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  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Seakos1 - I ask them to run the Herceptin slower (an hour versus 30 minutes).  

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Seakos1 it is more likely you will not have any issues with your heart than will. Don't assume the worst and know they will be monitoring you.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    I've got burning thighs - lol!  

    I'm not sure if it's because I walked 10 minutes longer than usual yesterday on concrete versus a sand track or if it's what SpecialK mentioned a few weeks ago about hemoglobin/oxygenation/thighs/chemotherapy.  

    But, I'm not complaining - just wondering if it's related to hemoglobin.  

    I've been going every three weeks versus having blood monitored in between but I'm not worried about it.  

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    Seakos1 - My heart did fine, it's a really rare side effect of herceptin, the risk was worth the benefit.  My EF stayed the same through treatment.  I have a family history of heart problems on my mom's side, not me so far.  And my age was 54 at treatment. 

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Seakos:  There are a few of us here who have EF problems from the Herceptin but we are rare.  You should have had a MUGA or Echo before treatment and the standard is every 3 months and follow-up after treatments too.  Agree, insist they do is much slower.  I feel strongly that had they slowed mine down no problems would have occurred.  I made it through 10 of the 18 treatments and since the jury is still out on 6 months versus 12, I'm hopeful that is enough. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I thought the research was in and 12 months is still recommended over 6.

  • eileenohio
    eileenohio Member Posts: 268

    Lago,  never heard anything about 12 months  vs  6  months but the standard is 12 months,the last report I saw said that 24 months was not better then 12 months,therefore the standard would remain 12 months.

  • gratitudeforlife
    gratitudeforlife Member Posts: 138


    My MO attended the BC conference in San Antonio (fall 2012) where it was confirmed that 12 months of Herceptin treatment, versus 6, is the gold standard. I am attaching an article for you. Hope this calms your nerves!!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Thanks everyone!  I'm so thrilled to be done!!

    Krayzwolf, my Mom has a close friend who has been cancer free for > 10 years and she was diagnosed as Stage IV.  So stay positive!!  ;-)

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370


    That's great to hear...

  • vballmom
    vballmom Member Posts: 153

    My understanding is that the 6-months vs 1-year results are not yet finalized.  "“The results were inconclusive for the noninferiority analysis, and there was a trend favoring the standard 12 months of treatment.”  While I see that 12 months is the standard right now, I still think there is more testing to be done.  In some countries, nine weeks is the standard.  Interesting.

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    That was what I was told too VBall.  We all know how quickly things change.

    PBrain:  That is awesome.

  • beckstar18
    beckstar18 Member Posts: 97

    Congrats Pbrain!!

  • kimbythesea
    kimbythesea Member Posts: 24

    I have not figured out how to post a new topic, but the topic is VITAMIN E...My rad onc recommended two 500 units twice a day. I said "What does it do?" 

    he said "We don't know."

    But apparently it helps prevent recurrence. Anybody else get a recommendatoin to take Vitamin E?

  • Shasha10
    Shasha10 Member Posts: 212

    Every one thank you so much. sending hubbie for frozen peas and am set with anti

    Nausea meds. Thx Special K

    Will try Claritin as well

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Great Pbrain.

    Kim years ago when Vit E came to be a real Vit---talking years ago it was asked exactly what is it good for--the answer was we're not sure. over the years it still is a ??? but what they do know is odd--for instance if u have a burn u cut it open and it heals it--if u have a scar, cut it open and it will heal it (new scar) if u take it u body bseems to know what u'r lacking and it helps that. So it reminds me of an aspirin--headache, fever, body aches it does it all---and Vitamin E is kind of like that it's not a cure but it seems to go where needed and boosts u'r immune system. This is just my opinion from over all the years of hearing and using it too. I used to then I stopped but it did take away a bad burn I had on my face after like 3 days too. So it can't hurt.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    My onco told me to take vitamin E for hot flashes (it does seem to help).  1000 units a day.  I have read it also has anti-cancer properties.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    KimbytheSea - many MOs recommend vit D but I have not heard of many recommending vit E... Here is a page that might help

    It does say "Antioxidant nutrients like vitamin E protect cell constituents from the damaging effects of free radicals that, if unchecked, might contribute to cancer development [7]. Vitamin E might also block the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines formed in the stomach from nitrites in foods and protect against cancer by enhancing immune function [26]. Unfortunately, human trials and surveys that have attempted to associate vitamin E intake with cancer incidence have found that vitamin E is not beneficial in most cases."


  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Great news PBrain!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Congrats PBRAIN...YOU MADE IT!!  WOOT!


    My thighs were so sore by the end of took about 4 weeks post-chemo for them to fill normal.  And you know what?  They've never stopped retaining fluid!  (This could be from heart damage...cardio said it was but I dunno...Lago still gets fluid retention, so I'm thinking maybe a perm. SE from chemo?)

