
  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Oh, man,.you all are so active! I most definetly am NOT. I have arthritis all over, was due for a double knee replacement when I was diagnosed. I feel I have exercised when I do grocery shopping. I finally had to give in and get a cane . Because of all the stuff I've just gone through, I can't even use my anti inflamatory, so my legs are Like lumpy logs. I force myself to walk around the house, an occasionally outside, but Truly am in pain most of the time, usually about a 3or

    4 on a daily basis. I am in awe of all you do. I am starting on the lowest WII setting and believe you me, I will sweat and shake at that. I am starting from the wayyy back! LOL but I will continuebto try, just don't laugh at my puny effort.

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Moonflower...we all start somewhere. At least you are trying!

    Fluff...LOL to the private hotflash parties. I know all about that. The past couple of months the flashing is so bad it keeps me up, drenched in sweat. It got to the point this past week where I skipped tamoxifen, just to see what would happen. In a day, I already felt better. I have since skipped it for 4 days, and have slept through the night. The onc wants to switch me to an AI after hormonal panels and BRAC testing this week. If the BRAC is positive, then we move to an ooph.

    Its gorgeous in the South now! 70 and Sunny!! It's too early to stay this way, but will enjoy it while we can.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Moonflwr I totally understand. My mom also had double knee replacement and scoliosis. She just had an operation last spring to straighten out her spine… believe it or not she said it was worse than doing the double knee replacement. She too has arthritis. The tough thing for you is if you don't move those knees they will stiffen up. My mom wasn't all that active after her two 8 hour surgeries either but she has been moving for a while now. I assume you have spoken with your doctors. It takes time but you will get moving again. I know my mom is on meds for arthritis pain and always will be.
  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    My mom is in a similar boat. Her knees are so bad that she can barely walk- she does a duck type walk, sort of swinging them. It breaks my heart. Her insurance is Kaiser Permanente and the doc will not allow knee replacement saying its not necessary. Where do they get these guys?! She tries to do upper body work and a little bit of swimming and water aerobics seems to help. It's a bit of a catch 22- she needs to lose weight, and eats very well...but cant seem to move enough to make a difference.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Geewhiz can she get another opinion?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Geewhiz, I hope your mom gets another opinion. My replacement had been approved and everything when BC came calling. I have to wait til I finish Tx before I can do that now. Gonna be a while. Just gotta go day by day.

  • Kitchenella
    Kitchenella Member Posts: 88

    I have arthritic knees and manage them quite well with gentle exercises.  My daughter taught "Body Sculpting" and set up a program for me that , when I do it regularly, keeps me toned. Once in a while I have a flare up and have to take a heavy duty medication for about a week  but that hasn't happened now for over a year. I do walk but avoid stairs and hills if I can.  I will say I'm lucky and am not heavy.  I keep my weight down with diet.  That is the only way for those who cannot do heavy duty arobic exercises.  It just takes to much exercise to burn to few calories to really lower weight.


    PS just found out my onc doesn't start TAxol and HErceptin on the same day so that if I have a reaction they will know which drug caused it.  So I have to go in on both Wed. and Thurday this week.  Ugh! 

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Lago, She was told she was told she had no other options. They monitored her for a year.Not sure what the criteria is, she literally cannot walk a straight line. I am not familiar with how Kaiser works, but that seems very restrictive. Socialistic medicine it seems. I really should follow up with it for her. She is a smart cookie, but we have all learned about being health advocates, have we not? She has been an angel throughout the past several years for me. Never once complaining about her own for me and my family, sitting doing homework with my little ones when I struggled. Now that I am better, its probably time to look after her.

    Kitchenella, that Bodysculpt sounds wonderful!! Your daughter must love you very much. I am so happy to hear how well you responded to it.

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    I think Kaiser is your typical HMO and they are into preventative and not too great about taking care of problems when they daughter has it in California and it is great for her and she loves it but she is young.  She had her first baby 6 months ago and they were SUPERB all during her pregnancy and baby follow-up too.  Baby had a bili-rubin problem and they were johnny on the spot with that too.  I hope everything works out for your Mom.

    I have to give a big cheer for all you moms with young children going through this.  I just spent 10 days with my daughter and grabbed the baby at 5-6 every morning so they could sleep in before work and I had her until 8 pm.  I am exhausted.  I can't believe it takes so long to get back to some sort of normal from all this.  You ladies who do it day in and day out and going/have gone through treatments are amazing and get a big shout out from me! 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Geewhiz The first told my mom no about the knees too. Not sure why but several years later she investigated and found someone who would do it.

    Also, my mom was initially told years ago there was nothing they could do for her back/scoliosis. It was getting so bad, so hunched over that it was starting to compress her lungs and affecting her breathing. My BIL searched online and found a type of surgery that sounded like it might help. That's how she ended up doing surgery. Had she waited another year her surgeon wouldn't have done it because of her age. She'll be turning 75 in the fall.

    There may be other issues why they say no to your mom. Be sure you have the full story.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    I hate the Spring time change.

    It takes me two weeks to adjust to that missing hour.

