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  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    If I have chocolate after a rich meal… it is an laxative for me Tongue Out

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    PBrain: "Everybody I know is emailing asking if I got so roided out that I drove down to the south side a blew up those houses.  Ha ha ha!!"

    LOLOL!  The timing of that last night was exquisite.  I read your post about the IndyStar and less than 5 minutes later - the tweet popped up!  Roid Rage!  Now I have that line from the Doors' song in my head:  There's a killer on the road - His brain is squirmin' like a toad.  

    Hey, we're all kind of like riders on this cancer storm (*shakes fist uselessly into the air*)

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Five Guys burgers are instant poop purgers for me! 

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Sol, you crack me up!  And I just ate a big piece of sharp, sharp cheddar and feel so much better.  You guys, seriously, the best ever. 

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Okay, so officially you all have managed to have me smiling and laughing at your posts! And I don't mean that disrespectfully, but because, yeah, it is all so true! I get it! And if I don't laugh, I will cry! Thank you, mental cloud lifting. And am dealing with my issues with my surgery options/regrets and am going to continue with the therapist. And I got some Vit D and trying it all. I don't like the mental cloud.

    I got out and ventured to the grocery store. I put on my little head scarf so I wouldn't draw to much attention......meh! People still look. Ugg! It's so nice how I look up and obvious staring and they turn their head real quick acting like they were not staring. Ha! And the others just stay straight at me and smile and nod. Maybe next time I should just leave the scarf off! My heads to sensitive for a wig right now, but going to try it soon.

    PBrain- hugs hugs hugs to you!

    Rozem- hugs hugs hugs to you too!

    And I'm trying to remember everything else, but I love ya all!

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Oh! Pbrain- TonLee told me about Fage yogurt. It has a ton of protein in it! Also choblan Greek yogurt has 14g.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    MsTori - I wore a ball cap throughout.  

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    You guys are very entertaining today.

    Did you take your nausea drugs, I never threw up, but about 4-5 days after treatment I'd start to feel kind of yucky, nauseaous, I'd take my nausea pill a couple of times.

    Lago - perfect song for that!

    I've tried melatonin, and though I sleep a little better, it always gives me nightmares and a hangover in the morning.

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370


    I had my expanders since july2011. I still feel them there every day..the tightness is bad ..feels like a bad tight fitting bra you can't move you can't take it off its there all the time ..still waiting for exchange was suppose to be oct 23 but go figure the brand of implants called Sientra in my size are on back order...hope you feel better

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Solt don't worry about my sister. She needs meds or therapy. Her loss. I just figured out why I though of it all of a sudden. Growing up just north of Plymouth, MA Thanksgiving is the biggest holiday in my family. We used to go to my parents but it was too difficult for my mom to do as she got older. We would go to my sisters (although my brother wouldn't go). Of course we're not going but this is when I would see my niece & nephew. Now we just have facebook.

    There are no rule about swearing but I would refrain from posting them on the religious threads. I don't think it would be too popular there.

    I haven't eaten a hamburger since 2007. Not an instant pooper for me. I go the other way. My colon shrinks. Sharp cheddar does it too but I still eat that in small amounts on occasion. I love it .

    I'm getting excited for thanksgiving. We are going to my BIL/SIL place up in MI… and this year he's letting my DH make the turkey. He makes the best turkey! Here's a picture of one he made when I was on chemo in 2010.

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    I have been speed reading trying to catch up! You all have been busy lately. I haven't checked in as much because I am trying to enjoy my last weeks of normalcy before chemo starts (hopefully the week after Thanksgiving). I really should be taking notes on all your suggestions for coping with different SE's. I am one of those people that gets car sick, boat sick, roller coater sick and I come out of anesthesia throwing up so I am fully prepared to be nauseous from chemo too. One more set of docs on Wednesday and then hopefully we can get this show on the road.

    Omaz Thank you for the 2 year perspective. Although I had BC before, I never had chemo and I think the possible (and probable?) lasting side effects of that and the ALND are weighing heavily on me.

    LeeA glad you slept well last night and hope you have another good night tonight. Gentle (((hugs)))

    Rozem it took me a long time to stop thinking about those "rocks on my chest". It also took me a long time to stop feeling self conscious about hugging people because I was sure they could feel those hard lumps too. Eventually I stopped caring what people might think and hugged them anyway. Now I don't think about them much at all, I even like the fact that I don't always have to wear a bra, and they will never sag!

    MsTori glad your mental cloud is lifting

    Pbrain I love your comments about all the "old lady" things you now have around the house.

    For those I missed, many hugs to you and hope you all sleep better tonight.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    That turkey looks delicious, lago!  Especially the stuffing!

    My husband eats Fage yogurt - 0% fat every single morning since we started the 17-Day Diet back in August of 2011.  He prefers it over Chobani.  I also prefer Fage over Chobani; however,  I've become paranoid about dairy and soy and many other things as well...I've never been a big dairy eater but a lot of what I consumed over the past year had soy protein so that's had me concerned regarding the estrogen positive part of this cancer equation.  I've never been a big dairy eater and refused milk as a kid - even as a little kid - but every night (during this past year) we would go out for frozen yogurt and I don't know what the soy content is in frozen yogurt but I'm guessing it's in there somewhere.  

    My mom is addicted to one brand of Yoplait yogurt and when I say addicted I'm not exaggerating.  She will consume 10+ of these little candified (not a word but I just made it one) yogurts per day (Yoplait whips).  IIRC, each container has 21 g. of sugar per serving and the serving size is smaller than the smallest Fage container.

