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  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Omaz, so sorry to hear about your friend!!!  That would break my heart.  I agree with Cami, she is lucky to have you walking by her side through this. 

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Omaz, sorry about your friend. I hate hearing about more dx, even if people I dont know! Just so sorry for anyone that has to go thru this. She's lucky to have you.

    THEDAYTRIPPER Member Posts: 1




  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Thedaytripper - Welcome!  My rads lasted 6 weeks.  1 more chemo to go for you, that is a milestone!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Kayb, shore and dance - Thanks you guys.  I know you understand.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Welcome Daytripper---U'r almost done with chemo---Yay and then rads it pretty much the same We've all had chemo, maybe different kinds along the way and we've all had some different reactions. But I'll tell u--if u'r alone this is a great place with great people who are very knowledgeable (not me)  But when u get used to everything u'll pick out certain topics and mark them as favorites and after u get to know everyone the  talk so so comforting and yes we do laugh too. So keep on coming with questions, rants and vent anytime u want cuz everyone does.

    I'm watching friends right now on TV and it's when Monica is dating Tom Seleck Oh he looks so sexy here. I took my meds, so I'm going to try to sleep--with dreams!!!!Bwhahahaha

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Hi all! I haven't been on in awhile as we have been crazy busy. We leave for Thailand next Tuesday and in my usual control freak way, I have been researching and planning like a madwoman. Had to order lymphoedema sleeves as a prophylactic since it will take 20 hours to get there, 17 of it in the air. NP friend made me get mild compression socks also. So much for being comfortable on the plane. Lol.

    I skimmed through the pages. Hope all the pooping issues have been resolved. I can sympathize as I ended up with fissures and had to see a butt doc for her special protocol that had to be compounded at a pharmacy. It worked though,methanol heavens. I should have gone months before I did. At least twice after my surgery, I thought I would have to go to the emergency room, or have a stroke.

    Pbrain...good news on your front.

    To anyone else with good news...yay!

    Lago...great job. We fly out of Chicago so I will give you a salute as we take off.

    I probably won't be on much for a few weeks, so good luck to all the newbies as you start your treatment.

    Major mom...I think you had plenty of advice, but I argued it also and finally gave in when they convinced me that chemo makes the herceptin work better. We will see if that is the case in 20 years.

  • Laura5
    Laura5 Member Posts: 419

    ArleneA, I PMd you about a patient interested in Elastogels.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    THEDAYTRIPPER I don't believe rads is based on stage. I believe it has a lot to do with where your tumor is located & size, nodal involvement, previous surgeries, what type of radiation, what type of surgery (MX or LUMP) and a whole bunch of other stuff. While it seems many only do 5-6 weeks I would ask your rad onc why so much longer. Every case is individual. In my case I was in a grey area and got a pass. (I think the risk of heart, lung and rib issues played into the decision. My tumor was located above my heart nearer to the chest wall).

    Omaz I have a friend back home that was diagnosed 2 years prior to me. I was so touched when she sent me scarves just before treatment… after my 4th chemo she was diagnosed a 2nd time. Again caught early. Did another lump and no chemo (did the oncotype). She's on luprin & Anastrozole and has few SE than I do. Still sucks that the should have to do it again.

  • melster
    melster Member Posts: 46

    Anyone watch the tv show Parenthood? Did you see it last night? Her2! I was shocked. I thought she'd have the lumpectomy and then be done. It is not as unrealistic as some shows portray it, but it's not all there. Like she didn't have an IV when she was wheeled off to surgery. Next week chemo begins..should be interesting.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Hi everyone,

    Well, day 12 post first chemo. Still with hair. Feeling pretty normal compared to first week post chemo. Due for second round on Nov 2nd. Talked with MO about how lousy I felt. He said I was getting 3 day IV dose of Emmend Pre med and that was best....I was still nauseous, but not vomiting. *******anyone think that maybe doing IV one day dose Emmend, then sent home with 2 day tablet supply might be better? Last time I tried phenergan and Zofran too, in conjunction with iv emmend and ativan.

    Sol- mark me down in the single category. Lol! With all my scars, it is going to take someone pretty special to look past it all. As for right now during chemo....shoot, I'm not even looking.

    Omaz- I'm sorry to hear about your friend. My dearest friend had a scare right after my dx, and was worried sick for her. Couldn't imagine if it had turned out positive, as she is pregnant.

    Fluff- hope you have an amazing vacation.

    Omaz- thank you for the continued laughs!

    Melster- I used to watch it last season, but since all this, have not been as faithful. I know it's recorded. I will have to go back and watch. Sounds like I'm pretty far behind.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    Some of the reason rads is different for each of us is simply the amount of radiation we get.  Some women get much more than others.  I took a lot of radiation and can tell you by the 3rd week it was totally kicking my butt.  I still functioned, worked out, did stuff, but I often went to bed an hour or two earlier.

    And I was hungry ALL THE TIME.  I figured my body needed the calories, so I ate.  And I didn't gain any weight.  And some days I ate 4000-5000 calories.

