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  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    I am back from Thailand which has to go on record as the hottest place on earth that I have ever been. My hot flashes were having hot flashes. It was a wonderful trip, but oh my gosh, my clothes would be soaked in an hour of walking around.

    I am 20 pages behind, so I am just going to start here and say that I hope everyone is doing well and welcome to all the ladies new to the thread. I just learned that one of the first people I talked to and met on the thread has some kind of recurrence. They have identified a 12mm tumor that they are still checking out. Her diagnosis was similar to mine, but she opted for some different treatments. However, she became a vegan, taking many supplements. It was how I originally got to know her...asking about the levels of supplements she took.

    If there is anything critical I missed in the last two weeks, could someone catch me up?

    I had several hot oil massages in Thailand that were wonderful! Washed my hair with all the paraben laden shampoo samples in the hotels, lol, and drank water out of plastic bottles that had to have been hot at some point. Hoping I will get by it as I get back on a better diet.

    btw, the food there is delicious! And the ever.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    sol, I know exactly what you mean! Iced tea was certainly interesting....lots of sugar and lemon and milk. I actually liked it.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Fluffqueen - 

    Welcome back.  I'm new and have two tabs open on BCO all the time - one is a current page and one is an archive of this thread.  I'm trying to eventually read all 400 pages and am currently on page 99.  Pretty OCD of me, I know, but it has its moments and results in a lot of saved screen shots.  

    One that I just now read (and saved) was from you on page 99.  This is going in my "feel good" file: 

    I haven't read that book, but I had an aunt diagnosed with BC when she was 40, in 1950. She had a mastectomy, and a lot of radiation. My mom said they told her it was very agressive, but who knows. She lived to be 94 and never saw another day of cancer again. One of the neatest ladies ever.

    Getting ready to read it to my husband right now! 

    Again, welcome back - and to echo what soltantio said - I'm sorry as well to hear about your friend. 

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Fluff-sorry for your friend. This is such a frightening thing to deal with once...but, a second time...I can't imagine.

    Glad you are back and you had fun! The food IS amazing!

    Thanks for all of your encouragement. A lot of what you have said does hit home. I think I still need to visit a second opinion. It has been a long time coming.

    I need to understand this better.

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Rozem- I found that article that you were referring to...very interesting. Not sure how to verify the info, but, It does make me feel better. Thank you:)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG do u guys ever stop talking???LOL I'm glad u don't but it's hell trying to catch up--I've been with Drs. all day came home, collapsed I remember my grandson giving me a baked potato, ate that and I went back to sleep--Now I'll be up all night LOL

    Pbrain the shampoo is called (now write this down) No Rinse Shampoo hahaha--It's made by Clean Life Products in OH--They also make no rinse body wash and used that when I couldn't take a shower and for some stupid reason at onepoint I couldn't take one for 3 months or a bath. That was awful, but if it wadn't for these things OMG I don't even want to think about it hahaha

    I'm glad everone has found a way to poop--I pooped today so funny.

    I hope everyone is sleeping now or resting well--U are all going thru lots of stuff now---and I fell for each and everyone of u--it's not easy.

    I'll try to find some pictures tomorrow--I've been lax with my cartoons, sometimes it ruins the screen and they are small when I copy them then they blow up on the screen --I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    The weekend might be over, but you can still get all your freebies here!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Mod I need U'r help again---It's been working pretty good, now it's screwed up that darn cat.   HELP

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Fluff, welcome back. Sorry about your friend. Lee, the little things matter and clean hair is a big thing, .LOL so is the first shower after BMX. Feels do good, but I needed help for that to, as I couldn't stand for long, but that's cause of my knees.

    Pbrain, sorry you feel nauseous. My onc nurses recommended ginger pills. But you have to take them every day not just when you feel bad. I think they helped me.

    Caylee, I do what you do and just jump in the conversation. This thread moves very fast. I saw my cardiologist, had blood work, and an echo. And it looks like my heart is rebounding! EF is up a bit. Yay. Kind of balances the news that I am not a candidate for knee replacement anytime soon. As my ortho said, you can get around without a breast implant if they have to remove it because of infection, but that doesn't work so well with knees! LOL

    Well, the infections, low EF, few abx that I can even use, he thinks it would be wise to wait. Um, yeah. But of course that still leaves me limping! LOL

    Much love to all.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Ha ha ha @ "that darn cat!" 

    I've been setting aside breast cancer for a bit in order to read about the latest scandal involving the shirtless agent, the general (and his wife), the Florida socialite - all that's missing is the professor and Mary Ann...

    Moonflwer - great news re: your heart rebounding!  

