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Bonfire of the Goddesses



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2011

    Cheers VR!  Happy Holidays and best wishes for the New Year everyone!

    "Sometimes the light's all shining on me.  Other times I can barely see. 

    Lately it occurs to me - what a long strange trip it's been."


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited December 2011

    Badger and Vr ----so true ---I was thinking about Paul McCartney's song lately about LET IT BE, about his mom and BC , Don't know why, but it keeps going through my head may be I need to see all the words again.

     Dorothy welcome sweetie, come anytime, let whatever you want to let go , let it fly into the fire. Say whatever you want. Not a soul here will do anything , but applaud you and watch the damn stuff burn. Namaste sheila

  • kate2011
    kate2011 Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2011

    Well, 8 months out from surgery and I just started getting cords down my arm.

    F*ing cords.  And it hurts so much!!  And I can see three cords just popping out of my arm!!  Agh!  It's gross!!

    Just started PT, but this really sucks.  So, I would like to just rip my arm off and throw it on the bonfire.  Turn up the heat, please.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2011

    Kate - Like it has been said repeatedly - BC - the gift that keeps on giving.  I am still looking for the return line. Can't seem to find it.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited December 2011

    Kate...toss her in and let it go...this thread was created for a reason:)

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2011
    off subject...i would like to encourage all the sistas no matter what stage they are to please check out the thread LETS DRAFT A LETTER TO WASHINGTON...please!!!!!!
  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited December 2011

    kate2011, I had pain in my ALND arm within a week of surgery, but the NP told me it was "normal" but the PT that I finally saw a few weeks later for the pain said it was cording and it had extended all the way to my wrist.  I am throwing in the NP who is so cavalier about these things (and she is a BC survivor herself!).  She is the same one who started me on pediatric dose of antibiotic when I complained of fever and pain in my chest a week after surgery and it progressed to infected seromas and took another 2 weeks to clear up with high dose antibiotics. (did I throw her in already?  I can't remember... but just in case I didn't, in she goes today!)

  • kate2011
    kate2011 Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2011

    Linda, toss her in there!  I will put another can of gas on there...

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2011

    i hate bitchey women...into the fire you my GGrandson says SHUP-UP!!!!!!

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited December 2011

    OK, Kate - thanks!  I feel so much better!!!!

    Now, let's just keep our arms for a bit and remember the 24-hour rule.  I have been working with the PT on the cording for about 8 weeks, and it is MUCH better.  And I have discovered that work exacerbates the other pain, so I may get a slight reprieve with holidays and lower work load.  I have been told it will take 6-12 or 18 months, and it will be gradual, so I am taking it one day at a time, some better, some not, but each day I survive and find at least SOMETHING to enjoy about each one of them. And on the bad days, the fire is here!!!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited December 2011

    I hear you Linda...24 hour rule is in effect!

    I am going to toss in my fatigue..nothing else ot be done with it really...trying a variety of things...hav some plans for Christmas , one includes a 3 hour drive next week usually something I really look forward to but...I am SOsosooooO TIRED!...hoping this concoction my naturopath gave me will help.

     I also need tothrown in my forgetfulness...can't find my requisition slip for my blood work..which menas I have to go back to my dr. if i can't find the damn thing. ARGH!

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited December 2011

    i am tossing my brain sandee said...i can't remember anything...damn thing stopped working:)

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited December 2011

    Annette... Watch out for my left ear and sinuses! Have I got issues with them! Voila! Dans le feu!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited December 2011

    VR- Voila Dans le feul---------no clue what it means , but it sounds good. I'LL take a chance-You great fouls. ------------or cow patties.

    Working on the brain tumor-----thank God it doesen't show signs of malignancy b/c the people working on it ARE cluecluess about getting insurance approvals. I have to keep telling them the next step. (&%$#@#$^&*((. Went through this with the boobs, then went through this with Dh now deceased , Always screw ups. on the insurance end- and the submission by providers. Into the fire the all go............................

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited December 2011

    It means there it goes in the fire.

    I went to French School with the nuns.Wink

    My brain is freezing too lately it's a scary feeling.

    I really don't know what needs to go in the fire.

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited December 2011

    Yep!  Sheila!  That left ear of mine is crispy now that it's in the fire!  Feeling MUCH better this morning! I'm telling ya!  That FIRE is MAGICAL!  Thank you Jo!!!!

    I hate to kvetch...BUT...I was ready to cut the damn thing off!  And the sinuses!!!!  Who could have ever thought sinuses could be that much trouble!!!

