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  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Rozem, I had no EF problems through out chemo/herceptin. My last herceptin was in Nov. 2012. I had echo's every 3 months from before the start of chemo in Sept. 2011, and will have another echo in May. I see my MO after that, and I think if all is still well, that will probably be my last echo unless I have some problem. Good luck with your exchange! I'm sure you're looking forward to being more comfortable!

    TonLee, I have been using the Nutri-Bullet since before the holidays. I'm using it as a way to get extra vegetables that I might not otherwise eat in a day. I didn't research juicers much (this one was only $100 at Target and is very powerful - you can even put nuts & seeds in it). I don't put any juice in it - just water with 1 or more green vegetables, such as kale or spinach, carrots, and a small amount of fruit like blueberries, pineapple, sor trawberries, and something for flavor like ginger or lemon. I've tried celery, cucumber, broccoli, arugala, spring mix too but usually stick to kale or spinach. I have one a day. I started off following the recipes it came with, but now just make it up as I go along. As for getting my kids to eat more vegetables, this isn't the way around here - in fact, my son put ice cream, milk and hershey's in it.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    Rozem, I had echo's instead of muga's before herceptin, and then every third month during herceptin.  Saw my cardiologist last month and he wants me to get echo's every year for five years, so my next one is January,2014.  I haven't had any drop in EF, but its' because of the info that some heart problems don't show up for at least 5 years.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    thanks for the info....grandmaV - thats what i was thinking about since the studies show that it doesnt show up right away.  My MO stopped my muggas but I will see if she thinks we should do one anually

  • Walkinginfaith
    Walkinginfaith Member Posts: 11

    Starting TCH next week. Trying to figure out which day works best to get it each week. What days after each chemo are your bad days on this cocktail?

  • Walkinginfaith
    Walkinginfaith Member Posts: 11

    Starting TCH next week. Trying to figure out which day works best to get it each week. What days after each chemo are your bad days on this cocktail?

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    My infusion days are Wednesday.  I've been through three treatments.  Each time, Saturday has been what I would refer to as my crap day (as in feeling like crap).  

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    walkingfaith it's really different for everyone. To be honest the first one would have been easy except I was spacey from the Zyrtec my onc had me take the entire time through chemo. After a week I was used to it. I had chemo on Tuesday, was fine Wednesday. Thursday and Friday my eyesight was fuzzy from the Emmend. Saturday I was better but as I had more treatments is would extend a little longer. I noticed it with tx 5 &6 but the first 4 weren't too bad. But I also had no nausea and my taste changes were very minimal.

    1st nuelasta was the worst.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    walkinginfaith, 3rd day after a treatment I started feeling bad and diarrhea would start and this lasted for about 10 days.  After first treatment I started anti-diarrhea meds on the second day to try and stay ahead of it.   Don't forget to ice your fingers and toes to try to avoid nail problems.  Also some have kept their hair with cold caps.  Someone will be along to explain that to you.

  • beckstar18
    beckstar18 Member Posts: 97

    Tonlee and Sherry, I don't have a juicer but I got a NutriBullet for Christmast and love it!

  • cgesq
    cgesq Member Posts: 183

    Gratitude, Can you please check out biotin on your website and see which brands they recommend?  Thanks,

    Walkinginfaith, I had my infusions on Weds, and, like Lee, found that the side effects started on the weekend.

    Good luck!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Thanks Shore, Steiner.  I'm looking into them....I think I could get pretty creative with it! lol  I thought about going Vegan, just to try it.  Though I wouldn't actually be "vegan" since I plan on wearing leather.

    I'm still undecided in the food department.  I can make a faux yogurt, but I do have quite an addiction to FAGE.  lol

    I'll let you know what I get and all the deets in case someone wants to try it!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Walkinginfaith GrandmaV had diarrhea but I had constipation. It's really hard to predict but once you know what's going to happen then you can get ahead of it.

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370


    I have a nutra bullet to and I love it as well..

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Rozem...I had echos every three month through herceptin, one three months and six months after. Then done, as other than one time when it dropped to 50-55, they were consistently 65.

    Tonlee...I have a higher end Breville juicer and a Kitchenaid blender. I either juice a lot for a couple weeks or not at all. I had a green smoothie almost everyday on chemo. Tasted fresh and good. And then I kind of got away from it. I did the dr. Oz green drink and modified it a little. I kind of like the smoothie from my Kitchenaid better, although it doesn't shred the green stuff up as much. I used kale or spinach, celery gave it a fresh taste, some ice and a little water. Sometimes a little lemon juice. Usually threw in a little apple or banana, maybe a couple strawberries. Whatever I had.

    For juicing, I would do a lot of green stuff and then some apple or something so it didn't taste like grass. You are right, it is a lot of sugar, but can I just say that juiced grapes make unbelievably good grape juice, lol.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    More on the calcium and vitamin D saga.The title on this doesn't pull any punches."Vitamin D and calcium don't stop fractures". Granted it's re healthy women but still......

  • KarenZ0305
    KarenZ0305 Member Posts: 345

    I also started juicing. Got my Hamilton Beach big mouth on amazon and love it so much got one for my sister! I wing bit with recipes but find that the kale or spinach or brocolli doesn't produce a lot of juice so I'll throw it in a blender with the juice I do make until its well blended. During treatment and after for a few months the only things that tasted good to me were cold sweet drinks so this was perfect. I also throw in flax or matcha powder. Even my family enjoys it.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Sherry, Fluff, and Karen,


    Well I actually narrowed the purchase down to two.  The big mouth that Karen mentions and a low end Breville.  Think I'll do the Breville because it matches my kitchen (stainless steel), has tons of good reviews, and because I have a high end breville mixer that is AWESOME.