    Also, lol @ camillegal and "I'm glad everyone has found a way to poop".  My dad would have loved this convo - I don't know how many conversations we had over the years concerning his use of "Lady Clairols" as a bathroom aid.  These little pink pills were marketed to the rest of the world as "Correctol “The Woman's Gentle Laxative" but he quickly renamed them "Lady Clairols" and the name stuck!  At least with us! 

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Okay, I blame this on (1) vicodin pill (1) melatonin pill and (1) case of eternal insomnia. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Lee ahahahahahs

  • powermom
    powermom Member Posts: 66

    Ok, jumping in to the middle of this.  You guys are so informative and entertaining.  My chemo is supposed to start on Nov. 26.  Initially was scheduled for yesterday, but I had a setback with my bmx/te surgery.  Had to have outpatient surgery last Thursday to remove some dead tissue.  PS said there was actually quite a bit more once he got in than appeared at the incision.  Described it as a void where the skin tissue did not adhere to the chest wall tissue and didn't heal. That visual is almost as gross as all the poop talk I have been following with great interest!

    On another note, my daughter who will turn 14 on Nov. 23, and who has Down syndrome, was helping me with filling my pill organizer.  I didn't realize that she had done this for me until this morning when I looked at the PM box for today and found:  one each of Keflex, Ativan, Dilaudid, Oxycodone-Acetaminophen, Valium and Ibuprofen.  She had very carefully put one each of everything she could find in my "drug bag."  Bless her heart, I am glad I was paying attention!  We are teaching her to fill her own pill organizer each week and be responsible for taking her medicine, so she felt she should do the same for me!  I love that child so much it hurts.

  • Caylee
    Caylee Member Posts: 19

    Good morning everyone - I had such a bad experience with ginger ale, everytime I tried to drink it during my 2nd infusion, I would throw it up. Thank you everyone for saying you are glad I am feeling better. I have 10 days now until my 3rd infusion, got lots to get done before then. I am almost bald now and I find it really weird not having any nose hair, feels funny. Luv to all of you.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Good morning, powermom.  I'm sorry to hear about your setback but glad they found it and were able to get it addressed.  Does your PS have you taking Arnica Montana?  My first PS gave me a starter pack of it (three tubes of Boiron - Arnica Montana 12 c, 80 pellets per tube) and since the second PS is friends with the first PS I went ahead and took it without confirming it with him.  The BS is very aware that the PS "prescribes" it so I've been taking it - starting two days before the surgery (nothing on the day of surgery) and then picking back up again the day after the surgery and still taking it today - 7 days post-surgery.  I just checked google for "arnica montana" and mastectomy and there are 633,000 entries so I assume it's pretty commonly used.  

    Your daughter is so sweet to want to help her mom out.  What a caring child she must be.  On the other hand, it's good - very good - that you were paying attention.  

    Wrapping up, the only poop story I have to relay is one with potential:  I just took a stool softener.  

    I see the BS for the first post-op (out of the hospital) appointment this morning.  I'm kind of nervous because I need to let him know I'm steering away from his first/only choice for oncologist and steering toward my first choice for oncologist.  He's been the point man in all of this up until now but I don't want to drive all the way to downtown Los Angeles for chemo so it's time to bring things back closer to home...

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    camillegal - what did you do to my screen - Laughing Everything is so big now, I don't need my glasses :-)

    Hope you all have a great day - MO appointment today, lots to talk to him about!!!!

  • NancyJill
    NancyJill Member Posts: 127

    Hi, everyone. I am happy to report I had my port removed three weeks ago. There are some days now that I forget that I had cancer until I take my Tamoxifen, and then I don't always think about it, really. Here's hoping that everyone can forget sometimes!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Ok ladies, is the first round of chemo the worst?  I went last Friday and am still sick today.  I'm naive, but shouldn't I be feeling a little bit better?  I was puking last night and I can't stop these awful night sweats.  I feel disgusting.  I look like a giant, white moon blob.  I hurt all over my belly, especially down in my pubes (why?  Is there cancer in my pubes too?)

    Ok, slight hysteria.  I think I need a stronger anti-emetic.  Any comments welcome on that.  And I want to just feel like I can walk in the world without suddenly puking.  I took two poop bags on my dog walk this morning, one for me and one for my doggie.