    Since you didn't have any positive nodes, you will likely not receive the same amount of rads I did.  For women with lumpectomies and no nodes, they seem to do ok with rads.  They are typically the ones I read say "it was a breeze." :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Lago--whatever anyone has to go thru it all sucks with this horrendous disease

    And Solthe longest time I spent there was when I got tattood for rads--no they won't do a fun one like I asked, actually i beged but the rad guy said no-I even told him I wouldn't tell anybody--but no no no-Anyway that was a whike only cuz I was laughing and oofing around and so was he. But everyday they'd take me on time and done within 15 min. everything-and I thought I get up early and such a waste of time. but I did it and all I noticed was being fatigued and more as the time went on. and of course I talk to everyone there and all the ladies said they felt the same thing. What's interesting me now is every so often I get sharp pains where the rads were placed -oh and of course my skin is all discolored. I used loads of aloe on it and I think that helped cuz I have light skin and more sensitive. I was glad I made early app'tments to just get it over with. LOL .

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Without a doubt...i would addmit to it!!! All of it!!! I would have people throwing up!!! Lmfao....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Click "Like" if your pets have "selective hearing"... Mine certainly do! OK I'm done for now--I' so sick I have to rest.

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    Melster--  I watched it and yes was very shocked that they said her2!! my jaw just dropped, And one node involved. It is a good thing in my opinion that they are being REAL about this love the show interesting to see what they do next.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I think HER2 has been in the news so much these days with all the new spin off drugs and the promising vaccine that it would make sense they would mention it. There is a reason this is  happening on this show in October. I remember the last 2 Octobers I felt like all the shows like Law & Order would dig up reruns of an episode that mentioned something about breast cancer.

    It's Pinktober. Everyone wants in on the game

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Ha ha, good observation Lago! 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Women in my family all have very dense breasts. I'm the only one diagnosed (hopefully will stay that way). Mom is 75, sister 54.

    Kayb a good relationship is not based on boobs. Seriously would you not be interested in a man with no testicles? Relationships are not based on body parts! Those scars will fade over time. and many guys have no problem with silicone

    If you're really worried find a guy who wears glasses. When he takes them off he won't be able to see shit Tongue Out

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    lago - LOL!! about the glasses!

  • melster
    melster Member Posts: 46

    What's weird is Maura Tierny was supposed to be on Parenthood but then got her breast cancer (Her2+ no less) and had to pull out of the show. I was wondering if that had something to do with the storyline too.

    Yes, I know it's Pinktober all over, but really, on Parenthood, they are making it pretty non hokey. I am just interested to see how far they take it. Hopefully she ends up ok! :)

  • swimmom01
    swimmom01 Member Posts: 32

    I am so stinking mad! I went to place that specializes in physical therapy for women with breast cancer yesterday. Was having some range of motion issues and some pain in my under arm. So we did some exercises and she said I had some scar tissue for the node removal. So she did some massage. Last night woke up with some heaviness in my arm and now my arm is swollen and can't get my rings off. Wondering if I now have lymphdema or could it be release of lactic acids. Can't believe it came on so suddenly! Anyone have any advice or knowledge on this?



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Oh man swim that is a bummer.  Kira (BCO member with dog avatar) is an LE expert and you might ask her about it.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Kayb- thanks for sharing. Very interesting. I have dense breasts. Before my dx, I had no idea it increased my risks. So, while going through my annual mammo, ultrasound, and MRI, I always thought they were overdoing it. Maybe a defense mechanism. I just wish my obgyn or BS may have mentioned that it can increase my chance of breast cancer.

    Swimmom- argh! I pray it's not lymphadema. I go to PT who specializes in Lymphadema. She has her doctorate in PT. She explained before our first visit that there is a 3 day class that PT/OT's can take, and claim lymphadema specialist. Then there are 9 day and longer classes that better qualify the person. I would check this out. See how many hours of training this person has. And how long they have been practicing.

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    MsTori, I don't know about IV emend vs. tablet, but pill form of emend was great for me! For my first 3 AC's they gave me zofran and compazine, but I was so sick after the third, that they gave me the emend. I wish I had it sooner and didn't have to go through that awful nausea/vomit after #3. I never had IV form of emend - just the 3 day packet that was one pill before, one day of, and one day after. It's good your MO is giving it to you from the get go.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Shore- I was so glad to hear on my Pre chemo appt that he was bringing put the big guns and not playing around. I just don't know. This last time, he gave me the 3 day IV dose with premeds. Sure enough, day 3-4 nausea became a little worse, but tolerable with Zofran and phenergan. But I did lose my appetite because of nausea, along with 4-5 lbs. so, not sure if I should ask him to switch it up or leave it. I wish he just keep me on 3 day IV dose and send me home with a few tablets. But I guess this drug is expensive.

    Cami- lol! To funny. That is exactly our cat. Her own boss.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    ms tori you were very lucky to be sceened using mri every year.  Which makes me think that these her2 tumors do grow very fast not years like they say.  If that were the case would they have not picked up something on past mri's? just curious as you are one of the few that i know who were being regularly screened using mri

    ok guys...this pain is still unbearable.  They want to see me at the pain clinic on friday for an assessment.  What the hell are they assessing??? i am in agony, what else can they do.  I feel like i want to rip these expanders from my chest.  Omg someone tell me this is normal, or at least tell me it gets better  PLEASE

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    swimmom just because they say they are a breast cancer specialty place doesn't mean they know or are in any way trained in LE. You need to get this checked. Search here for a LANA certified LE therapist:  

    Not that just because someone isn't LANA trained doesn't mean they aren't good but this is a good place to start. The first PT I saw told me she didn't know anything about LE. I had cording back then. I asked her what it was and she didn't know. Ironically I don't have LE in the arm that had cording.

    Rozem my BS said my tumor was started growing 4 year prior. 6-6.5cm in 4 years is pretty darn fast.