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  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Update on my suspicious lump.

    The 'lump' is an oil cyst, common after surgery. I was given the choice to have it drained. I said: Will I be given a local anesthetic and he said no. So I grabbed my bra and hot tailed out of the room; practically bolted out of the hospital into the sunshine. Happy days!!!!!!! Thanks seems an inadequate expression  to you guys. Doing the silly dance now....CoolLaughingTongue out


  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422

    Jackboo - What a relief - great news. Good you got it checked out so quickly.


  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148

    Jackboo: joining you on that silly dance!!!😜😃😜

    Jennifer404: thanks so much for the link.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Jackboo here's more silly happy dance for you: linky
  • nancedawg
    nancedawg Member Posts: 61

    I had my surgery yesterday, and was able to come home last night.  Glad I didn't have to stay overnight.  I haven't taken any pain meds yet.  I am sore, but I wouldn't call it pain.  The drains are not fun, so I hope I won't have them long.  I haven't eaten yet because nothing sounds good.  Lots of liquids, but I did throw up once.  Not bad.  I am not nauseaus at all which is good since the anesthesiologist said I would be nauseaus for a while.  I am trying to figure out what to eat.  I really want nachos, but not sure that is a good choice.  Anyway, so far so good.  Three lymph nodes removed on right side.  I told the surgeon not to go crazy on that because I don't want lymphodema.  She thinks she got clean margins.  I hope that is true.  No pathology yet. We'll see.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Jackboo - GREAT news!!!  Yahoo!!!  Silly dancing ensues!   Hope I get the same news Friday on my suspected oil cyst!  

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Nancedawg I too felt soreness but no pain. Never took any pain meds, not even a Tylenol. The cool thing is each day you feel so much better. I did get terrible nausea with anesthesia. I think that's part of the reason why I didn't go home for 2 days (also had a BMX and nodes both sides 10/4). I couldn't even stand up. Most people don't get it but all the women in my family do. Fingers crossed for clear margins.
  • vballmom
    vballmom Member Posts: 153

    Jackboo - awesome news!  Laughing

    Nancedawg - glad you are home.  Don't be surprised if you have some ups and downs with soreness and nausea as you go through the week.  Got my fingers crossed for clear margins for you.

     I just had my #4 of 12 Taxol. I'm finding this so much easier than AC, although not without SEs.  My brain is clearer and I'm able to go to work for half days.  I don't miss the post-meds I had to take with AC.  I am driving myself again and beginning to feel more human.  I've decided not to ice my nails.  I can't stand being so cold during the infusions as it is, so I am taking my chances.  So far, no nail changes.  Still have my eyebrows and most of my eyelashes, but stare at my scalp daily wondering if I see any growth. Silly me.

     Tonlee - I looked into the Juven.  My friend sells supplements (she's a body builder, a biochemist, and a natural foodie) and suggested some of the ingredients. I researched them and l-arginine may be an issue for those of us with low blood pressure.  It seems like every supplement I research has conflicting benefits and drawbacks.  

    My port sticks out and I can even see the three little bumps on it.  I am not thin.  I was having some soreness a few weeks back, but I haven't had any in a while. Hope it's gone for good.  Despite hating it there, I absolutely love never being poked any where else!

  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    jackboo - so glad you got good news!!!!

    nancedawg - glad your surgery went better than expected.  Sending some healing vibes your way.

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    SpecialK -- thanks for the link in flaxseed.

    Jennifer404 -- that is a good website regarding food. Thanks.

    Jackboo -- so happy to hear you're fine!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    WOO JACK!!  Bet you've never been so glad to have oil cyst!

    Nance.  Keep us posted on your pathology.  Here's hoping your lymphs were crystal clear.

    Vball, thanks for the info.  I have extremely low blood pressure.  So low I can't take the minimum dosage of an Ace Inhibitor, but after three weeks on this amino acid combo, I haven't had a single issue.  L-arginine basically dilates veins to allow for better delivery of the rest, but there is so little in this combo, it doesn't seem to affect me at all.  (So far, and I will be sure to keep everyone posted.)

    Since I am on Tamoxifen, and it is known to cause clots, I am ok with anything that "thins" the blood, or dilates the

    As an aside. I'm sure your friend is very knowledgeable about supplements since she sells them. But, Juven is actually PRESCRIBED by doctors/dietitians for many elderly patients who are bed ridden in nursing homes to help maintain muscle tissue, many of whom I am sure have low BP.

    Of course I recommend making an appointment with a professional dietitian and bringing a list of all your meds/supplements. That's what I did with the family friend...and I learned a lot because he has studied so many chemical reactions at the molecular level, and has the professional literature to back it up.  So it's just not his opinion.

    For instance.  I take Acetyl-L-Carnitine to help with the brain.  He told me two things I didn't know about it.  Little things, but still informative.

    1.  Anything over 500mg a day is a waste of money and ultimately not good for you.

    2.  It is best taken on an empty stomach (if tolerated) or with liquids.  Better absorption.

    I started doing it and have noticed a big difference..but maybe that's the placebo affect...I dunno.

