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  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Fluff, so happy to hear your pet scan was clean!

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Congrats Fluff and Arlene....great to hear the good news!

  • hopeful123
    hopeful123 Member Posts: 78

    Kayb- thanks, I am afraid unless things really work out I will do exactly what you did. Even chemo is really hard on me. I had one blood transfusion and looks like I will need one more next week to let me finish my taxol.

    Full- that must be such a relief. Congrats.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi ladies

    haven't been on in awhile...trying to catch up on all the posts but this is a very active thread!

    ashla - let us know what your BS says

    fluff -congrats on the clean PET

    kay- my hot flashes are driving me bonkers but with a ER percentage of 95 i have no choice on the anti hormonals

    update on me:  I finally got my surgery date, Oct 01 - having my pre-surgical mri and mammo next week.  The countdown begins, i want this over with already.  I am so freaked out over the mri, i had a major panic attack the last time I had to have one,  I need an ativan for sure or I will not be able to do it.  I know after all the crap we've been through whats a MRI but i feel so confined in that little tube....

  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    rozem - I am terribly claustrophobic so I feel ya!  I have only had one MRI and it was just after my dx they did one of the breasts.  I did okay because I was face down so I couldn't see that I was in that tube.  Take that Ativan, close your eyes and pretend you are on the beach somewhere...

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Congratulations, Fluff!

    I FINALLY got a date for my DIEP......yeah!!!

    It will be November 9th. Seems like a long time to wait, but I keep reminding myself this is all a journey....not a sprint!

    Blessings! Jill

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Chachamom and rozem, congrats on your surgery dates! I bet it feels good to have that done. So don't start stressing about the op for a while, just bask in the I am moving right along vibe for awhile. Much love

  • nancedawg
    nancedawg Member Posts: 61

    For all you smarties out there...what does this part of the path report mean...AJCC (7th edition)  Pathological Staging: pT2 pN2a pMX?????

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Thanks, moonflower...........basking now!

  • nancedawg
    nancedawg Member Posts: 61

     So, it isn't really telling me what stage my cancer is.  Everyone said the post surgery pathology would clearly tell me the stage, but it still doesn't...???

  • nancedawg
    nancedawg Member Posts: 61

    kayb..thanks for breaking that down for me.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    nance - see if this link works for you for the NCCN staging table - link
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    kayb - I tried the citrical and those pills gave me a feeling of indigestion.  I ordered some chewable gummies to try those instead.  Have you tried calcium gummies?
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Yay Fluf!

    Kayb there is a chance that your tumor didn't spread anywhere and you might not of even needed chemo, herceptin or hormonals. Just keep exercising and eating healthy. Also white button mushrooms are supposed to have an aromatase properties. Not sure how much you would actually have to eat but I would add them to my diet. I actually do.

    Rozem I too was scared about the MRI/claustrophobic. I ended up not taking anything. It seems that when they do a breast MRI your head is sticking out, your face down looking away from the machine. You can't even see the machine. I was so relieved… but do tell them you want meds to calm you down. They deal with this all the time.

    jpicciallo with cancer the term "better" doesn't exist IMO. With cancer it seems the glass is always 1/2 empty AND 1/2 full.

    As mentioned the higher your ER/PR the more likely hormonal therapy will work. This means you have another weapon against cancer than those who are ER/PR negative.

    Now if you are ER/PR negative you don't have this gun and may be more likely to have a recurrence BUT that recurrence is more likely to happen earlier. Your chance of recurrence goes down significantly after 3 years if you are ER/PR negative.

