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Bonfire of the Goddesses



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited April 2013

    Aw shucks Shell, SINNING can be so much fun, hafta may be develop some new techniques for the recliner, but it's worth a try Sassy

     Jo thanks re:Granny , I feel her pain UGH.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited April 2013

    1openheart - I'll jump in for Monday.  How does nachos sound with those margaritas?  It will be crowded in there.

    Jo, thanks for letting us know about Granny.  Tell her we love her, scrappy that she is.

    Shell - I can think of lots of sinning that could be done in a recliner.  Wish that Veggy had the wherewithall to do some of that sinning.

    Love you Veggy.

    Jo - No rain for a year.  And I thought our drought was bad.  Already worrying about hay prices for the summer.

  • 1openheart
    1openheart Member Posts: 250
    edited April 2013

    luv...nachos sound great!  Just please put the jalapenos on the side!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013

    Nachos sounds delicious. That means I'd have to get off of the recliner.

    GD- thinking about you.

  • 1openheart
    1openheart Member Posts: 250
    edited April 2013

    Veggy...I would never want to take you away from your sinful ways...he he

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013

    Maybe I would be safer if I was sitting on the bed instead of the recliner. Haha

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited April 2013

    veggy Does your bed VIBRATE? MINE does, and DBF just got home LADEDA<LADEDO>.........I;ll sin enough for the two of us

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited April 2013

    I've been lurking by the fire, grabbing a marshmallow when nobody's looking....been way busy with the *@&!* income taxes...and working 13 and 14 hours days MW...then away with DDs...details's been a wonderful break. 
    You all make my day...Veggy, I hope you are pulling out of the low point after chemo. It sux when you know you are going to feel down and out for a time, and then you do.  Undecided
    Your hiding emoticons are awesome.  You always make me smile...
    Linda, so glad you had some quality time with family.  Love the image of the family fire and watching the stars...sounds perfect.
    Jo, I know you need rain...hope you get just enough to quench the drought. 
    Shell, such good news to hear you did well on your exam...and I know the relief of getting those taxes done.  I left mine with DH to mail...and I am sure he did.  (no refunds though)
    Badger, ugh still more burning to do on that job?  I don't mind you throwing them in, but those guys don't smell pretty.  Worth it, though...

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited April 2013

    Some fashionable and practical suggestions for you don't miss a day of stepping out...maybe this one even comes with the red shoes...
     This is legit...check it out here

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited April 2013

    If granny doesn't use the mask then VR wants it!!! VR needs a mask to prevent her from getting sick every time the DH is in the hospital! Recall how sick for MONTHS VR was after his last hospitalization! SIX MONTHS and two sinus procedures and VR was FINALLY vertical! So the DH had emergency surgery AGAIN two weeks ago and VR knew she was on a slippery slope when she saw all these people being wheeled into the ER with masks on! So DH leaves the hospital feeling better from surgery and also feeling lousey with a brewing cold. So, you guessed it.... VR is now schlepping around with a cold while the DH feels great!!!! Boarded a plane the other day with the DH and debated which one of us was the better candidate for the wheelchair! He won of course...Thankfully the beautiful weather is soothing VR's sinuses! Into the fire goes these sinuses AGAIN! VR will rise again... but you might not notice her with her frilly foo-foo red mask on! :)

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Veggy it's nice to see you smiling again, so glad you are feeling better. Sorry about all the recliner teasing but hope it helped your spirits.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013

    I got myself a mask on Ebay. Since I have been on chemo once again, I'm getting a lot of colds that are turning into bronchitis borderline pneumonia. I couldn't get a regular boring mask so I went crazy when I saw this.

