Bonfire of the Goddesses



  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    I'm still wearing long johns from being outside so don't want to get too close to the fire, but I'll help belay the rope! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    Badger - Thanks!

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Posts: 671
    edited February 2011

    Badger reminded me of in bras. Lots of them that have fit at various stages of reconstruction. I have some barely touched post surgery "compression" bras that can burn. They take up way too much space in my drawers.

    If I throw in my Biotene Mouthwash from chemo...will it explode?

    I also have a taupe colored electric blanket I used during chemo. Its the color of vomit. Every time I see it I get nauseous...but I havent been able to throw it out, because technically nothing is wrong with it. So, here it comes ladies!! Back up...between the Biotene and the electrical cord on the blanket there is bound to be some fireworks!!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    geewhiz - Watching the Biotene Mouthwash explode could be fun but watch out - be sure you don't throw it in when vorociousreader and I are close - we are warming ourselves.  No singed eyebrows for us - Thank you.

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Posts: 3,696
    edited February 2011

    Ahhhh!  Jo1955 -- So you're a Longhorn! Now, I know you must be terrific at making fires!  Gotta love Texas, at the very least for their barbeques!   I know how cold it is there now. My youngest son is finishing up studying Aerospace AND Nuclear Engineering at UT.  I called him this morning as he was getting ready for class -- but he had no electricity due to the rolling blackouts.  Hang in there -- there's plenty of rope! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    voraciousreader - Texas does have the best barbeque going - of course, I am biased - I live here.  So far we still have power but have to see what happens the next 2 days.  We have not had the rolling blackouts yet - hope the power grid holds up and we don't have to do those.  It is 36 degrees here right now - brrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

    But just wait, this is Texas, if you don't like the weather today - hang around - it will change tomorrow.  LOL 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Here is South Texas our county has had rolling blackout all day.  Here in the city we have been fine, but they say we will have them tonight. burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    3jaysmom...yes indeed. I have heard that term too and that is exactly right...emotional vampires...we do NOT need them..toss 'em in!! I only have the one and have decided not to renew that friendship, such that it was....yay strong decisions! Let's not toss those in!

     Think I am going to toss in the pain I have in my ribs ....I want to wear my lacy under-wire bras...finally got fit for a good bra when I was in Dallas at a conference and I want to wear 'em...partial cup-filled or not! ...I would like to throw in the sports bras though!

    I would like to toss some snow in too while I am at it actually....but I don't want to mess with the flame Jo has going:) Weehaa!!!! Where are the marshmallows ladies?!?!?!?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited February 2011
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    Sherry - Thanks for the graham crackers - can't forget the chocolate


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Posts: 2,704
    edited February 2011

    Yum!  I'm throwing in my appetite! (wishful thinking probably)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    I was wondering when the chocolate was going to arrive so we could make those smor's. yumo

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    Sherry - That was my thinking - I am starving.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited February 2011
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011
    Sheila - You ROCK!!!
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited February 2011

    jo...I wasnt planning to throw it in the fireSealed

  • beccad
    beccad Posts: 189
    edited February 2011

    I am ready for the weather to change here in my part of Texas.  We are hearing a low of 10 tonight and a high of 25 tomorrow.  THIS IS TEXAS DARNIT, we ain't supposed to get this cold for more than 1 or 2 days a year, already up to 3 and looking like all the way through the "big game day".  I am throwing in our weather, the "big game" newscasters, and my doctors at work who don't understand that their non-emergency scans can wait, because I have to go meet with my surgeon.

    Also, throwing in the people who thought up rollong blackouts, they said hospitals would not be affected, THEY LIED! 

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    oh yeah, good thing these are virtual calories!!  Reader & Jo, hope you're warm enough, I'm letting go the rope.  Need both hands to eat a s'more! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    Sheila - I know that - I was talking about how yummy it looks.

    beccad - We aren't supposed to get that cold at all.  Just listened to the local forecast for tomorrow and they are talking about a little snow here - that is soooo wrong.  Unheard of in my area. 

  • beccad
    beccad Posts: 189
    edited February 2011

    Jo1955, That is really wrong for S.Texas.  I know we get some cold days here in the DFW area, but this below freezing for 4-7 day in a row really sucks.  I don't live here for the cold weather. I prefer warm.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    thank you for the marshmallows!!...waitng out the snow now....

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Posts: 3,696
    edited February 2011
    Badger -- Here's a napkin!Laughing
  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Posts: 762
    edited February 2011


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    beccad - I prefer warm also.  If this keeps up, I am moving to Cozumel.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited February 2011

    Are you gonna have a guesthouse.

    I can be your housekeeperSmile

  • spendygirl
    spendygirl Posts: 21
    edited February 2011

    I LOVE this thread.  I saw someone yesterday for the first time since being diagnosed.  I want to throw in the look of PITY she gave me.  I don't know if it was intentional or not, but it took my breath away.  No pity please!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Yep ..toss her ( or her emotion?) in.....such a fine line between pity and concern, hmm? No pity indeed!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    Sheila - We will hire a housekeeper - labor is cheap down there.  We will too busy looking at the cabana boys and drinking margaritas.