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  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2011

    HI everyone, wow, I missed alot.  I am sorry, I wasn't around.

    Maureen- I am so sorry to hear you were worried and troubled.  That just rots. So so happy that it was not an issue. It is good they err on the side of caution though. I'd rather that so that everything is checked out. I also didnt get any dimpling, just burn and a rashy type pimple type rash. Sounds like you're getting some fatigue. It hit me badly toward the 4th week and onward.

    Karen - sounds like your off to a fun weekend. My favorite restaurant is nearby where you're staying. I love Sienna on Main St in Williamsville if you're looking for a good place to eat and have a few drinks.

    Betty- get the biospy for peace of mind. Its not worth the worry and if you can have a definitive answer rather than worry, I'd go for that!! Good luck, I hope everything is ok for you.

    I'm thinking the Cat should be on Americas funniest videos and she/he will win you a bundle!

    Talk soon - have a great night everyone.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Hey Bevin, Karen is going to try to call this weekend if you can get free, we should all go for coffee.  I'll call you when/if I hear from her. I'll try to call you tommorrow anyway.

    Yes the cat is really funny even without trying.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Hi All,  Just got home from a ride with DH.  We just kinda drove around with the windows open as it's ~69F today,  can you believe it???  Feels wonderful.  I woke up really late today ~10AM, way out of character for me, ususally wake up at 6AM with or without alarm clock.  Had the pleasure of having coffee with Karen yesterday,  We had a lot of fun. Just talked, felt like I knew her forever.  Love her hair, boy do I miss mine :(  Hope everyone is out enjoying the beautiful day.  Came home with a headache again, Day 5 of the dull ache headache that comes and goes.  I'll post later this PM


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2011

    HI Maureen - sorry I couldnt join you and Karen.  Hope your headache goes away. Mine have been bad lately too - the weather going up and down really does me in.  Hopefully your headaches are just sinus pressure etc. I find if I take tylenol and sudafed or nose spray of some sort I do much better.

    Karen - hope you and your friend had a great weekend. Would have loved to have joined you and Maureen but had family responsibilities this weekend.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2011

    Maureen, It was beautiful out today.  I love it. DD took the new baby out for a walk, so nice to see.

    I am glad you met Karen yesterday, it nice to see someone in person you talk to.  Soon I hope we all get to meet.

    Nothing much going on I have to work tomarrow and a dibble on Tuesday.  Wednesday  I am meeting with a lady that is going to make a christenings gown out of my wedding dress, which was also my mothers.  I am excited about that.  I wonder how much that's going to cost?

    How is everyone else doing?

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2011

    Kindone - love the heirloom of wedding dress turned christening gown. I have a really good seamstress if yours wants to charge too much. She makes wedding gowns and is fabulous.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Hi all, just got back from my reunion weekend and it was wonderful to see old friends, althoigh I got a lot of the so now you are cured and keep a positive attitude. I accepted it all, I hope graciously, but it reafirmed what we all say to each other here.  Got to meet Maureen and it was just wonderful, she is a beautiful woman, inside and out.  It felt like I have known her forever, it will be grand when we all get together, we all share so much.  Bevin - I understand completely that you had family commitments, sorry to hear about you and Maureen's headache, I too think it is partly weather related.  It's good to be back with all of you.  hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Hi All,  Rads #15 today.  Still have the headache, RO said if it continues, another test Yell  Getting sick of all the tests but glad they (so far) have been nothing. 

    Bevin, hoping everything is okay with you and family.

    Kindone, How is your new grandbaby?  and big brother?  The christening gown from wedding dress sounds like a wonderful idea!!  Not sure how much that runs but seems to me the material is the most cost and you're providing to the seamstress so shouldn't be too much, not sure though.  You sound like such a proud gramma, I'm so happy for all of you, love this type of news.

    Karen,  welcome back!!  glad you had a great time.  How was chef's?  Did you get to see the new Sabres room?  Glad you are home we're suppose to get quite the thunderstorm this pm. 

    I think I'm going to take a nap today, just really tired.  I'll try to post later


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited April 2011

    Hi All,

    I guess I have really missed alot.  Not sure I can remember everything that has gone on while I was away. 

    My vacation was the best.  We went on a Eastern Carribean Cruise.  Weather was great.  It was so sad to come home to cold and snow.

