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  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Har! Still up at 4:30 and thinking of cleaning my closet.  Holy Mother of Pearl!  

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422

    OMG - get some sleep

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    I'm awake for my 3:30 am pain med.  PBrain, I hope you've finally gotten some sleep by now (probably 5:45 am your time or maybe even 6:45 am because of that weird part of Indiana time change thing).  

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Gee of I knew you were all up earlier I would have joined you instead of trying to get back to sleep. Keep getting woken up at 4am from heart burn. Surgery (anesthesia) does that to me. I hope this time it will only be for a week since it was local. General messes me up for a month… granted my doctors say no, only for a few days. They just don't understand my delicate IBS system. Some things just set it off. Anesthesia and animal fats are my triggers.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I like talking about poop.  I think folks don't spend enought time talking about poop.  We do it so often, it affects how we feel so much, and there is such variety!  It's interesting. (c:

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Omaz loves shitty converstations

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    he he he !

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    I was up at 5:30. It could have been a party.

    PBrain- you have a PM.

    I'm pulling through the mental blah, and getting better. Maybe why I was up at 5:30, and just dozing on and off. It's day 9 post chemo. I used to be good at sleeping too. I even tried staying up later to sleep in till 7 at least. Nope. And I can't blame steroids, unless they stay in the system that long. I get IV steroid premed, then I take 1/2 tab both Saturday and Sunday. But I stretched it out this last time by dividing it up in quarters Sunday and Monday. Thinking maybe it would bring me down more gently, mentally, if that's what is contributing. Ha! But I should find out how much I get IV premed. Hmmm.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    MsTori - Glad you are feeling a little better.

    I haven't ever called it a journey, but I have called it a roller coaster ride.  That sort of works for me because I don't like roller coaster rides - they scare the crap out of me (had to get that in there lago).  But some people think they are fun rides so that doesn't work either.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    Omaz - roller coaster ride is definitely the best description I've heard of this journey/battle/experience/new normal (I really hate that term) etc......   Whatever the helk you want to call it - it's definitely life changing forever!

    I was able to take and Ativan and get some sleep with the steroids.  And I never had the steroid crash, the hyper-ness just kind of went away.

    I was never constipated once during chemo - had a lot of the big D though!!!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I wasn't nauseous on Chemo but put me on a coaster with a full tummy and I could toss. Put me on the scrambler and I will toss.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I saw two breast surgeons very early on after the diagnosis.  The first one I saw (who I didn't like very well) pulled out a port from a desk drawer and started telling us how dangerous HER2 was and how she would be as aggressive as possible because she wants her patients to live.  My friend was with me and we walked out of there devastated.  Literally I felt like I should lay down on the pavement and give up.  Then two days later I met the rad onc for the first time.  She said I was in a good candidate for lumpectomy/rads and that herceptin had changed the game for HER2 and was so positive a bout everything.  One day I was taking the plunge down the tracks and screaming the next day going back up.  It doesn't feel so much like the roller coaster anymore since I am being followed now and taking tamoxifen.  It feels different.  When I do worry about it coming back it's maybe like a haunted house.  This feeling like there might be an arm coming out of the wall to grab my leg - something scary around the corner.  Mostly though now, just about 2 years after finishing chemo (I finished right after Thanksgiving) I am trying to regain some of my finesse - my balance was affected by neuropathy, my joints were affected by chemo and loss of estrogen.  I was in good shape before diagnosis (except that I had a cancerous tumor growing in my breast!) and chemo took me down pretty far.  In some ways I am physically stronger now (more upper body lifting which I really like) but in some ways still working to recover.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Good morning, everyone.  I slept so well that I almost feel euphoric - which is a rather strange feeling to have.  Other than waking up for the 3:30 am pain pill I slept a full eight hours which is not the norm for me.

    Now, if I can get up and go to the bathroom I'll feel like I've really hit a home run.  I've yet to take any stool softeners since the surgery but if this morning isn't The Morning I'll take one and see what happens.  

    I hate roller coasters, tilt-a-whirls, or anything with more motion than the It's a Small World After All ride at Disney World.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    ood Morning ladies--whew alot of jabbering going on here can't keep up.

    Wow we could have had a party last nite a lot of uswere up I finally fell asleep around 4AM--Now I'm like a zombie

    Omax u sound better.

    Pbrain hope ith SE don't get worse.

    Lee u are on a whirlwind now but it settles later. And I've always said what I really learned was patience from all this--that's about it.

    Omaz --Poop is very important LOL--I now have chromic diarrhea and it's landed me in the hospital a number of times for a week at a time--still--so something got all screwed up and is sticking around.

    I hope eveyone has a good Sunday--and feels better.