    It's ridiculous we still have DST.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    You could move to Arizona - we don't change.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    I love the springtime change! Love having daylight at 9 p.m.!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    I would like it better if it happened in the middle of the day in the middle of the week. Losing an hour on the weekend just isn't fare. We have more work hours than weekend hours. What I rip Undecided
  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239

    When I moved to the mainland from Hawaii as a teenager and was told about the DST time change, I thought they were pulling my leg!

  • Kitchenella
    Kitchenella Member Posts: 88

    Of course you've heard about the blond (sorry blondies) who was upset at daylight savings time because she was sure her lawn would burn from the extra hour of sunlight?



  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Ok so I'm gonna throw this "out there"  Quite a few of us triple positive women have been posting here for nearly 2 years. Some of us have had "issues" dealing with treatment, ooverectomies, or like me, starting the period back after telling me I was in menopause etc. HOWEVER the talk about recurrence, NONE of us as far as I know have had any sort of it. That to me is a God send. I wish us all of my sisters continued success!

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    You got that right, OMAZ, we dont bother with the clocks here. One added benefit of living in AZ

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    From your mouth to God's ears Nora!!!!

    I am not liking the time change this I ply 2 kids out of bed both griping and growling. I already made my way to Starbucks. My oldest attends a school that has an off day...I am looking forward to some quality time with my 15 year old, even if it involves lots of talk about fighter jets :)

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    Hope that remains...I have a swollen and very sore lymph node in my neck right now's been there since March 1st, when I first noticed it.  It makes my head hurt when it is pressed, and I've been having vision issues as well...(could be Tamoxifen, but who knows) ...It's hard and well, its a lump!  Last time I had a lump.....


    I've never been to of the few states I haven't visited!  I think I'd love it though.  I HATE cold weather, and I HATE the time change in the spring.  lol 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Arizona is beautiful.  Spring is a great time to come with all the wild flowers.  I hope the lump is nothing.  Have you had a cold or anything?

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Nora.... I just threw salt over my shoulder and am looking for wood to knock on. I am still worried that the lump under my armpit is cancer that didnt show on the mri. dsl wasnt so great when I had to leave the house at 7 this morning and it was pitch black and drizzly.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    No Omaz.

    I haven't been sick at all.  Not even a stuffy sinus. 

    I'm giving it two more days (my husband's freaking out though because he can feel it when he puts his hand on my neck) and that will take me to the two week mark.

    My neck muscles on the left side are incredibly sore hopefully its just, well anything but CANCER!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    TonLee  wait is over. Just get it checked out so you and your DH can stop worrying. BTW when I was in my early 30's I used to get swollen lymph glands all the time at work. I remember I had a huge lump on the back of my neck. Basically everyone at work would get sick. It would go from cubicle to cubicle. When it reached me I just  got swollen glands. I don't think it lasted more than 2 weeks but  your immune system is still healing and certainly not the same as a 31YO who never got sick.
  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    Tonlee - I agree with Lago, call and get that node checked.  You and the DH will feel much better if it turns out to be nothing!

  • brax
    brax Member Posts: 52

    Want to thank so many of you for your encouragement and support.  Drangonfly, TonLee, Fluffqueen, Lago, you all inspired me to do more as far as being fit.  I woke up the next morning after my initial post to you all, and made a 5:45 AM cycling class at the gym.  I'd never taken one before, and honestly can't say I enjoyed it but I will go back.  It was an hour long, I assumed it was a half hour.  It was hard on the bottom and I do not have that kind of endurance.  I tried to stand and ride when the class did but it was too much for me but I did complete the class-mostly seated.  I also have been using the cardio equipment (mostly treadmill) and have been using the weight machines.   I have tried the eliptical but I guess my legg muscles are so out of shape because after two minutes I am ready to drop.  I can walk 3.5 mph good though, so I figure I will try to push that to 4 by the end of the week.  I also am going to try a weight class it is nothing major it is synchronized to music and you just lift what you are comfortable with - I hear it is an awesome workout, I'm sure it will not be easy.

    I still have a big appetite.  I'm still real worried about that and I will ask for a nutritionist referral at my next visit.  It was just so much to take in which is what lead to my post.  So the weight gain comes or can come from chemo, herceptin (possibly), hormonal therapy, and early menopause.  Life can be so cruel!!!

     Thanks again and again everyone for your encouragement and support:)

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Get that node checked!   I don't know if you remember I had a "node" in my neck last Christmas which wasn't going down. My PCP didn't like it AT ALL and wanted it biopsied and possibility removed. Was sent to a general surgeon who didn't like the feel of it either.  Something told me to go back to the Mayo and get a 2nd opinion. I had an MRI and it turned out to be calcification on the outer part of my carotid artery. A side effect of the chemo crap they put in our bodies. Nothing has to be done, it's just "there" and not hurting anything.

    I went from thinking I had a recurrence and needed more surgery to celebrating that it was "nothing"  BUT!!!!   You do need to get it checked out for your peace of mind.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Add me to the chorus, get it checked out please.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi everyone

    i was told today by my family doc that my Vit D levels are really low - nurse called me so she would not tell me my levels

    can you guys share your dosage and if you take liquid drops or pills and also how levels are measured and what the "optimum" level is


  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    I take 1500mg sublingual about 3x per week.  Last time I had my levels checked I was a bit too high