    I am soooooooooooo looking forward to meeting everyone.  I hope we can make it soon.  Sending everyone (((((HUGS and PRAYERS))))),

    Your friend,


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Welcome back Cheryl,  Your vacation sounds WONDERFUL!!!  Glad the weather was great and you had a lot of fun. Post pics if you get a chance. What cruise line did you go with? Not sure when you got home but the weather was really nice this weekend. Windy today.  I went outside and pick up the garbage cans cause they blew away and the cover to the hot tub blew off onto the pipe that holds the umbrella so now have a dent in the cover.  The cover is locked down and the force of the wind actually broke the locks, must have been really windy today, definitely a "hold onto your wig" kind of day Wink I have two doc appt. this week with primary and breast surgeon.  I remember the first time I was at the breast surgeon at the start of all this, thinking this is a mistake, I don't belong here, so should be interesting emotional couple of days. Time for bed, rads come early.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Welcome home Cheryl, sounds like you had a great time. I think we are still in store for a few more slushy days, but then it will be true Spring.  The weekend was glorious, Maureen you and I are in the same cycle, Mammo and US on Thursday and BS on the following Thursday, so we will bothe be emotional.  My friend Sherry noticed the right side of my face was a little droopy and that I had hand tremors, so on next Thursday I will mention it to my new PCP, and the migraines poping up again after such a long absence.  Probably another Dr. and a test or else it is nothing.  Any new symptom is suspect after a diagnosis of cancer. During the reunion weekend we also saw 5 other friends we had taught with from 1969 - 1979.  We found we all groaned when we stood up, all have medications and all can remember what happened then better than what happened 20 minutes ago.  It was a wonderful time, now we have our get together to look forward to!  hugs, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Where is everybody?  Is today treatment time for everybody, Maureen - you may be napping fom the rads.  Karen  ps will check back after American Idol is over.  It's pizza time with DD and DGchildren

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Hi Karen,  don't know where everyone is the past couple of days?  Must be busy.  Dear ladies, post soon and let us know everyone is doing okay and just enjoying the great weather.   Today I had 19/28 rad today, spot under my arm but nothing too bad.  Met with my breast surgeon today and everything looks good, see you in a couple of months  YES!!!!!!!  that's the kind of news I like to hear.  Haven't had a nap yet today or yesterday, too much going on and I'm tired.  Going shopping tonight, need to get clothes for Easter for kids and me and celebrate the great doc visit.  WooooHOOOO~~   I'll check back after Survivor.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Maureen, great, great news, so happy to hear it.  Have mammo and US tomorrow at 2:00, DD will do the driving as it is in Rochester.  I'm trying not to think of it, doing fairly good about it.  Took my car in today to have brakes checked as they felt like they were grabbing, not only were they grabbing, they were practically non-existent, dealer said I was lucky.  They have felt funny, so I've been giving myself adequate distance to stop safely.  Some angel has been watching over me!  I'm so glad you are treating yourself with the shopping trip, you so deserve it and the DD and DS.   I think I'm interested in the Sephora? brow you use, my brows are wild and shaggy, can you give me the info.  Next project is the E-LAB thread for losing weight.  Seaside is on that site, as well as the Stop Smoking thread. They weigh in on Fridays, I'll start next Friday.  Kids are coming up for Idol, I'll let you know how the tests go tomorrow.  Karen

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2011

    Maureen... so great to hear all is well with you!  You sound better. 

    Karen... keeping you in my prayers for tomorrow. 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Thanks starbeauty, I'll post when I get back.  Next week looks good for coffee, free Mon. and Wed., how about you?  Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2011

    Maureen, Great news. Thank God.

    I am enjoying the new baby.

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2011

    Karen - taking our 23 yo Down Syn. son to Splash Lagoon Monday-Wednesday.  He loves it... so we will be baking in the steam... I just hope my LE doesn't flare.  Talk to you when I get back.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    starbeauty, have a wonderful time with your son, thoughts going with you for no LE flare,  Just got back from mammo and US, all clear - yay, Bs on next thursday and I am all set till my yearly exams come round.  Blood pressure did it's skyrocking thing of course, and I thought I was relatively calm.  We have all had good news this month, hooray for all of us.  hugs Karen

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2011

    Karen... I am so glad for you... so glad.  It feels so good to know you have the "all clear" for a few months.  I have been having problems each time with my B/P too - my PCP has put me on B/P meds and then pushed it up at the last visit... I just saw a thread with a connection to Tamox... yikes!  Is there no end to the issues associated with this beast?

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    A cyber friend on another thread has it too, so her PCP had her buy a blood pressure cuff from Walmart and has her take it when she is just at home.  She brings the readings to her PCP and she has been able to avoid blood pressure meds, since when she is not going to any BC related treatments or appt's., her blood pressure is normal.I just started going to Dr. Mary Obear and told her my pressure would be high whenever I see a dr. for BC, she had some lab work ordered for me and said we wold discuss it on next Thursday and see if that is a feasible option for me or I truly need to take another pill.  The gift that keeps on giving. hugs Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2011

    HI everyone, sounds like there is much great news to celebrate. I am so glad for all of your good mammo reports and US's.