    I just spent literally, 3 weeks on my back.  Couldn't think straight.  But I gotta tell you all that I have the BEST doctors in the world.  Really!!!  No problems whatsoever getting face time with my internist and ENT.  And would you believe they both called me to see how I was feeling?  Yep!  Shocking!  They must have been really worried!  I have a FUNGAL infection in my ear  AND TWO PERFORATIONS.  To complicate matters I had a separate viral infection in my sinuses.  Until Monday, the ENT wouldn't give me a steriod to quiet the sinuses because that could affect the healing of my ear!  Finally on Monday I took the steriod because the ear is getting better and I woke up this morning feeling better than I have in three weeks.  I'm starting to hear out of my ears and the debilitating headache is managable.  Amen.  As far as the perforations go, the doctor said he isn't concerned as much about them as he is the fungal infection.  Once the infection heals, he hopes the perforations will heal.  If not, I'll need surgery to fix them.  Been there and done that already with my older son, TWICE.  Bless this ENT.  He's going to be very rich after he's finished with my family's ears......Maybe not...because I already tossed one of my ears into the fire! Innocent

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2011

    voaraciousreader - It makes all the difference in the world when you have good doctors.   Not too many would call to check up on a patient these days.  It is all for how many patients they can see and how much more money they can make.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2011

    I just took off my bra (cami that is very lose) and found between my breasts(of course near the bad one a red itchy line...i better thro it into the fire before it really starts burning me......

    Christmas is not here yet...i dont want any more gifts from bc......everything pertaining to this monster is goin into the fire.I HATE HATE HATE YOU....

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited December 2011 itchy line could me anything.

    i get that itchy thing under my breast and mine it's a fungus some medicated cream and it goes away.

    They are so heavy lol

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2011

    of course im thinkin the worst.i put on emu oil and the itching went away...

    yes they are sooo heavy thats why i always wore a bra 24/ i dont know what to do.scares the crap out of me......

    the fire is burning!!!!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited December 2011

    I am tossing in my a**hole, testicle-less boss....woke up to my phone ringing with texts...teachers were laid off this morning..effective tomorrow....and they were laid of via EMaiL!! The boss was in the school yesterday handing them all cards with a christmas bonus check....are you kidding me??? saying not enough work but others in the school having teaching hours? Now, I don't begrudge any of them the hours...heck I trained and hired them so I think they are alllll great...but be honest with the ones you have let go about why you are letting them go. One has been there longer than the others...she is being let go because she is vivacious, has questioned authority and wears clothes they find to be odd...not polyester...she is not the 'norm' god it was like sitting next to a volcano ready to erupt today..the other gal, quietly cried at her desk off an on all day....I am powerless to do anything...I let go of the job and my opinion has not been asked on any of this nor is it wanted....

    Meanwhile, my cat has had kidney problems again and so $200. spent on vet visit, urinalysis *(yes her bkood counts ar ehigh an dsh ehas a fever...same as every other time...please give her a shot in the butt and let me take her home!)....

    Voraciousreader...I understand the kvetching...last summer after surgery I heard myself whining..but it was not about the surgery or the swelling or or was about a sinus infection I had picked up along the way that was causing me a hard time to breathe....I was irritated...the rest I felt I could handle... we shall see.

     so..into the fire goes the little man with no testicles....i will not be going to the Christmas party tomorrow evening...

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324
    edited December 2011

    I don't find too many things lately to toss in the fire but I sure would like to toss in all those companies, schools, and cold hearted bosses who seem to relish in doing their layoffs or "down sizing" right at the holiday times.  This has happen here to a friend's husband and she was at work yesterday crying inbetween trying to greet customers and put on a happy holiday face.  I felt myself on the edge of tears for her.  These guys are all "Scrooges" you might say that will never know how to care about others.  Toss the heartless SOB's in and watch them suffer in the flames!  Kitty

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited December 2011

    Sandee ... Who would have thought that a sinus and ear problem would be so debilitating??? I just returned from the ENT again! I am STILL a wreck! So now he thinks my sinuses issue is an allergic reaction to the fungal ear infection. Ear is healing well. He now has me on a mega dose of steroids. Anyway... Just to let you all know how nice he is, he once again told me how sorry he was that I was so sick and hoped I would start feeling better soon. He then offered me some chocolate. I couldn't get over how genuinely sweet HE was... I am hoping I will start to feel better soon. I can barely think straight. And really! Has anyone ever heard of this? This diagnosis is more insane than my diagnosis of mucinous bc. I really get the rare illnesses!

    No garden variety illnesses for VR. So today, VR's rare diseases go into the fire!!!!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited December 2011

    VR, I'm sorry to hear you've been so sick but I'm glad that at least you have a kind, compassionate doctor.

    You said in an earlier post that this guy will be rich by the time he finishes treating your family - sounds like he deserves it!

    Feel better soon.


  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited December 2011

    Leah... I am multi-blessed to have such terrific doctors and staffs too! My internist, who is also so kind to me and all my other doctors, right down to my gum doctor have been wonderful. It often hurts me when I read on these threads how unkind and lacking in compassion some doctors and their staffs have been to some of our sisters. Another new year wish for my brethren is for them to have in the coming year the kind of care I am so blessed to receive. I also would like to toast all of the good doctors and staffs and their families. May all of them and we, as well, enjoy the coming year! Would it be too much to hope that next year there won't be as many things to burn?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited December 2011

    Well all Love you,  hate all the problems. But may have an answer. I met my new PCP essentially 10 months after my old PCP. The last that he and I'd talked, we compared brain tumors. Never saw him again , went to his funeral. I was floating through the worst of BC without a PCP that new me for years. Happened to go in for a shot of Rocephin following an Er plan for an infection caused by a Phlebotimist. Should have been a ten minute in an out. Saint PCP didn't leave me for more than an hour. Had all the problems ----identified an a plan and drugs to control all problems. God Love her. I hope she doesn't retire soon. She is a rare doc, she listens, she teaches, she waits till you are done talking.

