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  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    The same to you, Lsl327 (re: sweet dreams). 

    We are so very fortunate to be battling this in the internet era.  It's so hard to imagine doing this without support from others online!  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Just popped in to say hello. Haven't been checking in too much, but miss you all. And on such a great news day. Always good to have a new weapon.

    Hello to all newbies.

    Much love to all.

  • runner1987
    runner1987 Member Posts: 5

    Well it's official - starting TCH on Tuesday!

    I remember reading a while back that hanging the meds in a certain order caused less nausea. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I've searched but I can't find it. In your experience, is it better to get the Taxotere before the Carboplatin, or vice-versa?

    I'm also getting Kytril IV for nausea and I have a prescription for Zofran and Compazine but I wanna do everything I can to make sure I don't wind up with my head in the toilet for days and days after this. 

    Thanks for all your help ladies.

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370


    I was given Kytril as well it works very well but I was also given it for home to take because the Zofran and Compazine did not help..let me say though took 3 months to find the right nausea meds..wasent fun...good luck

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    The only incident I had with nausea during my year of active treatment was a result of the after effects of anesthesia. I had no nausea whatsoever with chemo. I was infused anti nausea meds and benadryl prior to chemo and was given scripts for EMEND....1 per day.... and Zofran. Instructions were to take the first EMEND as soon as the pre infusion bloodwork was complete and infusion started. Emend is very expensive and my insurance didn't cover it. The zofran was started when I got home that night for 3 days.

    My ad vice is to take the meds they give you and don't wait for symptoms.

    The SE many of us had was severe constipation that started 2 to 3 days post chemo. Look out for that because if left untreated may leave you with some misery for months.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    Congrats on the pathological report! This is actually one of those places where we can say we know how good that feels...and sometimes how bad.

    They are making progress in breast cancer treatment and fortunately for us HER 2 pos BC treatments are leading the way. It has gone from one of the bleakest DXs to among the most hopeful!

    This stuff works . Not the same way for all of us but each layer of treatment helps.It's an exhausting year in so many ways but you will get though it just as we all did.

    Best wishes to everyone.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    runner1987 I'm not so sure that order matters. I had TCH in that order and had no nausea. I just think some of us are just lucky. I did have benadryl and emmend but that's it. Never used the other drugs they gave me for nausea because I didn't need them. General anesthesia  and narcotics makes me nauseous. Had to do the general for surgery but never took any narcotics either.

    My onc was on the TV talking about TDM-1. She was the lead doing the study at my treatment center. So cool it's finally approved. linky

    Lsl327 Awesome news. I remember how excited my BS staff was to tell me that…  but I always thought I would be negative even though my BS thought I would have micromets because how big my tumor was. Guess it's nice to be lucky.

    Happy weekend!

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370

    TDM1 has its risks just like all the other meds that are out there..the news said it was not a cure and a rough estimated cost of 94,000 for each coarse taken...but it is gret news for people like us who are Her2..More options the better

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    "Genentech, which developed the drug, said it would cost about $9,800 a month, or $94,000 for a typical course of treatment. That is about twice the price of Herceptin itself, which is also made by Genentech, but it is similar to the price of some other new cancer drugs."

    The pharm companies are a for profit industry. It costs big bucks to run these studies. The get a patent that only runs 20 from when they first discover it so if it takes 10-15 years to do the study they only have 10-5 years to recoup their money/make a profit till generic is available.

    If we didn't let them make this profit they would never do research like this in the first place.

    And agreed there are SE for this drug but much less than chemo. That also means less cost in treatment if fewer patients have to go to the hospital. Remember glass is half full as well as half empty. We need to look at this from both perspectives.

  • DiZZyMom
    DiZZyMom Member Posts: 96

    Hey runner, they put anti-nausea in my pre-meds and then TCH in that order. I take Ondanesetron (anti-nausea) and Dexamethasone (steroid) days 1,2 & 3. And then keep the compazine with me at all times, but only took it once last round. Didn't end up with head in toilet. I took the anti-nausea as preventive because I do NOT want to end up vomitting. I've heard if you wait until you need it in the early days, then it's really hard to get on top of it. So that's what I'm going with!

    Same as Ashla, I had such nausea from the pain meds after surgery that the force of being sick caused a huge hematoma in my chest and I ended up back in surgery in the middle of the night after my mastectomy and severely anemic for weeks after. After the second surgery, I only took tylenol for pain and was afraid to eat for days because I was so afraid I'd be sick. Definitely, the SE I was most afraid of.

    Have a good weekend ladies!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi everyone--I too don't post much but I read eerythin and it is amazing all u gals find and let eeryone know.

    I really had no nausea either so not everyone get all the SE it's a roll of the dice I guess.

