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Western New York Area



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Sitting here wondering what the heck is going on?  It's snowing so much outside, I can barely see across the street.  Lasted about 15minutes but I got chills just watching the weather.  We've had some really wierd weather outside across the country.  Karen,  I hope Sherry's family is safe.  DH is in Delaware and I was worried about him, seems midwest is really getting the crazy weather this spring.  Just recieved a call, my BIL is pretty sick, hospital, MRSA infection.  Wish I was done with tx. I'd be there. 


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Maureen, sorry to hear that your BIL is so sick, I know you'd be there in a minute if you weren't in treatment.  How many more to go?  Same here with the snow, it really came down for about 20 minutes, nothing stuck though, thank goodness.  Hope it gets tired of snowing, I have 2 appts. in Rochester, one I can find by myself, so Susan will not need to go, the other on Thursday, to my BS.  Not nervous so hopefully my blood pressure will be OK. Also have an appt. with my PCP, who is just 4 blocks away, to go over the blood work she had ordered.  Hopefully will not need yet another pill.  I ordered DD a light machine for her birthday, she is really affected by this dreary weather, Bday on Monday.It is supposed to be very effective for SAD.  Hopefully because I ordered it, the weather will turn to 50's and sunny.   Sherry's brother is her only family in N.C., she is originally from Long Island, both her parents have passed away.  The 3rd year I taught, I team taught with another teacher, between the 2 of us we had 30 primary aged trainable children.  We always took student teachers, since we needed the extra hands.  She finished student teaching and was hired on immediately, we have been close ever since.  I think she'd like to come back here to live, regardless of the weather, since so many friends are here.  The only problem would be medical ins., since she has lupus.It has been in remission for 15 years, but they still consider it chronic.  Karen  p.s., this turned into a fair sized message, I'm trying to avoid getting on the bike again, I have 20 minutes left to do today. 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Hi Karen,  Thanks for the good wishes for BIL, he's a cancer survivor so I worry about him.  He's one of the nicest southern gentleman you will ever meet.  I'm on 19/28 tx. as of friday.  I think I get boosts to 33 total but honestly, I stopped listening after all the info starts coming at me.  I want to take Good Friday off and go to the Broadway Market.  I took my mom the year she died because she's never been there and the kids enjoyed the outing so I'd like to go again.  Feels like Black Friday right after Thanksgiving, it's a tradition now and I'm all about traditions. I'll ask tomorrow. Only puts off tx for one day. 

    Good luck with your appts. hoping the weather holds for you and good news during Easter week. Sorry to hear about DD, does she take vitamin D?  Might help with her moods. 

    Glad to hear Sherry's family is safe.  Please send my regards to her, she was very nice

    Shout out to WNY'ers, what are we doing for our get together?  Any suggestions?  Place, Time, etc...

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter week.  I love holidays, even more now that bc beast reared its ugly head.  I even buy new outfits.  My mom always did, Easter sunday = new coats, hats, shoes, dresses etc...I think I take after my mom.  Make it special. Make it count.  Off to watch Desperate housewives, then to bed.  Have fun on that bike Karen :) 


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    How about the first weekend in June, it should be warm by then!!  There is a restaurant on Route 5 and Transit, I don't know the name, but it has a huge bison on the upper side.  What we did last weekend was call ahead for the reservation, mention it was a reunion of friends that were seeing each other for the first time in 20 years and we would probably be there for an hour or two. We could say we are breast cancer survivors who have been communicating since Jan. and are seeing each other in person for the first time.  I'll try to get up that way to get the name of the restaurant.  Any other suggestions about a different place, more central to where we all live?  There is a Bill Grays on the Transit side, it is in a little plaza on the right if you are coming in from Batavia.  It's snowing again, grass is covered. Can't wait for all of us to meet on a warm weather day.  Maureen, that's a good idea about the vitamin D, I just got a bottle for 2 for the price of one at Walmart, that is vitamin C and D.  I'll have her try it  hugs to all, Karen  

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2011

    Karen where is Route 5 and Transit?  I know Transit rd and I know Route 5 but they dont come together.  Is this in Williamsville?