    Sandee------the above is important b/c------I was swimming daily and all of a sudden I developed this strange ear pain. I went to see Saint Pcp. She dx'd I had swelling of the inner eustachian tube b/c of the chlorine. I was swimming daily and working up on laps. My GREAT ENT doc would likely have come up with the same dx. ----But it's nice to have a PCP that knows stuff versus just referring you out.

     I also, had a major change in the furnace system---------so numerous to mention--------that foil stuff that helps to reduce energy costs and all duct work changed---two different companies. Symptoms gone. Except now the house in the attic is so energy efficient I'm going to have to Bomb it ., Before it was to hot up there for a bug to live. Now everthing is so energy efficient, I have to worry about bugs. They didn't tell me that was in the  plan----------DUH ------Thank you lived in Florida for 19 years w/o bugs----------But I will get it figured out

    Sandee-----------bottom line--------have you changed anything else in you life recently that would have caused theses symptoms to cause a problem. --------------------------My response to chlorine was huge---------Just asking -------------I would haven't made the connection for sometime  or may be never if it hadn't been for Saint PCP----------her name is Malone.----she changed my life and Greg's before he died.

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited December 2011

    SAS-SCHATZI...  That was me, VR with the ear ache, not Sandee.   And yes, it WAS what is usually referred to as "swimmers ear."  The picture below is what it looks like in it's most severe form.  Thankfully, THAT'S NOT ME!  Mine extended along the ear canal making it impossible to even see the eardrum.  He thought it was the worst ear he had seen in a long time.  His words, not mine.  It's not that I chose to wait to get care.  I started feeling the pain a day or two before Thanksgiving and by the Monday following the holiday, when I got around to seeing my PCP he was beside himself and had me call the ENT and make an emergency appointment.  Who knew?

    When the ENT FINALLY was able to see past the canal, he found this:

    The infection was caused by a FUNGUS, which is very, very rare.  It is known as "Otomycosis."  The fungas invaded the eardrum and caused TWO perforations.  He patched them and we're hoping that they will fully heal so I won't need surgery to fix them.  However, then the REAL fun began.

    He said yesterday, I developed an allergic reaction to the fungal infection that shut down my sinuses.  He said that that was the way the body was trying to protect itself from the fungus invading my head!  Quite a theory, don't you think?

    Anyway...we haven't a clue how I got it.  The DH is a swimmer and coaches and is VERY familiar with outer ear infections.  I always laugh at him because he is bald and owns a HAIR dryer and uses it EVERY DAY to keep his ear canal dry!Wink

    SAS-SCHATZI... I am so happy for you that you have "Saint PCP" in your life.  With all of us doing all of this complaining around the bonfire, YOU and I can see how magical it can sometimes be....Look how blessed we are to have such special physicians in our lives...which makes ALL the difference in this world.....

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited December 2011

    I'm another who has been embarrassed to talk about my medical team when so many people have had so many problems with theirs.  I have a couple of RN friends who have been telling me for years that my PCP is the very best on the harbor.  I first saw my surgeon 11 years ago for my gall bladder and they say the same about him.  Our cancer clinic is a satellite of a regional clinic and is quite new.  The Drs there are not yet well known in the area yet but I have found mine to be of the same caliber as my "home team".

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited December 2011

    Chabba, don't be embarassed to talk about your team if it is good - it is nice to know that SOME health care providers are living up to their professions!  I think many of them just forget their first-year training.  I met a brand new attending yesterday - she had just finished a fellowship after 4 years of medical school and 3 years of residency, and said she learned all the right ways to communicate with patients during the first couple of years, but by the time she had spent a total of 9 years in training, those first 2 years got lost and forgotten, and she has to remind herself to practice what she learned, not what she saw practiced by others due to time constraints, stress of the job, etc.  I am not 100% pleased with my team, but I do understand the limitations they are working under, and am always impressed when someone actually takes the time with me to understand my concerns. Just call m naive, but I don't think most people went into health care to be uncaring, but I think the training and work pressures often keep them from being the people they would like to be and providing the kind of care they would like to provide.  Understanding and caring works both ways, and yes, we are the patients, but there are a lot of us, and we can add up to a tremendous burden for the folks who sometimes cannot give us what we want (a painless, fast cure) but instead have only poisons, radiation, surgery, and other uncomfortable or miserable options to offer us. 

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited December 2011

    Linda...Those "uncomfortable or miserable options to offer us"  are slowly burning in the bonfire...