    My favorite thing to eat right now is:

    2 frozen bananas

    1/4 tsp peppermint extract

    1 TBSP choc. chips

    4 ounces of baby spinach.

    It makes mint chocolate chip ice cream!!  SO YUMMY.  And I get all the fiber.

    The problem is, I used my food processor for it, and the bowl, plastic of course, cracked, so I duct taped it, but the crack spreads every time I use it!  Yesterday banana was pressing out of the crack!  lol

    So now I am looking for a food processor as well.

    I'm thinking the professional Ninja blender is what I'll purchase after the juicer to make my ice cream.

    Sheesh.  lol

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Sounds yummy Ton Lee...but lots of stuff sounds yummy to me these days. I think it's wonderful you're all taking care of your family nutrition . Those of you in treatment in particular and I know the benefits and all but post treatment since I'm trying to lose even just a few pounds and get back in shape I watch every bite that goes in my mouth...I 'm HUNGRY. I'd rather spread all that good stuff out and eat it for a meal! Broccoli rabe , spinach salad, beet would be a shame to drink it in one shot!

  • KarenZ0305
    KarenZ0305 Member Posts: 345

    Ton Lee that sounds yummy! I'm gonna try that one!

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370


    That sounds good I'll have to try that one...

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Ashla I read that befpre but I'm not sure what that means if these women weren't going to break a leg in the first place… if you know what I mean.  For those of us who are/were low D and osteopenic taking ESD (estrogen sucking drugs) the D is warranted even if it doesn't help bone health. Not so sure about the calcium. Granted I'm doing all the exercise and taking the D & Calcium and I'm still losing bone mass… and expect to have osteoporosis in 1. years.

    "Moreover, the recommendation against supplementation with vitamin D and calcium does not apply to adults with osteoporosis or vitamin D deficiency." also "While we wait for the results of further research, the USPSTF's cautious, evidence-based advice should encourage clinicians to think carefully before advising calcium and vitamin D supplementation for healthy individuals,"

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    TonLee, I read the China Study and have the cookbook too. I really thought about going vegan/vegitarian or at least heading in that direction, but then decided I needed to wait until I was at least finished with chemo before making such a radical change. I would be interested in knowing what you think of the book when you read it.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Thx Lago..

    This subject has been vexing me forever. Seems so many women's health issues are.

    Every single one of my friends who was vigilant about bone loss issues by scanning regularly , taking calcium and vitamin D and / or Boniva , fosamax...none with breast cancer...developed serious medical issues that appear related. Serious kidney stone problems, GI issues and the only one who was able to take fosamax for 8 years broke two different thigh bones two years apart! And her bones had supposedly improved with the stuff!

    I'm still taking D with calcium but half the dose. Let's see how my next scan goes. I was only mildly osteopenic in my last scan.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    D isn't just for bone health. There's something about the issue that so many of us diagnosed with breast cancer have/had low D at the time (I was diagnosed months before my cancer diagnosis). So you are taking it for other reasons. Just be sure you aren't taking more than you need.

    If and when I need those bone building drugs I am going to insist I only take it for 5 year intervals. I think the problem with those "bone building" drugs is if you take them long term.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    I hear you about low D links to cancer. My mds never told me if I was low. Don't know if I was ever tested frankly. Don't think it was a part of the yearly blood testing I had. Did they test you because of osteo issues?

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Re: D - from what I understand - between 32 and 100 is considered normal.  I was 42 and that was after taking 4,000 - 6,000 IU daily for a couple of years and just getting back from Kauai where I was in the sun all day long.  I wore sunscreen but still got a gradual yet deep tan so I know I was getting plenty of vitamin D.  

    The oncologist told me to cut it down to 2,000 IU daily but the integrative physician, who used to be a radiation oncologist, said to up it back to 4,000 IU daily, which I gladly did.  She cites studies/trials for everything she recommends.  I've read articles regarding breast cancer and vitamin D and the they say women who stay over 50 (vitamin D level) have less of a chance of getting breast cancer.  

    This doctor (she's at the Disney Center) went through all my supplements and told me what was okay to take during chemo and what I should add.  It was a very informative appointment - about an hour and a half long. 

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    ashla, as an aside, I can never find brocolli rabe out here in California but we always have it at my in-laws home in Poughkeepie whenever we visit.  My husband loves it but it's very hard to find here for some reason.  The same with some kinds of peppers.  I think it's the Italian influence in that area but I'm not certain.  

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    Think there is something addictive about broccoli rabe, It took me awhile to acquire the taste but now I could eat it everyday .lots of garlic and olive oil. Tastes good with Italian sausage but I don't eat that anymore.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi all

    i just came back from my MO appt and wanted to share some info:

    1.  i asked her if we should be getting muggas/echos after H is over since studies are showing that H heart issues can show up even 5 yrs later - she agreed and said she would do one every 1-1.5yrs

    2.  I told her i wanted to drop out of the metformin trial because with all the surgery issues i just have not been good about taking the pills (no idea if i am on the placebo or not so ive been lax) anyway, she is head of metformin clinical trials so take this with a grain of salt but she STRONGLY suggested i stay on it and that "wink wink"  it may make a difference.  I dont know if she knows something the rest of us lay people dont but just wanted to pass this on. 

    3.  we talked about the SOFT study - seems results will be out by the end of the year.  The study looks at ovarian suppression plus a anti-hormonal vs anti-hormonals alone (and maybe other things but that is what i was concentrating on).  So we decided to keep doing the lupron and once the results come out go from there

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    rozem, this is very interesting information (re: the metformin) 

    Thanks for sharing it.