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  • swimmom01
    swimmom01 Member Posts: 32

    Thanks ladies will check out the thread.

    Lago- just searched that site and there are only 2 here in Atlanta! That surprises me. I am suppose to see her tomorrow she wasn't in today office today. She previously worked at the Shepard center here in ATL, going to keep digging. Hope caught it early.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    swimmom if it just happened then you caught it early. I bet they will be able to get that swelling down pretty quickly if it just happened.

    When I was diagnosed I didn't get to see the LE MD (my PS sent me to him rather than PT. Granted my LE MD is president of LANA) for a month. Shit always happens to me on holidays when people are away. Then I had to wait another week to get into PT. Granted I wouldn't recommend waiting that long but you'll be OK.

  • swimmom01
    swimmom01 Member Posts: 32


    I am suppose to have my weekly Pilates class tomorrow, wondering if I should cancel so I don't put an additional strain on my arm while swollen. What do u think? I just started looking at the LE thread for newbies....

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Rozem, I must have missed an earlier post by you - didn't know you were having such pain! I hope they get it straightened out for you soon. If it's expanders causing pain, I can tell you for me that did get better. It could be recent surgical pain together with expanders. Once I recovered from BMX, I was just uncomfortable with expanders and didn't start feeling actual pain again until the end when they were huge hard rocks. I did one expansion in the beginning of 60 cc's but that was too painful, so I stuck to very small expansions for the rest of the time - only 30 to 40 cc's weekly each time, but reached a total of about 680 & I'm pretty small so they looked ridiculous (look awesome now Wink ). Let us know what the pain management/assessment does for you!

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    shore thanks - 680 cc's wow  what cup size are you now?

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Sol, my boss did chemo first and sailed right through radiation.  So did her 70-something year-old mother, both breast cancer survivors.  They were both also Her2+.  Here's hoping we are going to be like them.  They both had the skin burns, but that was about it.  

    Daytripper, I feel your pain.  I'm going to go through chemo during a Hoosier Winter, which I absolutely dread.  The sun never comes out here for 3 months.  But what I'm telling myself is that it will be a glorious Spring, so I just have to hang in there.  Come on here when you are lonely.  The Sunday before my surgery, I sat on this board all day.  Cami is right, you'll find the topics that you will revisit and it is just so comforting here.

    Ok, since it *is* all about me, I have to ask--the area where they removed the 2 lymph nodes is super sore, which I knew to expect, but the scar there is huge and tall.  The steri-strips are starting to finally fall off and I'm freaked by how gross this thing it.  The area where they did the lumpectomy aches a little, but the stitches look ok.  No infection in either.  Do they sew up the arm pit area a little differently than they do the breast?

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    lago - it's a page later and I am still chuckling about finding a man with bad eyesight :-)

    rozem - so sorry the pain is still bad. I hope the pain clinic can sort it out for you!


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    swimmom I don't do pilates but I would be careful. Stretching is actually good but you want to be doing the right type of stretching. Strength training you need to go slowly and you might not be ready yet. I have a very mild case. I'm also lifting with 10lb weights but it took me a while to get there after this diagnosis. Kira would be a better person to ask about that.

    Rozem ♥ ♥ ♥

    Jenn men with glasses need love too. There are chuckles in every situation if you look for it… well almost.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Lago- I am going to def need a man with glasses, perhaps even a little blind. Lol!

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    My hubby is "blind" without his glasses. Never thought it was an advantage before... just get irritated because he never cleans the shower when he's in there - because he can't see the soap build-up...


  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Hey guys, hope you saw this on the front page:

    I'm about 2-years post-menopausal, last period in December of 2010, and I've only had 2 hot flashes in all that time.  I take paxil daily for anxiety and it works on that, and now I guess hot flashes too.

    And as always you guys just make me laugh.  I think I should go online and look for a blind guy. :-)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Jenn don't buy it. Even men that don't need glasses can't see dirt. It's a Y chromosome thing. My issue is wiping the counter. We have separate bathrooms.

    My husband wears progressive bifocals and turn 65 last month. Granted he doesn't look that old but I swear now that I have  my new full sized 34D boobie prizes he parades me around like his trophy wife. The skimpy 34Aa just didn't cut it for trophy wife.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Ha ha ha!  I'm about to be a bald, pudgy, out of shape hag!!!  Arghhhh!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    It seems odd to me that you are in so much pain.  Could you have an infection?  Are you running a low grade fever at all?  I had a lot of pain right over the sternum after exchange, and the TE was uncomfortable after MX, but I don't ever remember having the kind of pain you are talking about.  I hope you get some answers Friday.


    I counted calories all through chemo.  I used (it's free) to enter my food and exercise.  I didn't start with chemo, I've counted calories well, it really "saved" me during chemo, and this is how...

    About the 4th tx I started retaining water in my legs.  I weigh myself every day and sometimes I'd literally gain 5 pounds in two days.  At one point it was 8 pounds in a week!  Which I would lose by the next tx.

