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  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    That seems to be one SE I didn't get, thank goodness. Sorry you have to deal with the nail issues. Just wanted to mention, there is a new kind of nail polish that is just put on the nail kinda like a real thick decal. It really worked and stayed on my nails for almost two weeks. I chose a black base with hold and silver sprinkles. It was very easy to put on, but very hard to get off. I got a lot of complements. Cost about ten bucks.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    Thanks...let me know how you like the Juven.

    Like you, I am not wild about the sugar...and the muscle armor is 110 calories a scoop!  That's all sugar.  I'm not sure if it is necessary for delivery.  Generally speaking the reason muscle protein/pre-post workouts have sugar is to get it dumped and absorbed immediately in the small intestine so it can get out to worked muscles, or about to work muscles asap.

    I will ask my friend if the sugar is necessary for delivery in non-sports related muscle retention like ours.

    Anyway, I went to the Vitamin Shoppe and bought all the ingredients.  It is much cheaper in the long run and has no calories.  If sugar is necessary, then I will add a tsp ... or at least determine how many calories to use.

    It's important though that the ingredients be in powder form (not pill) because the two amino acids and the calcium work together, and have to be absorbed together.  (Can't get that with capsules because there is no guarantee the shells are made of the same material or even break down at the same rate).

    So, I spent $35-40 and was able to get all the ingredients in powder form.  And it lasts at least a month....that's much more economical than $20 a week.

    Fluff, I don't think my frankenboob is high.  As you look at the pic, the one on the right (with the nipple showing!  PS said NO BRA!) is my non-bc non-reconstructed boob.  He matched the recon (left side as you look at actual right side tho) to my natural droop.  I think the shirt is low cut so they may look higher than they actually are.  Frankly, once my frankenboob fluffs a little bit, it will be pretty much exactly like my natural side (which was augmented with a small implant in 2010)....droop wise.

  • Ella_117
    Ella_117 Member Posts: 48

    Just came across an interesting article today from Lauren Cahn, Huffington post, on the failure of mamogram to detect her triple positive breast cancer 10 years ago.

    Inspiring read from a triple positive her2 sister who is 10 years out.

    Here is the link:

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    ton....that was a compliment! That is what he says when he is pleased with his work. I think it looks fabulous!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Wow Ella.  That is some story.  I often think about burning my breast and not feeling it!

    I don't think I'm as dead set on having boobs as other women I've read here.  I think if they start to give me too much more trouble I may just go flat.  Don't want too....but shesh.  Enough is enough already.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Thanks Fluff!  I took it as one. :)  I just didn't want you to think they're  I went with the all natural like you...not the stripper boobs....

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Wow ladies.  I'm the 'stupid' one...I didn't realize all you folks used the real peas.  :)  I've used them for muscle aches and when I had shoulder surgery years ago but I didn't even think to use them for the nails...just didn't think they would stay cold enough.  Wow! 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,253

    I used real peas too - DH lugged the cooler so I let him ceremonially throw the peas away after the last chemo!  I had an injured fingernail (wedding ring finger, natch) before the first TCH that started lifting but only went a little ways back.  After chemo was done it finally lifted almost all the way back and started getting weird underneath.  The entire nail had to be cut off.  The finger looked like a newborn mouse - not attractive.  I don't think it would have happened if not already injured with a tear on the side - the rest of my nails did not have any discolored areas or ridges.  Took 6 months for the nail to grow to the end of the finger.  I also lost my right pinky toenail but the new one grew right in - my toenails are really tiny.  I think the peas didn't keep that one little piggy cold enough.  I put a coat of clear nail hardener on every day for 7 days, then removed it and started over.  Also on the day of chemo I wore a navy or dark gray polish to light could not penetrate the nail bed.

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Morning to everybody,

    I feel alot better today. Caught up on some much needed sleep and feel reasonably calm. Im actually pleased to have the opportunity of an ultrasound on Thur. Not feeling super confident about mammos after reading the stories of women whose lumps were missed.

    Susieq Thanks for your comment about the dent and Im glad you are now happy with your new surgeon.

    Ella I have just read the inspiring article about the Triple pos lady who was dx in 2002. Goodness what an ordeal for her and my first thought was well you are one brave lady. Thank you for posting this.

    Tonlee I missed you............ boo hoo I went through it a bit the other night as you can see. Everyone was fab. I noticed you werent posting and in my anxiety riddled head I formed a picture of you and your lovely cousin supping margaritas in a bar with western style swinging doors....... I'm an English teacher and sometimes my imagination kinda runs away with me... I should write I think. Ha so deluded!!!

    I hope to report good news tomorrow. If its not Im having both girls off, ovaries, the lot! Cool

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    I was reading over some studies last night. Looks like the ice does make a big difference MOST of the time with neuropathy. Studies definitely support using them. Lago is right, lifting is a less common, though very real, side effect.

    It seems that centers in Australia, Canada and England have the ice mittens and socks too. WTH? One center even provided black polish for sunlight, a cream for skin drying taxotere and some comfy socks. How wonderful!

    I see several manufacturers, all cost about $100 a set. Reuseable though.

    I will see if I can talk to a PR person at the drug company. Maybe they can point me in the right direction.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    geewhiz - I haven't seen any articles about ice and neuropathy, can you post the link?  I have only seen the articles showing benefit for nail damage during taxotere. 
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    soltantio when people ask what your port is, tell them its how you keep in contact with the mother ship, then tap it twice and say "yeah all OK down here."
  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Ha-ha Lago.  I had to read your comment to my husband and he cracked up laughing.