    Maureen, I am going to the Broadway Market tomarrow with my DD.  We also go every year.  I have to work on Easter (hospital work) but I get out a 3 just in time for diner at my sisters and then go back to work at 7pm until 11pm.   I hope you can take Friday off to go to the Market its so neet there,  lots of good food and treats.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Kindone, I must be mistaken on the address, I'll check with my daughter when she gets home.  Thanks for catching that, I'd be sending us to a non-existent restaurant.  Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Kindone, I must be mistaken on the address, I'll check with my daughter when she gets home.  Thanks for catching that, I'd be sending us to a non-existent restaurant.  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Hi Ladies,  Yes!!!!  I am off from rads on Good Friday.  RO said fine, I can take a break and add onto the end of the following week. So one week from Friday, I will be done with the regular radiaition and have boosts then done.  Main and Transit meets in Williamsville.  June is a busy month for me, son's prom, graduation, etc... but I can do early to mid June?  First or second weekend?  As long as the weather's good, I can go wherever? Karen, find out the name of that first place, does it have a website? 

    Kindone,I'm going to the broadway market with my sisters and maybe all the kids. Depends if they want to get up at 5:30AM because I'm going early.   I was there once with my mom, and once with a polish man I was engaged to years ago (boy his mom could cook!!).  Anything special you recommend buying? 

    What's everyone doing for easter?  I'm going to sister's house for dinner.  She usually has between 30-40 people for dinner every easter.  Some times she has brunch but dinner seems to work out better with church schedules and such. Oh well, have to do laundry, DH is coming home tomorrow.  


  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2011

    Splash Lagoon is a ton of fun kindone... my son and DH are downstairs working out in the great exercise area.  Went to an Amish outlet - tons of very cool things to see.  Glad we are mostly indoors... the "spring" is amazingly similar to winter. My daughter said some of the bad weather whipped through toppling trees where she lives... and I guess pretty bad flooding in VA too.  Makes the snow less odious, but truly when is it going to end... the snow is still flying.  Yikes!!  Karen - not sure Friday will work... may extend our vacation a little.  Will post when I get back. 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Maureen, I Googled it by looking up restaurants in Williamsville, it does have a wesite.  It is called The Buffalo Bison Brew  Pub, at 6861 Main St., 716 632 0552.  The first weekend in June is perfect, could all the Western New York women please post to see if this is a goodtime for you, Sat. or Sun,  It would probably be better to go after the lunch hour, so !:30.  It's finally going to happen, I'm so excited to finally be getting together.  Have a great time at the Broadway Market, my grandmother used to take me there during the week before Easter. You are almost done with rads,  Yay!!  The homemade horseradish is delish and it clears the sinuses really fast.  hugs to all, Karen  P.S.  website is The Buffalo Brew Pub.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Starbeauty, I don't blame you for staying longer, this is no weather to be anxious to come to.  I'll wait to hear from you. So glad your son is having a good time, I was a Special Eduation Teacher for 20 years, and then an admistrator for 10 years.  It is truly wonderful to work with the children and young adults.  Tried to teach regular education for 1 yr. but it just didn't offer the same joy.  Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited April 2011

    Just noticed this thread.  I live in Kenmore, NY and am going through treatments at Roswell.  I am in the middle of Week 2 of 7 in my radiation treatments.  Had a lumpectomy and re-excision and will be done with treatments after rads.  I am 42 years old and am married with a 6 year old son.  Little upset about the weather as well, but pretty tired so don't mind staying in most of the time.  Just trying to entertain my son during easter break.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Hi Susan,  Welcome to the site.  Several women on this site and they are all great.  Six year old, boy you must be busy!!  So glad to hear you avoided the chemo route, it's not a fun journey.  You won't be taking any hormone therapy?  Right now I'm in the middle of rads in week 5or 6.  I went to a private surgeon, oncologist and radiologist who all worked at Roswell at some point.  Heck I even worked at Roswell for 10 years.  Love the people I worked with.  Currently employed in the private sector.  My children are much older than yours.  I do have a friend from the area that just had a baby in December, little flower.  Hopefully she'll read the thread and jump on. 

    Karen,  Of course, I'm in for the lunch. Anyone else?