    I am off on vacation next week. Heading to the beach with the family. Should be fun.  But tomorrow brings to much prep.  I'll be back Easter Eve - gosh - sure hope that Easter Bunny shows up for my daughter.  Don't know how I am going to work that one out!  We'll be home late so a bit of planning to do to ensure he hides a basket somewhere.   Yes yes, I know she probably doesn't believe , she's a bit old...  but I refuse to let go of the fairy tale and she has admitted anything else!!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Hi bevin,have a wonderful time and I hope the weather is grand for you.  We still hide Easter baskets for my grandchildren, soon to be 13 and 14, I know they don't believe but they love the hunt.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Hi all, since yesterday was such a wonderful day, I am joining the E-Lab Project for loosing weight.  I have clothes in size 10, 12, and 14 that I can't wear.  Only 2 in size 16, because I refuse to be so big.  Hope everyone enjoys this sunny day.  I am still on a high from yesterday's results, so great to be NED.  Maureen, still tired from the rads, I remember the effect being cumulative.  Hop you had a fun shopping day.  hugs to all Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Hi All,  sorry gone so long. Thank you for the cheers and well wishes.  All my WNY friends keep me sane and I truly appreciate the support.  Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying our warm sunny Saturday (LOL)...oh wait, wishful thinking. 

    Karen,  hope all is well with you.  congratulations on joining the E-Lab thread, remember everyone has to start somewhere.  Our BC journey started and was successful so this journey will be successful as well.  Good luck.  The eyebrow kit is called Anastasia by beverly hills.  It's purchased at Sephora in JC Penny's.  There are templates to choose your arch and size.  I use the petite although my daugher prefers the medium, I think it's too thick of a brow for me.  Glad you had good report with docs. just watch the BP.

    Kindone,  so glad you are enjoying your new grandbaby.  What a treat, they grow so quickly enjoy every moment.

    Bevin,  Have a great vacation, you've certainly earned it.  Post and let us know how the vacation went.

    Well my Saturday is so weird today starting at 7AM. It reminds me of that orange juice commercial where everyone tells you the bad day you're going to have and she says "Well glad I have my orange juice"  Here goes so far:   Went to go to the garage because DD forgot  something for work and the adjoining door jam broke.  Yep, detached from the frame and fell out, now what the hell is that?  So took a mallot and hammered into place and out in this absolutely sucky weather to take the transmittor to DD.  Stopped at CVS for meds, went to Lowe's to order new door and they can't come till next week (GRRRRR)  and it's a fire code door so need to have 90 minute firewall, blah, blah,  by this time I'm seeing dollar signs in my head but the good news, only 235.00 for the door + installation yayyyy.  Stop at the bank to transfer money to pay stupid taxes on Monday which is more than my chemo bill (Thanks Obama and Cuomo) and come home to NO WATER!!!  There is a water main break up the street and I have NO WATER!!!  Of course all this happens with DH out of town, always does.  I'm going to Bingo tonight, not even sure there is a bingo but I'm going Can't watch the hockey game cause I'm bad luck for the Sabres.  Maybe we could stand out in the pouring rain and get a shower Sealed  Have a great day and enjoy the game tonight.  GO SABRES.  

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    what a horrible morning you had, I hate it when it's one thing after another, plus add this stupid weather.  Hope it isn't a forecast of what our Spring is going to be.  April is a tough financial month for me: DD's birthday, both grandchildren on the 22nd. then Easter.  The kids still love finding their baskets, one is originally mine ,the other is DD's, we're big on nostalgia.  When Mica was just an infant, Susan had a coffee mug made with Mica sitting in her basket.  It's still called the Moo-mug, her nickname. On top of all this money going out, my brakes went, all that bragging I did on the Subaru.  Grand total of $615, ouch.  So hope tomorrow brings the sun but I think the weather forecast is for more rain. Everybody stay dry and warm, bevin, I hope you are having great weather, all sunny and warm.  Hi starbeauty, kindone, and Cheryl.  hugs Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    starbeauty, have a wonderful warm time with you son.  Friday is a good day for me to meet and have coffee, is it OK for you?  hugs, Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2011

    starbeauty, Splash Lagoon I love it there.  Have a great time with your son.

    Karen, Good luck with the weight loss, its not easy, I know from experience.

    Bevin, Enjoy the beach.  I am so jealous.  I with I was going with you.  Next month I am going to Virigina Beach I hope we have nice weather.

    Maureen, What a day.  I hate when that happens,  Try to relax tonight and forget the days stress. Go to bingo and win the big one.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Thanks Betty,  How are you doing?  My day was all uphill from the no water issue.  Water was back within a few hours, cleaned up and went to Bingo.  I didn't win but was a lot of fun.  They have a queen of hearts drawing that's progressive and up to $14, 000.00 jackpot.  The place was a zoo!! I got close a couple times though.  People are so funny, they are in such a hurry to go home.  I just wait till the parking lot clears out so I can take my time.  My DD was bowling and DS working so I went with my sisters and nephew. Stay warm and dry friends.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    WNY weather is rellly filling everyone's expectation, this is not spring, did we miss it and go straight to fall.  On my grandchildren's birthday, the 22nd, it is often just miserable and this year will be no exception, I don't know how many times we have had to move the circus party indoors.  But we don't get the tornadoes, those poor people in  and around Raleigh, my friend Sherry, who met Maureen, is now on Long Island, calls home each day to be sure her brother, dogs, and home are safe.  She lives just outside of Raleigh, all OK so far.