good.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    I still have the tingly feet/toes thing and my rad breast is red and swollen but the cream they gave me really helps a lot. called R1R2 and they give free samples every week, enough to get through the week.  I put the gel on right after tx. and the cream at night, not greasy and the gel dries really quickly.  Funny started taking PM naps too, not long 15 minutes or so but that's unusual for me.  

    Ahhh the cat, now I had to purchase a water fountain to encourage drinking water because vet called and she's slightly dehydrated.  She will be more dehydrated because she won't go near the water fountain.Undecided  DD got the cream on her paw and you'd think we cut her paw off (LOL) whining, shaking her paw which flings the medicine on the living room rug and then runs through the house meowing, it really is hysterical, I wish I owned a camcorder because it's sooo funny to watch.  My DD looked at me and said maybe the vomit would have been easier to clean LOL Tongue out

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Hi all, will be away for the weeekend, a friend I haven't seen in 20 years is coming through and we will be spending nights in a hotel in Amherst.  Staying there since it is the middle stop for 5 other friends I started teaching with. I'll be in your neighborhood, Maureen.  Back on Monday hugs to all, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Have fun Karen,  wish I knew earlier, we could've planned a quick coffee or something.  Guessing the hotel cluster about 20 minutes from my house. Marriott, Hampton, etc....across from the back entrance to UB.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Maureen, the hotel is called The Blue Indigo, it is on Flint Ave.  I am staying with my friend, so the room is in the name of Sherry Stover.  That would be so much fun to finally meet you, I feel so close to you already.  I will take your phone number with me - so after I find out the times and places of our visits, I will call and see if we can go get a coffee.  Talk to you soon. hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Yep,  the blue indigo is the hampton, just re-named.  Like I said about 15-20min from my house.  Absolutely let me know your schedule and we'll try to work something out!!  Have a safe trip