    Anyway, I spent a lot of time doing squats, which seems counter intuitive I know....but when you use those big muscles, it forces the fluid to MOVE.  At least that was my theory.  They were so sore though.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Ok, I am looking into some serious diet changes.

    My teenager and youngest son just aren't getting enough good veggies.  I've never really liked the idea of "juicing" because I believe it is better to get the fiber, and all the benefits of eating fruits and veggies whole.  Not to mention the calories in juicing are CRAZY.  Who sits down and eats all that in one sitting?

    Nevertheless, I want to supplement my kids' diets with some juicing in the morning.  And my own, maybe.  (I really like to eat!)

    So if anyone here is a serious juicer....could you educate me?  I need info on the best juicer...why it is the best especially....and anything else you might like to share :)  I'm asking here because, hey, someone may benefit from the information (well, besides me).

    Just ordered the "China Study" because I'm tired of reading only snippets here and there...want to read the whole thing in context....

    Hope everyone is doing well.  We're remodeling so I am not on as much for now.

    Hoping for an early spring!!


  • gratitudeforlife
    gratitudeforlife Member Posts: 138


    I am posting info., from a website,>, which I joined after listening to a radio program that focused on the fact that the Vitamin/Supplement industry is not regulated, so for products sold it could well be that what is written on bottles and is SUPPOSED to be in the product is, in fact, not present at all or may not be present in the quantity indicated. I paid $30 to join, and my doctors (R0 and MO) recommended this site as the chemists/scientists employed there focus all their energies on testing products to determine if they (a) contain what they purport to contain, and (b) if they are unsafe in any way, based on research findings at this website. If anyone else has any questions about probiotics, vitamins, supplements, etc., I can log into the site for you and post the info. No need for any of you to pay the fee to subscribe. BTW, Dr. Oz also recommends this site!! Here is the Vitamin E info. Hope it helps you:

  • gratitudeforlife
    gratitudeforlife Member Posts: 138

    Good morning to all of you!

    The following article indicates that a diet high in Omega-3 fatty acids has a positive impact on us BC gals. Hmmmmmmmm. . . I grew up in a fishing village where I ate copious amounts of mackerel, sardines, salmon, cod and lobster, and I eat a lot of nuts, walnuts, esp., which contain Omega 3s, so . . . what the heck happened to me??Wink All kidding aside, we all know by now that a MYRIAD of factors, obviously, set the whole BC (or any kind of cancer, for that matter) journey in motion. Posted to share knowledge with all of you. Here it is:

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566
  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    TonLee, I might start going inside the gym once chemo is finished (I'm a germaphobe and just stay on the outside track).  I remember the mention of thighs throughout the earlier archives.  Way back when - when I was OCD about using weights along with doing step aerobics, sometimes twice a day, I did the machine (can't think of the name!) that's like doing a squat on your back?  Something like that.  I might start doing those again.  My thighs just feel so heavy for lack of a better word - they don't look heavier - they just feel like lead weights.  Strange.  I've gained weight on chemo but I haven't been as strict on my eating as you have described; however, I have tried to get in close to 100 g of protein a day using Fage 0%, plus, I've been walking 1.7 to 2 miles a day.  I suppose this, too, shall pass.  I'm up in weight right now but will try to get at least half (or more) of it off by the next chemo.  Thanks for the suggestions/info!

    Re: juicing - someone asked about this on a completely different board yesterday.  I am not a juicer but have seriously considered getting a Vitamix but it's not really a juicer.  If you're considering buying one I would suggest going to Amazon and sorting them by best reviews.  I've heard good things about the Omega brand but as someone who does not juice - I don't really know.  

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370

    Anyone try the nutra bullet I find it works pretty good..

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    Need info has anyone had any pain in good breast? I have been crying all of a sudden my good breast just hurt today like something was pinching it hard it lasted just for a minute however it's flipping me out never has happened before.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I had a burning sensation under my "good" boobie prize for several months. It only hurt when pressed or doing my "massaging" Sometimes really hurt. Seemed like maybe my rib or skin I just couldn't tell. I called my PCP about it and he said it was nerve damage from surgery. Oddly enough its finally is gone so I guess it repared itself… but if it goes on for more than 3-4 weeks get it checked out.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi everyone

    ive been hanging out on the exchange boards lately because my surgery is finally booked for march 4th -so ready to get these bricks off my chest

    i skimmed through the threads - welcome to all the newbies!  you will find great info on this thread

    i hope everyone is well

    is anyone having muggas after the one yr of H? (those with no previous EF problems)  I have an appt with my MO tomorrow and wanted to know.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Rozem I only had one MUGA before I started Herceptin. That's it.