    With us triple positives I've heard and read it all. Not quite sure they know what the deal is. From what I have read since we tend to be grade3 (some grade 2) our chance of long term recurrence might be less than someone who is highly ER/PR with low grade but our short term (between 1-5 years) is higher than someone who is ER/PR+ grade 1

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Thanks kayb!

    lago - Are you back? 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    No not yet Omaz. I met a friend for lunch but she had to go to work. I'm now stuck at my parents with no car. They went out somewhere. Coming home on Saturday. I think my husband misses me. He comes home to an empty house and no dinner waiting. He keeps texting me. Funny because his ringtone is the "thunder buddy" song. He loves TED. (I had to shorten it. Since he nows knows this is his ringtone he sends me more text messages).
  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    kayb - I started clacium plus D about 5 months ago.  I tried them a few years ago and they caused indigestion so I scrapped them.  Now I am pretty faithful about taking them because I have good reason.  The pills are huge!  I take them in the evening after dinner and so far no problems.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Here's an article on subQ Herceptin for those who may be interested.   

    "Results of this phase III trial in patients with HER2+ breast cancer randomized to receive neoadjuvant subQ trastuzumab vs standard IV trastuzumab demonstrated that subQ administration is non-inferior in terms of pCR achieved." 

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    thanks for the words of advice on the MRI - i had an mri guided biopsy which i would rate worse then one of my chemos, seriously, the tech had to stick her hands in and rub my back while i was in there to calm me down.  I had both breasts clamped down, face down and strapped down for almost an hour.  It was horrible.  I cried after it was so awful

    but i digress...i am not taking calcium? should I be?  no one (onc's gp or otherwise) have mentioned this.  I will ask at my next MO appt.  Is this because we are in menopause? i swear sometimes i get so frustrated that we have to figure this stuff out on our own

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    rozem - I asked for advice yesterday on calcium because I lost bone density over the last two years of treatment.  I haven't been taking calcium but now probably should.  I am sorry the MRI was so bad, that sounds just awful.
  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    The calcium citrate I take is chewable. Tastes like a chocolate tums.

    I did take an Ativan the first time I had the MRI too, but found that face down wasn't bad at all. Kind of like a massage table. I never saw myself go in, so just pretended that I wasn't in anything.

    Now....the face up version would be a whole different story. That might require 2 ativans and an eye ask to put on before I ever went in. I would not do well with that.

    Nancy, in addition to the things you listed, mine also had an area where it listed the grade, stage and level of hormone positive or negativeness. Ask them if they gave you the full report.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566 calcium supplements work to improve bone density? which calcium supplements actually work to improve bone density? Does the benefit they provide in improving bone density outweigh the side effects....heart , kidney and digestive.....?

    I've been asking this for years...

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    I had serious issues which face own rads but the face down MRI I had was not as bad. My head was out of the tube and there was an opening for my face and I could breath cool fresh air and see the floor.

    Take the meds but compared to my rads...MRI was great. They even had little mirrors on the floor so there were things to look at.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    ashla - Here is one article that concludes "A low-dose calcium supplement of 500 mg/d can effectively slow lumbar spine bone loss in peri- and postmenopausal women with habitually low-calcium intake, but its effect on the femoral neck is less certain. Calcium supplementation dosage should thus be reassessed."

  • nancedawg
    nancedawg Member Posts: 61

    Thanks everyone for the links.  It is weird that we have to do the research to figure this out.  I do think I am stage lllA.  Now what do I do with that?  Not sure at this point, but I guess it is a starting point.  Thanks again for the links.  Nancy

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Ashla....I don't know if calcium improves density, but it helps to prevent it.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    From what I can tell, most of my doctors are very surprised at how many questions I ask.

    I think those of us in these types of forums and support groups who seek the details are not the norm.

    I got the vast majority of my Info right here and then asked my mds about it,

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I have heard it said Kay Eye  67    (c:

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    My mds have never mentionned Ki67 to me . I never saw it on my reports either. I've read about it . I think I'll ask.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Ki67 (or MIB-1) I believe measures proliferation rate. over 20% is high and typical of grade 3 and HER2+. It's "unfavorable" to have a high proliferation rate. I believe that's what it states on my path report. sorry doing this from memory since the report is currently 1000 miles away.