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  • meglove
    meglove Member Posts: 105

    Lago, thank you for the information about your friends. That is really helpful for me and my husband to mentally prepare for the surgery.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    Makes my bald eyelids seem frivolous! Even told my MO that I can't believe I'm holding back tears over my eyelashes but I think he really understood how mentally spent I was.

    Good luck with your surgery!

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Meglove, I am sorry about the fibroids. I am sure the surgery will go well for you!

    Ashla, I have posted about this before...but I am quite a ways out from chemo and still have virtually no eyelashes or eyebrows...or any body hair for that matter. I am blonde, the fair coloring helps. But it is a daily reminder. I have a tiny thin line of hairs in my eyebrows and non- existent lashes. I have bought every plumper, strange shape lash brush, curler etc. I have even used latisse. That helps, but only while you use it. Stop using it, and no lashes again.

    The upside of this is I only need to shave my legs every few weeks. I get a few hairs around my ankles. And not much going on "down under" either, lol.

    I am super thankful I did the ice caps for my head. With so much hair loss elsewhere on me, I can only imagine the situation could be a little scary if I had let the taxol into my scalp.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    I see my gyn tomorrow for a 6 month followup. He is monitoring me with a vaginal ultrasound to make sure tamoxifen isn't causing problems. I do have fibroids. Have for years and at least one is pretty large.

    A few hours after that, I head in for my petscan.

    My eyelashes and eyebrows fell out three weeks after chemo, but the ones behind it were already coming in so it was a short period of time. Then, somewhere around the holidays, which would be 6 months out from chemo, eyelashes thinned again, but didn't lose all of them. Eyebrows are fairly thin. They never really thickened.

  • Ella_117
    Ella_117 Member Posts: 48

    Just came across the Touching story about a beautiful young 32 year old woman, diagnosed with her2 positive breast cancer, at the same age her mother was diagnosed. YouTube video under Shiela's Story.

  • meglove
    meglove Member Posts: 105
    Fluff, I have done two pelvic US recently, also to monitor the effect of tamoxifen and both reports said endometrium was thin. Not sure why some doc order pelvic, some order vaginal US.
  • Ella_117
    Ella_117 Member Posts: 48


    I have large uterine fibroids that like you, I thought would shrink as I have been in chemo pause since November, but no such luck! I actually think that the Tamoxofin stirred them up.

    Does anyone know what effect, if any Tamoxifen has on fibroids?

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Ladies:  I'm over a year out from chemo and didn't have any problems with my eyelashes; however, I barely have any eyebrows.  Fortunately, my bangs cover the lacking brows.  I too have a fibroid but I'm not noticing much difference in it.

    We are all so different in how the chemo impacts our bodies.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    I read a lot about it a year ago. It isn't supposed to have any affect, but a lot of women had growth and issues. My gyn said usually it doesn't bother anything, but there is always someone who will have an issue.

  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148

    Can we really get botox pfc while still on herceptin? And fillers? Wow!!! Im so getting them after my last taxotere in september!

    Nance, my SO removed my drains when they were at 20-25 cc per day. But i think they also wait for the fluid to become straw colored and not bloody.

    Meglove, fibroids are noncancerous, the worst they can do is bleed a lot during our periods. But if your gyn says off with the uterus, then that would be one thing less to worry about, no? My mom had hers out at 33 because of a huge fibroid the size of a 6-month pregnant belly. She's now 78 and still counting, she still does the groceries and cooking for me!

  • nancedawg
    nancedawg Member Posts: 61

    My surgeon said 35 cc's but they are not straw colored yet and I have read about people having to go in and get drained more than once afterward, so I am trying to wait until it is really low.  I hate these drains, and that is the place where I am most uncomfortable(their attachment location) but I don't want to have to go back to the Dr. once the drains are gone.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Nancedawg, that is wise. PITA as they are, they work for you. Mine is still filling up 25 ccs everytime I empty it, 3-4 times a day. , oh, did I mention my surgery was yesterday? LOL

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Gosh Moon, you sound great for surgery yesterday! You go girl!

    Why is he just placing one TE, did I read that right? Are you doing a multistage recon?


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Geewhiz, replaced an infected TE I lost in Jan. I had to wait til after chemo and wait til my counts were high enough to operate. But, now back on track. Squishys in my future. And probably work. Before I go back and have my knees done. It's always something! LOL. Ps, I sound good because I am hyped up on Vicodan...... LOL

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Oh gosh, I remember your TE story now. Not enough coffee yet. Well, I am glad you are headed for daylight with all this stuff now! Enjoy your vicodin!!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Bcbarbie....I had a shot of Botox and a shot of juvederm while on herceptin. It was free so decided to go for it. Cleared it with my onc first.