    Sol:  I've got the huge power port too and I had to buy a lot of new clothes to cover it up.  When it isn't covered, people stare and I really am not comfortable with that.  Mine is right where the seatbeat hits also and I end out using the lap belt and putting the shoulder part under my arm.  That all changes come Monday when I get deported.  You'll get used to it and will be glad it is there....IMO way better than using a vein every time.


  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Does anyone taking flaxseed know if its the ground flaxseed or flaxseed oil that is recommended relative to BC? And how much per day after gradually working it into diet?

    TonLee - I love your hair. How many months pfc are you and what do you useto to get it so smooth?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    BTW I used the generic store brand frozen peas (cheaper). Maybe that's why it didn't work for me Tongue out
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    Great visual!  So right about the least for me.  My cousin doesn't drink.  Like I mentioned, two completely different backgrounds!  She is a retired fire fighter, who now in "retirement" runs a spinning facility, and pilates.  She did this all through out chemo!  So strong.


    Again, never thought I'd say this, but the picture makes it look better than it actually is....well, I have very hard well water at home and now my blond is almost red (ie brassy), despite the water softner....but in Texas, I guess all that hard water washed out....

    I just use John Freida (sp?) Shine stuff in the blue pump bottle.  Then a generic gel, and frizz ease hair spray (love that stuff!  MAkes a good helmet!)  I'm kinda lazy with products....I'm trying not to become a high maintenance woman as I age....because it seems like the older I get, the more stuff I need to keep from scaring people in public!


  • cindy68
    cindy68 Member Posts: 24

    does anyone know a manufacture of a multi-vitamin with iron that does not have soy in it?  I usually take Centrum but since i am triple positive that is a no-no due to it having soy.  I went to the vitamin shoppe yesterday and found only one however it doesn't have nearly the Daily % that the centrum vitamin does.  i know the small amount of soy that is in centrum may not be harmful however, there is so much hidden ingredients in other things that i don't want to take any chances.  Ironically enough,  I always cooked with 100% soybean oil.  I am a farmers daughter what do you expect.  Back to Canola oil for me. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,253

    cindy - I take One-A-Day gummies because I have some pill dysphagia and I can't swallow larger pills.  They don't have soy but they do have more sugar than other vitamins.

    Here is a link from Livestrong for vitamins without soy:

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Cindy, I take my iron pill separately, as my counts don't always note that i need it. I have gotten really bad about taking vitamins. I find myself going to great lengths to find the kind that dissolve (d3 and a bcomplex), chew (calcium), powered (emergen-c 1000 mg per packet and tastes good.) and/or are the gel type that swallow easier. Some weeks I am faithful, some weeks not. It seems that any time I quit taking them around a surgery, I skip them for a month.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653


    These might contain Stearic Acid (soybean). I know I don't sweat it. The soy thing is still very controversial. The amount in the vitamin is minimal

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Sol, on the internet I found cute pins meant to cover you port. They are on clips for your tank strap. I noticed that even department stores have them as they are meant for purses! They may not be your style, but I am sure you could find something similar that could work for you. My port does not stick out. So I don't have that problem, my problem is the fat that covers the port (and the rest of me!) LOL

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Those pin things would have been nice to know about last summer when it was one hundred degrees and wearing a wig. Lol.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Saltantio my port sticks out. I have a small frame and no upper body fat. I got a kiddie port. Here's a picture from 17 months ago (7 weeks PFC). Funny but my scar is  hardly noticeable now. I don't hide it unless I'm on a job interview. There are people that stare at it… I stare at them right back. No one has asked me about it though so opportunity to discuss the "mother ship."

    I do get asked about my LE sleeve all the time

    Yes the jury is out on the soy thing but I tend to agree about it being a huge issue. I don't eat a diet of soy but I will have my hot & sour soup with tofu and not freak about the soy or soybean oil in some products.

    With all the antioxidant foods I would hope that would combat some of this. I mean you gotta live your life too.

  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    Sol - my port sticks out too and was uncomfortable for a long time.  Sometimes after my Herceptin it seems a little irritated for a few days.  I think that mostly has to do with what they use to clean my skin before accessing.

    I also asked my MO about soy.  When I started Tamoxifen I had pretty wicked hot flashes and someone suggested I-Cool.  I asked her about it because it contains soy.  She said it was perfectly fine.  I tried it and it ended up not working for me anyway so I discontinued it.

    BTW Lago, love the necklace in your port pic!  I am a beader, might have to steal the design for myself.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Thanks Kellogg. I love artist jewelry. My little pieces of sculpture. This is the artist(s):

    Polymer clay beads.

  • Soyaandpepper
    Soyaandpepper Member Posts: 43

    I use extra virgin coconut oil for cooking now, I used to use Extra virgin olive oil and Canola oil, and my research tells me that the coconut oil is the best in terms of nutrients and its better for cooking since it burns at a higher temp. than all others. 

    I'm not sure about using flax seed or flax seed oil since we're all ER+, I think that flax seeds has the highest in phyto estrogen, next to soy. I'm staying far away from soy and flax seeds. Not even using the oil.

  • cindy68
    cindy68 Member Posts: 24

    thanks ladies for the responses.  i will be interested to see what future research holds for those of us estrogen positive. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,253

    sol - frozen peas are OK, lots of us used them!