    Because we think she is in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's and because I'm continually trying to connect dots (and because this yogurt obsession of hers has me so baffled) I looked up Alzheimer's and yogurt and believe it or not, yogurt has an enzyme/compound in it that can contribute to plaque buildup in Alzheimer patients!  The compound is methione and it's all tied up with homocysteine levels.  Here's a link in case anyone is interested

    The good thing is - she doesn't have cancer - at least not that we know of (and she's a 2-3 pack a day smoker - but smoking increases the chances of Alzheimer's by 157%).   

    I've read that 0 blood types should consume less dairy but I have no idea if there's any merit to all that.  

    I've never heard of Five Guys hamburgers.  Out here in California we have In 'n Out hamburgers and Fatburger.  I've really cut down on red meat in the last year but I think I was dreaming about a McDonald's hamburger with french fries yesterday afternoon (something that doesn't even sound good in my waking hours).  

    Oh, and *&^% cancer.  Laughing

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Bren58 - 

    Do you let them know prior to general anesthesia that it makes you sick upon awakening?  I used to have the same experience (about an hour or so after GA) and I started telling them about it and I think they add something to their mixture to try to keep the awakening nausea at bay.  

    I hope you can get your show on the road soon!  lago gave a link to an article about eating ginger during the first 24 hour period following chemo.  I think it's on this page or the page preceding this one.  

    I have no idea if those seabands work for chemotherapy.  I know they helped out a friend of mine during pregnancy nausea and I've seen people wearing them on boats/ships. 

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    This is from the Sea-bands site so take that with a grain of salt (or ginger) but they say the bands help with chemo nausea.

    Editing to add another link (a study) re: sea bands -

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Lago- my appetite is coming back and that Turkey looks awesomely yummy!

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    LeeA - I craved yogurt (I always buy plain organic and add fruit), tuna fish, beef and greens (not all together) when I was going through chemo.  Usually I eat very little beef, but I couldn't seem to get enough.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Back to shit. Essential: linky

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Linda, sometimes I crave red meat as well...  I really miss eating steak.  I've never craved dairy but I did develop a taste for the Fage.  

    lago!  I wasn't expecting that!  (laughing with stitches here) 

  • Katharine2411
    Katharine2411 Member Posts: 25

    I've had horrible constipation and now call them "Poop babies" ... LOL because it feels like childbirth when I finally go!

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    LeeA, I  always do tell them and they do give me the anti nausea meds with varying degrees of sucess. But the meds make it hard for me to stay awake. After my implant exchange, the recovery room nurse was so annoyed with me because I just couldn't stay awake and she couldn't let me go home until I stopped nodding off.  The sea bands do help some with the motion sickness. I didn't think about using them for the chemo, but thanks for the link. It is worth a try. I will also try the ginger. Less side effects with those two than the meds!

    I have also cut out soy and way back on dairy, which is sad because I really do like yogurt and cheese.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Motion sickness patch was horrible for me (got that after exchange). Just made my mouth so dry. I don't now what the anesthesiologist did when I got the nipples, fat transfer and revision surgery but I know he didn't use any gas. Dr. Gay was his name. Should've been Dr. Hot or Dr. Personality.

    For those of you who wake up with nothing to do in the wee hours of the morning here's a site for you:  It's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. I just got a black dancing penis: link

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Or if you're really feeling creative in the middle of the night - you can make your own Bollywood type movie - complete with subtitles:

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    What is the differene between "radical" and "total" mastectomy? Is one type more common than the other?

    Katherine - "poop babies" LOL.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Shore1, my BS says radical mastectomies aren't performed that often these days.  I just looked up the info on webmd and it's a pretty involved procedure: 

    During a radical mastectomy, the surgeon removes all of the breast tissue along with the nipple, lymph nodes in the armpit, and chest wall muscles, under the breast. This procedure is rarely performed today, because modified radical mastectomy, a less extensive surgery, has proved to be equally as effective, less disfiguring, and does not carry the risk of secondary angiosarcoma associated with this type of surgery.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    BTW, my doctor just called and asked about bowel movements...

    He said to "stay on top of it."  

    He also suggested going to a salon to have my hair washed.  Ugh.  I really don't want to do that.  My hairstylist is an hour and a half away so I'm definitely not driving there for a wash/blowdry.  When I mentioned my alternative ideas he kept saying "go to a salon."  

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I had a modified radical on the left cancer side and a simple also called total mastectomy on the right.

    talk about confusing.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    I had skin-sparing mastectomies on the right and on the left - left was the cancer side.  Right was a prophylactic procedure.  The NAC (nipple areola complex) is gone on both sides.  They talked about saving the right (NAC as well as the entire breast) but I wanted it (the NAC and entire breast) off as well.  

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Lee - thanks.

    Lago -- what's the diff between modified radical & simple? I had '"total" but I don't know the diff between that & other types. At the time, i didn't think to ask my BS & now im curious reading other bios on here, why some get one type over another.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    shore1 - this page explains the different mastectomy -

    I had a modified radical because it was a large tumor and they knew there was lymph involvement.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    LeeA, I just took a wet washcloth and went at my head. Then a towel to dry, got it cleaned, an I managed to do that right after my BMX. But I already wore shirt hair.

    I just found out something that I never knew. My health center offers on line access, so you can see test results and make apts, etc. You can see upcoming apts. What I didn't know was that you can see PAST apts! Which means I can see all my chemo tx, with each chemo amount, I didn't know that. So if I look up say my first tx, it will show carboplatin, how huch I got and how long, then taxotere,and how much and how long, then Herceptin, and whether or not I got magnesium that week! Just wanted to mention that to all of you because you may have that kind of access too. I always used it to check my labs if I didn't get them before I left tx, but i didn't know about the other stuff. you all probably knew that though. and I am just slow! LOL, much love