    Then I'd get on this board and read about how so many women gained weight on the steroids, chemo, etc.  Even my Onc said more women gain weight during BC tx than lose.

    I can certainly understand how.  The days I took steroids, I was ravenous!

    Anyway, by counting calories, when that scale started inching up...I knew the weight wasn't real.  There are 3500 calories in a pound.  I could look at my food log at (has cool graphs and charts, and will even show you where you are deficient on certain nutrients!)...and know without a doubt, no matter what the scale said, I was indeed not gaining weight.

    Now this may seem trite.  But about 5th tx in, I started feeling like a bald, pre-maturely menopausal, broken down hag.  When the eyelashes and eyebrows went (after the 6th tx) I could hang on to the fact that in spite of all the other stuff, the perceived "weight" gain wasn't real.

    And about 6-8 weeks PFC, the "fake" weight was not only gone, but I dropped 5 pounds!  (All muscle which sucked, but I've put it back on.)

    All that to really helped me feel better.  On those dark days when everything just sucks...I was free to leave the "and I'm getting fat!!" off the toll list.


    I hope you can get in to see an LE specialist soon.  Lago caught her LE early and was able to halt the progression.  Here's hoping it is NOT LE.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Pbrain, I wonder because there is more curvsture under u'r arm tha on u'r breast, unless u have an unusual breast?

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    You ladies make me laugh! Sol- nope, no husband. I went to school late in life and then married my job. Hmmmm......could always look at Match for someone with coke bottle glasses. Lol! I'm not exactly feeling beautiful. Some look good bald, hmmm....I'm not sure I will. Day 12, still have it. I don't think I will be a Demi Moore.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    My Dad was blind completely the last 12 yrs of his life and every so often he'd ask my sister and me how we looked and we always lied like a rug. saying we didn't gain any weight, didn't get gray hair and people thought we were much younger.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589, that's terrible!!  Lying to a blind man!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    TonLee I didn't say we were proud of it LOL

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Rozem, they are 34DD but don't look that big. I ended up with mentor high profile 600 cc silicone.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    pbrain - I got an infection in the SNB - there was one little spot that got infected.  I ended up with a fever at about day 10 and did antibiotics.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    shore DD oh wow--show em off girl LOL

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466

    Swimmom, definitely cancel the Pilates until you see a well-trained therapist. Actually, Atlanta is especially blessed with well-trained lymphedema therapists. Check out all the links on the Therapist Locator here:

    For more information about finding a well-trained lymphedema therapist:

    Good for you for dealing with this promptly--makes managing it much easier on-going! Do feel welcome to join us on the Lymphedema forum here for information and support.
    Gentle hugs,

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Doing my normal catch up.  Some humorous stuff here.  :)  Laughter is the best medicine.

    Rozem:  Hope you are better soon.

    I had my routine 3-month exam (after blood work last week which was the first one since the port was removed...odd using a vein again).  All is well and my CA-25/27 is still perfect.  Now, my cholesterol is a bit high and they said the Arimidex can cause a rise in CHO so I need to watch that...darn no more ice cream and pizza.  :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh sol u will sail thru rads like u want.

    Sol I could never be a stand up comic--i can barely stand any more well, probably long enough maybe cuz they'd kick me off the stage fast, My Drs. term for me was crazy, and I honestky didn't care it was fine with me.

    Oh maybe we're single cuz we've been to choosey, of course looking at me now anyone would say I have no right to be choosey, I should be grateful. LOL

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    Ahhhh! Went to refill my Tamoxifen script for the first time (get 60 tabs at a time) and get told "sorry, can't get that brand anymore". Now, when I filled it the first time I specifically asked if the brand they were giving me was commonly available as I didn't want to be changing brands all the time...

    So now I have a different brand and will have to see if there are any more SEs from this one. I still have 5 of the other one left so decided I'll do what we do when we change dog food - so I took one of the new ones just now and will alternate for the next week...

    Anyone really notice any different SEs from changing Tamoxifen brands at any stage?


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi Binney!!  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Saw this on Paw Nation's page:

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Rozem-I really hope you are doing better. This is such a difficult process even without having complications like heart goes out to you

    Swim-I am hoping is it not LE. Oddly enough my good friend called to to tonight and said she was having the same symptoms and was worried about it. I told her to call her dr immediately! Just not something you want to wait to address. I hope you are feeling better also:)

    Cami- you have a wonderful way of looking at things.thanks for bringing us smiles.

    As for me...some of the se have started to lesson. Finally ! I can function now. Very good things!

    Just getting really nervous about surgery...nov 6. Not the procedure itself...but,what they might find. I am so nervous... I have second guessed every decision that has been made during tx over the last two days. Then I googled questions. Big mistake!!!! All of a sudden neo adjuvant therapy has made me nervous.. Surgery will offer some big answers...that is for sure.

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Oh and on the husband is pretty much legally blind also...Score! Lol