
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Let your doctors prescribe what you need. My D just before diagnosis was in the single digits. My PCP had me on prescription D for several months then 1000mg (also getting 400mg in multi vitamin) daily. It went up to 40.  When my onc say I had osteopenia she had me take calcium It had an additional 400mg. My D level went up to 75. I think normal is between 50-70. I'm slightly above but my PCP doesn't see this as a problem.

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Sorry I read you wrong. I thought you said vitamin "b" levels.   I was referring to vit B levels

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    My onc has me on 3000 IU per day.  Mine were extremely low before BC  and seems lots of us had low D before which seems to be a link they are studying a lot. 

    TonLee:  Joining the choir....go get it checked.

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Lago:  I also have ostepenia and they have me on boniva.  Are you on anything like that or just the Calcium?

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Calcium citrate I hear is so much better than calcium carbonate. I take Citracel petites. It has Vitamin D with Calcium Citrate.

  • Wendyspet
    Wendyspet Member Posts: 103

    Anyone have hearing loss?  I went to ENT for ringing in both ears, and he said that is common with hearing loss, which I have borderline.  It could be age, or chemo related (I am 48).  TCH and now Tamoxifen, herceptin til June.

    And I noticed today that my lifted nails aren't growing at all.  I haven't had to file them in 2 weeks!  pfft.

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Hang in there with the nails..............mine still arent the same even 4 months post Herceptin. Even a tiny bit of growth and they shred down to nothing.  I am still hanging in there.   I miss my pedicures.  Hopefully soon? 

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Wendy....I am 48 too!  

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Arlene I am just on Calcium and of course exercise. My osteopenia was not too bad. I only lost an additional .1 % (note decimal point before 1) when I was tested again after chemo and 5 months of anastrozole. My doctors do not treat osteopenia.
  • NancyJill
    NancyJill Member Posts: 127
    I am lucky, reading your posts, that my bone scan was normal in December. So far it seems I am lucky that I'm having no trouble with Tamoxifen. I think I have a lot of estrogen--migraines, acne flare-ups still, at age 46, mood swings around PMS time, and, of course, BC. Perhaps I really needed to have less estrogen activity going on?
  • bucky317
    bucky317 Member Posts: 178

    wendyspet  my hearing is worse now tooFrown !!! I don't know if it is from the chemo(which I think I have read somewhere that that could happen) or getting older. (will be 49 this Sat.)  Yay!!! St.Patricks Day!!! Everybody will be celebrating INCLUDING me this year.  Last year @ this time I was recovering from the BMX, but this year I am CELEBRATING, green beer and all!!! What a year it has been!!!    Now back to the seems to be worse when there is background noise also.. ie radio, tv etc.. I have to constantly ask my kids "heh, what did you say? Can you please repeat what you just said? If they are in another room (close proximity) again,..... I can hear that they are talking, but can't hear what they are actually saying. Drives me and them crazy. Guess I should get a hearing test huh?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,250

    Carboplatin can cause tinnitis - I definitely had that after the first tx, pretty severely.  The next tx's it did not happen but I do have residual tinnitis that has not gone away.  Most of the time I don't notice it.  My D level was in the teens post-chemo and my onc directed me to increase it but did not give me prescription D.  I take a multi that has 200iu, calcium with additional D for another 750iu, then a D that has 2000iu, so a total of about 3000iu a day.  Mine has come from teens to mid-30's in 6 months.  My MO monitors with a blood test every 3 months.  I was osteopenic prior to BC but stable.  I have had loss from both chemo and Femara so I did have a Prolia injection in February.

    tonlee - get that node checked so you can stop worrying!  And we can stop worrying!

  • Wendyspet
    Wendyspet Member Posts: 103

    Nora - where are you in AZ?

    Bucky - you probably should get your hearing tested - doc said probably every year now.  I hadn't had one since grade school!  I thought mine was fine...

    TonLee - I look at your posts and it inspires me to exercise.  Keep us posted.  (chanting "it's nothing, it's nothing....") 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    TonLee - Did you get that node checked?
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    I have an appt on the 26th with my Onc to go over my latest MUGA.  He will see me then. :/

    However, I have a follow up with the OB on Thursday, the two week check up so I'll have her look at it.

    Today I asked a woman at my church if she could see it when I turned my head.  She put her finger right on it.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Ok, so I've figured out this cauliflower crust.  First time it was "soggy."  The trick is to flip it over once the top browns so both sides get crunchy before toppings.!

    Riced cauliflower is so good!  I'm trying it in a bean dish next :)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    So is it a good crust? BTW I did find this yesterday. I haven't tried it yet:

    Spicy Lentil Dahl (made without ghee, healthier option)
    I think I might add a little tomato to it as well

    Are you folks on I have a lot of good recipes posted there.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Thought some of you may be interested in this article on bone health and biphosphonates.  I know very little about this topic and this looks like a good review. 