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Welcome SusanHG, we are all in theW.N.Y. area and are getting together the first weekend in June at the Buffalo Brew Pub in Williamsville. Hope you will get to know us on line and join us, it is truly a fine group of women, to gain support, vent, lean on.  The thread has been going on since January.  I was a school teacher and now a grandmther, my grandchildren live downstairs from me and on Monday they were bored!  Vacation time, all their friends are usually here, so tonight I am supervising 6, 3 boys, 3 girls.  They will turn 13 and 14 on Saturday, so really only need supervision.  My daughter, whose birthday is tommorrow is going out to dinner ro celebrate with friends.  again welcome.  Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2011

    Welcome Susan, I am Betty from So Buffalo.

    Karen, I can make it May 7 or 8th, but not the following weekend, let me know if this is good.  Now I know where the Buffalo Brew Pub is.  I am excited to meet everyone.

    I went to Roswell to Monday ti see a DR. about the redness on my revision, this is the 5th Dr I have seen about this.  She said it is vascular which is what the other MD thought and it might take years if ever to go away.  I guess is long as its not cancer I can live with that.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Kindone,  can you make it on June 4th or 5th at 1:30?

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2011

    Yes, I am sorry I was thinking May sorry.  Yes I am off the  weekend of June 4 and 5th that would be great.

    Also I went to the Broadway Market today, it was very busy.  I bought all my favorite things.

    Poppy seed roll, The bread with the crumbs on top. (don't know the name) horseradishes for DH and of course chocolate.

    Has anyone ever did the Seven Churches on Holy Thursday?

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Kindone, I did them as a high schooler with 2 of my friends, there are or were many Catholic churches in Buffalo. I grew up in Buffalo.  I will wait for the rest of the WNYers to get back to me on whether or not they can make it and then call for reservations. That horseradish is potent, love it on beef and weck, my grandmother used to make her own and it was stronger yet.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Hi All,  never did the churches on Holy Thurs. something to put on my list of things to do. I've been so lax on going to church since dx., not sure why just didn't.  Need to get back to the swing of things.  I'll get in my groove.   OMW to p/u DH from the airport, if he gets in, plane was delayed but only a few minutes.  I can go first weekend in June.  Brew Pub sounds good.  I'd give the girls a couple of weeks to respond.  A lot of people are on vacation during Easter week.

    Will go to the broadway market on Friday, I'm sure it will be a ZOO (LOL) DH loves horseradish so that wil go on the list.  rolls w/o seeds will go on list.   The coffee crumb cake sounds delish,  now I'm hungry


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited April 2011

    Sure, I'd love to join you all on Jun. 4th or 5th.  I avoided chemo by 3 mm.!  Immediately after my lumpectomy, there was a question whether I would need chemo or not.  I was seeing an oncologist who specializes in hematology (a friend of a friend).  She showed me the numbers for distant recurrence, but her numbers were wrong.  I decided on chemo initially, according to her numbers, and ordered a wig, scarves, and hats.  She then decided to send me to Roswell because I don't think she felt confident advising me.  Two oncologists at Roswell agreed no chemo for me, and when they redid my pathology report, they found some errors.  Also, my initial breast surgeon took out too many lymph nodes too soon (should have been done at my re-excision).  I had calcifications on mammogram, so they thought I just had DCIS but there was a 3 mm. tumor hidden within the DCIS that was too small to see on mammogram. I got very, very lucky.   Chemo doesn't start for Triple Negative tumors until 6 mm. (Well, it starts to be considered I should say).  So, anyway, enjoying the trials of radiation.  I am on my second bout of breast cellulitis and antibiotics, so side effects are really starting for me.  Very short of breath due to inflammation of the chest muscles.  Starting to feel better though!  29 treatments to go :(

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited April 2011

    I forgot to add-there is no hormonal therapy for triple negatives.  Not sure if that is a good or bad thing in my case.  Instead, I was told to get down to the bottom of my weight range and try to take in 20% or less of fat.  A lot harder than I thought!  I am taking a little break on this for my rads.  Triple negative breast cancer is thought to be caused by obesity and high fat intake.  I have lost 30 lbs. so far, 30 more to go!