    (checked for spelling)

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited April 2013

    Can I get a dozen?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited April 2013

    VR, sorry about your  #$%%%$@#sinuses AGAIN. Hey look that hyperlinked, will have to check it out after I post this. The story about the doc and the EBRA is great. Her market is huge worldwide-- HUGE. I love inventors. Tried to patent a thingy in 1996, someone did it 14 months before me, bummer. I still laugh about my patent attorney. He was so excited that it was ONLY patented 14 months before. DUH, that guy's rich now. Have you seen the sleeve that athletes wear, that was it. I did it for medical reasons. Guess the attorney searches so many things , that end up being patened for a very long time.      Glad to hear Dh weathered another hospital stay,so, wish they weren't so hard on you. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited April 2013

    Shell, Veggy's fine about the recliner thing. She has one of the greatest sense of humors. Veggy's been in the recovery room so much lately. You have NOT seen her in action. Give her a lead line and she comes up with the greatest stuff. Her finest work is on OMG, from the time she started posting till she went into the recovery room. She's getting back to posting more funny stuff, That's our Veggy. YEAH VEGGY........sassy

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited April 2013

    Gotta PM from Granny.  She is out of pain and slept well last night.  She is whining about the 5 teeth being gone so you know she is better.  I know she will check in soon.

  • 1openheart
    1openheart Member Posts: 250
    edited April 2013

    That is good to hear, Jo!

    Ya'll have a good weekend.  It is supposed to be beautiful here!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2013

    Veggy - LOVE the mask LOL!

    1openheart - in your pocket for Monday.

    Jo & luvmygoats - although it finally stopped this afternoon, it's been raining here for four days straight.  Would be happy to send some your way.  We've gone from drought to floods.  

    Joan - yes I'm still burning those dirty SOB's from work and yes they do stink to high heaven.  I had asked for a raise last year (after taking on two other people's jobs) and was told there's no money in the budget for raises.  However, it has come to light that several people got raises last year, including the person who told me there wasn't any money for raises.  Liar!  Liar!  Pants on fire!

    Linda, I need to get back into MBSR, are you still doing that?  ((hugs)) to all

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited April 2013

    My allergies were kicking in last week, but now I'm some place very warm and humid...and no allergies!  Less aches....less stress....time to retire.
    (((VR))) you gotta stay well....why does it have to be this way??? 
    Badger, are you gonna be able to get out of there this year?  Sounds brutal.

    hugs to all,


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited April 2013

    Greetings, all! So much going on here, not sure I will actually be able to respond but will try:

    GrannyD, I hope you have good pain meds, that you are able to eat regular food soon. Will you be getting partial plates or will you have full dentures? A friend of mine recently was told she couldn't have a tooth fixed (putting a post in it?) because she had lost so much bone in her jaw that it woulIdn't hold, and that eventually she will loose all her teeth.  I don't like thinking about teeth, so will shut up on that topic for now. Jo, thanks for updating us.

    VR, so sorry you are dealing with so much all at the same time.  I have a t-shirt that says "I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes they all fly at me all at once!"

    Badger, I still use the MBSR techniques quite a lot. I amuse myself sometimes as I recognize that I am thinking about my thoughts, rather than thinking about whatever was bothering me to cause ugly thoughts to begin with, I can hear my instructor in my head telling me "don't go into those dark dangerous neighborhoods with your thoughts", etc. What can I do to help you get back to it? At least just thinking about it sometimes gets me back on track when I have failed to use it for some period of time. BTW, I watch the weather channel and wonder if you are getting lots of spring snow? I actually enjoyed living in the snowbelt for many years, but when spring just won't seem to come after months of cold and snow, it can be very depressing.

    Veggy, hope you are over the hump with the last chemo, loved the mask!!

    OK, you lovely Goddesses, I will return tomorrow (warning or promise? Who knows????)

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2013

    Linda, we dodged snow in the southern part of the state but they got lots up north.  It was too warm here for snow so we got the rain.  They say that every inch of rain = ten inches of snow so imagine 2-3 inches of rain as two feet of snow and the rain doesn't seem that bad after all.

    RE: MBSR, I'm a kinesthetic learner so sometimes writing about something reinforces it.  I need to re-frame my thoughts and alter my thought patterns to help me get through the crap happening all around me.  It's hard to "Be Here Now" when surrounded by sharks.

    But here I am.  Yes, trying to find another job but doing the very best I can at the one I have.  That helps me feel better because I'm really freaking good at it.  Customers consistently thank me and I need those positive vibes.