  • cindy68
    cindy68 Member Posts: 24

    Ladies,  i was reading your posts - being up in the middle of the night. I was awake at 4am today.  However, i just tossed and turned.  Finally, got out of bed around 730. Now i feel like i have been run over by a mack truck.  So tired.  I took a melatonin on Friday and Saturday night.  It seems like i fall asleep fast but still wake up too early.  does it have a hangover effect?  I wonder if that is why i am just beat?  i had a herceptin treatment on Friday - it was my 11/18.  It always makes my joints achy - which i have that again as well.  I did do alot yesterday though.  Cleaned the whole house, laundry and christmas shopped with my mom from 3-10 last night.  i think i will take it easy today.  Anyone have any good recommendations on how to sleep through the night?  I am not on steroids anymore with just herceptin.  I know if i take an ativan it works great.  However, i wanted something natural. 

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    I'm crawling out from under my rock.  I ca't take these steroids.  I can't sleep at all, brain going a mile a minute.  Arggh.

    I feel very nauseated and sore stomachy.  I just took my dog for a walk and I swear I was ready to puke in my neighbor's lawns.  I think I'm going to crawl back to bed in a few.  I'm beat.

    And Omaz, I'm with you on the poop.  I took the stool softener last night thinking "yeah right, this is gonna work"  Well it sure as heck did!  At least one body part is happier...

    Ms Tori, I see what you are saying about the blues...

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Pbrain, glad you had a good one! Isn't it strange, we talk about poop like new mommies talk about it. Very strange. About sleep, do it when you can, don't get upset if you can't, it doesn't help! Just realize you can't sleep now, and clean that closet, drawer, do laundry, read, until you feel sleepy. If you dint have to go to work it helps. But I found out long ago that three hours of straight sleep will let you get through a day reasonably well. Four is better, and of course, a full nite is the best. Two hours is zombie time. If you get three hours at a time, more than once a night, that is almost as good. But stressing over it just makes it worse. AND, during chemo, you drink so much to keep hydrated, you wake up to pee anyway! LOL. Much love.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    ((((hugs)))) for PBrain...

    I hope you've already taken something for the nausea.  From everything I've read in the archives of this uber-helpful thread (I'm currently on page 84) we're advised to stay ahead of the nausea.  Even with the surgery I was quizzing them on anti-nausea meds (i.e. if they were in the IV, etc.).  After they took me off the IV one of the nurses said the dilaudid was probably contributing to the nausea.  

    More hugs in your direction - 

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    I'm wondering how Caylee is doing...  I haven't seen her posts for a few days.  

    Also, Cindy68 - I used to take melatonin back in the early 2000s and it would give me a hangover feeling so I stopped taking it (this was back when I still had periods).

    I started taking it again when I read that some women with breast cancer have lower levels of melatonin and this time around I haven't experienced that hangover-like feeling.  I bought a bottle of it at Costco (Schiff Ultra brand - 3mg of melatonin plus some other things) and it's been a completely different experience.  I started taking it again the 2nd night in the hospital and had been taking it prior to surgery.  Perhaps the difference in the two experiences with it is being postmenopausal versus premenopausal - I don't know - but it does seem to help.  

    MsTori, I'm glad to read that you're feeling better this morning!  

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Omaz I say 2 plastic surgeons. After the first one I was seriously considering not doing reconstruction. He scared the shit out of me telling me how much putting in expanders hurt and so worried about infection… and remember I was the nut who needed no pain pump, narcotics of even a Tylenol after my BMX. Someone really needs to tell him to stop doing that.

    Lee take the shit looseners. No one wants to give birth through their butt. Trust me… after my first chemo I did.

    cindy I found when I stopped Herceptin my joins were less stiff but Taxotere really did a job on me. I was so stiff by the end. I know I was having trouble getting back to sleep after waking up from mild hot flash at 4am. I got a night mask for my eyes. Really helps me a lot.

    Pbrain are you taking the anti nausea meds? Have you checked this out that keeps popping up on our page: Ginger May Help Ease Nausea Immediately After Chemotherapy

    For all the chemo gals. This is one of the songs I used to play when dealing with chemo SE: linky 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lago, man I remember seeing that on tv when they sang it. Oh, makes me feel old! LOL

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    ms tori/pbrain i remember the dark days of chemo very well.  Those drugs mess with your mind, I seriously had some of the darkest days during chemo, worse then when I was given the big C diagnosis.  They wanted to put me on an anti-depressant but i refused because i just couldn't deal with any more drug SE.  I remember begging for them to give me a pass on the last chemo because i was so miserable.  My BS held my hand and said "please just finish it, trust me its the best thing you can do".  I was literally bawling and he calmed me down.  There are angels among us and he was one of them.  After my last dose, literally after 3 wks I felt like the cloud that I had been floating around my head completely lifted.  As for sleep, I did take sleeping pills and they helped me tremendously.  Its tough to deal when you are on no sleep.

    I have always called this a roller coaster ride...a friend of mine diagnosed same time as me call each other "roller" and "coaster" because when one of us is up the other one seems to be down

    question for those with pain has subsided (yeah) but the pressure/tightness is still pretty bad.  Did you ever get to the point where you were not aware of them at every moment?  i can't seem to forget about these rocks on my chest  

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422

    Jane - did they give you anti nausea stuff to take for a few days after the treatment? I brought home onadestron - worked really well. Did you have Emend before the treatment and 2 more to bring home? This drug is amazing - ask for it.