  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324

    Hey ladies, its been awhile! Been crazy traveling, this living in 2 cities is hectic.Ironicially 1 week after my last H my 30 year old cousin of my husband had a Bi Lat, after the surgery she found out she had to have 4 rounds of AC and now they found bone lesions in her chest. Getting a PET and Bone Scan to determine if its cancer, She has a 6 year old and barely has had time to have a full life. I am so angry by this disease! Has anyone here heard of a reoccurence during chemo? On another note, I found 2 lumps yesterday on cancer side , crazy since I had BMX. I cant get in to see BS until end of next week. I just had last H 1 month ago yesterday. I suppose with all going on its making me worry more, I hate that this takes our peace of mind. I just had to vent here, I don't want to alarm my family . They have been through enough. Thanks I just needed to get this off my chest, no pun intended.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,250

    nmoss - glad you are getting the lumps checked - most likely scar tissue or maybe a small fatty lipoma.  Sorry about your cousin - hoping the bone issue is something pre-existing.  It is possible to have recurrence during or shortly after chemo because chemo is not always effective, but I think this would be rare.  Did they do scans prior to chemo?

  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324

    Hi SK! Hope your well, they did d a scan prior and nothing found. The lumps are in the leftover dog eared section that I am supposed to have removed to finalize recon. So these are new. I feel terrible for her, they found the cancer because she has a heart condition and was in the deciding phase of geting a pacemaker, so they did a scan and there it was! She is just so young..Thanks again. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,250

    nmoss - we should meet up in Charleston sometime!  My MIL/FIL live in Beaufort, SC.  I had exchange surgery a couple of weeks ago - doing OK.  Still have some random soreness, but I didn't help that with a trip to D.C. for a funeral.  I think it was a little early for planes, trains and automobiles.  Sounds like your cousin has had a time of it, but hopefully it will turn out to be a benign process of treatment.  We will all send positivity to both of you!

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Hello ladies..

    Today I'm 3 weeks post 6th neo adjuvant TCH and was scheduled for my lumpectomy this afternoon.

    Thanks to you ladies who prepared me because instead of going berserk I just hysterical hysterical because it was delayed . My pre op ekg was " different" from the one prior to my sentinal node and port placement preop . The anesthesiologist wants a cardiologist's clearance. Got a new echo today and see the cardio doc tomorrow.

    The tech used the term EFS and I actually knew what she was referring to. Sadly. there one friggin thing in our bodies that is the same as it was pre chemo?

    I'm mad at my BS...who I used to adore... because he didn't call me to tell me and his PA just kinda left me with we can't do it till you get it without an explanation of what the delay might mean.

    I'm ready to tell my BS just give me a local, a tranquilizer and do the surgery without anesthesia!

    And I was just feeling better from chemo, getting more optimistic and starting exercises thanks to

    Tonlee and all you girls!

    Thanks ladies for the prep...and Tonlee..good luck

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    ashla - that stinks!
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,250

    ashla - don't know if this will help your mindset but I remember that tonlee's recent surgery was cancelled as well, she had waited all day for it and then they ran behind because of a problem.  She had the surgery later and from what I can tell (not trying to speak for her!) it went very well.  It is one of those "everything happens for a reason" things.  I am certainly hoepful that the cardio issue is absolutely nothing and that you will go on and have your surgery in a timely manner, but maybe today was not your day to be in the OR?

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Ashla that does stink!  OK, so what is EFS?  Ejection fraction ?

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    It just never ends does it...always the stress associated with this crazy disease.

    Went to the dentist (first time since diagnosis) and he found calcium deposits in my jaw and is sending me to a specialist....good grief what does this mean?  Never heard of calcium deposits in the jaw.  Everything scares us at this point.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797


    Before my second biopsy, they told me to get an ekg. This was six weeks after the first one where I had an ekg at another hospital. No one said anything about a problem and the first biopsy was done.

    I had the results sent to second hospital who called and asked me if anyone had said anything. No.....what was it, I asked. They said something looked a little "hinky". Literally, that was the word I used. So...pcp sent me on a stress test withthe dye injection. He looks at results that mentoned some little thing looked off. So....he gets me in to a really good cardiologist. This is now the day before the second biopsy is supposed to happen, and it wont happen unless I am cleared.

    I sit down in his office, look at him and say "do not even tell me that I cant have the biopsy tomorrow because I am waytoo stressed out not knowing."

    He said basically, why are ou here? no worries, because your results are excellent, everything looked great, you are i. Great shape, and that little thing they mentioned is just a shadow of something laying over the heart area. I think he said diaphragm.

    That was about a ten thousand dollar experience that was totally unecesay and I was annoyed. In hindsight though, since it turned out I needed chemo and everything else, it was a good baseline to have.

    Arlene...I have two bil's and a nephew who are dentists. i will have to ask them. You are right. it is always something

    Tonlee....the 26th is too long. I will be stressed out for you. Force your way in earlier! I cant believe they are making you wait. When I found my mystery lump, every doctor went into action faster than I could imagine. In a little over 48 hours, my omc had felt it, I was in the PS office who felt it and sent me back to BS, who felt it and had me stay there for ultrasound followed by mri when that showed nothing.

    I was so grateful, I wrote them all notes to thank them.

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    HI Wendy....I am in the far NW valley. Are you near taat atra?///

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Have you guys looked at that new link that from a study on women using estrogen only hrt? Am I reading that coreectly that it is saying it may not be as bad as they thought? If so...I want some. I am so over massive hot flashes that make me feel like i am having a heart attack, naseauous and dripping.