    I'm having some tests in the next couple of weeks--they suspect (but don't know) that there might be cancer in my lower back--I think they mean kidney--I'm not sure I had 2 ultra sounds and that's what's causing all this hullabalu. So back to the drawing boards to see what's goin on, but I'm not so concerned as they are cuz I figure they'll think of something and it might just be stupid stuff too. But I'm glad I've read so much new things on here--like i've said it is what it is and now there is more to take care of things.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    During my last infusion I asked (again) for the Herceptin to be fun for an hour.  The head infusion nurse (I think she runs the department) decided to run Herceptin first.  She said there was a certain order and I can't remember which way it went!  Obviously, Herceptin didn't matter because it was run first (after the anti-nausea/steroid bag) and I've had it before last - anyway, it had something to do with how carboplatin and taxotere were run (order-wise). 

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370

    Lago I agree..

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    They always ran TCH in that order for me. I had nausea first two tx till they adjusted my dose. Also got diarrhea not constipation. LOL everyone is different. Good luck.

  • DiZZyMom
    DiZZyMom Member Posts: 96

    Best of luck to you Camillegal. I hope it turns out to be nothing!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    camillegal please  keep us posted. I hope it's something minor/treatable.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    Was wondering where you were. So sorry you're facing even more testing and sure do hope it is not what they suspect. How are your GI Issues? You more comfortable with that lately?

    We've got that bug repellent project to work on.

    As Lago said...please keep us posted.

  • Shasha10
    Shasha10 Member Posts: 212

    I've been reading more than posting here. Starting Monday tch and had horrible week with pharmacy for the chemo screwing up ended up crying and ranting so now I'm trying to get myself together for Monday. Start steroids tomorrow and have the anti nausea filled. From what I'm reading many of you take the anti nausea right away. I know I will have neulasta shot the following day as well. Did any of you have trouble w mouth sores???

    Thx everyone

    Camillegal good luck hope all is ok with the tests

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370


    No mouth sores but I had severe bone pain to my neck and upper back but everyone is different good luck with tx...

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    Hope your tests are benign.  Praying for you.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    I was given the meds in the TCH order - my nurses explained they give you the one that's the most likely to cause a reaction first (Taxotere), then the second most likely to cause a reaction (Carboplatin), then the least (Herceptin).  It makes it easier to figure out which is causing a reaction also.  I had all the pre-meds first - 3 anti-nausea drugs, benedryl, steroids, and another antihistimine type drug.  I did get nausea on about days 5-6 post chemo, it was mild, but just felt like I was going to throw up, but never did - I only used 1-2 compazine a treatment. 

    Camille - praying for things to go well.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Shasha10 at TX3 I had a sore tongue and one mouth sore. My onc had me suck on ice chips during taxotere infusions and I never had a problem again. I did get emmend to take at chemo and the day after but now I think they give that in the IV. I never took any other nausea pills because I didn't get nauseous. I did have bone pain with nuelasta. First one was the worst. I couldn't stand up straight for a day but I did get up. Next ones weren't as bad and I took Aleve for a day (per my oncs OK) to take the edge off.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    camille, you are in my thoughts and prayers!  Hoping everything comes back okay.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    I got two mouth sores after #4, but that was it.  My MO had me mix a rinse of 1 quart of water, 1tsp of salt, 1tsp of soda & 1 tsp of xylitol, I rinsed my mouth twice a day and after meals, seemed to work.  The treatment where I did get the mouth sores, I had backed of on rinsing my mouth, could be why it happened. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    shasha - my instructions from the onc nurse were to start taking the first line anti-nausea drug (Zofran) at 9:00 p.m. on the same day that I had chemo, and to continue at 12 hour intervals for 72 hours, whether I had nausea or not.  I was also given Compazine and Ativan to use if the Zofran did not control the nausea - it did not, and I went to the Compazine, then had no further problems.  Never took the Ativan.  I sucked on chipped ice during Taxotere, but did have oneepisode of mouth sores - onc gave me some samples of Caphosol which took care of the problem.  I am sure you have read about icing the fingernails and toenails - I used bags of frozen peas that I brought myself in a cooler.  I used Claritin to help with bone pain from the Neulasta injection.  One 24-hour Claritin (not Claritin D) an hour prior to the injection, then follow at 24-hour intervals for at least several days.  Here is the study on this:

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Cam:  Thoughts are with you and your positive attitude will go far.  Know that we are here for you and thinking of you!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    camillegal - echoing the above best wishes for you - hoping this is just a bump in the road and turns out to be nothing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Thanks Gals--I'm sure it's just another aggrevation that's all. Drs. get so dramatic, more than I do.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    ...doctors get so dramatic - I love that!  You crack me up!

  • Seakos1
    Seakos1 Member Posts: 4

    Thank you so much for the info. I hate that I second guess myself about this treatment, but it is all so confusing and overwhelming. Got thru the first round round of chemo ok, actually felt ok all week...1 down 5 to go! Concerned about the Herceptin on the heart, any info on 6 months versus 12 months of Herceptin?? Thanks. Glad you got to enjoy some quality adult time.