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited April 2011

    Woops! one more thing.  Never heard of the Seven churches of Holy Thursday, but I will be getting my feet washed tomorrow evening at my church.  The pastoral associate thought it would be a great experience for me since I am ill, or one of the walking wounded I should say.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    SusanHG, that's wonderful that you will be able to join us, I am waiting for some of our women to return from vacation, then we will finalize our plans.  How wonderful your church sounds, and we definitely qualify as the walking wounded.  Congratulations on the weight loss, I am struggleing to lose my Arimidex weight and my QuitSmoking weight. I am using the Stop Smoking thread and the Elab project,thread todo so . I am the highest weight I have ever been including pregnant weight, I just started last week and have lost 3 lbs.  I also bike an hour a day.  Tell me how you are doing it, it certainly is hard.  I had a lumpectomy and 6 weeks of radiation..  I too had  2 bouts with cellulitis, have edema and scar tissue from the radiation.  Tomorrow, I go for my checkup with the BS, do you get scanxiety, we all do, it is one of the pleasures of BC. I live in Batavia, grew up in Buffalo, I think I'm the oldest in our group, I have a daughter and 2 grandchildren, who live downstairs from me, it is a wonderful arrangement for all of us.  My grandchildren turn 13 and 14 on Friday, we are entering the uncharted land of teenagers, so far - so good. I go to Rochester for treatment since it is a little closer than Roswell, have a wonderful team of Doctors now, I have a new PCP and MO.I am so glad you are joining us.  Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2011

    Hi Karen- Have been at a standstill with my weight loss since my second surgery, but i lost the first thirty pounds the first couple of months after diagnosis.  I cut out all meat (I eat only fish but have put back chicken during rads), no sugar, little white flour, and gave up alcohol and coffee.  Coffee was a huge problem for me not only because I was addicted to it, but it gives me intense sugar cravings.  I had a huge problem with sugar before diagnosis.  Now i just allow myself dark chocolate (won't give that up).  will get back to the weight loss and exercise after rads.  Pretty wiped out already.

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited April 2011

    Hello to all my friends in WNY,

    Have been away on vacation and reading everything going on, just not much to report.  Well, today I had an MRI w/ contrast.  Was not expecting the contrast, having a little anxiety about the results.  Will find out results tomorrow.  Trying to keep positive thoughts.

    I think I read something about a get together in June.  Please let me know what is being planned.  I can't wait to meet everyone.

    Sending ((((((HUGS and PRAYERS)))))


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Cheryl, we are planning on getting together on June 4th or 5th at the Buffalo Bison  Brew Pub. it is on Main and Transit in Williamsville, at 1:30, so we can miss the lunch crowd.  Let me know if that works for you.  Starbeauty is on vacation and are waiting to hear from bevin, EllieD and Yummy. That will make 9 of us, if all can come.  Hope I haven't missed anyone.  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Hi All, 

    Susan,  WOW you lost a lot of weight, good for you!!  Your church sounds so cool.

    Heymoose,  Welcome back!!  Hope your vacation was wonderful.  Where did you go?  Sorry about the MRI with contrast, that stuff always gives me weird warm feelings. We're all there holding your hand through the scanxiety too!! Sending positive thoughts too.

    Hi Karen,  Hope all is well.  June can't come fast enough,   I want lunch with great friends and warm weather.  Not sure if I will be wigless by then, one can only hope :)

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Hi Maureen, Met with my new PCP at 8:45, she had all my blood work results.  Bad cholestral too high,  but good cholestral is high also, she wants to give it 3 mos. as I lost 4 lbs. and am exercising too, to see if I can do it on diet alone.  Thyroid is good, so the weight gain is me overeatting and under exercising.  Then, onto BS in Rochester,  all clear, so next appt is in a year, YAY. He suggested seeing a PS to get breasts symetrical, called my insurance co., they are sending med. forms for BS and PS to fill out.  I currently have a 20 yr. old breast and a 62yr. old one.  It's a wonder I don't list to the Right.   Where else can you speak so frankly as on this site. I agree June cannot come quick enough, we'll need nametags as starbeauty's real name is esther.bevin, is?  I   feel like a little kid going to a slumber party for the first time. For those of us with screen names, can you just once sign your next post with your real name, so we don't have to wear nametags, it'll feel lke a workshop conference other wise  Have fun tomorrow, they are expecting to have record crowds.  If you are wigless, you'll look like a top singer with a edgie haircut!  Everybody will think you're from American Idol!  Hugs to you, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Hi bevin, EllieD and Yummy, we are starting to plan for our get together, are you three on vacation,have not heard from you in a while,  Hope all is well with each of you.  We picked the 4th or 5th of june.  Does that work for you?  hugs to you, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Shout out to D4hope, Yummy and KJbell, ru interested in joining us as well?