  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148

    Cool, Fluff, i will wait to ask my onc until my first herceptin only infusion so as not to seem too excited/vain 😜. Yay!!!

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Free??!...I'm with you Kay! Tell us more, Fluff!

  • nancedawg
    nancedawg Member Posts: 61

    So....I said they only removed 3 lymph nodes, but was I wrong???  I just talked to the BS who told me she removed 17 nodes and 6 were cancerous.  I told her I thought it was only three (keep in mind I was in recovery when she told me this) and she said there were three that she was pretty sure were cancerous.   Anyway she feels good that it was only 6 of 17, but I am now really nervous about lymphodema.  17 seems like a lot.  Too late now.  I am hopefully going at the end of this week to have the drains removed.  They are really bugging me, and today they were both at 20, so hopefully by Friday, I will be good.  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    nance - I have read that sometimes the nodes are sortof clumped together so they take the clump and there could be a few little ones all together in the clump. 
  • slousha
    slousha Member Posts: 181

    Hi nancedawg,

    Re: nodes - I have had 15 taken and 7 were cancerous. Being so afraid about LE, i was doing recomendated exercizes  5 times a day, still now 3 times every day  - no sign of LE,  sometimes a little cording!

    Take care


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Nancedawg, the path report is the one to rely on. They take the time to really check and confirm, that's why the number changed. Your MO was going on what she saw, the path report found what could not be seen. And with 17 nodes taken, yes, please read up on LE, and take care. Much love.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Free was because I was at the right place, right time. I was in my appointment with the PS and the rep for juvederm and dysport was in, trying to sell it to my PS. Offered 4 people free treatments. I must have looked hopeful as he asked if I wanted it and I said absolutely. I was the last spot for the dysport, and then I waited a while for the juvederm. Got it in smile wrinkle between nose and mouth. Dysport was a piece of cake. The other requires squishing around etc. I had some bruising for a couple of days. Not sure I would do it again, although I liked the end result.

    Nancy....have they given you a copy of your path report? If not, get it. It is very helpful to have.

  • nancedawg
    nancedawg Member Posts: 61

    I am going this week to have the drains removed...probably Friday, and I will get the report then.  She was encouraged that only 6 out of 17 were cancerous.  

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    nancedawg I only had 10 (level I) removed and no rads and I have mild LE. Really very manageable BUT a friend of mine had level I & II as well as rads. We were treated about the same time. She had the same chemo as me (no herceptin). Guess what. To date she still had no LE. She has even flown without a sleeve.

    But like others said do read up on LE prevention. If you have any family history of LE (my mom has it in her legs) there's a probably a higher chance that you will get it.  The earlier you catch it the more manageable it will be.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    I've gotten regular botox for several years.  I did it all during chemo and rads too.  If you get migraines from stress, like I used too, they are a god send.  Especially in the back of the neck!

    I love the stuff.  There is no worse look on me than being bald, except being bald with angry lines in my

    Generally you should be able to find it for about $10 a unit.  You may find some who give it in "areas" and charge per area...I recommend avoiding these people because they are generally WAY over priced, and the botox is often watered down to such a degree it doesn't last....per my PS.  Plus, everyone's face is different and you are supposed to go with the least amount that is effective...

    So if someone charges $300 for the forehead, that is quite a mark up if they only need to use 15 units on yours.

    I am charged $10 a unit...I get 20-25 units in my 11's because they are the biggest lines on my face and most of my headaches start there.  Then if I feel like it, I get 10-15 more units on the forehead and maybe 5 on each eye...but that doesn't usually happen.  Then 20 in the back of the neck.

    Lasts a solid 3 1/2 - 4 months, and I can stretch it to 6 but then it is like starting over....and its better to keep it done...after a few years your muscles "weaken" and you actually need less.

    My PS says between $10-$18 unit is a fair price...anything higher is too much of a markup.

    Edited to add:  I read somewhere in the last few weeks about a synthetic that is gonna give Botox a run for its money.....much cheaper.  But I don't know anything about it yet.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Thx Ton Lee..

    I was waiting for someone to address don't do the fillers? Just botox.? Do you think a PS is better than a dermatologist? I was gonna. treat myself after herceptin.

    I'm gonna do permanent eyeliner too. Wish I had it during this past year.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Ton lee..what's 11s? The smile lines?

  • missy_111
    missy_111 Member Posts: 97

    ashla-  11's are the (2) lines in between your eyebrows.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Thx Missy..did you do botox too? Nice pic.....