    Speaking of which, both my dog (Shelby) and my cat (Smudge) were very concerned about me last night.  They hovered by my side.  I'd never seen anything like it, but I am rarely sick and I don't think I puked since I've had either of them.  They were worried in their own little cat and dog way.  It was sweet.  Made me feel less alone these days :-(

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370

    Pbrain ,

    Ask about Kytril..I had that and decatron ..took three months for them to find the right meds that worked..I to severely sick..the Kytril suppose to last 12hrs...I was always loaded up with nausea meds even scapolamine patch..good luck

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Pbrain, I took compazine it helped, but you have to take it at the first sign of nausea. Once you start piling its hard to stop. Also, my first two were really hard, and I ended up in the hospital after the second with renal failure due to dehydration. After that they changed some meds AND lowered my chemo dose for carboplatin. The third tx, they lowered taxotere. But, just so you know I always got the diarrhea and nausea on day 5. Even after they changed it up. It lasted to day 10. Just when I felt better it was time to have another tx. The good news, is my taste buds started to come back as the D started. So even though I didn't feel like eating, at least what I ate started to taste good again! LOL much love.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Thanks Nancyjill, for the upbeat post! Is good to know there will come a time ill forget some of this stuff.

    Lindak, hope everything goes well at the mo today.

    LeeA what is the arnica Montana for?

    Powermom, good to meet you, and I am glad you paid attention to your pills. But your daughter really did a good job putting EVERYTHING in the boxes. LOL

    Caylee, you are coming to the best time in chemo, right before the next tx. I used to plan dinner out the night or two before the next one. The I could enjoy the taste. You should be able to get everything done, especially if you write a list.

    Much love to all.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Pbrain, just a note about hurting down below, if you start losing your hair on top of your head, you also lose the nether hair, and it can hurt a bit as it comes out. Kind of a tight feeling. Otherwise I don't know. Much love.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    powermom - my daughter with DS is 19yrs. Thank goodness she didn't try to be that helpful ;-) She hated my bald head after we shaved it down and then it all fell out 2 weeks after that first chemo back in January. She would put her hands over her eyes as she walked past me if I didn't have a wig on - it was sooo funny!

    pbrain - did you get Emend to prevent the nausea the first time? According to ASCO recommendations it is supposed to be given to all women taking highly emetogenic chemo like ours, but I have noticed that over in there in the usa many of your doctors don't give it to you like they should (yes, it is expensive).

    My brain scan showed only brain yesterday thank goodness. The SEs I have must be from the Tamoxifen...


  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Nancyjill - good to hear getting rid of port helps with the "not thinking about cancer all the time" issue.

    Pbrain, the 3rd chemo was the worst for me (AC). Only Emend helped. Unfortunately, it was not prescribed for me until after #3I when the compazine & zofran didn't help. And Moon is right - the hair loss "down there" could be what you're feeling. Free Brazilian.

    Powermom, sweet of your daughter to want to take care of you!

  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    Jenn - my oldest DD wouldn't look at me without the wig either, she said if she didn't see it it didn't happen!  Glad they found a brain and nothing else on your scan!

    PBrain - definitely talk to your MO about the nausea, there are so many different things they can give you and one is sure to do the trick.  With all the modern medicine there is no reason to be completely miserable.  I found that the last 3 were the worst but only for fatigue.  I never got nauseated and by the 3rd treatment I had figured out how to stay ahead of everything except the damn fatigue.  Animals are wonderful, my cat used to stick close to my side on days I felt bad.  They are so sweet!  Hang in there!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Thanks guys, I'm supposedly getting phenergin now or whatever it is (I'm a pathologist, I only know poisons, not medications ha ha ha!  Wait, I'm taking poisons!  Arghhh!)  A friend is picking it up for me.  I know, I shouldn't be so dramatic, but I get frightened when I'm sick.  I naively told my mother "oh, I'll be fine with chemo because I'll know what's making me sick".  Oh yeah, right, but is it going to kill me?  Send me to the hospital for months on end?  I'm honestly scared at this point.

    I did call the nurses at the MO today and I'm also getting some Mary's magic mouth milk or whatever it's called (pathologist, remember, har!)  My mouth feels a little numb inside and I can tell I'm starting to get the sores.  I expected that though.  My mouth is always unhappy with me in some way.

    This board helps so much, thank you everyone!  I just want to have an appetite, go out to eat, drink, be merry.  I feel so disgusting and so ouch and ugh, and bored out of my gourd!!!!!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Oh, and let me creep out of my self-absorbed fog and say Congratulations Jenn!  I just knew it, all the way around the world over here in Indiana, I knew you were just fine!!!   

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Pbrain, my center gave me sterilized water that I added salt & baking soda to for mouth rinse. I did it several times a day & didn't get any sores.

  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    PBrain - there's no way around it...chemo sucks!  I had TCH too and my mouth felt like crap for about 8-10 days every cycle.  Most food tasted bad but I still managed to eat and gain 8 pounds! Lucky me!  It is only normal to be scared, we've all been there.  In a few days when you start feeling better you will look back on this and know that the SE's, although unpleasant, are temporary and that you can do this.  You are a rock star!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Thanks Kelly, that's the kind of thinking I need to hear.  You guys have no idea how very special you are.  I feel like Phil in Wayne's World.  I love ya, Man!

    I pooped!