    Also, I am a fan of Ginko B.  He is not.  Said it is not good in conjunction with fish oil supplements (both "thin" the blood), and none of the research even shows it crosses the blood/brain barrier effectively.  He said A-L-Carn has the research and does cross that is better if I choose between the two.

    It's great you have access to such a knowledgeable person!  Thanks again for the info!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    jackboo - What a relief.
  • NCbeachgal
    NCbeachgal Member Posts: 67

    I'm asking this to the smartest group of ladies on these boards. The background...lumpectomy november 2011, finished chemo April 17, finished rads July 6, on herceptin until April 2013, tamoxifen coming real soon. I had my follow-up mammogram yesterday. They took six pictures, then five more to get a more clear image, then a sonogram on the right affected breast. They saw a new asymmetrical area that requires a sonogram guided needle core biopsy. Does anyone have a similar experience or statistics on a recurrence so soon? Is it most likely tissue changes brought on by radiation. I'm worried but not freaking out. It will be fine right?

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Thanks to all you lovely, lovely people for your good wishes. Lago: great link. It reminded me of how I used to dance at school discos!! Tonlee: yes I was so, so relieved.I wish I had known about oil cysts and how common they are post surgery. I might have been a bit less panicky. Dancetrancer, sorry to hear you are going thru this worry too. Nancedawg: all the very best for a speedy recovery. The drains are horrible. I felt like I couldn't begin to recover until they were out but they are necessary. Sounds like you are doing really well so far. Vballmom: glad to hear that you are managing some normality throughout your tx. Its the little things that seem to make all the difference. The fact that you are working, driving etc. Big confidence boosters, or at least thats how I felt.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    NC - My understanding is that they want to get a good baseline after rads and then they follow up for any changes that occur.  I suspect they are being super careful to be sure their baseline is a good one.  
  • NCbeachgal
    NCbeachgal Member Posts: 67

    Thank you Omaz!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    NCbeachgal local recurrence is more common with lumpectomy so that's why they are checking and rechecking. Even if (knock on wood) if one was to have a local recurrence the survival is the same as doing a MX to begin with.
  • melster
    melster Member Posts: 46

    Can I get some prayers sent my way? I have been having Vertigo since Sunday..I have had it before years ago, but because of all of THIS, I'm having an MRI this afternoon. I'm pretty much freaking out.

     I still have 3 herceptins left...and had PCR from chemo which ended in March. Please, please pray that everything is ok. My only symptom is Vertigo. My ENT is going to get the results this evening and call me.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Melser this doesn't sound like a typical brain mets issue but I'm no expert. Vertigo can be an inner ear issue. Hang in there. Don't assume the worst. Usually people get headaches.
  • melster
    melster Member Posts: 46

    Thank you Lago. I became hysterical in the ENTs office. The poor nurse was hugging me etc. I know it's ridiculous, but it is so scary as you know. And I think it's good that I've had this issue before through the years.


  • melster
    melster Member Posts: 46

    I tried adding my it showing up?

  • melster
    melster Member Posts: 46

    Trying my signature...

  • Soyaandpepper
    Soyaandpepper Member Posts: 43

    melster-Sorry to hear you're having such a hard time.My mom has Vertigo, her doctor said it is an imbalance of the inner ears. Hang in there, I'm sure there's a simple explaination for it!

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    I was told that common symptoms of brain mets were changes in speech and gait....

    Every sympton we will feel can send us into a frenzy. Everyone tells me that the hysterical reactions get fewer as time goes on. Of course messed up hormones don't help.

    Keep busy till he calls. Take a walk. Breathe deep .

  • melster
    melster Member Posts: 46

    Thank you ladies. It is so scary. My appointment is later this afternoon. I appreciate the kindness here.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    You all must have heard the news by n ow but just in case. Looks like Herceptin injected subcutaneously is just as effective... as infusions! At least 17 less hours in the infusion room possibly.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    melster My mom has vestibular disorder. She does exercises for it but sometimes she'll have to stop watching a movie or something because it really sets it off. I also have a friend with the same issue although not as bad as my moms. I'm thinking inner ear thing.

    Ashla that's awesome.

  • Fitz33
    Fitz33 Member Posts: 123

    Jennifer, My Onc NP got really upset over those websites when I showed her a copy of the foods recommended. She specializes in Her2 and said there have not been any studies to correlate with that website. I was pretty surprised at that so later went online to see if I could figure out what organization sponsors that website and couldn't find any. It seems that there is no one taking responsibility for putting those lists together.

    Soltantio, I'm at UCLA as well and wonder if Dr. MH has said anything about these lists. I haven't been to her.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Fitz I tend to agree with what you say about the website but the foods they are recommending are actually good nutrition. Many of those food are antioxidants.
  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Liz...great news!

    Nance, glad your surgery is done and praying for a good pathology report

    Melster: I am sending prayers that all will be well for you.

    I've been offline due to modem problems for the last few using the public library. Wow does this thread move fast!!!

    That's awesome, Ashla re the Herceptin injections! Should make a huge difference for so many!