    And it helps to throw nasty hurtful things into the fire.  So does sharing fellowship and toasted marshmallows with my fellow Goddesses.  ((hugs)) to all

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    The 5 teeth i had pulled were all under my caps...i have no teeth on top...and will have to wear a full denture...have no bone left either...and with no teeth what the hell can you eat.i had a potatoe tonite but got sick as a my lactose is in full bloom.forgot about it.....

    VR--all i can say is this shitstorm gotta end.nuthin stays the same.thank GOD.

    so once again im gonna throw in my mouth and anything that i put in it.

    keep that fire gonna try to sleep it off.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited April 2013

    Granny, I wish I could make you one of my smoothies - I use lots of different types of fruits, yogurt, chocolate as needed .... hope you can get some sleep tonight.

  • 1openheart
    1openheart Member Posts: 250
    edited April 2013

    OK ladies....I sure hope the gown they give to wear during my MRI has big pockets.  We will need a big one for the margarita machine and all those nachos!

    I'm heading out the door for my appointment.  Thanks for the support and good wishes.  I'll let you know how it goes!  Hopefully all will be well as I approach my two year diagnosis anniversary.   Lots of poking and prodding over the next couple of weeks to look forward to....

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited April 2013

    1openheart, thinking of you, cannot jump in your pocket today as I am headed for CT in a few minutes myself. Hope your MRI goes well.  Will check back in later. Maybe there will be a little margarita left when I get back .... Wink

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited April 2013

    Boy, do I have a BIG log to toss on this fire!!! I HATE SURPRISES, and was not informed that my CT was to be with iodine contrast media, which I have had issues with in the past - not allergic, just other issues. So I WASTED 3 PRECIOUS HOURS driving to the imaging facility, waiting for my turn, then when I discovered it was to be with contrast I declined/refused/opted out. I marched down the hall to meet with the cancer center nurse to discuss. I was in tears. GEEZ, why don't they warn us about this cr*p before springing it on us at the last minute?

    So I don't know what imaging options are available to my MO. I am so ready to toss in the towel, take the money and run, and forget about any further imaging or treatment. I hate the system, hate my providers, hate wasting my time with this stuff. I think I would just as soon walk away, go to some quiet little retreat to collect my sanity (if possible), do some things to soothe my soul, because today sure didn't help it any!

    And you guys know I don't usually get so rattled and angry about stuff, I try to focus on love and caring and beauty and joy and all that other cr*p, and today, I don't feel any of it - just angry, annoyed, scared, depressed, lonely.


    Burn, baby, burn.....

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited April 2013

    1Openheart, I hope things go better for you today than they did for me. I am thinking of you and waiting by the fire for you.

  • 1openheart
    1openheart Member Posts: 250
    edited April 2013

    Linda...I am so sorry to hear about your day.  Are you feeling any better now?  I can feel your aggravation, anger, disappointment and weariness in your words.  Lets throw them into the fire tonight.  You are not alone Linda.  The fire is burning bright tonight.

    Yes, by all means you should do something that touches your soul and brings you joy.  For me, it can be yoga, photography, spring time gardening, baseball or just hanging out with friends and family.  What about you?  What brings you joy?

    My day playing a cancer patient sounds  better than yours.  The MRI was not too bad other than the plebotomist had to stick me 4 times in two arms before they got a good vein.  I am usually an easy stick too!  Now I look like I've been shooting up!  The ativan must have helped, because the time seemed to pass pretty quickly.  The only real uncomfortable part was that the face cradle was digging into my face the entire time.  I'm glad to have another one of those behind me.  Hopefully, I'll get good results and no surprises.

    Ladies, thanks for the pocket party.  I knew you guys were in my pocket and keeping me sane while two crazies were vainly poking my arm over and over again!!!  I'm throwing all the tape and bandaides into the fire!!

  • 1openheart
    1openheart Member Posts: 250
    edited April 2013

    Hi everybody~  I already heard back from my doctor with the results from my breast MRI yesterday.  All clear.  Everything looks normal!  I really wasn't worried about it, but it is nice to know for sure.  

    Now,my upper arm looks like horrible today where they stuck me 3 times to get the IV started for the contrast.  But, oh glad that is all that I am dealing with today!!

    Have a great day ladies.