    If you have any problems , call your onc's office and get something. I had lots of tummy grumbles and was given Somac.

    Make sure you sleep when you need to, day or night.



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Rozem, I often firget about the one on my right. I haven't had a fill in about 9 months though. I still have to decide if I am going to fill and exchange that one, or just get it out. Or try one more time to get it done on my left and try the third time. I am kinda in a waiting mode on that.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    moonflwr I was 6 when they performed that taping. Now do you feel old Tongue Out

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    LOL sol - schedule it around my manicure!  My eyes were probably saucers when she pulled that thing out of the drawer and started talking about putting it in.  All I could see was that long tube and thinking where the #$% is that going to go?  I didn't even really comprehend that I was going to need chemo at that point!

    lago - butt birth - lol!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Soltantio who the hell gets through cancer treatment without swearing? How many times have I just seen "FUCK CANCER" on this forum alone.

    of course you can swear. Just don't tell me I'm a bitch or to fuck off. Tongue Out

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    sol- sorry, you were commenting about the poop post not the port post - never mind!!  It was the port, but that was a different post...  (c:

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Ah thanks guys, you all make me feel so much better.  I took a zofran at about 12, and am not nauseated anymore, just lots of sore and sour.  I am not in the least bit hungry, although an English muffin with butter is sounding kind of good. I want to take another prevacid, but I took one at some point this morning.  Who knows when--I have to start watching the clock.  I don't think I've taken this many pills in one short span like this every before.  I feel like a junkie!

    But my mood is coming back and I think I'll feel better once I walk the dog, get the trash out and go back and try and sleep.  Undecided  I think I'm feeling sleepy...not sure...took my last steroid for this chemo round this afternoon...junkie, junkie, junkie...and I have all these old lady things laying all around my house.  Masks for germs that a friend bought me, preparation H, Phillips Milk of Magnesia, wigs, hats, holy mother of pearl.  All I need are those chocolate laxatives wrapped in foil, a rocking chair and a shawl.  HAR!

    Sol, I'll check out your labs and PM you.  The BC groupie that needs the smackdown did say she had a brca mutation, but she's in her mid-60's.  I think if you look at the "two hit" theory on the development of cancer from Fox Chase Cancer Center, you'd see she couldn't have been that mutated, or at least she wasn't prone to displaying the phenotype if she made it that long without breast cancer.  

    She just likes to have surgery and get the attention.  Sorry, I love you all like sisters, but I don't want to have this to get your attention Cry  After the BMX, she got a gastric bypass, and now she is in the hospital after completing a knee replacement this week.  She posted pictures on facebook of her Christmas trees that she has up already with the statement "I don't think I'll be able to wait to put these up, with the impending knee replacement"  Oh suck it, beatch!

    Har!  That's the spirit!!  We should have a day when we all just say whatever we want on here, foul words and all.  But then maybe the moderators would shut us down...that would be bad...

    And Lee, thanks for the hugs.  Everybody I know is emailing asking if I got so roided out that I drove down to the south side a blew up those houses.  Ha ha ha!!

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    LOL!  I just clicked on lago's youtube link and my husband, God love him, he's so type-A, is in here folding clothes (God love him again) and says "I just gave you your pill, didn't I?  Didn't I?" and hurries over to the dresser to look at his records.  

    I guess he thought I had decided to start communicating with him musically!  

    I hope I remember that for a long, long time... 


    soltantio, I like reading all the posts regardless of length!  The only ones that make me cringe are my own!


    lago, I took the stool softener this morning and I'm happy to report some progress, although nothing worthy of the maternity ward, yet... My husband was laughing yesterday about the nurses who call it "pee pee" and "poo poo."  They did it when he was in the hospital as well (different nurses so I guess it's a universal thing).  


    rozem, this really resonates with me: "There are angels among us and he was one of them."  Right now, the nurse practitioner from the breast surgeon's practice is one my angels but there are more - one being a breast surgeon I haven't even met yet but who has been kind enough to help me out with a situation regarding oncologists... as well as people who have been kind enough to email/PM me back about their oncologists - and all of you as well.  The list is quite long and I am ever so grateful...

    Also, rozem, I have the expanders but they were just put in this past Wednesday so I'm not sure how much fluid is in there right now.  The most discomfort I feel is under the left armpit.  The first night I was overwhelmed by the pressure - which I assume was from the tissue expanders but I don't really know for certain.  


    I just walked around the pool 10x so I'm definitely feeling better today than yesterday.  The BS says it's okay/good to walk so that's what I'm going to try to do.  I sure would like to wash my hair but I haven't figured that one out yet...  Maybe the kitchen sink.  Remember that stuff called Pssssst?  They still sell it but it's not all that easy to find (and really doesn't do much other than coat your hair with another layer of junk).  The last time I saw it was at Urban Outfitters (of all places).